Your own business producing glass containers and glass products. Glass business - where to start and how to organize the acceptance of glass containers and cullet for recycling Possible risks of opening an enterprise

Nowadays, many countries of the world special attention pay attention to waste recycling. First of all, it makes it possible to get rid of its accumulation, which significantly cleans the environment.

It's also good extra income, which is primarily ensured through the use of recycled materials.

Among waste recycling enterprises, glass recycling is not the least important.

This business involves the presence of a plant, on the basis of which several stages are carried out:

  • For the selection of glass among other waste;
  • Sorting it by color;
  • Cleaning and drying;
  • Grinding.

Plastic bottles also need to be recycled and you can make good money on this, but find out how exactly

Reasons for opening a processing plant

Recycling this particular material is important for many reasons:

  • Firstly, glass is an always relevant material in many areas, since it is used to produce products of varying complexity and is used in construction;
  • Secondly, this is a significant relief of the environment, cleansing the environment;
  • Thirdly, such business is welcomed and strongly supported by the authorities, since, in addition to being extremely rare, it is also extremely important.

Important: broken glass is provided 100% by sales points; it is in dire need:

  • Construction industry;
  • Plumbing production;
  • Factories for the production of glass products.

How the cullet processing line works - watch this video:

How to start a glass processing business

To put something like this into operation, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Important: a license from the Ministry of Economy is required, which is valid for a year.

  • Conclusion of environmental impact assessment;
  • Official permission from the fire department;
  • Document from the sanitary authority;
  • Instructions describing all stages of production.

Business registration

Such an industrial enterprise must be registered, otherwise doing business will be considered a gross mistake.

In order to register a business, you need to decide on its form - you should also indicate the OKVED code corresponding to the activity, in this case the code is 38 - collection, processing and disposal of waste.

Real estate and equipment

It is better to find a building for installation of equipment near a landfill; in any case, it should be located at least 600 meters from a residential area, for example, in an industrial area.

What size it will be depends on the expected speed. In any case, a certain part is used as a warehouse. The optimal option is 100 sq. meters for the warehouse and 500 sq. meters for the workshop.

It is important to have:

  • High fencing;
  • Good access to the plant;
  • Area for shipment of raw materials.

Today the market offers many machines and separate lines for glass processing, however, the installation of such separate equipment will be expensive, so it is best to purchase a ready-made automated glass processing line that will pay for itself in active work plant in the first year of operation.

This will include:

  • Different-sized sieves;
  • Dryers;
  • Crushing plants;
  • Conveyor for moving material:
  • Melting furnace;
  • Air units.

In general, if you purchase domestic equipment you will have to spend up to 700,000 rubles. What equipment is needed to organize a business for processing tires into crumbs - find out

A more economical option is already used foreign equipment.

What equipment will be needed?


Important: when installing an automated line, there is no need for a large number of workers; just a few people are enough to control the entire process.

Otherwise, when using manual labor A medium-sized enterprise needs up to 40 people who will receive, reject, sort, and grind raw materials.

Raw material processing process

The entire glass processing technology depends on the scale of the enterprise and final result, for example, you can finish processing by cleaning and grinding. This option will be the most optimal for a small enterprise.

If the result of labor should be, for example, the production of bottles, then starting capital should be much higher than the minimum.

The technology for processing glass without production is as follows:

  • Sorting;
  • Cleaning;
  • Drying;
  • Crushing;
  • Warehousing.

If the production of high-quality purified raw materials is envisaged, then the following is added:

  • Mixing with necessary additives;
  • Melting of raw materials in furnaces at temperatures up to 2,500 degrees.

What you need to purchase to set up a workshop

If you plan to have high income from a business, you need to invest at least 1.5 million rubles in it.

This will include:

  • Dryers;
  • Shredders;
  • Forms;
  • Ovens.

Particular attention should be paid to separator equipment, since the degree of purification of raw materials will depend on its capabilities.

Separately purchased machines will operate with a low capacity of up to 100 kg per hour, but an automated line of foreign production or a domestic equivalent has powerful potential.

It is also important to take care of transport for the delivery of raw materials - whether it will be your own fleet of vehicles or contracts with public utilities.

Waste sorting

  1. The first thing when sorting glass is the color range, after selection by color, sorting is carried out by quality - ordinary glass and glass ceramics.
  2. Next, the glass is cleaned of dirt, stones, and all kinds of impurities.
  3. After which it is crushed and again more thoroughly cleaned.

Basics of a business plan for processing glass, glass waste and cullet.

Price issue: business plan with calculations

Capital investment in numbers looks something like this:

  • Setting up a workshop and putting it into operation will cost 60,000 – 300,000 rubles;
  • Bringing the premises into proper condition in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and fire services up to 171,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of an automated new line up to 1.5 million rubles;
  • It is also important to consider the cost of permits.

Current expenses:

  • Payment of rent;
  • Utility payments;
  • working personnel.

Important: such an enterprise will pay for itself in a period of 9 months to a couple of years, everything will depend on the activity of the work.

In order to clearly define for yourself the scale of production, the brand of equipment, new or used. It should also be remembered that building a new plant from scratch will cost approximately 1,140,000 rubles.

It is possible to reduce the cost of initial investments by up to 300,000 rubles, but this is the minimum of equipment and functions that can be expanded as development progresses.

How much can you earn

Such a business can provide its owner with an excellent income, but the operation of the enterprise must be uninterrupted, and for this it is necessary to arrange the supply of raw materials.

You can do this in several ways:

  • Receiving glass containers from the population through special points, this is especially easy if residential buildings are not very far away - people will bring the glass themselves;
  • Installation of special containers on the streets;
  • Waste collection in shops, cafes, restaurants.

All this will require additional expenses and equipment, but they are necessary, since this work guarantee of uninterrupted production.

The average price of cullet per ton is 1,500 – 2,500 rubles.

And you can sell ready-made crushed glass for about 10,000 rubles.

Minus running costs.

It follows that earnings from glass processing depend entirely on the amount of raw materials processed, plus the location of the plant; it is believed that the most profitable location is in the area of ​​landfills and the price paid per ton of raw materials.

For example, mega large enterprises in Moscow bring their owners from 3 to 20 million rubles a year.

Potential clients

The glass processing product will not lie, since this raw material is widely used:

  • In the production of sanitary products;
  • Mechanical engineering business;
  • In the production of glass products;
  • In construction and others.

Before starting your business you must:

  • Clearly understand what goal needs to be achieved;
  • What exactly is the priority - glass collection, processing or production? finished products;
  • Where will the capital be taken, and in what volume, so that it can be clearly determined what the scope of the initial startup will be;
  • You need to correctly imagine where the raw materials will be purchased, prepare points, install boxes for glass waste;
  • Select the appropriate premises in accordance with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other services.

Important: preparing a business plan with extremely accurate calculations and forecasts is the most necessary stage in starting production.


This type of business is a fairly new trend in Russia, but it is widely subsidized by the state and has many advantages in the form of a large sales market and high profitability, which pushes entrepreneurs to take active steps to set up glass processing plants.

Moreover, glass is in 2nd place in demand after waste paper.

You can find out how glass is recycled in practice in this video:

At present in great demand Various products made from glass materials are used. Technologies make it possible to produce a wide variety of objects of all colors and shapes, opening up wide opportunities for designers and artists. As before, the largest share of the glass products consumption market is made up of enterprises producing alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Manufacturers of tableware, metal-plastic windows, and the furniture industry are sources of constant and stable demand for glass.It is the presence of such large quantity potential consumers makes the glass business attractive for investment.

Glass production in detail

If the amount of initial investment is small, then it is advisable to open the production of cullet - products obtained as a result of cleaning and crushing glass containers. This type of raw material is even more popular than finished products, since each consumer produces their own unique products - there are no templates and unified forms for a long time.

Advantages of a mini-plant over large-scale production

A mini-plant for processing glass containers has a number of advantages over large enterprises:

  • requires several times less capital investment;
  • fast payback period;
  • mobility – ease of equipment transportation and assembly;
  • the ability to modernize and expand the production line, thereby increasing the number of products manufactured;
  • does not require large industrial areas and staff.

When considering the possibility of producing glass products and recycling containers, you should consider some points:

  • processing has a simple technological cycle, and does not require much time and resources, but production, on the contrary, is a long, labor-intensive and resource-intensive process;
  • cullet is a universal raw material, which can then be used in the manufacture of any product, and the glass production and processing business is usually narrowly focused, meeting the needs of a limited number of consumers, for example, only the production of bottles. In this case, expand the line oriented towards new look products will be a rather expensive project;
  • thanks to simple technology, recycling of cullet requires a minimum amount of equipment, therefore, lower capital investments, which quickly pay off and the business begins to generate net profit;
  • a glass packaging plant can be located in rented premises - this also reduces the initial investment.

Equipment and production technology

The manufacturing technology contains several stages:

Flat glass is more in demand and is also the easiest to produce. A novice entrepreneur should limit the range to sheet or window glass. It will be necessary to work out all technological stages and produce products that meet certain requirements:

  • transparency – the final product must have a translucency in the range of 84–87%;
  • the presence of single point defects, such as gas bubbles, foreign inclusions, etc., is allowed;
  • strength - the final product must withstand loads of up to 250 MPa - this is achieved by proper hardening;
  • heat resistance – should be at the level of 1750 o C.

Required equipment:

  • raw material loading hopper;
  • transportation conveyor;
  • glass melting furnace;
  • cooling rollers;
  • conveyor belt for pulling the finished mass;
  • cutting table.

A mini-factory for the production of glass products can be purchased for an average of 200 thousand euros. The price will depend on power and performance. Russian company ZKM Steklo sells equipment that can produce up to 600 tons per day during continuous operation, consuming electricity up to 100 thousand megawatts per year and gas - up to 100 million m 3. The payback period when operating at full capacity will be about two years.

Glass cullet processing lines

The simplest, from the point of view of the technological cycle, is a mini-plant for the production of cullet. This is the best option if you have a limited budget. The mini-plant consists of the following units:

  • station for placement and temporary storage of broken glass and defective products:
  • loading and unloading machines;
  • conveyor belt for transportation;
  • electronic equipment for sorting raw materials by color;
  • water installations for cleaning culls from contaminants;
  • electromagnetic equipment for determining metal particles in broken glass;
  • crushers for grinding broken glass into a fine powder;
  • packaging machines.

The cost of equipment for processing cullet produced at the domestic Tula Machines plant starts at 300 thousand rubles. Any set of equipment can be supplemented with elements that help expand the range of products, increase productivity and reduce the share of manual labor. Accordingly, along with the improvement, the cost will also increase.

On average, a mini-processing plant can process up to 500 tons of raw materials per hour. It is noteworthy that this is a waste-free production - absolutely the entire volume of raw materials is processed into powder. This is another advantage of such an enterprise.

Technological stages of cullet processing

All process It’s quite simple and comes down to a few basic steps:

To process glass, it is necessary to correctly approach the purchase of raw materials:

  • it is possible to conclude agreements with industrial enterprises and accept defective products, scraps or scraps from them;
  • buy from the population by organizing collection points for bottles and glass containers;
  • Place specialized containers for glass waste near city trash cans.

Obtaining raw materials by any method, its average cost will be from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per ton.

Economic benefits and payback periods

Undoubtedly, the business of producing glass or cullet is quite profitable. There are not many competitors in the industry yet, and demand is consistently high. Therefore, if fully implemented, the payback period can be from 8 to 24 months, depending on the size of the initial capital investment.

Preliminary calculation of business payback period:

  • the cost of selling 1 ton of cullet is up to 3000 - this is twice the price of purchasing the raw materials;
  • two people per shift can operate the line;
  • productivity – up to 200 tons per shift. When working in two shifts of 8 hours each, up to 10,000 tons can be produced per month;
  • monthly sales revenue – 25,000,000 rubles;
  • current costs for the purchase of raw materials – 20,000,000 rubles;
  • other costs (labor, utility bills, premises rental, maintenance management personnel) – 1,000,000 rubles;
  • profit – 4,000,000 rubles;
  • capital costs for the purchase of equipment of such capacity are 5,000,000 rubles.

If 30% of profit per month is allocated to cover capital costs, the payback period will be 6 months.

Video: Thin-sheet glass production plant

  • 3. Where to donate glass containers?
  • 4. Conclusion

Nowadays, many people know that in the old days glass container collection points brought good income to their owners. Today, each manufacturer has individual containers and there is no point in collecting whole bottles, but there are broken ones.

Many people are looking for work and do not suspect that money is literally lying under their feet. So, how to increase it your well-being on broken glass (cullet)?

1. Start your own business using broken glass - how to make money from broken glass

First of all, it is necessary to find an appropriate area for storing broken glass, as well as for sorting and processing the collected glass cullet.

2. Collecting broken glass - 5 effective ways

Where to get broken glass, and who can act as suppliers of such raw materials? Let's look at some ways:

1. In addition to the unfavorable contingent such as homeless people, there is another group of glass collectors - this wipers. They will help you collect broken glass, your job is to load and remove broken dishes.

2. Another option for extracting broken glass is window installation companies. All you have to do is negotiate with them for a small fee, and they will give you broken glass from old frames, because in many cases window frames thrown in the trash.

3. The next promising option is to negotiate with local authorities, supply additional containers for glass.

4. There are also various catering establishments:

  • restaurants,
  • cafe,
  • drinking establishments.

5. You can collect broken glass from different areas of the city. Important advertise, and in the near future they will offer you broken fragments and wait for your arrival for them.

glass containers

3. Where to donate glass containers?

As a result, collecting broken glass is a solvable task, the main thing in this business is sales of broken glass containers.

The situation here is quite simple - all factories working with glass will be happy to take cullet from you.

Making glass is challenging and rewarding. big money production, but recycling broken glass makes it possible to use these raw materials in new production cycles.

Before handing over recyclables, you need to wash and sort them, and there is special equipment for this procedure.

4. Conclusion

Drawing conclusions, we see that this is a really good and very profitable type of business. Factories that produce glassware, will gladly accept your broken glass.

By starting this business now, you can soon achieve good results. This type of activity is not even half filled in the domestic market.

In this material:

The plastic bottle business is considered one of the most promising types of commerce in our country. Statistical calculations show that for every 1000 people in Russia there are 300 kg per month of discarded plastic containers, a large share of which are plastic bottles of various sizes.

You can make money from plastic bottles by organizing their recycling or production.

Recycling plastic bottles

In our country, processing production plastic bottles considered very promising. Firstly, such a business solves several problems at once. It allows the organizer to earn money using almost free raw materials. The city needs to solve waste disposal problems. Manufacturers of polyethylene products need to find a cheap source of plastic.

Secondly, according to statistical studies, in Europe the percentage of plastic packaging recycling reaches 80%, in Japan - 95%. In Russia, only 6% of bottles are recycled. This indicator clearly characterizes the high growth potential of the business associated with the processing of plastic containers.

However, the development of this business in Russia is hampered by many reasons. One of which is the need for significant investment in production. Calculations show that organizing a modest-sized enterprise requires from 2 to 5 million rubles. This is too high for aspiring entrepreneurs initial capital in order to start a business.

Manufacturing of plastic bottles

The production of plastic bottles requires several times less costs. According to experts, on initial stage investments will amount to 600 thousand rubles. When expanding activities, additional investments may be required. The average payback period for production is 6 months. The profitability of production (the ratio of profit to the amount of costs) is 100%.

The production of plastic bottles has many advantages over the production of glass containers. Making a batch of 1,000 plastic bottles will already bring profit, while glass bottles become profitable with a minimum order of a million copies.

The costs of transporting raw materials and finished products are also significantly lower, since plastic is lightweight and does not break during transportation. The need to change the color or design of products is solved by replacing the mold in the bottle casting machine.

There are always buyers for manufactured bottles. The number of enterprises producing drinks in PET containers is constantly growing. While large factories can afford to organize their own production of containers, small organizations have to buy them externally.

Business organization

A business plan for organizing the business described must take into account the costs of raw materials, equipment and workshop space.

Used as raw material for bottles special kind thermoplastic - polyethylene terephthalate. The purchase of raw materials is carried out either at specialized enterprises in the chemical industry or at enterprises for processing plastic bottles.

Full-cycle enterprises themselves produce blanks for bottles (preforms) using an injection molding machine. A preform is a small bottle blank with thick walls and a completely finished neck.

Incomplete cycle enterprises use ready-made preforms, which are transformed into full-fledged products with the help of equipment. Equipment for the production of plastic bottles consists of several machines:

  • apparatus for heating preforms;
  • bottle blowing machine;
  • molds for the manufacture of products of a certain configuration.

Each device can be serviced by just one worker, so the company does not require a large staff.

At the initial stage, it is recommended to open part-cycle production without purchasing an injection molding machine. If large-scale production is planned, you can’t do without it.

The cost of domestic equipment, excluding the cost of an injection molding machine, starts at 400 thousand rubles. Chinese models are offered for 10-12 thousand euros. The best European lines for the production of plastic bottles cost 200-600 thousand euros. The price of the most expensive and high-performance model is 1.5 million euros.

Production workshop

The business plan of the enterprise must include the costs of production premises. The requirements for it are quite high:

  • minimum area from 30 sq. m;
  • minimum ceiling height from 4 m;
  • walls made of fireproof materials;
  • the floor is concrete or tiled;
  • availability effective system forced ventilation with filters;
  • availability of running water, sewerage and electricity.

Such requirements assume that the business can be organized either on the basis of an existing production facility, or in a separate room adapted for production needs.

Up to 20% of production costs can be saved by locating the production of plastic bottles next to the bottling plant.

Production Features

Any business plan must take into account the specific features inherent in each type of production. When making plastic bottles, there are a number of nuances that are important to know.

First of all, this is the energy intensity of manufacturing products. Depending on the performance of the equipment, its total power can be 30-50 kilowatts. Wiring production premises must withstand such loads.

Secondly, any, even high-quality equipment does not exclude the manufacture of defective products. In the production of PET bottles, the percentage of defects can reach 25%. Some of the defective products can be recycled, while some will go to waste.

When choosing a bottle blowing machine, it is recommended to choose models with increased neck protection from overheating. They prevent damage to the threads on the neck when blowing products.

Also, when choosing a production line, it is recommended to pay attention to the weight of the preforms with which this equipment is capable of working. High-quality devices use preforms weighing 35 g or less, which can significantly reduce production costs and product costs.

Order a business plan

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Production of PET bottles: what is needed to organize an enterprise. Calculation necessary expenses, business profitability, sales risks.

Capital investments to business: 565,000 rubles.
Payback period for PET bottle production: 12 months.

Every day more and more new drinks are released, and each of them comes in its own exclusive bottle.

Almost all containers for soft drinks consists of a material such as plastic.

This material is advantageous and convenient because it has a low cost, but at the same time it is quite light and durable.

It follows from this that production of PET bottles- This is a fairly popular and profitable business.

Of course, it is worth considering the fact that it is much more profitable for large companies to produce them themselves.

But there is small-scale trade in specialty drinks in some establishments.

It is these clients who most need PET bottle production services.

By owning such enterprises, you can consistently receive large profits.

Possible risks of opening a business

Among the risks are:
  • lack of sales markets;
  • rising prices for raw materials;
  • long payback period;
  • low level of profit in the first stages of work.

All these factors can negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise, increase the payback period, and in the worst case, drive it into the red.

How to prevent possible risks?

In order not to go bankrupt in the first year, it is worth taking care of the sale of products at the stage of purchasing equipment.

The sooner the products start selling, the sooner the profit will come.

You should never stop there: always look for new clients and collaborate with other businesses.

In order not to lose a lot on a sudden increase in the price of raw materials, you need to establish relationships with different suppliers and buy different types raw materials from different companies.

It can be advantageous to purchase different materials from multiple sources.

In order not to lose heart if the profit received is lower than expected, you need to have endurance and additional capital for safety net.

It would be a good idea to attract investors to expand your business when your PET bottle production begins to flourish.

Theoretical video lesson on how plastic bottles are made:

Conclusions about the production of PET bottles

From all of the above it follows that in order to organize production of PET bottles, you don’t need that much starting capital.

The main costs will go to equipment.

According to experts, the profitability of such a business is quite high, but only if organized work enterprises.

In addition to the main risks, you need to monitor the quality of the products.

Because even with well-established sales markets, no one will want to buy a low-quality product.

The most important thing is that all containers are of the correct shape and do not have a strong odor.

You can expand your business by producing eco-bottles.

They are beneficial because there will be more demand for them.

They harm the environment less, and this approach to life is now “in trend.”

The essence of the environmental friendliness of such PET bottles is that the wall thickness is slightly thinner than usual, making them easier to recycle.

And the smaller the thickness, the less material will be needed for manufacturing.

This is already beneficial for the entrepreneur himself, as it will reduce the cost of raw materials.

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