How to open a profitable fishing store. How to open a fishing store from scratch: business plan with calculations What is the markup on fishing goods

Reading time: 7 minutes. Published 02/14/2020

A store offering fishing products is a very specific business. It can be easily mastered by a fishing enthusiast who has the necessary knowledge. The right approach in organizational issues will allow the entrepreneur to make a good profit. A number of questions immediately arise. How to open a store from scratch? What products should I sell and how to make money? Are there any special features when promoting? Let's figure it out.

What documents are required to open a fishing store?

Business registration is accompanied by next steps:

  1. . Individual entrepreneurship allows you to simplify accounting and reduce taxes. The LLC form is considered in case of opening a large point of sale(more than 150 “squares”) or for wholesale sales.
  2. Opening a bank account for paying taxes.
  3. Registration cash register. You can't do without it in retail.
  4. Choosing a taxation system - unified or simplified.
  5. Obtaining codes from the State Committee dealing with statistics.
  6. Concluding a rental agreement for premises.
  7. Obtaining permits from the SES, Fire Service and Rospotrebnadzor.

As soon as the completion of all the stages listed above is confirmed by the relevant papers, the legal part can be considered completed. In other words, from the point of view legal aspect The store's activities have a legal basis.

Where is the best place to open a fishing store: choosing a location

Although goods for fishermen do not belong to the category of essentials, when choosing the location of a retail outlet, it is necessary to give preference to crowded places.

What options are considered the most optimal in this issue? Almost any:

  • A special department located in a shopping center.
  • Separate store.
  • Converted residential property on the 1st floor in a high-rise building.
  • Even a basement will do.

True, some experts argue that a large flow of people is not a determining parameter, so they advise not to focus on it special attention. One way or another, the outskirts of the city are definitely not worth considering.

The only exception is when leaving the city, leading to fishing spots.

Important factors contributing to successful trading include:

  1. Availability of parking.
  2. The presence of a public transport stop nearby.
  3. Convenient approach and access road (for private cars).

The main thing is to provide customers with convenient transportation of large goods. For example, boats or motors. People willingly visit a store that has a convenient location.

Premises requirements for a fishing store

A spacious room is required - 50-80 m² or more, to place the entire assortment on the shelves in the sales area. Buyers should be given the opportunity to pick up the product and examine it. A reminder of good lighting and ventilation would be helpful here. The romance of twilight, cramped and stuffy conditions in a fishing store is inappropriate. In addition, there must be a room where the stock of goods is stored (warehouse), office space and a bathroom.

Don't pay attention to design . The clients of such a retail outlet are mainly men who have little interest in the combination color range ceiling with floor covering. For them, the quality of the purchase is important, or rather the size of the future catch when using a new spinning rod, fishing rod, and so on.

Furniture and equipment necessary for operating a fishing store

A retail outlet offering goods for fishermen will be equipped with:

  • Open shelving.
  • Special stands for spinning rods (fishing rods)
  • Glass closed display cases for small goods.
  • Racks for fishing clothing.
  • Cash register.
  • Furniture for office space and warehouse.

The list of necessary attributes differs little from regular stores. What and how much to buy? Depends on the assortment and size of the room. On average, you will have to spend 150,000-200,000 rubles on everything.

What is profitable to sell in a fishing store: assortment

The most important component of any retail outlet is its assortment. It cannot be otherwise. In this case, buyers belong to the category of fishing enthusiasts. This means that offering the entire range of goods will be the most correct option - when coming to the store, a fisherman should know that in addition to a fishing rod, he will be able to purchase everything necessary for fishing.

In the fishing segment of the trading industry, goods are divided into certain groups:

Based on the table presented above, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the category of the most profitable product.

Note . You should not rely on low-quality products from Chinese manufacturers. A markup of up to 200% serves as a very weak argument in this matter. Fishermen are a special type of buyer, famously spoiled. They are great at understanding brands. Therefore, the sale of low-quality gear and other goods leads to negative consequences - an almost immediate loss of customers. But the profitable operation of a retail outlet depends on the number of regular customers.

Search and selection of personnel for a fishing store

What are the needs of visitors to such a store:

  1. Replenish your stock of tackle, hooks, reels and other fishing accessories.
  2. Get practical advice from a sales consultant about fishing on specific type spinners and so on.
  3. Talk about your fishing experience and listen to the story of your interlocutor.

The fishing store is classified as a hobby club where they exchange experiences, tell stories, get advice and make purchases. The main contingent of such places are men. A woman will only be interested in a fishing rod as a gift for a representative of the stronger sex. Hence the main requirement for selecting sellers - they must be men who love fishing, or at least know everything about this topic.

State small store consists of:

  • Sellers . Two people are enough for shift work.
  • Accountant . It is better for a businessman to find a specialist who understands financial statements and taxation, rather than independently engage in work that requires special knowledge.
  • Manager . He provides general management and works with suppliers.
  • Cleaners . Its functions do not require explanation.

At first, it is not necessary to adhere to this list. In order to save money, entrepreneurs stand behind the counter themselves and take control of the store into their own hands. One way or another, control on the part of the business owner is mandatory, and the number of hired personnel can increase as the point is promoted.

How to promote a fishing goods store from scratch: advertising and marketing

It is enough to have:

  1. A bright sign.
  2. A folding bed located in front of the store entrance.
  3. Page on social networks.

Regular distribution of flyers and communication with fishermen on special forums attracts customers well. An effective marketing option is sponsoring fishing championships or city-level festive events. Don't forget about word of mouth - the best free advertising tool. If the fisherman is satisfied pricing policy, assortment and its quality, he will certainly visit the outlet again, become its regular customer and bring his friends.

How much does it cost to open a fishing store: a ready-made business plan with calculations

Approximate calculation for a store with an area of ​​40-60 square meters, in which 2 people work in shifts.

Start-up costs:

Amount of annual costs:

Accurate calculation of profit is a complex matter, you must take into account:

  • Number of buyers.
  • Average purchase amount.
  • The amount of the markup. The recommended average value is no more than 65%.

Thus, if all purchased goods are sold (for 1,000,000 rubles), then the profit will be 650,000 rubles.

When calculating the expected profit, statistical research data helps:

  1. In a year, a real fisherman spends up to 5,500 rubles on his favorite hobby.
  2. In cities with a population of up to 200,000 people, about 20% are potential clients of fishing stores. That's 40,000 people.
  3. Let's assume that the city already has 7 retail outlets for fishermen. This means that there are 5,700 buyers for each.
  4. The annual revenue of one store will be 31,350,000 rubles.
  5. The amount of revenue per month is 2,612,500 rubles (with an investment of 1,600,000 rubles in the purchase of goods).

In this state of affairs, the profitability of a fishing store is obvious.

However, it is necessary to take into account:

  • Seasonality of demand for fishing products.
  • Make as accurate an analysis as possible of this market segment in the city where you plan to open a business.
  • Have enough money to purchase goods.

Every person at least once thinks about starting his own own business. But how to do this? What is considered priority and what can be postponed until later?

In our material we will tell you in detail about how to open a fishing store, what documents are needed for this and how to avoid common mistakes of many entrepreneurs. So, what is this thing?


A fishing store is a special area of ​​trade that specializes in fishing equipment and various equipment for tourism and recreation. It sells rods, floats, fishing line, various hooks, as well as a variety of literature that tells in detail about the intricacies of fishing in a particular season. If you are seriously thinking about how to open a fishing store, then you are already at on the right track. The fact is that sociologists note a significant increase in the number of outdoor recreation lovers with a fishing rod in their hands.


Speaking in terms of numbers, the market is growing by about 30% per year. This means that every year hundreds of thousands of Russians spend no less on various fishing “things” than, for example, on everyday goods. It is also worth noting that, according to a number of experts, this segment Russian market is at its development stage. It's not even half full yet.

Therefore, there are all the prerequisites for seriously thinking about how to open a fishing store. In terms of obtaining permits, you will not have any problems here. You are not opening a weapons pavilion, which requires a lot of documents, certificates, etc. The procedure for opening a fishing store is standard for all entrepreneurs.

You are registering at tax service. There you determine the form of doing business, type of activity and type of taxation. Entrepreneurs who are already successfully operating in this market segment are advised to choose the following: as an organizational and legal form - an individual entrepreneur, type of activity - retail sporting goods, equipment, fishing equipment and equipment for tourists. The best form of taxation is the preferential UTII regime. If this system is not used in your city, choose a simplified taxation system based on the principle of income minus expenses.

Deciding on a category

At the second stage, you have to resolve a serious issue - you must choose the format of your business and prepare the appropriate material base for it. Experts conditionally divide your market into three large categories. The first (and, perhaps, the largest of them) is represented by small retail outlets with a solid assortment and affordable prices.

The second category is specialized stores that offer products only from well-known world brands. Finally, the last niche is elite recreation and fishing centers, which combine trading network several small ones at once branded stores. You need to soberly assess your financial possibilities and only after that decide which category is best to work in.

Of course, a well-prepared fishing store business plan can play an important role in the success of this business. Try to include everything possible risks. Calculate your profit. You must clearly understand how much money you need to invest in the development of the business, and how quickly it will pay off. A fishing store business plan will be your guide in the stormy sea of ​​entrepreneurship.

Big risks

When planning to open a store, take into account the fact that goods for fishing and recreation are not essential items. Customers will only come to you when their main needs are satisfied. Therefore, your path relates to activities with an increased risk factor.

Experts in this field advise starting with organizing a small retail outlet that would serve amateur fishermen or beginners. Yours regular customers, for the success of the business, people with average incomes must become. The ideal solution is to consider a small store on the territory of a reputable shopping center or market.

On the one hand, you will save money on renting a separate room, and on the other, you will provide yourself with a constant flow of clients. Entrepreneurs who have achieved success in this field note that renting a place is preferable to any real estate, since in this case you become mobile, and if there is no success, you can always move your store to another location.

What is the most profitable thing to sell?

Now it's time to create an assortment. The main share of sales in this business comes from fishing gear - spinning rods, reels, fishing rods, and so on. Approximately a third of the total turnover is consumables, which include hooks, floats, fishing line, and so on.

At the same time, keep in mind that this seemingly petty the goods are coming best. However, its low price does not allow it to take first place in turnover. This means that you need to make sure that there is always a supply of the mentioned useful gizmos in stock. Don’t discount related products, such as thermoses, folding chairs, etc. This category accounts for approximately 10% of total trade turnover.

How to set up a store?

In order to stand out in the market, some entrepreneurs try to furnish their outlet in some special way. If you have extra money, you can decorate the walls of your store with paintings of the appropriate theme. However, it is better to spend this money on other purposes. At the first stage, it is better to take care of a good assortment and reliable suppliers.

A shop for fishermen is a rather specific business. If you are a private entrepreneur and do not understand anything about this matter, it is better to immediately abandon such an idea and open, for example, or. Otherwise, it is advisable to find someone who knows a lot about fishing and can bring you up to speed. Having certain knowledge and experience, with an investment of 2.5–3 million rubles, you can break even in 7–8 months.

Unique concept

Before you open a fishing store from scratch, you need to study competitors' outlets that operate in your area. Since fishing gear is not an essential product, choose an original concept for it. Your outlet should not be similar to others. Only in this case will it attract the attention of buyers.

For trade in fishing goods, you can choose one of the directions:

  1. Profile;
  2. Branded;
  3. Multidisciplinary;

The most popular, last option, since people are always attracted low prices and a large assortment. But if such outlets are already operating in your area, you should not bet on it.

Equipment and location

Since 99% of buyers in fishing stores are men, they should be opened near city markets or close to automobile or. Most best option- This is a store on the outskirts of the city. You can consult with avid fishermen about how to open a fishing store. They will help you choose hot commodity and create an assortment.

If the business plan of a fishing store provides for low prices, then there will be a lot of goods. Therefore, you need to choose a spacious room for the store, with an area of ​​80 square meters. meters. It is advisable to divide the shopping area into two parts. Thanks to this, customers can easily choose the product they need.

In the first room place:

  • Fishing lines;
  • Fishing rods;
  • Groundbaits.

The second hall can be used for sales:

  • Tents for rest;
  • Rubber boats;
  • Sleeping bags;
  • Backpacks;
  • Clothes and shoes for fishing.
  • Don't forget to consider that you will also need storage space.


Before you open a fishing store, you need to understand the cyclical nature of sales. Experienced fishermen update their gear a couple of times a year. If you provide effective advertising, the influx of buyers will be constant.

You can only trade gear from well-known brands. To expand your range, use inexpensive Chinese products. There is always an increased demand for cheap goods. The ratio of branded and Chinese goods should be 50:50.


Before you open a fishing store, you need to officially register your business. Select suitable system taxation, and also obtain all the necessary permits and certificates to conduct such activities.

To avoid any problems, you should:

  • Register individual entrepreneur. Of course, you can open another form of enterprise, for example, an LLC, but for this case, an individual entrepreneur is the ideal option;
  • Open a bank account. All reporting goes through it. tax office. Personal accounts cannot be used for business projects.
  • Obtain special codes from the statistics department.
  • Choose a room.

Personnel selection

People don’t come to a fishing store to quickly buy something and leave. This is a kind of club of interests, so buyers need practical advice experienced seller. They will, without a doubt, buy a spoon, which, according to his stories, was used to catch a 15-kilogram carp. Therefore, you need to hire only real fishing fans who have extensive experience and certain skills in this matter.

Many people are interested in whether it is profitable to open a fishing store? Yes, it is profitable, but only if it employs experienced salespeople who can tell you everything about the product.

It is advisable to make two shifts, in which two sellers will work. They should help the client make a choice, know the entire range and be pleasant to communicate with. To keep sellers interested in sales growth, reward them with bonuses more often.

In addition, to open a retail outlet you need to hire an experienced manager and a good accountant. Entrust your affairs only to knowledgeable people who understand all the intricacies of working with clients and maintaining records.

Important production points

Of course, in any store, the most important thing is the product. But it is also worth remembering that the retail outlet must be prepared for opening. It is necessary to renovate the premises and install all the necessary equipment.

It is important to choose the right boxes and racks on which equipment will be laid out and fishing gear will be arranged. You will have to buy special counters and display cases with numerous drawers in which you can place all your fishing accessories.

Starting capital

Now you need to deal with the financial issue.

How much it costs to open a fishing store can be calculated by taking into account the following expenses:

  • Renting premises;
  • Repair;
  • Trade equipment;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Advertising.

You will have to spend approximately 850 thousand rubles to open. Since trading fishing gear is quite profitable business, you will return the initial capital in the shortest possible time, literally in 3-4 months.

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Let's sum it up

It is quite difficult to say how much money should be invested in this business. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how to open a fishing goods store from scratch. It depends on the specific situation and specific case. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an individual business plan for each outlet.

Despite the fact that there is constant demand for such a product, in order to get a good profit, you need to really love your business and invest your whole soul. The main disadvantage of trading fishing gear is seasonality. Before starting such a business, you need to think carefully about everything and carefully study the market. Only then can you achieve success.

Did you like the idea? Then we recommend that you take a closer look at other types of earnings, for example. You can try to combine one thing with another: open a paid fishing and a specialized store. Think about it. We wish you success.

Trade in fishing equipment is a specialized trade. In the "fishing" store you can purchase all fishing accessories.

Fishing is a traditional recreation, entertainment, and hobby for many men. For her sake, they are ready to do a lot, get up at dawn, sit for hours in a motionless position, looking for a bite, tinker with worms, and so on. If fishing is summer, when it’s warm and dry outside, then this type of entertainment can still be understood. But when a fisherman gets ready to go fishing in the winter, in the cold and frost, carrying a lot of necessary equipment, only then can one realize the power of such a hobby.

According to statistics, up to 18% of the male population suffers from the disease “fishing”. Knowing the number of citizens living in your city, you can calculate the possible number of potential customers.

We multiply the population by a factor of 48% - this is how we determine the number of men in the city, and by 18% - we determine the number of fishermen.

You can open a fishing goods store in one of three formats:

  • A small store with a large assortment of inexpensive goods.
  • A store that sells fishing accessories from several well-known brands.
  • Elite markets, on the shelves of which the products of several trade brands are presented, they can consist of several departments.

Before opening a store, you need to draw up a plan in which to write down the main key points, calculate the costs for each item, and try to predict the profitability of the business. Registration process.

Registration of business activities:

  • To register a business activity, you must contact the executive committee at your place of residence.
  • Sales of fishing goods can be carried out under preferential tax regime. Where this system is not applied, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system.
  • Type of activity - retail trade in sporting goods, fishing equipment, travel goods, boats and bicycles.

Selecting a room

Room. Trade in fishing goods is very highly specialized, designed for a small segment of consumers. Fishing supplies are not essential goods and are not purchased every day. Therefore, it makes no sense to count on brisk trade right away. There is a high risk that the business will not work, so it is best to start with a small store or department in a supermarket. Also, those who are engaged in this type of trade recommend starting not with buying a premises, but trying to rent it. Fishing goods are not very large, they can be placed in a small, about 50 - 80 sq.m., trading area.

Renting in walk-through places, on the basis of large supermarkets, makes sense if there are no similar goods on the territory of the supermarket. If not, then renting space on the territory of a large store is right for you, since among large quantity Visitors will definitely find true fishermen who will not only become your regular customers, they will also advertise you for free among their friends, fishermen like themselves.

A store with fishing goods can be opened at the base and areas sports stores as a specialized department.

A small premises area is preferable at first (you need to pay less for rent), while the store is little known and therefore not very profitable.


The main “negotiable” goods are the so-called consumables. It is the most inexpensive, but the most in demand; it is this product that forms a wide base of buyers.

Consumables are:

  • Line, different thicknesses, for different fish.
  • Baits.
  • Floats.
  • Grids.
  • Silicone fish figurines.
  • Hooks.
  • Loads.

All these products have a short service life, but not at all because the product is of poor quality, but because this is the specificity of fishing in general. For example, a fish gets hooked but breaks off. As a result, there is no hook, the fishing line is torn. Without a hook and line, the fishing rod is incomplete and you won’t be able to catch fish with it. The way out of the situation is to go to the store to buy new accessories.
The next product segment is more expensive. These are fishing rods, spinning rods, and additional accessories for them. According to statistics, fishermen update their equipment on average once every two years.
In addition to “fish” equipment, the store must have a department for related products. These could be covers for fishing rods, folding chairs, thermoses, overalls, fishing boxes, hand warmers, thermal underwear, and much more. If the store space allows, you can sell boats, tents, and so on.

Selection of suppliers

Finding companies that wholesale fishing gear is not very difficult. But you should take into account the fact that if you want to cooperate only with foreign partners and sell branded products, then you will have to look for clients among wealthy people.
Therefore, try to arrange your assortment in such a way that your product is of interest to both “expensive” and “average” customers. For example, you can make a small shopping area where imported goods, and a separate department with goods domestic manufacturer, plus - products from local craftsmen.
A separate topic for trade is the sale of live bait: worms.


It is very important that a “knowledgeable” person works in a fishing store. Ideally, the seller is an avid fisherman himself. Then he will have a good understanding of what bait the fish bites on, what hook is needed for it, what fishing line will support it. He will be happy to share this information with customers.
Having even a small premises, you can increase sales by organizing an online store. To open a fishing online store based on an existing “live” store, you must first buy or order a website. Then place information on the website about what products are available in the store. Products must be periodically updated, new ones added, and those that have sold out removed. The store clerk can manage the store at first.
For a small store, two salespeople will be enough. You can do your accounting yourself, or outsource accounting support to a company. Please note that you will have to pay for bookkeeping. Since such stores operate on simplified system taxation, then accounting is minimal, it is quite possible to master it on your own, and not shell out additional money for accounting.

In this material:

Own fishing goods store – great business for lovers of active recreation. Usually the owners of such stores are fishermen. They combine their business and hobby, thanks to which they achieve considerable success. This area of ​​entrepreneurship is interesting, relevant and profitable. A business plan for a fishing store will help you understand all the intricacies associated with starting your own business.

Trade in fishing goods: relevance of the idea, pros and cons

Fishing is not only a hobby for the majority of the male population. It is also a sport, a separate art. A professional fisherman has a lot of expensive gear in his arsenal. At the same time, many fishing enthusiasts are ready to leave a considerable part of their income in stores.

If the store has regular customers, he is guaranteed to make a good profit.

Why this business is relevant:

  1. Growing interest in fishing. In recent years, the number of amateur fishermen has increased. People with families go to the pond to relax and enjoy fishing.
  2. The number of fishing organizations has increased. There are amateur fishing clubs all over the country. These are small closed societies that bring together people based on their interests.
  3. Increase in the number of fishing tournaments held. Recreational fishing is not just a hobby, it is a sport. Fishing enthusiasts organize tournaments based on interests - carp fishing, predator fishing, boat fishing, float fishing from the shore. This helps to increase consumer activity of tournament participants.
  4. Development of fisheries. If 10 years ago lovers of active recreation went to wild reservoirs, today fish farms predominate - paid reservoirs in which fish are specially bred. This also indicates increased demand.

Every business has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at them.


  1. Opportunity to open a fishing store in any city. There are fishing enthusiasts in every region.
  2. Opportunity to combine work and hobbies.
  3. Constant expansion. This is a business that is easy to promote. It can always be expanded if desired. Even if you open a store in small town, it can be extended to neighboring areas.
  4. Lack of seasonality. In the summer they buy summer gear, in the winter - for ice fishing.
  5. Possibility to constantly expand the range of products. For example, sell not only fishing equipment, but also bait, lures, comfortable clothes, boats, navigators and echo sounders.
  6. Stability. The demand for fishing products is not only stable, it is increasing from year to year.


  1. High competition. There are already many players in the market.
  2. Low margins. To make good money, you need to have a wide range of products. A small number of sales will not bring high profits.
  3. Long payback period. A business will begin to make a profit when it has customers. It will take time to earn their favor.
  4. Having experience. The owners of such shops are experienced fishermen. Opening a fishing store without experience is too risky.

Description of goods and services of the store

The basic product range includes:

  1. Rods. For float fishing, for feeder, for catching predators. The more choice, the better. There are rods available with different test weights, lengths and in different price categories.
  2. Reels. Carp, feeder, for spinning fishing, for float rods.
  3. Fishing lines, cords and floats. Various diameters, lengths and colors.
  4. Rod stands. With bite alarms and regular stags.
  5. Hooks and sinkers. There are sets of hooks, hooks of different sizes, for different ways fishing and fish. Lead sinkers for bottom and float fishing. Various shapes and weights.
  6. Lures for predators. Spoons, wobblers, balancers, live bait, steel leaders.
  7. Equipment for peaceful fish. Feeder feeders, ready-made gear - crucian carp killers, rockers, Japanese fish, technoplankton.
  8. Cages and landing nets. Various capacities and different materials– iron, nylon, from fishing line.
  9. Groundbaits, baits, artificial baits. Porridge, peas, corn, ready-made dough, plasticine, doughnuts, polystyrene foam, airy dough, flavorings.
  10. Boats, tents, clothing, tackle boxes.

IMPORTANT! The assortment should be as diverse as possible. Each angler has his own special preferences for rod, reel, line, equipment and bait. It is important to satisfy the needs of everyone, even the most demanding customer.

Additional products - fishing guides, magazines, films with master classes, recordings of tournaments.

Market analysis: target audience, competition and risks

The target audience is men of different ages. They engage in fishing from the age of 12 until old age.

The most active buyers are men from 25 to 55 years old. This is the most solvent audience that store owners target.

Competition is high. There are shops with fishing equipment in every city. However, most of them work only because they do not have worthy competitors, especially in small cities. Nevertheless, the market is developing, demand is growing, so competition is not an obstacle to starting a business. On the contrary, it motivates the entrepreneur to be better than his competitors. The result of this is high quality products, and this guarantees demand for it.

Possible risks:

  • long payback period;
  • difficulty on initial stage project implementation;
  • takeover by competitors.

Organizational part of the business plan

Registration of activities

To open a fishing store, entrepreneurial activity need to be registered with the tax office. This is one of the most important stages implementation of a business project.

Options for registering a fishing store:

  1. Design legal entity. Suitable for large businesses only.
  2. Apply for IP (individual entrepreneur) status. This is the most convenient and common way of registration.

For shops, individual entrepreneurs are most often used.

Stages of business registration:

  1. Selecting OKVED codes. They inform the tax office what type of activity is being registered. It is better to select several OKVED codes at once. This will make the expansion process easier in the future. For example, the company will additionally provide instructor services, conduct paid master classes, etc.
  2. Choosing a tax payment method. It is recommended to choose the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system.
  3. Writing an application on form P21001.
  4. Payment of state duty.
  5. Submitting an application. There are two ways - via the Internet and at your place of residence.

ATTENTION! The application must indicate the address email entrepreneur. Documents will be sent to it. Since April 2018, sending by regular mail is no longer possible.

Documents that must be submitted to register an individual entrepreneur:

  • passport;
  • TIN code;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • application in form P21001.

IMPORTANT! Before sending documents, you need to check the correctness of the application. Even a minor mistake will cause registration refusal.

Search for premises

The main thing is convenient location. When searching for premises, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Transport interchange. The store is easy to find and easy to get to – both by your own car and by public transport.
  2. Visibility. It is easy to notice and attracts attention.
  3. Located on the ground floor - so that even the laziest buyer can come in and look at the assortment.
  4. There is enough space to presentably display the products.
  5. There is a utility room for storing goods.

Search for suppliers and formation of assortment

Where to buy goods wholesale:

  • local suppliers, large warehouses;
  • Chinese, Japanese and other foreign suppliers;
  • wholesale online stores – domestic and foreign.

The entrepreneur's task is to get maximum benefit from trade. Therefore, you should look for suppliers with the most favorable offer.

IMPORTANT! In order not to depend on one supplier, contracts are concluded with several at once. For example, one company supplies fishing rods, another – hooks, and a third – reels. In addition, such diversification puts the entrepreneur in more favorable conditions– he can always change suppliers.

Organic bait is purchased from local suppliers– farmers and fish farms.

Maggots are bred in the store. They are unpretentious to environment, live long and reproduce quickly. Fresh maggot is a product that attracts buyers, since it is not available in every store.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To open fishing shop you will need the following equipment:

  • cash register;
  • non-cash trading terminal;
  • racks with display cases, shelves and cabinets for storing goods;
  • rod racks;
  • furniture for organizing the seller’s workplace – chair, table.


The following personnel will be required:

  • sales consultants;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning woman.

ATTENTION! It is important that candidates for sales positions have fishing experience. They must know the specifics of the product, fishing methods, which baits work best. The success of the enterprise depends on the competence of salespeople and their ability to communicate with clients.

Advertising and Marketing

A fishing store is the type of business that is most dependent on advertising. The reason for this is high competition.

To beat your competitors and lure away their customers, you need a powerful advertising campaign.

Promotion sources:

  1. Outdoor advertising. Banners and billboards. They contain information about advantageous offers, promotions in honor of the opening. The address must be indicated.
  2. Leaflets, business cards. Distribution of leaflets and business cards – effective method offline promotions. Promoters distribute leaflets only to men over 20 years old - the most solvent audience.
  3. Promoting your own website. U large stores there are websites. Thanks to them, they look more respectable in the eyes of the consumer.
  4. Contextual advertising. This is advertising in Google and Yandex search results.
  5. SMM promotion. Social media– powerful advertising platforms. Maintaining pages on social networks will make the store more popular and allow you to achieve loyalty target audience(TA).
  6. Advertising in the media. The store's target audience is different. Among it there are segments that give preference to printed products. Regional newspapers and magazines are good places to advertise.
  7. Participation in fishing tournaments. They are attended by fishermen who are constantly expanding their arsenal. By luring them away from competitors, the store will receive regular customers.

Financial calculations

Investment in opening a fishing store

Investments at the start (RUB):

  • premises rental – 20,000;
  • repairs – 30,000;
  • furniture - 80,000;
  • purchase of goods – 600,000;
  • advertising campaign before opening – 300,000;
  • payment of state duty – 800.

Current expenses

Monthly expenses (RUB):

  • rent – ​​20,000;
  • employee salaries – 170,000;
  • utilities – 10,000;
  • advertising – 20,000;
  • payment of taxes.

Revenues and expected profit

Profitability depends on the following factors:

  • product range;
  • success of the advertising campaign;
  • professionalism of sales consultants;
  • store pricing policy;
  • location of the point.

The average bill in a store is 1000 rubles. Expected monthly profit is 350 thousand rubles.

Project effectiveness assessment

Employees' wages, rent, utilities and taxes are deducted from monthly earnings. Net profit– 100 thousand rubles.

With a stable flow of clients, the business will pay for itself in 2 years, in the best case – in 1.5 years.

Opportunity to work as a franchise

In Russia there is large networks fishing shops. They compete with each other and strive to expand. Franchising is a great opportunity to master fishing business from scratch and with minimal risks.

Large chains open franchise offices in cities.

A franchise is the right of an entrepreneur to use someone else’s brand. By opening a franchise business, an entrepreneur receives detailed plan, which reflects proven and time-tested business models.

Companies use franchising to expand, and entrepreneurs receive ready business, which already contains all the necessary calculations.

Advantages of franchising:

  • minimal risks;
  • constant support for the entrepreneur;
  • low advertising costs – the brand is already known and does not need advertising;
  • business plan provided;
  • low competition.


  • limited right to use the brand - all changes must be agreed with the franchisor;
  • The entrepreneur spends part of the profit on paying royalties - a commission for using the franchise.

Own fishing accessories store – promising direction for business development. This is an opportunity to combine work and hobbies and earn a high income from it. A long payback period is characteristic of most areas of entrepreneurship. Such a store is an investment in the future, because the demand for fishing products is growing every year. When the store pays for itself, it will generate a stable income.

Order a business plan

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

Retail stores selling caviar, fish and seafood. TM "Rybset" was founded on the basis of its own production and fishing complex in the Khabarovsk Territory. The retail division opened in late 2014, and the franchise division opened in mid-2015. During the year of the franchise’s existence, more than 20 franchisee branded outlets were opened throughout Russia: Belgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and...

Investments: 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

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Investment: Investment 300,000 ₽

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Investments: Investments 10,590,000 - 38,890,000 rubles.

TROPHY - network retail stores, operating on the market since 2010. Part of the TONAR Group of Companies, which is Russia's largest manufacturer of goods for fishing, hunting, and tourism. The chain’s product concept is based on the optimal ratio of products from the world’s leading brands and its own brands, at prices affordable to customers. A distinctive feature of the TROPHY chain stores is their special format...

Investments: Investments from RUB 575,000.

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Investments: Investments from RUB 1,900,000.

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Investments: Investments from 800,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 600,000 rubles.

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Investments: From $25,000

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