Automation system for small businesses selling industrial goods. Trade automation. Ready-made store automation solutions

Retail networks are actively developing, being presented in various formats. The process is related to information technology. It is impossible to manually work with wide range, consisting of thousands of items. But a computer can do this. Small businesses acquire electronic equipment depending on a number of factors. But there are general principles that are expressed by specific indicators.

Retail Features

Concept retail means the sale of services and goods in a small batch, piece by piece. By the way, our previous article on hotel business automation, which also uses information capabilities, has a very related topic. Such activities are the function of relevant enterprises, usually in need of:

  • in squares;
  • on staff;
  • in sufficient quantities of goods in trading floor, in stock.

Making a profit, they use trade margin for products. Its value is regulated by the state of the market (30, 200%). Prices for some goods and services are set by the state, then the percentage is lower. The fact of purchase is usually confirmed by a cash register receipt.

The check contains the following information.

  • Name of the enterprise.
  • Price, cost.
  • Amount and rate of value added tax.
  • Date.
  • Place, address.
Important! Retail trade has existed since ancient times. First there was an exchange, and then the form became the sale of products and services on the market square. In the history of Russia this process got good development. Merchants were famous for their significant turnover, providing the country with the latest goods.

About automation

Retail automation applies to stores ranging from 70 to 350 square meters. The assortment usually does not exceed 6 thousand items. The counter sales format is usually much less efficient than self-service. The reasons are better access to the product, greater speed in the second case.

When planning automation, you should prepare for the restructuring and streamlining of accounting as the first stage. Acquisition computer equipment the process will not be limited. The whole system will change. Thus, newly arrived goods are not immediately placed on the sales floor, but are entered into the database information system. After all, the cost must be reflected in the memory of the cash register, without which the product cannot be sold.

Stages of transition to information technology

Transition process to new technology involves a number of basic steps.

Costs, equipment

In a small store with an area of ​​up to 180 sq. meters will require automation with costs of up to $17 thousand. The suggested list is as follows.

  • POS terminals (Point-of-Sale, point of sale) are electronic devices for accepting payments through payment cards. Devices will make trading modern. You can take domestically produced cash registers, calculating how many of them you need: per 100 sq. meters - approximately 2 terminals with a scanner, thermal printer, printing receipt tape.
  • Up to 2 computers (not counting accounting needs), a data storage server is desirable.
  • Automation of a grocery store is usually not complete without scales. For example, the principle of self-service implies the installation of devices in the packaging area and in the department.
  • A label printer for marking quickly purchased goods will come in handy.
  • Nothing will work if there are no programs.

Store automation equipment is not the only need. Costs include:

  • laying a local network;
  • delivery of computers;
  • installation and configuration of software;
  • training of merchandisers, cashiers, operators and management supervising the operation of the store.

Automation point of sale should be carried out with the assistance and accompaniment of reliable companies, people independent of financial results her work. Otherwise, there is a risk of artificially increasing them.

Pay attention! The final cost figure is subject to adjustment using discounts and phased payments.

Reasons for possible failures

Many entrepreneurs make typical and common mistakes that add up to a list. It is quite possible to avoid them and automate your store in an almost perfect way.

  1. When selling clothing, it is not necessary to use POS systems, which is more expensive and leaves the enterprise without advantages. Or you can use a specialized option. For example, “1C: Retail. Clothes and shoe store." It is preferable to use a PC or POS computer, 1C and POS peripherals.
  2. Ignoring anti-theft systems. The automation system of any store must provide security. Otherwise, up to 12% of revenue or more is lost. The following methods are used.
    • Anti-theft systems.
    • Video surveillance.
    • Security personnel.

    The best solution includes all methods at once. If it is impossible to implement the project comprehensively, it is necessary to analyze the statistics on thefts. For example, alcohol and clothing are most susceptible to illegal removal. To protect them, trade automation includes an option - anti-theft systems. Food products are monitored by video surveillance.

    Attention! Losses with the use of security are reduced, cost recovery comes within up to 3 months.
  3. Automation of a retail store does not include checking banknotes for authenticity. The price of the detector does not exceed 10,000 rubles, so you should not save.
  4. Do not update systems with innovations. Stores that do not allow you to pay by card lose profits. Another case is that the food department is not equipped with devices for slicing cheese and sausages.
  5. The automation of a store whose ready-made solution (turnkey) was built incorrectly due to incompatible, poorly connected software was unsuccessful. It is difficult to correct such errors in an information system.
  6. Having carried out automation, they do not delve into the process. It is necessary, together with a team of employees, to monitor the correctness of tasks and decision-making.


What will the store look like if it is not automated at all? It is impossible to carry out accounting on paper or exercise proper control over the process in the absence of such modernization. Although the events are by no means free, you need to acquire equipment, software for it and make settings. Retail store automation accepts solutions with an integrated, multifaceted approach. Literacy, planning, choosing a partner with whom to delve into the processes, and timely updating are important.

Many owners of small shops began to more often resort to the services of our company, which deals with the automation of small and large stores, service sector enterprises and catering.

Accounting automation services in small stores

Why choose ours out of dozens of companies? Apparently because automation small store, offered by our company is comprehensive services By affordable prices, which includes the selection, delivery, installation, commissioning of equipment and installation of software that is simple and understandable to any user. System products Set Retail and Atol Frontol sold by us are popular in Russian market, recommended for EGAIS and perfectly solve all problems small business, contributing to its rapid development and increased profits.

Problems solved by the implementation of a management system

We offer the latest versions of store automation products. Set Retail and Atol Frontol, which are distinguished by modified applications that take into account the errors of previous versions and during operation they demonstrate themselves as stable and effective. Moreover, they are easily configured by the user, without the involvement of programmers and other specialists, and are perfectly compatible with an expanded list of POS equipment. Software product improves business, eliminates errors, simplifies its management and exercises control over the staff of the cash register area.

The main tasks solved by automation and control systems in the goods accounting system and at the cash register

In the commodity accounting system, issues of managing purchases, sales, product balances are resolved, price optimization, monitoring store profitability, management financial flows etc.

By using cash program installed directly on the cash register, you can achieve accurate accounting of goods and sales volumes. The cashier does not have any difficulties when paying clients; the functions of loading prices at cash registers, opening and closing shifts, and printing price tags are easily performed. The program automates and monitors sales of individual product groups.

Main capabilities of the automation system

Using software package Set Retail or Atol Frontol, trade automation - good option for a small store that will provide the opportunity:

  • maintain accurate records of goods and finances;
  • control the dynamics of movement cash, goods;
  • prevent theft and various types of fraud on the part of staff.

As you can see, the entire system is built on strict control and accounting, which are carried out using the operational part installed at the cash register and the accounting part installed at the accountant’s place.

The operational part provides:

The accounting part provides:

  • control of purchases, deliveries, movements, balances, inventories of goods;
  • creating markups on goods with minimal human intervention;
  • control of financial flows;
  • control of mutual settlements with suppliers;
  • creation of a full-fledged commodity base, a base of purchase and selling prices;
  • generating orders for goods;
  • quick inventory, accounting and revaluation of goods;
  • printing price tags, all necessary payment, financial, tax, shipping and loading documents;
  • maintaining separate records for different categories of goods;
  • automatic control of cashiers’ actions;
  • control of sales histories, changes in selling prices.

Basic set of automation equipment

To automate small stores, a basic set of equipment and simple software Set Retail and Atol Frontol, developed Russian companies, with the ability to replace outdated applications with new ones.

  • POS terminal or system unit and monitor;
  • cash register;
  • multi-plane barcode scanner;
  • banknote detector;
  • programmable POS keyboard;
  • fiscal registrar;
  • electronic scales;
  • cash drawer;
  • Set Retail software or Atol Frontol;
  • cash register tape;
  • receipt tape.

After installing inexpensive but functional equipment and the best software, the store owner receives effective way control of your business. The system minimizes the number of errors and eliminates staff abuse. Reports generated by the program cannot be corrected or deleted so that it goes unnoticed. The automation is incorruptible and records every action of the personnel.


Trading today is unthinkable without automation. Even in a small store, it allows you to solve a number of important problems: reduces costs, simplifies work service personnel, provides a high level of financial, commodity and management accounting, controls work with suppliers, optimizes the trading process, increases customer loyalty, provides high-quality and fast customer service and attracts more customers. Every buyer wants to be served well and quickly, not to be shortchanged, not to be sold low-quality goods.

If you don’t know how to automate trade in a small store, then entrust this matter to the specialists from our company. Taking into account all the requirements, wishes, financial possibilities customer, our company provides professional services for store automation different levels- from small shops to markets. The entire automation process takes several days from the moment you contact the company. At the same time, we guarantee high quality works at affordable prices, staff training, warranty service and 24-hour support.

Wanting to start own business, every entrepreneur makes every effort, including creative and intellectual ones. It is important to find exactly the main idea that will help ensure stable income for the longest possible period of time. However, most future businessmen understand that the most creative thoughts cannot be realized without the appropriate hardware and software.

Features of process automation in modern trade

Modern trade is based on global process automation. At the same time, a functional and convenient internal accounting system is necessary even in the most modest-sized store. It is important not only, but also to build an effective model for collecting and storing information for the purpose of its subsequent generalization and transfer to regulatory authorities, or making management decisions.

Domestic market: innovative automation systems for small businesses

Trade is one of the most dynamically developing economic spheres. Gradually outdated cash registers are being replaced by multifunctional and highly efficient POS systems.
Manufacturers try to adhere to the principle of focusing on a certain specificity and scale of business: be it a hypermarket, a medium-sized store or a small fashion boutique.

Modern innovative solutions for small stores deserve special attention. Already become accessible systems, created on the basis of familiar Android devices used by most people in everyday life. The system provides the entrepreneur with:

  • maximum freedom of action;
  • significant savings in time and money.

It is worth noting that there are a number of noteworthy innovative developments on the domestic market.

Trade automation: an option for a small store from the company website

The company website offers a unique option - a compact and functional POS system ATOL Own store EGAIS. This is an ideal way to automate a small retail outlet at the lowest cost. The system is especially in demand in grocery minimarkets that sell alcohol at retail.

System components

  • Android-based mobile device;
  • convenient fiscal registrar;
  • functional barcode scanner.

At the same time, an inexpensive tablet or smartphone is quite suitable for effective and complete management of the system. Total costs doubled less cost existing analogues, consisting of traditional POS systems and inventory accounting software with a separate workstation.

Key Benefits

Even a beginner can work with it - it is enough to have minimal experience in using mobile devices.

So, for a successful start of a small store you need the main thing - creative idea. Everything else will be done for you by special software used in conjunction with the appropriate equipment.

The user of the My Store system gets the opportunity to:

  • the formation of an almost complete inventory system for a small trading enterprise;
  • independent participation in working with clients: maintaining cash transactions and printing sales receipts;
  • remote sales control;
  • establishing an effective data exchange process with such global systems, like EGAIS and 1C.

With such an automation system, the owner small store will not only provide his personal needs for a stable profit - he will be able to control the work of sellers without being in the store in person. The entrepreneur’s material interests will be maximally protected, since he himself regulates sellers’ access to the system.

Timely accounting of warehouse stocks is also important in order to constantly maintain the required assortment and eliminate mis-grading. The system allows you to generate reports convenient for analyzing current activities and planning.

The ready-made ATOL Shop at Home automation system can be no less convenient for convenience stores. Highly qualified specialists of the site company are always ready to help both beginners and more experienced entrepreneurs in matters of automating business processes.

The store is too small, the assortment is small, there are few customers, there are few sales staff, and the budget for automation is quite modest. But it’s also small retail stores it is important to control and manage business processes. To manage sales, it is important to analyze competitors, pricing, and marketing. To manage inventory, sales are analyzed, balances are tracked, and goods are promptly ordered. Working with clients involves expanding client base, loyalty programs, feedback. Also, from the point of view of financial management, it is necessary to control mutual settlements with suppliers and calculate salaries.

The owner of a small store has to carry out operational management independently, including analytics, planning and execution control. Even a small mistake can result in large losses.

The most popular argument against automating a small store is that it is expensive. However, if you compare the option of trade automation for a small store and the financial losses of a non-automated enterprise due to dishonesty of employees, delays in ordering products, and dissatisfied customers, the argument about the high cost is refuted.

On average, automation of a small store pays for itself within 6 months, and the benefits from optimizing management business processes become obvious as soon as you start using accounting system in operational work.

Trade automation options for a small store:

  1. Package bulk goods (cheese, sausage, confectionery) before reaching the counter, still in the warehouse. To do this, you need to install electronic scales in your warehouse with the function of printing labels with barcodes. After the goods arrive on the counter, lay it out.
  2. Weigh goods at the checkout (vegetables, fruits). Then the cashier, using electronic scales without printing labels, weighs the goods and enters the product code. In this case, the cost is calculated automatically.

Ready-made automation kits

Newjer Atol 91F + 1C: Cash desk

Inexpensive kit for quick automation of a market point, kiosk, or small canteen.

Using the “1C: Cash Desk” cloud, it is easy to enter goods and prices in cash registers, register sales, maintain simple inventory records and effectively manage several retail outlets.

Newger supports barcode scanner; works offline for up to 8 hours.

Included: autonomous CCP “Atol 91F”, cloud system inventory accounting and analytics “1C: Cash register”.

1C - ATOL MK 11F Mobile

A convenient option for couriers, delivery services, sales agents and field services.

The kit contains all the functionality for effective mobile commerce: accepting payment and issuing a check under 54-FZ at the time of settlement, sending checks to the OFD via Bluetooth or mobile Internet, scanning barcodes using the tablet's camera. The compact cash register runs on a battery for up to 15 hours and easily fits in a pocket or attaches to a belt.

Included: FR “Atol 11F Mobile BT 2G”, applications “1C: Mobile cash register” and “1C: UNF + online cash register with 54-FZ”, module for wireless data transmission, rechargeable battery for autonomous operation, tablet 7 1C- IDZOR ALONG8321

1C - Azur - 01F – MK

“Three in one” set: mobile online cash register with acquiring and built-in barcode scanner in one device + pre-installed “1C: Mobile cash register” application.

Suitable for small retail, service and catering industries, courier services, outbound trade. Convenient to register retail sales, accept cash and non-cash payments, including contactless ones, work with customer orders and keep simple sales records. The CCP charge lasts for 12 hours. “1C: Mobile Cash Desk” can be synchronized with “1C: Cash Desk”, “1C: Retail 8”, “1C: Accounting 8” and other 1C programs.

Included: KKT AZUR - 01F, “1C: Mobile cash register”.

1C: Cash register + Atol 30F BT + Laptop 14 + Windows 10 Pro

Inexpensive, full-featured workplace owner of a small retail outlet with all the necessary software and no subscription fee.

The large screen allows you to comfortably work with invoices and tables, browse websites, create and accept orders, and manage an online store. A laptop based on a 4-core Intel Atom Z8350 4Gb/64Gb processor has sufficient performance to run the 1C: Cashier application. Windows 10 Pro comes pre-configured automatic updates disabled by default.

Included: FR Atol 30F, laptop 14; with Windows 10 Pro with pre-installed 1C: Cashier.

CASH SHOP No. 1 + 1C: Retail 8 + ASTRAL OFD

Inexpensive set for a point of sale with a PC.

A functional online cash register takes up little space, connects to a PC via Ethernet, Wi-Fi or USB and easily integrates with “1C: Retail 8”. Using this program, it is easy to solve daily tasks: work with items, register sales and returns, maintain inventory records, manage assortment, purchases and warehouse, receive useful reports on the operation of the outlet and send sales data to accounting programs 1C.

Included: Cash register number 1 with financial tax for 15 months, 1C: Retail 8. Basic version. Electronic delivery, Astral OFD for 15 months.


Kit for online stores.

Cash register number 1 can automatically generate and send a receipt for online purchases; It is possible to disable the printing of paper receipts. “1C: UNF” is optimal as a back office for an online store: the program integrates with popular site management systems (CMS): 1C - Bitrix, UMI.CMS, InSales, etc., synchronizes with “1C: Accounting 8”, “1C” : Retail 8” and exchanges data with more than 25 banks, including Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank.

Included: Cash register “Cashier No. 1” without FN, “1C: Managing our company”
