Selling clothes online. How business works and where to start. How to sell things online - win-win ways to trade online How to sell things to order

The World Wide Web of the Internet is a huge sales market where almost everyone trades. The subject of sale are services, knowledge, various goods, etc. You can order anything you want on the pages of the Runet. This phenomenon may be called the sharing economy, or peer-to-peer trading, or collaborative consumption, but regardless of the name, online sales are having a huge impact on business and opening up new prospects at a breakneck pace.

It's an opportunity to do business with people rather than rely on giant corporations - a movement that's being fueled by a growing number of platforms and apps. TO Large corporations did not manage to completely take over the world, but at least the virtual world remained for enterprising people. Let's look at the main ways to sell things on the Internet.

Starting an online business: how to sell goods through an online store

Opening an online store consists of choosing a product, assessing the market, searching for resources, and marketing.

Every new online business provides new unique opportunities and new problems.

Product Search

Search, evaluation and selection of product - difficult task. There are thousands possible options, but they all seem to have been used many times. To differentiate yourself from competitors in the market, you need to figure out your own strategy.

Understanding opportunities is the key to finding a niche and identifying a product to sell:

  • Identify the buyer's problem.
  • Look for an unfilled niche.
  • Choose an interesting brand of product.
  • Use your own experience and knowledge.
  • Use global market trends.
  • Satisfy consumer desires.

Where to look for ideas

The Internet contains many ideas, but due to high competition in the most popular categories, right choice product becomes important for success.

Perhaps you already had an idea that had been brewing for many years or a problem that you had to solve.

Once you've identified a few options, explore them on Google Trends . Where you will find out:

  1. Which keywords most often used when searching for these things.
  2. How often is the request made in your region?
  3. Seasonality of requests.
  4. What are they looking for with this query?

Search for partners

Selection of a name for the trading platform and analysis target audience - next stage opening an online store. Once all the assessments are completed, it is time to find a supplier. When choosing, follow these criteria:

  1. Location. Speed ​​of delivery is important for business.
  2. Product quality. Defective products will cause complaints from buyers.
  3. Terms of cooperation. The supplier offers too big batch of goods.
  4. Price issue.

What sales mechanisms to use

The most popular schemes for attracting users to an online store:

Why sell baby clothes online?

The children's fashion market is one of the most profitable markets in the global fashion industry. Hehas demonstrated tremendous resilience in the face of global economic instability and is estimated to enjoy a robust annual growth rate of 4.2%.

Reasons for growth

Although children's clothing accounts for only 12% of the clothing market, it is the sector that has seen growth over the past few years.

Increased demanddue to demographic shifts and increased purchasing power.

Parents start having children later, when they already have more stable income and can spend more on children's clothing.

Current trends

In addition to this,The children's fashion industry has recently begun to imitate the adult fashion industry - parents are worried about their children being "on trend".This means there are more opportunities for small entrepreneurs to grow.

Toddlers' clothing has many patterns and rich colors, while clothing for older children resembles their adult counterparts.

It's good to have a branding model before you start choosing products to sell.

Little sales tricks: product presentation

Most people perceive information visually.When they browse websites, they only click on attractive images. This means the seller has to put in more effort when selling online, so follow these tips:

  • Tip 1: The page design should be interesting and bright. CVetas influence people and their behavior.
  • Tip 2: Product photos should be aesthetic and clear.
  • Tip 3: The description of the product in the article should not be drawn out and contain useful information (brand, size, condition of use and color) and motivating to action.
  • Tip 4: When selling online, it is better to make a presentation of several photos, where the item being sold is combined with other wardrobe items and shown from all sides. This way the client will trust you.
  • Tip 5: Provide more information about the product. Buyer in It is important to clearly see the details of the clothing and know the exact dimensions.The more information you provide, the higher the likelihood that the product will be purchased

Methods for beginners: how to start selling clothes online

Start selling through social networks ( VKontakte, Facebook , Classmates) or by using the services shopping internet platforms. If the product is successfully sold, then open an online store.

Sales methods

You can open a store and sell clothes, including children’s, using several mechanisms for organizing trade:

  1. Opening your own warehouse of products (advantages: fast shipment of goods, disadvantages: you need funds for large wholesale purchases and renting space for storing them).
  2. Sale of items after arrival from the supplier's warehouse (advantages: reduction in costs for purchasing / storing goods, formation of an extensive assortment, disadvantages: increase in the period of delivery of products to the client, problems with returning defective items).
  3. Dropshipping (a convenient way of sales for beginners; your online store acts as an intermediary; having received an order from a client, you give it to a wholesaler who handles it, and you are left with the difference).
  4. Affiliate program (sale of things through a partner’s website; by pressing the Buy button, the client automatically goes to the resource from which the sale is directly carried out, the intermediary receives an agreed percentage).

You can use one of these methods or several at once by concluding agreements with suppliers.

Sales analysis

Monitoring the quality and volume of sold products is carried out taking into account several factors:

  • number of visitors for a specific time period:
  • how many customers made a purchase;
  • average check size;
  • how many visitors made repeat purchases;
  • margin percentage.

By monitoring these indicators and reacting to them instantly, you will take effective solutions, contributing to the development of your success.

Selling your work: how to sell knitted items online

X Obby is becoming a profession and therefore an additional source of income - many sell their creations online and thus increase their income.However, to truly be successful, there are things you need to pay attention to. Most popular product, sold on the Internet, - do-it-yourself knitted items.

  1. To get started, start posting photos of your work wherever possible: on social networks, on local forums, websites, etc.
  2. Accompany the photo with information that you sell and fulfill orders. Indicate your readiness to sell/accept the order.
  3. Create your own store page on your personal blog (if you don’t have a blog, open one). Popularize your blog on any resources and post there the works you want to sell. Be sure to indicate how to contact you.
  4. Dump. It’s easier for experienced craftsmen with a large clientele to maintain prices, while newcomers have to get out of it. Check out competitors' sites and install low prices for well-known products, and for original knitted models that are rarely found among competitors, leave real prices.
  5. Over time, experience will add strength and enthusiasm to move forward and you will not have to implement things below market value.
  6. Open a knitwear store on Crafts Fair. A free account allows you to install three copies. Minimum card for 60 rubles. per month - 13 works.
  7. Move forward, don't slow down, find new opportunities. If your first works do not sell, this does not mean that success will not come to you.

Where to sell

Forget about insecurities and don't listen "well-wishers". If you like it, others will too. Look for buyers everywhere. On the Internet, among acquaintances, husband’s acquaintances or friends.

The Internet is a limitless place for sales. And holidays are a wonderful way to express yourself!

Handmade are in demand among foreign consumers. Particularly popular platforms are: DaWanda or Etsy, eBay is also suitable. However, there are disadvantages such as the time required to set up and tear down the page, the cost of placing a stand, delivery of goods - all this needs to be financed.

How can a beginner realize his ambitions and find a niche?

There are two ways:

  1. Market analysis, figure out what sells best, take into account where there is less competition and what things you can do.
  2. Second - be creative, make more quality products, maybe you will be able to create extraordinary things that will occupy their niche.

Where to sell unnecessary things: selling used things on the Internet

This problem is familiar to everyone: unnecessary things accumulate over the years. Theygather dust and take up a lot of space. Where and how to get rid of them? Howmake money on used items?

It is best to do this on specialized sites that are known to many Internet users and where it is easier to find buyers. Marketplace sites are visited more often than online stores. You can sell almost anything with them. Most popular platforms:

  • Youla
  • OLX (Slando)
  • Avito

Some of the platforms allow you to sell goods to people living nearby, while others (for example Avito) have a function that allows you to deliver the goods to the buyer.

Additional income on a permanent basis in your free time for enterprising men

A second income is a great way for men to get extra money if they have the time and energy. It can also help fill budget gaps that appear during economic fluctuations. You won't earn a lot of money, but some "airbag" create.

Become a consultant

Consulting is a great opportunityfor men who trade their knowledge and experience.Every time you make a proposal, recommend a process, create a plan, or manage, you are using consulting skills.To make an income, you just need to find someone who can use your experience.

Make money from your hobbies

Your hobbies cost money too. It could be:

  • Sale of digital photographs.
  • Book binding.
  • Sale of forged items.
  • Pottery.
  • Opening a blogetc.

Selling your things

A win-win way to make extra money is to sell things. It is universal for everyone.Look in the closets, pcheck bookshelves, take a lookto the garage. Consider this is all rubbish. How many items do you actually use? MnHow many old books have you opened in the last year? Maybe it's worth using the library?When was the last time you played Mario Kart 64? PerhapsWould it be better if the house was less cluttered?

Don't try to sell everything at once, the process will not take much time and effort and will allow you to generate additional money.

Consider selling certain items in certain stores: sell used CDs at a music store, etc.

Use local resources and newspaper classifieds to sell bulky items.Try several sales methods andin just a month, your garage full of unused items will be empty.

Basic rules for selling things: how to sell quickly online

Selling a product online allows you to reach a larger audience. According to statistics, 41% of global Internet users buy goods online. This is an area that cannot be fully explored, it is limitless and requires special study.

When selling It is necessary to follow the basic rules that will help you sell faster and spend as little effort as possible in the trading process.

  1. High quality images items to be sold significantly increase the attractiveness of the offer.Many buyers don't even look at ads without illustrations.Therefore: upload a good quality image of the product.
  2. Color, shape and price should be well thought out as most online shoppers focus their eyes on the image for a short time and quickly decide to look or not.
  3. Make sure you want to take a chance and click on your product. If this happens, additional information should be as accessible as possible.
  4. The product description should be as detailed as possible.This may include information about the fabric, its height and width, or other important details that are relevant to the use of the product. This improves the offer and reduces the number of requests.
  5. You should be open to answering further questions, so leave your contact information accordingly.

L A logo and branding will allow customers to immediately recognize your products.If the buyer has experience with your product, he will remember the logo and share it with other people. And inYou will form a specific client base. high yield savings account, create an emergency fund, and save a certain percentage for retirement!

Online trading, in a sense, takes us back to our roots. The premise is that there are underutilized assets in our lives and we can use them in win-win deals.

If you want a piece of the pie, then go ahead and sell things online. Get the traffic moving. Good luck!

Thinking about creating your own online store? We offer a checklist that will show whether you are doing everything right!

Where to start, how to continue and what to do for development successful business in e-commerce? specialists have collected everything important recommendations!

Register your business

To legally conduct sales online, you need to register as a sole proprietor (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). An LLC should be registered if the income exceeds 5 million hryvnia per year or the business requires status and reputation. For small businesses, the status of individual entrepreneur is more convenient and provides a number of advantages, for example: it is easier to keep records and reports, lower taxes, you can work without cash registers if your income is less than 1 million hryvnia per year and you do not sell technically complex household goods. A list of such products can be found at link . But online stores, like everyone else, must use cash registers for payment transactions - in cash or non-cash form, including orders with online payment.

Register as a sole proprietor

This can be done online - via website of the Ministry of Justice or using Government services portal iGov. You can also register a sole proprietorship in person. To do this, you need to contact the state registrar at your place of residence. Documents required include a passport and identification code. Within 3 working days from the date of submission of documents, you must be included in the state register and issued an appropriate extract. Simultaneously with state registration The individual entrepreneur will be registered with the tax authorities, statistics authorities and social funds. Finally, regardless of the registration method, you need to open a bank account for non-cash payments.

Understand the tax base

Individual entrepreneurs can have both a general and a simplified taxation system. Thus, individual entrepreneurs pay three taxes on a common basis - income tax, single social contribution (USC) and military duty in a total amount of 41.5% of profit. For individual entrepreneurs who are “simplified”, this percentage is lower.

Select domain

The site's domain name can be easily registered on the registrar's website. To do this, you need to register your account, top up your account and buy a domain. You have generic domain extensions to choose from, such,, .biz.uaetc., as well as regional,, dp.uaetc. The only exception is one domain zone -which is only available to brand owners.

Define your product

If you have experience selling in regular retail, then go online with the same product. You know him well, relationships with suppliers have already been established, in addition, you understand the demand and know what customers want. In this case, online retail is not new business, and your new sales channel.

But if you don’t have experience or you can no longer sell the same product, then you need to evaluate the market before going online. Remember that the buyer does not want to buy the product itself, but to satisfy needs or enjoy using it. Beginning entrepreneurs can conduct reconnaissance of demand, supply and answer their own questions.

Find out what you can't sell

According to Ukrainian legislation, it is prohibited to sell certain groups of goods. Below is a list of some of them:

  • special means for illegally obtaining information (for example, bugs, earphones, watch-camera)
  • poaching tools and equipment (eg electric fishing rods, nets, traps)
  • narcotic, psychotropic drugs and substances for their production (precursors)
  • tobacco products and their substitutes
  • medicines
  • weapons and ammunition for them
  • food grade alcohol

Besides, individual species services and goods require certification for sale and placement. You will find a list of such goods in Article 7List of types of economic activities that are subject to licensing Law of Ukraine On species licensing economic activity.

Assess the market

It is important to understand in which product categories sales are growing the most. Now the leaders are clothing and footwear, products for home and garden, as well as for beauty and health. They will be in greatest demand in the next few years. But promising product categories will be food and drinks, tools, gifts, books and hobby goods. These are the fastest growing product categories in terms of the number of orders. In addition, both for the start and for strategic planning you can use a tool like Google trends. With its help, you will determine the demand for a product and its seasonality, and also correctly plan the expansion of the product range and work with new suppliers.

Set a price for the product

It's important from the start and take into account that it must be real, justified for the buyer and sufficient to make a profit and develop the business. If you take everything into account, including your smallest costs (time spent searching for suppliers, creating content, uploading photos, etc.), then retail price will exceed the cost of the goods by 2-3 times.

Beat your competitors

To begin with, it is important to determine who your audience is and what needs your product satisfies. So, a wristwatch can be bought for the sake of image, and a teapot can be bought to highlight the interior design. By understanding your audience, you can create the right messages to appeal to them, which will help you stand out among your competitors. Besides, competitive advantages may become fast delivery, convenient packaging of goods, prompt response to the client, assistance in the purchasing or delivery process. 37% of customers return to the seller from whom they have already successfully purchased something. Buyers love quality service and are willing to pay for it, and new customers, when choosing a product, look at the seller’s positive reviews and ratings.

Decide what is better - your own online store or an account on the marketplace

For quick start With minimal costs It’s better to choose marketplaces. Firstly, you don’t have to spend money on creating your own website and advertising it. Secondly, the marketplace already has the trust of customers, which means you can easily gather a customer base, understand the demand for the product and learn the main issues and needs of customers. After the business begins to make a profit, you can invest in your website.

However, you need to take into account global e-commerce trends. Currently, 80% of sales come from the long tail of unbranded products. It is the sellers on marketplaces who can offer wide range interesting and inexpensive products that buyers are looking for instead of popular items. One person cannot cope with such a task. Even Amazon, in order to meet customer demand, has divided its business into two parts - own sales And trading platform, where small entrepreneurs began to sell. Therefore, in order not to miss out on additional clients and time to build your rating among sellers, it is worth developing both areas of online sales - your own website and the marketplace sales segment.

Many have heard about the endless possibilities of e-commerce, but to put it simply - making money on the Internet. Today you can buy almost everything online, as well as sell it. Clothing is no exception; on the contrary, this product is most often offered by online stores to customers. Today we’ll talk about how to start selling women’s, children’s or men’s clothing online.

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How to start a business selling clothes online

Organization options own business there may be several:

  • selling through groups and communities in social networks;
  • sale of goods through notice boards;
  • own online store.

Let us immediately note that no matter how your activity is conducted, it must be legally formalized. You can start selling online by registering an individual entrepreneur.

Another important point that precedes any undertaking is the choice of field of activity. In the case of clothing trade, you need to determine the product group you want to work with. This could be purely women's clothing from Europe or China, men's items, children's items, etc. The second criterion for choosing a product is its price category. It will not be possible to dress everyone, especially at the very beginning. It is quite possible that you are just starting to check a niche, and buyers already want to purchase the product offered by dropshipping. You need to have some experience in selecting sizes and organizing logistics. It is better to choose one specific niche, study it thoroughly and attract regular customers.

When you have already decided on your choice of clothing and niche, you can think about selling through social networks. If, for example, you already have a VKontakte group and you need to promote it and fill it with content, this will help smmbox.

How much can you earn by selling clothes online?

The income level of entrepreneurs depends on many factors. They can be divided into three groups:

  1. Affecting the cost of goods (purchase price, delivery, market situation for the product).
  2. General obligatory costs associated with ensuring the activities of the company (warehouse rent, staff salaries, advertising, taxes, etc.).
  3. Factors on which the volume of product sales depends (advertising, marketing policy).

Entrepreneurs working in this industry argue that the cost of clothing is determined on the basis of purchase prices and the cost of delivering goods. For example, if you paid $4 for a T-shirt and $2 for shipping, then in the online store it will cost twice as much as you spent on purchasing it, that is, $12. If your customers purchased 100 T-shirts during the month, then the firm's gross income or revenue will be $1,200.

The next important point is your mandatory expenses associated with servicing the current activities of the company. In order to find out this indicator, you need to sum up all the costs: rent, salary, personnel, advertising costs, etc. If you subtract from the revenue the costs of purchasing and delivering clothes, as well as all operating expenses, including taxes, you will get net profit firms (all indicators are calculated for the same period of time).

Beginning entrepreneurs working with a maximum of 1-2 assistants, with a daily sales volume of their products of 15-25 thousand rubles, have a gross income of about 600 thousand rubles. The cost of purchasing and delivering goods will amount to 300 thousand rubles, and all expenses will not exceed 170 thousand. In this case, the businessman will receive a net profit of 130 thousand rubles.

Start-up capital required to organize a business

One of the main issues in organizing any direction commercial activities is its financial aspect. To open your own company for selling clothes via the Internet, and its operation on initial stage(until you reach the “break-even point”), you will need from 350 thousand rubles.

Main expense items:

  • registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, purchase of a cash register (if you will work with cash);
  • creation of an online store;
  • purchase of office equipment;
  • rental of premises for warehouse and office;
  • conducting an advertising campaign;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods;
  • unexpected costs.

If you will have hired employees, then include their salary for the first month of work in the list.

Businessmen who decide to organize their own business in this industry can do this with minimal costs on the Internet. They register as individual entrepreneurs, create their own online store, and then actively place advertisements to find customers. An online store does not require a warehouse, office or large sums of money to purchase the first batch of clothes. As an ordinary intermediary, you can earn a decent amount without having 350 thousand to create your own company.

Another important point in favor of selling clothes online is no need to buy expensive equipment. It is quite enough to purchase standard office furniture and equipment if you intend to have an office.

Documents required for business registration

Selling clothes via the Internet is a business that brings profit to its organizer. This means that you must register with the tax authorities, funds and Rosstat, and then pay part of the earnings to the treasury. Before you start completing all necessary documents, you need to decide on the choice of organizational and legal form for your activities. This could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur will cost less, and the procedure itself is much simpler than preparing documents for an LLC. But legal entity there are more opportunities for expanding activities, enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership work with him, and in the event of bankruptcy, the founders do not risk their property. Another reason that forces you to choose an LLC is situations when a common business is organized with several founders. If you draw up individual entrepreneur documents for one of the partners, then the remaining participants will find themselves in this business by strangers. In case conflict situations, they will not be able to prove anything to their opponent or representatives of the judiciary.

Myself individual entrepreneur registration process or LLC for commercial activities selling clothing is no different from preparing documents for any other business. You need to write an application and select a code according to the national classifier (in this case OKVED 47.91.2), prepare a copy of your passport and TIN, and also pay the state fee (800 rubles). Then, you need to provide papers to the Federal Tax Service. To register an LLC, the issue of authorized capital and legal address, and the charter of the company is prepared.

Choosing a tax system

The optimal tax regime for an online clothing store is considered to be a simplified system. In order to work on it, you need to prepare a corresponding application in tax office and submit it along with the papers for business registration. If you do not do this, you will automatically be included in the category of tax payers working for general principles(expensive, inconvenient, requires an accountant).

Under the simplified tax system, you pay either 6% of total revenue, or 15% of the difference between gross income and confirmed income. You can calculate which option is more profitable on your own using the same data.

Another important point is working with a cash register. When accepting cash as payment for your goods, you are required to conduct such transactions through this device and provide the buyer with a receipt. Think and calculate whether it makes sense to buy, register and maintain cash register, if you can offer the client to use a non-cash form of payment.

Selling clothes via the Internet, in addition to the above documents, does not require obtaining licenses or obtaining additional permits. This important circumstance greatly simplifies business registration.

Choosing a sales method

Start selling online without special labor New technologies and forms of cooperation with their application will allow. For example, dropshipping or other methods of guaranteed order.

Selling clothes as an intermediary

The new concept of dropshipping has entered our lives relatively recently. Many sellers on the Internet do not even suspect that they are engaged in this type of trading. Its essence lies in the fact that the intermediary finds a certain number of potential buyers interested in a particular product. If all the terms of the transaction are satisfactory to the consumer, he makes an advance payment to the intermediary for the goods. He orders wholesale clothing from China or another country from a supplier via the Internet, pays for it, receives it, sorts it and sends it to his customers. The terms of delivery may stipulate the possibility of the manufacturer sending the order directly to the buyer. In this case, the intermediary does not even have to pay for postage costs. According to this scheme, clothes from China, Poland, Korea, Turkey, England and other countries are sold via the Internet. The peculiarity of this type of trading is that you do not need to open an online store. An entrepreneur just needs to register an account on a social network that is consistent with the category of goods that he intends to deal with. This online business has a number of advantages:

  • Possibility to start no initial investment.
  • Attractive prices for customers, which are lower than in regular retail outlets.
  • Cooperation via the Internet can be carried out simultaneously with several clothing manufacturers.
  • The intermediary's income is determined in the usual way - this is the difference between wholesale purchase And retail sales to the end customer. The difference is that the markup on goods purchased through dropshipping is minimal.
  • An entrepreneur does not need to think long about how to sell purchased clothes from China or from other suppliers via the Internet. He purchases from the manufacturer what is guaranteed to be sold.

We sell clothes through AVITO

The largest free classified ad service that operates throughout Russia is AVITO. Millions of people use its services every month. The creators of the site took care not only about the convenience of sales for individuals, and also gave entrepreneurs the opportunity to earn money with its help.

Using the AVITO service, you can create your own online store selling clothes, without the need to pay specialists for the development and promotion of your own website. This service has a number of advantages for an entrepreneur:

  1. The store address uses the AVITO domain name and contains its own recognizable name.
  2. The logo and contacts are located in the store in the same way as on regular resources.
  3. On the page you can post photos, videos and descriptions of clothes.
  4. The effectiveness of the service can always be monitored on your personal page using special features.

Selling clothes of any price category and purpose on AVITO will always find its buyers. People come to this resource with the specific purpose of buying something. The online store contains 500 items of goods, and it will definitely be popular among customers if you follow some rules:

  • Descriptions of clothing from China should be attractive and truthful. We need to try to describe the material, available sizes, models, etc. as accurately as possible.
  • The more photographs of clothing models are posted, the more likely it is that the buyer will find the item he needs. Nobody wants to buy a “pig in a poke”.
  • Detailed information about the terms of purchase will reduce the entrepreneur’s time for negotiations and discussions, and will immediately provide clarity to buyers.

To create an online store on AVITO you will have to pay a certain amount of money. Advertising is also paid. However, compared to prices for creation and advertising of your own online store, these payments are meager. Beginning entrepreneurs whose financial resources to start are limited can engage in such sales via the Internet.

How to increase clothing sales online

When organizing sales of clothing from China or other manufacturers via the Internet using any accessible ways Some fear of customers to place an order should be taken into account. This is caused by a number of factors:

  1. determining the size can be very difficult;
  2. the quality of the product cannot be determined visually or by touch, which is more familiar to the average buyer;
  3. there is no opportunity to ask a question about the product;
  4. It is impossible to get an outside opinion about the clothes the buyer is wearing.

To combat this kind of phobia, entrepreneurs selling clothes on the Internet resort to in different ways, sometimes very creative:

  • use of videos showing clothing collections on models;
  • the ability to “try on” a virtual model;
  • website design according to the subject of the items being sold;
  • the ability to enlarge photos, compare, and quickly navigate through resource pages;
  • creation of an online consultation center.

Don't forget about special promotions and sales. Without them today it is difficult to do anything outlet popular, and the opportunity to save money or buy a favorite item at a discount always attracts buyers.

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If you like to declutter, then you've probably already cleaned out your closet (maybe more than once) of unnecessary things. Me too. And the unnecessary clothes that I found at home were not just a lot, but a lot. Why?

Personal experience: where to sell unwanted clothes?

When I first realized that unwanted clothes could be sold, I was faced with a choice: where to do it? I outlined 3 options - give paper advertisements, hand them over to commission shop or sell used items online.

The first option is paper advertisements– I dismissed it immediately because of its time-consuming nature.

The second option is to take it to a second-hand shop.– I tried it once and gave up. The story turned out to be comical, I’ll be honest: I wanted to sell shoes that I had only worn 1 or 2 times. She came and gave it away. For three months, no one bought my boots, they called me and asked me to come pick them up (such are the conditions they have). On the spot, it turned out that in order to pick up my boots, I also had to pay for “storing them in the store” (that’s what I was told). This is how we ended up with a “mutually beneficial” cooperation) We had to pay a pittance, but... the story “How I sold boots” turned out to be ridiculous, don’t you think?))

And finally, the third option is to sell unwanted clothes online. I settled on it. The optimal solution is a minimum of time and a maximum of audience. Almost no hassle. By the way, mine came out recently.

In the case of excess in the wardrobe, the option with social media worked for me. networks: unwanted clothes were sold very quickly through advertisements in groups such as “Flea Market”, “Sell” and “Sell Cheap”. In Belarus, I also place advertisements on or In Russia there are,,,

If you decide to sell unwanted clothes and shoes...

If you start selling excess clothes, you will often receive questions like: “can I come and try them on?” Be prepared that you will have to let a stranger into your home. You can offer the option of coming to his home if it is convenient for you. Or a compromise - meet near a hypermarket or a place where there is a fitting room or toilet - so that the buyer tries on the item there.

How to sell unwanted clothes and shoes: nuances

  1. Be sure to add a real photo of your item! Not taken from the Internet, but exactly your own! If it's clothing, it's best to take a photo of yourself in this thing - from different angles. In the description, indicate your parameters, weight and height - so that the person understands how and on what figure this item of clothing looks.
  2. Indicate how long you wore this item (either it’s completely new, or you just tried it on). Write in such a way as not to mislead the buyer: if you have had the coat for two years, and you wore it for a total of 1 month, indicate this in the ad. If you remember exactly that you wore the item 1-2-3 times, also indicate - this is a plus!
  3. Show the defects in the photo: small hole, stain, broken zipper. Be honest with buyers!
  4. Specify the item's parameters: sleeve length, back length, waist width, insole length - for shoes. The more precise parameters in the ad, the better.
  5. Consider seasonality! Don’t waste your energy and don’t post an advertisement for the sale of summer dresses in winter or knitted hats in summer. Publish an ad during the season - then the clothes will have a much greater chance of selling quickly.
  6. Please indicate the price. Many people post an ad with the tag “negotiable price,” but I’m not a fan of this approach: the buyer will have to do too many things (text you or call you) to agree on a price. Why do this if there is another advertisement where the price is indicated and there is no need to make unnecessary gestures? And yes, an interested buyer will write to you, even if the price is high, asking for a discount.
  7. If there are price tags left, don’t cut them off. And if there is a price there, and you sell much cheaper, that’s generally good: the buyer immediately sees his benefit!
  8. Wipe off dust, glue, clean off pellets, remove stain- such little things not only speed up the sale of unnecessary clothes, but also increase their cost. Don't neglect this. Or honestly indicate that the thing is not so hot, that’s why it’s so cheap.
  9. If you meet on the street, take care of a package for the buyer: so that he doesn’t have to walk around with your skirt in his hands all day.

What unwanted clothes can you sell?

  • Party dresses, even if you have worn them several times, as well as men's suits
  • Any new items at a reduced cost: not only clothes, but also shoes,
  • Children's used clothes
  • Seasonal items - in season
  • Used clothing in excellent or good condition - be sure to indicate how long you used it

What unnecessary clothes should definitely not be sold?

  • Linen. You can try selling used linens only in one case: if they are items for newborns and they have been thoroughly washed. The second option for selling unwanted linen is if it is completely new.
  • Dirty things
  • Heavily worn items. You shouldn’t give outright tatters to charity either (think, can this thing be worn?). Very old things (but clean!) can be placed in a shelter for homeless animals.

Did they sell used items or new clothes from your own closet?

Fewer and fewer people want to spend most of their lives sitting in an office from morning to evening. Many of them take risks and start selling online. The development of technology and the ability to go online at any time make online business projects attractive, simple and quite profitable. However, this simplicity is deceptive and is fraught with many unpleasant moments.

In order not to be disappointed in this type of activity before starting, it is necessary to clarify several key points:

  • selection of the product or service offered;
  • presence of a minimum client base;
  • choosing a site for sale
  • logistics;
  • advertising.

Where to start selling online

Any business, including online, begins with the selection of goods or services that will be offered to consumers. At this point, the main thing is not to make a mistake. By choosing the least popular or completely unknown positions, you risk being left without earnings for a long time. A previously unknown product will be treated with caution. In this case, it is very difficult to develop a client base. But at the same time, there is one main advantage: low competition or no competition at all.

If you are promoting goods that are in steady demand, then a large number of competitors may simply not allow such a business to develop. Companies that already have their own regular customers, they won’t let them go just like that. And you will have to make a lot of effort to lure buyers to you.

  • contextual advertising – corresponds to the content of the site on which it is placed;
  • advertising banners - a graphic advertising “sign”, just click on it to get additional information;
  • spam mailing – simultaneous sending of offers to many random email addresses;
  • advertising in online games and social networks - as a rule, is both in the background and unobtrusively reminds of the advertised product.

Without meaning to, a person will pay attention to online advertising. How more creative advertising, the greater the likelihood of getting a client. Therefore, saving in this case is not worth it.

Issues of delivery and storage of goods should also be considered before sales start. In case of small volumes, it is possible to do it yourself. But if available large quantity orders, you need to find and rent a room in which the goods will be stored. At the same time, remember that according to their humidity parameters and temperature conditions it must fully comply with the standard to prevent damage to the goods.

Delivery is also one of the important points. The faster it is, the better. Buyers don't like to wait very long, so fast delivery should be one of the benefits of a new business. If you can't handle it yourself, it's better to hire help.

Before you start selling online, you need to find out all the tax nuances. A competent accountant or economist will prevent all the troubles that may arise during the work process. You should not lose sight of such an important thing as taxes, since otherwise you may be left without a business altogether.

Platforms for selling goods on the Internet

Once you have decided what you will sell, you need to decide the next question: where? There are many platforms on the Internet for selling goods:

  • bulletin boards;
  • websites;
  • price aggregators;
  • lead generators;
  • coupon sites.

At the very beginning of your online trading journey, as well as with a limited budget, it is advisable to offer a product or service on message boards. They are paid and free. That is why they are suitable for people with absolutely any starting capital. When working with such sites, it is very important to constantly update ads and raise them. All this is not worth any big money. A competent text is half the success. Come up with an unusual ad, focus on the advantages of the product, and the buyer will not keep you waiting. Of course, find your client on large boards ads with millions of users are much easier, but you should not neglect small sites.

The most popular is your own website. If you really want to, you can create it yourself. There are many constructors on which you can build your own Internet resource for a nominal fee. A few hours of labor and the sales platform is ready. But this option is only suitable if you offer only one type of product or service. In case of a large assortment, more professional work will be required. Various web studios, freelancers, etc. will come to your aid. All you need to do is write a competent terms of reference and wait a certain amount of time. The latter option is naturally not suitable for a quick start to sales, but in the long term it is quite justified.

Price aggregators are websites that combine information on the same topic. If the topic matches your offer, pay some money and place your offer. Several thousand people view such sites during the day, so there will certainly be potential buyers there.
