The essence of territorial marketing. Common features and differences between “territorial marketing” and “territory marketing”. The main subjects of territorial marketing. Concepts of territorial marketing Territorial marketing concept and content

Topic 1. Fundamentals of territory marketing

1.1 The essence and types of territorial marketing

1.2 Subjects of territory marketing, their goals and interests

1.3 Territory marketing tools

1.4 Territory marketing strategies

The essence and types of territorial marketing.

Territorial marketing, This - new look activity, this is an element of the system of market relations, projected to the meso level. studying the market, demand, prices for the total products of the region, realizing its full potential from the perspective of both internal (regional) and external (outside the region) needs.

Regional marketing, as marketing at the meso level, objectively has the function of coordinating multi-level socio-economic interests of the macro (country) and micro (individual firms) levels. Levels of application, purpose, mission, main areas of work, target groups of marketing, identification and diagnosis of the condition and community problems, the reasons for their occurrence; developing a vision of prospects for solving these problems, taking into account the values ​​and resources of the community; development of a long-term step-by-step plan for investment and community transformation, territorial marketing and marketing of territories, internal and external marketing, state, regional and municipal marketing, marketing of countries, regions, local places.

Territory Marketing(territorial marketing) is marketing in the interests of the territory and its internal entities, as well as those external entities in whose attention this territory is interested.

This definition its content implies the existence of two directions in territory marketing:

· territory marketing, the object of attention of which is a specific territory as a whole, carried out both within a given territory and outside its borders;

· marketing on(inside) territories, the object of attention of which are relations regarding goods, services and various objects carried out within a given territory.

The term "territory" as used here is not clearly defined. It can mean a continent, a country, a region, a city, a district, and even a microdistrict or street. But in any case, what is common to all territories is the presence of some socio-economic processes on them, thanks to which territory marketing makes sense.

1.2 Subjects of territory marketing, their goals and interests.

It is most productive to divide the content of territory marketing according to the criterion of the location of subjects interested in the territory - outside or inside it. External actors are interested in the well-being of the region mainly because they want to export part of this well-being (physical resources, “brains,” labor products of cheap labor, sales opportunities financial resources etc.) beyond the boundaries of a given territory, transforming its well-being into personal well-being and that of one’s own (i.e., other) territory. Internal subjects connect their personal well-being with the well-being of their native region, their “homeland.” Each of these two positions may be interesting for the territory, but obviously in different ways, and therefore the approaches to these two categories of consumers should be different.

The main subjects of marketing in any field of activity include producers of a particular product (goods, services, etc.), its consumers (buyers, users) and intermediaries. Government bodies, entire sectors of the economy (for example, trade), the media, educational and scientific institutions, organizations and their systems can participate in marketing relations and actions. The most active participants in marketing relations are traditionally producers of products and services, and the subjects receiving special attention are consumers.

Target groups (markets), “consumers of territories” can be classified according to a number of characteristics and criteria. The largest of them are pairs “residents - non-residents” (the criterion of territorial affiliation, permanent residence, location) and " individuals - legal entities"(criterion legal status). At the same time, we must keep in mind: consumers in territory marketing can certain conditions become subjects interested in further promotion or, conversely, non-promotion of territories.

Target groups of “consumers” of the territory can be classified according to a number of characteristics and criteria. Below is one such classification:

Enterprises and organizations forming the territory – These are those whose products and services are produced in a given territory and sold primarily outside its borders. These include enterprises in the mining, chemical, energy, engineering, timber processing, textile, construction, transport and other industries, whose products (ore, coal, oil, gas, metal, fertilizers, acids, alkalis, machine tools, cars, metal structures, lumber , paper, electricity, fabrics, construction and transportation services, etc.), as a rule, is excessive for a given territory and therefore is brought to higher-level markets: territorial, national, international. This category may also include enterprises and social organizations, such as the universities of Cambridge and Oxford in the UK, the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. G. Ilizarov in Kurgan, the Parthenon in Greece and the pyramids in Egypt, the “Golden Ring” of Russia, the beaches of Turkey, Spain, Brazil, entertainment centers in the USA, Thailand, Monaco, etc. The main feature of the enterprises and organizations that form the territory is sale of excess local resources (labor, intellectual, technological, natural, material, financial, educational, health, recreational, etc.) in the form of goods and services in foreign markets and attraction of scarce resources, mainly financial and raw materials, to one’s territory from outside

Enterprises and organizations providing the territory – These are those whose products and services are produced in other territories and sold in this territory. These include enterprises supplying a given territory with products and services. Depending on the specific territory under consideration, this may be: fuel (gas, oil, gasoline, coal, nuclear fuel), energy (electricity, hot water, steam), drinking water and water for irrigation, building materials(cement, crushed stone, sand, etc.), rolled metal, food, transport services (railway, waterway, road, aviation), education (study in “foreign” universities, including prestigious ones), healthcare (treatment in well-known clinics ), culture (tours of various theaters, artists, exhibitions), recreation (tourist trips, relaxation on the seashore, visits to entertainment centers) and much more. The main feature of enterprises and organizations providing a specific territory is providing it with scarce products and services and withdrawing in various ways of it mainly monetary resources. The activities of this group of enterprises and organizations are always very important factor functioning of a specific territory. Often it turns out to be so unacceptable that force majeure situations arise (the oil crises of the 1970s, the Gulf Wars in 1991 and 2003, etc.).

Enterprises and organizations serving the territory – These are those whose products and services are produced and sold primarily in a given territory. These include food, light and so-called local industries, utilities and local energy enterprises (boiler houses), water supply, construction and road construction, trade, repair, etc., whose products and services provide comfortable living for the population of this territory and normal functioning enterprises forming and providing the territory. This category also includes enterprises and organizations with a social profile: healthcare, educational, cultural, sports institutions and the entire non-profit sphere. Thus, the main feature of enterprises and organizations serving the territory is the sale of local resources and resources attracted by enterprises and organizations that form and provide the territory in domestic markets.

Subjects Actively promoting and, relatively speaking, “selling territories” are territorial authorities and management, local economic development agencies, transport organizations, travel operators and agencies, hotels, chains catering And retail, sports committees and federations, any other structures localized in the territory and showing activity in order to attract the attention of possible consumers (customers of products) and retain those already present.

The leading goal of these territory marketing subjects is the creation, maintenance or change of opinions, intentions and/or behavior of consumer subjects regarding the territory, its and their own capabilities in this territory

All subjects of marketing of any territory can be divided into those located inside and those located outside it. External actors are interested in the well-being and development of a given territory, mainly because they want to take advantage of this well-being in some way, for example, by transforming at least part of this well-being into their own well-being, into the well-being of their organization and their territory. This is usually done by removing from a given territory natural and intellectual resources, various products, products of cheap labor, the results of financial (investment) and engineering (construction, reconstruction of production) projects, etc. Internal subjects are interested in the well-being and development of a given territory because this, as a rule, is directly related to their personal well-being, the well-being of their organization and immediate environment, and their future. It is obvious that, although the positions of these two categories of territory marketing subjects are different, they are aimed at the same goal. Therefore, both of these categories are of interest for the development of the territory. It is obvious that both categories of marketing subjects can include both producers of various goods, as well as their consumers and various intermediaries.

Currently, the economic growth of territories is a key problem in the macroeconomic policy of all states.

The choice of goals that characterize the strategy of economic development of society is a complex, complex task, the solution of which determines socio-economic and political development. Their successful implementation depends on how correctly certain goals are formulated.

Economic growth allows society to realize three groups of opportunities:

1) expanded reproduction human resource;

2) concentration of intellectual capital;

3) preservation of ecological diversity.

At the UN Conference on environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, June 1992) the formulation of sustainable development was given:

Sustainable development is development that generates economic growth but shares its benefits equitably, restores the environment rather than destroys it, and empowers people rather than impoverishes them.

It is development that gives priority to the poor, empowering them and ensuring their participation in decisions that affect their lives.

In an increasingly volatile environment external environment The role of marketing in strategic planning has increased sharply, and therefore, the development of any strategy for behavior in the economic environment must take this fact into account.

Today, Russia urgently needs an abstract, but at the same time understandable and easily concretized in practice model of sustainable development of the territory.

Transition to sustainable development Russian Federation in general is possible only if it is ensured sustainable development all its regions.

Territorial marketing- this is applied marketing in the interests of the territory, its internal subjects, as well as external subjects in whose attention the territory is interested. In this regard, two main branches can be distinguished:

1) territory marketing, the object of attention of which is the territory as a whole from the position of its compliance with the specific needs of various target groups consumers of the territory; it is carried out both inside and outside the territory;

2) marketing on (in) territory, the object of attention of which is relations regarding specific goods, services, etc., carried out within the territory.

The study of territorial marketing involves mastering the theory of both of its branches.

Marketing in the territory reflects the degree of development of mechanisms general marketing taking into account the specifics of the territory. Its study is based on: 1) the theory of general marketing; 2) studying the mastery of marketing mechanisms in the territory.

In turn, territory marketing considers a new complex and specific marketing object - the territory as a whole. This additionally requires a deep understanding of the socio-economic development of the territory. It is convenient to study territory marketing after a brief review of the basic concepts of general marketing.

Note that a type of territory marketing is territory demarketing. In practice, it is usually observed in relation to tourists. For example, Finland is interested in attracting more tourists to winter period and less during the summer, when recreation areas and infrastructure are overloaded.

A feature of territory marketing is the virtual absence of pure intermediaries. The following entities are considered to be conditional intermediaries.

Territorial marketing is marketing in the interests of the territory, its internal entities, as well as external entities in whose attention the territory is interested.

Territorial marketing is carried out with the aim of creating, maintaining or changing the opinions, intentions and/or behavior of entities external to a given territory.

Territorial marketing is aimed at creating and maintaining:

Attractiveness and prestige of the territory as a whole;

Attractiveness of resources concentrated in the territory.

Specific actions of place marketing can be determined by four aspects of the vision of the territory: marketing of housing, economic development zones, recreational areas, investments in land property.

In domestic scientific literature You can find a number of concepts that to one degree or another reflect the issues of the marketing approach to territory management, such as “ regional marketing", "place marketing", "municipal marketing", "city marketing", "territorial marketing", "territory marketing", "marketing on (within) the territory".

Territory marketing is a series technical methods, skills, actions, the implementation of which will allow us to “sell” with a sufficient degree of success, offer to interested parties, for example, specific characteristics of the territory (convenient location of the territory, special resources, cultural heritage sites that make the territory more attractive for visiting, and other characteristics of the territory) . Territory marketing involves promoting information specifically filled, perhaps special in forms and methods in connection with the specifics of a specific object (specific territory), which we are going to market. Territory marketing involves the development and implementation of a plan marketing activities, which sets out measures to solve marketing problems, for example, improve the image of the territory, increase the number of external investments attracted to the territory, increase the territory’s participation in regional and federal programs etc.

The category “territorial marketing” is more general. Territorial marketing is an independent type of marketing, which is characterized by the specificity of the object of study and the applicability of marketing philosophy to the activities of managing a territory. Taking into account the specifics of the object of marketing application, we adjust the methods, tools, and tactics of marketing actions. The territory as an independent object, the scope of application of marketing as a system of thinking and a system of action also involves clarifying the entire complex of marketing means and highlighting the specifics of a number of concepts.

Regardless of the specific level of territorial formation, the “scale” of the territorial unit, the specificity of the complex of marketing means in relation to the territory is significant, and this gives us reason to introduce a category that reflects an independent type of marketing - territorial marketing. The “scale” of a territorial unit will determine the specifics of specific actions of government authorities to implement a set of marketing tools.

The main goal of territorial marketing is to improve the quality of life of the population. This presupposes systematic and systems study state and development trends of territories for making rational decisions aimed at creating and maintaining the attractiveness and prestige of the territory as a whole, as well as the attractiveness of the socio-economic production resources concentrated on it and the opportunities for their implementation and reproduction. The use of territorial marketing means turning territorial authorities into a special kind of partner for entrepreneurs, capable of not only taking into account the individuality of their region when making decisions on the comprehensive socio-economic development of the territory, but also interacting between authorities and target markets: producers, consumers, investors, new residents, tourists and others. In this sense, territorial marketing can be represented as a joint activity of commercial and non-commercial entities in a market environment, based on the principles of modern socially oriented marketing.

Modern territorial marketing tools are a set of possible means used to achieve the goals of socio-economic development of the region.

Table 1. Main tools of territorial marketing

Territorial marketing tools

Main characteristics of the tool

Territorial product

specific characteristics and resources of the territory;

a specific place where a person will receive and spend income;

system of organization and quality of management of this territory

Territorial product price

the full price of a territorial product involves taking into account explicit and implied costs;

When setting the price of a territorial product, you can use different pricing methods

Place (localization) of the territorial product

on the one hand, this is a static localization that cannot be changed;

on the other hand, it is a dynamic characteristic;

the territory itself can act as the initiator of new communications;

placement of a territorial product can be considered both from the “outside” position, as well as from the “inside” position

Promotion of territorial product

all marketing communications tools can be used;

the use of direct marketing in the form of direct continuous relationships between the subject of territorial marketing and consumers using special means communications

Territorial product is a complex concept consisting of three elements:

Specific characteristics and resources of the territory (a person perceives the territory as an object of his location in space, which determines certain benefits for him);

A specific place where a person will receive and spend income (a person perceives the territory as an object of his economic and social interests);

The system of organization and quality of management of a given territory (a person perceives the socially organized forces of the territory, which will determine and influence his life and business activity).

The price of a territorial product is the costs that the consumer bears when “purchasing” this territorial product, that is, the costs that the consumer will bear while living and/or carrying out activities in this territory. The full price of a territorial product involves taking into account explicit and implied costs, which is especially important when comparing and selecting territories. At the same time, the price of a territorial product is also subject to the influence of substitutions and the importance of the need, so if the consumer considers a specific territorial product to be unique, or there is an urgent consumer need for a territorial product, demand is inelastic.

Thus, territorial marketing allows you to:

Describe the territory's resources, living conditions, and the quality of territorial management;

Assess the cost of living and/or operating on the territory;

Give a spatial assessment of the location of the territory in relation to other objects of comparison and evaluate the distribution of resources across the territory;

Organize the promotion of information and create an attractive image of the territory’s resources, living conditions and business activity.

One of the strategically promising tools of territorial marketing related to attracting investors and tourists based on the creation and dissemination of a positive picture of the territory is image marketing. Compared to other areas of territorial marketing, this strategy is considered inexpensive, although it requires additional costs, depending on the already established image, the goals of its development or the need for adjustment. The image of a territory is a set of emotional and rational ideas resulting from a comparison of all the characteristics of the territory, people’s own experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image. The most important component of the image of a territory is the totality competitive advantages and shortcomings. They are determined by the peculiarities of the region’s industry specialization, the presence export potential, territorial remoteness and transport development, intellectual and innovative potential and its compliance with the development goals of the region, level of development social sphere, the state of production potential and the current level of investment activity (investment volumes and qualitative characteristics investment activities), etc. It is obvious that competitive advantages contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of a territory, and competitive disadvantages complicate the process of its inclusion in the market space.

Competitive advantages that significantly improve the image of a region (territory) include:

1. maintaining and attracting the working population, bringing its level vocational training to meet international standards of personnel quality;

2. placement and preservation of enterprises, attracting new companies, especially those forming knowledge-intensive modern clusters, having sustainable sales of their products, working on the principles of a benevolent attitude towards the environment;

3. attracting new investments in the development of existing or creation of new enterprises, in communal infrastructure, in housing and the social complex;

4. implementation and development of transport and transit functions;

5. system development vocational education and healthcare as areas of specialization, universities, medical centers and clinics;

6. attraction and development of information centers, media, film, television and radio studios, etc.;

7. attraction tourist flows all types;

8. holding major cultural, political, scientific, sports and other events and activities in the region, which are attended by many people, which enhance the positive image of the region, city and district;

9. increase in regional cultural and historical potential, which increases the attractiveness of the region;

10. placement in the region of administrative and public institutions, bodies, funds of state, international, and global significance.

The use of territorial image marketing tools appropriate to the situation should play a role special role in positioning the territory, determining the strategy for the activities of authorities and the population to develop its advantages and reduce competitive disadvantages. This is all the more relevant since creating the image of a region is a long-term job; it not only contributes to economic development, but also creates a favorable background for improving the quality of life of the population, improving the existing psychological microclimate and relieving social tension.

Each settlement or territory is unique. Everywhere different people, nature, views, traditions and customs. All this leads to differences in economic, social and political activity territories. Thus, it is necessary to study and analyze the needs of society, as well as ways to satisfy them, so that it is possible to develop a strategy for the development of the territory that would be attractive to certain group residents or part of society. This process is inextricably linked with marketing. Marketing - social process, through which companies and individuals exchange created value in order to satisfy their needs. From a marketing perspective, the use of marketing concepts can help attract tourists, entrepreneurs and other investors, as well as convince residents that living, studying and working in this region can be profitable and even prestigious. This can be applied to both large and small areas.

However, it is necessary to understand what territory marketing is. There are many definitions by different authors. Some pay more attention to the specifics of the territory, others - to the image, as they are convinced that it is this factor that attracts businessmen and residents. However, it would be more correct to define territorial marketing as marketing that meets the interests of the internal and external objects of the territory in which the corresponding territory is interested. In other words, this phenomenon implies that the objects of territorial consideration are real products that are offered both inside and outside the territory. It is worth noting that in order to be able to use the marketing approach in the development of the territory, it is necessary to pay special attention for development and development own products region in accordance with the needs of residents, using all available resources and materials, while avoiding concentrating the attention of the entire region on it.

Territory marketing is an activity aimed at developing an area with clear geographical boundaries in order to meet the needs of various social groups. If we turn to the definition of Yuldasheva and Meshcheryakov, they define territory marketing as a type of marketing that exists in the territory and beyond and is aimed at awareness of the stakeholders of this area and meeting their needs. Territory marketing is aimed at developing the image of the area, competitive advantages, attracting stakeholders and their investments. However, Yuldasheva and Meshcheryakov consider the main and fundamental goal of marketing territories to be the development of the region’s potential, that is, work with market and investment attractiveness. Kotler identifies several main goals of territory marketing: increasing the well-being of territory residents; industrial development and economic growth of the region; attracting foreign investment; improving infrastructure; development of small and medium-sized businesses; development of the tourism sector; attracting attention and investment government agencies authorities; attracting residents and labor. It is marketing concepts that can help achieve these goals and develop territories.

The bearer of the essence of territorial marketing is society, therefore, when forming the basis marketing strategy territory must be based primarily on the opinion of the population living in the region. The external part of society, which is located outside the territory, is interested in the socio-cultural development of the territory because they want to identify the benefits they receive (for example, resources, knowledge, finished products, financial resources) for personal use or to obtain benefits for their businesses. The internal part of society, directly located on the territory, correlates its well-being (personal and business) with the well-being of the territory. Both points of view presented seem interesting, but the approach to them should be different. Thus, different marketing approaches and strategies must be developed to meet the needs and interests of both sections of society. Strategy is everything that makes a product different and unique, and this uniqueness is visible to customers. It is marketing that guides strategy.

However, there may be situations when both parts of society are interested in the development of the territory, or, on the contrary, are not at all interested. A society may have many interests in a territory, for example, increasing the size of the market, purchasing power, developing infrastructure, the level of culture, health and education, and much more. To better understand the needs of society, it is necessary to consider each category of target markets for place marketing. Target markets include: tourists, local residents and the working population, businessmen and industrial enterprises, as well as consumers of products from the territory beyond its borders.

Tourists. In recent years, tourism in the world has developed greatly. This is very important economic indicator, since tourism provides income and an influx of investment to certain territories, creates new jobs and develops entrepreneurship. All over the world there are territories (cities) that are engaged only in tourism and generate income exclusively from this area. These areas are constantly involved in improving their territorial significance and value, through the creation of a certain image, planning special agreements, developing infrastructure and so on.

Tourists are divided into two different groups: entrepreneurs on business trips and tourists on vacation or pleasure trips. Therefore, area marketers must develop completely different marketing strategies. The purpose of business trips is to participate in conferences and discussions, get to know the area, conclude a deal, and more. Tourists aim to get to know the area, culture, meet relatives or friends, and more. In accordance with the concept of tourism development, territorial development requires marketing specialists to have a systematic and long-term marketing strategy aimed at identifying the potentials and differences of local territories. Home strategic objective in the development of the territory should be focused on identifying the exact and specific target market where the territory plans to move all its resources. Territories must constantly create new values. It is through these new values ​​that differences emerge that can be offered to target markets. It is worth noting that the smaller the territory, the greater the need to offer the market something unique and inimitable.

Thus, for the proper development of territories for tourists, it is first necessary to understand which tourists and when (at what time of year) the territories are needed. Only a clear understanding of your buyer can lead to successful investment attraction. Age, family composition, level of income and other factors will help to most clearly determine target audience territory that will leave there greatest number money. Another point that is worth considering is the purpose of tourists’ arrival. Some want to get acquainted with the historical heritage of the territory, others with the culture of the area, some came to participate in events, others to enjoy nature. The goals of different tourists must be taken into account, since these are completely different clients and they require different strategies for developing and promoting the territory. It is also necessary to understand what is the product of tourism. It's not the attractions, activities or nature. The product of tourism is the stories and experiences that tourists share upon returning home. It is these impressions that need to be sold to them, and sometimes even created. For example, the story of the monster Nessie, who lives in Loch Ness Lake, is one of the most famous marketing stories for the development of tourism.

Local residents and working population. For each location, local residents and the working population are a very important target market. Not so long ago, "cheap" and unskilled labor had greater demand However, now there has been a change in priorities. Thus, preference is given to qualified, healthy people who are honest taxpayers and capable of becoming residents of a certain territory. Taxes are an important indicator for each territory. In most areas, residents and working people are a priority, but in some localities, only taxpayers are.

To achieve the goal, settlements use different strategies and their forms. There are known cases in Europe where localities have carried out relatively original events to attract residents. For example, the Swiss city of Oxelosund created the slogan “We are looking for residents.” Warp strategic development was associated with the development of an appropriate proposal - attractive and comfortable houses, a high standard of living and a clear program for the development of the area to increase the attractiveness of the territory. If we analyze this example, we can get a clear idea that it will be possible to attract residents only if local marketers take into account the requirements of the potential target market, lifestyle and environmental requirements. Currently, when attracting residents, the most significant emphasis is placed on the quality of living - fresh air, comfortable housing, profitable access to large cities, developed infrastructure and technology. After segmenting the target market, it turns out that the main population is family people. Thus, when developing a marketing strategy, features must be taken into account various models families: young families without children (empty nest); families with small children (under 6 years old) (full nest); families with school-age children and teenagers (7-12 and 13-19) (full nest); families with children who are financially independent of their parents (full nest); families in which children live separately from their parents (empty nest).

Each target market group has a specific, characteristic size, as well as, accordingly, specific needs. Thus, in some cities, more kindergartens and schools are being built, because in this area there are many families with small children and schoolchildren, because for the “full nest” family model it is important that there is education in the area and that it is of appropriate quality. At the same time, the “empty nest” family model has different requirements and needs.

Businessmen and production. The third, but no less important group of the target market is entrepreneurship, production and investment attraction. This is one of the most significant groups of the target market, as it is necessary to provide residents with jobs so that the area can generate tax revenue and reduce unemployment. At the same time, this market is the most demanding; it is constantly increasing its requirements for both the region and the marketing strategy of the territory. This is due to the fact that entrepreneurship is developing and, accordingly, increasing the requirements for the territory and its future development strategy. Before choosing a territory, a thorough analysis of the labor force in the planned area is carried out, an analysis of production costs, the amount of taxes and the possibility of obtaining tax benefits, how it is assessed real estate and so on. Currently, in Europe there are territorial ratings with the following parameters for assessing territories: geographical, administrative, information availability, workforce qualifications, strategic location, production and economic development, efficiency public administration, infrastructure and so on. In some cases, the personal reasons of entrepreneurs may be important: personal contacts, interests. Taking into account the growing demands of entrepreneurship, place marketing uses different methods to attract entrepreneurs. In almost all countries, investment seminars, meetings and presentations with preliminary groups of the target market are organized, non-profit organizations, investment attraction funds (both at the national and regional levels). Entrepreneurs consider the territory as a potential “address”, assessing various factors that determine the attractiveness of the area. All indicators of the attractiveness of a territory are divided into two groups: strong factors and weak factors. Strengths can be measured by objective indicators. Weak factors cannot be measured; they are more subjective. When developing a marketing strategy for territories, it is necessary to use these factors as indicators of the development of the attractiveness of the area from the point of view of the target market. Currently, the market economy requires quick action and finding your own style. Only a thorough, comprehensive territory strategy can ensure the expected and planned results.

Thus, to successfully promote the territory, it makes sense for the territory’s businessmen to decide on a narrow range of enterprises that will be most beneficial for the region, and create more convenient business conditions for them than in other areas. Next, you should correctly convey the proposed benefits to potential “consumers,” that is, entrepreneurs. When drawing up a marketing strategy for territories, it is necessary to take into account the factors that enterprises consider when choosing a region of location. According to Philip Kotler, highest value have the following factors: local labor market; access to the sales market and supplier market; availability of developed infrastructure; transport routes; opportunity to train employees; quality of life; business climate; access to research laboratories; availability of access to capital; tax legislation.

Consumers of territory products in foreign markets. The fourth market is the expansion of exports, the ability of a territory to produce more products that will be bought by other territories, people and businesses. For example, there is a small town in the Netherlands called Boskopa, which is the largest supplier of flowers in all of Europe. Other localities have also developed a strong exporter image. For example, Milan is a world famous fashion center. Also Audi and Mercedes-Benz in Bavaria and Munich with their quality car brands and a strong strategy. However, you should avoid non-standard products and products, because this may not attract the necessary attention or even create the opposite effect - anti-advertising.
