Product and image advertising. Types of image advertising Image and product advertising

Image advertising is usually used by product manufacturers and large distributors. The purposes of image advertising do not include a direct offer to purchase or sales promotion. The goal of such advertising is to create a positive image of a certain product in the eyes of the consumer. trademark or a specific seller (see illustration 3. 1 .).

Image advertising usually allows the advertiser to beat competitors not due to the special properties of the product or service, but due to the preferred positive image. It is also used when developing new needs in consumers (the prestige of using a certain brand, etc.).

Ill. 3.1.

Image advertising can also be in the form of a documentary report on activities (for example, a presentation of a bank balance). And in the form of publishing information about something positive in the company’s activities from the point of view of society (for example, a story about an ongoing charity program). Etc.

With the help of image advertising, companies create an image not only of a product or service, but also of the company itself: beautiful, stylish, businesslike, etc. etc. Most often, such advertising is used to emphasize the reliability of the company. This is achieved by publishing large advertisements (“we are big, we really have money”). That's why image advertising cannot be small in size or published in newspapers or magazines with insufficient quality of paper, printing or questionable content.

Darling, you gave me more than I asked from heaven...

(from a letter to the fiancée of the great French winemaker Louis Eschenauer)

... My angel, my life! How much beauty and love you have...

I remember there was wonderful silence in your small room. The joy of jubilant Paris could be heard outside. Amidst the terrible Parisian celebration, we modestly hid aside and moved our bright holiday into the shadows... I felt the delicate smell of your hair.

I really miss you. It seems to me that the one who leaves suffers less than the one who stays. At other moments I feel that if you, my friend, by some magic suddenly appeared near me, I would die of happiness...

Darling, you gave me more than I asked from heaven; you can take that away from me if you want, but I will always love you.

Goodbye, my Laura, my sweet, gentle angel, my treasure...

Oh, how time has dragged on since you left, and only ten hours have passed.

Louis Eschenawer

Lyon, 1835

Materials from the personal archive of Louis Eschenauer were provided by the French winemaking company Les Grands Chais de France and Trading House"Rusimport", which exclusively represents the Louis Eschenauer trademark in Russia.

What does a person need...

(From a letter to the son of the great French winemaker Louis Eschenauer)

...In order to live with dignity, a person needs:

– patience to work hard until you achieve perfection in your work;

– humility to admit one’s sins and repent of them;

– mercy, to see goodness in your loved ones;

– love to bring benefit and help to other people. When love stops burning you, other people begin to die of cold;

– faith so that God becomes a reality for you;

American sociopsychologist Vance Packard, in his research, found that women pay so generously for all kinds of “anti-aging” creams and so modestly for soap, because the cream promises “beauty”, and the soap promises only “cleanliness”. Indeed, on the scale of social values, “beauty” has always been ahead of “purity.” They pay more for it. It is also well known that in most cases a car is not only a “means of transportation”, but also a symbol of the prestige of its owner. By purchasing a Mercedes, the buyer buys not just a good car, but what is more important to him - social status. Thus, advertising offers us a good state of mind, self-affirmation and satisfaction that we can find by purchasing a particular product or service.

Image advertising, in its focus, is designed to create an exclusively positive image of the manufacturer, perhaps even idealizing it. Correct image advertising will create a significant image of the company, which will later be transferred to the product of this company and endowed with qualities whose existence can be questioned.

If the object of advertising is different, it means that the effect that we get from these types of advertising is different: in the case of product advertising, the effect is money, and in the case of image advertising, the reputation of the manufacturing company. Accordingly, the duration of this effect is different - for image advertising it is much longer than for product advertising.

Advertising activities in relation to a specific product directly depend on the selected market segment. Image advertising does not directly depend on the product and the selected market segment. However, at the same time, actions to promote a product always have an impact on the formation of the company’s image, and image advertising can have an impact on the promotion of the product. In this regard, it can be concluded that in pure form There is no image or product advertising, since the first is always associated with the product, and the second with the image of the enterprise.

Prestige advertising, which is often called corporate, image or brand advertising, is the commercial promotion of a positive image of an enterprise. Unlike product advertising, which has a characteristic targeted focus and is aimed at a contact audience, prestigious advertising is addressed to the public in the broadest sense.

Comparative characteristics of image and product advertising are presented in Table 3. The main criteria for comparison are the goals, means and methods of these types of advertising.

Table 3 - Comparison of product and image advertising

Comparison criterion

successful sale of goods through demand generation and sales promotion;

demonstrating to society the importance of the company’s activities for the economy of the country as a whole or a particular industry, its contribution to solving the most important problems of the well-being of the people, that is, creating an idealized positive image of the company;


  • 1 print advertisement (separate publication, press);
  • 2 audiovisual advertising(movies, commercials, videos);
  • 3 radio and television advertising;
  • 4 exhibitions and fairs;
  • 5 promotional souvenirs;
  • 6 direct mail;
  • 7 outdoor advertising (posters, screens, illuminated signs, shop windows, branded signs, advertising on transport);
  • 8 advertising on the Internet.
  • 1 television commercials;
  • 2 information articles in the media;
  • 3 PR campaigns;
  • 4 investor-relations (charity events with the distribution of souvenirs with the company logo).
  • 1 public advertisement;
  • 2 direct marketing;
  • 3 pack;
  • 4 personal sales;
  • 5 advertising at the point of sale.
  • 1 sponsorship;
  • 2 exhibitions;
  • 3 publicity (publicity -

one of the areas of PR, the purpose of which is to create recognition among target audiences public company, product or brand);

4 sponsorship events.

When developing image advertising, it is necessary to determine the most important properties of the advertising object and associate them with the company itself so that they are quickly remembered by the consumer. When a product or service has become in demand, then, being objects of advertising, they themselves begin to form positive image companies.

Companies are always in a state of competition. In this race, image advertising plays an important role. Even already well-known companies periodically have to remind themselves, talk about their successes and achievements. Thanks to this, the consumer remains willing to remain committed to this particular company rather than switch to a competitor.

As a rule, in Russian advertising practice Image advertising can be afforded by companies with a stable position in the market, and therefore with stable income. This mainly applies to companies involved in the production or sale of goods. The situation is different in the services sector, especially financial ones. Banks begin their activities with image advertising, investment companies and funds, since without a certain image and the trust of clients they will not be able to achieve any tangible success.

Such advertising has recently appeared frequently both on television and in the press. Among the companies that resort to image advertising are the communications company MEGAFON, Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel", RAO "UES of Russia", etc. This advertisement is designed to improve the image of the company in the eyes of potential buyers, as well as its partners, to create a favorable image among the majority of society about the company and the goods it produces. The same approach underlies such a phenomenon as sponsorship by large Russian companies individual sports teams or broadcasts of the most popular types sports, which is very important today for raising the prestige of Russian sports.

  • - Advertising should be addressed to a group of target consumers. It is necessary to demonstrate to the consumer as much as possible exactly what benefits he receives from using the product. The advertising message should arouse consumer interest and desire to make a purchase.
  • - The advertised product must meet the requirements of the market, the tastes of the relevant consumer groups, moral and aesthetic standards adopted in the country.
  • - The information contained in advertising must be truthful. Advertising should not contain direct comparisons with competitors' products or services, or bad reviews of competitive products or services.
  • - The trademark, brand of the enterprise must be noticeable.
  • - Advertising should be as short as possible and not bore the consumer. The text must be written in simple language, be reasoned; better with evidence and without the need - not very long.
  • - Advertising should be based not on emotions, but on facts.
  • - It is necessary to formulate a catchy title, and it is preferable to immediately declare the product.
  • - The illustration in advertising should arouse curiosity; people pay attention to it first of all. Photos are believed more.

By promoting a specific product, advertising promotes its sale. Product advertising informs consumers about the properties and advantages of a product and arouses interest in it. The consumer seeks to establish contacts with the seller and turns from a passive potential buyer into an active buyer interested in purchasing.

One of the most famous companies, using image and product advertising as the main ones, is the COCA-COLA company. The company is a manufacturer of carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks. The image advertising of this company is dominated by such methods as sponsorship, charity work and the creation of PR campaigns. Coca-Cola is a sponsor Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, supports environmental projects in Russia: “Program for the conservation of the Volga”, “Bear Patrol” to preserve the polar bear population on the Arctic coast of the Russian Federation, “Ecological trail for primary school students” (more full list programs with the participation of the Coca-Cola company is presented in Appendix A).

It is also a Coca-Cola tradition to hold advertising company under New Year: it is necessary to collect a certain number of points, which are recorded on the caps of the company's products, and exchange them for soft toys; in recent years, these have been bears with New Year attributes. In 2013-2014, this campaign was carried out under the slogan Sochi 2014: “Collect a collection of Coca-Cola New Year bears “Sochi 2014”. The promotion increases the sales of carbonated drinks “Sprite”, “Coca-Cola”, “Fanta”.

Due to the rapid development of the economy, competition in various areas of business is growing. Commercial companies In order to maintain their place in the services market, they annually invest resources and develop new ways of trading.

The most effective and effective method promotion of the company's services is advertising. There are many types of it, however special attention is devoted to image advertising.

The essence of image advertising

The most common types of advertising are image and sales. There are several differences. When the consumer is directly invited to buy a certain type of product or service, then such advertising can be classified as selling. The information in this case is aimed at quick results.

Image advertising is distinguished by its presentation of information and goods and services. At first glance, attention is drawn only to the brand that produced the advertised product. Describes the benefits of the product. Since there is no direct call to purchase, we can say that this is a kind of hidden advertising. Sales advertising, on the contrary, calls for immediate action, affecting hearing, vision, smell and touch.

Definition 1

Figure 1. The essence of image advertising. Author24 - online exchange of student works

Often, consumers pay exclusively for the brand of a company they know, because it gives them confidence, even if the advertised product is somewhat inferior to competitors that are not yet known in the service market.

There are many types of services and products that simply cannot survive in the market without creating a positive image about them. Image advertising helps a lot in creating such an image. An example would be mobile phone stores, banking structures, investment funds or insurance companies.

Often, either giant companies or those organizations that have only recently entered the market with their products resort to the help of image advertising. When creating corporate business The following goal is pursued: every action of each employee and everything that is produced by this company must show its goals and values. What can management offer and what does management strive for? What value will the buyer receive?

Creating a reputation is not enough; it is necessary to constantly maintain it at a high level. In other words, image advertising is a long process that often lasts for several years. In this regard, certain difficulties arise that relate to the work of marketers, as well as the attitude towards this advertising on the part of the management and owners of the company.

Components of image advertising

  • development of corporate identity and company logo;
  • creation of external carriers of information about the organization (its individual components are included in the corporate identity);
  • television commercials;
  • magazine and newspaper publications;
  • development and active participation in charity;
  • sponsoring concerts and other events.

Main tasks and functions of image advertising

  • creating a positive and trusting image about the advertised company in the minds of consumers;
  • convincing a large circle of consumers, suppliers and partners of the positive activities of the enterprise or company;
  • formation of a certain image and advertised products: about their benefits, quality, and benefits for the consumer;
  • presentation of the company as a reliable partner for its sponsors and investors;
  • popularization of a certain personality - singer, writer, artist, author, etc.

There are times when a certain media personality makes a mistake. It is properly organized image advertising that will help such a company to rehabilitate itself in the eyes of consumers.

Note 1

Main types of image advertising

Any company needs not only a memorable name, but also its high-quality and competent artistic design. An image advertising campaign begins with the creation of a logo or graphic image of the company. This already leads to the development and recognition of the company in the product market. In other words, a logo is the face of a company. Therefore, the first and most significant type of image advertising is the creation of a logo.

When developing a logo, every little detail matters - the size of the letters, their color, slope and font. Its main function is recognition in the market. Corporate identity carriers can be a business card, price list, booklet, envelope, postcard, sign, plaque, letterhead, folder and other attributes. It all depends on the direction of the enterprise’s activities and its internal policies.

TO corporate style This includes corporate gifts and branded souvenirs. Gifts support the image of the enterprise and increase the loyalty of customers and partners. Thanks to special souvenir catalogs, you can choose souvenirs according to your business area.

The next type of image advertising is external and internal brand media. Street posters, banners, stands, billboards, signs and more. The main task of these advertising media is to remind about the company and provide basic brief information about the services or products offered. The main advantage of this type of advertising is its large audience reach. There is an impact on the consciousness of consumers, their memorability and attention. A person on the way to work or while walking with a child sees the same information, which is stored in his head. When he comes to the store and sees an already familiar product, the likelihood of purchasing it will be quite high.

An important type of image advertising is branding in magazines and on television. The rapid development of advertising is taking place on the Internet. But despite modern trends and technology, most of the audience still uses printed publications and television.

Newspapers and magazines attract the attention of consumers because the advertised information can be read more than once and in more detail. This allows you to make sense of the information provided. Compared to outdoor image advertising, such information costs several times less, but its effectiveness is in no way inferior.

Image advertising on television reaches a wide audience and immediately affects the hearing and vision of a potential consumer. Creating such an advertisement will take a lot of time, since you first need to write a script and come up with a video. After this, the duration of the commercial and the frequency of its airing are taken into account. The advertiser can select the parameters through which it is possible to influence a specific audience of people.

Business reputation and image advertising are closely related to each other, so charity and sponsorship are its main types. To the image of the enterprise great value influences his image, attitude towards people, as well as participation in charity events. Sponsorship and charity have a very positive effect on the company and the recipients of this assistance.

Targeted assistance to a specific person, sponsorship contributions for healthcare, medicine, publishing books, holding sports competitions - all this has a positive effect on the company’s image. It is recognized and consumers associate it with trust, since a person who helps others cannot by definition be bad.

Note 2

Image advertising is a form of marketing communication, which is aimed at maintaining and creating a favorable image of an organization, person, brand. In general, in marketing, conveying the image to target audience occurs with the help of Public Relations and advertising communications.

What is image advertising

Image advertising– this is the same as corporate, branding advertising. This method of communication, such as image advertising, is used by advertisers who want to create a good image of their company, their services and products in the eyes of potential buyers. Consequently, an effective image advertising campaign has a prolonged impact on the minds of users.

In general, this is advertising to create a positive image of your product and company. Its main goal is to introduce potential buyers to the product, its characteristics, purpose, including the areas of work, the advantages that the consumer will receive if he contacts you. The second meaning of image advertising is the creation of a favorable impression of the company itself. In general, the main task of image advertising is to consolidate a favorable image of a company or product in the minds of a wide range of users.

The main tasks of image advertising:

  • The belief that the company's work is useful to society;

Increasing awareness of partners and consumers about the company, creating an opinion of the company as a significant, reliable and successful company;

Education of a wide range of marketing channel partners, consumers, suppliers of a good opinion about the company;

Forming an association between the name of the company and its trademark with satisfaction of consumer needs and a certain quality of services and goods.

Use of image advertising

Typically, image advertising is contrasted with product advertising, advertising of services, which does not contain direct calls to buy something. The call of image advertising is to provide the brand with a value assessment, while functional advertising only speaks about the very fact of the presence of a product with its value, usefulness, characteristics, and significance of the product for the consumer. Still, high-quality advertising contributes to the gradual promotion of the company’s image, brand, through the services and goods that it provides and produces. In addition to the prolonged impact, image advertising has one more feature: it has a delay effect, delayed effect, accumulation effect, during which the image is formed over a period of time. long time, during playback marketing communications with the target audience. This is a pitfall that novice marketers do not always understand and see.

Image advertising– these are corporate souvenirs, image strips of printed advertising, corporate calendars, the company’s participation in cultural and charitable events, which are produced and placed in order to popularize the company itself, increase its value in the eyes of the public, consumers and authorities.

An example of high-quality image advertising:

I love learning everything new, interesting and unusual. And also - wrap yourself in a warm blanket, grab some hot cocoa and tell you about new products financial market, hot stories from the offices of bank consultants and other interesting things.

Similar materials

Advertising is usually divided into two main types: commodity And image These types of advertising differ primarily in object of advertising- what is discussed directly in the advertisement. In product advertising, the object is the product; in image advertising, the object is the manufacturer of the product.

Product advertising- aimed at stimulating the sale of goods or services for personal use (IP) and industrial purposes (PI), the consumers of which are manufacturing enterprises, government and public organizations. Advertising practice shows that most advertising budgets goods for personal use (mass use: food, clothing, hygiene items, household chemicals, household appliances and others) accounts for TV advertising (Philip Morris - 71%, P&G - 83%). Advertising of industrial goods is mostly placed in specialized media.

Image (institutional) advertising. Unlike product advertising, the subject of image advertising is the company itself. The purpose of advertising is to create a favorable image of the company, brand, or to form the organizational culture of the company (in-house advertising). On initial stage In the activities of the company, image advertising plays a leading role (70% - image advertising, 30% - product advertising), but as the company gains fame, the distribution of costs changes. Among the types of image advertising: corporate, in-house advertising and brand advertising.

1)Information letter- provides information about the company, the direction of its activities, the range of goods and services

2)Commercial offer-looks like information letter, but contains only commercial offers; contains a description of the object commercial offers

3)Information leaflet-same as an information letter, but without details (distributed at fairs and exhibitions; it is long-lasting)

5)Booklet- description of the company or specific goods and services, small in volume, multi-colored, with drawings and photos and with an advertising slogan (specific target audience)

6)Catalog- list of goods and services with prices

7)Avenue- differs in larger volume and size than a booklet, usually dedicated to memorable dates of the company or issue new products

8)Press release- brief information about upcoming events intended for journalists

Catalog - usually has the format of a small book, containing a list of all goods and services offered by a given company (or goods of one direction).

Press release - material intended for distribution to press representatives at exhibitions, presentations, and charity events. Typically includes those materials that journalists would like to be familiar with: brief information about the company, about the most representative products, about the prospects for the development of the company, as well as information about charitable activities.

In practice, hybrids of certain information and advertising materials are often used. However, any type is good if it achieves its intended purpose.

Distribution media Advantages of advertising media Disadvantages of advertising media
Newspaper - large circulation - efficiency - low cost -low printing quality -short term life - a lot of similar ads
Magazines -high printing quality -prestige factor -long term services -not a large circulation/not a large audience -low efficiency -high cost
TV -great technical capabilities -strong psychological impact-large audience -high cost -negative attitude of TV viewers
Radio -high efficiency -large audience -low prices -lack of visuality -not a permanent audience -difficult to analyze the effect
Outdoor -large graphics -colorful -prestige factor -works 24 hours a day -not a large amount of information -high cost of production and rental (land, air)
Internet - efficiency - technical capabilities - low cost - insufficient prevalence of the Internet - false advertising, dishonesty of online stores
Signs Types of advertising
1) object of advertising -commodity (formation and stimulation of demand for a product/service) -image (advertising the advantages of the company, distinguishing it from competitors
2) features of the advertising message -informing -persuading -reminding
3) way of influencing the target audience -emotional -rational
4) method of influence -direct (as advertising, but it gets boring and annoying) -indirect (in films)
5) method of handling -impersonal (on behalf of a specialist) we do not pay attention to the person, we look at the product -personalized (on behalf of the stars) a person can outshine the product
6) composition of the target audience -highly segmented -medium segmented (wide range of consumers) -highly segmented
7) breadth of distribution -local -regional -national -global (UNESCO...)
8) means of distribution -print advertising -radio and TV -outdoor advertising-direct mail -Internet -advertising at exhibitions -promotional souvenirs

There are a fairly large number of criteria by which advertising can be classified: by the nature of the target audience, by the place of distribution, by the method of influencing the audience, etc.

TV: Television is a low-selectivity media that reaches a wide audience. The effect of presence. Advertising here is the most expensive. Simultaneous visual and audio impact

Let's note some characteristic features commercials (classification of commercials).

In terms of technical performance - feature films (most of the videos), live-action (a video about the 2004 Olympics in Greece, about the Niva-Chevrolet car), animation (a PIT beer video about the adventures of Ivan Taranov), graphic.

By broadcast duration: blitz videos (5-10 s), extended ones (30-60 s), advertising and informational videos (up to several minutes).

Television channels can be both national (Channel One, Rossiya, NTV, Kultura) and regional (Pomorie in Arkhangelsk; Ocean in Vladivostok; ARS in Novosibirsk, etc.).

The press is the oldest and most reliable channel for advertising distribution, which is easily analyzed, evaluated and controlled according to various parameters, which is very important for the advertiser.

Advertising in the press is provided by publications in various newspapers, magazines, newsletters, catalogs, advertising supplements or inserts, and directories. Of all the media, the press is the most selective; it allows you to reach the desired target audience with high accuracy; therefore, any potential consumer will find in it a publication designed specifically for him. For advertisers, this is one of the most important CRRs (like television).

The press allows advertisers to use various types advertising: from lowercase advertisements in designated specialized sections of newspapers and magazines, the so-called classified or “block advertising”, up to multi-page color inserts with product samples.

Now let’s look separately at some of the features of newspapers and magazines.


Newspapers remain priority direction in relations between advertisers and the media.

by frequency of publication - morning/evening, weekly/daily; by geography - central (national), regional, local (regional, district, city, village):

By profile - mass orientation, specialized (professional), corporate (produced by organizations, universities).

Each newspaper has its own audience, determined by the size of its circulation, professional and socio-demographic characteristics. National newspapers have a readership that includes heads of government agencies, large firms and companies.

^ Regional newspapers firmly established in the local information markets and have virtually no competitors in their region, since they talk about the problems of the region and maintain close relationships with readers.


Magazines are the least agile form of periodical press. They are significantly inferior to newspapers in efficiency, but have very distinct qualities that make their use for advertising distribution extremely effective.

Due to their high level of selectivity, magazines (especially professional ones) represent one of the most effective means transmission of advertising messages. The use of magazines is most effective for image advertising.
