Presentations about work. Presentations on technology (labor), download for free all lesson topics and projects Presentation on the topic of human happiness in work

Abstract to the material

Presentations on technology (labor) are effective means promotion educational process children in lessons where you need to be creative when working with various materials. Most students primary school They are distinguished by pronounced visual-figurative thinking, so it is important for them to imagine in advance the object that they must make. Seeing the finished product or the stages of work on it on the slides of the presentation of a labor (technology) lesson, schoolchildren can more accurately imagine the process own work and do it better.

Teaching a technology lesson to any classroom is not easy. The teacher spends a lot of time explaining the process of creating a product, so children sometimes do not have enough time to complete their own work. Downloading presentations on the most complex technology topics (labor, labor training) means saving time on explaining the material. There is no need to draw diagrams on the board or show the same stage of work several times. Having a presentation on technology in class, you can return to the desired slide at any time and show the children a separate stage of work on the product.

A huge number of presentations with notes on all topics of technology lessons (labor, labor training) are collected in this section for elementary school, for boys and girls in high and middle school. Using multimedia development in the lesson, the teacher not only fills the lesson with clarity, he instills interest in the subject. Students are interested in making an unusual craft, making a high-quality product from fabric or threads that they have never even heard of before.

When creating a technology project ready presentation serves as a model for doing the job. Before you create anything, you need to understand the topic in order to avoid mistakes. Looking through options finished works, students will be able to assess their strength and perform own project, perhaps more interesting than the proposed one.

Every teacher is worried when preparing open lessons for colleagues or for participation in competitions. From our collection you can download free presentations and notes from an open lesson on technology and labor for elementary school and middle or high school, and make your own small adjustments to them to use for a specific class.

Download presentation for technology (labor) lesson on various topics can be found in the corresponding sections, where all work is divided into classes. Each development of a technology lesson, which we offer to download from sections of the site for free, will bring joy to a child’s life and variety in educational process. Create with children from paper and fabric, from plasticine and dried leaves, from wood and other materials. Any topic will be interesting if the teacher can present it in the form of a small holiday.

Labor, technology - 1st grade

Crafts lesson with presentation in 1st grade is a favorite lesson for elementary school students, where they love to show their creativity by seeing an amazing product produced in a short period of time. They look forward to the moment when the beautifully crafted product that they can make appears on the slides shown on the screen...

Labor, technology - 2nd grade

Presentations on work in grade 2 are becoming an integral part of learning today. No one doubts their effectiveness anymore, since the result of exposure to such visual material visible to students immediately. Younger schoolchildren, having seen beautiful work on the screen and the process of its creation, try to cope with the tasks set by the teacher as efficiently as possible. However...

Labor, technology - 3rd grade

Presentations on technology for grade 3 can radically change the usual lesson, in which primary schoolchildren learn to make beautiful products with their own hands from paper and puff pastry, from cardboard and plasticine, from pine cones and fabric. The lessons are planned in such a way that students will master many techniques. Tell us about each one in detail, get you interested in art...

Labor, technology - 4th grade

Presentations on technology for grade 4 are a miracle that make it possible to make a labor lesson interesting and productive. Seeing the end result of your work, studying the step-by-step process of making a product on diagrams, examining huge amount examples of work done from different materials, students want to learn. They become interested in a subject where with my own hands Can...

Presentation Spring, the awakening of nature A presentation with a summary on the topic “Spring, the awakening of nature” will help organize and conduct an interesting lesson on the surrounding world in 1st grade. All the material located on the slides is selected...Why are cars needed - presentation? A presentation on the topic “Why are cars needed” will allow a 1st grade student to receive answers to questions that he often asked his parents or...Presentation Why are cars needed? trains A presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world on the topic “Why are trains needed” gives students an idea of ​​why this complex technique was invented, moving along... Slides: 7 Words: 115 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Labor is the basis of life. What kind of work is it? There are several types of work. Not everyone can work, for example, as a doctor or a programmer. Craftsmen and Masters. A master is a person who has achieved perfection in his craft. A craftsman is a person who has mastered a craft, but not to perfection. Works of a craftsman and a master. Choosing a profession by date of birth. The most in-demand professions of the future. Labor is the main life activity of a person. Labor is the most important human need. Labor is a condition for human well-being. - Labor.ppt

Social studies work

Slides: 12 Words: 275 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Labor activity. 1. Insert the missing word: 2. Insert the missing words: Human labor requires......... and...... effort. 3. Fill in the missing words: The international document proclaiming the right of every person to work is called....................... 4. Insert the missing word: The Constitution of Russia says: “The work of citizens is.............”. 5. Name the most important law regulating labor activity: Family Code of the Russian Federation Civil code Russian Federation Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Labor Code of the Russian Federation. 6. When a citizen gets a job, it is concluded. Labor agreement Labor service Employment contract Collective agreement. - Social science work.ppt

Patience and work

Slides: 15 Words: 584 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Patience and work. Patience. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Patience and work will grind everything down. Types of labor. Skills. Labor requirements. Work affairs in the classroom and school. Work affairs at home. Labor affairs at the dacha. Proverbs. He who does not work does not eat. Nikita Demidov is a Tula gunsmith. - Patience and work.ppt

Work in human life

Slides: 30 Words: 749 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Look at the illustrations and determine what unites people. Labor is the basis of life. Purpose of the lesson. What kind of work is it? There is nothing for a person more natural than labor. The breeze asked, flying by: “Why are you, rye, golden?” From the dictionary of V.I. Dahl. From the dictionary of S.V. Ozhegov. Labor is the use of human time, energy and abilities. What does work give a person? A product is a product of labor produced for sale. Productive work. Unproductive labor. What is the difference between human labor and the “labor” of animals. Creativity is the creation of something new, valuable not only for humans. Kizhi, ensemble of the museum of wooden architecture. - Work in human life.ppt

Labor and creativity

Slides: 14 Words: 226 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Labor is the basis of life. The breeze asked, flying by: “Why are you, rye, golden?” And in response, the spikelets rustle: - Golden hands grow! Who has golden hands? Productive work. Painter. Welder. Turner. Builder. Unproductive labor. (Provides services). Hairdresser. Programmer. Doctor. Artist. Labor happens: What is the difference between human labor and the “labor” of animals? People creative professions: Writers Poets Artists Composers Architects. Kizhi, ensemble of the museum of wooden architecture. Craftsmen and Masters. A craftsman is a person who masters a craft and knows how to make useful things.. Products of a craftsman and craftsman. - Labor and creativity.ppt

Occupational health

Slides: 29 Words: 800 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Occupational hygiene. Course of lectures. Occupational hygiene and industrial sanitation. Occupational hygiene methods. Physical Chemical Physico-chemical Physiological Statistical. Industrial sanitation. Harmful and dangerous production factors. Harmful factors. Chemical factors - chemicals and mixtures of substances. Biological factors. Factors labor process(hardness of work and intensity of work). The severity of work. Labor intensity. Dangerous factor working environment. Hygienic standards for working conditions (MPC, PDU). Classification of working conditions. OPTIMAL WORKING CONDITIONS (1st CLASS). ACCEPTABLE WORKING CONDITIONS (2nd CLASS). - Occupational hygiene.ppt

Work motivation

Slides: 36 Words: 1999 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Motivational work planning. The concept of “motivation”, theory and classification of motives. Work motivation and factors influencing motivation. Demotivators of activity. Principles of motivating work organization. 1. The concept of “motivation”. Incentives. Type of motivation. 2. Formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. Theories of motivation. Content and process theories of motivation. 2. Work motivation and factors influencing motivation. Requirements for the motivation system. Types of employee motivation. Instrumentally motivated worker. He is indifferent to the employer and the form of ownership, strives to provide for his life independently. - Work motivation.ppt

Labor psychology

Slides: 13 Words: 698 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

HANDBOOK on labor psychology and employment psychology. Author. The manual was published with the organizational and financial support of the state unitary enterprise Krasnodar region "Career". Objectives: Readership. The reference book includes 300 concepts and terms. Psychology of work. There are absolute and relative P.P. ... R.V. are used to determine the success of employees, departments, organizations relative to each other or relative to the accepted standard. . Psychology of employment. R.-F.K. provoke certain events that can develop into stable lines of unfavorable development. - Labor Psychology.ppt

Division of labor

Slides: 19 Words: 744 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Cooperation and division of labor. Advantages. Flaws. Levels of division of labor. Primary sphere. Secondary sphere. Service sector. Main branches of production. Main types of specialization in industry. Comparative Cost making the cabinet by the carpenter and the architect himself. Cooperation - (ko – together, operari – to work). Labor cooperation. Complex. Simple. Collaborative labor makes better use of labor. Competitiveness and initiative in work, as well as a sense of collectivism, develop. The costs of means of production are reduced (per unit of product or person). - Division of labor.ppt

Labor discipline

Slides: 6 Words: 194 Sounds: 0 Effects: 37

Work. Labor law is the branch regulating relations in the sphere of labor activity. Source labor law -Labor Code RF (TC RF 2002). the employer undertakes to create conditions for work and pay during the salary, and the employee undertakes to fulfill job responsibilities and maintain discipline. You can get a job from the age of 16 (with parental permission from the age of 14). Types of employment contracts. For an indefinite period (the most common). For a specified period, no more than 5 years (contract). For the duration of certain work. Documents for hiring. Termination employment contract(dismissal). - Labor discipline.ppt

Labor education

Slides: 7 Words: 359 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Formation of a system of labor education in a boarding school. “Labor has always been the basis for humanity and culture. D. Ushinsky. What is labor education? What is labor? Feedbacks. - Labor education.ppt

Labor activity

Slides: 10 Words: 799 Sounds: 10 Effects: 55

Human material and production activity. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance. Labor in material production. Features of work activity. Modern worker. Strict compliance with technological standards is called technological discipline. Initiative and performance are interconnected. A thoughtless performer is a bad worker. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. Problems of humanization of labor. The dehumanization of labor manifested itself in the system of the American engineer F.W. Taylor (1856-1915). Humanization of work. Work culture is of particular importance. - Labor activity.ppt

Child labor

Slides: 50 Words: 2470 Sounds: 0 Effects: 52

International labor standards. What is child labor? Health. Children's rights. Future. Education. ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138. ILO Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (No. 182)? Causes of child labor. Characteristics of child labor. The vulnerability of the poor increases during crises, armed conflicts, and transition periods. DT is an intolerable violation of children's fundamental rights. Prevention of child labor. Removing children from working conditions. Rehabilitation of children previously involved. Child Labor Data - Research. Specifics of child labor in Russia. Project activities in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. - Child labor.ppt

Economic activity of teenagers

Slides: 16 Words: 687 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Economic activity of teenagers. Labor from the point of view of the Labor Code and the Constitution. 1. Labor from the point of view of the Labor Code and the Constitution. We become familiar with the concept of labor in the Labor Code and the Constitution. According to the Constitution, labor in our country is free. A code is a systematic collection of laws in any area of ​​law. Forced labor is prohibited. Work without pay is prohibited. Well, you’ll get a promotion: you’ll be my supervisor. Start this evening and begin your new duties. Remuneration regardless of gender, nationality, age. The law establishes the basic rights and obligations of the parties. - Economic activity of teenagers.ppt

Performance phases

Slides: 60 Words: 1592 Sounds: 0 Effects: 168

Functional states of the operator. Functional states of a person. Functional state. Well-being. Functional states. Two classes of functional states. Basic functional states of the operator. Pre-working states. Optimal working condition. State of fitness. Fatigue. Classification of fatigue. Factors of activity. State of fatigue. Changes in functional indicators. Fatigue includes three phases. Decompensation phase. Failure phase. There are 4 degrees of overwork. Operator performance and operating modes. Performance. Labor productivity. -

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Slide captions:

People of labor The first heroes of space

Labor is one of the main human values. In any historical era, the people were rich in people whose glorious labor exploits contributed to the development of the country and its culture. One of the most important feats of the Russian people is space exploration.

The main achievements to which Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, the founder of cosmonautics, devoted his entire life are: The creation of the country's first aerodynamic laboratory and wind tunnel. Development of a methodology for studying aerodynamic properties aircraft. More than four hundred works on the theory of rocketry. Work on justifying the possibility of traveling into space. Creating your own gas turbine engine circuit. Presentation of a rigorous theory of jet propulsion and proof of the need to use rockets for space travel. Design of a controlled balloon. Creation of a model of an all-metal airship. The idea of ​​launching a rocket with an inclined guide, successfully used at the present time in multiple launch rocket systems.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

While working on orders from the War Ministry, Sergei Pavlovich never gave up his dream of human space flight. In parallel with work in defense industry it uses the vertical launch of R-1 and R-5 rockets to study near space and the influence of various cosmic factors on highly developed animals. The means of their life support and return to earth were worked out very carefully. Thus he laid the foundation for human space flight. The space age of mankind dates back to October 4, 1957. It was on this day that the first artificial Earth satellite began its journey around its home planet. For two weeks, radio amateurs around the world listened with bated breath to his call signs. Two years later, the first rocket launches towards the Moon, the next one delivers a pennant with the coat of arms of the USSR to its surface, photographs the side of our satellite invisible from Earth and transmits the images to Earth.

The first person to fly into space – Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin was born in the village of Klushino, in the Western region of the USSR, into a family of wealthy peasants. The boy was the third of four children. Yura's childhood was calm and joyful, his father and mother paid him a lot of attention. In particular, Alexey Ivanovich, the head of the family, did a lot of wood crafts and was happy to introduce children to this. At the age of 6, Yura went to school, but only managed to finish first grade before the Great War began. Patriotic War. German troops captured part of the territory of the USSR, they also reached Klushino, so the work of many government agencies, including schools, stopped. Having become a famous person, Yuri preferred never to remember the dark times of the occupation. It is known that German soldiers kicked the Gagarin family out of their home and, retreating, took the youth with them as prisoners of war. This is how his brother and sister were taken away. In 1943, Klushino was released, and soon after the end of the war, the Gagarins moved to Gzhatsk, where the boy continued his studies. Yuri was a very capable and inquisitive young man, engaged in many activities, ranging from music to photography.

In 1954, Gagarin joined an aviation enthusiasts’ club, where, among other things, reports were read by the founding fathers of astronautics. After listening to Tsiolkovsky’s calculations, the young man simply fell in love with the idea of ​​flying beyond the Earth, although he could hardly imagine then how his passion would turn out. IN next year Gagarin graduated from technical school, at the same time the young man continued to be a member of the aviation enthusiasts club and had already managed to independently perform several flights on a small training aircraft.

And on April 12, 1961, the whole world rejoiced after learning about the fantastic news - Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. The first spaceship made only one revolution, because no one imagined how weightlessness and psychological stress would affect a person.

The world's first female cosmonaut - Valentina Tereshkova

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Slide captions:

Labor is the basis of life

Unravel the secret code of DURT-AVONSO INSIGHT

WORK is an activity that requires knowledge and skills, it has a goal and a result.

“What does work give a person?” Food, clothing, spiritual values, the possibility of self-realization, new acquaintances, the ability to interact, household items, housing, wealth, skills, the opportunity to be healthy

Why should a person work? What is created by labor? What does work give a person?

What unites these people?

1. Permanent 2. Temporary 3. Simple 4. Complex 5. Mental 6. Physical 7. Paid 8. Free 9. Voluntary 10. Forced 11. Manual 12. Automated 13. Creative 14. Traditional 15. Collective 16. Individual

Give a description of the work. ASTRONAUT

Give a description of the work. street cleaner

Give a description of the work. PROGRAMMER

Give a description of the work. SLAVE

Give a description of the work. MINER

Who owns these items? Items Profession shampoo, scissors, hair dryer, comb thermometer, scalpel, bandage, brilliant green chalk, pointer, magazine, globe brick, cement, paint, trowel disk, display, mouse, paint modem, canvas, brushes, easel

What is created by labor? Services - …? household amenities provided to someone Product - ...? a product of labor made for exchange and sale.


Game “Goods and Services” I name the words, if it is a product, you need to sit down, if it is a service, you need to stand up

How labor is valued Pay for labor – wages Incentives - bonus, gratitude, promotion, allowance Moral assessment of work - approval, praise Was the work always paid?

Wealth obliges B charity in Russia is rooted in history. And the motto of merchants has long been known in Rus': “Wealth obliges.” In the 19th century they were called patrons of the arts, and in our time sponsors. P.I. Tretyakov (top left), K.S. Stanislavsky (Alekseev) and V.N. Nemirovich-Danchenko (left), S.T. Morozov (top right), N.I. Putilov (right).

What does the word "charity" mean?

Khazret Medzhidovich Sovmen - Russian entrepreneur, politician, former president of the Republic of Adygea.

Summing up: Were you able to answer the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson?


Technological map of social studies lesson 5th grade Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson topic : “WORK IS THE BASIS OF LIFE.”

Teacher: Yakhutl Zh.S.

Lesson date

Lesson objectives:

Create conditions for revealing the role and significance of work in a person’s life, promote a culture of work and respectful attitude towards it

Lesson Plan

  1. What is labor?
  2. What kind of work is it?
  3. What is created by labor.


revealing the role and significance of work in a person’s life, studying the concepts of “wages”, “wealth”, “poverty”, developing the ability to distinguish between these concepts; studying the issue of assessing human work in modern society.


formation of logical operations of analysis, comparison, classification, generalization; development of cognitive processes.


promoting a work culture and respectful attitude towards it.

Lesson type

lesson in discovering new knowledge lesson in discovering new knowledge

Lesson form

lesson using IT technologies


Presentation “Work is the basis of life” [self-developed electronic resource].

Personally significant problem

“Any work should bring satisfaction”(folk wisdom)

Basic concepts, terms

Labor, product, service, characteristics of labor

Forms of control

Methods: visual, partially search, practical, control.

Shapes: individual, pair work, frontal


Will learn: determine the meaning of work in human life.

Will have the opportunity to learn:work with the textbook text; express one's own opinion and judgment

Metasubject UUD

Cognitive: independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal; use general problem solving techniques.

Communicative:allow the possibility of existence in humans various points views, including those that do not coincide with his own, and are guided by the partner’s position in communication and interaction.

Regulatory: put learning task; determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account final result; draw up a plan and sequence of actions

Personal UUD

Express a stable educational and cognitive interest in new general ways of solving problems


  1. Read pp. 74-76,
  2. Continue the sentence...

How is work assessed?

Dad received __________________________ for working at the factory.

Masha studies at the construction institute and receives __________________.

All of the above constitutes _________________________________ family.

  1. Using different sources, find the meaning of the word PAINTER.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Methods, techniques, forms used

Formed UUD

Result of interaction (cooperation)

I. Motivation
to educational activities

1.Creates conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities, clarifies the thematic framework.

2.Organizes the formulation of the topic and setting the goal of the lesson by students.

Hello guys.

Sit down. In what mood did you come to class today?

Today we have a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

You received assignments in groups in advance, and now to find out the topic of our lesson, we will listen to 1 group.

  1. Speech by student group 1 (Task to find and illustrate proverbs about work). Speech learning.

Listen and discuss the topic of the lesson, discuss the goals of the lesson and try to formulate them independently

Verbal responses

Personal: understand the need for teaching expressed
in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and preference social way knowledge assessment.

Regulatory: independently formulate lesson goals after preliminary discussion

Front work

II. Updating knowledge

1.Organizes a conversation on the following questions:

– What is labor?

Who can guess what the topic of our lesson will be? Answers

Let's fill out our worksheets, write the first part of the topic and put a dash. (Appendix 1)

What do you think we will talk about, what would you like to know? Let's outline a plan.

Reasonably answer questions, reason, express their own opinions, formulate goals and a lesson plan

Verbal responses

Cognitive: search for the necessary information.

Communicative:express their own opinions; listen to each other, construct understandable speech statements

Front work

III. Learning new material

1. Students’ answers to the question What is work? TO find out which of your definitions is accurate?

What are the ways to obtain information? Where can I get an accurate definition of labor? (ask an adult, read in a dictionary, find on the Internet)

Using these methods, three students will try to find the information we need (dictionary, Internet, textbook).

I suggest the rest of the guys work with this task in the worksheet: from all the formulations proposed to you, find and read those that you think are correct? (read out, summarize, underline the generalization with a wavy line in the worksheet under the letter A).

2. Organizes a conversation on new material.

Now think about the questions: Why should a person work?? What does work give a person? And I suggest you answer these questions by creating a cluster, choose a picture - the answer.(draw a conclusion) (Appendix 2)

Of course, guys, work gives a person everything necessary for life: food, clothing, household items, housing.

So what is WORK for a person?? (basis of life) fill out the second part of the lesson topic.

3. Performance of group 2 (about the professions of our parents)

Teacher. All work is divided according to content and complexity; not everyone can work as a pilot or doctor. To do this, you need to study in order to have special knowledge and skills. An engineer deals with technology and instruments, which requires extensive knowledge, which is why such work is called complex . And the work of a loader or janitor is considered simple.

4. Let's analyze some professions and give examples of different types of work. We work in pairs. (2 minutes) Appendix 3

Complete the task. Examination.

  1. The great English economist Adam Smith believed that “It was not with gold and silver, but with labor that all the wealth of the world was originally acquired.”

Guys, why do they say that labor is the source of all wealth? How do you think?

Various products are created through labor. Among them are things, various products, as well as services. For example, the books you have in your briefcases are a product. But when you go to the hairdresser or to the doctor, you use a service.

The products of labor are used by a person either to satisfy his own needs or for sale. A product produced for sale is called a commodity. The goods you purchase for your needs contain a variety of human labor.

1. Getting to know each other
with new information, ask clarifying questions, discuss new information.

2. Getting to know each other
with new material, answer questions, express their own point of view.

3. Work independently, self-test.

4. Work in a notebook, with a dictionary

Oral answers.

Independent work

Verbal responses

Worksheet assignments.

Personal: evaluate life situations.

Regulatory: determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; draw up a plan and sequence of actions.

Cognitive: recognize objects and their concepts, identify essential features; build reasoning
and summarize the information received.


are active in interaction
to solve communicative and cognitive problems; ask questions, ask for help; formulate their difficulties;

offer help
and cooperation

1. Individual work, frontal work.

IV. Primary comprehension and consolidation of what has been learned

Defines tasks, targets independent work, organizes control. Executing tasks in worksheet2.

Complete tasks on worksheets, orally with discussion

Oral answers, working with text.

Cognitive: independently search for the necessary information.

Regulatory: navigate the textbook

Group work

V. Physical training

Physical exercise.

Game "Goods and Services"

I call out the words, if it’s a product, you need to sit down, if it’s a service, stand up, raise your hands up.

Delivery of cargo (y), telephone (y), disk (y), bicycle (y), haircut at the hairdresser (y), book (y), doctor's appointment (y), going to the cinema (y), repairing a broken TV (y), computer (t).

Complete the task

Group work

VI. Lesson summary. Reflection

1. Conducts a conversation on issues.

– Is it important for a person to know that his work is beneficial?

– Does every work bring satisfaction?

– Studying at school is the work of a student, what benefits does such work bring?

2. Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's get back to those questions. Which we put at the beginning of the lesson. Have we answered them?

3.Draw a ladder of three steps in your notebook and mark with a tick where you were in terms of the degree of understanding of the topic covered: if you understood everything, at the highest step, if you still have questions, at the middle step, if you didn’t understand anything, at the last step.

Raise your hand, who marked themselves on the middle step?

How about tall?

On low?

4. Guys, fill out the self-assessment sheet and comment.

to questions.

Determine your emotional state
in the lesson and the degree of understanding of the material covered.

Self-analysis and self-assessment

Student assessment
for work in class

Personal: understand the importance of knowledge
for a person.

Regulatory: predict the results of the level of mastery of the studied material

Front work

VII. Homework

Specifies homework.

Guys, the success of any business largely depends on the correct behavior of its participants. In order for work to help satisfy various human needs, to be a pleasant activity and not a burden, and to please you and those around you with the results, you need to follow the rules.


1. Make rules for good, productive work.

2. To answer the question How work is evaluated, complete the sentences:

Dad received _____________ for working at the factory.

Masha studies at a construction institute and receives ___________.

Grandmother receives _____________________ every month.

For the youngest children in the family, the mother receives __________________.

All of the above constitute __________ families.

3.Using different sources, find the meaning of the word PAINTER.

Thanks for the lesson. I wish you all success.

Write down

Working in a worksheet

Personal: understand the tasks.

Regulatory: predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material, working with various sources.

Individual work
