Manages the work to eliminate emergency situations. Emergency response: management of rescue and emergency operations. Brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation

Emergency response management consists of directing the RSChS forces during emergency rescue and other emergency operations. The main goal management is ensuring effective use forces and means for various purposes, as a result of which work in emergency zones must be completed in full, in the shortest possible time, with minimal losses population and material resources.

Work management begins from the moment an emergency occurs and ends after its elimination. It is carried out, as a rule, according to daily cycles, each of which includes:

  • collection of data on the situation, analysis and assessment of the situation;
  • preparation of conclusions and proposals for decisions on carrying out work;
  • making (clarifying) decisions and communicating tasks to performers;
  • organization of interaction;
  • ensuring the actions of forces and means.
  • The content of control functions and their cyclicity are characteristic of the systematic conduct of emergency rescue operations; in cases of sudden changes in the situation, they can be changed and the controls will act in accordance with the specific situation.

    Data about the situation is received by the authorities in the form of urgent and non-urgent reports. Urgent reports are submitted at a certain time, usually in a formalized form; non-urgent - as needed in any form. The main sources for obtaining the most complete and generalized data on the situation are subordinate reconnaissance formations (units) and command and control bodies; a significant part of the information may come from higher management bodies and their means of monitoring and control.

    Depending on the sequence of development emergency subordinate management bodies submit reports: on the likelihood of an emergency, on the fact of its occurrence, on the situation in the disaster area, on the progress of rescue and other urgent work, on a sharp change in the situation, on the results of work (by period).

    A report on the likelihood and fact of an emergency situation shall be submitted immediately; it allows for a limited amount of data for taking emergency measures and setting tasks for permanent readiness forces, as well as for making a preliminary decision on bringing forces and assets into readiness, moving them to the emergency area and conducting emergency rescue operations. More detailed reports on the situation are submitted after reconnaissance, reconnaissance and initial stage works They contain data that provides clarification of the preliminary or adoption of a new decision to carry out work by the main forces.

    Reports on the progress of work include information on the number of people rescued (recovered from the rubble), changes in the situation made emergency work, losses, condition and security of formations. This data is necessary to clarify previously set tasks, as well as to make decisions in cases of sudden changes in the situation. The forms, content and deadlines for submitting reports are determined regulatory documents; if necessary, they can be changed during the organization and execution of work.

    The situation is fully analyzed by the head of the management body (emergency response manager), his deputies (assistants), as well as other officials, each within the limits of their competence and responsibility.

    The situation is analyzed by elements, the main ones being:

  • the nature and scale of the emergency situation, the degree of danger for production staff and population, boundaries of dangerous zones (fires, radioactive contamination, chemical, bacteriological contamination, etc.) and forecast of their spread;
  • types, volumes and conditions of urgent work;
  • the need for forces and means to carry out work in possible short terms;
  • the number, staffing, provision and readiness for action of forces and means, the sequence of their entry into the emergency zone for the deployment of work.
  • In the process of analyzing the situation, specialists compare the needs for forces and means to carry out work with their specific availability and capabilities, make calculations, analyze options for their use and select the best one. Conclusions from the assessment of the situation and proposals for the use of forces and means are reported to the head of the control body (the head of the emergency response); Experts' suggestions are summarized and used in the decision-making process.

    The decision to carry out rescue and other urgent work in an emergency zone is the basis of management; it is accepted and implemented by the head of the management body (emergency response manager).

    The solution includes the following main elements:

  • brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation;
  • intention of action;
  • tasks for subordinate formations, units and subunits;
  • security measures;
  • organization of interaction;
  • ensuring the actions of the formations.
  • Brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation contain basic information about the nature and scale of the emergency situation, the volume of work to be done and the conditions for its implementation, the available forces and means and their capabilities.

    The plan of action reflects the goals facing a given management body and its forces, the main tasks and sequence of work, objects (regions, areas) of concentration of the main efforts, the procedure for creating a grouping of forces and means.

    Tasks for the heads of subordinate management bodies and their formations are determined by senior commanders depending on their capabilities and the development of the situation. When setting a task, the area of ​​work, forces and means, the sequence and timing of work, objects of concentration of main efforts, the procedure for using technical means, safety measures and ensuring continuity of work are indicated.

    Interaction between subordinate units (formations), between them and special units of other departments, as well as between subordinate forces and neighbors (forces of other districts, cities) is organized when making decisions and is carried out in the course of work, primarily when rescuing people, localizing and extinguishing fires , liquidation of accidents on public utility systems, preparation of bypass routes (roads) for the deployment of forces and evacuation of the injured (damaged).

    When organizing interaction:

  • the boundaries of the work objects of each formation are clarified;
  • a procedure is established for adjacent facilities, especially when performing work that may pose a danger to neighbors or affect their work;
  • the time and place of concentration of efforts when jointly performing particularly important and complex work is agreed upon;
  • a system for exchanging data on changes in the situation and the results of work in adjacent areas is determined;
  • the procedure for providing emergency mutual assistance is established.
  • The interaction of subordinate control bodies and units (formations) with other forces performing special tasks to ensure rescue operations is organized in the process of setting tasks with the participation of representatives of the interacting forces; at the same time, the head of the management body informs subordinates about the work performed at their facilities, the dates for their start and (tentatively) completion. At the same time, the heads of subordinate control bodies (commanders of units and formations) and representatives of the interacting forces clarify the locations and procedure for carrying out work, exchange data on the situation, locations of control points, methods of communication and the procedure for informing about the progress of tasks.

    Ensuring the actions of forces and means in the areas of work is organized with the aim of creating them necessary conditions for the successful completion of assigned tasks. The main types of support are: reconnaissance, transport, engineering, road, hydrometeorological, technical, material and medical. Direct management of the operations of forces and the use special means carried out by heads of services and officials of management bodies in accordance with their duties.

    Organization of support includes clarification of the task, assessment of the situation within the framework of one’s responsibility, preparation of special forces and means and their timely deployment to the emergency zone, setting tasks for subordinates and clarifying them in the course of work, monitoring the implementation of assigned tasks.

    When organizing reconnaissance, the objectives, areas (sites, objects) and time of reconnaissance, the procedure for monitoring and monitoring the state of the environment and changes in the situation in the work areas, the system for giving signals and submitting reports are indicated.

    Transport support includes determining the nature and volume of transportation, accounting for all types of transport, loading times and places, routes, control lines and timing of their passage, areas (points) and unloading timing, creating a reserve vehicles and how to use it.

    Engineering support solves the problems of performing special engineering work, using means of mechanization of work, equipping water supply points, and delivering water to work sites.

    Road support involves the creation of road-bridge detachments (traffic support detachments), each of which is assigned a route and the timing of its preparation for the passage of transport and equipment, maintaining routes in passable condition, equipping detours in case it is impossible to use certain sections or road structures on the serviced route.

    Hydrometeorological support includes establishing the volume and procedure for transmitting weather data in the areas of work to control bodies and formation commanders, as well as urgent information about hazardous meteorological and hydrological phenomena and the possible nature of their development.

    Technical support provides for the organization of work of repair and evacuation enterprises and special units(formations) for the timely conduct maintenance machines and mechanisms, on-site repairs and delivery of faulty equipment to repair bases.

    The management of all forces and means involved in the liquidation of emergency situations and the organization of their interaction are carried out by the emergency liquidation managers appointed for this purpose (heads of the OG) and the management bodies of the RSChS.

    Decisions of emergency response managers are binding for all citizens and organizations located in the action areas, unless otherwise provided by law Russian Federation.

    The heads of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue units, who arrived in the action zones first, assume the powers of emergency response leaders and exercise them until the arrival of the leaders determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation or appointed by authorities state power, organs local government, heads of organizations.

    The powers of the head of emergency response are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and management of organizations in accordance with the law.

    In case of emergency, emergency response managers have the right to independently make decisions:

  • on carrying out evacuation measures in their dangerous zones;
  • on stopping the activities of organizations located in emergency zones;
  • on carrying out emergency rescue operations at the facilities and territories of organizations located in emergency zones;
  • on restricting people's access to dangerous areas;
  • about unbooking reserves material resources organizations located in disaster zones for the purpose of eliminating emergency situations;
  • on the use, in the manner prescribed by law, of communications, vehicles and other property of organizations located in emergency zones;
  • on the involvement of non-staff and public rescue units in carrying out emergency rescue operations, as well as rescuers who are not part of these units, if they have documents confirming their certification to carry out emergency rescue operations;
  • on the involvement on a voluntary basis of the population in carrying out emergency work, as well as individual citizens who are not rescuers, with their consent, in carrying out emergency rescue work;
  • on taking other necessary measures due to the development of emergency situations and the progress of work to eliminate them.
  • Subsequently, emergency response managers are obliged to immediately inform the relevant government bodies, local government bodies, and management of organizations about the decisions they have made.

    Operational groups (OG) are staffed with specialists and provide:

  • receiving information about emergency situations and transferring it to the head of the OG;
  • forecasting the scale of possible development of an emergency situation;
  • analytical processing of information about an emergency situation and preparation of solution options for attracting and using forces and means;
  • bringing the decision to subordinate management bodies and formations (divisions);
  • control over the deployment and conduct of work in accordance with the decision made;
  • submission of reports on changes in the situation and progress of work.
  • Work management is carried out from equipped control points (CP), which are premises equipped with communications, automation and other necessary equipment. technical means. Stationary control centers are located, as a rule, in administrative or public buildings and structures and are staffed with personnel (on duty) and the necessary means of communication. Moving items controls (PPU) provide more efficient work operational groups; they are placed on cars, airplanes (helicopters), and watercraft.

    Organization of emergency response management

    Emergency response management consists of directing the RSChS forces during emergency rescue and other emergency operations. The main goal of the department is to ensure the effective use of forces and means for various purposes, as a result of which work in emergency zones must be completed in full, in the shortest possible time, with minimal losses of population and material resources.

    Work management begins from the moment an emergency occurs and ends after its elimination. It is carried out, as a rule, according to daily cycles, each of which includes:
    - collection of data about the situation;
    - analysis and assessment of the situation;
    - preparation of conclusions and proposals for decisions on carrying out work;
    - making (clarifying) decisions and communicating tasks to performers;

    - ensuring the actions of forces and means.

    Data about the situation is received by the authorities in the form of urgent and non-urgent reports. Urgent reports are submitted at a certain time, usually in a formalized form; non-urgent - as needed in any form. The main sources for obtaining the most complete and generalized data on the situation are subordinate reconnaissance formations (units) and command and control bodies; a significant part of the information may come from higher management bodies and their means of monitoring and control.

    Depending on the sequence of development of the emergency situation, subordinate management bodies submit reports: on the likelihood of an emergency situation, on the fact of its occurrence, on the situation in the disaster area, on the progress of rescue and other urgent work, on a sharp change in the situation, on the results of work (according to periods).

    Reports about the likelihood and fact of an emergency situation are submitted immediately; they allow a limited amount of data for taking emergency measures and setting tasks for permanent readiness forces, as well as for making a preliminary decision on bringing forces and assets into readiness, moving them to the emergency area and conducting emergency rescue operations. More detailed reports on the situation are submitted after reconnaissance, reconnaissance and at the initial stage of work. They contain data that provides clarification of the preliminary or adoption of a new decision to carry out work by the main forces.

    Reports on the progress of work include information on the number of people rescued (recovered from the rubble), changes in the situation, emergency work performed, losses, condition and security of the formations. This data is necessary to clarify previously set tasks, as well as to make decisions in cases of sudden changes in the situation. The forms, content and timing of submission of reports are determined by regulatory documents; if necessary, they can be changed during the organization and execution of work.

    The situation is fully analyzed by the head of the management body (emergency response manager), his deputies (assistants), as well as other officials - each within the limits of his competence and responsibility.

    The situation is analyzed by elements, the main ones being:
    the nature and scale of the development of the emergency situation, the degree of danger for production personnel and the population, the boundaries of dangerous zones (fires, radioactive contamination, chemical, bacteriological contamination, etc.) and the forecast of their spread;
    - types, volumes and conditions of urgent work;
    - the need for forces and means to carry out work as quickly as possible;
    - quantity, staffing, provision and readiness for action of forces and means, the sequence of their entry into the emergency zone for the deployment of work.

    In the process of analyzing situational data, specialists compare the needs for forces and means to carry out work with their specific availability and capabilities, make calculations, analyze options for their use and select the best (real) one. Conclusions from the assessment of the situation and proposals for the use of forces and means are reported to the head of the control body (the head of the emergency response); Experts' suggestions are summarized and used in the decision-making process.

    The decision to carry out rescue and other urgent work in an emergency zone is the basis of management; it is accepted and implemented by the head of the management body (emergency response manager).

    The solution includes the following main elements:
    brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation;
    - plan of action;
    - tasks for subordinate formations, units and subunits;
    - security measures;
    - organization of interaction;
    - ensuring the actions of the formations.

    Brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation contain basic information about the nature and scale of the emergency situation, the volume of work to be done and the conditions for its implementation, the available forces and means and their capabilities.

    The plan of action reflects the goals facing a given management body and its forces, the main tasks and sequence of work, objects (regions, areas) of concentration of the main efforts, the procedure for creating a grouping of forces and means.

    Tasks for the heads of subordinate management bodies and their formations are determined by senior commanders depending on their capabilities and the development of the situation. When setting a task, the area of ​​work, forces and means, the sequence and timing of work, objects of concentration of main efforts, the procedure for using technical means, safety measures and ensuring continuity of work are indicated.

    Interaction between subordinate units (formations), between them and special units of other departments, as well as between subordinate forces and neighbors (forces of other districts, cities) is organized when making decisions and is carried out in the course of work, primarily when rescuing people, localizing and extinguishing fires , liquidation of accidents on public utility systems, preparation of bypass routes (roads) for the deployment of forces and evacuation of the injured (damaged).

    When organizing interaction:
    the boundaries of the work objects of each formation are clarified;
    - a procedure is established for adjacent facilities, especially when performing work that may pose a danger to neighbors or affect their work;
    - coordinated on the time and place of concentration of efforts when jointly performing particularly important and complex work;
    - a system for exchanging data on changes in the situation and the results of work in adjacent areas is determined;
    - the procedure for providing emergency mutual assistance is established.

    The interaction of subordinate control bodies and units (formations) with other forces performing special tasks to ensure rescue operations is organized in the process of setting tasks with the participation of representatives of the interacting forces; at the same time, the head of the management body informs subordinates about the work performed at their facilities, the dates for their start and (tentatively) completion. At the same time, the heads of subordinate control bodies (commanders of units and formations) and representatives of the interacting forces clarify the locations and procedure for carrying out work, exchange data on the situation, locations of control points, methods of communication and the procedure for informing about the progress of tasks.

    Ensuring the actions of forces and means in the areas of work is organized with the aim of creating the necessary conditions for them to successfully complete their tasks. The main types of support are: reconnaissance, transport, engineering, road, hydrometeorological, technical, material and medical. Direct management of the support of force actions and the use of special means is carried out by the heads of services and officials of management bodies in accordance with their duties.

    Organization of support includes clarification of the task, assessment of the situation within the framework of one’s responsibility, preparation of special forces and means and their timely deployment to the emergency zone, setting tasks for subordinates and clarifying them in the course of work, monitoring the implementation of assigned tasks.
    When organizing reconnaissance, the objectives, areas (sites, objects) and time of reconnaissance, the procedure for monitoring and monitoring the state of the environment and changes in the situation in the work areas, the system for giving signals and submitting reports are indicated.

    Transport support includes determining the nature and volume of transportation, accounting for all types of transport, time and place of loading, routes, control lines and timing of their passage, areas (points) and timing of unloading, creation of a reserve of vehicles and the procedure for its use.
    Engineering support solves the problems of performing special engineering work, using means of mechanization of work, equipping water supply points, and delivering water to work sites.
    Road support provides for the creation of road-bridge units (traffic support units), each of which is assigned a route and the timing of its preparation for the passage of vehicles and equipment, maintaining routes in a passable condition, and equipping detours in case it is impossible to use certain sections or road structures on the serviced route.

    Hydrometeorological support includes establishing the volume and procedure for transmitting to control bodies and formation commanders data on weather elements in the areas of work, as well as urgent information about dangerous meteorological and hydrological phenomena and the possible nature of their development.

    Technical support provides for the organization of the work of repair and recovery enterprises and special units (formations) for timely maintenance of machines and mechanisms, on-site repairs and delivery of faulty equipment to repair enterprises and its use after repair, as well as the procedure for supplying repair enterprises and units (formations ) spare parts and units.

    When organizing material support, the procedure for supplying units (formations) carrying out work with food and drinking water, technical equipment, anti-radiation and anti-chemical protection equipment, medical equipment, exchange and special clothing, building materials, fuel and lubricants for transport and engineering vehicles; The task of material support also includes the equipment of places (points) for eating, resting and special processing.

    Medical support provides for the implementation of specific measures to preserve the health and performance of personnel involved in the liquidation of an emergency situation, timely provision of assistance to the injured (affected) and sick, their evacuation to medical institutions, as well as to prevent infectious diseases.

    When preparing a solution, planning for emergency rescue and emergency recovery operations begins; it ends after decisions are made and tasks are assigned to subordinates. The work plan is drawn up textually with the attachment of maps, diagrams, graphs and calculations. It is signed by the head of the management body (emergency response manager) and approved by the senior manager. Extracts from the work plan are communicated to subordinates as they relate to them. Adjustments may be made to the plan during the entire period of work in the emergency zone.

    The basis of the management system in the emergency area are the management bodies of the territorial and functional subsystems of the RSChS. To direct the actions of units directly in the emergency area, operational groups are created, stationary and mobile control points (CP) are used, and a communication system is organized, the main element of which is a mobile communication center (MCC); To ensure effective operation of the control system, an automated control subsystem is being created based on a mobile information and control center (MIMC).

    The composition and structure of the management system are determined by the scale of the emergency and the decision of the RSChS management bodies that organize the liquidation of the emergency.
    The liquidation of emergency situations at facilities is managed by facility emergency commissions (ECS), with the participation, if necessary, of operational groups of district (city) and functional CoES.

    The elimination of local emergency situations is led by the CoES of the respective territories. In the event of an emergency on its territory, the management system of an administrative district (city) may include an operational group regional center for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief, and in special cases - operational groups of ministries, departments and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

    To manage the liquidation of a regional or global emergency, a management system is created, which includes operational groups (OG) of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, ministries and departments.
    The general structure of emergency response management is presented in Fig. 3.1.1.

    Options for the structure of the management system in emergency areas are shown in Fig. 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.

    Rice. 3.1.1. On-site emergency management system

    Rice. 3.1.2. Local Emergency Management System

    Rice. 3.1.3.

    The management of all forces and means involved in the liquidation of emergency situations and the organization of their interaction are carried out by the emergency liquidation managers appointed for this purpose (heads of the OG) and the management bodies of the RSChS.

    The decisions of emergency response managers are binding for all citizens and organizations located in the action areas, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The heads of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue units, who arrived in the action zones first, assume the powers of emergency response leaders and exercise them until the arrival of the leaders determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation or appointed by state authorities, local governments, and heads of organizations.

    The powers of the head of emergency response are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and management of organizations in accordance with the law.

    In case of emergency, emergency response managers have the right to independently make decisions:
    - on carrying out evacuation measures in their dangerous zones;
    - on stopping the activities of organizations located in emergency zones;
    - on carrying out emergency rescue operations at the facilities and territories of organizations located in emergency zones;
    - on restricting access of people to dangerous areas;
    - on the release of reserves of material resources of organizations located in disaster zones in order to eliminate emergency situations;
    - on the use, in the manner prescribed by law, of communications, vehicles and other property of organizations located in emergency zones;
    - on the involvement of non-staff and public rescue teams in carrying out emergency rescue operations, as well as rescuers who are not part of these formations, if they have documents confirming their certification to carry out emergency rescue operations;
    - on the involvement of the population on a voluntary basis in carrying out emergency work, as well as individual citizens who are not rescuers, with their consent, in carrying out emergency rescue work;
    - on taking other necessary measures due to the development of emergency situations and the progress of work to eliminate them.

    Subsequently, emergency response managers are obliged to immediately inform the relevant government bodies, local government bodies, and management of organizations about the decisions they have made.

    Operational groups (OG) are staffed with specialists and provide:
    - receiving information about emergency situations and transferring it to the head of the OG;
    - forecasting the scale of possible development of an emergency situation;
    - analytical processing of information about an emergency situation and preparation of solution options for attracting and using forces and means;
    - bringing the decision to subordinate management bodies and formations (divisions);
    control over the deployment and conduct of work in accordance with the decision made;
    - submission of reports on changes in the situation and progress of work.

    The work is managed from equipped control points (CP), which are rooms equipped with communications, automation and other necessary technical means. Stationary control centers are located, as a rule, in administrative or public buildings and structures and are staffed with personnel (on duty) and the necessary means of communication. Mobile control points (MCC) ensure more efficient work of operational groups; they are placed on cars, airplanes (helicopters), watercraft, as well as on railway transport.

    And aimed at saving lives and preserving people’s health, reducing damage environment and material losses, as well as for the localization of emergency zones, the termination of the action characteristic of them hazardous factors.

    Goals and objectives of emergency response

    Elimination of an emergency situation is carried out with the aim of saving lives and preserving the life and health of people, reducing the extent of damage to the environment and material losses, as well as localizing the emergency zone, stopping the action of their characteristic hazardous factors.

    Implementation of a set of measures in an emergency situation, aimed at performing the following tasks:

    • cessation or reduction to the minimum possible level of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors that pose a threat to the life and health of people, animals and the environment;
    • saving lives and preserving people's health;
    • localization of emergency zones, cessation of the action of their characteristic hazardous factors;
    • priority life support for the affected population;
    • bringing technical and material resources, buildings and structures, and life support systems for the population into a usable condition.

    Activities carried out during emergency response

    Emergency response includes the following main activities:

    • reconnaissance in order to identify the type of emergency, detect sources of danger, determine the scale and boundaries of the emergency zone, continuous monitoring and monitoring of changes in the situation in the emergency zone;
    • analysis of intelligence data, observation, control and assessment of the situation in the emergency zone;
    • making a decision to conduct ASDNR;
    • carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work;
    • ensuring the emergency response process;
    • life support for the population and emergency response forces.

    Planning, preparation and implementation of emergency response measures are organized by the relevant management bodies in territorial and departmental subsystems and in their links (commissions for the prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety (CoES), management bodies of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations). Planning is carried out in advance on the basis of forecasting and analysis of the situation that may develop in a specific territory in the event of an emergency, as well as taking into account local conditions, features and capabilities that affect the organization of protection of the population. The main planning document is the Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations, which serves guiding document to carry out measures in the event of a threat or emergency. If there is a threat of an emergency, the following measures are taken to protect the population:

    • checking the readiness of systems and means of warning, control and communication;
    • putting protective equipment on alert; preparation for issuance or issuance of funds to the population personal protection and medical prevention;
    • carrying out sanitary and anti-epidemic measures;
    • preparation for evacuation (relocation), and, if necessary, evacuation of the population from areas and areas at risk.

    Direct management of the work to eliminate an emergency situation is carried out by the head of the work to eliminate the emergency situation, provided for by the relevant documents or appointed by the executive authorities whose competence includes the liquidation of the emergency situation that has arisen.

    Stages of emergency response

    The emergency response is carried out in three stages by the forces and means of organizations, local government bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which an emergency situation arose, concentrated respectively in the first, second and third (reserve) echelons. If the above forces and means are insufficient, at the request of the authorities organizing the liquidation of the emergency, forces and means may be involved federal bodies executive power (units of the Russian Ministry of Defense, other troops and military formations) in accordance with pre-developed Interaction Plans, as a rule, in the second or third echelon (reserve).

    At the first stage emergency measures are taken to protect the population, prevent the development or reduce the impact of the emergency situation that has arisen and prepare for the deployment (carrying out) of rescue, emergency recovery and other urgent work.

    Emergency measures to protect the population include:

    • danger notification;
    • use of protective equipment;
    • compliance with behavioral regimes;
    • evacuation from areas where there is a risk of injury to people;
    • the use of medical preventive measures and provision of first medical and other types of aid to victims.

    To prevent the development and (or) reduce the consequences of an accident (catastrophe, natural disaster), emergency rescue forces of constant readiness (first echelon) carry out their localization, suspension or change technological process production, fire prevention and extinguishing. A cordon is established around the area of ​​the accident, catastrophe or natural disaster, and traffic is regulated. Special attention focuses on preventing panic, informing the population about the situation, instructions and recommendations on the order of their behavior.

    The main task of the second stage is to carry out emergency rescue, emergency restoration and other urgent work by the second echelon forces. At the same time, the implementation of measures begun at the first stage to protect the population and reduce the impact of damaging factors of an emergency situation continues. Work is carried out continuously with the necessary personnel changes and compliance with safety regulations.

    At the third stage
    Basically, the tasks of priority life support for the population in areas affected by the emergency situation are solved, as well as. At this stage, forces of the third echelon (reserve) can be involved in the work. Life support for the affected population is aimed at creating the conditions necessary to preserve and maintain the life, health and working capacity of people when they are in an emergency zone and during evacuation (temporary resettlement). For these purposes, the following activities are carried out:

    • resettlement of the evacuated population in safe areas, providing them with food, basic necessities, medical care and employment;
    • temporary accommodation of the population left homeless in surviving buildings, tents, yurts, carriage houses, temporarily erected buildings, railway carriages, etc.;
    • providing the population with uncontaminated (uncontaminated) food, water and basic necessities;
    • ensuring the activities of public utilities, transport and healthcare institutions;
    • organization of accounting and distribution of material assistance;
    • carrying out the necessary sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures;
    • carrying out work among the population to reduce the consequences psychological impact emergency situation, elimination of shock states.

    If necessary, emergency restoration work continues.

    The success of emergency response measures is achieved by:

    • advance preparation and readiness of control bodies, forces and means to act in an emergency;
    • prompt response to an emergency situation, deployment of a control system;
    • making an informed decision to eliminate an emergency situation and implementing it;
    • continuous and sustainable management of emergency response efforts, organization of interaction between emergency response participants;
    • conducting ASDNR at any time of the year, in any weather until their complete completion, in compliance with safety measures and timely change of formations;
    • organizing comprehensive support for emergency response efforts.

    Sources: Security of Russia. Protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies. –M., 1999; Guidelines for the actions of management bodies and RSChS forces in the event of a threat and emergency situations. –M., 1996; Organization and conduct of civil protection (issue No. 6). –Novogorsk, 2003; Safety in emergency situations. Terms and definitions; Safety in emergency situations. Elimination of emergency situations. General requirements.

    Pension provision for family members of rescuers in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is carried out in accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation.

    13. Right to confer an honorary title:

    A). Rescuers may be awarded the honorary title “Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation.”

    b). The awarding of the honorary title "Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation" is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the federal executive body specially authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies, formed on the basis of petitions:

    • heads of federal executive authorities;

    • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    • local government bodies;

    • organizations and public associations.
    V). The regulations on the honorary title “Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation” were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1341 of December 30, 1995 (adopted for management and execution by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 63 of February 5, 1996)

    The honorary title is awarded to highly professional workers of rescue services for their services in preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, developing and mastering new rescue equipment, educating and training personnel working in rescue services for 10 or more years in calendar terms.


    Additional legal and social guarantees for rescuers

    1. For professional rescuers ACC, ASF, serving organizations with harmful and hazardous conditions labor, legal and social protection and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. By decision of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and administrations of organizations, additional ones may be established that do not contradict this Federal law guarantees of legal and social protection of workers of professional ASA, ASF, members of non-staff and public ASF, rescuers who are not members of ASA, ASF.


    Guarantees of the rescuer's activities

    1. State authorities, local government bodies and organizations are obliged to provide assistance to rescuers involved in emergency response work when they travel to participate in the said work and during their implementation, including providing transport and other necessary material means.

    2. In the course of emergency response work, rescuers are subordinate only to the heads of the emergency response system and emergency rescue service, within which they carry out the specified work.

    3. No one has the right to force rescuers to perform tasks and work that are not related to the responsibilities assigned to them by the employment agreement (contract).


    Exclusive rights of the emergency response manager

    Management of all forces and means involved in emergency response and organization of their interaction is carried out by emergency response managers.

    The heads of emergency response systems and emergency response units, who arrived in emergency zones first, assume the powers of emergency response leaders and exercise them until the arrival of emergency response leaders determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, emergency prevention and response plans or appointed by state authorities, local government bodies, heads of organizations, etc. powers that relate to the elimination of these emergencies.

    Decisions of emergency response managers aimed at eliminating emergencies are mandatory for all citizens and organizations located in emergency zones, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    No one has the right to interfere with the activities of emergency response managers in managing emergency response efforts, except by removing them from their duties in the prescribed manner and taking over leadership or appointing another official.

    The powers of the emergency response manager are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and management of organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    ^ In case of emergency, emergency response managers have the right to independently make decisions:

    • on carrying out evacuation measures;

    • on stopping the activities of organizations located in emergency zones;

    • on conducting ASR at the facilities and territories of organizations located in emergency zones;

    • on restricting access of people to emergency zones;

    • on the release of reserves of material resources for emergency response of organizations located in emergency zones;

    • on the use, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of communications, vehicles and other property of organizations located in emergency zones;

    • on the involvement of non-staff and public emergency response personnel, as well as rescuers who are not part of the specified formations, in emergency response work, if they have documents confirming their certification to carry out emergency response;

    • on the involvement of the population on a voluntary basis in carrying out emergency work, as well as individual citizens who are not rescuers, with their consent, in carrying out emergency work;

    • on taking other necessary measures due to the development of emergency situations and the progress of work to eliminate them.
    Emergency response managers are obliged to take all measures to immediately inform the relevant government authorities, local authorities, and management of organizations about the decisions they have made in case of emergency.

    Emergency response managers, managers of the emergency response system, emergency response service have the right to complete and reliable information about emergency situations necessary for organizing work to eliminate them.

    In the event of the technological impossibility of carrying out the entire volume of ASR, emergency response managers can make decisions to suspend the ASR in whole or in part, taking as a matter of priority all possible measures to save people in emergency zones.
    Responsibilities of rescuers
    Rescuers are obliged:

    1. Be ready to participate in emergency response work, improve your physical, special, medical, and psychological preparation.

    2. Improve skills in action as part of emergency rescue teams.

    3. Strictly follow the ACP technology.

    4. Actively search for victims, take measures to save them, provide them with first medical and other types of aid.

    5. Strictly carry out orders given during the emergency response work by the heads of the emergency response service, emergency rescue service, in which rescuers take part in the specified work.

    6. Explain to citizens the rules of safe behavior in order to prevent emergencies and the procedure for action in case of their occurrence.
    The responsibilities of professional rescuers AS, ASF are determined by the relevant charters, instructions and are integral part employment contract(contract).

    Termination of work as a means of resolving a collective labor dispute in professional ASs and professional ASFs is not permitted.

    2.9.1. Management of forces and resources involved in emergency response is carried out by emergency response managers appointed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    2.9.2. In the event of the technological impossibility of carrying out the entire scope of ASDNR, the emergency response manager may decide to suspend the ASDNR in whole or in part, taking as a matter of priority all possible measures to rescue people in the emergency zone.

    2.9.3. The head of the management body of the ACC, ASF, who is the head of the emergency response work, upon receiving information about the occurrence of emergencies of a higher level that require an urgent response, and other circumstances that make it impossible for him to fulfill the duties of the head of the emergency response work, may leave the emergency zone, appointing a manager emergency response work other official from among the participants in the emergency response, as described in mandatory is reported to the direct superior, to the day-to-day management body of the RSChS (executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies of federal executive bodies and local governments) and an entry is made in the relevant documents. In this case, responsibility for the consequences of this decision rests with the official who made it.

    2.9.4. The situation is assessed by the emergency response manager throughout the entire emergency response period. When assessing the situation, the emergency response manager studies:

    expected causes, time and conditions of the emergency, including weather conditions;

    the nature of the facility where the emergency occurred (purpose, presence of exposure to damaging factors from the source of the emergency, number and composition of people present at the facility, distance from settlements, availability and condition of communications and means of communication, etc.);

    availability of rescue forces and means, construction and other equipment, health care facilities, etc. in the nearest settlements;

    the presence of a threat to people, the number of victims (dead) and operational information about material losses;

    sufficiency and condition of forces and means arriving in the emergency zone.

    2.9.5. The basis for emergency response management is the decision of the emergency response manager, which he makes individually based on an assessment of the situation. The decision defines:

    emergency response plan;

    main tasks of the units;

    main issues of interaction;

    main issues of organizing comprehensive support;

    management organization issues;

    issues of communication, monitoring, control and information exchange.

    2.9.6. The basis of the decision is the emergency response plan, which defines:

    the decisive direction for the use of forces and means, areas, areas where the main efforts are concentrated;

    methods for localizing emergencies, conducting ASDNR and special works;

    composition and order of formation of a group of forces;

    sectors and areas for conducting ASDNR;

    the procedure for working, and, if necessary, changing emergency response participants;

    points for the concentration of reserve forces and equipment, food, collection of evacuated people and property, provision of medical care etc.

    2.9.7. Tasks for ASF units are completed by orders, which are entered into a journal (recorded by means of objective control). When setting tasks, the following are indicated:

    brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation;

    the facility where the emergency occurred;

    type of emergency, possible damaging factors of the source of the emergency;

    the plan for conducting ASDNR;

    tasks for units operating in the decisive direction, units operating in other directions (sections), and supporting units;

    location of the control center and management of emergency response.

    2.9.8. The interaction of emergency response units is organized by the emergency response manager with the participation of his deputies and heads of emergency response units. When organizing interaction, the emergency response manager must:

    coordinate the efforts of non-staff, attached and supporting rescue units to eliminate emergencies;

    achieve a common understanding by all participants in emergency response of the purpose of the ASDNR, tasks and methods of their implementation;

    outline and agree on options for action by rescue units and measures to counter the spread of the emergency zone or the damaging factors of the source of the emergency;

    indicate warning, control and interaction signals.

    2.9.9. The organization of interaction between emergency response units can be carried out by the method of issuing orders by the head of emergency response work or by receiving reports from the heads of rescue units on the actions of their unit to implement the assigned tasks.

    2.9.10. In conditions of extremely limited time, interaction is organized by issuing orders.

    2.9.11. During the implementation of the ASDNR, the interaction of the ASF units is carried out continuously, constantly clarified, and in the event of sudden changes in the situation, it is organized anew.

    2.9.12. The work of the emergency response manager (ASDNR) should be aimed, first of all, at implementing the decisions made during the emergency response. It includes:

    continuous collection of situational data and their assessment;

    timely clarification of decisions as the situation changes, communication of updated tasks to subordinates;

    maintaining continuous interaction and comprehensive support for emergency response efforts;

    monitoring the implementation of orders by units and providing them with the necessary assistance.

    2.9.13. If there is an immediate threat of the occurrence of damaging factors from an emergency source in the emergency zone, the manager warns the emergency response participants about this and, without stopping the task, takes measures to protect them or disperse them and take other appropriate measures.

    2.9.14. When eliminating an emergency, by decision of the emergency response manager, non-standard management and support structures may be created. Non-staff management bodies are the Emergency Department, the OG, work areas and sectors, points for concentrating reserve forces and resources, food, collection of evacuated people and property, provision of medical care, etc.

    2.9.15. OSH LChS is created in the following cases:

    attracting additional forces and resources not provided for in the plans to eliminate emergencies;

    organizing three or more work sites in the emergency zone;

    the need arises for detailed coordination with the administration of the enterprise of emergency response actions;

    by decision of the emergency response manager.

    2.9.16. To ensure the activities of the emergency response center and the conduct of emergency response operations, temporary control points can be deployed in the emergency zone. Temporary control points must be equipped with workplaces for exhaust gases, equipped with the necessary means of communication, warning, collection, processing and transmission of information.

    2.9.17. A work area (sector) is a part of an emergency zone in which forces and means are concentrated, united by the main task and unified leadership. Work areas are created in accordance with the decision of the emergency response manager at the location (part of a building, territory) or type of emergency response (rescue) of victims, fire extinguishing, disinfection, etc.).

    2.9.18. When five or more sites are created in an emergency zone, sectors can be organized that unite several work sites. ASDNR management at a work site is headed by the site manager, and in a sector - by the sector director. The heads of work areas (sectors) are appointed as the head of emergency response work.

    2.9.19. The head of the emergency department is also the deputy head of the emergency response work. The emergency response team may include the deputy chief of staff, the chief of logistics, representatives of the enterprise administration and other persons at the discretion of the emergency response manager.

    2.9.20. The work of the emergency response center is carried out on the basis of the decision of the emergency response manager and the orders and instructions given by him. The main tasks of the School of Emergency Situations are:

    collection, processing and analysis of data on the situation in the emergency zone, transmission of the necessary information to the emergency response manager and the duty dispatcher;

    determining the need for forces and means, preparing appropriate proposals for the emergency response manager; ensuring control over the implementation of assigned tasks; organizing training and ensuring the conduct of ASDNR during emergency response;

    accounting of forces and assets in the emergency zone, their placement in work areas (sectors), maintaining relevant documentation;

    creation of a reserve of forces and means to eliminate emergencies;

    providing measures for labor protection of personnel during ASDNR;

    implementation of measures to maintain the readiness of forces and assets involved in emergency response;

    ensuring interaction with emergency, rescue teams and life support services of settlements and facilities involved in emergency response.

    2.9.21. The emergency response center is located in a place determined by the emergency response manager, is provided with the equipment necessary for management and is designated accordingly. The head of the emergency response work and persons included in the emergency response team must have appropriate identification marks.

    2.9.22. The head of the emergency department reports directly to the head of the emergency response work. During the entire period of the ASDNR, the head of the emergency department is, as a rule, constantly located at the headquarters location.

    2.9.23. When liquidating an emergency, the head of the emergency department, with the consent of the emergency response manager, can appoint his deputies, distributing among them the responsibilities for performing the tasks of the emergency department in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and delegating to them part of his powers.
