Construction business: why is a construction laboratory needed? Medical laboratory business plan General characteristics of the enterprise

Each ETL, which already has the appropriate certificate of registration with Rostechnadzor, can safely carry out all the necessary measurements, tests, and inspections electrical devices for compliance with their regulatory technical documentation. After this, the electrical laboratory has everything legal grounds issue a conclusion on the readiness of a particular object for operation or to eliminate all detected faults.

What is an electrical laboratory?

Now electricity has entered our lives so deeply that we do not appreciate it until the moment it disappears. For high-quality and uninterrupted operation of an electrical line, you need to thoroughly know many subtleties. They apply to each of the services electrical network. Therefore, periodic monitoring of all electrical equipment should be carried out. It is produced thanks to a special electrical laboratory (ETL).

It checks all devices to which controllers, electricians, dispatch services and control operators have access. More precisely, the electrical laboratory determines the condition of all protective devices. With its help, you can also detect such a problem as constant voltage on the equipment body.

The electrical laboratory performs and scheduled inspection control and measuring equipment. Thanks to the normal operation of the devices, you can be confident in high-quality delivery electrical energy, in accurate accounting of its losses and consumption.

All protocols that are drawn up after the relevant tests are carried out are very significant. They are required, for example, when handing over a construction project. They will be able to help quickly replace electrical wiring during the reconstruction of a building and, what is very important, ensure the safety of the health of all people in it.

Opening of ETL

How to properly open an electrical laboratory up to 1 kV? This question is asked by many who would like to check normal functioning various electrical supply elements, carry out tests and diagnose problems. Today, it can be opened not only by large companies, but also by any small organization.

Each such laboratory provides its services solely on the basis of its existing license. This means that the main stage is the registration process. Only thanks to experience and the availability of this license, we can talk about the professionalism and quality of work performed by an employee of such a company.

Throughout Russia, the operation of an electrical laboratory is possible after obtaining a special SRO permit.

But how to open a non-destructive testing laboratory? After all, not every company can obtain a license, but only those whose activities are carried out using high-quality, serviceable equipment, subject to all existing rules and regulations. Specially created registration companies constantly monitor all these important points.

If an electrical laboratory opens for the first time, it is granted a license for only one year. But when renewing the license, the period increases to three years. You should prepare for the fact that everyone will gather necessary documents It will take you about one month. But, despite this fact, the services of such companies are always in demand. Therefore, you should not hesitate, but open your own business in this industry.

Registration process

How to register an electrical laboratory? This question worries many business managers who are planning to put their construction site into use, without fulfilling various contract work. Having your own personal electrical laboratory will allow you to save money and time, but will require some effort when registering it.

Absolutely anyone can register ETL legal entity. To do this, he needs to collect and submit a certain package of documents to Rostekhnadzor. Then comes the stage of employee training, during which they mandatory must thoroughly study their job responsibilities and learn to carry them out correctly. Employee training is carried out once every five years. They must have an appropriate electrical safety certificate, in which the tolerance group is not lower than fourth and there is a special mark indicating permission to carry out measuring work in the electrical network.

Number of employees in this structural organization There must be at least three people:

  • head of ETL;
  • his deputy;
  • engineer.

In addition, everyone is required to undergo a medical examination.

To register ETL, you will need to buy special protective equipment: helmets, masks and dielectric gloves. They must be tested with high voltage, as evidenced by a quality certificate.

The head of the electrical laboratory needs to collect relevant documents about the personnel working for him:

  • copy of diploma;
  • original certificate of advanced training;
  • a copy of the electrical safety certificate.

To register with Rostechnadzor you will need the following:

  • certificate of creation of ETL;
  • a document identifying the person responsible for the electrical facilities;
  • confirmation of the appointment of the head of the ETL;
  • certificate of creation of a commission to test knowledge and skills;
  • ensuring safe working conditions and operating condition of measuring instruments;
  • responsible for the serviceability of PPE;
  • a document confirming the specialist’s permission to perform the work.

Also, it is necessary to create technological instructions:

  • for all employees of the electrical laboratory,
  • on labor protection.

To this entire list you will also need to attach the following papers: a copy of documents certifying that you are a legal entity, a seal impression, a sample of your signature and the application for registration itself. It is worth remembering that each copy of documents must be certified with the blue seal of the ETL.

The application review period is one month. After this, you will be able to receive your registration or your documents will be returned to you for revision (presence of errors, absence of any documents, etc.).

Promotion of ETL

How can I check the registration certificate of an electrical laboratory? This is done by submitting an application to Rostekhnadzor.

Many production managers are faced with the question of how to promote their electrical laboratory? To do this, you can place advertisements on your own website or third-party Internet resources. The more people know about it, the greater the likelihood of receiving orders.

Engineering center "ProfEnergia" has everything necessary tools for high-quality measurements of insulation resistance, a well-coordinated team of professionals and licenses that give the right to carry out all the necessary tests and measurements. By choosing the ProfEnergia electrical laboratory, you are choosing reliable and high-quality operation of your equipment!

We have opened our own testing laboratory accredited in the TR Certification System.

Many years of experience have repeatedly confirmed the need to create our own laboratory base for testing products. Opening our own laboratory will increase the status of the certification body, since our company will be able to vouch for the quality of laboratory tests. Laboratory tests are an integral part of confirming product safety during product certification and declaration. The product may go to Russian market only after receiving documents confirming the safety of products: certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity.

The testing laboratory is equipped with the latest testing equipment and measuring instruments for testing various types products. The laboratory employs highly qualified specialists with the necessary work experience.

The laboratory conducts certification tests of products, as well as inspection and other tests for safety, purpose, electromagnetic compatibility and physical and chemical indicators.

Laboratory certification testing is one of the stages of the certification scheme. The research object is subjected to special influences and various analysis procedures in accordance with current GOSTs, OSTs, specifications, as well as the manufacturer’s design documentation. Certification tests of products should be carried out only in special testing laboratories that have an accreditation certificate. As a rule, certification centers or certification bodies cooperate with such laboratories.

The test results are presented in the certification test report. This document belongs to both the laboratory that performed the analysis and the test customer. And research can be published only if both parties agree, since all information obtained during the tests is confidential.

The testing laboratory conducts product tests in accordance with current GOSTs, OSTs, technical specifications, as well as the manufacturer’s design documentation.

The testing laboratory was accredited on September 30, 2010. Accreditation certificate No. ROSS RU.0001.21AB31. Laboratory location: Moscow region, Noginsk, st. Industrialnaya, 41.

Why do we need an electrical testing laboratory? Is it possible to consider technical laboratory as an idea for making money? What needs to be done to open and register a laboratory and what tests can be carried out within it?

A complete package of documents, support at all stages of registering an electrical laboratory and obtaining a manager’s qualification certificate.

Why is ETL needed?

Electrical energy is the engine of all devices known to mankind. Without a power grid, dentists and computers will not be able to operate, there will be no Internet connection, and traffic lights will stop functioning. In order for the network to operate stably and not interrupt the supply of current to the receivers, it must be constantly checked and tested. Tests in electrical laboratories make it possible to identify all the details of the reception and transmission of current through certain objects; in such structures, networks are being improved and their efficiency is increased.

ETL, having successfully completed the registration procedure with Rostechnadzor, has the right to conduct tests, measurements, inspections and other processes. Most often, in laboratories, certain devices are verified for compliance with technical documentation. Laboratory experts are considered independent; they can publish decisions on the readiness of any tested object for full technical operation.

Checking of devices occurs both planned and forced. The first is carried out at the request of the applicant and is necessary to confirm the correct operation of the device. A compulsory examination is ordered by a court or other authorized bodies. The verdict established by independent experts has full legal force and is a powerful tool in any trial.

How to open an electrical testing laboratory: process features

  1. An application to Rostechnadzor can be submitted as large corporation, and a small company.
  2. When contacting licensors, it is necessary to indicate the rated power with which the laboratory will operate.
  3. Operation and testing in an electrical laboratory is impossible without obtaining a special SRO permit.
  4. Permission to begin work is issued only to those applicants who can provide documents for the equipment and confirm its quality.
  5. New applicants are issued a certificate for one year only. This is done to verify the laboratory's ability to meet all requirements.
  6. License renewal is permitted for three years, but a full package of documentation must be resubmitted.

Collecting official papers may take about a month, however electrical laboratories carry out tests of various kinds, which is why they never lack work and quickly pay for themselves.

Stages of registration of an electrical laboratory

  1. A permit can only be issued to a legal entity. A physical counterparty must register an individual entrepreneur, LLC or company in another organizational form.
  2. Employee training. The documentation package requires the submission of data confirming the experience and competence of your employees. If workers already have the necessary certificates and diplomas, it is recommended to send them to advanced training courses. It is enough to carry out the latter once every five years.
  3. State approval. According to the regulations of current legislation, at least three people are required to work in the laboratory: the head, his deputy and an engineer. All workers must undergo regular medical examinations; data on their health is also attached to the package of documents.
  4. Purchase of equipment. This means not only machines, but also protective equipment for personnel. Glasses, gloves and other equipment must always be at the workplace.

Documents for ETL registration

Among the mandatory ones: personal data on the founder and legal entity. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is required, as well as a seal impression and sample signatures of all beneficiaries. The constituent documentation package involves submitting all documents for the building where the laboratory will be located. The expert commission needs to know what types of tests are planned to be carried out in the premises. To obtain permission you need to check everything technical equipment for performance. The package review period is about 30 days, which together with its collection will take 2-3 months if prepared independently. To speed up the procedure, you can contact specialized companies that offer to collect documents for you. Employees of such enterprises, as a rule, are lawyers, which gives them the opportunity to quickly check all forms for legal inconsistencies and identify errors. This will allow you to avoid adjusting the package of papers, which will have a positive effect on the speed of registration of the electrical laboratory.

Construction laboratory- this is an institution in which various research papers, consisting in checking the quality of all construction work and materials used. During this process, procedures are performed such as: measurement, research, diagnosis, objective assessment,documentation analysis.

The main goal construction laboratory is to conduct comprehensive surveys of structures and buildings. When studying the safety parameters and quality of construction work, these procedures allow you to achieve an accurate result.

After all, the basis of a successful construction project is the reliability and highest quality of the products produced. It is these defining characteristics that many businesses rely on. However, it largely depends on the customer's order.

The main activities of the construction laboratory of the Center for Independent construction expertise

The laboratory's activities are based on determining the quality of construction work, with the aim of improving it, as well as checking documentation. Thanks to high-level diagnostics and measurements, you can obtain reliable and complete data about a specific object or material.

Laboratory tests are carried out by independent specialists using modern equipment top quality. The institution directly examines the structures of buildings, namely their components: certain parts of the structure; blocks, bricks, welding joints; reinforced concrete and metal structures; various lines of communication.

Extremely important stage V construction project is a test of the erected structure. Thus, the finished structure is tested for strength and safety using special equipment. Typically, such institutions are approached by large holding companies, as well as private developers.

Functions of the construction laboratory:

  • Quality check building materials(bricks, blocks, connecting materials, reinforced concrete structures that are used in construction) for compliance with regulatory regulations, certificates, passports, technical specifications. They also determine compliance with all parameters (compression, specified indicators of moisture absorption and water permeability) of incoming products.
  • Definition of physical, mechanical and chemical properties local materials used in construction.
  • Research of concrete and other mixtures, as well as building products.
  • Diagnostics and objective assessment of finished structures.

Research of building materials by the laboratory includes the following tasks:

  • Testing of finished products (necessary for construction) in the laboratory or directly on the territory of the construction site.
  • Carrying out diagnostics of finished structures using a non-destructive method.
  • Determination of the quality of metal and reinforced concrete structures.
  • Monitoring the road construction process.

To accurately determine the condition of the structure and its quality, specialists conduct independent construction studies in the following cases:

  • During the construction of new buildings and reconstruction of old ones.
  • During the construction of new roads and their repair.
  • In emergency situations with structures, structures and networks.

You have decided to create a non-destructive testing laboratory. Where to start? From purchasing equipment or from writing documents? From the appointment of the chief and responsible persons or from the name of the laboratory (which is important, author’s note)? Or do you need to certify a specialist, and he will organize the creation process? Do you have a certified specialist in visual measurement control, is this a laboratory? Probably not. And if they just control the execution of certain work within the walls of their own plant, is it a laboratory? If they use special equipment, is this enough to be a laboratory? Accordingly, the question arises - what comes first?

First, it is important to understand where we work. If it is at a hazardous production facility, then there is a mandatory requirement for the presence of a laboratory. If it is any other facility, then you have the right to either create a laboratory or work without it.

Second, who is working? You work at a hazardous production facility, your functionality is visual inspection for your own needs. And in this case, you must be certified as qualified personnel. This is a mandatory law for those who work at hazardous production facilities, are involved in control during manufacturing, construction, installation, operation, reconstruction, repair, technical diagnostics, examination industrial safety technical devices, buildings and structures.

And even if there is only one person on the staff of the enterprise, he can carry out the control, and the conclusion must be approved by the boss (not necessarily a full-time one) and, most importantly, the conclusion is issued only by a certified laboratory. This is where the mandatory requirement for creating a laboratory arises - As soon as the conclusion is issued, there is a mandatory need to create a laboratory, and in accordance with the standard PB 03-372-00 “Certification Rules and Basic Requirements for Non-Destructive Testing Laboratories.” To summarize:

First step- understanding on what objects we will carry out work.

Second step- training and certification of personnel according to PB 03-440-02 specifically for these facilities using the types (methods) of control that are specified in the requirements for facilities.

Third step– purchase of equipment - the main equipment must be your own and only for equipment with high cost and rental is permitted for auxiliary controls.

Fourth step– development of laboratory documents, including control technology.

Fifth step!– laboratory certification in accordance with PB 03-372-00.

All requirements for organizing a laboratory arise from one document - PB 03-372-00 “Certification Rules and Basic Requirements for Non-Destructive Testing Laboratories”, where on 30 pages everything is succinctly, qualitatively, detailed and very simply described.

P. S .I will send each webinar participant the developed job description Head of LNK according to the new professional standard!

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Tatiana Fedorova

LLC "ICC "Arina"
