Business plan for a veterinary pharmacy. An example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations. What documents are needed to open a veterinary pharmacy?

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with economic calculations. The sample was prepared by specialists in business planning, the calculations were made in Excel format and can be adapted for any other calculation of the return on investment of a veterinary pharmacy, wherever you prepare the document - a bank, a private investor, within a company.

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Goal: opening a veterinary pharmacy in a small town

Objectives: providing veterinary drugs to pets of residents of a small regional town

Project initiator

The initiator of the project is the owner of a pharmacy chain, who decided to expand his business in the city by expanding the services provided.

Investment costs

To open a veterinary pharmacy you will need 3,500 thousand rubles. Such high amount due to the acquisition of premises that will be used for a veterinary pharmacy in the property. The main areas of investment expenses are as follows:

  • Purchase of premises - 1,500 thousand rubles;
  • Repair, installation of communications and redevelopment of the premises - 1,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods - 800 thousand rubles.

Project financing

The project will be financed partly from the initiator's funds, and partly from a bank loan. The loan is issued for the purchase of premises in the amount of 90% of its cost. The loan rate is 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule, the repayment period is 10 years.

As part of the business plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy, calculations were made that showed the following effectiveness of the project:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

To calculate the payback of the project, a calculation period of 10 years was taken, the inflation rate was 10% and the discount rate was 11%.

Suppliers and contractors

To carry out the repair work, it is planned to attract a team of builders, who have already carried out similar work to open several retail outlets earlier. The brigade has proven itself with positive side, and also carried out work conscientiously, met deadlines and offered the least amount cost of work.

Product supplier selected wholesale company- a supplier of veterinary drugs, with whom the project initiator has already met several times to sell products in their existing pharmacies.


The veterinary pharmacy will offer its clients the following range of products for animals:

Today, this is the optimal set of products that should be in a veterinary pharmacy for its normal functioning.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment volume

To calculate the business plan for a veterinary pharmacy to be opened, we take an investment amount of 3,500 thousand rubles, which will be used to purchase premises, renovate them, purchase equipment and goods. The table below provides a breakdown of investment costs:

Name of costs Qty price sum
Purchasing premises 1 1 500 000,00 1 500 000,00
Repair work
Room renovation 400 000,00
Electrical work and lighting adjustment 200 000,00
Sewage and water supply works 75 000,00
Heating works 75 000,00
Installation of security and fire alarm systems 75 000,00
CCTV installation 75 000,00
Exterior design point of sale 100 000,00
Purchase of equipment
refrigerators 2 40 000,00 80 000,00
Showcases 8 5 000,00 40 000,00
Cash box 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
Counter 1 10 000,00 10 000,00
Cabinets for storing drugs 6 2 500,00 15 000,00
Air conditioner 1 15 000,00 15 000,00
Furniture for office space 4 2 500,00 10 000,00
racks 10 1 000,00 10 000,00
Purchasing goods
Purchasing goods 800 000,00
TOTAL 3 500 000,00

Investment payment and work plan

Below is a work plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy:

Below is a payment schedule for investment expenses (thousand rubles):

Name of work 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month
Purchasing premises 500,00 1 000,00
Repair work 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00
Purchase of equipment 200,00
Purchasing goods 800,00
TOTAL 500,00 1 200,00 200,00 200,00 400,00 1 000,00

Production plan


The selected premises meet all the conditions for obtaining a license for veterinary activities. The premises have several rooms, including one for storing medications.

The room contains:

  • Sales area - 20 sq.m.
  • Warehouse for storing veterinary drugs - 5 sq.m.
  • Room for the store director - 5 sq.m.;
  • Room for staff - 5 sq.m.

Opening hours

In order to maximize audience coverage, the veterinary pharmacy's opening hours will be from 8-00 to 20-00 without lunch and weekends

Production process

Below we describe the entire process of receiving goods from the supplier to the final consumer:

  1. Based on the balance in the warehouse, the store director makes a request to the supplier for the drugs;
  2. The supplier brings the drugs and transfers them to the warehouse, the store director accepts the goods by quantity and nomenclature, enters the information into the accounting system;
  3. When choosing a buyer, the seller pushes the goods through cash register, receives money from the client and transfers the goods to him.
  4. At the end of the day, the proceeds are collected by employees of the servicing bank.

Average markup

Due to the large number of items in the veterinary pharmacy, we did not calculate the average cost for each product group, but calculated the average markup for all types of goods, which amounted to 40%. Thus, with a product cost of 100 rubles, we will sell it at an average price of 140 rubles.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

Due to the small population of the town (150 thousand people), the city has several veterinary pharmacies, which are located in the central areas of the city. It is not entirely convenient for animal owners when they have to travel from remote areas to the center to purchase pet supplies.

The veterinary pharmacy being opened is located in a residential area of ​​the city, where there are no other competitors. This allows you to get as clients residents of the area who cannot afford to go shopping to the city center.

Range of services and prices

As discussed in production plan The range of goods sold in a veterinary pharmacy will consist of the following product groups:

The average markup on products will be 40%. At the same time, prices in the pharmacy will be slightly lower than prices in similar pharmacies located in the center. Such pricing is possible due to the lower cost of premises in residential areas, which will save on costs. Also, such pricing will allow us to attract some customers from the central pharmacies of the city to ours.

Sales volume

It is planned that over time the pharmacy will reach the planned sales volume of 12 million rubles. per year. Without taking into account seasonality, the average monthly revenue will be 1 million rubles, per day - 30 thousand rubles.

With a markup of 40%, the cost of goods sold will be 8.57 million rubles.

However, it will take time for the veterinary pharmacy to reach this sales volume. The schedule for reaching the optimal sales volume is presented in the table below:

In addition, sales will fluctuate throughout the year taking into account seasonality indices, which are presented in the table below:

Advertising strategy

In order to increase sales and achieve optimal sales in the near future, the pharmacy will be involved in the development stage advertising campaign, which will include the following steps:

  • Decorating a retail outlet with a sign and a noticeable banner - costs are taken into account in the investment budget;
  • Decorating a retail outlet with balloons in the first month of opening - 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising in elevators of nearby buildings within 2 months after opening - 15,000 rubles/month;
  • Production and placement of an advertising sign - 5,000 rubles;
  • Creating groups in social networks- 3,000 rub.;
  • Creation of a business card website - 3,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

Form of doing business

To open a veterinary pharmacy, existing legal entity, which operates regular pharmacies owned by the project initiator.

A legal entity is registered in the form of a company with limited liability and operates on a simplified taxation system based on the system of income minus expenses.

Personnel and staffing structure

The following staff will be recruited to work in the new pharmacy, which will have salaries and bonuses as indicated in the table below:

Job title Qty salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00 20% of profits
Sellers 2 15 000,00 3% of revenue
cleaning woman 1 10 000,00
handyman 1 12 000,00
TOTAL 5 57 000,00

Financial plan


To calculate the return on investment of a business plan, we built a model based on the following input parameters:

  • Macroeconomic factors:
    • Inflation - 10%;
    • Discount rate - 11%;
  • Tax environment:
    • Income tax - 15%;
    • Personal income tax - 13%;
    • Deductions to social funds - 34,2%;
    • VAT - 0%.

Project financing

To implement the project, the initiator plans to obtain a mortgage loan to purchase premises for a veterinary pharmacy. The loan is issued for 10 years at 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The loan will be provided in the amount of 90% of the cost of the premises.

Project payback indicators

Based on the above data on income, expenses (investment and current), a veterinary pharmacy business plan was calculated, which showed the following project performance indicators:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

The payback of the project is quite large, but it is due to the acquisition of premises, which, in principle, could be rented. However, to reduce risks, the owner of the premises decided to purchase it.

Break even

As part of calculating the business plan, we calculated the break-even point for our veterinary pharmacy; it amounted to 500 thousand rubles. per month. Thus, with sales above this amount, our company will operate in profit.

However, when calculating the break-even point, we did not take into account the repayment of principal and interest on the loan. If we take these amounts into account, the minimum sales volume will increase to 900 thousand rubles. per month.

Project sustainability analysis

In order to understand the influence of various factors on the payback period and profitability of the project, we studied the influence of prices, expenses and the investment amount on the NPV of the project. The table with the results is presented below:

Influencing factor -20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
Prices (surcharge) - 3 467 - 1 534 543 2 489 4 365
Fixed expenses 1 678 1 045 543 -12 - 547
Investment amount 1 013 789 543 343 129

As we can see, prices and the amount of markup have the greatest impact on the profitability of the project. Thus, if prices decrease by 10%, the project becomes unprofitable within 10 years.

Risk analysis

For the purpose of risk analysis, social, economic, political and technological were considered. Below are the most critical ones for our activities:


The arrival of major players in the veterinary business on the city market. This is a fairly significant factor that can greatly affect the profitability of our veterinary pharmacy, however, firstly, today, none of the players express a desire to enter the market, and secondly, we have a fairly tangible advantage over such players - premises the pharmacy is owned and we can reduce prices quite low. Thirdly, these players usually enter the market in the central areas of the city, so our niche will be free for a long time.


An increase in taxes and non-tax payments by the state can also reduce the profitability of a business, but as we saw earlier from sustainability calculations, its impact is not so strong.


The decline in the standard of living of the population will not allow them to purchase veterinary medications for their pets, which will have a very negative impact on both demand and product prices. But the current economic situation shows that the standard of living of the population is quite high, and constant advertising of animal feed and medications both on television and on the Internet constantly increases the demand for these products.


We do not see any risks for these species.


This example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations showed good return on investment for the project, which suggests that this project will be of interest to both investors and the bank issuing the loan. And the existing risks indicate that this project is low-risk.

The post has been changed:

How to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch (sample business plan)

If not every second, then every third family has a pet. A larger percentage of city residents prefer to keep cats and dogs at home. Slightly fewer of the population keep rodents, and a very small proportion of all animal lovers keep wild exotic animals in their homes. Betting on a sale medicines, vitamins for dogs, cats and rodents, you can draw up a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy, the costs of which will pay off within six months in a large populated area and in no more than a year in a small town or village.


To open a business selling medicines for animals, you must have the appropriate education and work experience in this specialization for at least 3 years. A specialist dispensing medicines needs a certificate. If there is a certified specialist behind the counter, then the business owner should have veterinary education not necessarily, he will be assigned the role of administrator, supplier.

After private entrepreneurs began producing vaccines, drops, tablets, and vitamins for animals, doctors at veterinary clinics question the quality of many medicines. Many suppliers of low-quality goods are well known to specialists, so before purchasing the first batches of drugs, you will need to consult a practicing veterinarian.

Constant business contact with a veterinary clinic is beneficial for both parties. The clinic will receive shipments of medications at a small markup, and the pharmacy will receive regular customer upon ordering vaccines, dressings, ointments and other materials necessary for the work. Considering that prescriptions for animals are written out in the clinic, and the consequences of using low-quality drugs are best known to veterinarians, it is necessary to order medications from well-established manufacturers.

Business Description

To maximum attract customers, in the presence of nearby competing pharmacies, you will have to find an inexpensive one located closer to the center settlement, place. If this point is already occupied, then you can use the proximity to the veterinary clinic.

Taking into account the specifics of the goods, the equipment for the premises is selected so as to fully comply with the storage conditions for medicines. Some of them will require a refrigerator, for others cabinets that reliably protect from light and direct sun rays.

Pharmacies for animals

In principle, the range of medications for animals is similar to those used to treat humans. But still, not all medications from the human pharmacy are suitable for treating animals, even with a significant reduction in dosage.

The list of basic pharmacy services includes:

  • dispensing medications according to veterinary prescriptions;
  • sale of anthelmintic drugs based on the weight of the animal;
  • sale of aerosols, sprays, drops and other forms of insecticides;
  • dressing material;
  • syringes, pipettes;
  • protective postoperative collars;
  • gloves protecting hands from animal bites during medical procedures.

In a pharmacy for animals you can sell not only basic but also related products. In the list of related products will be:

  • specialized animal feed;
  • muzzles;
  • harnesses;
  • collars;
  • overalls for walking.

Description of services

In the absence of a pharmacist on staff of a pharmacy, its specificity is determined - the sale of drugs manufactured at pharmacological enterprises. In this case, the range of medications should cover all possible animal diseases.

You have to purchase medicines with the expectation of selling them before the expiration date, which will help avoid losses. Here again the need arises for consultation with doctors who keep statistics on the most common reasons appeals.

Having a pharmacist on your staff, you can produce ointments, powders and other medications that are not in wide demand, to order. This is caring for animals that have allergic reactions or contraindications to standard formulations of medications supplied by pharmaceutical companies.

  • When concluding an agreement with a veterinary clinic for the supply of vaccines for vaccinations, it is necessary to follow the supply plan and strictly monitor the expiration dates of the drugs.
  • For animals with rare diseases, it is possible to provide the possibility of ordering the necessary medications.
  • The range may include medicinal food for sterilized and pregnant animals, as well as for young offspring.

Attention! Veterinary pharmacy in rural areas differs from the urban one in that its assortment should include products for treating farm animals and feeding offspring.

Pharmacies without a preparation workshop, selling only ready-made medicines. Their advantages are as follows:

  • small area, which affects the rental cost;
  • fewer staffing positions;
  • limited attention from supervisory authorities.

Exactly the opposite is the case with a pharmacy, where medications for treating pets will be prepared according to individual recipes.

Market analysis

Planning any business begins with an analysis of the relevant market segment in own city, village. The absence of a pet pharmacy in the area is not always a good sign. It is possible that it is being replaced by retail outlets for animals that have store status.

Some veterinary clinics, in the absence of specialized pharmacies in their own area, can sell drugs from pharmacies from other regions, subject to the provision of a part of the clinic premises for rent. This is one of the most serious competitors. You need to take a closer look at its assortment.

It is necessary to study all the ways in which medicines reach consumers. A thriving business among existing competitors is a favorable sign, but there are also some difficulties in attracting the attention of potential buyers to your pharmacy.

Marketing plan


Prices for renting premises, providing services of security organizations in all regions of the country are different, then check the amount of costs for monthly payments will have to be on the spot. Wages employees also largely depends on the local coefficient.

The amount of medicines for cats, dogs and other animals that need pharmacy products must initially be calculated from the registration data of veterinary clinics in the locality. During operation, demand will make its own adjustments.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The first veterinary pharmacy was opened in Moscow in the first half of the 18th century and was equipped at the discretion of the owner. The pharmacy served stud farms. Since then, the popularity of this business has increased significantly, and now in Russia there are more than 900 veterinary pharmacies offering medicines, food, and vitamins to all kinds of pets. The state requirements for these organizations have become significantly stricter.

So, if you are planning to open a veterinary pharmacy as an individual entrepreneur, then you must certainly have a higher or secondary pharmaceutical or veterinary education and 3 years of experience. A specialist certificate is also required. If you are going to open several pharmacies, then similar requirements will apply to your employees. Don't have the required education? No problem - conclude employment contract with the right person.

For a specialist certificate, you can contact the Union of Pet Business Enterprises. This organization has the right to issue a certificate to you and your employees after applying by mail or fax and providing an application, a copy of the first page of your passport, a copy of your diploma and details. The procedure is simple: you are sent an invoice and a list of questions designed to test your competence. You pay the invoice, send the answers and receive a certificate.

The premises in which it is planned to open a veterinary pharmacy must be isolated and have a separate entrance. If you open a pharmacy, then you just need to separate its territory.

The choice of location in this business, of course, plays a huge role. For a veterinary pharmacy, you need to look for a densely populated area, an easily accessible place. Preferably no competitors. Pet stores can be considered as such, because the range of goods partially overlaps. It would be great if the pharmacy was among the grocery stores where people go every day. Remember that having to walk the extra two hundred meters is often a reason for a buyer not to go at all.

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Advertisements for the sale of an operating pharmacy are quite rare. The price, of course, depends on the city, profitability, as well as the quality and quantity of equipment. And in any case, you will have to make some investments in repairs or in the purchase of missing equipment. In a small town you may be offered to buy operating business on rented space and for 400 thousand rubles. A good pharmacy in a large city will cost many times more. Although good pharmacies usually don’t sell it. Therefore, before you are tempted, take a closer look at the product.

Veterinary pharmacies are divided into two types: those selling finished products and having the right to manufacture goods.
Pharmacies selling finished products must have an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. meters and several rooms: trading floor, a room for storing goods, a manager's office, a staff room, a wardrobe, a room for storing cleaning equipment, a toilet.

For pharmacies of the second type, it is necessary to have a premises of at least 46 square meters. meters, consisting of the above rooms plus rooms for production (there must be conditions for washing and sterilizing dishes, for obtaining distilled water).

For the premises of a pharmacy and a pharmacy kiosk, an area of ​​15 square meters is sufficient. meters and 6 sq. meters respectively.

Of course, each room requires certain equipment. Particular attention should be paid to premises for storage and production of medicines.

As a rule, special equipment for veterinary pharmacies is not sold, therefore, to furnish the sales area and related premises, you can safely turn to companies serving regular pharmacies.

In the pharmacy room it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature and humidity, depending on the types of goods sold. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity are unacceptable, so the rooms must be well ventilated, preferably with air conditioning.

Ready ideas for your business

The price of one glazed display case in the hall is approximately 10,000 rubles, shelving can be purchased for 5,000, workplace seller from 5 to 10 thousand. One sink, toilet - 15 thousand. A large pharmaceutical refrigerator costs about 35 thousand. Small-sized – 15,000 rubles. Don't forget to set up a staff room. Sometimes you can find used pharmacy furniture on classifieds websites. There are also sales on certain items if you have the time and energy to search. On average, furniture and equipment for a small pharmacy that does not manufacture medicines will cost 150 thousand rubles.

All equipment that will be used must have appropriate documents and be serviced in a timely manner.

It is also necessary to take care of special clothing for pharmacy workers.

Often the space requires at least some cosmetic repairs, so include that in your cost estimate.
Don't forget to pay for utilities and rent, if you are not the owner. Since you will be renting in a busy area, the fees will be quite high.

Ready ideas for your business

Another important pointoutdoor advertising. It is not necessary to make an expensive sign on the entire facade with flashy slogans. It is enough if your pharmacy is simply clearly visible. The sign should tell the buyer that here he will find what he is looking for, and he is looking for medicine for a sick pet.

If everything is prepared, you can contact the SES for a sanitary and epidemiological report. The one you need is called “Conclusion on conducting pharmaceutical activities in the field of sales of medicinal products for animals.” This procedure should be carried out by the SES free of charge if you indicate that it is necessary to obtain a license. To prepare for the SES visit, make sure that your premises meet the requirements of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” if you occupy part of a residential building. If your pharmacy occupies a separate building, then refer to the following documents: SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1 L278-03 “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of public and residential buildings”, SanPiN “Hygienic requirements to the microclimate production premises", SanPiN " Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control", SanPiN 2.2.4/ "Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas."

When the SES conclusion is received, you can submit documents to Rosselkhoznadzor and wait for the commission that will inspect your premises. You can get your first license for five years, then you need to apply for licensing again. The second license is perpetual.

To fill shelves, display cases and refrigerators, we are looking for wholesale suppliers of goods. Be careful. Don't go for cheap prices if you're not sure of the quality of the product you're selling. Make sure that all medications are approved in Russia, have certificates, that there is enough time before the expiration date, and that there are no bad reviews about the company you are going to cooperate with. The cheapest thing, of course, is to buy goods from manufacturers. If you open a business in the capital, then there will be no problems with this, but if your pharmacy is located in the province, then intermediaries cannot be avoided.

Ready ideas for your business

When ordering medications, research the demand. Read on pet forums to see what products their owners prefer to use. Best advertisement- These are customer reviews. So, by spending some time researching the opinions of potential clients, you will know in advance which tools will be asked most often.
Usually, the owners of a sick pet first go not to the clinic, but to the veterinary pharmacy, because here a specialist can make a diagnosis for free and immediately sell the medicine. If the person standing behind your counter correctly identifies the problem based on the symptoms in most cases, then the popularity of the pharmacy will quickly increase, so don’t skimp on paying good specialist, if you are not one yourself.

Of course, if you discover something new trading enterprise, advertising wouldn't hurt. Bad advertising, as they say, does not happen, but it’s still better if your advertising is good. It all depends on your imagination and budget: will you order a commercial on local television or radio, place an ad in the newspaper, hang a banner on a pet forum, or simply hand out leaflets to passers-by.

The payback period for a veterinary pharmacy can range from 13 months to two years. It all depends on factors such as initial investment, location and demand. In large cities, veterinary pharmacies usually serve the area in which they are located. In small towns, such pharmacies are rare, so residents of remote areas can also become clients. However, the main component of success is probably a love for animals and the ability to get along with people.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Our smaller brothers, just like us, periodically need medical care, but, unfortunately, not all Russian cities have the appropriate institutions. And if veterinary clinics and offices are not uncommon, specialized veterinary pharmacies are still new in the province. But many animal diseases can be treated at home, without visiting the veterinary office every day. A business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations is described here, the purpose of which is to give a novice entrepreneur an idea of ​​this type of business and answer some pressing questions regarding the organization of a veterinary pharmacy in a small Russian city.

Financial investments that an entrepreneur will need to make at the first stage of organization of this business, will amount to 900,000 rubles. This considerable amount (or part of it) can be borrowed at reasonable interest rates or you can use your own savings to start a business. There is also a small chance of receiving partial investment from the regional budget, since this business is socially significant.

Concept Summary

The most acceptable organizational and legal form of a veterinary pharmacy, an example of the opening of which is described in this business plan, is an individual entrepreneur using the simplified taxation system (STS). The object of taxation in this system is the total amount of income for the reporting period, reduced by the amount of expenses for the same period of time. Tax rate– 15%. The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneurship is quite simple - you only need to submit to the Federal Tax Service a copy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty, the amount of which in 2017 is 800 rubles. An important fact is that to open a veterinary pharmacy, an entrepreneur must have the education of a pharmacist or veterinarian and at least three years of work experience in the specialty. Otherwise, you will have to hire a manager appropriate this requirement. We assume that the founder of the company has relevant experience and education.

Since the veterinary pharmacy is a pharmaceutical business, the entrepreneur must additionally obtain the appropriate license, which is valid for five years. The authority to issue such licenses is vested in Rosselkhoznadzor. To obtain a license, you must have a special conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological service. Full list requirements for applicants for a license to conduct this type of activity can be found in a document called Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1081 “On licensing of pharmaceutical activities.”

During the process of registering a veterinary pharmacy, it is necessary to select the correct OKVED codes, namely:

  • 47.73 “Retail sale of medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies).”
  • 75.00 “Veterinary activities.”
  • 75.00.1 “Veterinary activities for farm animals.”
  • 75.00.2 “Veterinary activities for domestic animals.”

Below is an approximate list of the range of products that can be sold in a veterinary pharmacy.

  • Veterinary drugs: antiseptics, immunostimulants, contraceptives, vitamins, prebiotics, etc.
  • Feed for various types pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, aquarium fish, rodents, birds and reptiles.
  • A variety of pet products: carriers, litter, toys, bowls, feeders and hygiene products.

Advice: in order to increase the profitability of this business in the future, you can combine a veterinary pharmacy with a small pet store.

How much do you need to invest in opening?

The initial costs for opening a veterinary pharmacy are as follows:

The amounts indicated in the table indicate that about 50% of the initial investment in opening a veterinary pharmacy will be used to purchase the first batch of goods. This is quite logical, since the attractiveness of the pharmacy to potential customers will depend on the diversity of the range of goods. Particular attention should also be paid to the design of the pharmacy premises and the purchase of suitable display cases. There is no need to save on purchasing high-quality refrigerators with LCD displays. Their cost, of course, is high, but they will ensure reliable safety medicines.

Marketing plan

A marketing plan for a veterinary pharmacy, aimed at attracting a client audience, consists of several parts, each of which is important in its own way for achieving success.

  • Large-scale advertising campaign in available media - regional print media, radio stations and regional television.
  • Development of a website for a veterinary pharmacy, maximally filled with information about products, promotions and discounts.
  • Concluding agreements on mutual cooperation with veterinary clinics in the region.
  • Advertising leaflets and flyers that should be distributed through postal services.
  • Development of a system of promotional offers and printing of special discount cards for regular customers.
  • Promotion on social networks by creating thematic public pages.

It is planned that the average daily revenue of a veterinary pharmacy will be around 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, if you work seven days a week, your monthly income (without deduction of expenses) will be about 300,000 rubles. A veterinary pharmacy will bring the entrepreneur about 3.6 million rubles of “dirty” income per year.

Production plan

To locate a veterinary pharmacy, you will need to rent a small room of 50 square meters. meters. The first floor of a residential building in a residential area of ​​the city would be an excellent option. A separate entrance is required! The majority of the pharmacy premises (40 square meters) will be occupied by the sales area. Eight square meters should be allocated for a goods warehouse, where to place refrigeration equipment. The remaining “squares” will be occupied by the bathroom.

The premises of the veterinary pharmacy must be equipped with security and fire alarms to protect the business from unnecessary risks. When renovating a room, close attention should be paid to checking the condition of the electrical wiring. Sudden power outages can lead to catastrophic financial losses, since most medications must be stored in cold storage at fairly low temperatures.

The best work schedule for a veterinary pharmacy is as follows:

  • Monday-Friday: from 08.00 to 19.00.
  • Saturday: from 08.00 to 16.00.
  • Sunday: from 08.00 to 14.00.
  • One working day per month must be allocated for sanitary maintenance of the veterinary pharmacy premises.

As for the selection of veterinary pharmacy staff, each employee (except for the cleaning lady) must have an appropriate diploma and experience working in institutions of this type. It is not planned to hire a veterinarian at the first stage, since the work of the veterinary hospital is planned to be introduced some time later, after the enterprise has achieved self-sufficiency. The corresponding OKVED codes are planned in advance so as not to waste money and time on additions in the future.

This table shows a list of veterinary pharmacy workers:

Equipment, furniture, as well as some inventory that will have to be purchased to equip a veterinary pharmacy are listed in the table below.

Name Price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
1 Glass display case for drugs 10 000 3 30 000
2 Glazed shelving 5 000 6 30 000
3 Stand at the seller's workplace 10 000 1 10 000
4 Split system 15 000 1 15 000
5 Bathroom equipment 15 000 1 15 000
6 Pharmaceutical cold room 45 000 1 45 000
7 Cash register and money drawer 25 000 1 25 000
8 Acquiring terminal for cashless payment 30 000 1 30 000
9 Illuminated outdoor plexiglass sign 25 000 1 25 000
10 Gowns for pharmacy employees 2 000 5 10 000
11 Other 15 000 1 15 000
TOTAL 250 000

Calculations of income and expenses

The following table outlines the possible running costs of a veterinary pharmacy.

The profitability of a veterinary pharmacy in a small Russian city is calculated in this table:

Calculations show that the net profit of a veterinary pharmacy after taxes will be about 900 thousand rubles. The monthly net profit will “float” in the region of 70-80 thousand rubles, and this is quite a decent amount, taking into account the peculiarities of running this business in a provincial city. Accordingly, the profitability of a veterinary pharmacy will be 25% - this is a fairly average value for this type of business. The increase is planned through special promotions to increase the average check, as well as increasing markups with business development to increase margins. This business project will pay for itself in approximately one year.

Possible risks

There have always been many pitfalls in the pharmaceutical business that prevent both “human” and veterinary pharmacies from developing normally. Below is a list of the most real risks that an entrepreneur who decides to organize his own veterinary pharmacy may face.

  • Increased start-up investments due to bureaucratic nuances and disruption of the original plan to open a veterinary pharmacy.
  • Increased compared to normal retail stores the risk of “invasion” by various inspection organizations and the possible imposition of fines for detection of minor violations.
  • A drop in demand for veterinary pharmacy products due to the unstable economic situation in the region.
  • Possible emergence of competitors with a more efficient business model and ways to attract customers.
  • Unscrupulous suppliers of poor quality medicines.

Difficulties, as they say, strengthen you. Perseverance and competent consistency in running such a business will certainly lead it to success - even within a provincial city, despite all the risks and bureaucratic obstacles.

In this material:

According to statistical information, every fifth Russian contains some kind of pet. In this regard, veterinary pharmacies are in high demand and popularity in various cities and regions of the country. A veterinary pharmacy business plan is step by step guide and step-by-step recommendations for the organization, registration, opening and operation of a veterinary pharmacy as a source of stable and high income, requirements for premises and suppliers of products sold, advice regarding advertising and marketing policy companies, as well as financial analytics of a business project.

Relevance and advantages of the idea of ​​opening a veterinary pharmacy

As practice shows, today there are many times fewer specialized veterinary pharmacies in the country than there are functioning pet stores. These indicators are explained by the fact that until recently, veterinary pharmacies were not widely used as independent retail outlets, but functioned as part of pet stores. This circumstance does not indicate the low popularity of this business or the lack of demand for animal pharmacies among consumers, but emphasizes the low level of competition in many cities and regions of the country. The low level of competition allows novice entrepreneurs, having correctly decided on the region of operation, to attract customers without using a policy of reducing prices for goods sold.

The demand for the products sold is quite high, this is explained by regular examinations by a veterinarian, which result in the need for treatment or prevention of animal diseases, and therefore there is a need to purchase various medications and products.

A feature of the activities of a veterinary pharmacy is the possibility of using additional sources of profit, including the sale of related accessories and items.

Description and goals of the project

The goal is to organize, register and open a fully functional retail outlet for veterinary medicines and drugs for pets. Among other things, in order to increase profits, product range includes pet food and accessories.

With the aim of the most effective attraction customers and, as a result, to obtain maximum profit, it is necessary to choose the right location of the retail outlet, study the subtleties and nuances that the pharmacy business has, research the sales market and the level of competition in the region, and also use modern methods marketing and advertising techniques.

List of goods and services

The product range is formed mainly by veterinary medicines and drugs, the action of which is aimed at the treatment and prevention of certain diseases of pets, as well as vitamins for animals. The establishments sell the following medicines and preparations:

  • anthelmintics, antiseptics and antioxidants;
  • various biological products and vitamin complexes;
  • eye drops, ear drops, immunostimulants and homeopathic medicines and preparations;
  • skin ointments and sprays for the animal's mouth;
  • contraceptives;
  • antimicrobial and antiemetic drugs;
  • prebiotics, steroids and sedatives;
  • medicines against degenerative diseases in pets and much more.

Among other things, retail outlets sell pet food as an additional assortment.

Finally, a good additional source of profit will be the retail trade of various accessories for pets, including collars, scratching posts, carriers and houses, toys, hygiene products and much more.

Market analysis: target audience, competition assessment

The initial stage of developing a business plan is to conduct a thorough and detailed analysis of the retail market for products, as well as the level of competition in a particular region. It is necessary to identify the strengths and weaknesses of competing companies in order to use the information obtained to more effectively participate in the competition.

The target audience of the business project will be owners of pets of various types and breeds, so it is advisable to study in detail the statistical information and data before choosing the location of the veterinary pharmacy social surveys, which will help determine the approximate number of pet owners in several individual regions of a city or town.

Organizational plan

Registration of a veterinary pharmacy, list of required documents

Activities and functioning of specialized veterinary pharmacies in Russian Federation regulated by individual acts of the country's legislation. Registration entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by a standard document submission process, you can open a veterinary pharmacy and carry out retail trade in medicines and drugs for pets with the status individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity.

However, such narrowly focused and closely related to pharmacology activities are accompanied by the need to obtain a special license. Among other things, you will need a conclusion on successful completion of sanitary and epidemiological control, as well as special certificates of quality and compliance of the drugs and products sold with the necessary mandatory requirements. state standards. In addition, it is necessary to conclude agreements with specialized companies on regular disinfection and disinfestation of the veterinary pharmacy premises, as well as contracts for the disposal of pharmaceutical waste.

Search for premises

The correct choice of location for a veterinary pharmacy, as well as for any other retail business project, is of utmost importance. The best option would be a central or densely populated residential area cities with large and stable regular traffic target audience buyers. In addition, it is necessary to analyze and take into account the level of competition in the selected area of ​​the city, since, unlike, for example, grocery store, veterinary pharmacy is a point retail with small crowds of buyers, so the nearest veterinary pharmacy of a competing company must be located at a decent distance for the enterprise to be successful. The same rule, of course, applies to pet stores located in a selected area, which, among other things, sell medicines and medications for pets.

Veterinary pharmacies are divided into two categories: pharmacies exclusively engaged in the sale of finished pharmacological products for pets and pharmacies directly involved in the production and sale of medicines and preparations for pets. In this regard, there are different requirements for rented premises, both in terms of area and in terms of additional conditions illumination, temperature regime, heating systems, ventilation and so on.

Purchase of commercial equipment

In order to fully implement a business project and open a specialized veterinary pharmacy, it is necessary to carefully take care of purchasing commercial equipment. To open a veterinary pharmacy you will need the following equipment:

  • glazed display cases and retail shelves;
  • furniture and equipment to equip the sales consultant’s workplace;
  • plumbing for toilet and bathroom;
  • specialized refrigerator for storing pharmaceutical products;
  • air conditioners, as well as furniture for decorating the staff rest room.

Among other things, it is necessary to equip and warehouse veterinary pharmacy, focusing special attention ventilation system.

Search for suppliers of veterinary drugs and compilation of assortment

To successfully carry out business activities, a veterinary pharmacy must regularly replenish its product range with certified pharmacological products intended for pets. It is necessary to analyze the available proposals local suppliers medicines and drugs for the treatment of pets, establish cooperation with companies supplying high-quality and certified pharmacological products. All purchased medicines and products in mandatory must have a certificate of quality for pharmaceutical products and meet the necessary state standards, otherwise the enterprise’s activities are doomed to failure.


It is a mistake to believe that this type entrepreneurial activity does not imply the important role of the process of employing qualified personnel and high requirements for the hired personnel of a veterinary pharmacy. Clients visit a veterinary pharmacy not only to purchase the necessary medicine or drug for their pet, but also often to receive professional advice from a qualified specialist. In this regard, at the stage of preparation for opening a retail outlet, it is necessary to look for and employ qualified professional consultants.

It is often more convenient for clients to independently visit a specialized veterinary pharmacy or pet store that sells medications and products for pets, and get the necessary advice and medicine for their pet, than to take their pet to a full-function veterinary clinic for treatment. In this regard, it is recommended to employ one or two professional sales consultants working in shifts in a veterinary pharmacy.

It is recommended that the novice entrepreneur independently carry out the functions of management and organization of activities, while accounting services And legal support business can be entrusted to third-party outsourcers as the enterprise develops and the need for these services arises.

Advertising and marketing of veterinary pharmacy

The effectiveness of regular marketing and advertising activities directly determines the stability and size of the client flow, sales volumes, the revenue side of the business project, and therefore the success of business development as a whole. Traditional methods of advertising a retail outlet selling medicines and drugs for pets will be advertising in local print, as well as television and radio frequency media, posting advertisements and distributing leaflets in places with a high level of traffic to the target audience of the business project. Among other things, modern marketing methods are able to give the necessary result: maintaining groups in popular social networks and communicating on thematic forums on the Internet.

A significant advantage of a veterinary pharmacy and a modern universal way to attract customers will be the development and creation of your own business card website with a list of services provided and a price list of goods sold, as well as contact information and operating hours of the outlet. Thus, you can not only attract initial clients and form a starting client base, but also get regular satisfied visitors at your disposal.

Financial plan: investments, profitability, payback of the project

A business project that involves organizing, opening and running a business in the form of a veterinary pharmacy is a project with small starting investments. The amount of initial investment is formed from expenses associated with registering a business, obtaining the necessary state license and certificates, selecting and renting premises, purchasing necessary equipment and the formation of a starting range of goods sold. Depending on such variable factors as the area of ​​the rented premises, its location, the amount of purchased equipment, consumables and so on, the amount of initial investment in a business project varies from 150 to 400 thousand rubles.

Operating expenses of the enterprise include costs associated with rent for premises and utilities, regular tax deductions, as well as expenses associated with remuneration of veterinary pharmacy employees and the need to periodically replenish the range of goods and consumables. As practice shows, on average across regions, the amount of current costs of a veterinary pharmacy varies from 240 to 300 thousand rubles.

The revenue side of the pharmacy's budget will be generated directly from the retail sale of medicines and products for pets, as well as from the sale of related products and accessories for pets. With the specified introductory information and achievement of the average sales volume during the first three months of operation of the veterinary pharmacy, a novice entrepreneur can count on net profit in the amount of 60-90 thousand rubles monthly.
