Soap making at home soap recipes. DIY soap base from scratch: how to make at home (recipe and master class)! Types of natural handmade soap

The popularity of soap making among needlewomen is growing very quickly. All this is due to the fact that this hobby does not need specific knowledge, and the final result depends only on the level of imagination and the practical application of several secrets.

Interest in manufacturing is supported natural need- after all, soap is always in demand and useful in the household. So how do you make your own soap?

Necessary materials and tools for making soap

In order to make soap with your own hands at home, prepare:

  • soap base (base);
  • natural oils;
  • aromatics;
  • dyes;
  • spray bottle and alcohol;
  • molds;
  • plastic glasses;
  • wooden sticks;
  • spoons;
  • gloves.

When you understand how to make soap with your own hands and your skills are honed, you can add decorations in the form of flowers, scrub components and other elements to the main list to help make the finished soap unique.

Now let's take a closer look at the ingredients for cooking. You should start with the base, without which the preparation of soap is impossible.

The foundation

It can be found commercially in the form of cast pieces. It can also be sold by weight in chips.

This component contains:

  • vegetable oils;
  • liquor;
  • water.

The soap component can be purchased ready-made in cosmetics or needlework stores. In addition to the base, you can purchase a product that contains beautiful swirls. It differs from the usual one in its ductility, thanks to which the finished mixture will not combine with other layers, but will create beautiful weaves or even maintain clear boundaries.

If it is not possible to purchase a special base for making soap, you can use baby soap. For this purpose, it is enough just to heat and melt it. This solution is the simplest, do not forget that the finished base will have a matte color. In addition, the original soap base is odorless, will not cause irritation on the skin, and in the process of preparation it hardens faster.

Basic oils

Essential oils, or base oils as they are called, are used to impart moisturizing, nourishing and softening qualities to soaps.

What oils would you like to use?

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • argan;
  • on a peach pit;
  • from almonds;
  • sunflower oil;
  • olive;
  • coconut.

For a hundred grams of base, just a few tablespoons of oil are enough.

Essential additives (oils)

Naturally, they differ from the main ones, their goal is to give the finished product a smell and additional qualities. For example:

  • to get a calming effect, fir oil is used;
  • orange oil is added to saturate the skin with vitamins.

As you can see, each essential additive allows not only to create a unique combination of aromas, but also highlights the healing properties.

Important! It is enough to add a few drops of oil per one hundred grams of the base, an excessive amount of it can cause an allergic reaction, and in some cases, a chemical burn.


The choice of dye depends on your preferences.


You can use:

  • special purchased mineral;
  • juice obtained from the processing of products.

Sometimes the oil can give the soap a color, such as a pleasant emerald. And ordinary cinnamon will allow you to add to the finished soap not only a rich brown tint, but also an unobtrusive smell. Using pearlescent dye, you can add a great shimmer to the finished product.


Decorations include dried fruits, leaves, flowers, coffee beans, seeds, sparkles. Some even help to create a scrubbing effect. To do this, use finely ground cereals, loofah, chocolate, thick after coffee.


An important aspect in creating a beautiful and high-quality soap is figured containers. It is they who give the finished product shape. Everything fits here. Before you make soap with your own hands, pay attention to the correct selection of forms.

Forms must be made from:

  • silicone;
  • plastics;
  • rubber.

Why these containers? The fact is that it is from them that the finished product is easier to get. From ceramic molds or glass containers, this is almost impossible to do. It is not necessary to use professional containers for your creativity, you can choose any that you like.

Do you have a small child? You are doubly lucky - the cake molds are ideal for making soap. And the child will be delighted with the finished product.

Eliminate the use of forms from metal. An unexpected reaction of the components may occur. As a result, soap can not only change its color, but also harm the skin.


For the manufacture necessarily need medical alcohol. It will help prevent bubbles from forming inside the soap. They are sprayed with a mold before pouring the soap composition. If soap is made with several layers, each layer must be processed. For ease of processing, use a spray bottle.

Additional elements

As already mentioned, you will need various plastic cups, measuring containers, wooden sticks, spoons, toothpicks for drawings, gloves, a respirator. All this applies to additional elements. It is imperative to use a respirator and gloves, especially if chips are used in the manufacturing process, and not a cast base.


We figured out the main components of the soap making process, now we need to discuss how to make soap with our own hands step by step. You should start with the most elementary cooking process, which will not take much time and at the same time will be understandable even to a beginner.

Fast way

Despite the fact that there is a huge variety of soap making recipes, each process comes down to standard steps:

  • the soap base must be melted for a couple (you can use a microwave) - if steam is used, then the container must be covered with a lid so that the finished mass is not covered with a film;
  • butter is added to the melted base;
    Adding oil
  • the mass is mixed;
  • the composition is poured into molds and decorating elements are added at the same time;
    Pouring into molds
  • forms with soap are left until completely solidified;
    Pulling out of molds
  • finished products are removed from the molds and, if necessary, decorated with additional details.

When using a microwave, melting must be monitored so that the consistency does not start to boil. If it boils, it will lose its properties.

When making your first DIY soap at home, you can follow the standard recommendations. After practice, you can experiment with oils and choose your own unique composition of colors and aromas. The most important thing in the manufacturing procedure is to use only natural ingredients.

Those craftsmen who already have rich experience make the base for soap on their own. They use solid oil, and a solution of alkali. These products are aged for several months until fully prepared. That is, the process is lengthy and only professionals in their field can do it. But you, following the recommendations and practicing, can achieve a similar result.

Now you can consider what soap making with your own hands at home can bring you not only pleasure, but also benefit. Let's look at some recipes that we will back up with photos for your inspiration.

Let's start listing the recipes from the simplest to the most complex.

This handmade soap at home will soften the skin and saturate it with nutrients.

You will need:

  • base;
  • Argan oil;

Oil and honey is taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon per hundred grams of base. The soap component is melted and combined with butter and honey, everything is mixed and poured into figured containers. If you want to give your soap a beautiful sheen, add some pearlescent dye.

Olive honey

Soap from olive oil and honey will help soften, scrub the skin and saturate it with nutrients. Prepare:

  • 300 grams of matte or transparent base;
  • 3 teaspoons of honey;
  • olive seed oil;
  • green dye (3 drops are enough);
  • dried basil.

All components are added to the base in turn and mixed.

For gentle cleansing

If you need a gentle cleansing, then use the recipe that will help you prepare a soap with a soothing and scrubbing effect.

To do this, prepare:

  • 100 grams of the finished base (you can use any);
  • one spoon of bath salts;
  • 2 teaspoons of white clay;
  • a few drops of rose oil.

All this is mixed and spilled. If you need an even more gentle cleansing, use coffee grounds instead of sea salt.

Soap for sensitive and irritated skin

To help relieve irritation on the skin and provide gentle cleansing, prepared soap with the following ingredients will help:

  • 100 grams of matte base;
  • 2 spoons of pink clay;
  • apricot oil;
  • flavoring (vanilla is suitable).

For acne-prone skin

When the skin is covered with acne, and it needs to be constantly disinfected, cleaned, treated and nourished, you can make medicinal soap with your own hands at home. Prepare:

  • basis;
  • half a spoonful of grape seed oil;
  • olive oil;
  • chopped kelp;
  • blue dye (this is optional);
  • sea ​​flavor 2 drops.

The components are mixed and poured into molds.

strawberry treat

No wonder this soap is called a delicacy. It not only looks delicious, but also smells delicious. Carefully! Do not use as food!

What you need to prepare for soap making:

  • one hundred grams of base with a matte finish;
  • cream (it is desirable to take the fattest);
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 spoons of strawberry seeds;
  • flavoring with a strawberry smell;
  • pink dye.

If you do not find a matte base, you can use a transparent one. And to add a matte finish, add titanium dioxide (it's a food additive).

coffee cake

Now consider more complex options for making soap. Coffee cake is one of the more complex processes, as it involves the creation of several layers.

To "bake" a soap cake, prepare:

  • transparent base, 100 grams is enough;
  • 15 grams of ground cinnamon (it will help make the color dark and give a pleasant aroma);
  • food additive (titanium dioxide);
  • aromatic additive "Cappuccino";
  • dye;
  • alcohol.

Let's start making:

  • Melt the base, pour a quarter from it and mix with cinnamon until brown. We process the container with a spray gun and alcohol and pour the first layer.
  • While the first part dries, make the second layer. Add titanium dioxide, flavor and one drop of dye to another part of the base. With the help of a toothpick, we scratch the frozen layer well so that the second one adheres to it during solidification. Spray the first part with alcohol and fill the second layer.
  • The third part is done in the same way as the first. If desired, you can make the fourth part, which is the same as the first.

The resulting soap will give you not only a pleasant aroma, it affects the body in the same way as coffee - invigorating.

coniferous tornado

This soap making recipe is not the easiest. Here you will need swirls to get beautiful twists. In addition, you will need to purchase a special base. This one differs from the standard base in that it is thicker and does not allow the layers to penetrate into each other.

What is the cooking process:

  • 500 grams of melted base should be poured into two containers;
  • combine the dye with water (this is done because it will be difficult to mix the dye with a soapy composition); and add to one of the glasses;
  • add titanium dioxide to another glass to get a haze;
  • add fir oil to each container, and mix everything thoroughly.

To get beautiful swirls, you need to follow the pouring technique.

How to spill correctly:

  • Pour a few drops of green mass into a square mold. Pour into the middle and do not try to pour so much at once that the liquid floods the entire bottom.
  • Gently pour matte liquid into the center of the previous spot so that the mass spreads completely along the bottom.
  • Repeat these steps until the cups are completely empty. Clean the surface with alcohol. When the consistency is completely hardened, cut it into pieces.

The benefits of the finished result are not only in beauty, thanks to the components in the composition, the soap has a calming effect.

If you need an invigorating effect every morning, and in the evening you want to get a pleasant massage with a scrubbing effect, then this soap is for you. The secret of its preparation lies in the use of loofah (a porous dried plant). Washcloths are made from the same plant, you can buy material in needlework stores.

Let's start step by step:

  • put a piece of loofah in a cup and fill it with water, leave it for a quarter of an hour;
  • after the loofah gets wet, take it out and dry it, be sure to make sure that no water remains in the material, as it can adversely affect the quality of the final result;
  • take 170 grams of a transparent base and melt it, divide the finished result and pour into 2 glasses;
  • in one container, add grape seed oil, yellow dye, Orange aromatic oil;
  • also pour oil, dye into another (use a red and yellow tint);
  • wait until the liquid in each of the glasses begins to thicken a little and a film begins to form on the surface;
  • put the loofah into the mold and start pouring the soapy mass from the glasses, you can pour it out at the same time, but in opposite corners;
  • use a stick to correct the resulting borders, and use alcohol to eliminate all bubbles.

Soap making cannot be called a simple hobby, it is useful and very an exciting activity. The process allows you to cheer up, change the condition of the skin in better side. In addition, prepared soap can be an ideal gift for friends and family.

Homemade soap making is another "handmade" hobby that has become so popular in recent years. This is not surprising, because now everything natural is in fashion, including organic cosmetics, which do not contain substances harmful to the skin. But making soap self made can become not only a useful hobby, but also a way to create a unique souvenir product for yourself and your loved ones.

How to make soap at home

Create homemade soap from scratch is not so easy, because in this case you will have to deal with alkali and you will need to clearly follow the instructions, while observing safety measures. But if you still decide on it, then make it absolutely free of thickeners, preservatives and foaming agents, which are part of everyone's favorite soap base.

There are two ways to make soap from scratch - cold and hot. The cold method is good for soap with swirls (blurry swirls and patterns) and does not involve heating the components, but in both cases the alkali reacts with fatty acids and water.

What you need to make soap from scratch in a cold way:

  • kitchen scales;
  • dishes made of wood, glass or enamel;
  • beaker to determine the amount of oils;
  • a large container, such as a saucepan;
  • stirring stick;
  • thermometer;
  • mixer;
  • means for measuring alkaline solution;
  • soap molds - you can choose a regular food container or homemade wooden molds;
  • sodium hydroxide (alkali) for solid soap and potassium hydroxide for liquid substance;
  • vegetable or animal fats - it is better to purchase vegetable oils;
  • solid butter-butters;
  • liquid - water, decoction of herbs, etc.;
  • essential oils;
  • aromatic fragrances.

Using a soap calculator (available on the Internet), create a soap recipe that will determine the weight of all components.

Melt solid butters and waxes in a water bath, after cutting into pieces. Weigh vegetable and solid oils and place in different containers.

Wear protective gear. Weigh the sodium hydroxide and dissolve it little by little in any liquid while stirring with a glass rod. Attention! Alkali should be put into water, and not vice versa, otherwise the container may burst or explode from overheating.

After that, measure the temperature of each of the compositions, it should be approximately the same and pour the lye into the oils.

Blend the mixture with an immersion blender or mixer until thick.

Pour the soap into molds, after adding dyes, flavors or essential oils, wrap the container in a thick towel and put it in a dark place for several hours.

Then cut the resulting soap into pieces and leave it to "ripen" in a well-ventilated place.

For multi-colored soap, one or more dyes are added to the base, due to which unusual swirls are obtained - swirls.

Sodium hydroxide - dangerous and caustic Chemical substance, which on contact can cause, so be sure to take precautions when working with alkali.

  1. Keep the lye out of the reach of children and animals, close the lid tightly.
  2. Wear safety goggles and a work coat when making soap. Contact with the eyes of crystals of a substance or its caustic vapors in high concentration leads to sad consequences, up to blindness.
  3. Use rubber gloves until all work is completed.
  4. If alkali comes into contact with skin, wash immediately with water.
  5. All traces of sodium hydroxide must be carefully removed. It is desirable that the process takes place away from food products.

What is homemade soap made from?

Making soap from scratch for beginners often seems like something out of the ordinary. And not all experienced soap makers are ready to experiment with alkali. Yet the most popular base is considered:

  • Baby soap without a pronounced aroma is ideal for the first experience. It is cheap, it already contains all the necessary components - lanolin, glycerin,.
  • The soap base is very easy to use, even children can handle it. It has a different composition and manufacturers. Available in two types - white and transparent. The most famous are domestic (from 200 rubles per 1 kg) and English bases (from 400 rubles per 1 kg). It is cut into pieces, melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

Main Ingredients:

  1. Base oils are natural vegetable fats that give the finished product beneficial features. For example, castor oil is suitable for softening and nourishing. Grape seed oil has a good effect on, and olive oil restores the upper layer of the epidermis and heals wounds.
  2. Essential oils serve as natural fragrances. Before using this component, it is necessary to study its therapeutic effect, as well as to test for allergic reactions.
  3. Food flavorings and cosmetic fragrances give the product a pleasant smell.
  4. Coloring pigments or food colorings (they tend to migrate, that is, stain adjacent layers).

Additional Ingredients:

  • sequins and mother-of-pearl;
  • natural fillers - ground coffee beans, honey, milk, clay, etc.;
  • herbs and dried flowers for decoration;
  • water-soluble paper with various pictures.

And also you will need forms - special, for making soap there are plastic and silicone. In the absence of them, it is quite possible to use forms for baking, ice, or even ordinary jars and containers.

Homemade soap recipes

Regardless of the characteristics of the recipe, prepare your own in advance workplace and tools:

  • a capacious pan for melting in a water bath or microwave;
  • a grater if you are cooking with baby soap;
  • kitchen scales to accurately measure the amount of base;
  • measuring cups;
  • spoons, wooden sticks;
  • pipettes for pouring small parts;
  • knife and napkins to remove sagging;
  • molds for soap, baking or ice.

Scrub soap from "Children's" - a simple master class

We take 4 pieces of soap without a strong aroma and rub it with a fine grater.

As forms, you can use everything that is in the house - containers, plastic cups, baking dishes and sand games. It is better to pre-lubricate them with oil.

Pour one tablespoon of base oil (sunflower, olive, peach, etc.) into a saucepan, put on fire and gradually add soap shavings. The process may take 10 to 30 minutes.

After dissolving the soap base, we introduce all kinds of components - dyes, aroma oils, cosmetic fragrances and dried flowers. In this case, we got a coffee-cinnamon soap with grains. The base can be laid out in several layers, after sprinkling with alcohol. After hardening, the soap is removed from the mold, while you need to lightly press on the edges and it will “pop out”.

Glitter base soap - master class

To make soap with a light scrub effect, we need:

  • transparent soap base;
  • food coloring - blue and pink;
  • base oil, for example, calendula;
  • geranium oil as a flavor;
  • ground grains for an exfoliating effect;
  • multi-colored sequins;
  • glass sticks for stirring;
  • Silicone forms.

We cut the base into small pieces for faster melting. We put the measuring cup in the microwave and make sure that the base does not boil.

Stir the base and pour half into another glass.

Add 1/4 base oil, 4 drops of essential oil, a couple of drops of dye, scrub particles and glitter.

Pour the base into the molds, sprinkle with alcohol to remove bubbles. As soon as our soap hardens a little, put it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

Soap making kits

In order to purchase all the necessary components for handmade soap, it is not necessary to sit for hours in online stores or run around the city looking for the right ingredients. For beginner soap makers, ready-made kits, which include all the components, are quite suitable. It will allow you to create and help avoid mistakes in the future.

It is included in the kit?

  • at least one type of base, sometimes 2 or 3 different types, differing in color and degree of transparency;
  • food coloring or pigments - 2 pieces;
  • flavors or fragrances - 2 pieces;
  • one silicone or plastic mold;
  • detailed instructions.

This kit is basic, some kits add more shapes, flavors and dyes, as well as sparkles, glitters and water-soluble pictures, bubble remover.

Secrets of soap making

Like any other hobby, soap making has its own secrets and nuances. From compliance certain rules the result of your work directly depends, so do not neglect them.

  1. When melting baby soap, do not stir vigorously, this will lead to air saturation, the appearance of many bubbles and loss of softness.
  2. When heating in the microwave, make sure that the soap base does not boil, this will significantly impair the quality of the finished product. The rest of the base should melt already when stirring.
  3. For 100 grams of base, you can add: half a teaspoon, 1 spoon of glycerin, 1-6 drops of food coloring, one third of a teaspoon of dry pigment or mother of pearl, 1 spoon of herbal decoction, 3-5 drops of flavoring or fragrance.
  4. Essential oils should not be mixed with food flavorings.
  5. Air bubbles are easily removed by spraying them with alcohol from a spray bottle. It is also used for gluing individual layers.
  6. To cool the soap faster, you can place it in freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  7. You can put ground coffee or grains, sugar or other abrasive particles in the soap that perform the function. Do not add salt, it will not bring any scrubbing effect.
  8. The clay usually settles in the soap in a single layer. A more suitable option is to use the base for swirls, it hardens longer.
  9. Fresh fruits or vegetables, insufficiently dried flowers and herbs will quickly deteriorate and the soap will have an unpleasant smell.
  10. Soap tends to dry out, so it should be stored for no more than 6 months in a dark place.

How to make soap: video

Until recently, making soap with your own hands at home was not possible. It's not even about the ingredients, but about the lack of basic skills and information on how to do it right. Today, soap making has become a pleasant hobby. It allows you to create unique natural cosmetics based on natural ingredients and aromatic oils.

For some people, making natural soaps with healing additives has become a source of additional income. Such a product is in great demand both for their own needs and as a gift. Below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of the process of making soap with your own hands, the main nuances and the necessary components.

Do-it-yourself soap at home can be made from the following materials:

  • bars of baby soap;
  • purchased soap base;
  • make it from scratch.

This product may also have different shape and density:

  • hard. With this form, the hot liquid base is poured into prepared containers and hardens there;
  • liquid form - creamy, transparent, with or without solid particles, etc.

Handmade soap is also convenient because you can add any components that you like to it: herbs, flowers, honey, crushed seeds, perfumes, dyes, abrasive particles, etc. It all depends on the flight of your own imagination and taste preferences. So, let's look at a few homemade soap making techniques in more detail.

Handmade soap at home based on baby soap

For this recipe, you will need baby soap, which you can get at any hardware store. We use honey, milk and cosmetic oils as additives. However, you can diversify it with those ingredients that you and your skin like: perfume compositions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, abrasive particles, etc.

Materials and equipment:

  • 100 gr. milk;
  • 100 gr. baby soap;
  • 1 tbsp honey or brown sugar;
  • 1 st. l. cosmetic oil of your choice (olive, apricot, grape seed, rose, etc.);
  • aroma oil (enough 2-3 drops);
  • a bowl for melting;
  • steam bath or microwave;
  • grater;
  • spoon or stick for stirring;
  • molds. These can be various silicone cake containers, plastic boxes, small glass containers, etc. The more beautiful you choose the shapes, the prettier the finished bar of soap will look.

Prepare the Ingredients

Grate baby soap and pour hot milk over it. Put in a cool place for 4-5 hours or overnight.

Bring to a homogeneous state

Heat the water bath to 50-60°C. Place a container with mass on it. Whisking gently, add brown sugar or honey. When the substance becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove.

Make additives

Pour in essential and cosmetic oils.

At this stage, you can also add other ingredients as desired: lemon zest, dyes, hard particles (to create a scrub), etc.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Pour into molds

Pour hot liquid into prepared containers. Leave to harden for several hours.

Remove hard bars from containers. A completely cured product should slide out easily. If it doesn't, place the container in the freezer for a few minutes.

Wrap storage sticks in parchment paper. You did it!

Photo: Handmade soap at home

Soap base soap

Fragrant and juicy handmade soap at home in the form of watermelon slices is a great option for decorating a bathroom! Plus, they are so fun to wash!

This product is created from a combination of white and transparent soap base. Due to the use of silicone triangular containers, it is very easy to prepare. This is a great soap for yourself, and as a gift to family and friends!

Photo: Handmade soap at home

Consumables and necessary equipment:

  • microwave oven and safe glass containers;
  • sharp knife for cutting;
  • spray bottle with alcohol;
  • rubber gloves;
  • silicone triangular shape in the form of watermelon slices;
  • disposable pipettes;
  • thermometer;
  • transparent soap base - 500 grams;
  • emerald green and bright red dyes;
  • black mica;
  • aroma oil to your taste. Fresh summer scents are best;
  • disposable plastic spoons - 15 pieces.

Photo: Materials for making handmade soap

Make black soap

If you don't have this soap, make your own. It is made using black mica. There is no need to add aroma oil to it, since very little is required.

Mixing mica with the base can be difficult - it does not dissolve well in the soap base and can stick together in lumps. To prevent this from happening, initially dilute it in glycerin or alcohol.

Note: One tablespoon of black mica requires 100 ml of base. If you need more black soap, increase the proportion accordingly.

With glycerin

  • Place in glassware 1 spoon of mica. Add a few milliliters of glycerin here and mix well.
  • Pour 100 g of melted transparent base and stir.
  • Microwave the mixture for 20 seconds. Repeat if necessary.
  • Stir slowly and thoroughly until the mass acquires a dark homogeneous structure. After that, it will be ready to pour it into molds.

With alcohol

The technique is the same, but instead of glycerin, you will use alcohol.

  • Mix 5-6 drops of alcohol with one tablespoon of mica. Please note: with alcohol, the resulting substance will be thinner than the version with glycerin.
  • Add 100 ml of melted base, stir and microwave for 20 seconds. Repeat if necessary.

Black soap without additives

If you don't have alcohol or glycerin on hand, follow these steps:

  • Melt 100 ml of clear base.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of black mica to it: it will float on top. This method is more time consuming - you will have to stir and shake the container many times to completely remove lumps.

Pour the prepared black mass into any molds and wait for about one hour. When the mass is completely hardened, pull it out and cut into small pieces in the form of watermelon pits. Set the bones aside for now.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Melt the base

This soap recipe uses the ingredients for 3 bars. If you plan to make more, adjust the number of components. Each piece weighs about 150-200 grams.

Cut 250 grams of transparent base into sticks and place them in a glass container. Place the container in the microwave for several time periods of 30 seconds. After every 30 seconds, take out the container and mix. Do not overdo it and do not allow it to boil, otherwise the substance will become rubbery. If there are undissolved lumps in the container, stir slowly. The heat of the molten mass will dissolve them.

Add color and flavor

Pour 5-6 drops of Watermelon Red Liquid Coloring into the melted base and stir slowly.

Using a pipette, add 5 drops of aroma oil to the substance.

Stir slowly until the liquid is homogeneous. Always mix the base slowly to avoid bubbles!

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Fill red layer

Install silicone mold onto a flat surface.

Photo: Handmade soap mold

Pour a small amount of red liquid into each cavity and leave for a while.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Remember - the bottom of the mold will be the top of the finished product.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

After 5 minutes, spray this layer and the previously cut black "bones" with alcohol.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Place 2-3 pieces randomly in each cavity.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

When the bones are laid, add more red base to the mold. She must cover them completely.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Repeat Step 4 with more seeds until you've used up all of the red base. Place about 5-7 bones in each block. After that, leave the containers to stand for about 15 minutes.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Add white color

While the first layer hardens, prepare the second. This will require approximately 100 grams of white base. Pour 1-2 drops of aroma oil into the melted mass. You don't need to paint this layer!

Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the white mass - it should be around 130-140°.

Make sure that the red watermelon layer has already hardened enough. Spray it liberally with alcohol, don't forget about the edges. This will help the layers stick to each other better. After all, there is nothing worse than exfoliating soap that makes all your work in vain!

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

When the temperature of the white mass reaches the desired mark, pour it approximately 30-40 grams into each cavity. Spray again with alcohol to remove bubbles.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Leave the containers for 10 - 15 minutes.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Fill with green

While the white layer hardens, prepare the green one. To do this, add 5-6 drops of emerald green dye and 2-3 ml of aroma oil to the melted base (150-200g).

Spray the hardened white layer liberally with alcohol.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Control the temperature of the mass and, when it reaches 140 degrees, pour the green liquid in equal portions into the molds.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Spray again with alcohol to remove any bubbles.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Let the mass harden completely, leaving it for about 2-3 hours or overnight if possible.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

A chic summer soap made with your own hands in the form of watermelon slices is ready!

Photo: Handmade soaps at home

Below are a few ways to make these products with your own hands.

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Theoretically, it is easy to cook soap: once - melted, two - dyed-flavored, three - poured into a mold and you're done! In practice, many nuances are revealed that can not only harm appearance soap, but also completely spoil it. We reveal some of them in ours, describing in detail all the subtleties of the process, but there are things that are better to show visually. For those who find it easier to see once, we have prepared recipes with photos.

Our collection contains the best recipes for soap making at home for both beginners and experienced soap makers. simple recipes You will find soap making in the section "soap from the base", and if you are looking for something more complicated, look in the next section and select your favorite soap making recipe from scratch.

In addition, not only soap, but also cosmetics, candles and even cookies, cakes and sweets can be prepared from the components on sale. And the "packaging" section will help to present your masterpiece beautifully.

Our collection is constantly updated, and if you find something unusual on the Internet, and do not know how to do it, leave a request for our forum and we will be happy to prepare a photo recipe.

We carefully check and repeatedly test each product that we offer you. All soap making recipes for beginners are the result of many years of experience of our masters, just like you, who are in love with home soap making. Recipes contain not only cooking technology, but also full list necessary materials and tools, so you just have to prepare everything you need and enjoy your creativity!

Now we come close to making whipped soap in a cold way.

To decorate our prepared bases, as well as for independent festive (and not only New Year's) cupcakes, whipped soap is the best way.

Whipped soap is loved by gentle love for a number of benefits:

  • It is definitely more gentle compared to the usual classic toilet soap.
  • Its airy texture melts on the skin, leaving only pleasant sensations after washing.
  • It doesn't sink in water. And for children, it can become another toy in the bathroom.
  • It looks very attractive compared to the smooth and even classic soap from scratch.

But at the same time, whipped soap has several disadvantages:

  • It rinses out a little faster than regular toilet soap.
  • Longer maturation compared to conventional classic sodium soap.
  • You want to return to it again and again, thereby forcing yourself to make new batches of soap!

Soap making is an exciting and creative process that allows you to get a product with the properties that your skin needs. Homemade soap is the maximum of natural ingredients and the fragrance that you like. And it is also a great gift for loved ones, carrying the warmth of your hands.

Experienced soap makers make soap from scratch. In cosmetic stores, you can buy a soap base for making. But for beginners, it is better to take baby soap as a “base”.

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of baby soap 90 g each;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of base oil (olive, almond, coconut, cedar, palm, grape seed, cocoa butter, rosehip, sea buckthorn);
  • 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

Other ingredients - at your request.

home technology

Rub the soap on a fine grater. Do this while wearing safety glasses and a medical mask so that the particles do not get into your eyes and respiratory tract.

Pour the base oil and glycerin into a saucepan.

Place the pan on the steam bath and heat the oil. Gradually add soap chips and pour boiling water, stirring constantly. You can use a mixer, but only at medium speed. If lumps remain, they can be mashed with a pestle to make mashed potatoes. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar to shortcrust pastry.

Remove the mass from the steam bath and add the ingredients that will determine the properties of the soap, its color and aroma. These are essential oils, dry herbs, clay, salt, seeds. Mix thoroughly.

Molds (you can take children's plastic ones for Easter cakes, or you can use latex or metal ones for baking), grease with olive oil and spread the soapy mass in them with a spoon, tamping well.

After cooling, remove from the molds and lay out on paper. It should lie down at room temperature for 2-3 days and dry a little.

Useful Supplements

So that soap pleases with color, aroma, benefits the skin, you can add:

  • oatmeal, ground sesame seeds, coffee, sea salt (2-3 tablespoons) - give the soap the properties of a scrub;
  • dry medicinal herbs (oregano, chamomile, celandine, yarrow, string) - this soap will soften, disinfect the skin and promote its regeneration;
  • powdered milk, coconut flakes, chopped almonds (2-3 tablespoons) - this soap moisturizes the skin well;
  • honey (2-3 tablespoons) and propolis tincture (1 teaspoon) - relieves irritation;
  • cosmetic clay - improves skin cleansing;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs (they are added instead of water).
  • essential oils - useful oils from chamomile, sage, vanilla, neroli, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cedar, vanilla, lemon, orange, etc.

natural dyes

  • White color gives white clay, milk powder.
  • Pink and burgundy - beetroot juice, pink clay.
  • Orange - sea buckthorn oil, carrot juice, pumpkin.
  • Yellow - calendula petals, chamomile flowers, turmeric.
  • Green - henna, spinach, dry dill and parsley, dry seaweed.
  • Brown - cocoa powder, ground coffee, cinnamon powder, rose hips.

Soap making mistakes

For beginners, an overdose of essential oils is typical. It can cause allergies or irritation. If you are making soap for a child, it is better not to add essential oils at all.

Many, wanting to get red soap, use red rose petals or hibiscus tea for coloring. In fact, the former give a dirty gray color, the second - a dirty green.

If the oil base is too much, or becomes greasy to the touch.

If you add too many dried herbs, the soap will irritate the skin. The same will happen if dry herbs are not ground enough.

If you add salt to a hot soapy mass, it will decompose into fractions: water and soap flakes.

Be creative, experiment and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
