Various directions. A combination in a microcycle of activities with loads of varying magnitude and focus. Subject of research: methods and diagnostics of self-control

Personality orientation


Snezhana Ivanova

In psychology, the orientation of a personality is usually understood as its focus on certain areas of life.

Under personality orientation in psychology it is usually understood as focus on certain areas of life. All areas in which a person acts are of significant value to him. If you remove at least one of them, the personality will not be able to fully develop and move forward.

Determining the direction of an individual basically implies a clear adherence of the individual to his needs. What is directionality? This is a consciously carried out movement towards solving a specific problem.

Types of personality orientation

Psychologists talk about presence of several directions, which determine how a person behaves in different situations. Each type affects one area of ​​activity, so it cannot be called good or bad.

Personal focus

It is characterized by the desire for one’s own self-realization, the implementation of personal goals and aspirations. Such people are often called selfish, because they seem to care little about others, but think more about themselves, build constructive plans in their heads and meaningfully move towards their implementation. , characteristic of such people: self-confidence, determination, the ability to focus on an important problem, responsibility for the actions performed. People of this orientation will never blame others for their own failures. They do not expect help from others, but prefer to take everything into their own hands. Sometimes they develop a so-called desire for loneliness and have difficulty entrusting their affairs to anyone. This difficulty is dictated by the individual’s lifestyle, his strong-willed character ( read the article " "). These are inherently incredibly strong individuals who are able to move forward, relying only on their own support, counting on their own strength.

Focus on other people

Characterized by an increased need for communication and approval from other people. Such a person is too strongly guided by the opinions of others, and therefore is not able to build own plans and realize individual aspirations and dreams. Before taking any action, a person will mentally or vocally coordinate his actions with the opinion of society. He is afraid to go beyond what is considered acceptable or normal in society, so he most often does not express his own opinion.

Focus on other people is also accompanied by a great desire to participate in public life, carry out receipts at the request of relatives, friends and colleagues. Such people are very popular in teams - they are trouble-free, easily get along with almost any person, and are ready to help at the right time. Healthy psychological climate in the team and at home is a fundamental component for them.

Business orientation

Characterized by high demands on one’s own personality, the ability to organize affairs in such a way that both the individual himself and the society in which he lives are in an advantageous position. Such a person is distinguished by a businesslike approach to everything that surrounds him. He does not necessarily seek to engage in business or develop his own business. The ability to find benefits in different situations (not only for oneself, but also for other people) puts a person in an advantageous position in front of colleagues and friends. As a rule, this is a sociable person who really loves the company of other people, however, at the same time, he is quite freedom-loving and always plays by his own rules.

Emotional orientation of the individual

Characterized by a tendency to worry about everything. Such a person is most often responsive and not indifferent to the sorrows of other people. His ability to empathize is developed to a fairly large extent, so those who are in great need of it at the moment often turn to him for advice. People of this type are characterized by increased impressionability, emotional instability, and their mood often changes. Any minor incident can bring them out of their state peace of mind and give rise to a lot of anxiety.

In addition to the above, they are well versed in art, in particular music and literature, as they have a bright, unique ability to feel the experiences and moods of fictional characters.

Social orientation of the individual

Characterized by increased attentiveness to the outside world and people. Such individuals always notice what is happening around them and delve into the essence of social and political changes. As a rule, people of this type cannot live outside society. They can be both managers and subordinates, the main thing is that their activities develop within society.

Personality orientation structure

Whatever a person strives for, he, one way or another, goes through several steps to achieve what he wants. Any activity occurs as a result of strong motivation, and it, in turn, is formed thanks to the following structural components, which determine the orientation of the individual.

  • Attraction helps to “find” the initial moment of building activity, determine the motives and preferences of the individual. At this stage there is no movement towards the goal, since the need itself is not yet so clearly realized.
  • Wish- This is a conscious need. It arises when an individual already clearly understands what he wants to do, what goal to achieve. The ways to achieve what you want have not yet been built, but the need itself can be called mature.
  • Pursuit is formed through the activation of the volitional element. At this stage, the person not only realizes his need, but begins to make the first efforts so that the desire can be fulfilled.
  • Interests They determine a person’s needs and help him build direction in such a way that it brings the expected results. Interests help to decide and understand what a person really wants and to adjust his activities ( read about).
  • Tendencies characterize the orientation of a person towards a particular activity.
  • Ideals are a significant characteristic of a person’s worldview. In fact, it is ideals that can lead us forward; we are guided by their values ​​when we make important decisions ( read about).
  • Worldview helps the individual build a system of views on himself, society and the world around him ( read about).
  • Beliefs represent a system of motives that guide any actions of an individual. They are designed to help people different situations act in a certain way ( read about).

All forms of personality orientation are closely interconnected. Without passing one stage, it would be impossible to reach the next. The perception and orientation of personality depend on the individual efforts of a person and the characteristics of his mental state. His performance and belief in his own capabilities depend on how strongly a person is motivated.

Direction and motives of the individual’s activity

The degree of success in solving the assigned tasks largely depends on how well the individual himself is motivated to obtain a favorable result. There are several factors that have a huge impact on any activity carried out by a person.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

External motivation is called motivation aimed at external events and surrounding people. For example, if you need to immediately prepare a report on history just to get the manager’s approval and close the session, then there is external motivation. In the case when it is necessary to carry out research work because it represents the scientific or creative interest of the researcher himself, then we talk about internal motivation.

I must say that intrinsic motivation much stronger than the external one, because it encourages the individual to self-development, some new achievements, discoveries.

Awareness – unawareness of motives

When there is a clear understanding of why this or that activity is being performed, the effectiveness of its implementation increases several times. Monotonous work, devoid of much meaning and significance, only brings melancholy and despondency. It happens that a person for a long time cannot realize the true motives of his actions and this leads him to error.

Interests and significant needs

Acting out of one's own interests, a person always increases his or her labor efficiency. In other words, when what we do excites the imagination, evokes pleasant feelings, and works much better. Satisfying the needs for recognition, approval from the team, and self-realization, the individual grows, learns and expands his own capabilities. New prospects for further advancement and development are emerging. When the activity being performed is in no way connected with the leading needs, the personal and spiritual components are not satisfied, a person gradually begins to doubt himself, his strength decreases over time.

Ability to set a goal

Whatever we strive for, it is extremely important from the very beginning to correctly determine the direction, the final goal, and understand what we want to achieve as a result. It is also necessary to set the appropriate rhythm to the movement and maintain it throughout the entire period - then any work will be effective. Ability to see end result activities will help to predict possible difficulties in advance in order to cope with them in a timely manner. It would be a good idea to keep in mind the so-called ideal of achievement, that is, to track how much the current reality corresponds to a given model.

Self Confidence

No business can be accomplished if a person is not confident in his own abilities. Even if a person has rare and exceptional talents, he will not be able to achieve success as long as he engages in self-flagellation and doubts that he will succeed. Self confidence is necessary tool to build strong and trusting relationships with the outside world. It is possible to cultivate self-confidence, but only when a person is ready to devote time to working with feelings, studying educational issues, and gaining new knowledge - this cannot be avoided.

Professional orientation of the individual

Each of the professions known to people assumes that a person applying for a particular position must have the appropriate character qualities. After all, when making decisions and acting in the workplace, we are often required to have a high concentration of attention ( read about), greater stress resistance, etc. If these qualities remain undeveloped, the person will not cope with his responsibilities. Professional orientation is a whole system of motives that drive a person.

Below is a classification of personality types with characteristics showing in which area they are most likely to achieve success.

  • Realistic type. These are people with a stable nervous system. They strive for everything maximum accuracy and prefer to work with real objects. Most often, they engage in physical labor. Suitable professions: technicians, mechanics, builders, sailors.
  • Conventional type. This group includes people who are focused on precision and accuracy. They are great performers and like to do everything on time. They often engage in activities that require great concentration and attentiveness. Professions: librarian, economist, accountant, merchandiser.
  • Intellectual type. These are real thinkers. People of this type can sit in one place for a long time, immersed in thought. They make far-reaching plans for the future and carefully plan their activities. What attracts them most research work, allowing us to get closer to revealing the truth, some particular law. Professions: teacher, scientist, writer.
  • Enterprising type. Here you can meet excellent leaders who love to manage and strive to take a leading position in everything. The desire for primacy determines their personal success. Professions: business manager, businessman, administrator.
  • Social type. These people have an open heart and a willingness to care for others. Professional activities they build in such a way as to help as many people as possible. They have a highly developed sense of responsibility, humanism, and empathy. Professions: doctor, veterinarian, social worker, teacher, educator.
  • Artistic type. Here are perhaps the most unpredictable people who find it difficult to maintain a certain schedule at work. In their activities, they are guided rather by their own feelings, do not like boundaries, and highly value freedom and independence. Professions: actor, artist, poet, designer.

Thus, the orientation of a person entirely determines his success. Diagnosis of personality orientation largely depends on how satisfied the person himself is with what he does.

Additional general development programs

1. Abryutina M.S., Grachev A.V. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. – M.: Business and Service, 1998.

2. Artemenko V.G., Bellendir M.V. Financial analysis. – M.: Business and Service, 1999.

3. Analysis of business activities budgetary organizations/ Textbook manual edited by Doctor of Economics, Prof. YES. Pankova. – M.: New Knowledge LLC, 2002.

4. Bakanov M.I., Sheremet A.D. Theory of analysis economic activity: Textbook. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000

5. Balabanov I.T. Analysis and planning of finances of a business entity. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999.

6. Birman G., Schmidt S. Economic analysis investment projects. – M.: Banks and exchanges; IO UNITY, 1997.

7. Bocharov V.V. Financial analysis. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

8. Dembinsky N.V. Questions of the theory of economic analysis. M.: Finance, 1993.

9. Dontsova L.V., Nikiforova N.A. Analysis of financial statements. – M.: Business and Service, 2000.

10. Ermolovich L.L. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. – Mn.: BSEU, 2001.

11. Kovolev V.V. Financial analysis: capital management, choice of investments, reporting analysis. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000.

12. Kovalev V.V., Volkova O.N. Analysis of economic activity

stity of the enterprise. – M.: Prospekt, 2000.

13. Kozlova O.I. etc. Assessing the creditworthiness of an enterprise. – M.: JSC ARGO, 1999.

14. Kravchenko L.I. Analysis of economic activity in trade. – Mn.: Highest. school , 2000.

15. Markin Yu.P. Analysis of on-farm reserves. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1991.

16. Richard Jacques, Audit and analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise. – M.: UNITY, 1997.

17. Savitskaya G.V. Methodology comprehensive analysis economic activity: Short course for higher educational institutions. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002.

18. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. – Mn.: New Knowledge LLC, 2002.

19. Savitskaya G.V. The theory of economic activity analysis. – Mn.: ISZ, 1996.

20. Sheremet A.D., Shcherbakov G.N. Financial analysis in a commercial bank. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000.

21. Sheremet A.D., Negashev E.V. Methodology financial analysis. – M.: INFRA-M, 1999.

22. Economic analysis: situations, tests, examples, tasks / Ed. M.I. Bakanova and A.D. Sheremet. – M.: Finance and Statistics,

Educational programs in accordance with Part 1 of Article 10 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as 273-FZ) are an integral part of the education system in the Russian Federation. Part 1 of Article 12 273-FZ determines that it is educational programs that determine the content of education.

According to the Development Concept additional education children (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r), one of the principles of the state policy for the development of additional education for children is the principle of program orientation, where the basic element of the additional education system is the educational program, and not the educational organization.

The educational program becomes the main component educational process V educational organization. Accordingly, the quality of the content of each educational program in accordance with legal requirements, the quality of the services provided will largely depend on educational services in an educational organization.

In the works of various authors, personality orientation is designated in different ways: as a dynamic tendency (Rubinstein), a meaning-forming motive (Leontyev), a dominant attitude (Myasishchev), the main life orientation (Ananyev).

Most often in scientific literature Personal orientation is understood as a set of stable motives that orient the activity of the individual and are relatively independent of the current situation.

The orientation of the individual acts as a system-forming property of the individual, which determines his psychological make-up. Direction expresses the goals of the individual, his motives, his subjective attitudes towards various aspects of reality. In broad terms, orientation is the ratio of what a person receives and takes from society (material and spiritual values) to what she gives him and contributes to his development.

The orientation of the individual is formed in the process of its development in the system public relations. The orientation of the individual determines how the individual participates in social processes(promotes their development, counteracts, inhibits or evades).

The orientation of the individual is partially characterized by the need-motivational sphere of the individual, which is the initial link of the orientation. Based on the orientation of the personality, it is formed life goals, which act as a general generator of all private goals of the individual associated with individual activities.

The orientation of a personality is an already established system of its most important targeted programs, which determines the semantic unity of her proactive behavior, opposing the accidents of existence.

It should be noted that the orientation of the individual is always socially conditioned and formed in the process of education.

Focus- these are attitudes that have become a property of the individual and are manifested in such various forms, as attraction, desire, aspiration, interest, inclination, ideals, worldview, belief.
Let us briefly characterize each of the identified forms of orientation in hierarchical order.

Attraction- this is the most primitive, inherently biological form of orientation. From a psychological point of view, it is a mental state that expresses an undifferentiated, unconscious or insufficiently conscious need.

Wish- this is a conscious need and attraction to something specific. Desire, being conscious, has a motivating force. It sharpens the consciousness of a future goal and the construction of a plan.

The next form of directionality is pursuit. Aspiration arises when a volitional component is included in the structure of desire. Therefore, desire is often considered as a very specific motivation for activity.

The orientation of a person is most clearly characterized by her interests. Interests- This specific form manifestations of cognitive need, ensuring the orientation of the individual towards understanding the goals of the activity and thereby facilitating the orientation of the individual in surrounding reality. Subjectively, interest is revealed in the emotional tone that accompanies the process of cognition or attention to a specific object. One of the most significant characteristics of interest is that when it is satisfied, it does not fade away, but, on the contrary, evokes new interests that correspond to a higher level of cognitive activity.

Interest in the dynamics of its development can turn into an inclination. This happens when the volitional component is included in interest. Propensity characterizes an individual’s orientation towards a certain activity. The basis of the inclination is the deep, stable need of the individual for a particular activity, i.e. interest in a certain type of activity. It is generally accepted that the emerging inclination can be considered as a prerequisite for the development of certain abilities.

The next form of manifestation of personality orientation is the ideal. Ideal- this is the objective goal of an individual’s inclination, concretized in an image or representation, i.e. what he strives for, what he focuses on. A person’s ideals can act as one of the most significant characteristics of a person’s worldview, i.e. systems of views on the objective world, on the place of man in it, on man’s relationship to the surrounding reality and to himself.

Beliefs - highest form orientation is a system of individual motives that encourage him to act in accordance with his views, principles, and worldview. Beliefs are based on conscious needs that encourage a person to act and form his motivation for activity.

Orientation is the leading, system-forming component of the psychological makeup of the individual, because all others, one way or another, work for it. In its prepersonal form, orientation in the form of a set of innate biological needs begins to determine the external and internal activity of a child even when he does not even have a hint of a general understanding of the world, but also an adult’s needs determine his comprehension of reality to a much greater extent than this comprehension - his needs.

The orientation of the individual, along with character, are regulators of human behavior with ready-made information content. The personality needs a constant influx of new information, its analysis, recoding and use as signals that control the body. One of the complex elements of personality structure that serves this purpose is abilities.


You need to go through a zone (5 meters) so that five people have only three legs.

If someone touches it, everything starts again.


It is necessary to roll a ball (table ball, tennis ball) across the palms of the entire group in ... seconds (Depends on the number of people)


Everyone stand tightly, taking up as little space as possible, and stand for 30 seconds. (A circle is drawn around the campaign). And then the circle is reduced and you have to complete the task one more time.


It is necessary that the participants do not talk to each other, so they are given the task of buzzing like flies. With their eyes closed, buzzing, they need to line up on command - first in a circle. Then into a triangle or square.


Everyone stands in a circle, everyone is given a number in order. The presenter tells a fairy tale with numbers. The owner must take a step forward based on his number. If the numbers are large, they are broken down into numbers... The presenter counts the errors.


Sit down 10 times in the column so that the chain does not break. (Possibly in pairs, then in threes and that’s it, but holding hands and facing each other)


The players are divided into two teams. They are given their own color with a marker. For example, red and blue. Cells on the asphalt. Reds cannot stand on blues, and vice versa. The task of the whole team is to get to the other side. But you cannot jump over the cells, only with the help of a different color. If there is a mistake or other error, the team starts performing the task again.


Like an “Elephant” sitting on his knees, the person behind him can walk some distance.


A rope with flags and a triangle is stretched. It contains a team, the task is to get out of the triangle without touching the rope, and get out on horseback, i.e. on her. You can plant a toss, you can. If there is a mistake, we touch the rope all over again.


Everyone stands in a row on a curb or on a board. The task is to change places, but walk on your feet.


The rope is hung vertically like a web. It is necessary to get through the cells, but so that they are not repeated or, depending on the circumstances, at least so that there are repetitions after a number of people.


Cross the “river” 3-4 meters, but in the “water” there is a bridge of 4-6 people. The rest climb over them.


Don't fall, don't speak. Everyone is standing on the curb, you need to change places. They begin to move along the “Rock”. Error and all over again.


It is necessary for the whole squad to convince the leader where north is. (Convince, but not necessarily determine)


The task is to build a rope in a circle, triangle, square, oval. But this must be done silently!


A labyrinth is created from ropes. It is necessary to get out of it, they run one by one, and the others do not watch how it passes.


For three minutes the squad collects cones. Three minutes throws them into a circle, or a bucket in the center of a large circle. But you can only throw one at a time, and not at the same time.


The leader confuses the circle of all without releasing his hands. It is necessary to unravel silently, without breaking hands. You can get confused with your eyes closed.


NODULES in the column, place your left hand between your legs, and with your right, catch the hands of the person in front. The task is to unravel without unclenching your hands.

DANCING - perform a dance in sync with the leader.

UFO it is necessary that plastic bag stayed in the air for more than a minute.

CONSTRUCTIONS line up (you can without words) according to the alphabet, according to eye color….

JOYSTICK An item needs to be moved. Everyone holds on to their thick fingers and the first one moves one, everyone transmits the action along the chain. All except the first one with their eyes closed.

SUPPORTS 4 points of support are given. It is necessary that the whole team fits on them. (Depends on the number of people in teams)

WALK- in complete silence with closed eyes, except for the leader, you need to walk over rough terrain.

WET CIRCLE- everyone sits in a circle. You need to pass a ball of water around your knees without using your hands in a circle in x amount of time.

BIG MAG - In pairs, quietly agree on a phrase of two words that are used together. You need to move around with your eyes closed and, on command, shout out your word to find each other.

PUSHUPS– group of 4 people. The task is to do push-ups from the ground so that only your hands rest on it, and hold on for at least 5 seconds (with your legs on the back of someone else)

ALL ABOARD. On any designated area (Banquette, box, block.) The task is to hold on as a team for a few seconds.

TROLLS(not a big board) the task is to cross the “river” without touching the ground.

CROSSING - but the pendulum gets in the way. (a bucket of water, a bag) and you need to carry the water.

LABYRINTH- a drawn labyrinth only for the presenters. The team walks through the cells of a virtual labyrinth. The presenters are checked and if they make mistakes they are returned back.


Two lines facing each other (Remove rings and jewelry, take everything out of pockets) hands at an angle of 90º hands alternate with each other forming a cradle for the faller, palms up. But not connected. Those in the middle are the strongest.

The falling body and legs are straight, the arms are crossed on the chest and clasped. The head is thrown back a little.

The maestro is in charge.

Falling: Are you ready?

Insurers: Yes!

Belayers: Are you ready?

Falling: Yes!

Maestro: Fall.

After discussion. How did you feel just before the fall? During it? How did you feel before the fall of another person?
