Seasonal work abroad for Russians. Volunteer on coffee plantations. Types of seasonal work

For the average Russian, seasonal work abroad is an opportunity to simultaneously earn money, get acquainted with another country, and meet new people. In addition, those who are especially curious can learn a foreign language and acquire useful connections, which in the future will help them work less and earn more.

Seasonal work in Europe allows you to change your life

Example of a job offer in the Czech Republic

A certain percentage of Russians who go for seasonal work begin to implement their program of moving to another state in this way.

Whatever your goals, always keep in mind that you will be required to be willing to work long hours and under challenging conditions.

Work abroad for Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, etc. assumes that applicants are stress-resistant, sociable and strong people, ready to live in Spartan conditions for some time.

The most common seasonal vacancies

If you have just started looking for the answer to the question of how to find work abroad for the summer season, first of all decide what exactly you want and can do. In 2020, the easiest ways to find the following vacancies are:

  • trainer;
  • animator;
  • camp counselor;
  • cook;
  • packer;
  • salesperson-cashier;
  • cleaning woman;
  • auxiliary worker;
  • work in greenhouses;
  • maids, etc.

Knowledge of the language and historical data about the country will allow you to get a job as a guide. Tourist specialties are in demand on the coasts in summer, and on ski resorts.

During the holiday season, shops and supermarkets are looking for additional labor to serve visitors. Administration retail outlets, knowing that they will not find temporary workers in the required quantity in their hometown, they place advertisements on foreign websites and in newspapers, and turn for help to companies that employ citizens from less prosperous countries.

Another area is caring for the sick, the elderly and young children. There are also job openings in nature reserves and parks. Some organizations are looking for volunteers who are provided with housing and food. However, in most cases, remuneration is not provided.

In which countries can you work?

Russians, citizens of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and other post-Soviet states choose to work in a number of areas. The choice is most often influenced by reviews of compatriots who already have experience of foreign employment.

Often certain countries offer certain professions. For example, the easiest way is in a hotel or tourism business. Maids, reception workers, guides, animators and similar professions are in demand.

Our compatriots go to Spain and France for jobs such as:

  • harvesting;
  • hotel service;
  • service in amusement parks.

You can work in the listed areas from May to October.

In summer there is a possibility. Here foreigners are offered employment in agricultural lands, on livestock farms, as well as in fisheries.

One of the popular destinations is Poland, where there is a shortage of workers in many areas. As in other former socialist countries, by European standards they are not the best, which is why the local population migrates to neighboring countries in Western Europe.

How much do they pay and what conditions are offered?

No matter what country you go to and what position you take, be it growing strawberries or doing animation, you will be paid much more than in similar professions at home.

The minimum work rate per day is 8 hours. But that's if you're lucky. As a rule, our compatriots work at least 10 hours. In factories and agriculture up to 13 hours a day. Overtime, as well as holidays and weekends are paid more generously.

Some employers provide employees with accommodation and food, as well as round-trip travel expenses. Others are accommodation only. Some people don't care about where they live or what they eat. temporary workers.

It’s better to inquire about this issue before concluding a contract, since housing and food abroad are more expensive than here, and if you’re very busy, you won’t have time to think about buying food and cooking.

Seasonal work has many positive and negative aspects. They allow you to get a good income in a short time; this is an excellent option for those who do not have a permanent job. Seasonal work abroad provides an opportunity to practice a foreign language, get to know the country, and see how people live. The disadvantages include hard physical work, little time for rest, as well as the most unforeseen circumstances that an employee may find himself in. In order for seasonal work to bring only positive results, you should seriously approach the choice of a company or employer, discuss all the issues of interest, and it is best to trust only trusted places. You also need to decide on the choice of work that you have to do, soberly assess your capabilities and health, the work should be according to your strength. Seasonal work is a great experience and acquaintance with the country, and if immigration is in your plans, then maybe this step will be the first in making your dream come true. Going and seeing everything with your own eyes in the country where you are going to immigrate is much better than listening to stories from people.

Main options for seasonal work abroad

For the summer period, you can find seasonal work at tourist resorts. During the winter season, workers are always needed at ski centers. These could be vacancies for animators, waiters or kitchen assistants. Large selection of fruit and vegetable harvesting jobs. Picking strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, and apples are the most popular work options offered in Europe. This is good because it does not require extensive language knowledge, it allows you to earn money and get to know the life of people in another country.

Working abroad is an easy option for people who do not have special skills or are taking a break from their previous routine.

Another option for seasonal employment is working in nature reserves, caring for children, the elderly or sick people. You can try yourself as a volunteer. This type poorly paid or without any payment at all, but only food and housing are provided. This option is suitable for those who want to learn more about the chosen country, get acquainted with the culture, gain good life experience, learn the language and possibly enroll in training or look for other job options in the future.


Picking wild berries such as blueberries, lingonberries, and cloudberries is the main type of seasonal work in Finland. You can also go to the country to visit strawberry plantations or pick potatoes. If you are planning to get a seasonal job in another country, you should start preparing documents in advance. The beginning of the berry and vegetable picking season is impossible to determine with certainty. It all depends on weather conditions and the speed of berry ripening, but still approximately the periods look like this:

  • For strawberries - late June, early July (duration up to four weeks)
  • For raspberries - late July, early August (duration three to four weeks)
  • For wild blueberries - from July 10 (only two weeks)
  • For blueberries and garden blueberries - period from the end of July (duration from four to six weeks)
  • For lingonberries and cloudberries - from the beginning to the end of August
  • For harvesting potatoes - early September

Picking wild berries such as blueberries, lingonberries, and cloudberries is the main type of seasonal work in Finland.

For seasonal work in Finland, you must obtain work visa, it is drawn up on the basis of the employer’s contract. Be sure to take care of submitting documents for seasonal work in advance, since its registration takes much longer than a regular tourist one. It is best to do this two to three months before the start of the employment contract.

Someone also needs to pick northern berries

Tips for those traveling to Finland for seasonal work:

  • Familiarize yourself with the country's labor laws
  • Invitations from farms are sent free of charge, there is no need to overpay intermediary companies for them
  • Employment contract should only be in in writing with a description of working conditions
  • Find out the cost of accommodation, transportation, food, whether these expenses will be deducted from your salary or you will pay for them yourself.
  • Be sure to write down the telephone number of your country's embassy in Finland

Poland is a great place for Russian students to work

Poland is one of the most popular countries for seasonal work. It comes to Poland greatest number workers from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Poland is attractive because of its relatively close location, which means you won’t need a large amount of money for your trip. In addition, the Polish language is quite similar to Ukrainian and Russian, which makes it easy to overcome the language barrier. What vacancies are offered in Poland for seasonal employment? Most often this is agricultural labor. Every year thousands of people come to the country to work in apple picking. Almost always, workers are required in greenhouses to cut champignons.

Poland is attractive because of its relatively close location, which means you won’t need a large amount of money for your trip.

May - September is the main period of seasonal work in Poland. Seasonal work in Poland is very popular among students. During the summer holidays, you can find vacancies on agricultural farms, as well as in hotels and facilities catering. In the summer, workers are required for amusement parks, waiters, and bartenders. It is imperative that if you are applying for seasonal work abroad to specialized firms, request an agreement with the employer on the hiring of labor in your country. The contract must be concluded directly with the foreign employer, and not with an intermediary company.

Students can work as hotel employees

List of the most popular vacancies in Poland for seasonal work:

  • Maids and administrators in hotels;
  • Cooks, kitchen assistants, dishwashers;
  • Packers, packers;
  • Supermarket cleaners;
  • Workers in meat processing plants, fish factories;
  • Workers on agricultural farms;
  • Builders.

Such a different Europe: work in Norway

In Norway, seasonal workers are most often required for agricultural or livestock farms. The main types of work are weeding, pruning the garden, picking berries, making hay, caring for and cleaning animals. In this country you can also get a rather exotic job, such as a fish ripper, and there are also jobs offered for salting and packaging fish products. For students with With good knowledge, you can get a job for the summer in holiday camps for children or as service personnel in hotels. For seasonal vacancies that do not exceed 90 days, a work visa will be sufficient.

In this country you can also get a rather exotic job, like a fish ripper, and there are also vacancies offered for salting and packaging fish products.

Norway specializes in fish, so you will have to deal with it

In order to get a seasonal job in Norway, you must be at least 18 years old and have labor agreement with the employer. Basic requirements for working conditions for seasonal workers in Norway:

  • The salary must be in line with the pay scale in the industry or collective agreement enterprises (if both are missing, payment is equal to the minimum hourly rate)
  • Labor relations must be approved and authorized by the Norwegian Labor Administration
  • The work must be full time, it is also possible to split into several offers from different employers

What does Spain have to offer?

Spain is one of the countries where you can go for seasonal agricultural work. In this regard, it is attractive to foreigners with different countries peace. Favorable climate, good pay labor and the opportunity to see one of the most beautiful countries in Europe are the main advantages of seasonal work in Spain. Workers are needed here to collect olives, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and grapes. If you have a good knowledge of Spanish, you can get a job in a hotel as a service personnel or find a vacancy as a guide for tourists. The amount of payment for collecting vegetables or fruits depends on the amount collected. It is necessary to deduct expenses for housing and food from your salary, but even under such conditions you can earn good money.

Most often, workers are needed to collect olives, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and grapes.

Working on a plantation is the easiest option to go abroad at least for a season

Approximate salary amount

  • Workers in the service sector (maids, waiters, kitchen workers) - from 700 to 1000 euros
  • Agriculture (collection of vegetables, fruits) - piecework payment labor from 500 euros
  • Qualified construction professions- 1000–1200 euros
  • Helper workers at a construction site - 500-800 euros

Heading to France for the summer

Seasonal workers in France are most often required for agricultural work, parks and hotel business. The labor period can be very different, it will depend on the location of the province and its climate. So for picking cherries and strawberries - May-June. The period for harvesting vegetables lasts from June to September. Apple picking season is September-October. A lot of seasonal workers are hired to harvest grapes; this work takes place in September-October.

French wine is distributed all over the world: for such a quantity of drinking, you definitely need more hands capable of handling huge baskets of grapes

The period of work can be very different, it will depend on the location of the province and its climate.

For a trip to France for seasonal work, a period of three months is requested based on a contract with the employer. If the period of work is more than ninety days, then a residence permit is issued for the period of validity of the work contract. The main regions of France where you can go for agricultural purposes:

  • Pyrenees, Beaujolais, Laura Valley, Burgundy - vintage
  • Rhone Valley - cherry picking
  • Center and Périgord - strawberry picking
  • Auvergne and Aquitaine - collecting vegetables, corn

The largest employers in the tourism sector are Disneyland Paris and Asterix Park. If you want to get a job for the summer season in this industry, then you should start searching in February.

Interesting facts: Disneyland Paris employs more than 12,000 seasonal workers for summer jobs.

Video: The Netherlands - as the most popular option for traveling abroad

Finding seasonal work in the Netherlands is not so difficult, because this country is famous for the widest variety of vacancies for seasonal workers. Most often, workers are required in greenhouses, after all The Netherlands is a country that occupies a leading position in the cultivation of flowers, vegetables and fruits. The contract, in most cases, is issued for six months, payment from approximately 6 euros per hour. A key link in the Dutch economy is farming, which is why workers are always needed for livestock farms.

In addition to the agricultural sector, in Holland you can get seasonal construction work. Particularly in demand professions are assemblers, welders and fitters. You can find seasonal work either independently or through special companies with vacancy banks.

Working abroad is an interesting experience that does not require special skills, new acquaintances and an opportunity to take a break from everyday life in your homeland.

Working in other countries is considered in a simple way earn a certain amount over the summer, which can then be spent profitably in Russia and the CIS countries. Indeed, additional seasonal labor is very welcome abroad. In addition, seasonal work abroad provides an opportunity to get acquainted with a new country and its characteristics, appreciate real conditions on the spot and learn the language. This work is physically difficult, but still very interesting for its exoticism and the opportunity to change the usual environment and city for a while.

Types of seasonal work for Russians and how to find it

Seasonal work in a foreign country is chosen by people who do not have a regular income, people planning for the future and students who want to do an internship in foreign company. The work is varied and can be chosen to suit every taste.

The important thing here is endurance and readiness to irregular work, the ability to quickly navigate a new environment, stress resistance and communication skills. There are many types of seasonal work abroad that are relevant in the summer of 2020.

Waiters, animators (children, dancers), trainers ( gyms, yoga), cook assistants and support workers are always required during the tourist season in hotels. During cold seasons, these vacancies also open at ski resorts. If you know the language and history of the country, including its sights, you can work as a guide.

Supermarkets (display of goods, cleaning of premises, packaging, packing) willingly accept additional labor during the tourist season, since the workload increases and it is more profitable for them to hire temporary employees. There is a lot of seasonal work collecting vegetables, fruits and berries. To choose the latter option, you need to be prepared for the fact that the work lasts on average from a month to six months and the employee will have to move to other regions. That's why this work may not always be suitable for students.

Also popular are vacancies such as working in parks, nature reserves and caring for children and pensioners. There are a lot of offers for volunteer work, but this work, as a rule, is not paid, but housing and food are provided. The last proposal may be of interest only to those who need to get acquainted with a foreign country, language and culture in order to make a decision on moving to another state or enrolling in a foreign university.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When you register using the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent a good apartment for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

Countries and vacancies popular for seasonal work

For Russians, there are many countries to which they prefer to go for seasonal work. Their choice is most often related to the convenience of location or based on popularity and reviews from those who already have experience working in these countries.

In Norway, agricultural and livestock farms, as well as fisheries, are selected for seasonal work.

In Finland, the main job is picking berries, mushrooms and even potatoes. Harvesting seasons are very dependent on weather conditions, which can affect the ripening time of berries and vegetables. The collection period also varies. The work season in this country begins from June to early September.

The Netherlands is looking for seasonal workers in its flower and vegetable greenhouses and livestock farms, and is in desperate need of additional hired labor. Construction specialists, such as welders, installers and finishing specialists, are also welcome here.

Russian seasonal workers go to France and Spain to work in hotels, amusement parks and agricultural provinces. The season for collecting vegetables and fruits in this country begins in May and ends in October. In general, the period of employment is very dependent on the geographical location and climate of the area where the work will take place.

Also popular in Thailand and other countries.

Salaries and conditions in Europe

The salary is higher than in the CIS countries, but lower than what officially employed residents of a foreign country and those who work under a long-term contract receive. Most often hourly. Minimum requirements – 8 hours of work or a certain standard, amount of work. Overtime, work on holidays and exceeding the norm, as a rule, are paid above. Children's animators earn more than organizers of adult leisure.

Accommodation, travel and food are best paid for by the employer. In this case, you need to make sure in advance that the place of residence is safe and compliant. optimal requirements for normal rest and life. You need to understand that after working day rest and sleep conditions should help to recover and not worsen the general state of physiological and mental health.

Registration of employment

Students most often end up in special programs from their higher institution, where they are paid a minimum wage, but are guaranteed housing and food. The rest have to look for seasonal work abroad on their own or through an intermediary. When registering through an intermediary, you should be very careful when signing the contract. The employment contract must only be in writing, describing the working conditions and payments.

It is best to obtain insurance from a foreign company. It is important that this is not a representative office, but an official insurance agency, because not all medical institutions can accept this document. Therefore, you need to avoid any franchise so as not to spend extra penalties and commissions.

It is also important to track how and where it will be transferred wages. Many cases of deception are formalized quite legally, with an indication in the contract that cash will be transferred to the account of the intermediary company. In this case, a trusting employee will most likely work for free. Therefore, you need to very meticulously study the documents that you have to sign.

Most often, those workers who are engaged in such situations find themselves in such situations construction work. Animators, for example, are protected by the fact that their payment will go through the hotel where they plan to work.

There are general rules and recommendations. For example, you will need to obtain a work visa 3 months before starting work and on average lasting up to six months. But if you want to work in amusement parks in France, you will have to worry about getting this job in the winter.

It is also recommended that you carefully read labor legislation the country where you plan to temporarily move. If continuous work exceeds 90 days, a work permit and residence permit will be required.

No language barrier

There are jobs without qualifications abroad without knowledge of the language all over the world. There are nuances that are important to understand. The payment will most likely be lower. To get a job without close contact with clients, you may have to work in supermarkets at night. The range of services and entertainment will be very limited in choice if your language skills are zero. A minimum set of words that are useful in everyday life and work can be learned without difficulty. There is a list of vacancies that are available without deep knowledge of a foreign language. These types of work can be found both on the Internet and directly during a personal visit to the institution.

Housekeeper is work in private homes and hotels in the form of cleaning, laundry and cooking.. The work is hard, monotonous, 10-12 hours a day, with pay starting from $7 per hour.

Dishwasher – the most popular work for emigrants, which involves a minimum of communication, hard, but easy-to-perform work, with pay from 6 to 12 dollars per hour.

A nurse in a nursing home is busy caring for pensioners at home or in specialized institutions. Income from 8 to 15 dollars per hour. This option is suitable if you are looking for a job in big city, where Russian-speaking residents live who, in old age, want to hear their native speech. The work takes on average 8 hours, for which both women and men are hired, since both physical strength and moral support (attention, affection) are equally required.

Cleaning personnel (cleaner) interact a lot with household chemicals and is faced with an abnormal amount of work that cannot be foreseen in advance. But these workers receive 10-40 dollars per hour and can hope for decent tips.

Delivery, courier services(Delivery service) requires knowledge of the language, but minimum volume to maintain necessary communication with clients and the employer. The salary is low, but there are a lot of good tips. Having a driver's license or a means of transportation (bicycle, moped) will be a plus.

Why is working in Norway so popular for Russians? Norway is experiencing labor shortages, especially in the fishing and oil refining industries. That is why thousands of work permits are issued annually for Russians, as well as immigrants from the former CIS and Baltic countries, to work in Norway.

How to find work in Norway for Russians?

See also job offers in Norway, where knowledge of the Russian language is in demand, from the portals Eurabota, Indeed, CareerJet.

We offer the most complete one, it contains both classic search engines and a message board in Russian in Norway.

Pay attention to the vacancies on our website for free job search ads abroad.

If you want to apply for a visa on your own to legally enter Norway you must:

1) apply via Online visa portal,

2) after your email address You will receive a confirmation (Cover letter) that the application has been received (in PDF format), print it and attach Required documents, also print and sign Checklist and visit your nearest Visa Application Center or Embassy to:

3) obtain an entry visa to Norway.

What is a work permit in Norway?

To work in Norway, all foreign citizens must have a work permit. Typically, work permits are issued for a period of one year and most of them can be extended (except for permits for seasonal work). “Permit to work in Norway” does not look like a separate work book. Initially, this is a completed and signed UDI (Norwegian Department of Foreigners) form, called Arbeidstilbud (job offer in Norway) in Norwegian. The form contains information about the employer and foreign worker and UDI permit approval stamps. Further information that a foreigner has the right to work for certain period are included in

About what types of work permits there are in Norway, .

Working in Norway on oil platforms: risk of fraud

Norway is the largest developer oil fields. Despite the difficult working conditions, high earnings attractive for Russians to work in Norway.
The Norwegian Embassy has repeatedly encountered cases of fraud by intermediary firms that offer to find you a job in Norway on oil platforms.
Do not contact companies that charge you money for addresses of Norwegian companies where you can send your resume yourself.
Large oil companies They regularly recruit personnel to work both on oil platforms and onshore: Parker Drilling And Pioneer Drilling .

Please note that only highly qualified specialists with special professional education can actually get a job in Norway on oil platforms.

Can a qualified specialist obtain permanent residence in Norway?

A work permit in Norway in the “Specialist” category can be obtained by an employee who has special education or special qualifications, while work is only permitted for a specific employer-company in Norway and in a specific region. The permit is usually issued for one year with the possibility of extension. After 3 years of work with such a permit, a specialist can apply for a permanent residence permit in Norway (permanent residence) with the right to work for any employer.

Seasonal work in Norway

Seasonal work in Norway involves harvesting crops on farms or picking berries in Norway. A permit to work as a seasonal worker can be given for a period of up to 6 months, after which a new permit can only be obtained after a six-month stay outside Norway. To search for seasonal job vacancies, we recommend using the website Summerjobs.

Plastic card “Residence permit in Norway”

Find official information possible at . If you need urgent assistance while working in Norway Russian Consulate, you can find the addresses of the representative office closest to you on the page .
