How to build a business raising quails at home? Quail business: waste-free production and high profitability

Today we will look at very interesting business plan quail farm and find out its real profitability. I would like to immediately dispel all the myths and, perhaps, disappoint readers - huge amount It’s difficult to make millions in this niche. Theoretically this is possible, the saying goes that you need to figure out how to earn one dollar and multiply this action by a million times. In reality, the main difficulty you will encounter in this niche is selling products. More details about everything later in the article.

Pros and cons of business

Many entrepreneurs choose quail farming as a business. This business has a number of features, positive and negative sides.

Advantages of raising quails:

  • Small investment. You can avoid renting premises or land. It is quite possible to raise quails at home.
  • Quick profit. These are popular birds whose eggs and meat are highly prized. Prices vary by region.
  • It only takes a month to grow up. The growth rate is quite high. It takes a maximum of 40 days for an egg to grow into an adult. She will be ready to bear new offspring. Rapid growth is one of the advantages of breeding such chickens.
  • Minimum area required. On 6 acres you can breed 400 quails. Experts in this field advise gradually increasing the amount. First you need to learn how to raise birds.
  • No space requirements. Birds tolerate cramped conditions well.
  • Meat and eggs have high beneficial properties, which is why they are in such high demand.

Negative sides:

  • Temperature difference. Quails tolerate cramped conditions normally, but it is important for them to create suitable climate control. If this does not happen, the chickens will be seriously stressed. As a result, you may lose your offspring. Quails do not tolerate various shocks well, such as temperature changes or moving.
  • Sales market. There is a demand for eggs and meat, but small towns however, preference is given to chickens, which makes sales difficult.

Types of quail

Experts advise buying several types of birds at once:

  • egg-bearing;
  • broiler

It must be taken into account that quails have practically no instinct to raise chickens. The entrepreneur will have to take care of an artificial incubator. This will allow you to raise new offspring. Those devices that are commercially available are suitable for three hundred eggs. But this is not always enough to ensure the required amount of growth. That is why many entrepreneurs try to set up an incubator themselves.

Breeding for meat or eggs?

There are breeds of birds that are suitable for obtaining meat and eggs. You need to carefully select quails. Breeding them only for meat is not entirely advisable. A standard portion from one ordinary bird is no more than 200 g. Weight from a meat breed is 300 g. It is more profitable for restaurants and cafes to purchase meat from small breeds.

Breed meat breeds It will be profitable only in cases where sales are established. Birds can be supplied to poultry farms and retail chains.

In practice, it becomes clear that it will be more profitable to breed egg-bearing breeds that are not too small. In this case, they receive income from the sale of eggs and meat.

Business income and expenses

The question may arise whether raising quails as a business is profitable or not, whether it is worth starting such a business. Simple calculations need to be made to arrive at certain conclusions. One bird begins to lay eggs at two months. She produces up to 300 eggs per year. Productivity begins to decline from the age of 8 months. After a year of life, the birds should be released for meat. From one bird you can get up to 350 g of meat. This indicator depends on the breed. The cost of one quail egg is 2 rubles, one carcass is 60-90 rubles. Slaughter begins at eight weeks, when growth has already ended.

It is best to assess income from the fifth month after the purchase of the first livestock. This is the time when laying hens are able to achieve stable productivity. Males considered surplus must be sold for meat. By using an incubator it is possible to increase the number of birds.

You can see a business plan for 1000 laying hens. They will produce 300,000 eggs per year, plus at least 4,000 carcasses. From these indicators you can calculate revenue:

  • eggs - up to 600,000 rubles;
  • meat products – up to 360,000 rubles.

In a year you can earn up to 960,000 rubles. An additional source of income can be:

  • sale of breeding birds that are more than a month old;
  • production of cages, feeders, drinking bowls;
  • sale of bird droppings.

Taxes, fees, and registration costs are deducted from the revenue received.

The expense item includes:

  • bird feed – 144,000;
  • electricity, heating – 25,000.

Caring for 1,000 birds would require just two part-time people. You can use a family business model. Involvement of outsiders should be carried out with a significant increase in the number of livestock.

Initial costs— 1,500,000 rub.
Monthly profit— 84,000 rub.
Payback— 18 months

Business registration

Having conceived a quail business, you need to decide where to start. You need to register a case, collecting the entire package of documents for this. For this type of business, an individual entrepreneur or LLC would be an ideal option. In each specific case, certain documents are required.

For individual entrepreneurs:

  • Passport;
  • Statement;
  • Notification from the tax office;
  • Payment of state duty.

For LLC:

  • Statement;
  • Charter;
  • Decision or protocol from the constituent meeting;
  • Tax documents;
  • Payment of state duty.

To sell eggs on the market, you need to obtain a certificate from the veterinary service. You definitely need to take care of receiving all the documents that will confirm the quality of the products. Wholesale buyers may require:

  • Certificate of Conformity;
  • Obtaining a barcode for products;
  • Write technical specifications.

You need to think about the original packaging and its quality. Eggs must undergo microbiological testing.


An accurate business plan for a quail farm will help you understand complex issues. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of premises. It can be owned or rented. Indoors they create necessary conditions for keeping birds:

  • Temperature +20 degrees, but slight deviations may be noted.
  • Humidity – 50-60%. If the air is dry, the quail will not eat well and will begin to drink more liquids. As a result, egg production decreases.
  • Fresh air supply. It is necessary to avoid drafts, which negatively affect the condition of the birds.
  • Lighting. There are no strict criteria for the number of installed windows. Daylight should be approximately 18 hours. It can be organized using electricity. The longer the daylight hours, the higher the egg production. Only this will lead to rapid wear and tear of the females.
  • Square. At 3.6 sq. m can accommodate up to 40 heads.


It is better to use incubators to breed quail. It is selected depending on the desired capacity. You can find various models of such devices on sale. Industrial models are designed for 50,000 eggs. Everything that goes into the incubator must be carefully checked. Eggs are used without cracks, moderate shade, and regular shape.

You can buy a pen removal machine, which will simplify human labor.

Nipple drinkers are suitable for hatched chicks. With their help, a quick supply of clean water is organized. Older quails are offered nipple drinkers with a rotation angle of up to 360 degrees. You can buy vacuum drinkers, which are used in the case of floor-keeping birds. Microcup drinkers are suitable for automated lines.


In the business plan for quail breeding, employees are indicated as a separate item. IN farming Only family members can be involved, which will allow for more profit.

You can hire workers to take care of the birds. One person can serve up to a thousand heads. He must monitor all changes and respond to them.

A manager can handle product sales.

To work with financial means, taxes will require an accountant.

Buying birds

You can contact a quail farm, just check their reputation first. You need to buy a female that has laid at least one egg, that is, 50 days from birth. When choosing, check your feet. They should shine and have no growths or corns. The feathers of a young bird are shiny and smooth.

Bird care

An organized quail farm as a business is considered by many entrepreneurs. When buying birds, you need to find out more information about care. The following work needs to be done:

  • Periodic – clean the cells from dirt;
  • Disinfect drinkers, feeders, and water supply systems;
  • Sanitation of the premises - once a month;
  • General cleaning once a week;
  • Daily cleaning of the tray from droppings;


You can consider a business plan for a quail farm for 1000 heads to draw specific conclusions. The growth rate of birds depends on complete food. You shouldn't skimp on buying it. Ready-made feeds that consist of grain and additives are considered balanced. You need to follow the instructions for feeding quails.

You can choose your own menu, which will include wheat, corn, barley. All this needs to be crushed and mixed, and then offered to the young animals. Be sure to add vegetable oil, bone meal, salt.

Adults should only include peas, chalk, and crushed shell rock in their diet.

Young animals are offered to eat up to 6 times a day, adults up to three times.

Sales of products

To open a quail farm, you need to decide who the potential buyer will be. Finding a market for products is not so easy. You need to start advertising with word of mouth.

You can sell products to relatives and friends, gradually expanding this list.

You can’t count on long-term cooperation with stores.

In modern life, in order to ensure a tolerable existence for his family, a person has to use and apply various shapes earnings, since in most cases (if we talk about Russia) the salary received is clearly not enough. Someone is trying to get another job, someone is renting out an apartment or giving lessons in the evenings English language. There are many who want to start their own business and are looking for options on where to start. One of these win-win options is farming, including the use of small subsidiary plots.
A promising direction in farming is poultry breeding, including quail farming. To create a quail business, you do not need large investments, the payback period looks attractive, and there are many examples of how people managed to build a big business with high profitability.

Business concept

The basic concept of the quail farming business is that quail eggs and meat have a fairly large market, and you can see them on sale in almost every city or town.

Quail eggs and meat are in demand due to their qualities. Here are their main advantages of quail breeding:

  1. Quail eggs are a valuable immunomodulatory food product; they contain a whole range of important vitamins: A, P and K, B1, B2, as well as iron, cobalt and other microelements necessary for the human body.
  2. Meat and semi-finished meat products Quails are considered a delicacy and dietary food product, especially in the restaurant business.
  3. The unique egg production of quails makes it possible to obtain an average of 300 eggs per year from these birds. Moreover, every quail hatched from an egg becomes an adult bird within 5–6 weeks. This allows us to have almost uninterrupted availability of products and ensure their stable supply to any market.
  4. Quail egg market in Russian Federation has been growing steadily, and, as can be seen from the table above, in six years the volume of quail egg production has almost tripled.
  5. Creating a small quail farm and caring for poultry does not require any special technologies or large investments. It is enough to provide the birds with stable temperature regime, balanced nutrition.

Separately, we need to talk about the target groups of consumers of quail eggs and meat products:

  1. Buyers for medical reasons. Doctors often recommend eating quail eggs, and this fact has allowed the formation of a target group of consumers in the market. This group is characterized by its consistency in purchasing and consuming quail eggs.
  2. Consumers who are fans of a healthy lifestyle are fond of various diets, including sports ones. Approximately 30% of all consumers can be attributed to this group.
  3. Consumers buying quail eggs for stimulating baby food. Quail eggs are in stable demand for children of preschool and primary school age.
  4. Consumers belonging to the middle class, that is, wealthy people who can afford to buy such a rather expensive product as quail eggs.
  5. Commercial users. These are usually various bakeries, small restaurants, confectionery shops where it is necessary to use quail eggs and meat for the production of dishes or food products.

Thus, breeding quails, both for selling eggs on the market and for industrial production, is a very promising business.

What will be required for implementation?

Before you decide what to buy or build to start a quail farming business, you need to decide on some important things.

  1. If you have a goal to create a small home business, and quite large-scale production of eggs or quail meat, you need to think about registering either an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur), or private household plot (personal subsidiary farming). It is inexpensive, about 3,000 rubles, and all this can be processed in tax office in a few days. This is necessary in order to then work both with feed suppliers and with buyers - commercial companies that require reporting. Naturally, they will only work with those who have official registration.
  2. The second point is related to determining which market or segment your work will concentrate on. To do this, you need to try to think through and write a business plan for a quail breeding farm with all the calculations. This will allow you to assess the profitability of the enterprise. In addition, a well-written business plan will be needed to obtain a loan from a bank, which will only consider a loan application if there is a real business plan.
  3. Another point is related to who will do business and how. If you plan to personally conduct all the affairs, then you should decide whether there will be enough time for this or whether you will have to change jobs or hire a person.

Important: Agricultural producers, including quail farms, can apply for subsidies from the state.

Having taken all these factors into account, we can talk about what exactly is needed to organize quail breeding as a business.

  1. First of all, to create your own poultry farm you need a room - well ventilated, dry, warm and quite spacious. Selection required area can be done taking into account the approximate standard that 500–600 quails require about 20–25 sq. meters. Plus, there should be a small compartment where the quails will be kept.
  2. Cells. Some types of farms use cages for raising quails. On the one hand, this is very convenient, but at the same time, each cell will have to be constantly cleaned and disinfected.
  3. Incubator. To breed chickens you will need an incubator. You can purchase a regular home chicken incubator with 20–30 cells,
  4. Lighting. The standard illumination for quails is at least 17–18 hours a day, which will require organization as natural light, and electric.
  5. In order to ensure a constant temperature in the room where quail are kept, it is not necessary to use special equipment. You can use air conditioners with automatic temperature control or conventional water systems. The main thing is a stable temperature within 18–20 degrees, without sudden changes.
  6. Stern. To feed quails, a mixture of vegetables and cereals is used, as well as fresh grass, if possible. To store feed and prepare food mixtures, you need dishes and containers.

In addition to these basic technical points, it is also necessary to provide for how eggs will be delivered from the farmer to the consumer. If you deliver them yourself, you will need vehicles, which means you need to consider logistics costs.

It would also be a good idea to make your own website so that potential buyers can familiarize themselves with how quails are grown, in what conditions they are kept, and what products are available, so that they can place an order directly on the website. This form of marketing not only helps to attract new customers and sell products, but also creates trust, which is very important for the development of a food manufacturing business.

Basic calculations for starting a business

Starting capital

The basis of all financial settlements When planning a business, an entrepreneur should first of all consider market capacity. This gives a clear idea of ​​how many quails need to be bred, what quality the products should be, and who will be their consumers. To determine the market capacity, we can roughly take into account that 30% of consumers of dietary chicken meat or eggs are inclined to replace them with quail eggs. This kind of calculation and research can be done by looking at the nearest stores and supermarkets to see how many chicken eggs are put up for sale, and from this quantity you can determine the approximate market capacity.

The main costs of creating a quail farm are: own business are given in the table. In addition, you need to take into account the cost of registering a business - 3,000 rubles, as well as the cost of creating an Internet site (10 thousand rubles).

Total: total expenses to create a business is 60–70 thousand rubles based on livestock maintenance 600 pieces of quail.

Monthly expenses

When determining the composition and volume of monthly expenses, one must proceed not only from current needs. There should be a reserve of funds in case of any emergency. emergency situations(for example, veterinarian services for bird illnesses).

Monthly expenses include the following items:

  1. Costs for feeding quails - 6,000 rubles.
  2. Heating and lighting costs - 3,000 rubles.
  3. Logistics - product delivery - 3000 rubles.
  4. Renting premises - 20,000 rubles.

Total: on average, monthly consumption will be about 30,000 rubles.

There may also be a need to hire a worker to care for the quails, which should be included in your business plan in advance.

How much can you earn and payback period

The earnings of a quail farm largely depend on what prices exist on the local market and the volume of products that can be supplied to it.

Important: Income can come from selling semi-finished products or finished products from quail: smoked carcasses, grilled, etc. But for this you will need additional equipment and permissions.

If we take the calculation for Moscow as an example, then on average a dozen quail eggs cost 160 rubles, or 16 rubles one egg. The meat carcass (processed) of one quail is valued on the market at 95 rubles.

Thus, if we take a flock of 600 quails as an example, the output will be approximately 450 eggs daily or, taking into account the total egg production, 400 eggs.

Taking this figure as a further basis for calculation, we obtain gross revenue: 400 pieces x 16 rubles = 6,400 rubles per day, or monthly revenue will be 192,000.

From the gross revenue you should subtract monthly expenses, which are 30,000 rubles. Plus, do not forget about taxes, which when using the simplified tax system for the individual entrepreneur business registration form amount to 6% of income (income - expenses).

Total: net profit per month can be a maximum of: 162,000 rubles.

But here it is necessary to take into account that there will not always be a uniform demand for quail eggs: there will be some kind of seasonal decline, as well as a period of reduction in egg production of part of the quail flock. For a more correct assessment of the total profit, a correction factor of 30% should be applied. Its use allows you to realistically assess the profitability of a given business. The final figure for the income that can be received from a quail farm of 600 heads is 110,000 rubles per month.

Taking into account all the main figures for the business plan, the payback period for a quail farm is only two to three months, provided that the farm reaches 80% capacity. In practice, the payback period for small-format quail farms is no more than 3–5 months. From this we can conclude that, with proper organization, this type The business is very profitable and promises good prospects.

A quail farm is a business that is becoming more and more profitable in our country, which means that it is more likely to pay off. For example, a farm containing about 500 quails has a very real chance of breaking even in about two months. The most important thing in this matter is not to forget to feed the birds and create a clear and well-thought-out sales plan for the products.

A little theory about the product

Today, quail eggs have almost greater demand than chicken. This is due to their high percentage of nutritional value and benefits. They also have significant healing properties, which are mentioned in Egyptian records, distinguished by their antiquity. In addition, it is known that after the Hiroshima tragedy occurred, the Japanese paid considerable attention to the study of products that would have the ability to remove radionuclides from the body. And it was quail eggs that became an essential part of their diet.

The product is also useful for mental development. It is especially recommended for children. Interestingly, quails do not get sick and do not transmit salmonellosis. That is, this means that quail eggs are suitable for consumption raw, and this, in turn, increases the level of nutrients that will enter the body. No less popular is the meat of these birds, which, with its dietary properties, outshines chicken and even rabbit.

Nuances of the quail business

If we take into account all the previously listed advantages of such a bird, then we can confidently conclude that a quail farm will truly become an unmistakable source of income, as well as health, which is no less important. Of course, this will be possible if you think through the right strategy for running this type of business.

Before moving on to drawing up a business plan for a quail farm, you should understand all the nuances of this matter. For example, the volume of literature on this issue is not as large as we would like. Plus, it's not that easy to find. The same applies necessary equipment and specialized equipment. You have a lot of work to do if the idea of ​​​​creating a business plan for a quail farm is not just a passing whim.

Quail farm: business plan

First of all you need to choose required quantity birds. The best option for starting is no more than 500-700. Less does not make sense, more means additional costs associated with labor, supply of equipment and feed, etc. Gradually, taking into account all income and expenses, you can adjust this amount at your own discretion. Of course, it is advisable to increase it.

On next stage It is necessary to prepare a room for birds. You should know that domestic quails no longer have the survival instinct, and therefore they definitely need an incubator. This is what you will need for quail chicks, as well as to increase the number of birds. The incubator has its own set of requirements: it is desirable that the eggs be turned automatically, and the normal temperature should not be below 35 degrees and not exceed 37 degrees.

Later, when the birds grow up, cages made of welded metal mesh will become necessary. They are often located in batteries: six pieces in one such section. The cages should have feeders, drinkers and small sides designed to prevent the hassle of collecting eggs. It should also be noted that the floor should not be completely flat, but have a certain angle of inclination. This is done so that the eggs roll down this inclined surface and then rest against the side.

A very important point when drawing up a business plan for a quail farm is the issue of nutrition. If you decide to purchase feed from domestic feed mills, then be prepared for the fact that even if it is highest quality mixture, you will still have to add certain vitamins and minerals to it. For example, chalk, shells. However, you need to be careful with this, because an overdose can cause illness in birds.

When all this is done, products will appear, then it will be necessary to resolve the issue related to its sales. Quail eggs can be distributed through a network of stores, supermarkets, and also at the market. Regardless of the choice of type of product sales, it will be necessary to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service, as well as other authorities that will confirm the quality of the product. This is how, step by step, you will have a quail farm. A business plan must be drawn up very carefully and thoroughly, without missing details. What else do you need to know when starting your activity in this type of business?

Where to start?

A quail farm created with your own hands is a way that will save a significant amount of money when implementing a business plan this direction economic activity. Of course, you can’t make food for birds yourself, but you can make enough room for them.

Some people start with a regular shoebox. Naturally, it won’t fit many quails, but there must be some kind of start. Making cages is also not difficult. The advantage of such independence is that you decide absolutely everything: from the number of birds that will be located in a given cage to its shape. Why overpay if you can do it yourself?

It is also necessary that birds always have access to fresh air and sunlight, but also in moderation. Your dacha, if it is available, of course, is ideal for the role of a quail farm.

Home quail farm

Studying the experience of quail farm entrepreneurs, we can come to the conclusion that many of them did not plan to make a business out of it. “I bought a couple of birds for myself,” this is roughly how the explanation for the decision to purchase quail sounds. Not everyone immediately pursues the goal of commercial gain; instead, they only want to provide their family with tasty and healthy food. However, gradually the number of birds increases, the area of ​​​​the room for them increases, which makes it possible to call this, to some extent, a hobby, a home quail farm - almost a business. This is actually very convenient: always at hand, as they say, and you know what your birds need.

Financial issue

A quail farm is a rather expensive business, but, as already explained, it is quite profitable. To give you an idea of ​​how much it will cost you to start, here are the average prices for everything you need for a quail farm:

  • 1000 birds - 100 dollars;
  • contents: 12 cell batteries per approximately 15 m 2 area - $220;
  • normal incubator - $200;
  • monthly expenses: feed - $200, lighting and heating - $100, administrative expenses- about 50 dollars.

If this type of business is successfully implemented, the income from it will significantly exceed the expenses. The average payback period for a quail farm is six months.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a quail farm is a form of business where everything is based solely on manual labor. There are no weekends or holidays, because birds need round-the-clock care. In addition, they react quite painfully to the presence of strangers, so one should not allow too much large number people who will take care of the quail farm.

Almost every market segment is interesting in its own way to one or another entrepreneur. Thus, today we can identify very few industries that were developed by someone. However, as practice shows, such segments still exist. But here it is worth mentioning that they are being developed not because they bring small profits, but because entrepreneurs do not know the basics of a particular business. After all, most businessmen are engaged in business that quickly brings in money. No one is interested in long-term projects. Only a seasoned businessman of the old school can see them.

Indeed, such industries are characterized for a long time"swinging". In other words, they will not immediately bring profit, since promoting such a segment requires spending a certain amount of time, and not every person has enough time. Another characteristic feature is the sales market. It can be small or very large. This kind of instability scares people away.

All of the above features characterize unfamiliar business sectors. One such industry is quail farming. Research by some experienced entrepreneurs has shown that the segment is not fully developed in other countries of the world. Visiting European, American, Japanese and Chinese farms showed that the quail breeding business exists in the form of some representatives of small or medium-sized businesses. Therefore, creating a large enterprise that will specialize in growing quails is a primary task for any entrepreneur who wants to “plunge” into this area of ​​business. But before? Instead of selling a factory, it’s worth thinking about a small enterprise from which you can begin the thorny path to the stars. In the process of creation of this enterprise you need to create a business plan for breeding quails in order to take into account all the nuances, investments and others characteristic features business.

Market description

As sad as it may sound, the domestic market does not bring in the required amount of profit. There are a lot of factors to blame for this. First of all, you need to consider the number of quail eggs produced per day. In Russia, this figure does not exceed 350,000 pieces, while in Japan, the same figure is 7,000,000 pieces, and in China – 70,000,000 pieces. All these exorbitant sums were never even dreamed of by the domestic market. The second point is the demand for this product. Quails and quail eggs are exotic products. Therefore, many people are simply afraid to purchase them.

All these factors have a rather negative impact on the popularity of this business. The payback period is very long, as is the quantity necessary investments. Therefore, an experienced and established market player can “play” in quail breeding. Smaller entrepreneurs cannot afford to promote such a business. As mentioned earlier, quail farming is a long-term project, so it requires maximum patience and time.

As for demand, according to many luminaries modern business, this negative factor can be overcome through marketing operations, which must be carried out by specialists in their field. Statistics prove this fact. Already after the first “volleys” towards the consumer, the demand for quail eggs increased several times. Therefore, the problem of consumption is no longer a problem at all.

What sells better: quail or eggs?

Quails are comparable to chickens because they exist in different types. Quails come in meat and egg varieties. The first species appears to be quite large individuals, weighing up to 300 grams, but when it comes to laying eggs, they lag very far behind their direct relatives. Egg quails weigh an order of magnitude less, however, they are capable of producing about 350 eggs annually. Thus, the first species is used as food, and the second exclusively for laying eggs.

For domestic restaurants, quail carcasses are of absolutely no value. They are too large for one serving, so cooking them is not profitable. But almost everyone willingly buys eggs, from restaurants to ordinary traders. Quail eggs are so popular due to their extremely beneficial properties. They contain a ton of nutrients, making them an excellent dietary food. The Japanese also developed another property of quail eggs. After World War II, quail eggs were proven to have a positive effect on the health of people who were exposed to radiation. And this is not the entire list of the positive aspects that quail eggs provide to those who consume them.

Just a couple of years ago, quail were something amazing on modern market. But now it is a perfectly acceptable product. Moreover, many people began to breed these birds right on their farms along with other poultry. The entire Internet is practically filled with information about diets using quail eggs and other wonderful properties of this product. This all indicates that the domestic market is quite ready to accept this segment, so you should not be afraid to develop it.

The process of promoting the business of raising quails at home is quite long, but this does not mean that there are absolutely no positive aspects in it. Although an entrepreneur with sufficient funds should start such a business, a novice businessman can also try. The main thing is that he is not too lazy to study the market and draw up a competent business plan for quail breeding.

As for the advantages, several can be distinguished from the entire array. Firstly, quail breeding is characterized by high turnover. This factor develops due to the rapid growth of the chicks, which will subsequently produce about 280 eggs. If you initially purchase no more than 500 chicks, then by the end of the year their number will increase ten or even fifteen times, depending on care and maintenance.

Secondly, a characteristic feature of the business is the compactness of production. This is due to the small size of the bird in question. About a hundred quails can fit in an area of ​​0.5 square meters. As we understand, such compactness allows us to concentrate huge volumes of production in small spaces.

Thirdly, quails are not picky when it comes to caring for them. Two people can handle this task quite well. The main condition is to maintain the temperature in the room at +18 and give the quails special food. It is very difficult to find ready-made food, since it is practically not available domestic market. But there is still a way out of the situation. You can make the food yourself, you just need to add certain ingredients, namely:

  • 30% wheat
  • 25% corn
  • 5% barley

And all this needs to be mixed with ground shell, fish meal and cake (sunflower).

So, at this stage of the business plan, we can highlight the main elements necessary for breeding quails:

  • To develop your own farm, which will amount to 1000 birds, you will need about $1000.
  • $2,000 will be required to provide special blocks, which will consist of 12 cells.
  • A small household incubator will cost $200.
  • You need to spend $200 on food every month.
  • The lighting and climate control system will cost $100, and this amount includes its installation.

But the income can please the owner of a small business:

  • Selling eggs will bring in $800 per month.
  • Sales of quail meat will bring in $300 per month.
  • Thus, net income will be $900.

The payback period for the farm will be 5 months.

These numbers are quite attractive. They will increase as the farm grows. The larger the farm, the greater the profit itself.

Nuances of the quail business

In general, the business of raising quails at home can bring a stable income if it is properly organized. Keeping quails is not difficult; everything depends solely on the process of care itself, which needs to be organized. All subsequent actions will be related exclusively to marketing. A quail is a quail. They will lay eggs and increase their numbers. But the advertisement will not appear on its own. Therefore, the products need to be promoted on the market. Then there will be clients, and if there are clients, there will be profits.

Many experts in the field of quail farming advise starting an enterprise with several hundred heads. This will reduce high costs at the very beginning of its activities.


The process of breeding quails is a whole science that takes years to learn. Therefore, many entrepreneurs do not want to engage in this business because they do not want to waste their time. But taking into account all the characteristic features of this business, we can conclude that it is capable of bringing big profits, if you put all your strength into its development.
