How to open a recycling collection point. How to open a waste paper collection point. Video - based on scrap metal acceptance

In European countries, up to 80% of household waste is returned to production. In Russia, the system for collecting recyclable materials is being revived. This is economically beneficial for processors, and gives many entrepreneurs good chance open your own business with minimal investment in 2017.

About 4 million hectares of land in Russia are occupied by landfills, and it is no coincidence that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. IN federal budget funds have been pledged for preferential lending waste disposal activities. For those who are starting a business from scratch, ideas for collecting recyclable materials will be interesting, since this business does not require large investments, and the need of enterprises is constantly growing. Since there are a lot of varieties of “useful waste,” we will review the recyclable materials in demand in Russia.

What types of waste are in demand?

Expecting to open a business in 2017, you need to know what waste is of interest to existing producers in the city or region. Demand and prices for them are determined by actual and potential buyers. The most profitable is considered to be the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass and waste paper (Table 1).

Table 1. Percentage of waste used as secondary raw materials. Based on materials from the study of the SSGA, Novosibirsk.

Type of recyclable materials

Inferred resources, million tons

Usage rate, %

Type of production

Share in the finished product, %

Scrap ferrous metals

steel foundry

Car tires (crumb rubber, reclaimed)


Blast furnace slag, thermal power plant, ash, mining and processing waste

building materials(crushed stone, gravel, sand)

Plastic waste

products made from thermoplastic polymers

glass breaker

Waste paper

cardboard and paper

Recycled raw materials in Russia are used in almost all industries, and the demand for them is growing. Prices vary by region and are determined by the needs of local producers.

1. Car tires.

This is one of the most promising directions to start a business from scratch, ideas in this direction deserve special attention. The volume of discarded tires in Russia in 2015 was about 940 thousand tons. More than 80% goes to landfill (of which 20% is burned), and only 17% is mechanically recycled. The content of usable components is shown in table. 2, potential capacity market - in Fig. 1.

Most often, used tires are processed into crumb rubber. The material is 2-3 times cheaper than synthetic rubber. The market is at an early stage of development, but prices have already formed, demand and stable supply have appeared. Certain requirements are imposed on the feedstock: the waste must comply with GOST 8407-89, it must be clean, have a residual layer of rubber, and intact sides. Typically, tires on rims, with studs, and mixed rubber-metal products are not accepted.

2. Waste paper

During 2013-2015, prices for waste paper increased by almost 60%; its export is currently prohibited, and sales are exempt from VAT. This is a traditional raw material in demand on the market; GOST 10700-97 has been developed for it. According to this document, the paper used is divided into 15 classes based on composition and 3 quality groups. The most expensive variety: white drawing, writing, copying (MS-1A), the cheapest - wallpaper, packaging, poster (MS-13B).

Raw materials are universally accepted for processing by factories producing:

  1. paper, containers, corrugated cardboard packaging (relevant ones included);
  2. linoleum, roofing insulating materials, vinyl leather;
  3. toilet paper, napkins, disposable medical linen.

The quality requirements depend on the direction of recycling. The paper must be cleaned, sorted, packaged (pressed) into briquettes weighing 50 kg or more. This processing saves warehouse space and reduces transportation costs.

3. Scrap metal (ferrous and non-ferrous).

Most profitable business However, its organization is the most expensive of all types of recycling collection. This is due to the need to obtain a license; the rules and conditions for obtaining it, as well as handling scrap metal, are regulated by two main regulations:

  1. on licensing of procurement, storage, processing - No. 1287, 12/12/2012;
  2. on the handling of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals - No. 370, 05/11/2001.

Procurement includes the purchase of scrap from individuals and organizations, transportation and sales. Mandatory requirements: drawing up acceptance certificates, monitoring for radioactivity and explosion safety. This entails the acquisition special equipment, training and confirmation of qualifications of workers.

License terms, OKVED codes for ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal - different. This is a competitive type of activity, however, in regions with developed metallurgical and metalworking industries it brings good income. The opportunity to open your own business in this area is simplified if you use a franchise offer, they are presented on the market.

4. Used batteries.

About 65% of the metal that is used in the production of new batteries is recovered from old batteries. The main part is lead (up to 17 kg), and in addition: nickel, zinc, cobalt, silver oxides. This is economically beneficial for enterprises, therefore the average acceptance prices for this type of recyclable materials are high. For example, in Novosibirsk there are more than 50 companies that buy batteries, and the cost ranges from 570 (45Ah) to 3,400 (220Ah) rubles.

Common places for battery collection: garage cooperatives, active roadways, transport companies, car repair services. Reception centers are usually located there and advertisements are posted there. If you consider that most car owners are simply too lazy to specifically look for a place to return a used battery, then they give them away for 150-200 rubles.

However, the collection and storage of batteries is subject to licensing. This is waste of hazard class 3-4, and work with it is regulated by two federal laws: No. 89-FZ (06.24.1998) and No. 99-FZ (05.04.2011). The license is issued to both the individual entrepreneur and the organization. It notes specific type activities, so you can limit yourself to only collecting batteries, including their neutralization (draining the electrolyte).

5. Polymer waste (PET bottles).

This type of recyclable material is represented by waste plastic production, and household waste of the population. If 80% of the former go into secondary processing, then used bags, packaging, disposable tableware everywhere litters recreation areas, large and medium-sized cities. IN total volume The share of plastic waste is more than 60-70%. The PET bottle holds the palm among polymers.

The main consumers are companies producing building materials, polyethylene film, plastic household products. Demand for it clearly exceeds supply (Fig. 2). Acceptance prices depend on the quality, purity and degree of processing of the material. Thus, landfill waste costs 2-3 times lower than sorted household waste. The most primitive processing that PET undergoes:

  • removing lids and labels;
  • sorting by color;
  • pressing into bags.

Inexpensive mini-plants for plastic processing significantly increase business profitability. For example, landfill PET waste is accepted at a price of up to 6 rubles/kg, LDPE waste - from 10 rubles/kg, washed and sorted used film - at 11-13 rubles/kg, and granules and agglomerate cost 25-35 rub/kg Despite the fact that the cost of new Russian-made film varies from 39 to 49 rubles/kg.

In fact, the plastic recycling market in Russia is just emerging. Experts estimate its potential at $150 million. Of all types of polymer waste collection: collection points, separation from garbage, separate collection of household waste - the latter is the most effective with economic point vision.

6. Cullet and glass containers.

Along with waste paper, there are old and sought-after recyclables. Cullet took the place of solid glassware for a simple reason. Manufacturers have begun to produce bottles and cans that are so original that this makes them very difficult to reuse.

It is required always and everywhere. Two years ago, the Novosibirsk Ekran plant began opening collection points for recyclable materials from the population, since its shortage was holding back production. He needs up to 5 tons of cullet per month, but with the help of suppliers (including other regions) he manages to collect only 1.5-2 tons.

A collection point for glass containers justifies itself if, for example, a brewery is located nearby. Thus, Baltika uses up to 36% of recycled bottles. But cullet is even more profitable because it expands the list of potential suppliers. These could be companies that install window packages, or you can install containers for separate collection in yards. Glass makes up about 17% of household waste.

7. Computer scrap.

Old electrical equipment, computers, telephones are in use in great demand, as evidenced by a simple request in Yandex (Fig. 3). At the same time, prices for scrap are very good (Fig. 4). This activity is usually carried out through intermediary firms that have appropriate licenses and are associated with raw material processors. They do the disassembly and sorting themselves, forming batches for delivery of quite large volumes (from 300 kg).

This is a good option for starting a business from scratch if you organize a reception point in a multi-story building residential area. In almost every apartment there is a lot of rubbish that has been lying around in the corners for years and is simply thrown into the trash. Simply because there is no place nearby where it can be rented out, even for little money.

The collection of equipment containing precious metals does not require licensing, but the company must be registered with the Assay Office. Therefore, in order to avoid obtaining permits at the first stage, you can operate under an agreement with one of these companies, maintaining a representative office in your city or region.

In conclusion.

There are three main sources of recyclables:

  • reception directly from the population,
  • removal of defects and waste from organizations and enterprises;
  • collection, transportation from landfills of solid waste.

The latter is the most stable, although its implementation will require concluding an agreement with municipal service Housing and communal services. It is necessary to provide for the costs of specialized equipment, which are usually small. In general, this activity does not require licensing, with the exception of work with scrap metal and hazardous waste (batteries, mercury). It falls under the patent tax system - the most beneficial for small businesses.

The post has been changed:

How to open a waste paper collection point

How to open a waste paper collection point, we will try to understand all the intricacies of such a business in this article.

Imagine: in our country every year, 100 million tons of raw materials are simply thrown away, which cost an average of 3 thousand rubles per ton. Are you wary? Can you smell the profit? We are talking about paper, or rather waste paper. Of this amount, only 11-12% is returned for recycling, the rest simply rots in household waste landfills. If we express this in money, we get a sum of 270 billion rubles. Billions! Which decompose in landfills. And after this we want order in the country.

I already talked once about how you can make money by processing recyclable materials (you can refresh your memory), and I promised that I would later tell you about each direction in more detail. Today I decided to fulfill my promise and start with a story about how to open a waste paper collection point.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 50,000-200,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 80 thousand people
Industry situation:the supply market is not saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: from 3 to 6 months

A little history

At a time when our country bore the proud name of 4 letters - the USSR, the government took one very wise step to solve the problem of collecting waste paper - it entrusted this task to schoolchildren, directing all their energy and enthusiasm to this, at the same time giving them the opportunity to earn money. An annual plan was even drawn up for the delivery of waste paper for each school. And it must be said that the students coped with the assigned task “excellently” - the USSR was one of the three leaders in recycling paper (now Russia ranks approximately 14th in the world).

Currently, the very figure of 11-12% of the total amount of paper clearly shows that the “waste paper” business niche is practically empty. And given that the project to open a waste paper collection point requires the most insignificant financial investments, it becomes clear that this business idea requires the closest consideration.

This is interesting: About 55 kilograms of recycled paper can save 1 tree from being cut down. So, by engaging in the “waste paper” business, you can proudly say that you are saving nature. It will be true.

What is produced from waste paper

It would seem, what relation can this issue have to business? Our business is to collect it, hand it over, make a profit, the rest is unimportant. But it's not that simple. Knowing the entire chain of converting waste paper into paper will allow you to find consumers (purchasers) of waste paper in industries where others will not look for them. So, what is produced from old paper:

  • Oddly enough, waste paper is used to make... paper.
  • building materials, in particular, thermal insulation paper wool, and paper-polymer boards
  • medical cotton wool, and other sanitary and hygienic products.
  • fabrics
  • cardboard
  • disposable tableware

This is only a small part of what can be obtained from waste paper.

This is interesting: the first paper as we know it was created in the 2nd century BC. Chinese Cai Lun.

Categories of waste paper and approximate prices

Each country has its own classification of waste paper. In Russia it is divided into 3 groups:

  1. Group "A", which includes premium grade paper, for example office white, or documents after passing through a shredder, in turn includes the following categories:
  • MS 1A is white uncoated paper for printing or writing.
  • MS 2A – white paper scraps, ruled lines and black or colored stripes are allowed.
  • MS 3A – waste from the production of paper containers and packaging made from unbleached sulphate pulp.
  • MS 4A - the same containers and bags, only after use.

The cost of such paper is up to 6.5 thousand rubles per ton when picked up, and up to 7.5 thousand when delivered to a warehouse.

  1. Group "B", considered the second grade, includes:
  • MS 5B – corrugated cardboard.
  • MS 6B – residues from the production of any cardboard. Printed designs are acceptable.
  • MS 7B – printing products in the form of advertising brochures, books, magazines - printed on thick white paper, cleared of spines, hard covers, etc.

A ton of waste paper of this type is accepted for 6 thousand rubles for pickup, and for 7 thousand for delivery.

  1. Group "B"- this, one might say, is all that remains:
  • MS 8B – waste generated after the production of newspapers, old newspapers, and any other printed products on newsprint.
  • MS 9B – paper inserts, sleeves, etc.
  • MS 10V – paper “casting”.
  • MS 11V, MS 12V, and MS 13V – coated, impregnated, colored, black and brown paper. The lowest category of waste paper.

Respectively: 3 and 4 thousand rubles.

All prices are indicated for the Moscow region by PZP VS Presnya and are current as of August 1 of this year. In the regions of the country, the cost of accepting 1 ton of paper is slightly cheaper. Therefore, when creating a price list, carefully study the price lists of your competitors.

I advise you to immediately decide which category of paper you will work with, because it often happens that “spraying your efforts” and collecting cheap grades of paper becomes unprofitable, and the enterprise suffers a loss. Each group of waste paper requires the establishment of certain contacts among its suppliers, various methods of collection and positioning in the market. It will be very, very difficult for a novice businessman who has not yet established himself in the market as a reliable partner to combine all areas.

Opening a waste paper collection point

So, I’ll go directly to the “technical” side of the question of how to open a waste paper collection point.

Step 1: rent a room

As I already said, this business does not require any “extra investments”. Therefore, at first, space for a waste paper warehouse can be organized in an ordinary garage (read what other ideas can be implemented in a garage). Over time, it will be possible to rent larger premises, which, in principle, depends on the number of residents of your city. If locality small - up to 100 thousand people, then a more spacious area for storing waste paper will not be required.

Another advantage is that the warehouse can be rented even in remote areas of the city - it is easier in terms of unloading and loading, and the rental price will not be as high as in the center. Here you can also organize a garage for the car that will be next step business opening plan.

Step 2: buy a car

The most ideal vehicle for transporting waste paper to a small collection point is a Gazelle. A pickup truck or a covered trailer for a passenger car is also suitable. The volume of paper will grow, and the profit that can be used to purchase KamAZ or MAZ will also grow.

Step 3: looking for distribution channels

For small volumes of paper that you will collect at first, the best option is to give it to large resellers who have at their disposal not only various equipment: presses, large trucks for transportation, huge storage areas, a staff of workers for sorting, etc. etc., but also serious sales channels.

When the business “grows up” a little and you get the hang of it, you can try to go directly to paper mills. In total, there are about 150 enterprises in Russia producing various types paper products. Of these, there are 12 large pulp and paper mills. So there won’t be any particular problems finding buyers. Another thing is that they don’t work with small batches.

Step 4: collecting waste paper

It would seem that this is the simplest stage of the matter - advertise and wait for the paper flow to fill the warehouse bins. But this is precisely where the painstaking work of advertising lies. You will have to spend a lot of time visiting various institutions to conclude contracts. Your wholesale suppliers can be:

  • Offices
  • Schools
  • Large stores
  • Catering establishments
  • Well, and, of course, ordinary residents of your city.

We must also not forget about the periphery, periodically traveling to the area and indicating the date of our next arrival, so that by this time the local population will be ready.

Buying scrap metal seems to be one of the most simple types business. I bought scrap from homeless people for a ruble and sold it to be melted down for 2 - what could be simpler? However, many are afraid to start a business in this area, despite the ease of opening a scrap metal collection point. It is believed that this activity is highly criminalized, and the “roof” will definitely come to you. How things really are, to the magazine IQR said the owner of a metal warehouse in the Far Eastern Federal District.

How to open a metal collection point

My name is Egor, I am 27 years old, I am an entrepreneur. The story of my business is not new, but maybe it will help someone start their own business. In 2009 I returned from the army. I had an industrial technical school behind me, from which I graduated with honors, having received the specialty of an auto mechanic. By this time I was already married, and my son was six months old. So, you understand, I couldn’t idle for long; I had to provide for my family.

Business on scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals

I live in a small working-class village in the Primorsky Territory, so I didn’t have much choice about where to work. By the time I was demobilized, large enterprises in our village had either closed or were struggling to make ends meet. The position of a mechanic in a motor transport workshop with a salary of ten thousand rubles did not particularly appeal to me. I could, of course, go to the city to earn money, but I wanted to be with my family and raise my child myself.

How I got my hands on a business

Chance intervened. My father-in-law had a cottage, and in his yard he set up a small metal collection point. He worked illegally and with very small volumes. Just when I returned from the army, my father-in-law got married and moved to another city, and the cottage and his small farm left it to me and my wife. I didn’t plan to do this business, but people who were used to selling metal in this place kept coming and going. And then I decided that the topic of collecting scrap metal was not so bad, I just needed to expand the business into a full-fledged metal depot and legalize the business in order to work peacefully.

Cargo van

The only equipment my father-in-law had was an old industrial mechanical scale and a garage in the yard. And even a truck. But the truck left with his father-in-law to a new place of residence, so the question of buying a car arose.

Where to get start-up capital to open a recycling collection point

I didn’t know anything about the financing program at that time, and it’s unlikely that I would have been able to take advantage of it, because I didn’t plan to legalize my business right away. Of course, a bank loan to a demobilized soldier without a job and no collateral would not be approved, so I turned to my parents, promising that I would repay the loan on time. The loan was issued. That's how I got mine starting capital- five hundred thousand rubles.

Scrap collection point

If you are wondering what you need to buy to open a collection point for ferrous and non-ferrous metals from equipment, the first thing to buy is transport. You can do without everything else at first. For one hundred and fifty thousand rubles I bought a small used truck. I set aside one hundred thousand to repay the loan in the first months, if it turns out that my income will not be enough for it. I left the rest of the money to buy metal.

First steps in business development

Scrap awaiting loading

I must admit that I didn’t have any business plan. I had no idea what this idea would lead to. I had plenty of competitors in this market. At that time, our small village with a population of just over ten thousand people had 4 collection points for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It helped that the place was famous, and my father-in-law’s former clients brought metal to me. It was not profitable for me to reduce prices, so I had to come up with others marketing moves to attract customers.

Prices for scrap ferrous metals and profitability of purchase

I advertised in the local newspaper that I would take scrap metal to a collection point. There were more clients because people no longer had to look for a car to transport metal. When there was enough metal to load the car, I took it to the metal depot in Ussuriysk. The price difference was quite small. If I accepted metal for 4 rubles per kilogram, then I handed it over for 4 rubles 50 kopecks.

Rusty pipes

Travel costs took a significant chunk out of the profit, so I agreed at the metal depot that they would send a car for metal. Despite the fact that paying for the car was not cheap, the benefits were still apparent.

The main problem of metal buyers

But I was not happy with the fact that in addition to the discount on rustiness, which ranged from seven to 15 percent, I was deceived on the weight. I took into account all the accepted metal, recording every kilogram. However, upon implementation, it turned out that the difference between my calculations and the weight that was given by the scales at the receiving point was from one hundred to five hundred kilograms. It was clear that I was being mercilessly cheated, just by the weight of the car.

How a scrap collection point turned into a metal depot

I realized that I needed to buy my own big car. It would be better if it had a crane so that I wouldn’t have to hire someone else’s car to load the metal. By this time, things were going better, so without any loss in turnover, I was able to buy the necessary car. The purchase cost eight hundred and fifty thousand rubles. But these costs paid off within 7 months. As you can see, metal storage is a quite profitable business.


After some time, I established contacts with the administration of the port of Vladivostok and began selling scrap metal directly to the port, profits increased significantly. If, as an intermediary, I received 50 kopecks per kilogram, then here the difference was already 3 rubles per kilogram.

Truck scales

In order not to overload metal from the car at acceptance, I bought truck scales with a lifting capacity of 30 tons. By this time, I had bought a plot of land and built a metal warehouse there. But collection point I didn’t close it in my yard; non-ferrous metal scrap was brought there; payments for all transactions were also carried out only at home.

Finding a reliable person to accept metal is not at all easy; they tried to deceive me by underweighting and double weighing.

Therefore, I decided that no one could do the job of a cashier better than my wife. Now if large number Scrap metal is brought to the base, the receiver weighs it, and the data from the scales is transmitted online to my home. The metal is unloaded, and the client goes to my home, where he receives the money.

How to legalize a business

Scrap transport machine

For about 4 years I worked “under a black flag” without filling out any documents. Apparently, I was just lucky; during all this time the regulatory authorities never visited me. But when the matter took a big turn, the question of licensing the activity still arose.

In order to license a business for receiving and processing scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals, you need a lot of things:

  • scrap metal baling press ;
  • laboratory for analyzing the chemical composition of non-ferrous metals ;
  • personnel training certificates.

If I was still able to organize a press and certificates, then open a laboratory in small village turned out to be an impossible task. That's why I decided to work as a franchise. The initial payment was only twenty thousand rubles, and the royalty in my case is 1.5% of turnover, but at the same time I am legally protected, so if questions arise from regulatory authorities, I can redirect them to the head office.

Is scrap collection business profitable?

Weighing scrap

Profitability of ferrous metal intake

In a stable economic situation, metal supplies bring good money. In a month, I accept ferrous metal worth about six hundred thousand rubles and hand it over to the port for a little over a million rubles. 1.5 percent of the license agreement is deducted from net profits. Another 250,000 rubles comes from the fund wages, about 60,000 rubles a month are spent on fuel for cars and spare parts, so my net profit is approximately 100,000 rubles. And this is only for ferrous metal.

Prices for non-ferrous metal

Work on acceptance of non-ferrous metals

For non-ferrous metals, the numbers are always different; they sell it for much less, but the prices there are completely different. So, we accept copper for 180-200 rubles per kilogram, and sell it for 250-320 rubles. It all depends on the price of metal on the day you bring it to hand over. (large buyers focus on the price on the stock exchange - editor's note).

What are the risks for the buyer

Today my business is considered successful; from a small scrap metal collection point with old scales and a one and a half ton truck, it has grown into a metal depot with truck scales, electronic platform scales, 4 trucks, a scrap baler and a staff of 15 people.

However, a constant decline in metal prices could destroy my successful business. There are situations when I accept metal at the beginning of the month for 6 rubles, and by the end of the month the price for wholesale acceptance drops to 5 rubles, that is, if I hand over the metal at this moment, then I will work at a loss. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor prices in order to accept metal at an adequate price.

Metal warehouse yard

Have you decided to open a business buying metal, and are you not afraid of difficulties?

Be prepared to work 20 hours a day. One of the reception points is open around the clock, the second - from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. This is not the easiest work, because you will have to work not in a clean office, but on the street, with rusty and dirty iron. Don't forget about advertising. For example, I ordered business cards with telephone numbers and addresses of reception points. These business cards are distributed to everyone who brings metal to donate. All my trucks have phone numbers written large on them.

How to open a scrap metal collection point? (video)

Glass products are always in price. Organizing a business for their production is not difficult - there are no big bureaucratic obstacles to this.

You can find buyers for manufactured products throughout the country.

To ensure that there is never a shortage of raw materials, it would not hurt the manufacturer to open a collection point.

And even just by purchasing and reselling bottles you can actually make good money. Let's figure out how to open a glass container collection point and what you will need for this.

To organize the collection of bottles, will need:

  • officially become an entrepreneur;
  • register a business;
  • find territory;
  • buy equipment;
  • hire staff.

It is important to immediately decide how to organize the work - with or without an intermediary. In the first case, all work will be reduced to the acceptance of glass containers, and the intermediary will transport and sell it. There will be less headaches, but also income will have to be divided.

In addition, even before the start of registration and registration permitting documents We recommend developing a business plan for defining the overall strategy enterprise development, calculation possible risks and profits.

Legal status and registration

First you need to get the status legal entity at the tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur (IP), you can become an organization with limited liability(OOO).

It is, of course, better to work under the “simplified” system (single tax). You can get to it if you have an LLC only by special conditions. What cannot be said about an individual entrepreneur - for him the path to a single tax is clear.

The main thing is that there should not be more than a hundred people working at the container collection point, which, however, is difficult to imagine.

To become an entrepreneur, tax office must provide:

  • a receipt confirming payment of the mandatory special duty;
  • a photocopy of your passport;
  • lease agreement (if any).


To start accepting bottles and other glass containers, permissions needed:

  • municipal authorities;
  • fire inspection;
  • sanitary and epidemiological supervisory structures.

No license for collecting glass containers individual entrepreneurs not required. The tax code allows them to run their own business without licensing.

You also need to select one of the following types of activities (according to OKVED codes):

  • 18.2 – trade in wholesale, goods that do not belong to any other group;
  • 8 – provision of services of various forms;
  • 57 – sale of scrap and waste.

Premises and equipment

Absolutely necessary rent land or premises.

The best place is located near crowded places. retail outlets– supermarkets and markets.

For normal uninterrupted operation of the collection point you cannot do without:

  1. At least one warehouse for glass containers and cullet. We select the size of the room depending on the total number of containers accepted. At first, you can limit yourself to a standard garage.
  2. Sorting equipment (at first you can get by with manual sorting).

At the reception point:

  • put boxes for bottles;
  • we place special display with all types of bottles that are allowed to be brought to the drop-off point.

Remember! IN mandatory indicate exactly how much the client will earn on .

You don’t have to rent the premises. It is enough to simply rent a small piece of land for a tent (MAF).

What will we accept?

At reception points allowed to accept:

  • bottles of alcoholic beverages (beer and liquor);
  • containers for soft non-alcoholic drinks.

It is also acceptable to accept:

  • banks;
  • glass containers with cracks or chips - they should be purchased at a price;
  • bottles with indelible paint and hard-to-remove labels;
  • containers that have a persistent odor are contaminated with any chemicals.

Here's what not worth taking:

  • medical glass waste;
  • mirrors;
  • heat-resistant dishes;
  • car windshields;
  • other containers and waste, which are of dubious value for resellers and manufacturers due to the complexity or prohibition of processing such raw materials.


Organizing a bottle collection business is difficult without:

  1. Storekeeper. Its task is to sort containers by type and reject bottles with cracks and chips.
  2. Driver with cargo transport. This position is especially relevant if you have several collection points at once, from which you regularly need to pick up containers and take them to the warehouse.
  3. Accountant. He will maintain documentation, provide the necessary financial statements to the tax service.

At first, all these functions can be performed by the business owner himself or his family members. As the business expands, it will no longer be possible to cope without hired labor.

Getting famous

  • in the local press;
  • Internet sites;
  • at stops and banners located near city highways.

Another effective way to become famous is to organize distribution advertising leaflets in crowded places.

It would also be a good idea to rent a place near residential buildings to place containers for collecting glass containers.

It is absolutely necessary and catchy sign. It is worth indicating the telephone number of the reception point on it in order to look more respectable in the eyes of clients.

Sales of products

Bottles are easy to sell. They will be willing to buy:

  • distilleries and breweries;
  • canneries;
  • soft drink manufacturers;
  • companies that make mirrors, windows or process glass. They can be supplied with rejected containers;
  • resellers (it is better to deal with them only at first, when there is no regular customers and the ability to independently deliver products to them).

Business expansion and glass processing

If the glass container business has been successfully promoted, it makes sense to think about expanding it. For this you need:

  • large warehouses for bottles;
  • additional workers, transport;
  • serious investments in promotion.

Will be needed special “selling” texts in publications read by owners and managers large enterprises for the production of beverages and glass processing.

It is also possible to create own enterprise, which processes glass products.

What can be realistically produced from recycled materials?

A processing plant is a very profitable business. It is possible to produce high-quality, expensive products from ordinary bottles and cullet. And it will not require large investments.

From recycled glass you can create:. Of these:

  • 70,000 – for permits;
  • 600,000 – for equipment for glass processing;
  • 80,000 – for rent of warehouse and production premises;
  • 200,000 – for payment utilities and wages for workers and staff.

Per month really earn 200,000 - 500,000 rubles(depending on the type of product manufactured). The company will begin to make a profit 6-9 months after the start of its activities. Profitability will be 15-20%.

Video on the topic

The presented video is a story about how entrepreneurs run this type of business in one of the cities of Russia:


A glass collection point is an extremely profitable business. There will always be buyers for bottles. Beverage companies will be happy to purchase them.

Starting with the usual acceptance of bottles, you can gradually grow to major manufacturer finished products made of glass. Only for this you need to work hard: find clients, expand, and, most importantly, do not stop there.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Considering that, according to expert estimates, Russians throw away over 100 million tons of paper per year, and waste paper is accepted from $50 per ton, there is no doubt that this business is profitable. But let’s give specific figures: according to experts, the profitability of the waste paper collection business is from 30 to 50%: - you must agree, there is something to think about.

This business is especially attractive because you can start it simply - using your garage as a temporary warehouse. The big plus is that this business is not particularly tied to location, which means there is no need to spend money on special warehouses(at least in the beginning). You also need to get a small by truck or a trailer. In fact, this will be the main starting capital.

As a rule, full-time staff will help you initial stage no need - just notify the maximum number of acquaintances and strangers who work in organizations that throw away a lot of paper about how much you pay per ton.

Everyone determines the specific amount of payment independently, not forgetting, however, that your competitors are also trying to motivate these same people. Ideally, you should notify as many people as possible related to government agencies, schools, office centers and printing houses about your offer. If you manage to establish a fairly extensive network of paper suppliers, you will be provided with uninterrupted supplies of waste paper for a long time, since this business has virtually no seasonality.

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However, even if you have regular suppliers, constantly inform others about your services. Experienced waste paper collectors recommend producing and placing information on waste collection on the sides of the vehicle and distributing business cards anyone who may be potentially useful in the future.

Don't forget about schoolchildren. And although the times of the Timurites are long gone, there will always be teenagers who want to earn extra money - and this, by the way, is a very powerful workforce. Among other things, schoolchildren can easily interview neighbors on the street and bring the collected newspapers in a wheelbarrow directly to the collection point.

So that you don’t have to set up a time and travel around all the areas where you have independent “partners” to collect found waste paper, it’s worth organizing stationary points in every area of ​​the city. These points could logically again be the garages of your “largest” assistants. Of course, in this case you will have to slightly increase the purchase price for this item. On the other hand, you do not invest money in renting premises and the salary of the receptionist.

Ready ideas for your business

And of course, it is necessary to notify residents of the area about the presence of a collection point. Usually, all you need to do is put up a few signs, and your “intelligence network” will do the rest.

Well, of course, accepted waste paper should be paid not per ton, but per kilogram (from 50 kopecks per kilogram).

At this stage, it is no longer possible to do without investing in weighing equipment. But by that time you will already have a constant profit, part of which you will invest in expanding the network of collection points.

As in any business, a novice entrepreneur will have to make the main efforts at the very beginning. And if he copes with the initial stage of creating an agent network and developing a regular clientele among commercial enterprises and government agencies, then his future in this business will be very bright. Because no matter how the situation in the economy develops, no matter how acute the economic crisis, in our bureaucratic state there has always been and will always be paper waste. This means that the business of collecting waste paper is almost eternal.

Tatiana Nikitina

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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