Background for presentation walk in kindergarten. “Presentation on the topic “Organization and conduct of walks in kindergarten. Organization of motor activity

Organization and conduct of walks in kindergarten

Goals, objectives, types of walks.

Requirements for the sanitary condition of the site, time spent in the fresh air, as well as for organizing preschoolers for walks

Goals and objectives of walking in a preschool institution

Walk- a very important regime moment in the life of children in preschool educational institutions.

Purpose of the walk– health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

Walking tasks :

  • have a hardening effect on the body in natural conditions;
  • contribute to increasing the level of physical fitness of children preschool age;
  • optimize children's motor activity;
  • promote cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal development of children.

Types of walks (according to location):

  • on the site of the Institution;
  • walking walks outside the preschool site (senior preschool age at a distance of up to two kilometers);

Requirements for preparing for and returning from a walk

Before going out for a walk, the teacher organizes hygiene procedures with the children: cleaning the nose, visiting the toilet.

Dressing and undressing children when preparing for and returning from a walk is necessary

by subgroups:

Stages of preparation for the walk

The teacher takes the first subgroup of children to the reception room to get dressed, which includes children who dress slowly and children with low self-care skills

The teacher goes out with the first subgroup of children for a walk, and the assistant teacher finishes dressing the second subgroup and escorts the children to the teacher’s station.

The assistant teacher carries out hygiene procedures with the second subgroup and takes the children to the reception area

to help with dressing, each group of early and junior preschool age is assigned workers and medical personnel preschool educational institution

Returning from a walk

The return of children from a walk is also organized in subgroups.

The teacher's assistant takes the first subgroup of children away from the site. Children of the second subgroup continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with the teacher

The teacher's assistant helps children untie scarves, unbutton and remove outerwear, and put clothes in a locker. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play

In the summer, after children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygiene procedure - washing their feet.

Dressing procedure for children

  • To avoid overheating of children, it is necessary to adhere to the following dressing order: first, children put on tights, gaiters, then sweatshirts, overalls, shoes, and only then last resort hats, outerwear and scarf. The return of children from a walk is also organized in subgroups. The teacher's assistant takes the first subgroup of children away from the site. Children of the second subgroup continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with the teacher. The teacher's assistant helps children untie scarves, unbutton and remove outerwear, and put clothes in a locker. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play. In the summer, after children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygiene procedure - washing their feet.
  • To avoid overheating of children, it is necessary to adhere to the following dressing order: first, children put on tights, gaiters, then sweaters, overalls, shoes, and only lastly hats, outerwear and a scarf.
  • The return of children from a walk is also organized in subgroups. The teacher's assistant takes the first subgroup of children away from the site. Children of the second subgroup continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with the teacher.
  • The teacher's assistant helps children untie scarves, unbutton and remove outerwear, and put clothes in a locker. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play.
  • In the summer, after children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygiene procedure - washing their feet.

It is necessary to familiarize children with the dressing sequence, especially in the nursery and younger group. Model diagrams can help with this

Requirements for children's clothing

  • at any time of the year, clothing and shoes must be appropriate for the current weather and should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia in children;
  • when temperatures fluctuate from +3 to -3°C and there is light wind, children’s clothing should consist of three layers, including underwear. Outerwear consists of an insulated jacket, trousers or gaiters; insulated boots on feet;
  • at temperatures from -4 to -10°C, children wear a winter jacket or down jacket with three layers of clothing.
  • with more low temperatures it is recommended to increase the number of layers of clothing to four or five, depending on the heat-insulating properties outerwear.
  • In the summer, children wear light hats to avoid overheating.

In the corner for parents, recommendations for hardening should be placed, appropriate for the age of the children and the time of year.

Encourage parents not to overheat their child,

dress children according to weather conditions.

How to store clothes in a locker

A scarf and hat are placed on the top shelf. A jacket, gaiters, tights, warm pants, outerwear are hung on a hook. Mittens with an elastic band must be threaded through the sleeves and the hanger of outerwear. Shoes are placed on the bottom shelf, socks are placed on top.

Requirements for the maintenance of walks on the preschool site

The walk should consist of the following

structural elements


motor activity:

outdoor, sports games,

sports exercises;

individual work

according to various




work assignments

independent activities of children

The sequence of structural components of a walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in an activity that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then first the walks there are outdoor games, jogging, then observations. If there was a physical education or music lesson before the walk, the walk begins with observation or quiet play.

Each of the required components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the backdrop of children’s independent activity.


Organization of observations: the process of observation can be organized for objects and weather phenomena. When planning observations, the teacher considers: equipment and materials used during the observation, placement of children; techniques for attracting children's attention to observation (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problem situation); techniques for activating mental activity (search questions, actions, comparison, use of childhood experience).

Organization of motor activity

IN motor activity children on a walk

should include:

outdoor games and physical exercises on a morning walk: in the younger group - 6-10 minutes, in the middle group - 10-15 minutes, in the older and preparatory groups– 20-25 min. On an evening walk: in junior and senior middle groups– 10-15 minutes, in senior and preparatory groups – 12-15 minutes. Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced with sports exercises or, in older preschool age, sports games, games with elements of competition. Sports exercises include: sledding, skiing, cycling, scootering. Sports games include: towns, basketball, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey

independent motor activity.

The nature and duration depend on the individual needs and interests of children and the developing environment;

  • individual tasks (in accordance with calendar planning).
  • Depending on weather conditions children's physical activity in the air can be of varying intensity so that children do not become overcooled or overheated. The teacher thinks through the organization of physical activity before going for a walk, focusing on specific weather conditions. Children are not allowed to walk for long periods of time without moving. Special attention require children with reduced mobility, low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games.
  • Depending on weather conditions, children's physical activity outdoors can be of varying intensity so that children do not become overcooled or overheated. The teacher thinks through the organization of physical activity before going for a walk, focusing on specific weather conditions.
  • Children are not allowed to walk for long periods of time without moving. Children with reduced mobility and low initiative require special attention and should be involved in outdoor games.
  • Games with a high level of movement intensity should not be played at the end of a morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of the period of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite

  • in accordance with calendar planning, the teacher carries out individual work on the cognitive-speech, social-personal, physical or artistic-aesthetic development of children;
  • prepares everything for this purpose necessary materials and equipment.

  • - the teacher involves children in collecting toys;
  • - providing all possible assistance in putting things in order after a walk, --- care for plants, etc.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the walk, the teacher prepares the necessary takeaway material, manuals for various types children's activities that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The teacher must supervise the children’s independent activities: ensure their complete safety, teach them to use aids in accordance with their purpose, and constantly monitor the children’s activities throughout the walk.

Walk– this is one of the main health activities, preventing the protection and strengthening of children’s health, full physical development, and various motor activities of children.

Purpose of the walk health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity. Walking tasks * have a hardening effect on the body in natural conditions; contribute to increasing the level of physical fitness of children; *optimize children's physical activity; *promote cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic, social and personal development of children Remember!

The total duration of the walk is 4 – 4.5 hours.

(approved by the schedule at the SES)

The walk has great value for children's development.

Develops mental abilities and observation: they get a lot of new impressions and knowledge about the environment; learn about the features of seasonal changes in nature, notice connections between various phenomena, and establish elementary relationships between phenomena in nature.

It makes it possible to introduce children to their hometown, its sights, the work of adults who plant trees on its streets, build beautiful houses, pave roads, etc.

Satisfies the child’s natural biological need for movement (and children’s movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange , improve appetite .

Children develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality.

During the walk, problems of mental, moral, physical, labor and aesthetic education are solved .

The structural components of the walk are:

Various observations.

Didactic games.

Labor activity.

Independent play activities of children.

Various observations:–

Objects of observation: 1).Wildlife: plants and animals;

2).Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);

3).Adult labor.

Types of observation:*Short-term observations are organized to formulate information about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when familiarizing themselves with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.

*Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, and seasonal changes in nature. Children compare the observed state of the object with what was before.

Basic movements and outdoor games.

Children’s motor experience expands, skills in basic movements improve, physical qualities develop, independence and activity, and positive relationships with peers are formed.

The role of driver is performed by a child who can cope with this task.

Relay races, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.

Outdoor games end with walking or low-mobility play, which gradually reduces physical activity.

Didactic games and exercises.

They are one of the structural components of the walk. They are short-lived, taking 5-6 minutes.

Types of didactic games:

*Playing with objects (toys or natural materials),

*Word games.

Various didactic exercises are a way to stimulate children's activity. They are carried out several times during one walk. A didactic exercise can be offered to children at the beginning, at the end, or can be woven into the course of observation, for example, “Bring a yellow leaf,” “Find a tree by leaf,” “Find a tree or shrub by description,” etc. They are carried out with the whole group or with part of it.

Work assignments .

tasks should be feasible, interesting and varied, and last 15-20 minutes.

The forms of organizing children's labor are:

*Individual work assignments

*Work in groups

*Collective work.

Individual work assignments are used in all age groups.

Collective work makes it possible to develop work skills and abilities simultaneously in all children in the group. During collective work, the ability to accept a common goal of work, coordinate one’s actions, and plan work together is formed.

Independent play activity .

During independent play activities, children reflect the impressions received during excursions and everyday life, and acquire knowledge about the work of adults. This happens in the process of role-playing games.

One of the types creative games are construction games with natural materials:

sand, clay, small pebbles, etc.

They improve blood circulation in the lungs, thus promoting a better supply of oxygen to tissues and organs. If a child has a slight runny nose, cool air will help thin the mucus.

Walking broadens a child's horizons. Helps create and strengthen the emotional connection between the child and parents.

Develop physical skills. Walking in the fresh air improves appetite. Promote good sleep for your baby.

Help the child adapt socially. After all, during a walk in the park, at the nursery playground the child can meet other children who will not mind playing with him. The child receives positive emotions while walking. .

Requirements for children's clothing It is very important that children have appropriate, lightweight clothing when walking. It allows the child not to be afraid of getting dirty, to boldly play his favorite games,

run and jump.

at any time of the year, clothing and shoes must be appropriate for the current weather and should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia in children; when temperatures fluctuate from +3 to -3°C and there is light wind, children’s clothing should consist of three layers, including underwear. Outerwear consists of an insulated jacket, trousers or gaiters; insulated boots on feet; at temperatures from -4 to -10°C, children wear a winter jacket or down jacket with three layers of clothing. at lower temperatures, it is recommended to increase the number of layers of clothing to four or five, depending on the thermal insulation properties of the outerwear. In the summer, children wear light hats to avoid overheating.

Walks with your child should be every day and in any weather. You should not be afraid of wind, rain, cold or heat. The child must deal with all this so that in the future there are no “surprises” in the form of a cold at the first wind and other things.

Lyubov Yazynina
Presentation on the topic “Organization of walks in kindergarten”

(slide 1) Hello, dear colleagues, let me introduce to your attention presentation on the topic: « Organization of walks in preschool educational institutions» (slide 2-3). And so, preschoolers look with great interest at the world around us, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing, so they need to be guided, surprised with them, taught not only to look, but also to see, and then the children will want to learn more.

In everyone's daily routine age group two walks: morning and evening. (slide 4).

Components walks are: 1. Observation. 2. Game activity. 3. Labor activity. 4. Individual work with children. 5. Independent activity children. And now it's short

let's talk about everyone components. (slide 5)

Forms organizations labor activity children are

Individual work assignments

Group work


Into play activities included:

Plot-based and plot-free outdoor games (sedentary, games of medium activity, games with high physical activity)

Fun games


Relay Games

Folk games

Round dance games

Games with sports elements

Useful games (didactic and role-playing)

Creative games (building games with natural materials) (slide 7)

The choice of game depends on the age of the children, the time of year, weather conditions, and the time of the walks(morning or evening) and from the desire of children.

When selecting games, the nature of previous activities is taken into account. More active games are advisable organize after static activity, and after dynamic activity - calm games. (slide 8)

Types of observations:

Observations of inanimate objects (sun, soil, water)

Wildlife observations (flowers, trees, shrubs)

Observations of living objects (animals, insects, birds)

Transport observations

Observations of adult labor (slide 9)

Individual work is aimed at consolidating material in all five educational areas programs:

With all the children in the group;

For activities with children whose level of development parameter is below average, individual work with whom is carried out according to an individual educational route;

To work with gifted children to develop their talent. (slide 10)

To operate independently, you need to create conditions: attributes, external material, tools. The teacher must direct independent activities children: ensure complete safety and teach how to use benefits in accordance with their intended purpose, carry out constant monitoring of activities throughout walks.

(Slide 11). And now I want to tell you about one of the spring walks in senior group , which was carried out in the morning. (Slide 12.)

1. Take a walk we started with outdoor play, since it was preceded by Direct educational activities static character. Purpose of the game "Vesnyanka": promote the development in children of coordination and the ability to correlate speech with movements, expand children’s understanding of spring. (Slide 13-14)

2. After P/i, in order to attract the children’s attention to observing primroses, we remembered a poem by S. Ya. Marshak "April, April!"

April, April! A bear sneaks through

Drops are ringing in the yard. Through the dead wood.

Streams run through the fields, birds began to sing songs

There are puddles on the roads. And the snowdrop blossomed.

The ants will come out soon

After the winter cold.

Thus, having become interested, the children began to look at the snowdrops, and this was the purpose of our observation. (Slide 15)

3. After looking at the snowdrops, I smoothly moved on to the next part walks and spent Did. Game "Put a butterfly on a flower", The purpose of which was to remember the names of spring flowers, test mathematical knowledge in an entertaining game form: knowledge of numbers up to 10, ability to solve examples, develop children's attention. (Slide 16)

5. I believe (and I think you will agree with me that one of the main tasks walks- is to educate children to respect nature, so the next part of our walks became a work activity, during which we planted an apple tree seedling, where I reinforced with the children the idea of ​​planting trees in the spring, developed their work skills and taught them respect for nature. (Slide 17) To make the process of planting a seedling more interesting for children, I accompanied our collective work with a poem from my own essays:

To clear the air for us,

The oxygen in it to increase -

We need to plant seedlings

Look after them with love...

How should this be done?

We'll tell you now together:

The hole needs to be dug up

And water it with water;

Place the root in the hole,

And pour water again,

Sprinkle soil on top

Compact carefully...

And then don't forget

Water your seedling.

Believe: the time will come-

The tree will suddenly bloom!

(slide 18)

6. After work, I suggested to the children take a walk along an ecological path where we played a low mobility game "Don't step on the bugs", during which the children repeated the names of insects and practiced different types walking, strengthened breathing system, developed imagination. (slide 19)

7. And at the end of our walks I created conditions for independent creativity children: to develop their imagination and fantasy, I invited them to choose natural material to depict spring landscapes on the sand. (slide 20) At this time, according to the developed individual educational routes, she carried out individual work on physical development, during which she consolidated the children’s ability to jump long jumps, and on speech development with the help of Did. games "Call me kindly" strengthened children's ability to form words using diminutive suffixes. (slide 21)

So, Walk- This unique opportunity not only the healing and hardening of children, but also the enrichment of the child’s mind with new impressions and knowledge, and the soul with beauty and bright feelings. The high skill of the teacher combined with creativity and imagination, and most importantly, love for children will make walk amazing and unique.

Thank you for your attention, you are amazing walks!

Relevance The modern period is the time of searching for the most effective organization educational process, pedagogical technologies that best meet the requirements of the federal state educational standard. Staying in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse effects. external environment. In the process of daily outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, children’s motor experience expands and their existing skills in basic movements are improved; develops agility, speed, endurance; Independence, activity, positive relationships with peers are formed, and cognitive interests develop. A walk is one of the most difficult activities of a teacher, the most important routine moment that requires high professionalism from the teacher, since properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children.

Purpose of the walk: Health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity. Objectives of the walk: To have a hardening effect on the body in natural conditions; Contribute to increasing the level of physical fitness of preschool children; Optimize children's motor activity; To promote cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal development of children.

Observations Organization of observations: The process of observation can be organized for objects and weather phenomena. When planning observations, the teacher considers: equipment and materials used during the observation, placement of children; techniques for attracting attention (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problematic situation); techniques for activating mental activity (search questions, actions, comparison, use of childhood experience). Observation of rosehip bushes (group 10) Observation of the growth of zucchini in the garden (group 8)

Labor activity of children During a walk, it is necessary to pay attention to the labor activity of children. The content and forms of its organization depend on the weather and time of year. So, in the fall, children collect flower seeds, autumn leaves, and harvests from the garden; in winter they can shovel snow and make various structures out of it; In the summer, the teacher involves children in collecting toys, providing all possible assistance in cleaning up the area after a walk, and caring for plants. Of great importance when organizing work with children during a walk is the emotional attitude to the task, which is set by the teacher even before the start of work. The work itself will not always interest children; sometimes they are attracted by the goal set by the teacher, and while doing the work they are captivated by the community of interests, coherence, and competitiveness. 13th group in the fall

Motor activity of children The motor activity of children during a walk includes: - outdoor games - physical exercises - sports exercises - sports games - games with elements of competition. Leading place During the walk, games are played, mostly active ones. The choice of game depends on the time of year, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start your walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, and jumping. In damp, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games that do not require a lot of space should be organized. Games with jumping, running, throwing, and balance exercises should also be carried out on warm spring, summer days and early autumn. During walks, plotless activities can be widely used. folk games with objects, and in older groups - elements of sports games. In hot weather, water games are held. In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in basic movements, sports activities (exercises) are also organized during the walk. In the summer it’s cycling, hopscotch, in the winter it’s sledding, ice skating, sliding on icy paths, and skiing.

Individual work with children During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children: for some, he organizes a game with a ball, throwing at a target, for others - a balance exercise, for others - jumping from stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills. During walks, work is also carried out on the development of the child’s speech: practicing sound pronunciation, memorizing poetry, talking on the recommendation of the teacher - speech therapist. The teacher can recall with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in music class. Individual work during the walk is carefully planned. It is important that the child with whom individual work is carried out understands its necessity and willingly completes the proposed tasks.

Independent activity of children Independent activity of children during a walk also needs competent guidance. The teacher can offer children to organize a role-playing or outdoor game, entertaining tasks, toys or work equipment. Depending on the goals and objectives of the walk, the teacher prepares the necessary take-out material for various types of children's activities that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

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Presentation on the topic: “A walk is great!” Prepared by teacher Gr. “Smeshariki” Oksana Sergeevna Shkaeva.

Taking care of health is the important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects. World Health Organization. IN modern society The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is more relevant than ever before. This is explained by the fact that very high demands are placed on them, which only healthy children can meet. And we can talk about health not only in the absence of any diseases, but also in the condition of harmonious neuropsychological development, high mental and physical performance. Preschool age is decisive in forming the foundation of a person’s physical and mental health. Until the age of 7, a child goes through a huge developmental path, which is the basis for later life. It is during this period that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems the body, the basic personality traits are laid, the character and attitude towards oneself and others are formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. Preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”. Health-saving technology is an integral system of educational, health-improving, correctional and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor. The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge and skills and healthy lifestyle skills, teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. The goal of health-saving educational technologies is: - to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health; - to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to strengthen and maintain health; - to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Modern health-saving technologies used in the preschool education system reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work: introducing children to physical culture; use of developmental forms of health-improving work. A walk in the fresh airAs one of the traditional forms of health improvement in a preschool institution. The importance of a walk in the development of preschool children. Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body. It helps to increase his endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds. During walks, children play and move a lot. Movement increases metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, and improves appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous, courageous, and resilient. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality. A walk promotes mental development, as children receive many new impressions and knowledge about the world around them. Goal: Reducing morbidity and strengthening the health of children. Objectives: maintaining and strengthening the health of children; forming habits for a healthy lifestyle; creating the need for daily physical activity; instilling cultural and hygienic skills; Hardening the body through natural forces. Leading principles: personality-oriented approach to each child; systematicity; consistency; accessibility; gradualism; complexity. Requirements for the duration of the walk The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daily daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after afternoon tea. The time allotted for walking must be strictly observed. Its total duration is 4 – 4.5 hours. To achieve a healing effect in the summer, the daily routine provides for maximum exposure of children to the fresh air with breaks for meals and sleep. winter period outdoor walks are carried out 2 times a day: in the first half of the day - before lunch, in the second half of the day - before the children go home. In order to prevent hypothermia of body parts (face, arms, legs) in cold weather, it is recommended to send children to a heated vestibule for heating for no more than 5-7 minutes. Winter walks in kindergarten for children 5-7 years old are held at temperatures down to -20°C. The time for each age group to go out for a walk is determined by the mode of education and training. Walking is prohibited due to wind force exceeding 15 m/s. Structure of the walk: observation; outdoor games: 2 – 3 games of high mobility, 2 – 3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children’s choice, didactic games; individual work with children on the development of movements, physical qualities; children’s work on the site; independent play activity. Autumn walks Girls exploring the first snow. Labor activity. Winter walks Let's make a snowman. Construction of a “boyish” snow fortress. Spring walks Observing ants. Bike ride with elements of traffic rules. Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to achieve the goals of the comprehensive development of children.
