Systems Constraint Theory Examples. The practice of applying the theory of constraints. An example of practical application of the theory of constraints

When a person is fired from a job at the initiative of a higher management, for him it almost always means psychological stress, painful experiences, a wounded sense of pride. Irritation and resentment can have serious consequences for the organization - from creating a negative image in professional circles to lengthy litigation. It is not uncommon for an angry employee to retaliate against a company by "leaking" a competitor's customer base or providing tax authorities with sensitive financial information. In addition, dismissal carried out in a rude "clumsy" style causes stress for the rest of the staff. The remaining employees understand that sooner or later they will be treated in exactly the same way. In the team, labor motivation decreases, loyalty to the leadership disappears, secret searches for a new job begin.

Hence the importance of psychological support for the dismissal of an employee. The very process of dismissal, if possible, must be made as gentle as possible in relation to the employee leaving the organization. It is necessary to minimize the negative psychological consequences. There are a number of ways that both parties can avoid over-anxiety at the time of termination so that the employee does not leave embittered and further intrigue the former employer.

Psychological studies have found that the psychological stress caused by being fired is more pronounced in men than in women. Men, due to their psychophysiological characteristics and stereotypes that have developed in society, are more attuned to social success and career achievements. They more often perceive dismissal as a collapse of all their life plans and hopes, and are more likely to react inadequately. are also more pronounced in men. Women respond more flexibly to a stressful situation and quickly adapt to new conditions. Therefore, strange as it may seem from a philistine point of view, men need a more attentive and “gentle” approach when they are fired than women.

There are several psychological rules that are useful to use when dismissing an employee.

The upcoming dismissal procedure can be softened by setting specific tasks for each week / month / quarter and discussing their implementation with the employee. An employee who systematically fails to fulfill the assigned tasks is morally prepared for dismissal. Even before the announcement of the decision, he understands that he cannot cope and they can part with him, and he also knows why. Therefore, the message of dismissal does not come as a surprise to him, does not cause a state of stress. In this case, the stress factor is not the job loss itself, but the constant threat that this is about to happen. And the very fact of losing a job is often perceived with relief - as getting rid of constant uncertainty and discomfort.

In some cases, it is necessary to record in writing all the tasks that are given to the employee, and the result of their implementation - in case of future litigation. Preparation for dismissal can also serve as an appraisal with a report of the results (negative) to the employee. He is given to understand that it is time to look for another job.

The conversation in which the dismissal is reported must be built psychologically competently. It is best to use the psychological technique "PNP". (Positive-Negative-Positive). That is, first you need to list the positive qualities of the dismissed employee, then explain why the person can no longer work in the company, at the end of the conversation, you need to reassure the person and once again emphasize his strengths.

Stage 1, positive. At the first stage, it is important to create a positive emotional background, to demonstrate respect for the person, for his personality. This will soften the upcoming negative experiences.

Stage 2, negative. Resignation notice. The reaction to it depends on the temperament and character of the person. For some, the reaction is very violent - the employee “explodes”, screams (women may cry), accuses the authorities of all mortal sins. In this situation, it is important not to interrupt him, but to let "let off steam." Listen calmly before continuing the conversation. Expressing active sympathy to an employee is not recommended - this will only increase his emotions. It is also inappropriate to answer on the principle of "the fool himself" - to emphasize the negative personality traits of the dismissed person, to reproach him for laziness, sloppiness and lack of professionalism. This will further embitter the employee and may cause a protracted conflict. Remain within the bounds of polite and calm goodwill.

Having “shouted” all the negativity out of himself, the employee will once again become able to perceive your arguments. In addition, such an accusatory impulse on the part of an employee who already has “nothing to lose” can be very useful for the company. It allows you to find out those negative opinions and moods in the team, which are usually hushed up and not expressed aloud to the authorities. A smart leader will definitely draw conclusions from the information received.

The one who quickly "turns on" usually calms down quickly. Such individuals overcome stress quickly enough. Within a few days after being fired, they bounce back and begin to live not in the past, but in the future.

For calmer, phlegmatic and melancholy personalities, the announcement of a dismissal will not cause such a sharp external reaction. However, their inner psychological experiences are much stronger than those of the “explosive”. Negative effects last longer, they tend to accumulate, can cause chronic depression, loss of meaning in life. There are also known cases of suicide, when dismissed employees tried to commit suicide.

In these people, psychological stress tends to develop incrementally. Over time, negative experiences do not decrease, but become stronger. The dismissed person accumulates resentment for several weeks or months, and when it becomes unbearable, he suddenly decides to take revenge on his former employers, begins to develop a sophisticated revenge plan.

For such individuals, the period of adaptation is especially important. They should be informed about “their own desire” to leave the company in advance and allowed to work in the company for some more time (2-4 weeks) in order to mitigate the period of acute psychological crisis. During this time, the employee will come to terms with the inevitable and tune in to looking for a new job.

Stage 3, positive ("rehabilitating"). After passing the “verdict”, it is recommended to pause so that the person has time to come to his senses, realize everything that he was told or “let off steam”, and then make a few final “strokes”. For example, to express confidence that he will definitely be able to disclose his big potential at another place of work. To sweeten the bitter pill, at this stage it is appropriate to discuss the size of the severance pay (“a certain number of salaries”) that the employee will receive upon dismissal.

It is better to emphasize that the dismissal is due external causes rather than the personal qualities of the employee. It occurs due to objective circumstances, and the employee himself has nothing to do with it. Those. at the third (positive) stage of the conversation, you need to say: “... the company just found itself in such a situation that we are forced to reduce staff” or “You are a good specialist, but in order to solve new problems in new conditions, we need people with different skills and different approach." You can also play on the ambitions of the dismissed employee, emphasizing his excessive qualifications: “You are too good for us. You have long outgrown the boundaries of our company, you are capable of more, and for you, dismissal is a good reason to rise even higher and fully realize all your inclinations, which were not used at your previous place of work.

The PNP principle is also applied in the case when the dismissed employee does not shine business qualities and praise him, in principle, nothing. As you know, in accordance with the Labor Code, the employee must be warned of the upcoming dismissal in advance. Therefore, the corresponding conversation between the boss and the negligent subordinate can be structured as follows:

"Dear name! You are a good person (positive personal qualities are listed). But if you do not fundamentally change your attitude to work and your financial results, then we will be forced to part with you. I give you two weeks. If, after the expiration of the two-week period, you show that you can do the job (and we both know very well that you can do it), everything will be fine. If nothing changes in two weeks, then write a statement “on your own” and look for another place. Or I myself will officially inform you that you are fired! In the meantime, come to me for help and advice any time you need them! I will act towards you as if nothing has happened and you have just started work, and I will do everything in my power for you.

This text must be pronounced in its entirety and in this sequence in order to achieve the maximum psychological effect. If after two weeks the situation has not changed, the negligent employee quits.

Large and successful companies can afford the so-called. - Work with reduced staff. Outplacement as a view consulting services, are provided by personnel and recruiting agencies. It includes psychological support and, ultimately, the employment of an employee reduced as a result of restructuring or any other organizational changes.

Less successful companies may limit themselves to writing a good letter of recommendation for future employers, with which a laid-off employee will go looking for a new job. Of course - only if the employee agrees to quit calmly and without scandal. During the final conversation, it is advisable to give parting words and advice on future employment: where to apply, where you can get short-term training, improve your classification, etc. It is important to explain to a person that losing a job and finding a new one is not a tragedy, but a normal stage in any business career. Therefore, we need to be optimistic about the future. Sooner or later, he will definitely find a job that will open up new prospects for him. professional growth. Demonstrate concern for his fate so that a person does not feel like an unnecessary thing that heartless employers squeezed out and threw out into the street without regret.

In many companies, there is a good tradition: in a farewell conversation, one of the company's executives thanks the employee for his work and hands him "output" documents. This gives a good psychological effect, but only if the really important person in the organizational hierarchy thanks, and not the staff clerk from the personnel department.

If a person has worked for a long time and has brought significant benefits to the organization, it is advisable to see him off publicly and with honor. For example, arrange a small farewell buffet and give him a memorable gift in a solemn atmosphere. This is especially important if the dismissal occurs in connection with the retirement of a person. In this case, material costs are more than compensated by a favorable psychological climate in the organization. Not only the dismissed, but also the remaining staff will feel calm and confident. People will know that the company they are giving away best years life, will not treat them indifferently, but will show respect and support. This will have a positive effect on labor motivation and loyalty to management.

Such behavior on your part will ensure, if not a positive, then at least a non-aggressive attitude towards your company. Employees will be more inclined to view their dismissal as an honest and forced act, and not as meanness on the part of management. Often they continue to characterize the company well and show no desire to sue it for wrongful termination or otherwise retaliate against former employers.

Prepared based on the materials of the training seminar:

© Prepared by: Viktor Bodalev.
Copyright © 2007 Psyfactory.

Dismissal at the initiative of the employer is not the most pleasant stage in the life of every employee.

And if the dismissal hurts him, or he considers that he was treated unfairly, then further proceedings in court are possible, which, even if he wins, will take a lot of time in the end. There may be other consequences: bad reviews and efforts to spoil the reputation of the company from outside former employee, for example.

If the employer does not want to face all these consequences, you should try to carry out the dismissal as correctly as possible. Starting with the reason, it must be legitimate and valid.

- this is always a painful process that can be fraught with trouble, including for the company, and therefore, before launching it, it is better to weigh the reasons again and think about whether they can be resolved. At the same time and once again evaluate how they correspond Labor Code, and whether the company will have enough arguments in favor of the validity of the dismissal in a possible trial. And only if no other solution is possible, and the legitimacy of one's position can clearly be defended, one can resort to dismissal as a last resort.

Possible reasons for terminating the contract

First, consider those in which it is worth rethinking whether to fire an employee or give him one last chance:

  1. Violations - the employee is late, leaves early, appears in an unacceptable state? Of course, all this has a bad effect on the quality of his work and on the team, and constant violations cannot be allowed. However, most of these misconducts, if they happened once or twice, according to the Labor Code are not a reason for dismissal - instead, other measures must be taken disciplinary action such as remark and reprimand. The Labor Code allows you to immediately dismiss for a gross violation, like absenteeism, however, and this is not always justified. Often if an employee violates labor discipline it is enough to have a conversation with him, make a remark in public and generally “bring him to his senses”. And only if after that nothing changes, and the violations become systematic, will we have to part with it. At the same time, the violations of discipline committed by him must be documented, and the facts of receiving penalties for them are reflected - then he will have nothing to present in his defense.
  2. Inconsistency with the position held - if the employee does not cope, the reason may be that he has too little experience practical work or lack of education. In this case, either an internship under the guidance of an experienced colleague, or refresher courses will help. And if an employee is already trained in the company, then he will certainly be more faithful to her in the future, so you should seriously think about this before firing, even if you have to invest in him.
  3. Personal motives - a wide range of reasons fit into this. An employee may not come to court in an established team, or he will have a conflict with colleagues, disagreements with superiors. The question is how much he is to blame for this, and whether it is possible to smooth the corners in some way. In addition, if an employee can be presented with personal motives, it means that there are no other claims against him, and he may turn out to be a valuable personnel, besides, dismissal on such an occasion, especially if it is not the first, casts a shadow on the management and makes one think about the competence of the boss and his ability to cope with the team.

Now it's time for the reasons why dismissal is fully justified:

  • The employee divulged company secrets or other non-public information.
  • Collaborated with competitors.
  • Allowed waste.
  • Allows gross violations in the work, due to which both he and others may suffer.

If an employee leaves for one of these reasons, they usually do not stand on ceremony with him, of course, if there is evidence of his actions, and even allow publicity of the reasons in the team, so that the rest of its members are once again convinced that such violations are severely punished and spoil the reputation.

Ways to report dismissal

First of all, the method will depend on the cause.

For example, in a situation where it is a question of espionage in favor of competitors, there is no time for heart-to-heart conversations. But if, nevertheless, the reason is not so significant, then it is usually worth trying to inform the employee about the dismissal more tactfully. This can be done by letter or in a personal conversation - we will analyze both methods, but first we will talk about common mistakes when reporting a dismissal:

Shifting the responsibility to announce a layoff to someone else is a common practice among inexperienced managers if they are unwilling to break the bad news themselves.

Why is this a mistake? The employee on whom this duty fell - the secretary or one of the other subordinates, usually cannot answer the questions of the dismissed person and explain to him the reason for the dismissal, that is, the problem is not solved. as a result, either the employee may remain without explanation and go straight to court, or the manager will still have to talk to him. In addition, the employee who is called upon to report the news will receive his portion of negativity and will be cut off from work. However, this does not mean that you cannot involve other people. To explain the reason and other aspects of the dismissal, it is quite acceptable to involve a specialist from the personnel department and hold a meeting of three.

Reporting in front of outsiders - it is usually highly undesirable to inform an employee about a dismissal in front of a team or simply in the presence of another employee, with the exception of the representatives of the personnel department mentioned above. Inexperienced leaders, if they do not want to take a hit on themselves, often neglect this and report directly to everyone. Sometimes this can be caused by a desire to assert oneself, to put oneself in a real boss. But for the dismissed person, the already awkward moment will become even worse, and if the task is to break off relations with him smoothly, then such an announcement will definitely not bring it closer to its implementation.

Another mistake is the announcement of dismissal before the weekend.

Friday evening can be chosen with the expectation that the office is empty before the weekend and you can talk in a relaxed atmosphere, and if something goes wrong and the person being fired makes a scene (and this happens!), Few people will see it. But this is the wrong approach: by announcing the dismissal before the rest days, you will ruin them, and the employee will have nothing to do on these days, because it will not work to look for work on the weekends. All this only increases the risk of ugly scenes - and they can ruin the weekend for you too. Because Friday is the worst choice. The best time is considered the middle of the week, you can make an announcement at the very beginning, so if time suffers, then you should wait at least until Monday.

In writing

We note right away that dismissing an employee through a letter is not the best choice. Unless, if you do it personally, there is no way, but you need to fire. Otherwise, such a choice will look stupid - why write a letter of resignation to an employee with whom you work in the same office? You won't be able to answer the possible questions. Even if the content of the letter is well thought out, it may still require a conversation. In a word, the letter should be discarded immediately, except in cases where there are no other options.

In a personal conversation

This is the most acceptable way - to report personally, one on one or in the presence of a specialist who can explain important nuances. How to build such a conversation will be discussed later.

Contactless dismissal

Consider separately another method - the so-called contactless dismissal. This is an advance preparation of the employee for the upcoming dismissal, so that it would be easier to inform about it later. As part of this approach, he is gently offered a place in another company, pushing him to leave, or creating so-called silk fetters, that is, they are given a deliberately hopeless task, after the failure of which the project is closed, and the employees participating in it are removed from work.

Sometimes they try to force an employee to quit - they cut off bonuses and bonuses, reduce the workload for which payment is made, but increase the unpaid one - in a word, they gradually worsen within the framework of the law, which encourages the employee to think of leaving on his own.

The method of launching rumors is also applied. If there are active rumors that the position will be reduced, then this may push the employee to look for a new position, which will then help the dismissal go more painlessly.

But these are all already sophisticated methods, which we will not talk about in detail - there are many of them, and they are aimed at ensuring that the employee is ready for being fired, or even left the company himself.

Interview with a dismissed employee

Just walking up to an employee and telling them they're fired is usually not a good idea. the best option if you want the dismissal to go smoothly. It is worth preparing for the conversation. Choose the right day and time, think about how to conduct a conversation, what the reaction from the dismissed person may be and how to react.

Each organization has its own standards, somewhere it is customary to dismiss in one manner, somewhere in another, and you can also be guided by them. In any case, there is usually a certain algorithm that must be followed.


If the level of work of an employee is not satisfactory and the decision to dismiss has already been made, but in theory he can still improve, then you can try the approach with a warning about dismissal. All the same, it is necessary to notify the employee about him, and in this case such a notification is made, but it is added to it that there is still an opportunity to stay if you show good results in the remaining two weeks. If they are not recognized as such, then he will either write a letter of resignation, or an order will be issued immediately.

Thus, you can still get a guarantee that the employee will not work the remaining time through the sleeves. But this approach is applicable only in some cases - when it is clear that the employee can still improve, but there is no way to allow him to learn or gain experience directly in the company.

Building a conversation

Of course, it will largely depend on the cause, but in the general case, the “positive-negative-positive” technique will come in handy. What is its essence? Negative news is softened when there is a certain positive before and after it. That is, before the notice of dismissal, one can note the merits of the employee to the company, and then encourage and promise support in finding a job - a letter of recommendation, personal recommendations for potential employers, and the like. Of course, you should not get carried away by praising an employee - otherwise it will not be clear why they decided to fire him. A few phrases as a preamble will suffice.

Explanation of the reason

If the task is to report as softly as possible, then within the framework of the “positive-negative-positive” technique considered earlier, it is worth referring to the problems of the company, the inability to provide conditions for the development of an employee. The true reason should also be briefly outlined, but without focusing on the fault of the employee. Especially if it is not there, and we are talking about reduction. If the employee is to blame, then he should also already know why he is being fired - especially when he was previously warned, so there is no point in going into details either.

This is not the time to scold the employee and recall his mistakes, although this may seem like a way to argue for dismissal. It certainly won't help him, and since the goal is to get the job done smoothly, don't make it difficult to do so.

After the announcement of the dismissal, you need to give the opportunity to respond to the news. If questions arise, then it is worth answering them, of course, only if they are asked in the correct form. When, instead, an explosion of emotions follows, then it is worth demonstrating calmness and certainly not responding to possible attacks - you just need to repeat that the decision has already been made.

Reactions can be very different, and you need to be prepared for this: for example, women can indulge in tears and assure that they will certainly fix everything if they are given another chance, men sometimes become aggressive and start arguing. In such cases, it remains only to wait for the person to calm down, and not to pay attention to what was said at the time of the emotional outburst.

Offer to help you find a job

After the reason is explained and the reaction is received, if the conversation continues in a more or less calm manner, it is worth encouraging the dismissed person - for example, expressing the opinion that he will be able to prove himself in another company and assure that you will help in finding employment.

You can give your contacts so that a possible employer of an employee can contact you and ask for your opinion about his abilities. Then comes the time to discuss, work out and other technical nuances - you can attract a specialist responsible for them for help.

The conversation should not be too long - it is desirable that it takes 15-20 minutes.

It is best that the dismissal goes smoothly, and the parties do not have claims against each other. To achieve this will help the choice of the right moment and the presentation of the news, in a word, preparation. And this is one of the important aspects that characterize a good leader.

You will be interested

Most employees think about finding a new job, and not about how to tell the boss about the dismissal. When moving into the ranks of candidates, few people think about the appropriateness of a statement about a change in activity or company.

How to present the news successfully? How to say about the dismissal of the boss, so as not to spoil the relationship with him? There are several recommendations, following which you can easily and pleasantly leave your current employer, while maintaining positive memories of each other.

Situations when you need to say about dismissal

There can be many situations in which it is necessary to start a conversation about dismissal. The most common options are dissatisfaction with the current situation and going “nowhere” or moving to a new job.

Option one. In the current case, the employee is dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. The level of wages or the lack of motivational bonuses may not suit you. Perhaps tired of constant processing and a state of burnout appeared. Not satisfied with the style of leadership of the team by the authorities. Relationships in the team also affect the level of satisfaction. Changes in the family situation affect the work no less.

All factors must be discussed honestly and openly. However, do not burn bridges. Diplomacy is the main component of a successful career.

Option two. In this case, the employee has already found a job. During the time when new employer prepares a place for a future employee, you need to say goodbye to your current job. All cases must be prepared for transfer, completing as much as possible.

Reasons for leaving can vary. But in any case, it is important not to lose face and even in the most stalemate to leave with dignity.

How to speak and when to speak

In order to voice the desire to quit your job, it is better to choose the right moment. Management will not be happy if, during a meeting discussing the failure of a sales plan, an employee happily announces to everyone that he is leaving work. Despite the fact that the boss is a priori a wiser and more experienced manager, it may take time for him to react to such a statement.

The best option would be a tete-a-tete conversation. This is a good place for a meeting room. You can ask the manager for a personal meeting in his office, but on the condition that there are no strangers there. How the conversation will go depends on the environment - the time of day, the mood in the office, the state of affairs in the company.

The best time to talk

It is generally accepted that the optimal time for a conversation is in the afternoon. A well-fed person is kinder, more attuned to dialogue. In the morning, such news is recommended to be reported at about 11 o'clock - the working day is in full swing, the pace is set, it is easy to screw in a new task for subordinates. It is not advised to report a dismissal on Monday. The first working day of the week is the hardest. Management is more sensitive to the news about the reduction of staff by one employee. better days, so to speak, are considered Tuesday and Wednesday. The presence of a few more working days gives the authorities the opportunity to think about a counterproposal, to discuss the situation with colleagues (if such a need arises). Finally, when tasks from senior management are distributed, it is much easier to devote time to an employee and talk with him openly, without being distracted by setting tasks and changing priorities in plans.

You must speak honestly and directly about your desire to quit. Dodging, fuzzy speech, long turns will turn the authorities against. From the outside, it may seem that the employee is not going to quit, but is trying to beg for an increase in salary.

If the reason is a new job

If the reason for dismissal is new job, then it is worth saying this directly. You can gently point out those moments that you did not like in the current company / position. The mood in the team, the work schedule, the long road to work, the state of pathological fatigue and burnout are factors that management will accept if they are presented beautifully and politely.

There are many options for how to tell your boss about the dismissal. The phrases used in any of them should be soft, constructive, clearly express the idea. You should not use phrases that denigrate the company or scathingly criticize management or colleagues.

What to say to management

To start a conversation beautifully and correctly, as well as correctly talk about the reasons for dismissal, you can use some template phrases:

  1. "Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich! Can we talk to you?"
  2. "Alexander Alexandrovich, I received an offer of a new job and I want to accept it."
  3. "Thank you for everything you taught me! Now I have a guideline for who I want to be like as a leader!"
  4. "Unfortunately, I stopped developing in this position. The place where I leave gives me more room to grow."
  5. "The situation is such that I need to leave the company. This is due to relocation/change of marital status/fatigue/health."

None of the above phrases guarantees that the manager will be ready to hear the employee and calmly accept his speech. However, a well-structured dialogue or even a monologue can help in further employment.

How to tell a good boss about being fired? To do this, you need to choose not only the right time, but also the words. A leader who has really put a lot of effort into the development of an employee will be pleased to hear this from him. A good relationship with a former boss can help you get a positive recommendation.

Management reaction

If it is assumed that there may be an explosion of emotions or irritation, then how to tell the boss about the dismissal? The reaction of the leader may be different. Often the boss immediately makes a counteroffer: offers to increase wages, give paid leave for rest, raise, transfer to another department. If receiving such an offer was not the main goal, then it is important to prepare for such a conversation in advance. The emotional attachment to the company is much stronger than it seems. Even if it was completely uncomfortable to work in a team, there could be one colleague within the company who smoothed out the unpleasant atmosphere and was pleasant in communication. In order to resist the boss and not regret later on the choice, it is necessary to clearly define in advance why it is necessary to leave the company.

How to tell the boss about the dismissal depends on his behavior.

It is possible that the management takes a time-out for reflection and makes its decision after some time. In such situations, it is necessary to control the course of events - the letter of resignation must be registered with the secretary, or the head must take it to him. Otherwise, a situation is possible when, after a few days, the boss dismisses from work without offering changes in working conditions, but the application is launched later. Because of this, there may be an overlay in time for entering a new job.

When to leave

According to the law, an application for dismissal must be submitted 14 days in advance. The management can be asked the question: "Can I quit without working out the required two weeks?" If an employee quits, the employer may begin to behave incorrectly. In this situation, you need to know not only your duties, but also your rights. To avoid disputes, the process of accepting a letter of resignation, as well as the transfer of cases and the signing of the bypass sheet, must be under the control of the departing employee.

say goodbye beautifully

In any case, it is important to leave beautifully. All projects must be completed. If it is not possible to complete the project, close the deal or organize the event to the end, then it is necessary to provide support to the employee who will deal with this. After transferring all the cases and coordinating the work, it would be useful to have a telephone consultation if it is needed by the one who will accept the cases.

To maintain a good relationship with the employer, you can warn about leaving as early as possible. For a month, three weeks, if possible.

The last two working weeks are not a vacation, as many people think. This is a summing up of the work within the company. In order for an employee to have positive memories, there should be no shortcomings or low-quality reports, and the tasks set during this period should be perceived as important.

Mandatory Procedures

Leaving the company, having understood for yourself the reasons for dismissal, you do not need to burn all the bridges between colleagues. Don't just take work book from the personnel department.

In most companies, it is customary to say goodbye to the department and colleagues on the last working day. To do this, you can send email in which to tell how pleasant it was to work in the company. To note that the experience that was gained is important and valuable. Do good luck to everyone and express hope for cooperation in the future. By specifying your contacts for communication and exchanging them with key employees of the company, you will gain the opportunity to communicate in the future.

Many companies have a positive attitude towards small holidays arranged by colleagues. You can treat everyone with a cake or invite the department to spend an evening together. So pleasant relationships will be emphasized and marked milestone in life.

If relations with the team are strained, then it would be appropriate to politely say goodbye and wish everyone good luck. After all, this company still taught something.

Feelings after leaving

After you managed to tell the boss about the dismissal, different emotions and sensations may arise. Annoyance, anger, resentment, joy, sadness - the whole spectrum of sensations cannot be listed. The most important thing to remember is that a new job is always another chance for growth and development.

Upon termination labor agreement with the employee, the employer should follow a certain procedure, regulated labor law. The main obligation of the employer is that he is obliged to notify the employee in advance of the decision to dismiss the employee. Thus, this will exclude or reduce possible proceedings and complaints from the side of the dismissed person, which in some cases turn into litigation.

A notice is a document drawn up by an employer or personnel worker, in which the employee is notified of the decision of the employer to part with him. The legislator does not provide for the exact form of the document; organizations draw it up independently, depending on the grounds for dismissal. The main thing is that it is in writing.

The employee is invited to read the document. Acquaintance means:

  1. The employee must read the notice.
  2. Be sure to sign it.

If it is not possible to personally notify the dismissed employee, the notice must be sent by registered mail. Upon receipt of the letter, he signs a notice that he has received the letter. If he refuses to sign the notice, the postal worker draws up a protocol of refusal.

If the letter is returned back, then the employer is considered to have fulfilled his obligation to warn the dismissed person. But even in this case, he needs to attach the protocol of the postal worker on the return of the letter to the notice of dismissal. Otherwise, the dismissed employee will have all the legal grounds for the fact of dismissal in court, where he will rely on the basis that he was not warned about the dismissal.

Depending on each ground for terminating the employment agreement with the employee, a separate notice is drawn up, and the legislation establishes specific deadlines within which the employee is informed of the termination of the employment relationship. For example, a notice of dismissal for absenteeism, in connection with, the activities of the enterprise, etc.

On the other hand, if the employee decides to terminate labor Relations with the employer, he is also obliged to notify him two weeks in advance by writing about his dismissal.

Regardless of the free form of the notice, it must contain the following information:

  • the date and place of the notice;
  • name of the organization, enterprise;
  • personal data of the employee and his name;
  • the basis on which the employee is dismissed;
  • the date the layoff occurs.

The document is drawn up in any form in two copies with the obligatory indication of the dismissal of the employee. Calculation of the statutory deadline is running from the date of delivery of the notice. That is why, in addition to the signature of the employee, it is also necessary to set the date of his acquaintance with the notice. The document is certified by the head of the company or an authorized representative. After signing the notice, it is filed in the employee's personal file. This is done in order to preserve evidence in the event of claims by the dismissed employee against the employer.

Upon dismissal foreign worker the actions of the administration are carried out in the same way as with citizens of the Russian Federation. Only the head has an additional obligation to notify the migration authorities of the Russian Federation about the dismissal within three days. Otherwise, a significant fine will be imposed on him.

There is a special procedure for dismissal for. Absence from work is referred by the legislator to a gross violation of the work and means the absence of an employee without a good reason at the workplace for more than four hours per shift. Based on Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer can dismiss the violator even for a single absenteeism. In this situation, the employer is required to correctly legalize the fact of absenteeism:

  1. First, an act of absenteeism is drawn up by the labor commission in the presence of two witnesses. Its form is arbitrary, but it is imperative to indicate the data of all members of the commission, the period of absence of the employee at work, the date and place of the act, a good or bad reason. Everyone must sign it. If the truant refuses to sign, this should be noted in the act itself. The act is drawn up within two days and certified by a seal.
  2. A notice of dismissal is issued and sent / handed over to the employee against signature. It must be recorded in the internal documentation (registration log).
  3. After providing the rest, it is necessary to take confirmation from the resigned employee that he received all the documents. This paper will be useful in the event of a lawsuit being considered in court.
  4. A resolution is affixed to the employee's resignation letter by the manager. It is necessary for employees of the personnel department so that they begin to prepare the documents of the resigning person. Also, the endorsement of the application is necessary in case of early dismissal of the employee without waiting for a two-week period. The manager must indicate his position, sign the document and decipher his signature, put the number of sighting. If the head instructs the personnel officer to prepare documents, then his initials must be indicated.

There are cases when, having received a notice from the employer, the employee refuses to put his signature on it. In this case, an act is drawn up to refuse to sign the notification.

The document records the unwillingness of the employee to sign the document and the reason. It is drawn up in the presence of witnesses (at least two people) who sign it. The need to draw up this document is that the employer can prove in court or that he has fulfilled all legal obligations in accordance with labor law. The document is subject to registration in a special journal and storage.

Sample Documents: form from the signature in the notice. If it is impossible to contact the employee and give him a notice of dismissal, it is formalized to familiarize him with the dismissal order.

When an employee is dismissed if he pays alimony, debts on writ of execution, the employer is obliged to officially notify the bailiffs about this, otherwise he faces the imposition of penalties.

The legislator does not provide for a specific format for such a notification, therefore it is drawn up in an arbitrary form. Mandatory signature of the head and chief accountant on the document. The law also does not set a specific time frame for the employer to send this notice.

How to correctly inform an employee about the dismissal

At the initiative of the manager, almost every employee is stressful, because uncertainty looms ahead. A dismissed employee needs to urgently look for a job, join new team, experience stress from talking with loved ones. Do not forget about the wounded pride, hidden resentment, it is even possible that the former employee will want to “annoy” the former employer. In addition, breaking up with an employee too harshly can adversely affect the rest of the members, who may think that they can be treated in the same way. And this will result in a decrease in motivation, trust in management will disappear, employees will begin to secretly look for a new job.

But still, to a greater extent - it's all emotions. Dismissal at the initiative of the employer occurs in strict accordance with the law for a number of objective reasons. Moreover, if earlier the manager did repeated actions to the employee, he should already have understood that serious punishment could soon follow.

Psychologists recommend having a difficult conversation about being fired in a private, particular conversation. If the organization has personnel department, then the presence of his representative will not interfere. In addition to oral information about the dismissal, you need to take care of a written statement of organizational issues: the dismissal procedure, when the employee will be given the calculation and the necessary certificates and documents, etc.

It is better not to drag out the conversation, 15-20 minutes of an adequate conversation will be enough. The employee should have a positive impression of the company. Therefore, if the dismissal did not occur due to the low professionalism of the employee, you can prepare a series of letters of recommendation that will help him find a decent job faster.

Proper construction of a dialogue at parting will help reduce the risks of spreading negative reviews about the company in the information space.

Deadlines for filing a notice of termination of an employment contract with an employee

The labor law establishes certain deadlines for the manager upon termination of the employment contract. These deadlines must be strictly observed by the employer, otherwise the dismissal will be considered illegal.

notifiernotifiableGrounds for dismissalWarning periodBase
EmployerEmployeeI failedFor three daysArticle 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Expired employment contract For three daysArt. 79 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Organization liquidated

Before the end of three months

Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
By statesBefore the end of three monthsArt. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Bankruptcy of an enterprise (bankruptcy proceedings)Within a month from the date of bankruptcyBankruptcy Law Art. 129
unionDownsizingFor two monthsArt. 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
EmployeeEmployerBased on ownFor two weeksArt. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Based own desire during the test periodFor three daysArt. 71 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
If the employee is an organizationPer monthArt. 280 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

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