Project material resource management. Resource planning. IV. group: Socio-psychological factors

Managing the supply of material resources in a project environment Contents

Introduction. 4

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations project material management 7

1.1.Project and phases life cycle project. 7

1.2. Basics of project planning. 12

1.3. The concept of resource. Types of resources. 17

1.4. Management of material and technical resources of the project. 22

1.5. Methods for logistics planning in a project environment 24

Conclusions on Chapter I 26

Chapter 2. Management material resources project (using the example of “Partner”) 27

2.1. Project summary. 27

2.2. The project's need for logistics. 28

2.3. Project schedule and supply management plan. 33

Conclusions on Chapter II 49

Conclusion. 51

List of used literature... 54


IN modern ideas on management, any set of activities, as a result of which a certain goal must be achieved by a given deadline, with limited resources, is considered as a project. Project management as a management methodology is methodological basis reasonable implementation of measures of administrative, industrial, economic, military, etc. nature.

Currently, conditions and prerequisites are being formed in Russia wide application project management methods. In this regard, in many enterprises project management should represent the main form of planning and control of current activities.

Almost every manager must plan the activities of his subordinates on the basis of a project. Project management methods allow the manager to know exactly what needs to be done at each point in time and who exactly should do it, as well as the likelihood of timely completion of individual project operations.

Project management is a synthetic discipline that combines both specialized and supra-professional knowledge. Special knowledge reflects the characteristics of the area of ​​activity to which the projects relate (construction innovation, environmental, research, organizational). General patterns inherent in projects in all fields of activity are covered by such disciplines as probability theory, network analysis methods, operations research, logistics, applied software, business plan, strategic planning, financial modeling, management technologies.

Planning and management is not only about drawing up, optimizing and tracking schedules, but also about managing the resources necessary to implement the project. At the same time, time management

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of project material management

1.1.Project and project life cycle phases

Various definitions of the concept “project” can be found in various sources; in general, they do not contradict, but complement each other. Project (English project) is:

¾ anything that is conceived or planned, such as a large enterprise ( Dictionary Webster);

¾ some task with certain initial data and required results (goals), which determine the method of its solution. The project includes an idea (problem), means of its implementation (solving the problem) and results obtained during the implementation process (Code of Knowledge on Project Management);

¾ a unique process consisting of a set of interrelated and controlled activities with start and end dates and undertaken to achieve the goal of meeting specific requirements, including time, cost and resource constraints (ISO/TR 10006:1997(E));

¾ a group of works/tasks that must be completed within a given period to achieve the goals (Project Management Handbook, Cleland, King);

¾ temporary structure to create unique product, services (PMBoK, Project Management Institute).

Key features of the project are:

¾ strict and reasonable goals that must be achieved while simultaneously meeting a number of technical, economic and other requirements;

¾ the presence of internal and external interrelations of operations, tasks and resources that require clear coordination in the implementation of the project, which creates the possibility of being presented as a set of interrelated works;

1.2. Basics of project planning

The main purpose of planning is to build a model for project implementation. It is necessary to coordinate the activities of project participants; with its help, the order in which the work should be performed is determined.

Depending on the level, the following are distinguished:

· conceptual plan;

· strategic plan for project implementation;

· tactical (detailed, operational) plans.

Planning and re-planning of the project is carried out throughout the entire duration of the project.

Formal and detailed project planning begins after the decision to implement it has been made. Key events (milestones) of the project are determined, tasks (work) and their interdependence are formulated.

It is at this stage that scheduling systems are used, providing the project manager with a set of tools for developing a formal plan: tools for constructing a hierarchical structure of work, network diagrams and Gantt charts, histograms of project resource and funding requirements.

The algorithm for the planning process is summarized in Figure 1.3.

Key results of the planning process:

1. Definition of project goals.

2. Project work structure.

3. Cost management plan.

4. Change management plan.

5. Resource requirements.

6. Communication plan.

7. Budget.

8. Financial plan.

1.3. The concept of resource. Types of resources

The importance of project resource management processes is so great that the most advanced software cannot be used without proper serious preliminary work leader and/or project manager.

Resources are the providing components of an activity, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, a resource requirement function can be associated with each job. Each time estimate is based on the acceptable use of a certain amount of resources, and therefore, by first calculating the duration of the project, we can calculate the use of resources in advance (Fig. 1.4)

Rice. 1.4. Labor force resource chart

In this example, overload occurs on days five to eight: therefore, unless we delegate this work to someone else or bring in additional resources (staff), then we cannot expect to complete our project on time, the remaining alternative is to reschedule some work that constitutes overload. We can, for example, delay work by three days and avoid resource overload.

1.4. Project material and technical resource management

Resource management is one of the main subsystems of project management. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and logistics. As part of the scheduling of work on a project, resource requirements for work are described as a function of demand. The work's need for a stored resource is described by a cost intensity function, showing the rate of resource consumption depending on the phase of work, or a cost function, showing the total, accumulated volume of the required resource, depending on the phase.

Management of project material resources begins, in fact, at the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study, then at the planning phase, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are worked out.

In every current moment project resources are limited in time and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

The reconstructed building is supposed to be located on a currently rented plot (Resolution of the Klin city administration No. 000 of 01/01/2001) in the Central District, in the central part of the city of Klin. The project also provides for the purchase of this land plot into ownership.

On the site it is planned to complete the construction of a 5-storey residential building complex with attached savings bank premises on the street. L. Tolstoy, designed by Klingrazhdanproekt in 1989. The residential building was put into operation in 1995-96. Construction of the extension was stopped in 1996.

The reconstructed extension, with a built-up area of ​​537.27 m2, has a corner plan.

Landscaping of the site has been developed within the designated boundaries. In addition, the project provides for additional landscaping of the site. An open parking lot for passenger cars is provided on the street side. L. Tolstoy, with a pocket along the roadway within the boundaries of the red line and in connection with planning solution plot of the unfinished construction of the Komsomol activist school complex.

2.3. Project Schedule and Supply Management Plan

The project implementation period is 14 months.

Phased calendar schedule planned activities are presented in table 2.3.

2.4. Recommendations for the project material resource management process

The continuous complication of the process of material and technical supply requires ever-increasing labor costs for its implementation. At the same time, the tense balance of labor resources in the country does not allow solving the increasingly complex problems of providing construction means of production with means of production in an extensive way, that is, by increasing the number of workers and the mass of consumed resources. They can and should be solved only by intensifying the process of providing construction with material resources, developing and implementing measures to improve the efficiency and quality of all aspects of the activities of supply authorities. In relation to the process of material and technical supply, efficiency and quality mean the most complete, timely, high-quality, as well as with the least expenditure of labor, material and financial resources, the implementation of all functions of this process.

Continuous improvement of the provision of production with products for industrial and technical purposes has an impact on the improvement economic indicators production. Ways to improve the provision of material resources are shown in Figure 2.2.


Thus, in the course of writing the graduation qualifying work on the topic “Managing the supply of material resources in a project environment,” we determined that resource management is one of the main subsystems of project management. Includes the processes of planning, purchasing, supply, distribution, accounting and control of resources, usually labor and logistics. Control financial resources carried out within the framework of cost management.

Resources are the providing components of an activity, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, a resource requirement function can be associated with each job.

There are non-reproducible and reproducible types of resources.

The concept of resources is interconnected with the concept of “work”, since resources do not relate to the project as a whole, but to specific work performed in a planned sequence, corresponding to calendar plan work on the project.

Management of project material resources essentially begins at the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study, then at the planning phase, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are worked out.

Rational use of materials and application advanced technologies allow you to reduce the cost of consumed materials, reduce their processing time, and therefore reduce the cost of the project.

The management objects in construction can be the processes of implementing construction programs or individual ISP, and in construction industry - production processes their implementation.

Based on the duration of the management cycle, management methods can be strategic, designed for the current year or for operational and short-term periods. These methods are based on plans:

List of used literature

1. ANSI/PMI Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBooK Guide)

3. Vihansky management: Textbook. – M.: Economist, 2009. – 396 p.

4. Vorobovich, models, methods and algorithms for solving scheduling problems in management construction projects/ . - Krasnoyarsk: KrasGAU Publishing House, 201p.

5. Modern methods Project Portfolio Management and Project Management Office: Maximizing ROI Per. from English - M.: , 20s.

6. Corporate and project management: an explanatory English-Russian dictionary reference book. , –M., Omega-L, 2009.

7. Corporate management. Handbook for professionals /, etc. – M., graduate School 2008. – 219 p.

8. Project management manual /, etc. – M., Omega-L 2004.

9. Primavera in project management. Practical guide. M.: Publishing house, 2009. - 315 p.

10. Project management: international approach. Handbook for professionals /, - M., Omega-L 2012.

11. Project management. Handbook for Professionals, ed. 2nd add., correct. / , etc. – M., Omega-L 2009.

Resource Management - one of the main project management subsystems, which includes the processes of planning, procurement, delivery, distribution, accounting and control of resources.

Concept "resource" in project management methodology it is interpreted as everything that the project has at its disposal, including labor, financial and material and technical resources, project team, time (duration, deadlines), information, knowledge and technology.

The main goal of resource management is to ensure that they are used optimally to achieve the ultimate goal of project management.

At any given moment in time, the project’s resources are limited and therefore the main tasks of resource management are:

Optimal resource planning;

Logistics management, including:

Resource procurement management;

Resource supply management;

Inventory management;

Management of resource distribution by type of work. Resource procurement is a central element of the resource management system.

Procurement refers to measures aimed at providing projects with resources, that is, property (goods), performance of work (services).

Procurement and supply are interconnected and are, in fact, two sides of the project’s logistics processes.

Procurement or project logistics management is a subsystem of project management, including the processes of acquiring goods, products and services for the project from external organizations-suppliers.

This subsystem consists of planning logistics, selecting suppliers, concluding and maintaining contracts, ensuring supplies, closing contracts.

Supply Management stands out as an independent subsystem next to procurement management, which includes:

Supply planning;

Organization accounting;

Delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;

Accounting and control of supplies.

Basic principles of project resource planning

At the planning stage, a balanced analysis of the set of works and resources is carried out, taking into account restrictions and their forecast distribution based on schedules of resource requirements. Planning resources for a project is the basis for their formation over time and determining the possibility of providing resources for signing resource purchase agreements, planning the supply of resources, as well as distributing already purchased resources with project work.

As a main component of project management, resource planning includes:

Development and balanced analysis of work packages and resources aimed at achieving project goals;

Development of a system for allocating resources and appointing responsible executors;

Monitoring the progress of work - comparing planned work parameters with actual ones and developing corrective actions.

There are two main methods for project resource planning:

Planning under time constraints;

Planning with limited resources.

First approach - resource planning with limited time, provides a fixed completion date for the project and the assignment of additional resources to the project during periods of overload.

Second approach - planning with limited resources, provides, at first, a specified number of available resources, which cannot be changed.

As a result of resource planning, the project manager must move on to the next phase of resource management - organizing procurement and supply.

Resource procurement management

The main objective of the project's design and procurement activities is to ensure the supply of equipment, structures, materials and services in strict accordance with the project plan. This process can be divided into two parts:

Procurement of resources and services on a competitive basis;

Delivery to the project site.

Project logistics occurs in the following steps:

1. Preparation of specifications and technical specifications, characterizing quantity and quality necessary equipment, machines, mechanisms, structures, materials, works, services.

2. Planning and organization of the procurement process.

3. Study of possible sources of procurement of resources and negotiations with possible suppliers.

4. Pre-selection of bidders.

5. Preparation of documents for bidding.

6. Conducting tenders and making decisions on concluding contracts with applicants who won the tender.

7. Placement of an order, including negotiations on supplies.

8. Monitoring deliveries (timeliness, completeness, quantity and quality) with taking the necessary measures in case of deviations.

9. Conflict resolution.

10. Mutual settlements.

11. Hiring the necessary specialists (contractors), including consultants.

12. Supply planning.

13. accounting

14. Delivery, reception and storage of goods.

15. Accounting and control of supplies.

The last four positions are usually separated into an independent block of work, which is called supplies. All other works are classified as procurement This division is not accidental, since purchases are carried out by the customer, and deliveries are made by the supplier.

IN project management define two main types of agreements on the basis of which procurement is organized - a supply agreement (material and technical resources) and a contract agreement (services).

Supply contract- This is an agreement under which the supplier undertakes, within a specified time frame, to transfer ownership (or full economic management or operational management) of the goods to the buyer, and the buyer undertakes to accept the goods and pay a certain price for it.

Contract agreement regulates procurement related to the performance of specific work on the project.

The following are distinguished: organizational forms procurement:

- Straight, in which a legal connection exists between two procurement entities; a corresponding agreement is concluded between them. Direct purchases are usually preceded by tenders, but direct purchases without tenders can also be carried out;

- Intermediary, in which the person implementing the project enters into legal relations with an intermediary, that is, a person who helps provide the project with the necessary resources;

- Exchange, in which exchange members carry out exchange trading directly on their own behalf and at their own expense, or on behalf of the client and at his expense, or on their own behalf at the expense of the client, or on behalf of the client at their own expense. Visitors to exchange trading can be legal and individuals, exchanges that are not members and have the right to carry out exchange transactions.

Basic requirements for purchasing and supply management:

Purchases and deliveries are carried out on the basis of project documentation data;

Schedules are developed in conjunction with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of all its phases;

The plan must cover the entire project;

The choice of procurement location is determined based on the calculation of the cost of options;

The plan identifies the structures and persons responsible for each delivery item.

Management of project material resources begins, in fact, at the pre-investment phase when developing a feasibility study for the project, then at the planning phase, resource requirements and the possibility of providing them are worked out.

The main task of managing material resources is to ensure their optimal use to achieve the ultimate goal of project management - the formation of a project result with planned indicators.

Materials management involves a number of core processes, including purchasing, supply, resource allocation, and resource inventory management.

The diagram shows a structural model of resource management processes. These processes are divided into three groups - planning, regulation and control processes.

Rice. 3.1.

At any given moment in time, the project's resources are limited and therefore main tasks material resource management are:

  • resource procurement management;
  • supply management, including:
  • - resource supply management;
  • - management of resource reserves;
  • - management of resource distribution for project work.

The main result of the planning process is the development

supply plan (Procurement Plan), which provides answers to the following questions.

  • What and in what quantities should I buy?
  • When to buy?
  • How to buy? (Definition of contract types)
  • Circle of potential suppliers.

In Fig. Figure 3.2 presents the structure of logistics support for projects, which is divided into the resource procurement process and the supply management process.

Resource purchases - the central element of the project's material resource management system. Procurement processes are the most complex in resource management and require particularly careful development.

Procurement management and in general, the logistics of the project is a project management subsystem, including the processes of purchasing goods, products and services for the project from external organizations (suppliers). The subsystem consists of planning logistics, selecting suppliers, concluding and maintaining contracts, ensuring supplies, and completing contracts.

Rice. 3.2.

Purchase. In Western project management methodology, the central term in the area under consideration is the term “Procurement” - acquisition, purchase, supply, receipt, material support. In a broad sense, this is the process of purchasing equipment, raw materials and other types of resources necessary to create a facility or construction. In relation to a project, this is to ensure that equipment, structures, materials and services are purchased in strict accordance with the project plan. Project management includes: procurement of works, procurement of materials and equipment, procurement of consultants. In turn, purchases of materials and equipment are divided into: purchases of materials, purchases of equipment and purchases of services (in the context of project management, this includes services labor resources implementing the project, services of design, repair and other organizations). In foreign practice, within the framework of material and technical preparation of projects, the processes of supplying resources and services for the project and, accordingly, supply management are separately highlighted.

Under procurement And supplies understand activities aimed at providing projects with resources, that is, property (goods), performance of work (services), transfer of the results of intellectual creativity in connection with a specific project. Procurement and supply are part of economic relations; basic legal form regulation of relations in the implementation of purchases, deliveries and contracts is a contract. The role of the contract is to legally consolidate the relations between procurement entities and establish obligations between them, the fulfillment of which is protected by law.

Supply Management sometimes stands out as an independent subsystem along with procurement management and includes:

  • supply planning;
  • organization of accounting;
  • delivery, acceptance and storage of goods;
  • accounting and delivery control.

Planning and organization of purchases and supplies - the first stage in project resource management. Planning and organization are carried out on the basis of design and estimate documentation data in connection with the overall project plan and take into account the duration of the procurement and delivery cycle. Consist of stages including selecting suppliers, placing orders and monitoring deliveries.

Selection of suppliers is carried out on the basis of studying qualification questionnaires designed to cover managerial, technical, production and financial possibilities; the list of applicants, developed based on the study of questionnaires, is agreed with the customer and the project manager; The final selection of suppliers is carried out as a result of tenders.

Placing orders- together with design organization measures are being developed to standardize (reduce the range of products) procurement; general orders are issued only on the basis of work to reduce the range of purchases; bid evaluation and tendering precede the award of contracts; contracts are concluded as a result of additional meetings and agreements with the winning bidders on the requirements for the transportation and storage of goods, as well as the procedure for payments and bonuses.

Supply control carried out on the basis of special schedules; organized for each type of supply (equipment, work, local materials, services); based on in general terms project; all changes are made to the overall project schedule; is based on standard reporting forms.

Environment influencing procurement- a combination of internal and external forces, both individually and in interaction with each other, that contribute to or hinder the achievement of the procurement goal. These forces may be business-related, project-related, or driven by political, economic, technological, or organizational circumstances.

Project procurement strategy - system of methods, principles of interconnection of the specifics of procurement for a specific project with environment project.

Procurement relationship(collateral) for the project with work structure by contracts and project stages - a formalized structure of connections between project work and the required provision of resources in terms of deadlines and contracts.

Contract procurement planning - the process as a result of which procurement documentation is generated, establishing the principles of procurement activities (project support), detailing the procurement process by time, costs, performers, suppliers, contracts, project stages and types of resources.

Consideration of procurement costs - consideration by the customer of the approach to price, its realism and reasonableness, forecasting the impact economic factors on costs and risks regarding the cost of the project.

Evaluation of project procurement performance- a system for tracking, assessing procurement processes (procurement) by project phases for maintaining statistics and an information base for the purpose of future applications in other projects.

Procurement management includes the following processes to ensure project execution.

Supply planning(Procurement Planning) - determining the needs of the project (what and when to purchase).

Supply planning(Solicitation Planning) - identifying potential suppliers and preparing documents to support procurement.

Receiving offers Solicitation is the process of obtaining information from prospective suppliers.

Selection of suppliers(Source Selection) - analysis of proposals received and application of evaluation criteria to select a supplier.

Contract administration Contract Administration - The process of ensuring that a supplier's performance meets contractual requirements.

Completion of contracts Contract Closeout is the process of administratively closing contracts.

The information below is for reference only. More information about this material and its practical application you can find out by watching the video.

Resource Management Scenario

  1. Determining the number of resource types. The resource manager works with the project team to assign resource types. Resources are assigned as groups to determine the number of types of resources needed to implement the project.
  2. Optimizing loading of resource types. The resource manager separates groups of resource types and optimizes their loading over the entire duration of the project.
  3. Assigning Resources to Resource Types. During the project implementation phase, the resource manager assigns company employees to resource types for a period of one to two weeks.
  4. Resource loading optimization. After rescheduling the project deadlines, the resource manager optimizes their load for the assigned period.
  5. Resource Management Performance Analysis. At the project completion stage, the resource manager conducts a review of the effectiveness of resource management. The results of this analysis are included in the project implementation report.
  6. Document regulating this process is resource management regulations.

Defining Project Roles and Resource Types

The process of identifying and assigning resources is an iterative process. Depending on the tasks planned for the project, a list of necessary resources is determined. You can use several resource assignment scenarios:

  1. Assigning company resources directly to project tasks. To implement this scenario, the project tasks must be standard and the resources must know exactly how to implement the assigned tasks. Detail the project to the level typical tasks, this complicates the task scheduling process while simplifying the resource assignment process.
  2. Using project templates. The developed project templates contain already assigned roles and resource types. By replacing roles and types of resources with currently available company resources, you shorten the path of resource assignment. All that remains is to resolve resource conflicts.
  3. Assigning roles and resource types to project tasks. For highly unique projects for which project templates have not been developed, the longest resource assignment path is used. A graphical representation of this method is presented below.

Roles in the project Project objectives Skills
Monoliths Cutting down piles pile cutting
Grillage reinforcement grillage reinforcement
Concreting the grillage grillage concreting
Masons lay masonry
Facade makers Facade insulation and primer facade insulation
Decorative plaster of the facade plaster
Molding installation installation of molding
Facade painting painting walls
Facing with torn stone torn stone cladding
Handymen Concreting the grillage
Filling window openings window installation

The first step in resource planning is assigning roles to project activities. To implement the project, resources must have a certain list of skills. After assigning a resource to a job, it is possible to group all assigned jobs and create a list of skills that specialists assigned to roles must have. Using skills, you can select for each role a list of specialists who can perform these jobs.

Main types of resources

There are five main groups of resources:

Labor resources are the people and equipment that perform the work necessary to complete the project's tasks. Work resources consume time (in hours or days) to complete tasks. Work resources are characterized by the maximum number of resource units (Max. Units) available for simultaneous use in a project. The number of resource units refers to the amount of working time of the resource. For example, if one programmer is involved in a project, then for the corresponding resource the maximum number of resource units will be equal to 100%, in the case of two programmers, the maximum number of resource units will be equal to 200%, etc. If only one programmer is involved, who can devote only half of his working time to the project, then for such a resource the maximum number of resource units will be 50%.

Material resources- These are various materials, components and other consumables used to complete the tasks of the project. When using material resources in a project, not working hours resource, but the resource itself. Material resources are characterized by a unit of measurement of the amount of resource (Material Label - Units of measurement of materials), for example, pcs., m 3, etc. For a material resource, you cannot specify its maximum quantity.

Expensive resources- this type of resource allows you to describe different ways financing or expenditure financial resources project. This resource is often used to describe contractors or project investors. The amount of funding is indicated when assigning a resource to the project.

Monetary resources- resources of the Cost type. These resources can be assigned to project tasks and have a financial dimension (in monetary units).

Using resources when planning a project allows you to:
- Track the amount of work performed by people and equipment, as well as the amount of materials consumed to complete tasks;
- Ensure a higher degree of consideration and understanding of the project plan.
- Increase the accuracy of calculation of project schedule details;

In order to adequately determine resource requirements, the following factors must be taken into account:
- Contents of the project.
- Types of tasks that will need to be performed.
- Number and scope of project tasks.
- Skills required to complete tasks.
- The amount of resources required to complete each task in a timely manner.
- Possibility of simultaneous use of a resource in several tasks.

Information on how to add resources to the MS Project Professional 2013 schedule is presented in the material “Description of resources"

Determine the list of resources in your project according to the data below:

Resource name Type Unit of measurement RBS Price
Monoliths Material Brigades $5 type A - cutting of piles
$10 type B - grillage reinforcement
$20 type C - grillage bitoning
Masons Material pack Brigades $300 per pack
Facade makers Material Brigades $5 type A - facade insulation
$6 type B - decorative plaster of the facade
$7 type C - installation of molding
$4 type D - facade painting
$8 type F - facing with torn stone
Handymen Labor Brigades $6 type A - grillage bitoning
$7 type B - window installation
Piles Material pcs. Materials $250
Armature Material pack Materials $270
Concrete Material cube Materials $65
Brick Material pack Materials $150
Solution Material cube Materials $20
Precast concrete products Material pcs. Materials $1 200
Windows Material pcs. Materials $800
Primer Material cube Materials $40
Expanded polystyrene Material pack Materials $160
Molding Material pcs. Materials $20
Torn stone Material pcs. Materials $40
Plaster Material kg. Materials $80
Dye Material kg. Materials $10
Pile driver Labor Mechanisms $20.00/hour
Truck crane Labor Mechanisms $50.00/hour
Compressor Labor Mechanisms $1,730.00/month
Lawyer Labor Employees $800.00/month

Resource - Qualified personnel, equipment, consumables, raw materials, materials, budget or cash. Identification of resources: material resources, human resources, resource availability, assignment of resources to project operations, resource load balancing.

Determining which resources (people, materials, equipment) and in what quantities will be used in the project.

At this stage of resource planning, those material resources are replaced with those that the company currently possesses. It is possible that during this planning all the resources necessary for the implementation of the project will be clarified.

Planning of project material resources

Planning of project material resources is carried out by assigning resources to project activities. During initial project resource planning, only the types of resources that are to be used in the project are assigned. After a detailed clarification of the project content, a detailed clarification of the types of resources takes place. After assigning resources to activities, detailed resource planning is carried out along the project timeline. Resource planning across all portfolio projects allows you to clarify the resource requirements of all companies and plan the purchase and supply of the necessary resources.

Human resource planning at this stage consists of assigning specialists to roles and resolving resource conflicts that arise.
Resource conflicts arise due to the fact that the number of qualified specialists in the company is always limited and it can be quite difficult to provide all projects with qualified personnel. There are five methods for resolving resource conflicts:
1. Adding resources.
2. Increasing the duration of work.
3. Shift of work over time.
4. Redistribution of loading time.
5. Redistribution of loading time between several resources of the same type.
The choice of one or another method for resolving resource conflicts depends on the situation.

Information on how to assign resources to tasks in the MS Project Professional 2013 schedule is presented in the material “Assigning Resources"

Assign resources to your project tasks in a schedule. The appointment conditions are given below:

SDR Task name Resources
Great Dane Development and signing of a contract for the construction of a cottage Lawyer
Fun.1 Driving piles Piles;Truck crane;Pile driver
Fun.2 Cutting down piles Compressor; Monolithics
Fun.3 Grillage reinforcement Fittings; Monoliths
Fun.4 Concreting the grillage Concrete;Monolith workers;Truck crane;General workers
Kar.1 Brickwork under the floor slab Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.2 Installation of floor slabs 1st floor Concrete products; Truck crane
Kar.3 Laying walls and partitions on the 1st floor Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.4 Installation of floor slabs 2nd floor Concrete products; Truck crane
Kar.5 Laying walls and partitions on the 2nd floor Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.6 Installation of cover slabs between the second floor and the attic Concrete products; Truck crane
Kar.7 Laying parapet and ventilation shafts Brick;Mortar;Masons;Truck crane
Kar.8 Development and conclusion of a contract for the production of windows Lawyer
Kar.10 Filling window openings Windows; Handymen
Kr.1 Development and approval commercial offer(Roof) Lawyer
Face 1 Facade insulation and primer Expanded polystyrene;Facades;Primer
Face 2 Decorative plaster of the facade Facades;Plaster;Primer
Face 3 Molding installation Molding; Facades
Face 4 Facade painting Primer; Facades
Face 5 Facing with torn stone Torn stone; Facades
Bl.1 Development and signing of an improvement agreement Lawyer

Resource scheduling rules

  • No real resources are assigned to summary tasks. For summary tasks technological plan Only roles or resource types can be assigned. After task decomposition, transfer resources to lower-level tasks.
  • It is advisable to assign one performer to the work of the operational plan. Material resources can be assigned without restrictions.
  • If you need to assign several executors to a task, divide the tasks into several separate independent tasks.
  • Only one person responsible can be assigned to a regular task and a summary task.
  • Responsible, can be assigned to both a job and a task.
  • Indicate those responsible separately from resources and performers.

Resources - providing components of activity, including performers, energy, materials, equipment, etc. Accordingly, a resource demand function can be associated with each job.

Resource classification, planning and management

As described above (see Figure 4), during the operation, input resources are converted into output goods and/or services. Usually in general view The operation requires the following input resources:

· equipment,

· materials,

· energy,

· information.

A useful classification of the inputs of transformation processes is proposed by Slack. There are two classes of resources:

1. Resources that undergo transformations and are included in output products. Examples include:

· materials - for example, clay for making bricks, postal receipts in postal service or food products in a restaurant;

· information - for example, business information processed in a management consulting firm or messages transmitted by a telecommunications company;

· consumers - for example, dentist's patients or restaurant patrons.

2. Resources necessary for the transformation process, but not part of the output resources. Examples include:

· fixed assets - usually factories, machinery, equipment, buildings, land;

· consumables - these are freely expendable resources that may require high costs(for example, energy resources for firing bricks in kilns) or minor costs (for example, pens for management consultants or water for a restaurant kitchen);

· People- recently often referred to as human resources. It is difficult to imagine an operation that does not require the participation of people who are usually employees of the organization carrying out the operation. This type of resource is used in all of the examples of transformation processes given.

Planning and managing input resources appears to be a major concern for most operations managers. Since input resources are very diverse in nature, operations managers must use different approaches to manage them.

· People in the transformation process, these are either personnel or consumers. Personnel planning and management in operations is a vast field of study and subject of independent study. scientific discipline, denoted by the term “human resource management”. Human resource planning takes up the lion's share of operations managers' time and is their main concern. This includes: recruitment, training, motivation, compensation, job design, work organization and all other activities necessary for human resource management. In the service industry, consumers themselves are part of the transformation process. Taking consumers through the conversion process is in many ways similar to materials processing. However, materials cannot complain and go elsewhere to get the service they need if they are kept waiting for a long time or are not served the way they want. This needs to be kept in mind, especially when planning and managing rotating customers. The speed at which consumers enter the operational process is a parameter that largely depends on the organization providing the service. The discipline that deals with these issues is called demand management.

· Materials can either be processed or used in an operational process. Unlike consumers, materials do not complain if they are kept in warehouses for a long time before being used. However, stockpiling materials leads to increased costs. Many organizations are looking for ways to reduce these costs and have made significant progress recently. Another feature of materials is that they come to the organization from suppliers. The nature of the relationship between supplier and consumer of materials has recently been the subject of intense debate in Western literature.

· Information- a resource that can either be used as received or transformed in the operational process. Implementation information technology(IT) has significantly expanded the possibilities of using information in both ways.

· Equipment, like other capital means of production, they are fixed assets that are not completely spent immediately, but serve for many years. Equipment is usually the main determining factor production capabilities organizations. Replacing it is not easy and takes a lot of time. Consequently, the time scale of equipment planning and control is large compared to other types of input resources.

Improvement block diagram project level showed that the most important role in the structure belongs to the distribution of resources. One of the possible schemes for the resource allocation process is shown in Fig. 22.

Fundamentals of resource allocation. Drawing up plans and schedules for their implementation involves allocating resources to tasks, and this in itself often becomes quite a difficult task. In most cases, it makes sense to deliver a schedule of work and a schedule for spending the resources needed for these works. Typically, several schedules of corresponding resources are generated:

· Task sequence schedule. This shows the order of tasks, indicating their start and end times, as well as the processes used. At the same time, Gantt charts are often used for clarity.

· Human resource utilization schedule. It shows the work that each employee will do on a specific day or week.

· Equipment operating schedule. It indicates to what extent functionality each component in the complex technological equipment will be activated during the current time interval.

· Material consumption schedule. It shows what materials will be needed. Managing inventory consumption and replenishment will be discussed in more detail in subsection 3.6.
