Translation into Russian from a photograph. The best photo translators for iOS, Android and Windows Phone

Yandex has developed a service that is able to recognize text and translate it from photos and pictures. So far, only this feature is available for 12 languages, but the developers promise more supported languages ​​in the future. And thanks to Yandex translator, you can translate from an image into 46 languages. Today, the service recognizes Russian, English, Portuguese, Czech, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Chinese, Turkish, German, French, Spanish in images. According to the developers, this method of translation will be appropriate when a user wants to translate a note in a magazine with his favorite actor or showman.

The service algorithm is able to detect text from an image even if it is of poor quality, and also if the image is stretched or scanned, or photographed at an angle. Yandex developed this algorithm independently from scratch. The application translates words, sentences and can even translate a whole paragraph.

How to use Yandex photo translator

Now that the text is recognized by the Yandex.Translate service, you need to click on the "Open in translator" link. A new page will open in front of you with a window divided into two parts, where the first will contain the language that was presented in the picture. And in the second part there will be a translation into the language that you indicated, into which the translation should have been made.

Yandex.Translate window with source text and translation

What should I do if the quality of the translation is not acceptable?

If you received a translated text where the quality is not acceptable, you cannot parse the text, you need to check in another way or . To do this, the developers of this application provide additional settings to change the translation process. For users, there is a special option " New technology translation". If it's not enabled, fix it.

New translation technology

The next translation will be done in two ways, using an improved technology that uses a neural network for translation and using a static model. Next, you can choose the best option or let the program do it.

After that, copy the translated text to your computer and analyze it, perhaps correct errors in places and bring the sentences into the proper form. After all, the translation was carried out by machine, so the text will most likely need to be edited manually.

How does Yandex.Translate recognize text in images?

This search is based on optical character recognition technology. Yandex.Translate recognizes text using two technologies: image recognition and the text detection module. The neural network learns to identify text on its own using millions of scanned texts in images. Such self-learning allows you to achieve High Quality translated texts. With each new job the algorithm performs ever better work, because it determines and remembers only the lines of text, in which it is 100% sure.

Further, the work of the recognition module is to separate the lines and determine the generated characters from them. Each symbol is determined carefully, the algorithm determines them based on those already learned. For example, in Russian there is a letter "O" large, "o" small and the number "0" zero. They are very similar to each other. Therefore, the baton is then taken over by the language model, it makes the final decision which character to use in which situations. Such a model is based on language dictionaries, it remembers not only the correspondence of characters with them (dictionaries), but also takes into account the context of application, that is, the neighborhood of characters in certain uses.

Thus, if a word familiar to the algorithm is formed from the selected probable symbols, then it is able to decide that the word is composed correctly and again takes into account the available symbols from this word. This is how we get the result in Yandex.Translate when translating by image online.

Pocket text translators are already a familiar part of our lives. And what about taking a picture of the text, recognizing it, and even translating it? About what abilities are endowed with modern photo translators, our today's article.

Google Translator

One of the most popular apps on Google Play. Google Translate can do more than just recognize text on photo(which does quite well), but also allows the user to work with a regular translator. The application can be used without an internet connection by downloading additional language packs. In addition, there is a function of SMS translation, handwriting (you can lf;t draw hieroglyphs) and speech recognition. IN photo translator it is possible to perceive not only basic languages, but also such as Greek, Hungarian and Indonesian. Competent translation of the latest languages ​​takes much more time, so it is better to use it if the message contains frequently used information found in places of pilgrimage for tourists and in the domestic environment. In addition to the translation itself, the program also displays the perceived text and its transcription to the user. Of the still unfinished moments, one can note a slight shift of some words of the text when scanning by about a line. It also seemed strange that if you lock the screen after the output translation, and then return the phone to working condition again, the result of the translation will be lost and you will have to go through the process again.

Lingvo Dictionaries

The mobile translator from ABBYY currently interacts not only with the text of the most popular 30 languages, but also has the ability to photo translation. In addition, the program has exercises for memorizing words, professional voice acting from native speakers and the function of adding your own word to the dictionary. Photo translator when translating photos, it works almost perfectly - in good lighting and not shooting text from the side. Otherwise, it does not even try to recognize parts of the image, it displays a message about the impossibility of doing this. The latest version has also fixed a number of shortcomings. The application no longer crashes with a large number of additionally downloaded dictionaries (there are in-app purchases for more exotic languages). Lingvo Dictionaries is also optimized for convenient work with a common list of words combined with a vocabulary card.

ABBYY Text Grabber + Translator

An ABBYY translator specializing in text recognition from photographs. Distinctive feature is that you can translate from 60 built-in languages ​​without downloading additional packages. Text recognition takes place without using the Internet, but a connection is required to translate it. The ability to edit the processed text and save it on the phone is supported, in addition they are saved in the internal history of the application, where you can also perform basic operations with them. Due to the large number of built-in languages, it is difficult for the application to recognize the language itself during the scanning process, it takes quite a lot of time. It is recommended to select the recognition language corresponding to the original text in advance for faster operation of the application. The minor disadvantages of the program include the fact that the built-in function for loading images from the gallery supports only standard image formats. ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator also does not format text when outputting a scanned image. That is, the text flows in a continuous stream, ignoring paragraphs and large gaps, making separation only between words.

The program is also capable of handling photo and translate it in any of the languages ​​available when downloading. Application functionality is limited to photo translation, recognition is performed by the program itself, but the Internet and Google translator are used to translate the text itself, that is, the application itself does not have a base for translation and it will not work offline.


Subject photo translators did not bypass the owners of Windows Phone. The program does not have a pretentious intricate name, but has all the basic functions of modern photo translators. The application developed by Bing, among other things, helps in memorizing foreign words by setting the “word of the day” on the main screen of the phone. A rather unusual detail is that the application can write translated text directly on top of the captured photo. This feature is not always convenient with a large number of words and small fonts, but it can be turned off.

Anton Maksimov , 04/28/2016 (05/27/2018)

Words, phrases and even sentences in an unfamiliar foreign language come across in our lives every now and then, but we are often in no hurry to look for their translation, since it is not so easy. Especially if we are somewhere on the road, because for this we need to rewrite a phrase or word into the phone. And it’s not a fact that your device has the required input language (if the text is written in Arabic, French, German or any other, and you only have Russian and English on your phone). Luckily, there are translation programs that can instantly translate text when you point your phone's camera at it.

You will think, perhaps, that I will now recommend you some unfamiliar program for this. And these were indeed created some time ago, but did not receive mass distribution for a variety of reasons. Our guests today were developed by two very famous giants: Microsoft Translator and Google Translator.

Both programs solve the same task - they translate texts. In addition to translating text materials on mobile browser sites, they may process information from your phone's camera. Of course, the translation cannot be considered accurate and correct, but it allows you to catch the general meaning quite well.

The difference between the two applications is that Google Translate can work in real time and show the translation right on the screen immediately after pointing the camera at an unknown text, while Microsoft Translator will require you to create a photo and it will translate it. At the same time, the development from Google can also translate text from a photo.

The translated text looks best, in my opinion, with Microsoft Translator - it is more accurate and easier to read. Whereas Google's real-time translation looks a bit messy and constantly changing, words are constantly jumping around, changing case, and even the words themselves. After creation Google photo translates the text and sends it to its regular interface with a standard font, and there is already no problem with readability.

With the help of real-time camera translation, it is convenient to watch the translation of various signs, signs and other short phrases. Longer texts are best translated from photographs.

Microsoft Translator
for mobile

Translating text in the usual way is far from always convenient and very tedious. We have already considered, but did not mention one more fast way translation into mobile devices Oh. We are talking about translators through photos.

Instead of entering text, you can take a photo with your phone's camera and translate from it. Fortunately, in some translators, the ability to convert text exists and at the same time works quite well. True, most of them work only online.

In this review, we will try to find out which of the photo translators from English into Russian, French (and other languages) best copes with their duties. It is important for us that this is an application that is easy to install and use comfortably on your phone.


Google Translate is the most functional photo translator for Android

Photo translator built into Google Translate is available as mobile application(iOS, Android) and online service.

For translation by picture, you need to specify the language of the original and translation. Of course, there is a function of instant translation from the camera mobile phone. For this function to work, you need to download a language pack for the selected target language.

In other cases, the photo translator works like this:

  1. First, you need to get an image through the phone's camera,
  2. Then select the area with the text that you want to translate with text,
  3. Wait for some time while the image is processed online.

Video instruction on how to translate text from a photo:

By the way, it is not necessary to receive images from the phone's camera. Instead, a previously saved photo can be loaded into Google Translate (i.e. imported). The translator will again need to specify the text area, after which the translation will be available in the adjacent application window.

Photo translation is not available for all languages ​​(of which there are more than 100 in Google Translate). However, it is possible to translate into English from even Japanese, Korean (not to mention French, German) and other languages ​​into Russian.

For correct text recognition and, consequently, automatic translation, an active Internet connection is required. in photo mode, alas, it is impossible.

Yandex Translator is an online application for Android

Photo translation from Yandex works in the same way as Google's. The main difference is in the number of supported languages. But, it should be noted that for the most popular, and not some exotic ones, there is support for photo translation. There is no Korean or Swedish, but Japanese is available. To avoid embarrassment, check in advance for the availability of the desired direction.

In the web version of the translator, you can drag an image into the translation window, in the Android application you can take a photo directly on the camera and transfer it for translation, which is very convenient.

At the same time, there are features missing from Google Translate. For example, text recognition mode: Words/Lines/Blocks. In cases where auto-recognition goes astray (which is understandable), you can help Yandex in this way. Translation by blocks allows you to translate not by words, but by sentences.

Other advantages of Yandex Translator include the fact that it is convenient to save the translated text in the form of cards for further study and memorization.

For photo translation in Yandex, the picture must be well readable. Sometimes there are difficulties even with well-read text, for example, from the cover of a book in large letters. Here you also need to make allowances for the quality of the phone's camera, sometimes it is useful to wipe the lens.

Transfer through this application is only possible with an online connection. At the same time, there are offline dictionaries for standard text translation, you can easily download them through the Yandex Translator settings (they won't take up much space on your phone).

Microsoft Translator - simple and fast photo translator for Android

Although Microsoft Translator lacks any options for photo translation (apart from the choice of language directions), the application is quite convenient to use and it copes with its functions - of course, if the source text is legible through the phone's camera. To improve the readability of the source, you can activate the camera; make it easy in photo translation mode by clicking on the flash icon and then taking a photo by clicking on the region with the text.

Microsoft Translator translates an image over the original

Translation is carried out on top of the main layer. This may not be the most optimal method, but nevertheless, the translated text is read without any problems. In any case, the translation can be copied with one click and pasted, for example, into a text editor or other application.

There are quite a few directions in Microsoft Translator. These are dozens of languages, some of which, by the way, are not available in Yandex Translator, so you can consider Microsoft Translator as an excellent addition or replacement for it.

The application works only in online mode. You can download it to your smartphone/tablet using the following link:

ABBYY TextGrabber is an application for recognition and translation of text from photos

ABBYY has released Lingvo translator and FineReader text digitizer. Meanwhile, there is another small but useful product that is a hybrid of these packages.

TextGrabber can digitize any text fragments. ABBYY TextGrabber is best suited for

  • translation of texts from the screen of mobile devices and TV;
  • photos taken with the camera;
  • inscriptions, signs, road signs;
  • documents and books, instructions.

In addition, you can convert the received text into links, search on the map and, of course, translate into Russian (and not only) from more than a hundred languages, including English, French, German, even Japanese and Chinese.

True, it should be noted that the translation capabilities of ABBYY TextGrabber are much more modest than in Lingvo. The fact is that photo translation is carried out through third-party services, and not through the ABBYY Lingvo server, as one might assume.

For translation, it is enough to specify the recognition language and end result. You can save only in raw text form.

There is a big plus that makes TextGrabber stand out from other translators. Namely: recognition functions in TextGrabber work offline (more than 50 languages ​​are supported). Thus, the text can be digitized, copied and transferred to another translator with offline support, for example, from Yandex or Google. Inconvenient, but as a way out of a situation where there is no Internet at hand, and you need to translate from a photo urgently.

Key Features of the TextGrabber Translator:

  • You don't need to take a screenshot to recognize text;
  • Support text recognition for Russian, English, Korean, German and other languages ​​offline;
  • Automatic text conversion to the desired format - link, phone, mailing address or coordinates on the map;
  • Online translation in more than 100 directions;
  • Automatic copying of digitized text to the clipboard and conversion to voice;
  • Saving and editing the received text on the phone.

Good day everyone!

Probably, almost every one of us has come across photos, pictures, and just saw posters in a foreign language somewhere. And almost always, I would like to quickly translate and find out what is written there ...

In general, in this case, you can go three ways:

  1. open some and manually enter the desired text (this option is long, painful and dreary);
  2. use programs for converting pictures into text (for example, ABBYY Fine Reader), and then copy the resulting text into a translator and find out the result;
  3. take advantage special applications and services that allow you to perform the operation of translating text from an image (or photo) automatically (that is, perform what is described in paragraph 2 on your own, without your participation).

Actually, this article will be just about the third option. I note that in the article I will consider translators with photos for both PC and smartphone.

Note: I will immediately note that what better quality original photo (picture) - the better will be the quality of the recognized text from it, and the translation itself.

Online Services (for PC)

Yandex translate

An excellent translation service from one language to another (it already supports more than 95 languages!). As for text recognition in the picture, the Yandex service does an excellent job of this task (it is in no way inferior to the famous Fine Reader program).

In my example, I used a photo of a book page (in English). The steps to translate are quite simple:

  1. follow the link given above;
  2. upload your picture with foreign text;
  3. specify the language (usually the service detects automatically. In my case, "English -> Russian");
  4. then just click on the "Open in Translator" link (see screenshot below).

On the left: the original text that was in the photo is presented, on the right - its translation. Of course, machine translation needs to be improved: you can copy the finished text and transfer it to Word for further processing. (I note that the quality of the translation also depends on the subject of the text. And since I took fiction- it does not translate very well).

Free Online OCR

Supports formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF, DjVu

Unlike Yandex, this service is less picky - it even supports the DjVu format (and it contains a lot of English books, magazines, articles).

In addition, I note that some photos (where rare fonts are used) - the service recognizes much better! And one more thing: the service allows you to use two translation options: using Google technology and using Microsoft Translator. So, if there are such pictures or photos that Yandex translator could not handle, try this service!

How to use it:

  1. go to the main page of the site (the address is indicated just above);
  2. choose the file you want to recognize;
  3. indicate two languages: one, which is in the photo (English, for example); the second - to which you want to translate (Russian).
  4. press the "Upload + OCR" button (that is, upload and recognize the text on the photo).

After a while (depending on the size of the uploaded file), you will see the received text and several links from above: you can select Google translator, Bing, just download the received text.

By choosing Bing, I received a translation of my text (the quality is not high, because it is a work of art).

Smartphone applications (Android)

Google Translate

A very worthy smartphone application that allows you to translate text into 103 languages ​​(I note that it supports 59 languages ​​offline - i.e. the Internet is not needed!)!

The application has a built-in camera translation function in real time: i.e. just point your phone's camera at the English text - and you will see the text in Russian in the translator window! Nevertheless, there is also a classic work in the arsenal: this is when a picture is photographed in a foreign language, and then the text is processed and issued in Russian (for example).

It is quite simple to use:

  1. launch the application and select two languages: the source (which is in the picture), and your native language, into which you want to translate;
  2. then click on the "camera" icon (see the screen below, arrow number 1);
  3. then you need to point the camera at a foreign text (note that the application immediately issues a translation). However, if the text is long, I recommend taking a picture of it (see the screenshot below, arrow number 2).

Then click on the "Select All" button and click on the blue arrow. Next, you will see your translation of the text. See screenshots below.

In general, everything is done very high quality and comfortable. As a rule, almost everyone carries a phone with them, which means that you can always quickly translate a poster or photo. I recommend to get acquainted!

ABBYY Lingvo

Several languages ​​are available for free use: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish.

This smartphone application allows you to translate many sentences, phrases and words without access to the Internet. In total, the application supports three types of translation:

  • classic manual input: when you yourself type the desired text;
  • from an already taken screenshot, picture or photo;
  • and using the phone's camera (in 1 click!).

In general, a good assistant for travel, study and work. You can quickly translate a small text, a postcard, a newspaper article, correspondence with a colleague/friend, etc.


  1. "live translation": hover over a word from the displayed text on the screen - immediately get its translation;
  2. photo-translation: select a screen or photo and get the translation of the words on it;
  3. 11 dictionaries are available for download to everyone (for free!);
  4. convenient hints when searching for words;
  5. the dictionary contains not only the translation of the word, but also its transcription, grammatical information about it, examples of use (you can also listen to it - very useful for those who learn a foreign language);
  6. the history of the words that you requested earlier is kept (it is convenient to learn words by rechecking your memory from time to time!).

If you have something to add - thanks in advance!

That's all, all the best!
