Judgment about social conflicts. Test. Conflicts. A8. The class division of society reflects

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Social conflicts

A. Social conflict always leads to negative consequences.

B. Social conflicts vary in form and nature of development.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are they true? the following judgments about social conflict?

A. Social conflicts are caused by divergence of interests.

B. The end of a conflict is always associated with its successful resolution.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following judgments about resolving social conflicts true?

A. Negotiations are a constructive way to resolve social conflicts.

B. Ending a conflict always means resolving it.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The conflict is based on a contradiction of interests.

B. The purpose of the conflict may be to protect one's rights.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Participants in a social conflict can be large groups and communities.

B. Any social conflict leads to destructive consequences for society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The cause of social conflict may be the lack of complete information on any issue.

B. Social conflicts differ in the number of parties involved and the severity of the confrontation.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The desire of the parties to defend their views is one of the causes of social conflict.

B. Social conflicts can have both positive and negative consequences for society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements true? social conflicts?

A. An example of a political conflict is the litigation of a dispute between two firms over the restoration of ownership of non-residential premises.

B. An example of economic conflict is the holding of the World Cup.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

A. Personality is formed in interaction with other people.
B. Personality is formed throughout a person’s life.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect
A2. Man differs from animals in that he...
1) has natural instincts
2) has the most perfect hearing
3) does not depend on natural conditions
4) has articulate speech
A3. What characterizes a market economy?
1) private ownership of the means of production
2) equal distribution of manufactured products
3) government regulation pricing
4) centralized production planning
A5. The reproductive function of the family is manifested in...
1) consumption organization
2) moral regulation of behavior
3) in raising children in family traditions
4) biological reproduction
A6. A German humanist of the past wrote: “A child learns what he sees in his home: his parents are his example.” What role of family in the life of a person and society do these poetic lines speak about?
1) organization of joint leisure
2) strengthening family ties
3) joint housekeeping
4) raising children
A7. Unlike animals, man is capable
1) react using the senses
2) develop conditioned reflexes
3) satisfy needs
4) foresee the results of your actions
A8. Are the following statements about social conflict true?
A. The desire of the parties to defend their views is one of the causes of social conflict.
B. Social conflicts can have both positive and negative consequences for society.
1. only A is correct
2. only B is correct
3. both judgments are correct
4. both judgments are wrong
A9. A government budget deficit is...
1) decreasing the number tax revenue
2) excess of government expenditures over revenues
3) reduction in the money supply
4) reduction of external debt
A10. What area do production, competition, and market belong to?
1) economic
2) social
3) political
4) spiritual
A11. Sasha is a good student in general education and music school. He helps his mother raise his younger sister and brother. All this characterizes Sasha as
1) citizen
2) individual
3) personality
4) son
A12. Are the following judgments about the economic sphere of society correct?
A. Economic sphere in addition to the production, exchange, distribution of material goods, it also includes their consumption.
B. The economic sphere influences all other spheres of society.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect
A13. The distinctive feature of a nation as an ethnic community is
1) common language and spiritual culture
2) sovereignty in foreign policy
3) presence of public authority
4) variety of property relations
A14. In the country of Vietnam, high-tech industries are actively developing, and revolutionary changes have occurred in the field of mass communications. Computers and robotics are used in production and in everyday life. The level of education of the population is very high. What type of society is V.?
1) traditional
2) industrial
3) agricultural
4) informational
A15. Are the following statements about global problems correct?A. Global problems are those that affect people all over the world.B. Global problems created a threat to the continued existence of humanity.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

1.Are the following judgments about local governments true? A. Local government bodies resolve issues of social development of their

territories, organize places for trade.

B. Activities of organs local government regulated by the charters of cities (districts, villages)

2.Are the following judgments about social control true?

A. Social control is carried out both through the application of certain requirements developed by society to the individual, and through the individual’s demands on himself.

B. The ability of self-control is formed in an individual in the process of interaction with society

3. Are the following judgments about social relations true?

A. Social relations arise in the process of activity.
B. By example public relations may result in conflict between group members.

4. Are the following judgments about social norms true?
A. Compliance with all social norms is controlled by the state.
B. Only the state can apply sanctions to violators of social norms.
1) only A is true; 2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

5. Are the following judgments about revolutions true?
A. Revolutions in the assessments of historians are always positive.
B. The theory of evolution is incompatible with revolutionary development.
1) only A is true; 2) only B is true;
3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Social conflict always leads to a change in the social structure of society.
B. One form of social conflict is a workers' strike.
1) true
only A
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) are both judgments incorrect?

Are the following judgments about science true? A) science is distinguished from other spheres of culture by the expression of a subjective attitude towards the world B) science is characterized by

theoretical substantiation of the laws of development of nature and society

1) true A 2) true B 3) both true 4) neither false

Which of the following is true? example of economics in the meaning of "science"

1) buying a car on credit 2) studying the demand for washing machines 3) issuing a loan to buy an apartment 4) producing chocolates

Factors of production include

1) land2) distribution3) production4) consumption

In country Z, the economy is based on a variety of forms of ownership and economic freedom of production. What type of economic system is this typical for?

1) market2) command3) traditional4) centralized

Are the following judgments about economic science correct? A) Economic science studies only the modern economic activities of people. B) Economic science studies ways to satisfy the growing needs of people in conditions of limited resources.

1) only A is correct2) only B is correct3) both are correct4) both are incorrect

Tasks 13. Social sphere

1. Are the following judgments about social roles correct?

A. Social roles are acquired by the individual in the process of socialization.

B. All social roles of a person are formal in nature.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Not all social roles are formal. Social roles can be formally established (in law and other legal act), but can also be informal in nature (moral standards of behavior).

Correct answer: 1.


A. Conflict interaction is possible in any society.

B. The causes of social conflict may be related to conflicting interests social groups.

Explanation. Social conflict is a conflict caused by disagreements between social groups or individuals with differences in opinions and views, the desire to take a leading position; manifestation social connections people. social conflict is a constant and necessary phenomenon in every society.

Correct answer: 3.


A. All social norms are protected by the power of the state.

B. Social norms by their nature can be prohibitive, permissive and preventive.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social norms are generally accepted rules, patterns of behavior, standards of activity designed to ensure orderliness, sustainability and stability. social interaction individuals and social groups. Correct answer: 2.

4. Are the following statements about social norms correct?

A. All social norms are formal.

B. As a rule, social norms are fixed in regulatory legal acts.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Most social norms are informal. for example, rules of behavior in the family. A - incorrect.

Only legal norms are fixed in regulatory legal acts. B - incorrect.

Correct answer: 4.


A. The causes of social conflicts lie in the conflicting interests of various social groups.

B. Social conflicts always have an impact negative impact for the development of society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


B - incorrect, many social conflicts have a positive impact on the development of society (the American Civil War led to the abolition of slavery). Correct answer: 1.


A. Interethnic conflicts can arise at the everyday level.

B. Russian legislation provides for liability for inciting ethnic hatred.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Interethnic conflict is a conflict between representatives of ethnic communities usually living in close proximity in a state. Since "nationality" in Russian usually means the same as "ethnicity", it is sometimes called an interethnic conflict.

On August 6, 2005, due to a domestic quarrel, a large-scale fight occurred between residents of the villages of Moskhob (Dagestan) and Novoselskaya (Chechnya). 20 Avars and 5 Chechens were seriously injured.

IN Russian Federation for inciting hatred on ethnic grounds (this concept can include the spread of racist, extremist, separatist and other similar ideologies, as well as provocations of interethnic conflicts) Article 282 of the Criminal Code provides for criminal liability. Correct answer: 3.

7. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Social conflict has only negative consequences.

B. The clash of interests of social groups reflects interpersonal conflict.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social conflict is a conflict caused by disagreements between social groups or individuals with differences in opinions and views, the desire to take a leading position; manifestation of people's social connections.

In every conflict there are both disintegrative, destructive, and integrative, creative moments. Conflict can destroy social communities. In addition, internal conflict destroys group unity. Speaking about the positive aspects of the conflict, it should be noted that a limited, private consequence of the conflict may be an increase in group interaction. Conflict may be the only way out of a tense situation. Correct answer: 4.

8. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Participants in a social conflict can be large groups and communities.

B. Any social conflict leads to destructive consequences for society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social conflict is a conflict caused by disagreements between social groups or individuals with differences in opinions and views, the desire to take a leading position; manifestation of people's social connections.

In every conflict there are both disintegrative, destructive, and integrative, creative moments. Conflict can destroy social communities. In addition, internal conflict destroys group unity. Speaking about the positive aspects of the conflict, it should be noted that a limited, private consequence of the conflict may be an increase in group interaction. Conflict may be the only way out of a tense situation. Correct answer: 1.


A. The family carries out the biological reproduction of new generations.

B. The family socializes new generations.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Most researchers note that the family is a microenvironment that is the source of primary socialization for the child, therefore its role in the socialization process is very important.

One of the functions of the family is reproductive, biological reproduction. Correct answer: 3.

10. Are the following statements about ethnic groups true?

A. Tribes, nationalities, nations are types of ethnic groups.

B. Members of any ethnic community are united by the unity of language, beliefs and citizenship.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. The main types of national-ethnic groups: clan, tribe, people, nations, nationalities, races, which means A is correct.

People of the same nationality can have different beliefs, which means B is incorrect. Correct answer: 1.

11. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The divergence of interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Reasons for social conflicts:

3) religious differences;


1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Marriage to a person of higher social status can increase one's own social status.

Correct answer: 3.


A. The size and form of a person’s income characterize his status.

B. A person performs various roles in society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Status (translated from Latin) - condition, position.

Social status - social status person in society.


A. The main function of the family is production and economic.

B. The family protects the sphere of a person’s personal life.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Family functions:

2) social status;

3) household;

4) emotional;

5) sexy;

6) socialization of children;

7) recreational - leisure activities. Correct answer: 2.

15. Are the following judgments about the social status of an individual correct?

A. The social status of an individual presupposes that she has certain rights and responsibilities.

B. Education is a characteristic of achieved status.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social components status:

1) status rights and obligations;

2) status range - established framework within which rights and responsibilities are exercised (reducing the inter-status distance is called familiarity);

3) status symbols - external insignia (uniform, demeanor, etc.);

4) status image or image-set of ideas that have developed in public opinion about how an individual should look and behave in accordance with his status;

5) status identification - determining the degree of compliance with one’s status.

Achievable - a status that a person received thanks to his efforts, desire or luck (profession, husband, millionaire, world champion). Correct answer: 3.

16. Are the following statements about social inequality true?

A. Differences in income are one of the manifestations of social inequality.

B. Social inequality appeared during the transition of society to the industrial phase of development.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social inequality appeared at the stage of decomposition of the primitive system.

One of the main manifestations of social inequality is differences in income. Correct answer: 1.

17. Are the following statements about social conflicts true?

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Reasons for social conflicts:

1) social heterogeneity of society;

2) differences in levels of income, power, prestige, education;

3) religious differences;

4) social and psychological traits of a person. Correct answer: 3.

18. Are the following statements about the functions of the family correct?

A. B modern society production function remains the main function of the family.

B. The reproductive (biological reproduction) function of the family retains its importance in societies of any type.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Family - small group, whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, common life and mutual responsibility.

Family functions:

1) reproductive - biological reproduction of the population;

2) social status;

3) household;

4) emotional;

5) sexy;

6) socialization of children;

7) recreational leisure activities.

Correct answer: 2.

19. Are the following statements about family types true?

A. A multi-generational family is becoming typical for an industrial society.

B. The small (nuclear) family prevails in a traditional society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. The family is, according to traditional ideas, the basic unit of society, characterized, in particular, by the following integral stable features.

Main types of family (nuclear, complex, complete, incomplete).

Nuclear families are families consisting of one married couple with children. Appears during the period of industrial society.

Complex family (multi-generation) - other relatives are added to the family core, both in the ascending line (grandparents, great-grandparents) and in the collateral lines (various relatives of each spouse). It may also include several married couples, the members of which are related by kinship and joint farming. Characteristic of a traditional society. Correct answer: 4.

20. Are the following judgments about social statuses and roles true?

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Status (translated from Latin) - condition, position.

Social status - a person's social position in society.

Types of statuses:

3. Mixed (disabled).

Social role (Linton, Mead) - a model of behavior focused on a certain status.

Correct answer: 3.

21. Are the following statements about the family true?

A. A family is a small group.

B. The family arose earlier than the state.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

The family arose in the primitive era, that is, before the state.

Correct answer: 3.


A. Ethnicity combines both biological and social properties of people.

B. Ethnic groups are formed only after the emergence of the state.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Clan - a group of blood relatives descending along the same line.

A tribe is an association of several clans.

A nationality is a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation.

Nations emerge during the period of development of capitalist relations.

A nation is a historically established community characterized by developed economic ties, common territory, language, culture, psychological makeup, self-awareness.

Ethnicity is a collection of people who have a common culture and are aware of this commonality as an expression of a common historical destinies. It is a general concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

Correct answer: 1.


A. Ethnocentrism often becomes the cause of large-scale conflicts and wars.

B. Racial and national intolerance are an everyday type of ethnocentrism.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Ethnocentrism is a preference for one’s own ethnic group, manifested in the perception and assessment of life phenomena through the prism of its traditions and values. Correct answer: 1.

24. Are the following judgments about social status correct?

A. Each person performs only one social role in the current period of his life.

B. A person receives social status at birth and does not change it throughout his life.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Status (translated from Latin) - condition, position.

Social status - a person's social position in society.

Types of statuses:

1. Assigned - the status into which a person is born or which is assigned to him over time (age, gender, race, nationality, royal family, in-laws).

2. Achieved - a status that a person received thanks to his efforts, desire or luck (profession, husband, millionaire, world champion).

3. Mixed (disabled).

Social role (Linton, Mead) - a model of behavior focused on a certain status. The same person can perform several social roles. Correct answer: 4.


) form of government 2) government structure 3) political system 4) political regime


Form government system- way territorial organization state or states forming a union. Defines internal structure state, its division into component parts (territories) and the principles of their relationship with each other.

Correct answer: 4.

26. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The discrepancy between the interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.

B. Interethnic conflict is a type of social conflict.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social conflict is the highest stage of development of contradictions in the system of relations between people, social groups, and society as a whole.

Conflict is the demolition of old cultural forms by new ones.

Reasons for social conflicts:

1) social heterogeneity of society;

2) differences in levels of income, power, prestige, education;

3) religious differences;

4) social and psychological traits of a person. Correct answer: 3.

27. System of implementation methods state power, the attitude of the authorities to the implementation of individual rights and freedoms

1) form of government 2) government system 3) political system 4) political regime

Sleeping. Political regime (from the Latin regimen - management) is a set of methods, techniques and forms of implementing political relations in society, that is, the way its political system functions.

Form of government - an element of the form of state that determines the system of organization higher authorities state authorities, the procedure for their formation, terms of activity and competence.

The political system of a society or the political organization of a society is a set of interactions (relations) of political subjects associated with the exercise of power (government), organized on a single normative and value basis.

The form of government is the method of territorial organization of the state or states forming a union. Determines the internal structure of the state, its division into component parts (territories) and the principles of their relationship with each other. Correct answer: 4.

28. Are the following judgments about social status correct?

A. A person can increase his social status by changing his marital status.

B. Social status reflects a person’s position in society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Status (translated from Latin) - condition, position.

Social status - a person's social position in society.

Types of statuses:

1. Assigned - the status into which a person is born or which is assigned to him over time (age, gender, race, nationality, royal family, in-laws).

2. Achieved - a status that a person received thanks to his efforts, desire or luck (profession, husband, millionaire, world champion).

3. Mixed (disabled).

Status rank:

1) high;

2) average;

3) low. Correct answer: 3.

29. Are the following statements about social conflicts true?

A. A quarrel between friends is a manifestation of social conflict.

B. Conflicting interests of workers and entrepreneurs can cause social conflict.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Social conflict is the highest stage of development of contradictions in the system of relations of people, social. groups, society as a whole.

Conflict is the demolition of old cultural forms by new ones.

Reasons for social conflicts:

1. social heterogeneity of society;

2. differences in levels of income, power, prestige, education;

3. religious differences;

4. social and psychological traits of a person. Correct answer: 3.

30. Are the following judgments about social statuses and roles true?

A. A person’s marital status is an important characteristic of his social status.

B. A person in a family plays different roles.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Status (translated from Latin) - condition, position.

Social status - a person's social position in society.

Types of statuses:

1. Assigned - the status into which a person is born or which is assigned to him over time (age, gender, race, nationality, royal family, in-laws).

2. Achieved - a status that a person received thanks to his efforts, desire or luck (profession, husband, millionaire, world champion).

3. Mixed (disabled).

Social role - a model of behavior focused on a certain status. Correct answer: 3.

31. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social conflicts can lead to both positive and negative consequences. Social conflicts vary in form and nature of development. Correct answer: 2.

32. Are the following judgments about ways to resolve conflicts correct?

A. Competition is one of the effective ways to resolve conflict.

B. Negotiations and mediation are often used in resolving international conflicts.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Judgment A is incorrect, since competition leads to the growth of the conflict, and not to its cessation; judgment B - correct, negotiations - effective way resolution of international conflicts. Correct answer: 2.

33. Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. Unlike a nationality, a nation is a more stable community of people, and its stability is given by the community of economic life.

B. The state forms nationalities and nations, unites territories and establishes connections with ethnic groups.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


And - that's right, this is one of the signs of a nation, a common economy;

B - incorrect, the state arises after the emergence of the nationality. Correct answer: 1

34. Are the following judgments about interethnic conflicts true?

A. One of the ways to overcome interethnic conflicts is to develop a dialogue of cultures.

B. One of the causes of interethnic conflicts is interethnic disputes.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. A - true, because during the dialogue of cultures, peoples get to know each other better and this helps to overcome interethnic conflicts.

B - correct, since interethnic disputes over something can develop into interethnic conflict answer: 3

35. Are the following statements about the functions of the family correct?

A. The family is the institution of primary socialization of a person.

B. The family gives its members a certain social status.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. A - correct, since primary socialization occurs in the family;

B - that’s right, so the family gives each member a certain social status.

Correct answer: 3

36. Are the following statements about ethnic groups true?

A. An ethnic group is characterized by a common language and traditions.

B. The main types of ethnic groups are tribes, nationalities, and nations.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Yes, both statements are correct. correct answer: 3

37. Are the following statements about social norms correct?

A. Social norms change along with the development of society.

B. Following social norms is ensured only by the power of public opinion.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. B - incorrect, since social and legal norms are supported by the power of the state. Correct answer: 1

38. Are the following statements about social conflicts true?

A. Social conflicts in society are inevitable.

B. Social conflicts can arise both between individuals and between social groups.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social conflict is the highest stage of development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups, and society as a whole, which is characterized by a clash of opposing interests, goals, and positions of the subjects of interaction. Conflicts can be hidden or overt, but they are always based on a lack of agreement between two or more parties. Accordingly, both judgments are correct. Correct answer: 3

39. Are the following judgments about social status correct?

A. Social statuses are divided into prescribed and achieved.

B. A person can have different statuses.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. A- is correct, since acquired (achieved) status is a status that a person achieves thanks to his mental and physical efforts (work, connections, position, post).

prescribed (attributed) status - a status that a person acquires regardless of his desire (age, status in the family); it can change over the course of his life. The prescribed status is either innate or acquired. B - that's right, you can be a policeman and a racketeer at the same time. answer: 3

40. Are the following statements about social conflicts true?

A. Social conflicts in society are inevitable.

B. Social conflicts can arise between individuals and social groups.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social conflict is the highest stage of development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups, and society as a whole, which is characterized by a clash of opposing interests, goals, and positions of the subjects of interaction. Conflicts can be hidden or overt, but they are always based on a lack of agreement between two or more parties. Accordingly, both judgments are correct. Correct answer: 3

41. Are the following statements about the family true?

A. The family belongs to a small social group.

B. The behavior of family members does not depend on each other.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Oh, that's right. Since a small group is a fairly stable association of people connected by mutual contacts. Small social group - a small group of people (from 3 to 15 people) who are united by a common social activities, are in direct communication, contribute to the emergence of emotional relationships. B - incorrect. Family members depend on each other and therefore cannot behave without taking into account the interests of other family members. Correct answer: 1

42. Are the judgments about family types correct?

A. The number of nuclear families has increased in modern society.

B. Extended families are a characteristic phenomenon of traditional society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. A - Yes, that's right. There is such a trend in modern society.

b_ YES, that's right. In a traditional society, each family independently carried out production activities, therefore, the more workers in the family, the more production. Correct answer: 3

43. Are the judgments about the functions of the family correct?

A. Preparing the younger generation for life is the point

reproductive function of the family.

B. The economic function of the family involves maintaining

household and care for disabled members.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


And it’s not true, reproductive function- This is the reproduction of children.

B – true Correct answer: 2

44. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. Social conflict always leads to negative consequences.

B. Social conflicts vary in form and nature of development.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


A - incorrect. Revolutions lead to positive changes in society

B - correct. Social conflicts vary in form and nature of development. Correct answer: 2

45. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The cause of social conflict may be the parties' lack of complete information on any issue.

B. Social conflicts vary in the number of parties involved and the severity of the confrontation.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. And - that's right, conflicts often arise for this reason.

B - correct. . According to the number of participants in the conflict interaction: intrapersonal - a person’s state of dissatisfaction with any circumstances of his life that are associated with the presence of conflicting needs and interests. aspirations and can cause affects; interpersonal - disagreement between two or more members of one group or several groups; intergroup - occur between social groups that pursue incompatible goals and interfere with each other through their practical actions.

Correct answer: 3


A. The ability to resolve conflicts is an example of deviant behavior.

B. Crime is an example of deviant behavior.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. A - incorrect, this is not deviant behavior.

B - correct. Correct answer: 2

47. Are the following statements about deviant behavior correct?

A. TO possible reasons deviant behavior includes the characteristics of a person’s character, his perception of the world, and life goals.

B. Possible causes of deviant behavior include the influence of the immediate social environment and the person’s living conditions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Signs of deviant behavior:

Deviant personal behavior is behavior that does not correspond to generally accepted or officially established social norms.

Deviant behavior and the person who displays it cause negative evaluation from other people (social sanctions).

Deviant behavior causes real damage to the individual or the people around him. Thus, deviant behavior is destructive or self-destructive.

Deviant behavior can be characterized as persistently repeated (repeated or prolonged).

Deviant behavior must be consistent with the general orientation of the individual.

Deviant behavior is considered within the medical norm.

Deviant behavior is accompanied by phenomena of social maladjustment.

Deviant behavior has a pronounced individual and age-gender specificity.

Correct answer: 3

48. Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

A. The conditions for successful interethnic cooperation include respect for the rights of ethnic minorities.

B. IN modern world Interethnic conflicts may arise due to territorial disputes.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Interethnic conflicts are one of the forms of relations between national communities, characterized by a state of mutual claims, which tends to increase confrontation up to armed clashes and open wars.

Any M.K. is of a unique nature. Interethnic conflicts are a consequence of the collapse or disintegration of society, discrimination of one nation by another, violation of agreements, rupture social relations and connections between people. The causes of interethnic conflicts are the struggle for the distribution and redistribution of material and cultural values ​​between ethnic groups and ethnic groups. Correct answer: 3

49. Are the following statements about social conflict true?

A. The desire of the parties to defend their views is one of the causes of social conflict.

B. Social conflicts can have both positive and negative consequences for society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Conflict (lat. conflictus - collided) is the most acute way of resolving contradictions in interests, goals, views that arise in the process of social interaction. Conflicts can have both positive and negative consequences for society.

Both are true. Correct answer: 3

50. Are the following statements about deviant behavior correct?

A. Deviant behavior involves both positive and negative deviations from the norm.

B. The cause of a person’s deviant behavior may be the bad influence of his immediate environment.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. A number of sociologists identify three main groups of deviations:

negative (for example, drug use),

positive (for example, social creativity),

socially neutral (for example, begging).

Therefore, both are correct.

Correct answer: 3

51. Are the following statements about the social structure of society correct?

A. The social structure of society is various types social communities and relationships between them.

B. Social structure reflects social inequality.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Explanation. Social structure is a set of interconnected elements that make up the internal structure of society. The concept " social structure"is used both in ideas about society as a social system.

Both are correct. Correct answer: 3

52. Are the following statements about social norms correct?

A. The main task of social norms is to regulate social life, human activities.

B. Social norms make the life of society more stable and predictable.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


Social norms are generally accepted rules, patterns of behavior, standards of activity designed to ensure orderliness, sustainability and stability of the social interaction of individuals and social groups. Based on this, both judgments are correct. Correct answer: 3
