Russian submarine fleet - submarines. Russian submarine fleet - submarines Project 670 Skat submarines

At the end of the 50s, work began in the USSR to shape the appearance of 2nd generation nuclear submarines, intended for large-scale production and designed to solve various combat missions, one of which traditionally was the fight against aircraft carriers, as well as other large enemy ships.

After considering a number of proposals from design bureaus terms of reference for the development of a relatively simple and cheap nuclear submarine of Project 670 Skat, optimized for combating surface targets, was issued to Gorky SKB-112 (since 1974 - Central Clinical Hospital Central Design Bureau“Lapis Lazuli”) in May 1960

The main difference between the new ship and SSGN The first generation was to equip it with the P-70 Amethyst anti-ship missile system with an underwater launch. The government decree on the creation of this complex was issued on April 1, 1959.

One of the most difficult problems when developing a new project SSGN Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles , the serial construction of which was supposed to be organized in the city of Gorky, in the very center of Russia, at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from the nearest sea, was to keep the size and displacement of the ship within the limits allowing its transportation along inland waterways.

As a result, the designers had to make a number of technical solutions unconventional for our fleet, which contradicted the “Rules for the Design of Submarines.” In particular, it was decided to switch to a single-shaft design, and also to sacrifice the provision of surface buoyancy in case of flooding of any of the watertight compartments. All this made it possible to keep within the framework of the preliminary design the normal displacement of 2400 tons (however, in the process of further design this parameter nevertheless increased, exceeding 3000 tons).

Compared to other boats of the 2nd generation, designed for the powerful, but rather large-sized and heavy sonar system “Rubin”, on the “670 Skat” it was decided to go with a more compact GAK Hydroacoustic complex“Kerch”.

Statement technical project of the new nuclear-powered ship took place in July 1963. SSGN Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles"670 Skat" had a double-hull architecture with spindle-shaped contours of a light hull, which had an elliptical section in the bow, due to the placement of missile weapons.

The use of large-sized hydroacoustic systems, as well as the desire to provide them with the maximum possible viewing angles in the aft sectors, caused the “blunting” of the bow contours. For the same reasons, some of the instruments had to be placed in the upper part of the bow of the light hull. The front horizontal rudders (for the first time in the practice of domestic submarine shipbuilding) were shifted to the middle part of the boat.

Later, already during the modernization of the 670 Skat, a hydrodynamic stabilizer was installed in front of the fencing of the retractable wheelhouse devices - a plane with a negative angle of attack, compensating for the excessive buoyancy of the somewhat “bloated” bow.

The ship's robust hull was made of steel AK Cargo Ship (dry cargo transport)-29. At the nasal end, over a length of 21 m, it had a peculiar “triple eight” shape, formed by cylinders of relatively small diameter, which was due to the need to accommodate missile containers in a lightweight body. The hull was divided into seven waterproof compartments:

1st (composed of three cylinders) - torpedo, residential and battery;

2nd - residential;

3rd - central post and battery;

4th - electromechanical;

5th - reactor;

6 - turbine;

7th - electromechanical.

The light hull, ballast tanks and durable wheelhouse were made of low-magnetic steel and AMG, and the superstructure and fencing of the retractable wheelhouse devices were made of aluminum alloy. Titanium alloys were used in the radomes of hydroacoustic antennas, as well as in the permeable parts of the aft end and in the stern empennage. The use of such dissimilar materials, in some cases forming galvanic couples, required the adoption of special measures for protection against corrosion (zinc protectors, gaskets, etc.).

To reduce hydrodynamic noise when moving at high speed, as well as improve hydrodynamic characteristics, mechanisms for closing scupper and ventilation holes were used for the first time on domestic submarines.

Main power plant with a capacity of 15,000 l. With. was largely unified with twice as powerful GEM Main power plant express nuclear submarine Nuclear submarine Project 671 Ersh - single-reactor. PPU Steam generating plant OK-350 included a VM-4 water-cooled reactor (89.2 mW). The GTZA-631 turbine drove a five-blade propeller (later, during the modernization process, the boat received new low-noise four-blade propellers with a diameter of 3.92 and 3.82 m, installed in a “tandem” configuration). There were two auxiliary water cannons with electric drive (power - 270 kW), providing the ability to move at speeds of up to 5 knots.

Measures to reduce the acoustic field SSGN Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles included the use of soundproofing damping of mechanisms and their foundations, as well as cladding of bulkheads and deck decks with vibration-damping coatings.

All external surfaces of the light hull, superstructure and wheelhouse fencing were also covered with rubber anti-hydrolocation coating. The outer surface also had a similar coating. durable housing. Thanks to this, as well as the single-shaft and single-turbine layout, the boat of the 670 Skat project had a very low level of acoustic visibility for its time. At full speed, its noise level in the ultrasonic frequency range did not exceed 80 decibels, in the audio range - 110 decibels, and in the infrasonic range - 100 decibels, and most of the acoustic range coincided with the natural noise of the sea.

To reduce magnetic signature, a degaussing device was installed on the submarine.

The ship's hydraulic system was divided into three autonomous subsystems that served to drive general ship devices, missile container covers, and rudders. During the operation of the boats, the working fluid of the hydraulic system, which was a constant headache for the crews due to its fire hazard, was replaced with a new, less flammable one.

SSGN Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles"670 Skat" had a stationary electrolysis air regeneration system (which made it possible to abandon another source of increased fire danger - regeneration cartridges). Effective fire fighting was ensured by a volumetric freon fire extinguishing system.

The ship was equipped with the Sigma-670 inertial navigation system, the accuracy characteristics of which were 1.5 times higher than the corresponding characteristics of the navigation equipment of 1st generation boats.

The Kerch hydroacoustic complex provided a detection range of up to 25 km. To control combat assets, a BIUS Combat information and control system"Brest".

Compared to the 1st generation boats, the level of automation on the Project 670 Skat ship was sharply increased. In particular, the control of the boat's movement in depth and course, stabilization while moving and not moving, the process of diving and ascent, preventing emergency trims and failures, managing preparations for missile and torpedo firing, etc. were automated.

Habitability has been somewhat improved. All ship personnel were provided with individual sleeping accommodations. There were wardrooms for officers and a dining room for sailors and midshipmen. The interior design has been improved. The ship used fluorescent lamps.

Project 670 Skat submarines began combat service in 1972. They monitored American aircraft carriers and were actively involved in various exercises and maneuvers, the largest of which were Ocean-75, Sever-77, “Running-81” and others.

K-43 1967/1992

Became the first nuclear submarine navy India. This great Asian power, which has quite powerful Navy Naval forces, in the early 70s began implementing a national program to create nuclear submarine Nuclear submarine. However, seven years of hard work and four million dollars spent did not lead to the expected results: the task turned out to be much more difficult than it initially seemed. As a result, it was decided to rent one of the nuclear-powered ships from the USSR, India’s strategic ally. The choice of Indian sailors fell on the project "670 Skat" (ships of this type have proven themselves well in the Pacific theater).

In 1983 at the training center Navy Navy in Vladivostok, and then on board the K-43, scheduled for transfer to India, the training of two Indian crews began. By this time, the boat had already undergone major repairs and modernization, as a result of which it received GAK Hydroacoustic complex"Rubicon". After crew training was completed, the boat was again undergoing repairs and by the summer of 1987 was fully prepared for delivery.

On January 5, 1988, the K-43 raised the Indian flag in Vladivostok and a few days later departed for India with the Soviet crew.

For the new, most powerful warship of the Indian fleet, named “Chakra” and tactical number S-71, the most favorable basing conditions were created: a special pier with a 60-ton crane, radiation safety services, an indoor dock slipway, and workshops. When parked, water, compressed air and electricity were supplied on board the boat.

The Chakra was operated in India for three years, spending approximately a year on autonomous voyages. All missile training exercises resulted in a direct hit on the target. On January 5, 1991, the boat's lease expired. India made persistent efforts to extend the lease and even purchase another boat of the same type. However, Moscow did not agree to Indian proposals.

“Chakra” has become a real university for Indian submariners. Many of the officers who served on it currently occupy key command posts in Navy Naval forces of this country. Suffice it to say that SSGN Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles gave India eight admirals. The experience gained during the operation of the nuclear-powered ship allowed us to continue work on creating our own Indian nuclear submarine Nuclear submarine.

"K-43" on April 8, 1992, again enlisted in the Russian fleet, arrived under its own power in Kamchatka, where it completed its service. On July 3, 1992, she was expelled from combat personnel Navy Navy.

K-87 1969/1990

"K-87" (which received the new tactical number K-212 in January 1978) and K-325 on August 22 - September 6, 1978 made the first group trans-Arctic sub-ice crossing to the Pacific Ocean in the history of diving. The group was commanded by Rear Admiral R.A. Votes. It was originally planned that the first boat, having passed under the ice from Barents Sea to Chukotskoye, will transmit a signal about the ascent, after which the second ship will set off. However, R.A. Golosov proposed a more efficient and reliable method of transition - as part of a tactical group, which reduced the risk of single-reactor boats under the ice (if a reactor on one of them fails) SSGN Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles another boat could help her find the hole). In addition, the boats in the group had the opportunity to communicate with each other using the UZPS in telephone mode, which allowed the ships to interact with each other. The group transition also reduced the cost of issues of surface (or “over-ice”) support.

K-25 1969/1991

Missile hit during missile firing on a tug in May 1974

K-143 1969/1993K-313 1970 /1992

Partial flooding of three compartments occurred through the ventilation system while underwater on August 8, 1971.

K-308 1970 /1992K-302 1970 /1993K-325 1971/1991

Partial flooding of the reactor compartment occurred in March 1973.

K-320 1971/1994

In the USSR in the late 1950s. Work began on the construction of second-generation nuclear submarines, their main tasks included the fight against enemy aircraft carriers, as well as other large ships.

The task for the development of a cheap and relatively simple nuclear submarine of Project 670 (code "Skat"), which was optimized for combating surface targets, was issued in May 1960 to the Gorky SKB-112 (in 1974 renamed TsKB "Lazurit"). This young team of designers, formed at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in 1953, had previously been involved in work on Project 613 diesel-electric submarines (in particular, SKB-112 prepared documentation that was transferred to China), so for SKB the creation of the first nuclear-powered submarine was a serious test. Vorobiev V.P. was appointed chief designer of the project, and Mastushkin B.R. - the chief observer from the navy.

The main difference between the new vessel and the 1st generation SSGNs (projects 659 and 675) was that the submarine was equipped with the Amethyst anti-ship missile system, which has an underwater launch capability (developed by OKB-52).

One of the most difficult problems during the development of the project for a new nuclear submarine with cruise missiles, the serial construction of which was to be organized in the very center of Russia - in Gorky, thousands of kilometers from the nearest sea, was keeping the displacement and dimensions of the ship within the limits allowed transportation of the submarine along inland waterways.

As a result, the designers were forced to accept and also “punch” from the customer some technical equipment that is unconventional for the domestic fleet. decisions that contradicted the Submarine Design Rules. In particular, they decided to switch to a single-shaft design and sacrifice the provision of surface buoyancy in the event of flooding of any watertight compartment. All this made it possible to fit within the framework of the preliminary design with a normal displacement of 2.4 thousand tons (however, during further design this parameter increased, exceeding 3 thousand tons).

Compared to other second-generation submarines, which were designed for the powerful, but rather heavy and large-sized Rubin sonar system, on the 670th project it was decided to use a more compacthydroacoustic complex "Kerch".

In OKB-52 in 1959 they developed preliminary design missile system "Amethyst". Unlike the first-generation Chelomeev anti-ship missiles P-6 and -35, which used a turbojet engine, they decided to use a solid-fuel rocket engine on a missile with an underwater launch. This significantly limited the maximum firing range. However, at that time there was simply no other solution, since at the technological level of the late 1950s it was not possible to develop a system for starting an air-breathing engine during flight, after the launch of a rocket. Tests began in 1961anti-ship missiles "Amethyst".

Approval of technical The project of a new nuclear submarine took place in July 1963. The Project 670 nuclear submarine with cruise missiles had a double-hull architecture and spindle-shaped contours of a light hull. The bow of the hull had an elliptical cross-section, which was determined by the placement of missile weapons.

The use of large-sized sonar and the desire to provide these systems in the aft sectors with the maximum possible viewing angles have caused the “blunting” of the bow contours. In this regard, some of the instruments were placed in the bow end of the upper part of the light hull. Horizontal front rudders (a first for domestic submarine shipbuilding) were moved to the middle part of the submarine.

AK-29 steel was used to make a durable case. For 21 meters at the bow end, the robust hull had a “triple eight” shape, which was formed by cylinders of relatively small diameter. This form was determined by the need to place missile containers in a lightweight body. The submarine's hull was divided into seven waterproof compartments:
The first compartment (composed of three cylinders) is battery, living and torpedo;
The second compartment is residential;
The third compartment is the battery, central post;
The fourth compartment is electromechanical;
The fifth compartment is the reactor compartment;
The sixth compartment is turbine;
The seventh compartment is electromechanical.

The end bow bulkhead and six intercompartment bulkheads are flat, designed for pressure up to 15 kgf/cm2.

Low-magnetic steel and AMG were used to manufacture a lightweight hull, a durable deckhouse and ballast tanks. Aluminum alloy was used for the superstructure and fencing of the retractable wheelhouse devices. The radomes of hydroacoustic antennas, the permeable parts of the aft end, and the stern empennage are made using titanium alloys. The use of dissimilar materials, which in some cases form galvanic couples, required special measures to protect against corrosion (gaskets, zinc protectors, etc.).

To reduce hydrodynamic noise when driving at high speeds, and also to improve hydrodynamic characteristics, for the first time on domestic submarines, mechanisms for closing ventilation and scupper holes were used.

The main power plant (power 15 thousand hp) was largely unified with the twice as powerful power plant of the high-speed nuclear submarine of the 671st project - the single-reactor steam generating plant OK-350 included a water-cooled reactor VM-4 (power 89.2 mW). The GTZA-631 turbine drove a five-blade propeller. There were also two auxiliary electrically driven water jets (270 kW), which provided the ability to travel at speeds of up to 5 knots.

SSGN S71 "Chakra" passes next to the Indian aircraft carrier R25 "Viraat"

On the boat of the 670th project, as on other second-generation submarines, the power generation and distribution system used three-phase alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 380 V.

The ship is equipped with twoautonomousturbogenerators TMVV-2 (power 2000 kW), a 500-kilowatt diesel alternating current generator with an automated remote control system and two groups of batteries (each with 112 elements).

To reduce the acoustic field of the SSGN, soundproofing damping of the mechanisms and their foundations was used, as well as decking and bulkheads were lined with vibration-damping coatings. All outer surfaces of the light hull, the wheelhouse fencing and the superstructure were covered with a rubber anti-hydrolocation coating. The outer surface of the durable body was covered with a similar material. Thanks to these measures, as well as the single-turbine and single-shaft layout, the Project 670 SSGN had a very low level of acoustic visibility for that time (among the Soviet second-generation nuclear-powered submarines, this submarine was considered the quietest). Its noise level at full speed in the ultrasonic frequency range was less than 80, in infrasonic - 100, in sound - 110 decibels. At the same time, most of the acoustic range and the natural noise of the sea coincided. The submarine had a degaussing device designed to reduce the ship's magnetic signature.

The submarine's hydraulic system was divided into three autonomous subsystems, which served to drive general ship devices, rudders, and missile container covers. The working fluid of the hydraulic system during the operation of submarines, which was a constant “headache” for crews due to its high fire hazard, was replaced with a less flammable one.

The Project 670 SSGN had an electrolysis stationary air regeneration system (this made it possible to abandon another source of fire hazard on the submarine - regeneration cartridges). The freon volumetric fire extinguishing system ensured effective fire fighting.

The submarine was equipped with the Sigma-670 inertial navigation system, the accuracy of which exceeded the corresponding characteristicsnavigation systems of first generation boats by 1.5 times. SJSC "Kerch" provided a detection range of 25 thousand m. On board the boat, a BIUS (combat information and control system) "Brest" was placed on board the boat to control combat systems.

On the ship of the 670th project, compared to the first generation ships, the level of automation has sharply increased. For example, the control of the submarine's movement along the course and depth, stabilization without moving and on the move, the process of ascent and submersion, the prevention of emergency dips and trims, control of preparation for torpedo and missile firing, and the like were automated.

The habitability on the submarine has also been somewhat improved. All personnel were provided with individual sleeping places. The officers had a wardroom. Dining room for midshipmen and sailors. The interior design has improved. The submarine used fluorescent lamps. In front of the wheelhouse fence there was a shuttle pop-up rescue chamber, designed to rescue the crew in an emergency (ascent from depths of up to 400 meters).

Missile weapons SSGN of the 670th project - eight Amethyst anti-ship missiles - were located in SM-97 container launchers, located outside the pressure hull in the front of the ship on the side at an angle of 32.5 degrees to the horizon. The P-70 solid fuel missile (4K-66, NATO designation SS-N-7 “Starbright”) had a launch mass of 2900 kg, a maximum range of 80 km,speed1160 kilometers per hour. The rocket was designed according to a normal aerodynamic design and had a folding wing that opened automatically after launch. The missile flew at an altitude of 50-60 meters, which made it difficult to intercept it by air defense systems of enemy ships. Radar system homing of anti-ship missiles ensured automatic selection of the largest target in the order (that is, the target that has the largest reflective surface). The submarine's typical ammunition load consisted of two missiles equipped with nuclear weapons (1 kt yield) and six missiles with conventional warheads weighing about 1000 kg. Fire with anti-ship missiles could be carried out from a depth of up to 30 meters in two four-missile salvoes at a speed under the boat of up to 5.5 knots, with sea state less than 5 points. A significant drawback of the P-70 Amethyst missiles was the strong smoke trail left by the solid-fuel rocket engine, which unmasked the submarine during the launch of anti-ship missiles.

The torpedo armament of the Project 670 submarine was located in the bow of the vessel and consisted of four 533-mm torpedo tubes with an ammunition load of twelve SET-65, SAET-60M or 53-65K torpedoes, as well as two 400-mm torpedo tubes (four MGT-2 or SET-40). Instead of torpedoes, the submarine could carry up to 26 minutes. Also, the submarine’s torpedo ammunition included Anabar decoys. The Ladoga-P-670 control system was used to control torpedo firing.

In the West, Project 670 submarines were given the designation “Charlie class”. It should be noted that the appearance of new missile carriers in the USSR fleet significantly complicated life for the aircraft carrier formations of the US Navy. Having less noise compared to their predecessors, they were less vulnerable to anti-submarine weapons of a potential enemy, and the ability to launch missiles underwater made the use of their “main caliber” more effective. The low firing range of the Amethyst complex required approaching the target at a distance of up to 60-70 kilometers. However, this also had its advantages: the short flight time of low-altitude transonic missiles made it very problematic to organize counteraction to an attack from under water from “dagger” distances.

Construction program

In Gorky, at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard, eleven SSGNs of the 670th project were built between 1967 and 1973. After transportation to the special dock along the Volga, Mariinsky water system and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, the submarines were transferred to Severodvinsk. There they were completed, tested and delivered to the customer. It should be noted that at the initial stage of the program, the option of transferring Project 670 SSGNs to the Black Sea was considered, but it was rejected mainly for geopolitical reasons (the problem of the Black Sea straits). On November 6, 1967, an acceptance certificate was signed for the K-43, the lead ship of the series. On July 3, 1968, after testing on the K-43 submarine, it was accepted into service with the Navy. missile system"Amethyst" with P-70 missiles.

In 1973-1980, 6 more submarines were built at the same plant modernized project 670-M.

Status for 2007

K-43, the lead nuclear submarine with Project 670 cruise missiles, became part of the Eleventh Division of the First Submarine Flotilla of the Northern Fleet. Later, the remaining vessels of Project 670 were included in this formation. Initially, SSGNs of Project 670 were listed as KrPL. On July 25, 1977, they were classified as BPL subclass, but on January 15 of the following year they were again classified as KrPL. April 28, 1992 (individual submarines - June 3) - to the ABPL subclass.

Project 670 submarines began combat service in 1972. Submarines of this project monitored US Navy aircraft carriers and were actively involved in various exercises and maneuvers, the largest being Ocean-75, Sever-77 and Razbeg-81. In 1977, the first group firing of Amethyst anti-ship missiles was carried out as part of 2 SSGNs of the 670th project and 1 small rocket ship.

One of the main areas of combat service for Project 670 ships was the Mediterranean Sea. IN this region in the 1970-80s The interests of the USA and the USSR were closely intertwined. The main target of Soviet missile carriers is the warships of the American Sixth Fleet. It must be admitted that Mediterranean conditions made Project 670 submarines the most formidable weapon in this theater. Their presence caused reasonable concern among the American command, which did not have at its disposal reliable means of countering this particular threat. A spectacular demonstration of the capabilities of the submarines in service with the USSR Navy was the missile firing at a target carried out by the K-313 boat in May 1972 in the Mediterranean Sea.

Gradually, the geography of the voyages of Project 670 North Sea submarines expanded. In January-May 1974, K-201, together with the nuclear submarine K-314 of Project 671, made a unique 107-day transition from the Northern Fleet to the Pacific Fleet across the Indian Ocean along the southern route. On March 10-25, the submarines entered the Somali port of Berbera, where the crews received a short rest. After this, the voyage continued, ending in Kamchatka in early May.

K-429 in April 1977 made the transition from the Northern Fleet to the Pacific Fleet via the Northern Sea Route, where the SSGN on April 30, 1977 became part of the Tenth Division of the Second Submarine Flotilla, based in Kamchatka. A similar transition in August-September 1979, which lasted 20 days, was made by the K-302 submarine. Subsequently, K-43 (1980), K-121 (until 1977), K-143 (1983), K-308 (1985), K-313 (1986) arrived in the Pacific Ocean along the Northern Sea Route.

K-83 (renamed K-212 in January 1978) and K-325, from August 22 to September 6, 1978, made the world's first group sub-ice trans-Arctic crossing to the Pacific Ocean. Initially, it was planned that the first submarine, having passed from the Barents Sea to the Chukchi Sea under the ice, would transmit a signal to surface, after which the second ship would set off. However, they proposed a more reliable and effective way transition - transition as part of a tactical group. This reduced the risk of under-ice navigation of single-reactor boats (in the event of a reactor failure on one of the SSGNs, another boat could assist in finding the ice hole). In addition, the boats in the group were able to communicate with each other by telephone using the UZPS, which allowed the submarines to interact with each other. In addition, the group transition reduced the cost of surface ("above-ice") support issues. The ship commanders and the commander of the Eleventh Submarine Division were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for their participation in the operation.

All Pacific ships of the 670th project became part of the Tenth Division of the Second Submarine Flotilla. The main task of the submarines was tracking (on receipt of the appropriate order - destruction) of aircraft carriers of the US Navy. In particular, in December 1980, the submarine K-201 carried out long-term tracking of the carrier strike group, which was headed by the aircraft carrier Coral Sea (for this it was awarded the gratitude of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy). Due to the shortage of anti-submarine submarines in the Pacific Fleet, Project 670 SSGNs were brought in to solve problems of detecting American submarines in the combat patrol area of ​​Soviet SSBNs.

The fate of K-429 was most dramatic. On June 24, 1983, as a result of a crew error, the submarine sank at a depth of 39 meters in Saranaya Bay (near the coast of Kamchatka) at a combat training ground. As a result of the incident, 16 people died. The submarine was raised on August 9, 1983 (during the lifting operation an incident occurred: four compartments were “additionally” flooded, which significantly complicated the work). The restoration repair, which cost the treasury 300 million rubles, was completed in September 1985, but on September 13, a few days after the completion of the work, as a result of violations of survivability requirements, the submarine sank again in Bolshoy Kamen near the wall of the shipyard. In 1987, the submarine, which was never commissioned, was expelled from the fleet and converted into the UTS-130 training station, which is based in Kamchatka and is still in use today.

Following the nuclear submarine K-429, which left operational service in 1987, other Project 670 submarines were also decommissioned in the early 1990s.

Raising the sunken nuclear submarine K-429 with pontoons

One of the ships of the 670th project - K-43 - became the first nuclear submarine of the Indian Navy. This country in the early 1970s. began the implementation of a national program for the creation of nuclear submarines, but seven years of work and four million dollars spent on the implementation of the program did not lead to the expected results: the task turned out to be much more difficult than it seemed at first. As a result, they decided to rent one of the nuclear submarines from the USSR. The choice of Indian sailors fell on “Charlie” (ships of this type have proven themselves to be excellent in the Pacific theater).

In 1983, in Vladivostok, at the naval training center, and later on board the K-43 submarine, scheduled for transfer to the Indian Navy, the training of two crews began. By this time, the submarine had already undergone major repairs and modernization according to project 06709. The boat, after completing the training of the Indian crews, was again undergoing repairs. By the summer of 1987, it was fully prepared for transfer. K-43 (designated UTS-550) raised the Indian flag in Vladivostok on January 5, 1988 and a few days later departed for India with a Soviet crew.

Very favorable basing conditions were created for the new, most powerful warship of the Indian Navy, which received tactical number S-71 and the name “Chakra”: special. pier equipped with a 60-ton crane, covered dock slipway, radiation safety services, workshops. Water, compressed air and electricity were supplied on board the boat while it was parked. In India, "Chakra" was operated for three years, while she spent about a year in autonomous voyages. All training shootings carried out resulted in direct hits on the target. On January 5, 1991, the submarine's lease expired. India persistently tried to extend the lease and even buy another similar submarine. However, Moscow did not agree to these proposals for political reasons.

For Indian submariners, Chakra was a real university. Many of the officers who served on it today occupy key positions in the naval forces of this country (suffice it to say that the nuclear submarine with cruise missiles gave India 8 admirals). The experience gained during the operation of the nuclear-powered submarine made it possible to continue work on creating India’s own nuclear submarine “S-2”.

On April 28, 1992, "Chakra", re-enlisted in the Russian Navy, arrived under its own power in Kamchatka, where it completed its service. She was expelled from the fleet on July 3, 1992.

Based on materials from the site "Topwar".

Dear colleagues, I present to you a model of the Soviet 2nd generation SSGN Project 670, code “Skat” (according to NATO classification – Charlie I), made on a scale of 1/350 by the domestic company Polar Bear.

SSGN pr. 670 (code “Skat”) was developed by TsKB-112 under the leadership of V.P. Vorobyova. She was a boat of a mixed architectural and structural type. At the extremities the ship had a two-hull design, with the light hull at the stern shaped like a spindle with a cruciform tail, and at the bow end - in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation. In the middle part (in the area of ​​the fencing of the retractable devices and the conning tower) there was only a strong hull with a light superstructure. Over most of its length it had circular or close to circular cross-sections, and at the bow (at a length of 21 m) it was made in the shape of a double vertical “eight”. The robust hull was divided by waterproof bulkheads into seven compartments.
SSGN Project 670 is the only (not counting Project 670M) second-generation domestic nuclear submarine that had a maximum diving depth of 300 m. This is explained by the fact that the small size of the ship and its rather powerful armament did not allow increasing the thickness of the walls of the pressure hull to the required value. The durable body was made of high-carbon steel, and the lightweight body, superstructures and fencing of retractable devices were made of low-magnetic steel or aluminum-magnesium alloys. Titanium alloys were used in the radomes of the main accelerator antennas, the permeable parts of the aft end and the aft empennage. All outer surfaces of the light hull, superstructure and deckhouse fencing, as well as the outer surface of the pressure hull were lined with a rubber anti-hydrolocation coating.
The architecture of the SSGN Project 670 made it possible to compactly position eight Amethyst anti-ship missile missile systems in the double-sided space (at an angle of 32.5° to the main plane). The ship was initially (for the first time in the domestic fleet) designed as a single-shaft and single-reactor (the single-shaft nuclear submarine Project 671 had two reactors). Thanks to this, it had the desired combat capabilities with a relatively small displacement.
A high-power reactor was designed specifically for the nuclear submarine Project 670. The pump baffle of the reactor compartment was absent, and the pumps of the 3rd and 4th circuits, traditionally located in it, were located in compartments adjacent to the reactor compartment. This arrangement ensured cooling of the reactor in the event of a blackout or other major accident in any one compartment. The seawater pipelines cooling the power plant equipment were simplified to the maximum extent by eliminating traditional jumpers between the sides. All mechanisms and their foundations had soundproofing shock absorption. They, as well as bulkheads and decking, were lined with vibration-damping coating.
The ship had two reserve (left and right sides) propulsion systems - a water cannon with electric drives. Their presence was due to the fact that the boat had only one shaft line. There was no motor on the main line of the shaft. To reduce the number of crew, a complex of combat and combat control systems was installed. technical means with a high degree of automation and control. To reduce movement resistance, all openings and cutouts of the lightweight body were covered with fairings, and the fencing of the retractable devices had a “limousine” shape.
In the period from 1965 to 1972, 11 SSGNs, Project 670, were built at the Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard.
I chose the first boat of the series – K-43 – as a prototype. The ship was officially laid down on May 9, 1964. It was launched on August 2, 1966. It was the first nuclear submarine built at the Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard. The K-43 was introduced into a universal transport floating dock - the same one that was once used to transport diesel-electric submarines Project 633. In order to maintain secrecy during the transition, a wooden-tarpaulin structure was built over the dock, simulating a surface ship. Then the boat was transported along inland waterways (up the Volga, then along the Volga-Baltic and White Sea-Baltic canals) to Belomorsk, and then along the White Sea to Severodvinsk. Transportation of K-43 was provided by a whole detachment of ships and watercraft. In addition to the floating dock, it included the main one, two (or three) auxiliary tugboats and several water police boats. In Belomorsk, icebreakers joined the caravan.
December 27, 1967 - included in the KSF, based in Western Litsa.
1968 - completed the tasks of her first combat service.
August 25 – September 14, 1980 made an under-ice inter-fleet transition to the Pacific Fleet.
August 1982 - July 1984, in connection with the planned transfer to the Indian Navy, underwent medium repairs and modernization at the Zvezda plant in Bolshoi Kamen.
On August 30, 1984, it was temporarily renamed UTS-550.
On December 27, 1984, she was expelled from the combat ranks of the USSR Navy.
On January 5, 1988, the flag of the Indian Navy was raised and the lease of the submarine began, renamed S-71 “Chakra”.
On March 1, 1991, she was accepted from the Indian crew and returned to the 2nd FPL Pacific Fleet.
On July 3, 1992, she was expelled from the Navy.
2006 - 2007 – disposed of.
This is the amazing fate of the first nuclear submarine to serve two countries.

The hull of the boat is made in one piece with a wheelhouse and stern stabilizers. Only the propeller, GGR and several VU are supplied separately. There are no decals in the kit, just a few stickers.
The length of the model is 273 mm, the width (of the body) is 28 mm. The model is made of very hard resin, the surface is not smooth, sanding cannot be done everywhere for fear of losing thin elements of handrails, hatches, etc. The paneling on the body is very detailed.

First of all, I puttyed and sanded the longitudinal seam from the joint of the molds; it took a lot of putty. I made the ASB on the case by gluing round pieces of plastic that were ground into a hemisphere. I also prepared places for navigation lights on the stern vertical tail of the boat and the wheelhouse fence.
Next, I drilled and milled the VU hatches in the roof of the wheelhouse fence and made them open. I re-drilled the holes for the VU with a slightly larger diameter than they were, otherwise the upper parts of the PMU simply would not have fit there.
VU was remade from medical needles, plastic rods and other parts from stock.

The model is primed with Tamiya Surface Primer. The painting is done with acrylic from Tamiya. The lower part of the body was preshaded with black and red-brown paint. Then, painting the lower part of the hull, then the upper part, highlighting the radomes of the GAK antennas. I applied the waterline using Tamiya tape. Then gloss varnish, decals, gloss over decals, wash and final varnish. I did not show any traces of use on this model. I especially tinkered with the scuppers above the waterline; they were closed with hatches for streamlining. I made them open and lightly tinted only a small surface of the back of the scuppers with a brown wash. If you look from above this color is not visible, only black open hatches are visible. I painted the slot scuppers with brown wash. All lights - navigation, anchor and portholes in the wheelhouse fencing are simulated with Viva Décor gel with a glass effect (link http://site/community/user/20470/?MODEL=443329).

So, colleagues, the model is in front of you. Criticism, comments and suggestions are welcome.

P.S. I was lucky enough to go to sea on these projects in the 80s at the Northern Fleet and in the 90s at the Pacific Fleet.

SSGN - Project 670 "Scat"

At the end of the 50s, work began in the USSR to shape the appearance of 2nd generation nuclear submarines, intended for large-scale production and designed to solve various combat missions, one of which traditionally was the fight against aircraft carriers, as well as other large enemy ships.

After considering a number of proposals from design bureaus, the technical assignment for the development of a relatively simple and cheap nuclear submarine of Project 670 (code “Skat”), optimized for combating surface targets, was issued to Gorky SKB-112 (since 1974 - TsKB “Lazurit”) in May 1960. This young design team, formed in 1953 at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, had previously been involved in work on Project 613 diesel-electric boats (in particular, preparing documentation for these ships intended for transfer to China), so the creation of the first The nuclear-powered ship became a serious test for SKB.

V.P. was appointed chief designer of the boat of the 670th project. Vorobyov, the main observer from the Navy - B.R. Mastushkin.

The main difference between the new ship and the first-generation SSGNs (projects 659 and 675) was that it was equipped with the Amethyst anti-ship missile system with an underwater launch (the main developer is OKB-52). The government decree on the creation of this complex was issued on April 1, 1959.

One of the most difficult problems in developing the project for a new SSGN, the serial construction of which was supposed to be organized in the city of Gorky, in the very center of Russia, at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from the nearest sea, was maintaining the size and displacement of the ship within the limits allowing its transportation by inland waterways. ways.

As a result, the designers had to accept (and “punch through” with the customer) a number of technical solutions that were unconventional for our fleet and that contradicted the “Submarine Design Rules.” In particular, it was decided to switch to a single-shaft design, and also to sacrifice the provision of surface buoyancy in case of flooding of any of the watertight compartments. All this made it possible to keep within the framework of the preliminary design the normal displacement of 2400 tons (however, in the process of further design this parameter nevertheless increased, exceeding 3000 tons).

Compared to other boats of the 2nd generation, designed for the powerful, but rather large-sized and heavy Rubin hydroacoustic complex, for Project 670 it was decided to focus on the more compact Kerch sonar system.

In 1959, OKB-52 developed a preliminary design for the Amethyst missile system. Unlike the first-generation Chelomeev anti-ship missiles P-6 and P-35, which used a turbojet engine, it was decided to use a solid-fuel rocket engine on an underwater-launched missile, which significantly limited the maximum firing range. However, there was simply no other solution at that time, since at the technological level of the late 50s it was not possible to create a system for starting an air-breathing engine in flight, after the rocket had launched. Testing of the Amethyst anti-ship missile began in 1961.

The approval of the technical design of the new nuclear-powered submarine took place in July 1963. The SSGN of the 670th project had a double-hull architecture with spindle-shaped contours of a light hull, which had an elliptical section in the bow, due to the placement of missile weapons.

The use of large-sized hydroacoustic systems, as well as the desire to provide them with the maximum possible viewing angles in the aft sectors, caused the “blunting” of the bow contours. For the same reasons, some of the instruments had to be placed in the upper part of the bow of the light hull. The front horizontal rudders (for the first time in the practice of domestic submarine shipbuilding) were shifted to the middle part of the boat.

Later, already during the modernization of the SSGN of the 670th project, a hydrodynamic stabilizer was installed in front of the fencing of the retractable wheelhouse devices - a plane with a negative angle of attack, compensating for the excessive buoyancy of the somewhat “bloated” bow.

The ship's robust hull was made of AK-29 steel. At the nasal end, over a length of 21 m, it had a peculiar “triple eight” shape, formed by cylinders of relatively small diameter, which was due to the need to accommodate missile containers in a lightweight body. The hull was divided into seven waterproof compartments:

1st - torpedo, residential and battery; 2nd - residential; 3rd - central post and battery; 4th - electromechanical; 5th - reactor; 6 - turbine; 7th - electromechanical.

The nasal end bulkhead, as well as six intercompartment bulkheads, were made flat; they had to withstand pressure up to 15 kgf/cm2.

The light hull, ballast tanks and durable wheelhouse were made of low-magnetic steel and AMG, and the superstructure and fencing of the retractable wheelhouse devices were made of aluminum alloy. Titanium alloys were used in the radomes of hydroacoustic antennas, as well as in the permeable parts of the aft end and in the stern empennage. The use of such dissimilar materials, in some cases forming galvanic couples, required the adoption of special measures for protection against corrosion (zinc protectors, gaskets, etc.).

To reduce hydrodynamic noise when moving at high speed, as well as improve hydrodynamic characteristics, mechanisms for closing scupper and ventilation holes were used for the first time on domestic submarines.

Main power plant with a capacity of 15,000 l. With. was largely unified with the twice as powerful power plant of the high-speed nuclear submarine of Project 671 - single-reactor. The OK-350 PPU included a VM-4 water-water reactor (89.2 mW). The GTZA-631 turbine drove a five-blade propeller (later, during the modernization process, the boat received new low-noise four-blade propellers with a diameter of 3.92 and 3.82 m, installed in a “tandem” configuration). There were two auxiliary water cannons with electric drive (power - 270 kW), providing the ability to move at speeds of up to 5 knots.

Like other second-generation nuclear-powered ships, the Project 670 boat used three-phase alternating current with a voltage of 380 V and a frequency of 50 Hz in the power generation and distribution system.

The ship was equipped with two autonomous TMVV-2 turbogenerators (2000 kW), a 500 kW AC diesel generator with remote control automated system controls, as well as two groups of batteries (112 cells each).

Measures to reduce the acoustic field of the SSGN included the use of soundproofing damping mechanisms and their foundations, as well as lining bulkheads and deck decks with vibration-damping coatings.

All external surfaces of the light hull, superstructure and wheelhouse fencing were also covered with rubber anti-hydrolocation coating. The outer surface of the durable case also had a similar coating. Thanks to this, as well as the single-shaft and single-turbine layout, the Project 670 boat had a very low level of acoustic visibility for its time (among domestic 2nd generation nuclear-powered submarines, the Project 670 SSGN was considered the “quiest”). At full speed, its noise level in the ultrasonic frequency range did not exceed 80 decibels, in the audio range - 110 decibels, and in the infrasonic range - 100 decibels, and most of the acoustic range coincided with the natural noise of the sea.

To reduce magnetic signature, a degaussing device was installed on the submarine.

The ship's hydraulic system was divided into three autonomous subsystems that served to drive general ship devices, missile container covers, and rudders. During the operation of the boats, the working fluid of the hydraulic system, which was a constant headache for the crews due to its fire hazard, was replaced with a new, less flammable one.

SSGN pr. 670 had a stationary electrolysis air regeneration system (which made it possible to abandon another source of increased fire danger - regeneration cartridges). Effective fire fighting was ensured by a volumetric freon fire extinguishing system.

The ship was equipped with the Sigma-670 inertial navigation system, the accuracy characteristics of which were 1.5 times higher than the corresponding characteristics of the navigation equipment of 1st generation boats.

The Kerch hydroacoustic complex provided a detection range of up to 25 km. To control combat assets, the Brest BIUS was placed on board the boat.

Compared to the 1st generation boats, the level of automation on the Project 670 ship was sharply increased. In particular, the control of the boat's movement in depth and course, stabilization while moving and not moving, the process of diving and ascent, preventing emergency trims and failures, managing preparations for missile and torpedo firing, etc. were automated.

Habitability has been somewhat improved. All ship personnel were provided with individual sleeping accommodations. There were wardrooms for officers and a dining room for sailors and midshipmen. The interior design has been improved. The ship used fluorescent lamps.

The Project 670 SSGN missile armament - eight Amethyst anti-ship missiles - was located in SM-97 container launchers located in the front part of the ship outside the pressure hull at an angle of 32.5° to the horizon. In 1977, the first group firing of the Amethyst anti-ship missile took place, consisting of two Project 670 SSGNs and an MRK (small missile ship).

The P-40 (4K-66) solid fuel rocket with a launch weight of 2900 kg had a maximum firing range of 80 km and a speed of 1160 km/h. It was made according to a normal aerodynamic design and had a folding wing that automatically opened after launch. The flight took place at a relatively low altitude (50-60 m), which made it difficult for the missile to be intercepted by air defense systems of enemy ships. The RCC radar homing system ensured automatic selection of the largest chain in the order (i.e., the target with the largest reflective surface). The boat's typical ammunition load included two missiles equipped with nuclear warheads (TNT equivalent - 1 kg), as well as six missiles with conventional warheads weighing about 1000 kg. The anti-ship missiles could be fired in two four-missile salvoes from a depth of up to 30 m at a boat speed of no more than 5.5 knots and sea state up to 5 points.

The ship's torpedo armament was located in the bow and included four 533-mm torpedo tubes with an ammunition load of 12 53-65k or SET-65 torpedoes, as well as two 400 mm torpedo tubes (four SET-40 or MGT-2 torpedoes). Instead of torpedoes, the boat could carry up to 26 minutes. In addition, the torpedo ammunition also included Anabar decoys.

Characteristics of Project 670 SSGN Maximum length 95.6 m Maximum width 9.6 m Average draft 7.8 m Displacement: normal 3624 m 3 total 5000 m 3 Buoyancy reserve 24% Operating diving depth 240 m. Maximum diving depth 300 m. Full underwater speed 26 knots . Surface speed 10 knots. Autonomy 60 days. Crew 86 people.

From 1967 to 1973 11 SSGNs of the 670th project were built in Gorky.

After transportation in a special dock along the Volga, Mariinsky water system and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, the boats were transferred to Severodvinsk, where they were completed, tested and delivered to the customer. It should be noted that on initial stages To implement the program, the option of delivering the SSGN of the 670th project in the Black Sea was considered. However, it was rejected, first of all, for geopolitical reasons (the notorious problem of the Black Sea Straits).

Bookmark Launching Commissioning K-43 09.05.64 02.08.66 27.11.67 K-87(K-212) 06.02.65 20.03.68 08.01.69 K-25 02.12.65 31.08.68 08.01.69 K-143(K-121) 25.11.66 29.04.69 28.11.69 K-313 14.07.66 16.07.69 09.01.70 K-308 29.12.67 19.02.70 20.10.70 K-320 30.04.69 27.03.71 27.10.71 K-302 17.01.69 11.07.70 21.12.70 K-325 06.09.69 04.06.71 06.12.71 K-429 26.01.71 22.04.72 31.10.72 K-201 16.11.71 09.07.72 31.01.73

The acceptance certificate for the lead ship of the series - K-43 - was signed (quite in the spirit of the times) on November 6, 1967, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the “Great October Revolution”. The first commander of the boat was Captain 1st Rank E.N. Zolotarev. On July 3, 1968, after tests on the K-43, the Amethyst missile system with the P-40 missile was also adopted by the Navy.

SSGN K-43 became part of the 11th division of the 1st submarine flotilla of the Northern Fleet. Later, the remaining ships of the 670th project were included in this formation.

Project 670 submarines began combat service in 1972. They monitored American aircraft carriers and were actively involved in various exercises and maneuvers, the largest of which were “Ocean-75”, “Sever-77”, “ Run-81” and others.

In the West, the ships of Project 670 were given the name Charlie (“Charlie”) or Charlie 1. It should be noted that the appearance of new missile carriers in the Soviet fleet significantly “complicated life” for American aircraft carrier formations. Possessing less noise than their predecessors - SSGN pr.675, “Charlie” were much less vulnerable to enemy anti-submarine weapons, and the underwater launch of missiles made the use of their “main caliber” much more effective. The relatively low firing range of the Amethyst complex required approaching the target at a range of 60-70 km. However, this also had its advantages - the short flight time of transonic low-altitude missiles made organizing counteraction to their strike from under water from a “dagger” distance very problematic.

One of the main areas where Project 670 ships carried out military service was the Mediterranean Sea. In the 70-80s, the interests of two “superpowers” ​​- the USSR and the USA - were closely intertwined there. The main goal Soviet missile carriers were warships of the 6th American Fleet. It should be recognized that the geographical conditions of the Mediterranean made the boats of the 670th project the most formidable weapon in this theater. Their presence caused well-founded concern among the American command, which did not have at its disposal any reliable means of countering this threat. A spectacular demonstration of the combat capabilities of “Charlie” was missile firing at a target, carried out in the Mediterranean Sea in May 1972, K-313 (commander captain 2nd rank S.Ya. Zgursky).

Gradually, the geography of voyages of the “North Sea” boats of the 670th project expanded. In January-May 1974, a unique 107-day passage of K-201 (commanded by Captain 2nd Rank V.D. Khaitarov) took place together with the nuclear submarine of the 671st project K-314 from the Northern to the Pacific Fleet along the southern route through the Indian Ocean. On March 10-25, the boats called at the port of Berbera (Somalia), where their crews were given a short rest, after which the voyage continued, successfully ending in Kamchatka in early May.

In April 1977, K-429 under the command of Captain 1st Rank V.T. Kozlova (senior on board Rear Admiral E.D. Chernov) made the transition via the Northern Sea Route from the Northern Fleet to the Pacific Fleet, where on April 30, 1977, the SSGN became part of the 10th Division of the 2nd Submarine Flotilla, based in Kamchatka.

In August-September 1979, a similar transition that lasted 20 days was carried out by K-302 (commanded by Captain 2nd Rank M.A. Mazhugo). Subsequently, along the Northern Sea Route, K-43 (1980), K-121 (until 1977), K-143 (1983), K-308 (1985) and K-313 arrived in the Pacific Ocean. (1986).

K-83 (which received the new tactical number K-212 in January 1978) and K-325 on August 22 - September 6, 1978 made the first group trans-Arctic sub-ice crossing to the Pacific Ocean in the history of diving. The group was commanded by Rear Admiral R.A. Votes. It was originally planned that the first boat, having passed under the ice from the Barents Sea to the Chukchi Sea, would transmit a signal to surface, after which the second ship would set off. However, R.A. Golosov proposed a more effective and reliable way of crossing - as part of a tactical group, which reduced the risk of under-ice navigation of single-reactor boats (if the reactor on one of the SSGNs fails, another boat could assist it in searching for the ice hole). In addition, the boats in the group had the opportunity to communicate with each other using the UZPS in telephone mode, which allowed the ships to interact with each other. The group transition also reduced the cost of issues of surface (or “over-ice”) support. For participation in this operation, the ship commanders were Captain 3rd Rank A.A. Gusev and captain 2nd rank V.P. Lushin, as well as the commander of the 11th submarine division of the 1st flotilla, captain 1st rank E.A. Tomko and Rear Admiral R.A. Votes were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

All “Pacific” ships of Project 670 became part of the 10th division of the 2nd submarine flotilla. Their main task was to track (and, upon receiving the appropriate order, destroy) American aircraft carriers. In particular, K-201 in December 1980 carried out long-term tracking of an aircraft carrier strike group led by the aircraft carrier Coral Sea (for which it was awarded the gratitude of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy). Due to the shortage of anti-submarine submarines at the Pacific Fleet, the Project 670 SSGNs were also used to solve problems of searching for American submarines in the combat patrol areas of our SSBNs.

Among the seemingly identical ships of any project there are both “darlings of fate” and “unlucky ones”.

K-429 was perhaps the least fortunate. On June 24, 1983, as a result of erroneous actions by the crew, she sank at a depth of 39 m at a combat training site in Saranaya Bay (near the coast of Kamchatka). In this case, 16 people died. On August 9, 1983, the boat was raised (the lifting operation itself was also not without incident. Four more compartments were “additionally” flooded, which significantly complicated the work). The restoration repairs, which cost the treasury 300 million rubles, were completed in early September 1985, but a few days later, on September 13, as a result of gross violations of survivability requirements, the unfortunate ship sank again at the wall of the shipyard in Bolshoy Kamen. In 1987, the boat, which was never put into operation, was expelled from the fleet and converted into a training station UTS-130, based in Kamchatka and still in use today.

Other major troubles that happened to the ships of the 670th project during their service (and, which should be especially noted, did not lead to loss of life) include:
- flooding of the hold of the 2nd compartment of K-313 while parked at the base in August 1970;
- partial flooding of three compartments through the ventilation system while K-313 was submerged on August 8, 1971;
- collision of K-320 and K-131 in Motovsky Bay on January 19, 1972;
- touching the bottom in Motovsky Bay K-302 in June 1972;
- partial flooding of the reactor compartment at K-320 in 1973;
- partial flooding of the reactor compartment at K-429 in March 1973;
- fire in the cable route of the turbine compartment on K-325 on December 22, 1973;
- touching the bottom at a depth of 130 m K-302 in February 1974;
- a missile hit during a K-25 missile firing on a tug in May 1974;
- destruction of ballast tank No. 13 during blowing on K-429 in 1975.
- caught in Japanese fishing nets near Kamchatka on October 8, 1977 K-201.
- collision between K-313 and MPK-90 in Zapadnaya Litsa on December 19, 1978;
- a fire in the power network from a short circuit on K-302 in April 1979;
- oiling of the VVD system on K-325 in January 1980;
- the collision of K-43 with K-184, which occurred at the Pacific Fleet on March 20, 1981 (“Skat” received damage to its light hull);
- accident of the air pressure system on K-121 in August 1984;
- K-121 touching the ground in Avacha Bay on March 1, 1987.

One of the ships of Project 670 (commanded by Captain 2nd Rank Terenov) became the first nuclear submarine of the Indian Navy. This great Asian power, which has a fairly powerful navy, began implementing a national program to create nuclear submarines in the early 70s. However, seven years of hard work and four million dollars spent did not lead to the expected results; the task turned out to be much more difficult than it initially seemed. As a result, it was decided to rent one of the nuclear-powered ships from the USSR, India’s strategic ally. The choice of Indian sailors fell on the “Skat” (ships of this type have proven themselves well in the Pacific theater).

In 1983, training of two Indian crews began at the Navy training center in Vladivostok, and then on board the K-43, scheduled for transfer to India. By this time, the boat had already undergone major repairs and modernization, as a result of which it received the Rubicon State Joint Stock Company. After crew training was completed, the boat was again undergoing repairs and by the summer of 1987 was fully prepared for delivery.

On January 5, 1988, K-43 (previously renamed UTS-550) raised the Indian flag in Vladivostok and a few days later departed for India with the Soviet crew.

For the new, most powerful warship of the Indian fleet, named “Chakra” and tactical number S-71, the most favorable basing conditions were created: a special pier with a 60-ton crane, radiation safety services, an indoor dock slipway, and workshops. When parked, water, compressed air and electricity were supplied on board the boat.

The Chakra was operated in India for three years, spending approximately a year on autonomous voyages. All missile training exercises resulted in a direct hit on the target. On January 5, 1991, the boat's lease expired. India made persistent efforts to extend the lease and even purchase another boat of the same type. However, Moscow (namely M.S. Gorbachev, who persistently sought friendship with the United States) did not agree to Indian proposals.

“Chakra” has become a real university for Indian submariners. Many of the officers who served on it currently occupy key command posts in the Navy of this country. Suffice it to say that the SSGN gave India eight admirals. The experience gained during the operation of the nuclear-powered submarine allowed us to continue work on the creation of our own Indian nuclear submarine, “S-2”.

“Chakra”, again enlisted in the Russian fleet on April 28, 1992, arrived in Kamchatka under its own power, where it completed its service. On July 3, 1992, she was expelled from the Navy.

Following the K-429, due to its bad luck, which left the combat formation first, other boats of the 670th project were written off in the 1990s. In 1990, the naval flag was lowered by K-87, in 1991 by K-25 and K-325, in 1992 by K-43, K-313 and K-308, in 1993 by K- 143 and K-302, in 1994 - K-320 and K-201.

At the end of the 50s, work began in the USSR to shape the appearance of 2nd generation nuclear submarines, intended for large-scale production and designed to solve various combat missions, one of which traditionally was the fight against aircraft carriers, as well as other large enemy ships.

After considering a number of proposals from design bureaus, the terms of reference for the development of a relatively simple and cheap nuclear submarine of Project 670 (code "Skat"), optimized for combating surface targets, were issued to Gorky SKB-112 (since 1974 - TsKB "Lazurit") in May 1960, V.P. was appointed chief designer of the boat pr.670. Vorobyov, the main observer from the Navy - B.R. Mastushkin.

The main difference between the new ship and the first-generation SSGNs (projects 659 and 675) was that it was equipped with the Amethyst anti-ship missile system with an underwater launch (the main developer is OKB-52).

The approval of the technical design of the new nuclear-powered submarine took place in July 1963. SSGN Project 670 had a double-hull architecture with spindle-shaped contours of a light hull, which had an elliptical section in the bow, due to the placement of missile weapons. The use of large-sized hydroacoustic systems, as well as the desire to provide them with the maximum possible viewing angles in the aft sectors, caused the “blunting” of the bow contours. For the same reasons, some of the instruments had to be placed in the upper part of the bow of the light hull. The front horizontal rudders (for the first time in the practice of domestic submarine shipbuilding) were shifted to the middle part of the boat.

To reduce hydrodynamic noise when moving at high speed, as well as improve hydrodynamic characteristics, mechanisms for closing scupper and ventilation holes were used for the first time on domestic submarines. Measures to reduce the acoustic field of the SSGN included the use of soundproofing damping mechanisms and their foundations, as well as lining bulkheads and deck decks with vibration-damping coatings.

All external surfaces of the light hull, superstructure and wheelhouse fencing were also covered with rubber anti-hydrolocation coating. The outer surface of the durable case also had a similar coating. Thanks to this, as well as the single-shaft and single-turbine layout, the Project 670 boat had a very low level of acoustic visibility for its time (among the domestic 2nd generation nuclear-powered submarines, the Project 670 SSGN was considered the “quiest”).

Main single-reactor power plant with a capacity of 15,000 l. With. was largely unified with the twice more powerful power plant of the high-speed submarine of Project 671. The OK-350 PPU included a VM-4 water-water reactor (89.2 mW). The GTZA-631 turbine drove a five-blade propeller (later, during the modernization process, the boat received new low-noise four-blade propellers with a diameter of 3.92 and 3.82 m, installed in a tandem configuration). There were two auxiliary electric water jets (power - 270 kW), providing the ability to move at speeds of up to 5 knots.

Compared to other boats of the 2nd generation, designed for the powerful, but rather large-sized and heavy Rubin hydroacoustic complex, on Project 670 it was decided to focus on the more compact Kerch sonar system.

Compared to the 1st generation boats, the level of automation on the Project 670 ship was sharply increased. In particular, the control of the boat's movement in depth and course, stabilization while moving and not moving, the process of diving and ascent, preventing emergency trims and failures, managing preparations for missile and torpedo firing, etc. were automated.

The missile armament of the SSGN Project 670 - eight Amethyst anti-ship missiles - was located in SM-97 container launchers located in the front part of the ship outside the pressure hull at an angle of 32.5° to the horizon. In 1977, the first group firing of the Amethyst anti-ship missile took place, consisting of two Project 670 SSGNs and an MRK (small missile ship). The boat's typical ammunition load included two missiles equipped with nuclear warheads (TNT equivalent - 1 kt), as well as six missiles with conventional warheads weighing about 1000 kg. The anti-ship missiles could be fired in two four-missile salvoes from a depth of up to 30 m at a boat speed of no more than 5.5 knots and sea state up to 5 points.

The ship's torpedo armament was located in the bow and included four 533-mm torpedo tubes with an ammunition load of 14 torpedoes of various types. Instead of torpedoes, the boat could carry up to 26 minutes. In addition, the torpedo ammunition also included Anabar decoys.

Project 670 submarines began combat service in 1972. They monitored American aircraft carriers and were actively involved in various exercises and maneuvers, the largest of which were Ocean-75, Sever-77, and Razbeg. -81" and others.

In the West, the ships of Project 670 were given the name Charlie (“Charlie”) or Charlie 1. It should be noted that the appearance of new missile carriers in the Soviet fleet significantly “complicated life” for American aircraft carrier formations. Having less noise than their predecessors - SSGN pr.675, "Charlie" were much less vulnerable to enemy anti-submarine weapons, and the underwater launch of missiles made the use of their "main caliber" much more effective. The relatively low firing range of the Amethyst complex required approaching the target at a range of 60-70 km. However, this also had its advantages: the short flight time of transonic low-altitude missiles made organizing counteraction to their strike from under water from a “dagger” distance very problematic.

One of the main areas where Project 670 ships carried out military service was the Mediterranean Sea. In the 70-80s, the interests of two “superpowers” ​​- the USSR and the USA - were closely intertwined there. The main target of the Soviet missile carriers was the warships of the 6th American Fleet. It should be recognized that the geographical conditions of the Mediterranean made the Project 670 boats the most formidable weapon in this theater. Their presence caused well-founded concern among the American command, which did not have at its disposal any reliable means of countering this threat.

Gradually, the geography of the trips of the “North Sea” boats pr.670 expanded. In January-May 1974, a unique 107-day transition took place K-201 (commander captain 2nd rank V.D. Khaitarov) together with the submarine pr.671 K-314 from the Northern to the Pacific Fleet along the southern route through the Indian Ocean. On March 10-25, the boats called at the port of Berbera (Somalia), where their crews were given a short rest, after which the voyage continued, successfully ending in Kamchatka in early May.

All “Pacific” ships of Project 670 became part of the 10th division of the 2nd submarine flotilla. Their main task was to track (and, upon receiving the appropriate order, destroy) American aircraft carriers. In particular, K-201 in December 1980 carried out long-term tracking of an aircraft carrier strike group led by the aircraft carrier Coral Sea (for which it was awarded the gratitude of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy). Due to the shortage of anti-submarine submarines at the Pacific Fleet, “Pacific” SSGNs Project 670 were also used to solve problems of searching for American submarines in the combat patrol areas of our SSBNs.

One of the ships of Project 670 (commanded by Captain 2nd Rank Terenov) became the first nuclear submarine of the Indian Navy. The most favorable basing conditions were created for the new, most powerful warship of the Indian fleet, named “Chakra” and tactical number S-71. The Chakra was operated in India for three years, spending approximately a year on autonomous voyages. All missile training exercises resulted in a direct hit on the target. Chakra has become a real university for Indian submariners. Many of the officers who served on it currently occupy key command posts in the Navy of this country. Suffice it to say that the SSGN gave India eight admirals.

Thus, submarines Project 670 left a noticeable mark on the history of the Soviet Navy. It can be said that the design solutions incorporated into their design allowed the Stingrays to be a terrible weapon in the right hands and fully meet the requirements of their time. And the existing combat capabilities and modernization potential ensured long and successful service in various theaters.
