Examples of increasing the number of successes. Writing section. The meaning of work for a person

Resume writers can be roughly divided into two categories: those who lie and don’t blush, and those who don’t lie and blush.

Based on statistics, only 38 percent of applicants attribute non-existent merit to themselves. The remaining 62 percent either beautifully present their successes, or are afraid to once again indicate professional achievements, examples of which we will consider today, so that you do not have a feeling of embarrassment or excitement.

Let's first look at what a resume is.


This document provides assistance in searching for vacancies and applying for a job. It briefly indicates biographical information, education and describes work activity.

A resume is a truthful advertisement of oneself; it can be read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a budget place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor comes into play, and bright information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

Key resume points

Last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, telephone number and email must be indicated.

The next stage is a list of all educational institutions, in which you had to study, special attention allocated to higher education institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with completed courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Experience. If you started working at the age of 11, selling apricots at the market, this is commendable, but you should not include such a fact in your resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

IN additional information You can talk about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.

In “personal qualities,” applicants often write: sociability, determination. This is great, but these advantages appear so often on resumes that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, introduce rationalization proposals. Such an employee is the dream of any manager.

Examples of professional achievements on a resume include: job responsibilities that were completed, completed, and caused a positive change in the organization or benefited someone. For example, your responsibilities include searching for new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate that over the last year the staff was replenished with 50 employees and 100 interviews were conducted.

What is considered professional achievement?

The question is not easy, and the answer to it will be different for everyone. After all, one type of activity is difficult for someone, and the second is easy. It is important not to confuse professional achievements with personal ones.

If you worked in a social service and you managed to save many families from such an unpleasant procedure as deprivation of parental rights, this will be a professional achievement. It might not work out for you special labor, after all, you are an altruist by nature, but mastery computer program Excel was a real challenge, but you did it. Do you feel the difference?

The second point has become your personal source of pride, but the employer will appreciate the first one.

Not destroying, not letting go down and preventing is sometimes a greater achievement than promoting, increasing and achieving.

What is not considered an achievement?

Some very stupid phrases may sound below, but this also happens:

  • "I managed to achieve personal success in professional activity";
  • “during my tenure as secretary, the flow of clients increased sharply”;
  • “it was possible not to reduce the company’s turnover”;
  • “achieved communication skills during work,” etc.

First sentence. What is personal success? This is the result personal growth. A very commendable phenomenon, but no one will take your word for it. In this case, this is equivalent to the statement “I have become much better.”

The second phrase is similar. It is unlikely that the flow of clients will depend on the secretary, unless of course you are Aphrodite. This phrase can be reformulated: “I am very beautiful and charming.” This is great, but you also need to shine with your professional skills. But if you supplement it with the following words: “... the number of clients has doubled in a year,” then it will have the right to life.

The third phrase can be an example of the main professional achievement in life if you are a crisis manager. If a person managed to turn a successful developing company into a stable one, there is no point in talking about it.

The fourth case is your personal achievements. It is likely that this girl had communication problems. She managed to work on herself and achieve success, there is no need to shout about it. The employer may regard this achievement as narrow-mindedness.

Why list your achievements?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success in previous jobs will demonstrate your promise.
  • It’s better not to indicate a couple or three personal qualities in your resume, but back them up with facts in your “professional achievements.” Commitment must be demonstrated in action.
  • A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. "Bad soldiers" are unlikely to interest a successful, promising company.
  • You don’t have to list your successes on your resume, but then don’t be surprised if you don’t even get called for an interview.
  • You must describe yourself as the ideal “victim” of a headhunter, then you will be “bitten” good company with a high motivation system.

Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

  • Reducing the staff of economists by half as a result of the introduction of automation of calculations.
  • 10 successfully completed tax audits.
  • Enterprise software update.
  • Successfully passed 5 checks on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Availability of a diploma of professional retraining.
  • 12 completed inspections for compliance with labor laws.
  • Three articles were published in the newspaper "All about Accounting".
  • 9 successful completions of external audit.
  • There is a certificate of a professional accountant, certified according to the qualification " Chief accountant".
  • She was the supervisor-mentor of five student interns.

Teacher's professional achievements

  • Certificate of honor from the Education Department for conscientious teaching work.
  • Gratitude to the Ivanovo District Administration for the high-quality preparation of the winners and prize-winners of the regional research conference.
  • Letter of gratitude from the Petrovsky Administration municipality for preparing the prize-winner of the regional local history conference “My Land is Beautiful.”
  • 15 open lessons were held.
  • Participation in 5 regional and 7 district conferences.
  • Organization of the "Skilled Musician" circle.
  • 8 seminars were organized for city teachers.
  • 5 webinars were held to exchange experiences among geography teachers.

Professional achievements of a doctor

. 250 successful operations were carried out.

Managed to purchase a new one medical equipment: 3 fetal monitors and doppler.

I have a certificate training course according to the "Medical massage" program.

10 medical equipment inventories were successfully completed.

I completed a 6-hour first aid training course and have a certificate.

Participated in an international scientific and practical conference.

I have a certificate of honor from the mayor of the city for organizing and providing highly qualified medical care population during the epidemic.

Professional achievements of a programmer

Managed to save 20% of purchase costs new technology through software optimization.

Developed the organization's website.

Developed a program that simplified the translation process archival documents digitally and saved 10% of money.

Reduced the number of emergency failures by 4 times by improving the functioning of the server.

Examples of other professional achievements

Prepared necessary documentation to participate in the tender, which our organization won.

Conducted negotiations, as a result of which the number of new clients increased by 120%.

In 2014 social survey was one of the top ten bank tellers.

Awarded a certificate of honor " Best Seller chain of stores" 2015.

Entered the top three according to the results International competition in hairdressing.

What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that you should not write.

  • Increased the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, I performed my work efficiently and on time.
  • After a year of work, I was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • During 3 years of service I have not received a single reprimand.
  • Resolved personal conflicts with the boss.

Let's recap!

1. It is better not to indicate the performance of your direct duties in professional achievements.

2. It is better to count any positive indicators. Achievements must be supported by numbers.

3. Do not list successes that do not in any way relate to the responsibilities of the desired position.

4. If your profession does not involve achievements that can be counted, keep silent about them. If you know how to express your thoughts beautifully, then go from the opposite: “During the work, no emergency situations occurred.”

5. Do not confuse personal achievements with professional ones. If necessary, indicate them separately.

6. Avoid humor, sarcasm or irony. “I’m so cool” is not acceptable in an official document.

7. Do not reveal the essence of your professional achievements against the background of failures and failures of other employees. Don't compare yourself to your former colleagues.

People realize themselves in different areas of life: family, friends, education, and work. Professional field of activity is no less important than others. By realizing himself as a specialist in his field, receiving recognition of his skills, experience, knowledge, a person grows and improves himself. Another indisputable advantage of having professional achievements is increased wages, regulated work schedules, and improved quality of life. This article looks at how to set goals in professional fields and achieve them, why this is necessary, how to describe your results in your resume. The issue of professional achievements of a teacher will also be separately considered, their types and descriptions will be presented.

Definition of the concept

What does “professional achievement” mean? Every job has moments that can be called achievements. This list is individual for each specialist; each employer pays attention to the points that are important specifically in his company. A professional achievement is a successfully resolved situation, the completion of certain tasks, and useful experience in resolving complex conflicts and circumstances. In some areas, this means obtaining a certain title, degree, level of education, or specialist category. In others - unification of people, leadership among certain groups persons, exhaustion social conflicts. Thirdly, high levels of sales, completed transactions, won tenders. Professional achievements are very broad concept, which depends on the field of activity, the specifics of the work, the attitude of employers and the relevance of the skill in the modern work process.

The meaning of work for a person

Work must generate income. This is its main meaning, with which many workers are satisfied. But in addition to the monetary result, work should bring pleasure, moral satisfaction, and the realization of human qualities. So professional achievements are also one of the meanings labor activity. They allow a person not only to arrange his life and career more successfully, but also to realize himself psychologically and emotionally, evoke a number of positive emotions, stabilize nervous tension, and increase self-confidence.

Setting a goal and achieving it

High professional achievements and results are rarely the product of luck and coincidence. Such situations do exist, but in practice, an employee receives these points of characteristics if he puts in some effort. In order to achieve something, you need to act. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what achievement is really important in a particular field and profession, how it can improve the employee’s position in society and in career growth. At the second stage, you need to set yourself a goal, break it down into steps and systematically move in a given direction. It is important to determine time intervals, available resources and ways to accelerate goal achievement. A properly developed plan will help you achieve your goals much faster and with greater likelihood.

Do I need to indicate all my merits?

Professional achievements in a resume are one of the key characteristics of a candidate. If a person strives to take a better vacancy with decent wages and good conditions, you just need to indicate your achievements. Achievements that correspond to the company’s profile will allow us to weed out most of the competitors in workplace, agree on the desired salary level and gain the respect of colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, not all vacancies require certain corporate successes from candidates. Thus, it is difficult to present a resume for a loader, cleaner, plumber and other working specialties with a list of professional achievements. This item in the resume is necessary for workers in the social or intellectual spheres.

How is the candidate selection process carried out?

Before selecting an employee for a particular vacancy, organizations consider several options. Depending on the characteristics of the vacancy and the employer itself, the number of applicants who responded can range from a few people to hundreds. In large companies, reviewing resumes is the responsibility of an entire department of professionals whose job is to identify the best personnel among the huge stream of incoming candidates. These people are very well versed in professions, requirements for applicants, they can perfectly distinguish lies from the truth, identify a psychological portrait, conduct various types of testing and, based on the results obtained, create a holistic image of the applicant. It is difficult to hide from an experienced HR manager negative stories from the professional past, absolute ignorance of the subject of the vacancy and other criteria for inadequacy of the position. Everything else at your disposal personnel service There are various services in which previous employers leave comments and reviews about their employees. Often, if the professional achievements of a person in a resume are of interest to a personnel worker, then by the time of the live meeting at the interview he has already collected a lot of information about him.

How to describe yourself correctly

Based on the information in the previous block of the article, we can conclude that you should adhere to certain rules compiling a resume, describing examples of professional achievements, listing your qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities. Following these instructions significantly increases your chances of being liked by the employer and getting the job you want.

So, a resume should have a structure. This is necessary for ease of reading, highlighting the most important aspects for the employer, and increasing the likelihood that the hiring manager will notice something significant in your response. At a huge number Incoming correspondence, it is very difficult to focus on the monolithic text, to read and look for certain information in an array of completely useless text.

The resume should answer specific questions. The employer must see from it that this particular person has sufficient understanding professional sphere, for the position for which he is applying.

Some companies require a separate resume. Thus, for many large holdings it is important for a person to study the history of development, the specifics of work, and the peculiarities of the corporate ethics of their organization. Your resume must show your knowledge of the company. An integral part of a well-written resume is cover letter. Some employers do not even consider candidates who have not written at least a couple of words in addition to their resume.

Exaggeration and outright lies

You should not attribute to yourself the highest professional achievements if in fact you have nothing to do with them. Firstly, not all people can lie professionally and embellish reality so that it is not noticeable to others. An experienced HR employee will definitely feel that there is something wrong with the information you present. Secondly, if in your professional history there were really negative points, most likely, the HR specialist is already aware of them from the blacklists of employers. Thirdly, deception regarding skills and professional achievements will be revealed in the very first week of work. Starting a “new page in life,” and this is what a new job often is, is not worth doing with actions that discredit your reputation.

Downplaying your achievements

Many people have complexes, lack self-confidence and their strengths, and have no idea of ​​their capabilities and talents. Yes, even ordinary embarrassment is inherent in every second person. And if a person is haunted by a series of failures, a long and painful search for work, he may completely despair and lose faith in his abilities. In reality, this position does not bring anything good. Even in the most difficult situations, be confident in yourself, talk in detail about significant achievements in your professional activities, and do not hide your merits. If you don't talk about them, your position will be given to someone else who can overcome fear and embarrassment. After all, how will the employer know about your advantages as a candidate if you yourself chose to hide them from the public?

Vagueness and specificity

A resume is a document. Even if it does not have a set form, it is not presented in government agencies and is not checked for falsification. A resume is a document that is a pass to new job. This means that it must be filled out efficiently, accurately and according to the rules, albeit unspoken ones. Many professionals who have not yet acquired a rich portfolio and experience try to squeeze as many words into their resume as possible, using vague wording, complex sentences and long lists of meaningless enumerations and explanations. As in diploma work, and in summary: the less “water”, the better. Write specific phrases, formulate sentences that combine brevity and information content.

Achievements in pedagogy

Teacher, teacher, educator, professor, lecturer - all these professions are united general concept"teacher". This in itself is very important work, requiring full dedication, long years of training, a certain set of personal qualities and even leading a special lifestyle. Moreover, the higher the status educational institution, in which a vacancy is announced, the higher the requirements for candidates. Teachers' professional achievements can play a key role in selection. In addition, it itself is low wages teachers in the field public education can increase significantly upon receipt of certain degrees, ranks, titles, victories in competitions and passing certifications.

Examples of teachers' achievements

What to write in a resume, what professional achievements can a teacher have? Taking into account all the above description rules, the following examples can be given:

  • Receiving the title “Teacher of the Year”, winning competitions related to professionalism, obtaining certification, advanced training.
  • A successfully written and defended doctoral dissertation or any other scientific work in the field of teaching.
  • Organizing events for students with a high turnout rate.
  • Involving outsiders in the learning process who have had an important influence on the students ( scientists, celebrities, well-known persons).
  • Successfully attracting and motivating students to volunteer, help needy segments of the population, improve public life And environment.
  • Fruitful participation in the lives of children with poor living and social conditions, assistance in adaptation.
  • Creation and maintenance of clubs, sections, interest groups.

A teacher is a person who participates in shaping not only the level of education of his students, knowledge about a specific subject, but also in drawing a picture of the world, establishing mental health and balance. All these points can increase the value of the personnel for the educational institution.

Welcome to the blog site. Professional achievements play a particularly important role in your resume. Thanks to these characteristics, a potential employer will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your work and decide whether you are suitable to work at their enterprise.

A completely different question is how to describe an example of your achievements in your resume in such a way as not to get rejected? Examples of real characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

What are “professional achievements” and why write about them?

Professional achievements are your successes and merits that you have achieved and received throughout your time working in a certain field of activity. It is quite logical that such characteristics cannot be the same for all professions, therefore each applicant applying for a specific position must be able to indicate only that information about himself as a specialist that will be useful. Only correctly presented data on personal achievements in a resume will be of interest to the HR employee and company management.

Why write about professional achievements?

Why include examples of personal achievements on your resume? There are several important reasons for this.

  1. The characteristics you describe of yourself as a professional will help the head of the company understand how successful you are in your profession. You not only work hard and perform your job duties brilliantly, but you lead the company to prosperity and leadership among many competitors. Every boss will want to see such an employee within the walls of his company.
  2. An example of your achievements on your resume greatly boosts the ego of a potential employer. Every boss wants his company to make a profit with minimal costs, so that old clients remain and new ones constantly come. One person physically cannot cope with everything on his own, especially if he is in charge large company. Therefore, he needs a real pro, and that is you!
  3. An example of personal achievements in a resume characterizes you as a purposeful and responsible employee. Simple indications of your personal qualities, such as “purposeful”, “obligatory”, “responsible”, are just a set of empty words that, in fact, do not prove anything. But if you bring concrete example your successes and achievements in your resume, your candidacy will certainly be of interest to the company administration.
  4. If you indicate examples of your professional achievements in your resume, the manager will be able to understand how positive your dynamics are. career growth. It is by this criterion that your boss will evaluate your hard work, professionalism, and readiness for further self-development. It will be good chance for you to get not only the desired position with high salary, but also have the opportunity to count on a promotion over time.

As you can see, by providing a sample of work achievements for your resume, you can attract attention to your candidacy and significantly “overtake” other applicants for the desired position.

Basic rules of description

You need to be able to present an example of work achievements in your resume correctly. To do this, follow 3 basic rules.

  1. Let's be more specific. Do not describe the basic principles and methods of your work. When giving examples, please include your most significant professional accomplishments. Do it as follows: “increased the percentage of sales by...%”, “accelerated the time to complete a task by... minutes/hours/days”, “trained... employees”, etc. And it doesn’t matter at all in what units you measure your achievements - the main thing is to provide clear numbers. If this is problematic, try to clearly but concisely outline the essence of the work done.
  2. Tie your main professional achievements to a specific place of work. As a rule, in their resume, potential employees indicate 2–3 companies where they worked before and provide a short list of their merits.
  3. Prove that you are qualified for the position you are trying to apply for. If you previously worked as an economist, look for a job based on this criterion. Do not apply for the position of chief accountant with skills and experience in the field in which you worked previously. A sample of your achievements as an economist in a resume for the position of chief accountant will be more than impractical. Most likely, you will immediately receive a refusal from the head of the company.

Question. So, what examples of achievements can you include on your resume? It all depends on which position you are applying for. If it's a leadership position, take care to describe your characteristics from a manager's perspective. If we are talking about an ordinary ordinary employee, stick to this line without deviating from it.

Examples of personal achievements for different professions

What achievements should you write on your resume? Examples for different professions are given below.


An accountant is a very responsible and difficult position that requires accuracy, responsibility, and pragmatism. Consequently, the professional characteristics of this specialist must be at the highest level.

Examples of professional achievements in a resume for an accountant are as follows:

  • automation of accounting calculations and subsequent reduction of the staff of economists;
  • successful completion of 10 (or more) tax audits;
  • complete update of company software;
  • creation of 3 – 5 publications for accounting magazines or newspapers;
  • have a certificate or diploma confirming the qualification “Chief Accountant”, etc.

Another good example of what achievements can be included in an accountant's resume is the number of successfully completed external audits. If you have such experience, be sure to write about it in your characteristics.


What to write in the achievements section of a teacher’s resume? An example is described below:

  • availability certificate of honor for labor merits in teaching activities;
  • successfully conducting 10 open lessons;
  • participation in 7 district, regional, all-Russian conferences on pedagogy;
  • organizing and conducting various training circles.

Also good example achievements at work is holding conferences or webinars to exchange teaching experience.


Of course, here professional achievements will directly depend on medical field, in which the person works, and the degree of his qualifications. Each area of ​​medicine has some of its own, special, nuances that are important to indicate in the characteristics if you want to get a new job.

So, let’s look at the achievements that can be indicated in a resume, using the example of an ENT doctor:

  • performed 50 successful operations on ENT organs;
  • wrote and published 200 articles for Health magazines and newspapers;
  • created and protected scientific work“Innovative methods of treating scleroma”, for which he received the degree of Associate Professor of Medical Sciences;
  • over the past 5 years, trained 45 intern doctors;
  • conducted 8 webinars on otorhinolaryngology;
  • took part in 15 conferences, 3 of which were international.

Note. It is very good if you indicate in your resume the invention of a new medical device, device, device. Moreover, it must not only be developed by you, but also patented. You, in turn, must have proof of licensing of your development. However, it is necessary to indicate this on your resume only if such an achievement actually takes place in your medical practice!

Sales Manager

If you are applying for a position as a sales manager, then indicate your achievements in your resume as follows:

  • increased sales level by 30%;
  • over the past six months, attracted 50 new partners/clients;
  • trained 15 new employees within a year;
  • Over the past 3 years, he has organized 35 promotions and discount programs, thanks to which he attracted 200 new regular customers.

An innumerable number of examples can be given. But you must clearly remember one thing: only the truth, and no distortion of facts! Remember that the head of the company can at any moment demand evidence that you are really successful in your field of activity, and if you embellished information about yourself a little, your deception will be quickly exposed.


Managers can be divided into 2 groups: small and large caliber. The first category includes administrators, supervisors, managers, etc. The second group includes directors, general directors, presidents of companies, etc.

Let's look at examples of professional achievements in a resume for a manager, taking as a basis the position of director of the logistics department:

  • over the past 2 years, has developed 5 new route schemes for fast delivery cargo from... to...;
  • automated the inventory system, thereby achieving a faster process (previously it took 5 hours, now it takes 1-2 hours);
  • completely updated software, thanks to which it was possible to increase the selection speed from ... to ... lines in an hour.

Yes, we brought real examples professional achievements from applicants' resumes. Of course, you shouldn’t copy everything into your description. The previously described samples will only help you navigate how to correctly fill out the column with professional achievements in your “ business card" Everything else is in your hands, so don’t miss the opportunity to get your dream job by writing your resume correctly and competently!

Why is describing achievements and performance important?

  • The labor market today is not in favor of the job seeker: good vacancies there are few, but there are many times more competent candidates. It is the results of work and achievements that help you stand out from the crowd.
  • In most companies, employees solve the same problems. Consequently, the description of responsibilities in the resume of different candidates is almost the same. It is the different work results that give a resume its individuality.
  • The level of competence of a particular candidate can be determined at the stage of reviewing a resume only by the description of his work. And achievements here are the best proof.

How to properly reflect achievements:

  1. remember KPIs (they are individual for each position) or assigned tasks;
  2. described in active verbs: introduced, developed, initiated;
  3. we make a logical connection between our actions and results: implemented - it allowed;
  4. We use numbers, preferably in comparison: it was - it is now.

Let's look at examples for positions with frequently encountered KPIs.

Examples of achievements for positions where it is difficult to digitize work results.

job title Key KPIs Examples of achievements
1 Financial Director Accounting setupOrganized accounting, tax, operational and management accounting from scratch.
Setting up a budgeting systemImplemented a budgeting system by business area, which increased accounting transparency.
Control system optimization financial flows Implemented a payment calendar based on 1C UPP and carried out a number of measures to strengthen payment discipline, which made it possible to obtain financial resources to generate additional income.
2 Purchasing DirectorOptimization of procurement activitiesOrganized procurement activities without involving additional cash, this was achieved through successful negotiations with suppliers to increase deferment and improve other conditions.
Automation of business processesInitiated and led a project to automate the order generation system, which allowed to reduce labor costs for information processing.
3 Chief Engineer enterprisesModernization projectsImplemented a number of projects to modernize and reconstruct the enterprise: modernization of the access control system and installation of a fire extinguishing system, alarm system and video surveillance.
Development of regulatory documentsDeveloped and implemented everything regulatory documents on occupational health and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, security traffic, which made it possible to reduce the legal and financial risks of the enterprise.
4 LawyerDevelopment of document formsDeveloped forms of contracts: contract, supply, purchase and sale, etc., which allowed us to minimize labor costs for preparing documents.
Experience judicial practice Case No.... - collection of debt under a supply agreement in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. (In this paragraph, it is advisable to describe several diverse cases, but no more than three for each place of work.)
5 Secretary-assistantProjects or additional responsibilities Initiated the company's participation in charitable events and sponsorship support. Implemented the manager's project for office floral design.
Document flow optimizationInitiated the creation of a document flow database based on Excel, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
6 Sales AnalystDevelopment of reporting formsDeveloped a reporting system for tracking orders and sales of goods, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
Development of analysis toolsDeveloped mathematical models sales planning based on the performance of sales personnel.

Often when filling out a resume, you will be asked to indicate your main professional achievements. Not all applicants know what this is and how to fill out this field. Our tips will help you.

So, professional achievements are those peaks that you achieved in your previous job or during your student years. It could be:

  • – ability to work in a team;
  • high speed touch typing on the keyboard;
  • – a successfully completed project, for example, a filmed documentary;
  • – maintaining a wide scientific activity, start-up management;
  • – conducting trade union activities;
  • – masterful use of a photo editor;
  • – ability to disassemble and assemble computers “on the knee” and so on.

It is better to support the list of achievements with relevant diplomas and certificates. This way there will be more trust in them, and a potential employer will see that your achievements are in demand, and your price as a specialist will increase.

When identifying your main professional achievements, you should be guided by the following: simple rules:

– Think about how relevant this or that achievement is for the industry where you plan to work. For example, if you know how to install Windows without looking, but get hired as a cook, this is a dubious achievement in the eyes of the employer.

– Your work experience is also an argument. Be sure to include where and how many years you worked on your resume. And don’t just indicate your profession, but describe specifically what you did. If you were a librarian, this does not mean that you only gave out books. Maybe you were in the archives and know how to fill out catalogs? Someone may need a specialist in this matter.

– Don’t invent non-existent achievements. They will definitely check it, and it will be very unpleasant. Moreover, if you write that you speak English perfectly, you may be hired to negotiate with a foreign partner. And you speak English with a dictionary and even then it’s uncertain.

– It doesn’t hurt to make inquiries and find out what specialists are needed in the company and what people are preferred by your immediate boss, who will read the resume. Some people like teachable, creative people, while others need intelligent performers.

– Do not indicate your personal qualities in general phrases in your resume. You should not write: “communicative.” We are all sociable - we can talk everything. But if you write: “I have experience in negotiating with potential partners,” that’s a different matter.

– Do not indicate anything that is not relevant. You should not list as your main professional achievement that you are a breeder. aquarium fish and that you are a vegetarian. Unless, of course, you get a job as a salesperson in a pet store.

Your main professional achievements are your value on the labor market. The greater your talents, the greater your value. The purpose of your resume is to attract the recruiter's attention to you. You must make it clear to him what you are like, how you can benefit the organization, and what it will benefit from if you become his loyal employee.

Do not hesitate to indicate your main professional achievements - this is your first step on a new career ladder.

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