Why won't the cash drawer open at the checkout? How to operate a cash register correctly. Registration of device balance

Any work at the cashier's place begins with refueling the cash register. To do this, a tape is inserted into it, onto which a special marking is applied containing the device number and its type. The tape also contains the date of operation, exact time inclusions. First, the meter readings at the time the cashier arrived are recorded. Before the first operation, all statistical data is certified by the operator or shift manager.

Next stage consists of checking the CCP date. Most electronic cash registers produce automatic installation and date verification. But some mechanical models require manual checking. On average, the date should be no earlier than the last Z report. Otherwise, it will be impossible to start the current work.

All standards and requirements for setting and monitoring time and date are contained in the Resolution Russian Federation, which came out in January 1992. If a time deviation of 5 minutes or more is noted on the cash register, then tax audit workers are subject to fines for failure to use CCP.

Opening a shift at the cash register

When opening a shift, the cash register is checked for functionality. For this purpose, a test receipt is printed. If necessary, several checks can be printed with a zero amount on them. The main task of a zero check is to check the clarity of the print, the quality of the designation of details, dates, and check digits. Before punching starts real numbers adjustments can be made to the operation of the cash register, date and time. Trial checks are stored until the end of the operator's shift or the completion of the department's work. They are attached to the report from the cash register.

After this, the X-report is printed. It is of an intermediate nature. When it is printed, the current amount is not reset. The current meter readings are printed on the X-report. They are divided into sections and general indicators. The main task of the first report is to reconcile the indicators in column 9 of the Journal for the previous day with current data. They are also recorded in the Operator’s Journal for the current day in column 6. During the operator's work, several X reports are taken. They are designed to control the incoming funds into the cash register. They are also printed when part of the proceeds is deposited. The number of X-reports punched per day is not limited. It does not affect work statistics, but helps the cashier track the correctness of settlement transactions.

X reports vary in type. They can be removed in sections, based on the results of the shift or the final result. They monitor the presence of shortfalls or excess funds at the checkout. When printing the report, the value is compared with the current cash in the cash register box.

The simplest models print a receipt only after the cost of the product has been entered and the enter key has been pressed. Most cash registers have cost entry via barcode. It is also possible to carry out intermediate operations, calculate change from the amount received, and apply discounts on special cards.

A receipt confirming the purchase is given to the buyer at the time the cash is collected. It is considered incorrect to issue a receipt at the time of delivery of goods. The operation of punching a check is significantly different when the payment is made by non-cash method ( bank cards, checks, coupons).

Advance system

When working as entrepreneurs, an advance system is allowed. In her case, payment for goods and services is received at the checkout in advance in part. This phenomenon is called advance. The tax system insists that a check from the cash register be issued for the advance payment. If part of the amount has been received, and the remaining cost is paid upon receipt of the goods, then a separate check must be issued for this amount. Thus, the entire cost of goods and services must go through the cash register.

Some entrepreneurs do not agree with this arrangement. They note that the sale occurs only when the goods are transferred, therefore, the advance payment does not go through the cash register. But in this case the situation is disputed in court.

Power outage (light) when working at the cash register

Situations often arise when electricity is cut off in premises. If the machine does not work, then entrepreneurs or cashiers must stop working until the light turns on. Reporting in OKUD form No. 0700003 is not allowed, since it is not specified in the law. According to the letter dated April 19, 2005 “On the application cash register equipment when carrying out monetary settlements with the population" and other legal documents, the court makes a condemnation decision if the check was not punched during a power outage. There are known cases where an entrepreneur was fined up to 30 thousand rubles for the absence of a receipt, especially if there are cash registers operating without direct connection to the power supply.

The wrong amount appears on the check

When working under load, situations arise when the wrong amount is printed on the check. In this case, you should re-issue the check for the correct value. The erroneous check is retained until the end of the work in a canceled form. When closing a shift and submitting a daily report, they are attached and drawn up in one document. It is called the Act on the return of funds to customers for unused cash receipts. The act indicates the model, type, class, number of its manufacturer, registration number of the cash register. The Application program column contains information about the program that is used to record goods and maintain accounting for an entrepreneur. If the program is not installed, then a dash is indicated in the column. The cashier line must contain information about the personnel number of the operator who submits the reports and entered it incorrectly cash receipt. The act also contains information about the check number and the amount that was entered on it. The check itself is pasted onto the sheet and attached to the act.

The act itself is certified by the cashier and the entrepreneur. If the head of the enterprise himself is behind cash register, then he signs and approves the act independently.

Returning goods through the checkout

Documents are drawn up in the same way in case of returning goods if defects are discovered. The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” of February 7, 1992 states that the buyer has the right to refuse the goods and demand a refund for the purchased goods if significant shortcomings and defects are detected. Returns are made within the warranty period, which is no more than 2 years. Returns of goods can be made without a sales receipt or other documents confirming the purchase. According to paragraph 5, paragraph 18 of the article, the store does not have the right to refuse the buyer, but may require writing a personal statement indicating passport details and reasons for the return. In addition, the buyer will have to prove the fact of purchase in this particular branch of the store.

Products that are not suitable for the buyer for a number of reasons are also subject to return: style, color, size or other reasons. In this case, the buyer can issue a refund if the product has not been used, has no defects and the documents for it have been preserved. When contacting the store, you must provide tags and the receipt used to make the purchase. The reason why the failure occurred is also indicated. The documents can be: warranty card, cash or sales receipt, control tape, which can be requested from the entrepreneur. On average, it should last for five years.

When returning a purchase on the day of purchase, you can present a cash receipt. In this case, the cashier or operator who issues the return puts a signature on it. After this, a document on the return of the goods is drawn up. He wears a casual uniform. After the documents are completed and signed by the entrepreneur or manager, the cashier can give the buyer cash. Next, you need to draw up an act that is responsible for returning the amount of money to the buyer. The procedure for registering the act was described above. The act is drawn up in accordance with all the requirements corresponding to form No. KM-3. The refund amount is recorded in column 15 of the operator's journal. Daily revenue is reduced by the amount of funds issued. Accordingly, if a check is brought on a day other than when the return is issued, then it does not go through the documents.

Ending the working day at the cash register

At the end of the work shift, an X-report is printed. It serves for preliminary verification of the status of the cash register and cash. After this, the cashier punches the Z-report. It serves to reset the daily information in the cash register. All data is transferred from RAM cash desks to the fiscal office. As a result, the daily revenue is reset to zero and the fiscal shift is closed.

The Z-report serves not only to display the current amounts that passed through the cash register during the working day, but also to show the number of returns. It displays applied discounts, canceled purchases and other information. As a result, the daily revenue in the cash register must correspond to the information that is shown in the control figure of the report and the amount that was handed over to the entrepreneur. Revenue can be delivered several times during a work shift. The frequency of collecting money depends on the volume of purchases made. When collecting funds, a cash order is issued. It has the form No. KO-1. In this case, the cashier keeps a receipt indicating how much was deposited. If the manager performs the functions of a cashier, he can do without depositing funds and filling out an order.

All reports taken from the cash register have a serial number. As Z-reports are taken, the number increases by 1. All reports, regardless of their type, are saved throughout the day and stored in separate documentation. They are attached to the cashier's daily report at the end of the shift.

At the end of the shift, the cashier issues a certificate. It has form No. KM-6 and wears a reporting form. Data for reference is taken from final Z-report. The main task is to indicate in it the value of the cash register counters, daily revenue, and returns made. The dates and number of receipt orders in the case of the work of the entrepreneur himself are not issued. If the proceeds are handed over to the bank to the collector, the fields “Delivered to the Bank” and the receipt number are filled in.

If there are several machines operating at a point of sale, a summary report is created at the end of the working day. It has the form No. KM-7. It contains data received from the Certificate reports of all cashiers. More details about it can be found in Resolution No. 132.

After the cashier has completed the shift and taken the Z-report, he is obliged to make entries in the journal about the value of the cash counters at the beginning and end of the shift. They are noted in columns 6 and 9. Also in column 10 he enters the daily revenue. At the end, he leaves a personal signature under the data. His information is certified by the signature of the entrepreneur or general manager.

All journal entries are made using Z-reports. If there is no revenue for the day, a zero report is issued. All fields are filled in accordingly. The first column always indicates the date when the Z-report was taken. After this, the serial number of the report is entered. Columns 4 and 5 are intended for them. Point 11 of the journal contains information about cash handed over to the entrepreneur or general manager. This column contains data on the amounts that the manager withdraws from the cash register for various reasons.

To enter information about purchases that have been made by bank transfer(credit and bank cards) there are columns 12 and 13. The total cost of all such purchases is entered in them. Section 15 of the journal is intended for recording funds that were returned for goods or entered incorrectly.

All data that was entered into the journal must be certified by the signature of the cashier-operator who hands over the shift and the entrepreneur or general manager. Columns 8, 17 and 7, 16 are intended for this, respectively. If the company does not have a separate cashier, the manager can leave a signature only in columns 7 and 16.

All information that confirms the transfer and receipt of funds, such as the cashier’s journal, z-reports for all working days, control tapes and other papers, are stored for the period established for storage primary documents. It is at least 5 years. All responsibility for storing information falls on the entrepreneur.

In case removing KKM from registration, the tax office has the right to request for verification all documents confirming the passage of funds through the cash register.


In the center maintenance purchase a call log of form No. KM-8. The date of sealing of the device and the imprint of the stamp will be entered in it. After this, the specialist signs and indicates his ID number. You receive a registration, which is at the location where the cash register is installed. Only after this can you start working at the cash register.

The rules for operating cash registers are explained in the standard rules. Filling out cash documents is prescribed in the resolution of the State Statistics Committee.

On the very first day after the box office opens, X- appears. Then punch a zero check. Check it for clear writing and the correct date and time. Time discrepancies between punched checks cannot exceed 5 minutes. Discrepancies may result in a fine. Further, working on a cash register is no different from working on ordinary days.

At the beginning of your shift, always run an X-report and check that the date and time are correct. At the end of your work shift, do a Z-report. It must be done at least every 24 hours. Enter all information on the Z-report into the cashier's journal daily. In the column for the beginning of the shift, indicate the cash register counter readings at the beginning of the shift. No information will be entered on weekends. There is no need to write the word day off. Just enter the following information on a new line next to the serial number. If the readings in the Z-report are incorrect, the work must be stopped and specialists from the technical department must be called. service center.

The law gives the opportunity not to use a cash register, including when accepting cash. individual entrepreneurs, who are payers of the single tax on imputed income (UTII). They have the right to do without a cash register, but at the first request of the client they are obliged to issue him a receipt or sales receipt confirming the receipt of money.


If your type is according to the legislation of the region where you actually implement it (the possibility of applying this tax regime and the tax rates itself are completely within the competence of the law local authorities), gives the right to use UTII, you must register with the inspectorate as a payer of this tax. You have the right to do this even if you are registered in one subject of the Federation, and carry out your activities in. Please note that when simultaneously conducting other types of activities that do not fall under UTII and accepting cash in connection with it, you are required to use a cash register; you simply do not have to enter in it the amounts received depending on the type of activity for which you pay UTII.

However, be prepared that at any time the buyer may demand from you a document confirming receipt of money from him. And you have no right to refuse him. However, the law is quite liberal in the supporting document. If your product or service is not included in the list of those for which payment must be confirmed by a form strict reporting, you are free to use any standard form of supporting document from those presented in computer accounting and business programs or develop own version.

The main thing is that the document contains information such as the name, number, date of issue, your name and TIN, the name and number of goods or works, services, the amount received for them and the full name and position of the person who directly issued it (yours or the seller). It would not be superfluous to certify it with a seal, if available, and a signature.

A special case if you have used a cash register before. After switching to UTII, if there are no parallel activities for which the use of a cash register is mandatory for you, you should immediately deregister your cash register. Otherwise, the tax office can check your cash discipline, fine if violations are detected. In this case, the argument that you should no longer use the cash register will not help you (until it is deregistered).

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We are all accustomed to the fact that in a store we will definitely get a cash receipt. This is why cashiers sit at cash registers. And if you just opened own store and haven't installed the cash register yet? Without this, it is impossible to work with cash, so you will have to register the cash register as soon as possible.

You will need

  • application, agreement with the technical service center, rental agreement for the premises, device passport, hologram of the State Register and Service, book of the cashier-operator, call log technical specialist, certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.


Buy now. It is best to do this at a technical service center (TSC). There you must conclude an agreement for the maintenance and repair of what you purchased. There are a lot of cash register models, and you should focus on convenience and ease of operation. The service center staff will help you with this.

To register a cash register with the inspection, in addition to the application, you will need to provide the following documents: an agreement with the technical service center, an agreement for the premises where the cash register will be located, a passport of the device, a hologram of the State Register and Service, a book of a cashier-operator, a call log of a technical specialist , certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In the event that the cash register will be registered not by the manager, but by another employee of the enterprise, you will need a power of attorney (no need to notarize) for the right to register the cash register in tax office. The employee to whom the power of attorney is issued must take with him an identification document.

It may happen that you need to register a cash register that has already been in use. Then you must have a document that confirms the deregistration of this device.

Please note that the cash register passport must include notes about the installation of funds visual control. Their names must be indicated and a record of the issuance of a reference version passport must be made. The version number, passport number and date of issue must be indicated. The owner of a cash register must fill out an application form to put the device into operation.

After you submit all the documents to the tax authority, all you have to do is wait a little. When tax officials register the device, you can go and pick up documents confirming the registration of the cash register and the stamped journal of the cashier-operator.

Any cash register in mandatory Before installation you must register with tax service. After this, the cash register will be turned on State Register, which makes it possible to freely place the cash register.

You will need

  • - cash register;
  • - documents for registering the cash register.


Before you begin the process prior to installing a cash register, make sure that, according to the law, you really need one in the course of your business. To find out full list those types of activities for which there is no need to install a cash register, read the law “On the use of cash registers when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards” (Article 2). Those entrepreneurs who pay a single tax every month can also work without it.

Buy a cash register and, without wasting time, contact the tax office where you or your company is registered. There you will be told exactly what documents you need to provide to register the cash register. This list will include both documents relating to the entrepreneur and his activities, as well as information directly about your cash register. Detailed list you can get it from the tax office.

After you hand over the entire package necessary documents, you will be assigned a time for fiscalization of the cash register at the tax office. This time is given for the technician from the Technical Service Center to fill out all the details of the check, seal the cash register and perform other necessary actions under the control of the tax inspector.

After your cash register has been registered with the tax office, it will be entered into the State Register of Cash Register Equipment. This register must record the cash register details that it prints on the receipt, information about the cash register model and other data. All these actions take about five business days. After this period, install a cash register in your office or store and work with it calmly.

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Instructions for working with online cash register for a novice cashier. Step by step instructions will help you quickly and most importantly master the operation of a cash register without errors.

If you are just starting to work with an online cash register, this material will be useful for you to study. We briefly talk about the main operations and their associated cash documents. You can choose a suitable cash register.

Also, remove the instructions from the cash register delivery kit or download them on the corresponding page with the online cash register.

Before starting work, the cashier must check in advance;

  • Keys to cash register and cash drawer
  • Receipt tape
  • Money for giving change to customers.

Getting started with the online cash register. Opening shift

The cash desk operates according to the so-called “shifts” lasting no more than 24 hours. Opening/closing a shift, although they are fiscal documents, but with the transition to online cash registers, these documents are not very interesting to your tax inspector, but they are very useful to you for monitoring work.

When starting work, the cashier needs to open a shift, for which the cash register will generate a report on the opening of the shift. Most cash registers do it automatically when a shift is closed and an attempt is made to complete some other document, for example, to complete a sale.

Cash deposit

It is assumed that when a new cash register shift is opened, there is no cash in the cash register. So as not to offend the first client who came with 5,000 rubles. To buy a bottle of mineral water, you need to give the cashier the so-called. “change” - small money for giving change to first customers.

The cash desk controls the cash balance. And this is not a fiscal operation DEPOSITING [cash]. Give the cashier 4,950 rubles for change and perform the DEPOSIT operation for this amount.

Parish | Sales

Each receipt of money for goods/services sold must be issued with a cash receipt RECEIPT. Cash, electronic means of payment, prepayment, credit sales, advance offset, and more recently, non-cash payments through a bank [the law has been adopted, but is currently deferred until 2019].

Today we have a simple example, retail outlet and 100% payment for the goods immediately upon receipt.

We make a check RECEIPT (aka SALE). This is the main one fiscal document.

In this case, our calculation method will be FULL SETTLEMENT.

Payment method: CASH, or ELECTRONIC if the client paid by card.

Each cash receipt must contain:

  • Document name
  • Calculation sign
  • Settlement amount (BSO)
  • Name of the subject of calculation
  • VAT rate
  • Applicable taxation system
  • User name
  • Cashier's name
  • Shift number
  • Shift receipt number
  • Date and time
  • Fiscal sign of the document
  • Payment address
  • User's TIN;
  • Online cash register registration number
  • Fiscal storage number
  • Fiscal document number

Cash withdrawal

If you suddenly need to withdraw cash from the cash register for your own needs without waiting for the end of the cash register shift, perform the WITHDRAWAL [cash] operation.

This is not a fiscal transaction; it reduces the cash balance in the cash register. Of course, the withdrawn amount must be in the cash register at the time of this operation. You cannot withdraw 20 rubles if there are only 10 in the cash register.

Receipt return

Sometimes customers come back. It’s good when they come back to buy something else, but sometimes they come back to return something.

This is documented by a RETURN RECEIPT (purchase) check. Such a check also has a sign of the payment method. Today it is a FULL PAYMENT, you immediately return the client’s money for the goods.

The payment method depends on how the client paid for the purchase. Well, this is so that you don’t have to pay a commission to the bank for this sale/return.

Correction check. How to do it correctly for a cashier?

Err is human. And this is very common for hired cashiers-sellers. And you will often encounter this, especially if the acquiring bank terminal is not connected to the cash register.

For example, when studying documents from the bank for the past month, you will see that the amount in the statement does not correspond to the amount on hand. The reason is trivial: the cashier swiped the card through acquiring, and at the checkout issued a sale for cash or vice versa.

In such a situation, we first process the return of the incorrect receipt, the one that was actually ELECTRONIC, and the cashier processed it as CASH.

In this case we make a refund in CASH. And then we make a CORRECTION RECEIPT CHECK for the same amount, a sign of payment ELECTRONICALLY. This is a special fiscal document to resolve discrepancies.

The main mistakes a cashier makes when working with a cash register:

  • Confusion between cash and non-cash payment;
  • Incorrect amount in the check;
  • Opening a shift at the online cash register with the wrong date.

The same correction checks are made if you discover that you “forgot” to register some sales. Sometimes you may receive an order from the Federal Tax Service to make such a check if the results of the audit reveal something bad.

How to make a report without blanking (x-report)

Also known as X-report. This is not a fiscal document; it can be generated at any time between the opening and closing of a shift. It shows the subtotals of the cash register shift. Sales and returns by type of payment, deposit and withdrawal of money, balance in cash.

There is also such an important thing to show - the number of fiscal documents that have not been transferred (accumulated). Ideally, it should be zero, which means that all fiscal documents have been successfully sent to the fiscal data operator. If there is more than zero, there are some problems with data transfer.

It is recommended to make this report before cancellation and check the indicators with the acquiring terminal. As you understand, ELECTRONIC sales per shift should be equal to the amount of income per shift at the acquiring terminal. If it doesn’t match, it means someone messed up, it should be corrected BEFORE the end of the shift.

Report without cancellation (x-report) on KKM "Elwes-Micro-K"

Making an X-report (subtotal) at the online cash register Mercury 115K

Closing a shift at the online cash register

And the last fiscal document for today is the report on closing the cash register shift, also known as the cancellation report, also known as the Z-report.

The shift closure report contains the following information:

  • Full information about the shift (address, cashier’s name, etc.);
  • Number of checks printed;
  • Number of checks not sent to OFD;
  • Total revenue;
  • Amount of refunds completed;
  • Information and method of payment (cash or bank transfer).

This is a fiscal document, it contains all the same information as the X-report without cancellation.

Most cash registers are configured by default in such a way that with the removal of the Z-report, a complete withdrawal of cash is carried out and there is no need to complete an additional withdrawal operation.

Shift closing report

How to work with an online cash register (video instructions)

Cashier's instructions for operating the online cash register Evotor 5 Smart terminal

Cashier's instructions for operating the Mercury 185F cash register

Cashier's instructions for working at the online cash register Mercury 115F

In this detailed instructions The cashier discussed in detail the following points when working with an online cash register.

  • installation of receipt tape
  • shift opening
  • punching checks
  • punching checks with change
  • multiplying the price by the quantity of goods
  • working with the product database
  • error correction (cancellation)
  • return processing
  • non-cash checks
  • sending a receipt via SMS to a client
  • closing a shift (removing FN reports)

When working with an online cash register, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Keep personal funds and valuables in the cash register;
  • Leaving the cash drawer unlocked in your absence;
  • Destroy funds containing signs of counterfeit;
  • Work without a cash register;
  • Edit cash programs And software systems accounting.

According to the law, Any entrepreneur should have a cash register carrying out transactions with funds of various types. Many people mistakenly believe that it is quite difficult to use and that it will not be possible to master it on your own. To do this, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the use of at least one type of device and you can safely work on all of them.

Those who have entered into a contractual relationship with the owner of the business regarding liability of a material nature can carry out activities with KKM. In addition to the contract, they are required to have experience working with this machine: correctly punching checks and clearing it.

It should be remembered that before starting the work process, the director (head of department) is required to carry out preparatory work: open the drive and the counter, punch the check and check the punched amount received for the previous shift and check with the cashier’s records. The sums must completely agree.

The direct responsibilities of the director must contain following:

  1. Entering accurate information into the journal, confirming with your signature.
  2. Prepare the initial readings of the control tape (number, date and time of the start of the work process, readings of the control register).
  3. Releasing the keys to the responsible employee.
  4. Issuing change money for change.
  5. Provide workers with tapes and coloring compounds in a timely manner.

Responsibilities of the employee before starting the process at the cash register:

  1. Checking the working condition.
  2. Adjusting time and date, checking cash register units for integrity.
  3. Zero check.
  4. Before starting the workflow, punch several zero checks to check the functionality of the cash register.
  5. At the end of the working day, hand over all cash to the senior cashier or director.

Operating principles depending on the type

The device is a very complex variety in technical electronic form. Some of its parts are considered composite. These include:

  1. The monitor is available in two types, for the cashier and for the person making purchases.
  2. Box for collecting banknotes.
  3. Tape block.
  4. Printer.
  5. Memory.

The cash register has a device that transmits available information to the buyer. A monitor must be present; one is installed for the buyer so that he can clearly see all the necessary information on the screen. The other is placed for the cashier.

Keyboard used to enter the required amount of funds. This affects the purpose of the cash register; with its help, the required amount is entered and is reflected on the check. The device has a division of buttons by color; they are divided into several parts, where each defines a specific group of products.

Tape block refers to the necessary part, the direct purpose of which is to store all information, including completed operations. The device is located inside the machine itself; there is no need to connect it separately.

Fiscal memory designed for fixation money supply, passed through the cash register. They deal with the proceeds received on a daily basis and are reflected in the Z-report. Information is taken at the end of the work shift and stores all events with dates and detailed information for the time worked.

Each cash register has tray for collecting banknotes, which is a regular metal (plastic) box with several types of locks. One of the simplest options is an ordinary mechanical latch. However modern solution The issue is the electromagnetic locking device.

The main task of the printer is to print a receipt. The cash register prints them for the buyer and for reporting at the point of sale. For the buyer, the receipt serves as proof of purchase. Varieties of some cash registers print them for other documents, this is considered a good help in work.

It should be remembered that there are many varieties of cash registers and sizes receipt tapes, if used inappropriately, the cash register will quickly become unusable.


The first thing to do is to connect the cash register to the network. Many of them have buttons on the panel on the back side, activated by turning the key to the REG position. If many zeros are displayed on the monitor, it indicates correct operation.

Subsequent activities take place as follows:

  1. Authorization. Many cash registers begin their work when the cashier logs in. You must enter a service number and a password. Some varieties start working after using a special card. appointments.
  2. Calculation occurs by entering the required amount. To do this, enter the correct cost using the keys. Next, press the button for the desired section (as a rule, they are divided into various divisions: for example, shoes, clothing, groceries, etc.). Some cash register machines have the ability to read the barcode from the product, and the required amount is calculated independently. Next, press the “Payment” or “Cash” button, the purchase is made.
  3. If there are discounts on a certain type of product, they are reflected immediately at the checkout. You should enter the full price (without deducting certain percentages), select a category, print the amount and press %, the discount will be calculated independently.
  4. If you need to select several items, you should enter the amount and click the desired department. You should wait until all types of purchases are finished and press the “Payment” button.
  5. If you need to return a zero check, you should press the “Payment” or “Cash” button.

These are the general types of working with cash register machines; if you need to find out the operating principle of a particular machine, information can be found on the Internet, or you can study in certain organizations.

In the store

First of all, the employee is obliged to enter into an agreement on material liability. This is done to prevent theft of funds.

  1. A cashier's job always begins with the need to refuel the car. The tape is inserted into the cash register and a special record is made indicating the number, its type, date, exact time of switching on, and indications at the time the cashier started working. After filling in all the data, cash register tape certified by the senior cashier.
  2. Next, you should check the accuracy of the date and time data. Many devices have the ability to independently save the necessary information. There are cash registers that should be checked for accuracy of time and date before each shift and set if necessary.
  3. Before starting the work process, check the ability of the device to work. To do this, zero checks are printed, they are checked for clarity of printing and the presence of all necessary information. Trial checks should be kept until the end of the work and attached to the reporting documentation.
  4. Next, the X-report is printed; it is of an intermediate nature and during its printing, the amount is not reset to zero. During a work shift, such checks are printed several times. This is done to control the funds entering the cash register. They are printed at the time the proceeds are deposited. During a shift, you can bounce an uncountable number of checks; they do not affect work, but they help to control the correct flow of funds.
  5. X-reports can be taken by department, at the end of a work shift and to obtain final result. They keep records of excess or lack of funds in the cash register.
  6. If an incorrect check is punched, the correct one is punched out again, the incorrect one is stored until the end of the shift. After closing and submitting the report for the day worked, it should be compiled into a single document. Next, an act is drawn up indicating the type, model of the cash register, registration number and manufacturer number.
  7. An act is drawn up indicating the check number and the amount entered. The check is attached to the document, which is certified by the operator and the entrepreneur.

It may happen. The reasons may be different: the product does not match the color and style, has manufacturing defects, etc. This can only happen upon presentation of a receipt, the integrity of the product (presence of a price tag on it, etc.).

In addition, there must be a punched amount in the cash register. An act on the return of the goods is drawn up. It is written in any form. After correctly drawn up documents, which are signed by the entrepreneur himself, the money for the goods can be returned.

At the end of the working day, an X-report is printed, which is performed to reconcile the cash register and the cash in it. After it, a Z-report is run, which resets all accepted funds for the shift. All information is automatically moved from RAM to fiscal memory, the received revenue is reset to zero and closed.

Typical errors

There are standard errors that can lead to failure of the cash register. These include:

  1. Battery failure. This is a common reason why a machine breaks down. To eliminate such problems, you should pay close attention to the cash register. It is best to charge while switched off, this will maximize the service life.
  2. Using a charging device not recommended by the manufacturer. To eliminate such causes, you need to use devices that are allowed by the factory.
  3. Incorrect tape threading. To eliminate the error, you must use only the tape recommended by the cash register factory.
  4. Liquid penetration. If such a nuance occurs, you should immediately turn off the device and contact a service center.
  5. The automatic cutter in the fiscal registrar has broken down. This often happens due to the fault of the cashier, who sharply pulls the tape and does not close the recorder lids tightly, as a result of which the blades hit.

Instructions for working with Frontol are presented below.

Many individual entrepreneurs who have outlet, do not know how to install a cash register. If an entrepreneur sells products and services for cash, then he needs to know how a cash register device (KKM) works.

The rules for using the cash register are established in 2 documents:

  • in the law of April 25, 2003 No. 54 “On application of cash register when using cash payments (or) payments using a payment card";

  • in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2007 No. 470 “On the registration and application of cash registers used by LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.”

Before you start working on a cash register, you need to carefully study the rules for using this equipment.

Setting up and rules for using the cash register

Payment transactions are recorded on cash register equipment and money is processed throughout the working day.

At the moment, there are many types of cash registers - electronic devices, iPad cash registers, etc. However, they all have the same operating rules.

Cash register installation

Installation of cash register equipment and its connection

First, the individual entrepreneur must place the cash register equipment on the work surface, next to which there is a place for the client where goods can be laid out.

Using batteries

Battery-powered backup memory cash register equipment. The PC must insert a battery before using any of the functions of this equipment.
First you need to remove the receipt compartment cover and find a place for the battery. In this case, the individual entrepreneur must use a small screwdriver.

Then close the lid on the battery compartment.

Individual entrepreneurs need to replace the batteries once a year so that they work uninterruptedly.

Application of paper roll

First you need to remove the receipt compartment cover. In this case, you need to make sure that the end of the paper roll is not torn (has straight edges). As a result, the IP can easily insert a paper roll into the device.

When finished, click on the SUBMIT button. In this case, the device will catch the paper and drive it through itself.

Unblocking a cash register

Typically, the cash register has a key that the cashier uses to lock the register for security purposes. Under no circumstances should the individual entrepreneur lose this key.

In this case, you can simply leave the key in the cash register so as not to lose it and if a dangerous situation arises, you can lock the cash register compartment with cash.

Turning on the cash register

Several cash register devices have an On/Off button on the back. Other cash registers have a key on top.

To turn on this device, you need to click on the button or turn the key to the REG position.

Modern types of cash register devices are equipped with a MODE button, which replaces the key. In this case, you need to click on the MODE button and press it until the REG position.

Setting up a cash register

Cash register devices can be configured in such a way that they combine similar items in one category. A category of goods may be subject to tax or vice versa - not subject to taxation.

Also, individual entrepreneur cashiers can set the date and time.

Programming of the cash register can be started by turning the key to the PROG (P) position, or by clicking on the button that switches the cash register to the PROGRAM mode.

Other cash register devices are equipped with a manual lever, which is located under the cover of the paper roll compartment. In this case, the lever must be switched to Program mode.

Entering a password for working with a cash register

When using a cash register device, the cashier must enter a personal service number or password each time. When using a service number, the individual entrepreneur distributes each purchase to a specific cashier. In this case, all sales are tracked and errors are identified.

If the individual entrepreneur owns a restaurant, then the employees of his establishment will need to enter their service codes along with table numbers and the number of customers.

Modern types of cash register devices require you to enter a password and email address when logging into the system.

Entering the amount of the first sales

When working at the cash register, you must use a keyboard with numbers to enter exact amounts in rubles. The cashier does not need to enter the decimal separator because the cash register does this automatically.

Some devices are equipped with a scanner. It reads barcodes and immediately enters product information. In this case, the cashier does not need to define the section when performing the following steps.

Using a specific department button

On a significant number of cash register devices, the cashier clicks on a button after typing the amount, which classifies the product into a specific sales category ( food products, clothes, etc.).

Keys for sections should be configured as either taxable or tax-exempt. In this case, you need to carefully study the instructions for the cash register in order to successfully work with this equipment, having familiarized yourself in advance with the rules for linking the tax rate to a specific key.

Then you should look at the receipt: you need to click on the SUBMIT button (on the arrow) so that the paper check slides up. In this case, you can see the entire amount that is written on the check.

Each added item is included in the total amount, which is displayed on the device screen or barcode reader.

Adding a discount

If commercial products is on sale, the cashier must take into account the size of the discount.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  • enter the cost of the product;
  • click the button with the section;
  • dial the discount amount as a percentage (so, 15 means 15%);
  • press the % button. It is located on the cash register keypad.

Entering amounts for other products

The individual entrepreneur needs to use the cash register keyboard to enter the price of each product. In this case, after entering the price of the product, you need to click on the button for a specific section.

If the cashier is checking out several pieces of the same product, he needs to do the following:

  • collect a certain amount of these goods;
  • then click the QTY (Quantity) button;
  • Next, enter the price of one of the goods;
  • then click the button for a specific section.

So, if they buy 2 loaves of bread from an individual entrepreneur at a price of 6.99, then you need to press 2, then Qty, then 699, and the section button.

Using the Preliminary Totals Button

When you use this button, the total cost of the entered product will appear on the cash register screen. In this case, all taxes that were linked to section buttons will be added.

Method of payment for goods

Buyers pay for goods with cash, credit cards or checks. The cashier also takes into account gift cards and certificates, which are considered cash.

When receiving cash from a buyer, you need to enter the cash amount and click on the CASH button. It is located below, on the right and is the largest.

After this, a message appears on many cash register devices indicating how much change should be given to the client. At the same time, not all cash register devices do this, and the cash register worker must calculate the required amount of change in his head.

After opening the money compartment, you can put cash or a check in it and determine the amount of change.

When paying for goods with a credit card, the individual entrepreneur must click on the CARD button and use a special terminal.

When receiving a check from the buyer, you must enter the amount indicated on this payment document. Then you need to click on the CHECK button and put it in the compartment with cash.

To open a compartment with cash, it is not necessary to sell something. Just click on the NO PURCHASE (NO PURCHASE) button. This can only be done after the manager enters a special code to switch the cash register device to TM mode.

Closing the cash register

After finishing the working day, the cashier must always close the compartment with cash. Otherwise, the individual entrepreneur may lose his money due to illegal removal of money (robbery) from the cash register.

An individual entrepreneur must empty the cash compartment every day at the end of the working day. This device should be stored in a place hidden from strangers.

Preparing cash register balances and sales reports

Calculating the amount of sales for 1 day

Some individual entrepreneurs periodically check the number of sales per day.

To determine the total amount, you need to click on the button that switches modes, or turn the device key to the X position and select mode X.

When using X mode, the total revenue is calculated. However, when using Z mode, the revenue received during the day is reset.

Presentation of sales reports

This report shows all sales for the day. Most cash register devices print the following reports:

  • sales report for 1 hour;
  • report on the work of individual employees;
  • report on a specific section, etc.

In order to print these reports, you need to click on the MODE button and set it to Z mode, or turn the key to Z.

Registration of device balance

After generating a sales report for the day, the cashier needs to count the money in the cash compartment. If the individual entrepreneur cashier has credit card receipts or checks, you should add them to the total.

Many credit card terminals also print a daily report. In this case, the cashier can easily reconcile the sales for the day. He needs to subtract the total amount from the one with which the cashier started the day before making the first sale to the customer.

The cashier should also keep a book of financial transactions, credit cards and checks. This will make it easier for the individual entrepreneur to maintain general records.

After the above steps, the cashier must return the base amount to the cash register before the start of the new working day.

The cashier needs to remember that when he is not working, he must store cash in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

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