Presentation "We and Security". Pedagogical Council. “The safety and health of children is in our hands. Posters from the series “Me and My Body”

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in primary school"

The game is intended for preschool educational institutions and primary school, but can also be used in middle school.

Goals of the game:

1. Educational: to form ideas about the main sources of danger on the street and at home; generate motivation to improve health and lead a healthy lifestyle;

2. Developmental: develop abilities that would give children the opportunity to correctly evaluate various situations; improve observation and vigilance skills;

3. Educational: to foster responsibility for life and health, to cultivate a culture of behavior.

Efficiency and practical significance: This multimedia material contributes to the creation of an information and communication environment and activates the cognitive activity of students.

Presentation contains"Riddles" (puzzles about dangers traffic); “Riddles” (riddles about hygiene items); "Fairy Tales" (questions about products healthy eating, found in fairy tales); “Cartoons” (questions from cartoons about the rules of conduct in emergency situations); “Anagrams” (tasks for composing words related to ways to improve health).

Questions are distributed by difficulty from 5 points (the most difficult) to 1 point.

Presentation game “Health and Safety”

Tishkevich Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of mathematics and computer science, first category, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, secondary school No. 18, Baranovichi, Brest region of the Republic of Belarus. Teaching experience 14 years. Pedagogical achievements: II degree diploma in the city competition of class teachers’ projects “ Project activities class teacher"; III degree diploma in a distance competition of student self-government among managers, leaders and representatives of student self-government bodies educational institutions and institutions of out-of-school education and training of the Republic of Belarus; Winner III All-Russian distance competition “Master of Multimedia Technologies” 2013; Expert of the IV All-Russian remote conference “Project activity in an educational institution - 2014”; Expert at the V All-Russian remote conference “Project activities in educational institutions”-2015.

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Slide captions:

TOPIC: Basics of safe life for children preschool age. TOPIC: Formation of the fundamentals of life safety for preschool children in specially organized activities and outside of class

In the annex to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education” indicates that one of the main educational areas is “Safety”.

The content of psychological and pedagogical work on children’s mastery of the educational field “Safety” is: - formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them; - familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them; - transferring to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian and vehicle passenger; - formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous for humans and the surrounding natural world.

Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations.

PURPOSE: To determine a system of work to form the foundations of life safety in preschool children in specially organized activities and outside of class.

Objectives: - To study psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of forming the foundations of safe behavior in modern preschoolers. - Determine the indicators of experience of safe behavior, the basic principles of organizing educational work with children to form the foundations of safe behavior. - Make technologically advanced the process of forming the foundations of life safety for preschool children, based on the implementation of the learning process, using a variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching, taking into account the age and individual capabilities of children. - Organize special conditions, contributing to the formation of the foundations of security. - Ensure cooperation with parents of students on the problem of forming the foundations of safe behavior.

3 components of safe behavior: anticipating danger, avoiding danger, overcoming danger

Indicators of experience of safe behavior The child’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior (about sources of danger, precautions and ways to overcome the threat). Ability to act in situations of contact with potential dangerous objects the surrounding world; The child’s experience and understanding of the need to take precautions and their ability to overcome danger.

Principles of work organization Principle of integration Principle of consistency Principle of continuity of interaction with a child in a preschool institution and in the family. PRINCIPLE OF ACCOUNTING URBAN AND RURAL AREAS Principle of completeness Principle of age targeting

The main directions of the section Child and other people. Child and nature. The child is at home. Child's health. Child's emotional well-being. Child on the streets of the city.

Forms of work: familiarization with safety rules in specially organized classes; familiarization with safety rules through reading and discussion literary works, educational conversations; organization of thematic competitions of children's drawings and crafts; use of thematic albums and posters, didactic games and manuals; meetings with interesting people of the profession “firefighter”, “policeman”, “doctor”, etc.; excursions to enterprises included in the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; viewing presentations on this topic; dramatization games, entertainment; educational moments; projects.

Modeling situations Methods for introducing children to the basics of safety Inventing fairy tales different topics Repetition Comparison Game techniques Observation

Targeted walks

Model 1 microdistrict

Didactic games according to traffic rules

Making little books on traffic rules.

Design of information stands on the basics of life safety for preschool children

Means of introducing children to the basics of safety. Object of the man-made world. Visual activity. Game. Labor. Educational activities Subject activity Social reality Fiction

Sports entertainment for a traffic police officer with children

Conducting an excursion to the fire department of the city of Langepas in March 2010

Quiz on traffic rules

Entertainment for children of senior preschool age on the theme: “Red, yellow, green”

Meeting of children with Yuidovites.

Fire safety drawing competition.

The effectiveness of the work done

thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Organization and conduct of work Organization and conduct of work with children on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries. injuries. Recommendations for teaching children Recommendations for teaching children traffic rules. Traffic rules Practical part: game on Ping-Pong, game on the problem of road traffic injuries. injury "Ping Pong".

The most common causes The most common causes of road traffic accidents road traffic accidents:: Entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic Exiting onto the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the road (few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it and monitoring the situation on the left and right during the movement). Entering the roadway because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (ours Exiting the roadway because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle (our children are not used to going to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or children are not used to going to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle means or inspect the roadway before leaving from behind bushes or snowdrifts). Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that all free territory is a place for Playing on the roadway (our children are used to the fact that all free territory is a place for games). games). Walking along the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children Walking along the roadway (even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking along the roadway, and most often with all kinds of children, they have the habit of walking along the roadway, and most often with all kinds of violations).

For the most part, there is no malice. most of them don't. The behavior of children on the road The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special importance of the age characteristics of children. age characteristics of children.

Physiological characteristics Physiological characteristics A child under 8 years of age still poorly recognizes the source and hears only those sounds 1.1. A child under 8 years old still does not recognize the source well and hears only those sounds that are interesting to him. which are interesting to him. 2. The child's field of vision is much narrower than that of an adult, the child's field of view is much narrower than that of an adult, the child's field of view is much smaller. At the age of 5, a child can navigate at a distance of up to 5 meters. In less. At the age of 5, a child can navigate at a distance of up to 5 meters. At 6 years old, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is 6 years old, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is approximately 1/10 of an adult’s field of vision. The rest of the cars are on the left and about 1/10 of an adult's field of view. The remaining cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is on the right and remains unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite. against. 3. The child’s reaction is significantly slower compared to adults. Time, 3. The child’s reaction is significantly slower compared to adults. It takes much more time to react to danger. A child needs much more to respond to danger. The child needs 34 seconds for this. He is not able to stop immediately while running, so it takes 34 seconds to do this. He is not able to stop immediately while running, so he reacts to a car signal with a significant delay. Even if it reacts to a car signal with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, and an adult only needs a quarter of a second. seconds, but an adult only needs a quarter of a second. 4. Reliable left-to-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven. 4. Reliable left-to-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven. age.

Psychological characteristics Psychological characteristics 1. Preschool children do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of forward motion 1. Preschool children do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of forward motion of vehicles (i.e. the child is convinced, based on similar movements from vehicles (i.e. the child is convinced, based on similar movements from the microworld of toys, that real vehicles can stop in the same way as the microworld of toys, that real vehicles can stop just as instantly as toy ones). real conditions happens instantly, like with toys). The separation of play and real conditions occurs gradually in the child already at school. the child is already at school gradually. 2. The child's attention is focused on what he is doing. Noticing an object or 2. The child's attention is focused on what he is doing. Having noticed an object or person that attracts his attention, a child can rush to them, forgetting the person who attracts his attention, a child can rush to them, forgetting about everything in the world. Catch up with a friend who has already crossed to the other side of the road, or about anything else. Catching up with a friend who has already crossed to the other side of the road, or picking up a ball that has already rolled away for a child is much more important than an approaching car. Picking up a ball that has already rolled away is much more important for a child than an approaching car. car. 3.3. The child does not realize responsibility for his own behavior on the road. Not The child does not realize responsibility for his own behavior on the road. Does not predict what consequences his action will lead to for other participants; he does not predict what consequences his action will lead to for other participants in the movement and for him personally. Own safety in conditions of movement, especially movement and for him personally. They often underestimate their own safety in traffic conditions, especially at pedestrian crossings. at pedestrian crossings is often underestimated.

skills How to develop skills in preschoolers How to develop safe behavior on the road in preschoolers. safe behavior on the road. If every day, approaching the roadway, you say to your child: If every day, approaching the roadway, you tell your child: “Stop, road!”, then stopping will become a habit for him. “Stop, road!”, then stopping will become a habit for him. If you always take your child to the pedestrian crossing when getting off the bus, then this route will become familiar to him. transition, then such a route will become familiar to him. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, the presence of Taking into account the age characteristics of children, the presence of positive habits for them is a phenomenon of life positive habits for them a phenomenon of life - safe skills necessary, otherwise it is called - safe skills necessary, otherwise it is called behavior on the road.. behavior on the road To develop a positive habit, it is not necessary to take your child to the roadway to develop a positive habit. This can also be done in a group, leading the child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on traffic rules, when conducting classes on traffic rules, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes having a minimum of road symbols and attributes

first younger group Children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors. In this case, children can B In the first younger group, children are taught to distinguish between red and green colors. It can be explained to children that red and green colors correspond to traffic light signals for pedestrians. Red Explain that red and green colors correspond to traffic light signals for pedestrians. A red signal prohibits movement, and a green one allows it (it is advisable to first show them traffic lights with a signal prohibiting movement, and a green one allows it (it is advisable to show them first traffic lights with circles, and then with people). When playing the game “Red - Green”, the teacher shows them circles, and then with little people). When conducting the game “Red - Green”, the teacher explains that if he shows a red circle, you need to stand, and if it shows a green circle, you need to turn, explains that if he shows a red circle, you need to stand, and if it’s green, turn your head left and right, and then walk. This establishes the habit of looking left and right before going out, and then walking. This establishes the habit of looking around before entering the roadway, even when the traffic light is green. onto the roadway even when the traffic light is green. in the second younger group, children continue to get acquainted with various types transport children continue to get acquainted with various types of transport. In the second youngest group of vehicles: cargo and passenger cars, route vehicles (buses, means: trucks and cars, route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, trams). The guys look at illustrations depicting cars, watch trolleybuses, trams). The children look at illustrations of cars and watch transport while walking. Using various illustrations, visual aids are important for transport while walking. Using various illustrations and visual aids, it is important to teach children to find such dangerous objects on the road (vehicles, trees), teach children to find such dangerous objects on the road (vehicles, trees, bushes, snowdrifts). And then, through practical exercises, develop the habit get out from behind bushes, snowdrifts). And then, during practical exercises, develop the habit of moving away from objects that interfere with your view, carefully looking around. obstructing the view of objects, carefully looking around. middle group, reinforcing the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway,” children become familiar with places, reinforcing the concepts of “sidewalk” and “roadway,” children become acquainted with places. In the middle group, the movement of cars and people, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, sticking to the right side ). movement of cars and people, practice the skill of walking on the sidewalk, sticking to the right side). It will be new for them to talk about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose. Children must learn. What will be new for them will be talking about a pedestrian crossing and its purpose. Children must learn to find it in illustrations in books and on models. Then you should explain to children the importance of finding it in illustrations in books and on models. Then you should explain to children the importance of correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it. correct behavior at the pedestrian crossing itself and when approaching it.

the middle group, and then in, and then in the senior group, the senior group needs to during it is necessary during And in And in the middle group practical classes to regularly practice the skills of crossing the roadway practical classes to regularly practice the skills of crossing the roadway. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground unit. The easiest way to do this is in the game. In a group or on a playground, mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each one should mark the roadway, sidewalks and pedestrian crossing. Each child must approach a pedestrian crossing, stop at a certain distance from it, carefully examine the roadway, turning his head at a distance from it, carefully examine the roadway, turning his head to the left, and then to the right, making sure that there is no traffic, go out to the left and then to the right, making sure that there is no traffic, go out to the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the pedestrian crossing, when moving to the middle of the road, control the situation on the left, and from the middle of the road - on the right. All children’s actions should be on the left, and from the middle of the road on the right. All children’s actions should be brought to automaticity, correct behavior on a pedestrian crossing should be brought to automaticity, correct behavior on a pedestrian crossing should become a habit. crossing should become a habit, then in the preparatory group, in the preparatory group, children should receive clear children should receive clear In the senior, then in the senior, the idea that the rules of the road are aimed at the idea that the rules of the road are aimed at preserving life and health people, so everyone is obliged to comply with them. preserving the life and health of people, therefore everyone is obliged to comply with them. It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. This is how it is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like a smallpox vaccination, only at the mental level. smallpox vaccination, only at the mental level.

Contents of road safety corners in groups In the first junior group In the first junior group: group: Set of vehicles Set of vehicles Illustrations depicting vehicles Illustrations depicting vehicles Red and green circles, a model of a pedestrian traffic light. Red and green circles, model of a pedestrian traffic light. Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, hats different types cars, badges, vests with steering wheels, hats of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.) with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.) Didactic games “Assemble a car” ( of 4 parts), “Put on Didactic games “Assemble a car” (of 4 parts), “Put the car in the garage”, “Traffic light”. car to the garage", "Traffic light". In the second junior group: In the second junior group: Pictures for the game for classifying modes of transport “On what Pictures for the game for classifying modes of transport “What passengers are traveling on”, “Find the same picture.” passengers are traveling”, “Find the same picture”. The simplest layout of a street (preferably large), where the simplest layout of the street (preferably large), where the sidewalk and roadway are indicated sidewalk and roadway Layout of a traffic light (planar). Layout of a transport traffic light (planar). In the middle group: In the middle group: Layout of a traffic light with switching signals, powered by a Layout of a traffic light with switching signals, powered by a battery of batteries Didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble the traffic light” Didactic games “Find your color”, “Assemble the traffic light” A pedestrian crossing must be marked on the street layout. A pedestrian crossing must be marked on the street layout.

A layout of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex ones. A layout of an intersection, with the help of which children will be able to solve complex ones. In the senior group: logical tasks on road safety, practice logical tasks on road safety, practice skills for safely crossing the roadway at an intersection. It is desirable to have the skills to safely cross the roadway at an intersection. It is desirable that this model be with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to make this model with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street. simulate the street. Also, you need a set of road signs, which must include: Also, you need a set of road signs, which must include such road signs, as: informational and signposting – “Pedestrian” such road signs as: informational and signposting – “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus stop and crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus stop and ( or) trolleybus"; warning signs – “Children”; prohibiting signs (or) trolleybus"; warning signs – “Children”; prohibitory signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; mandatory signs – “Pedestrian path”, prohibited”; mandatory signs – “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; priority signs – “Main road”, “Give way” to “Bicycle path”; priority signs – “Main road”, “Give way”; service signs – “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”. Good way"; service signs – “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”. It’s good to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger ones to have small signs on stands for working with the layout, and larger signs on stands for creative, role-playing games. signs on stands for creative, role-playing games. Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where” Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street” hidden sign?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street” Also for children senior group introduce you to the work of a traffic controller. In addition, for children in the older group, they are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. This means that in the corner of the traffic police there should be diagrams of the traffic policeman’s gestures, This means that in the corner of the traffic police there should be diagrams of the traffic policeman’s gestures, the didactic game “What does the baton say?”, the attributes of the traffic police inspector: baton, the didactic game “What does the baton say?”, the attributes of the traffic police inspector: baton, In the preparatory group: In the preparatory group: cap. cap. A file of “dangerous situations” is being collected (to display them you can make a file of “dangerous situations” is being collected (to display them you can make an improvised TV or computer) an improvised TV or computer) A window is being organized for issuing driver’s licenses to those who have passed A window is being organized for issuing driver’s licenses to those who have passed the exam Traffic rules traffic rules exam.

Recommendations for teaching Recommendations for teaching children traffic rules. children traffic rules. When leaving home. When leaving home. If there is possible movement at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child to see if there is any approaching traffic. If there are vehicles parked at the entrance or trees growing, stop your movement and look around to see if there is any danger. When driving on the sidewalk. *Stay to the right. *Stay to the right. * The adult must be on the side of the roadway. * The adult must be on the side of the roadway. * If the sidewalk is next to a road, parents should * If the sidewalk is next to a road, parents should hold the child's hand. hold the child's hand. * Teach your child, while walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe * Teach your child, while walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe cars leaving the yard. cars leaving the yard. * Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, strollers and * Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, push strollers and sleds only on the sidewalk. Only carry sleds on the sidewalk.

When crossing the roadway When crossing the roadway * Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection. * Go only when the traffic light is green, even if there are no cars. * When going out onto the roadway, stop talking. * Don't rush, don't run, cross the road calmly. * Do not cross the street at an angle; explain to your child that this makes it harder to see the road. * Do not go out onto the roadway with your child because of vehicles or bushes without first inspecting the street. * Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, teach your child that this is dangerous. * When crossing an uncontrolled intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic. * Explain to your child that even on a road where there are few cars, you must cross carefully, as a car may drive out of the yard or alley.

Hundreds of people are injured and killed every day in road traffic accidents. One of the reasons for this unfavorable situation is the very low level of training children in road safety rules. Working with preschool children indicates to teachers the need to pay more attention to the issues of educating preschoolers in safe behavior skills on the streets and roads. Children should be aware of possible dangers on the roads, but at the same time not feel afraid on the street, because... the feeling of fear and confusion at the moment of danger paralyzes the ability to correctly navigate the environment... the main task is to develop independence and responsibility in children. More attention should be paid to children's experience of behavior on the streets and roads. Instilling safe behavior skills on the roads is very important for a child.

Practical part: a game on the problem of road traffic injuries “Ping Pong”: 1. Why should preschoolers remember the rules of behavior on the street if they walk with adults and must strictly follow their instructions? 2. What is the most important thing when crossing the street? 3. What measures should a pedestrian take to avoid being hit by a car? 4. Is it possible for a small child in the yard to immediately run to the playground after leaving the entrance? 5. Where and how should I wait for a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi? 6. Why do you need to be at some distance from the roadway at traffic stops, watching for approaching traffic, especially in wet weather? 7. How should an adult and a child enter and exit the vehicle? 8. Why you shouldn’t linger in vehicle when are the doors open? 9. At intersections, in places with heavy traffic, at street corners, there are low fences separating sidewalks from the roadway. What are they for? What should pedestrians do? 10. What is most important for a pedestrian when examining the street?

LG Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type No. 4 “Golden Cockerel” LG Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type No. 4 “Golden Cockerel” CLUB PROGRAM “We and Safety” for children of senior preschool age Club leader: Alla Ravilievna Muzafarova teacher 1 qualification category Explanatory note One of the main needs for humanity is to ensure the safety of its life, which is reflected in the research of many domestic scientists, starting with M.V. Lomonosova, V.A. Levitsky, I.M. Sechenova, A.A. Skochinsky, Vernadsky and others. Great contribution to the solution scientific problem survival, self-preservation and human safety were introduced by the developments of foreign researchers A. Adler, B. Pascal, Z. Freud, P. Maslow and others. The very first steps in teaching children about safety issues are carried out in preschool educational institutions.

  • The very first steps in teaching children safety issues are taken in preschool educational institutions.
  • Preschool age is the most important period when human personality is formed. It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. However, it is necessary to highlight rules of conduct that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. These rules should be explained to children in detail and then monitored for their implementation. However, safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations.
Circle “We and Security” Successful development promotes life safety skills in preschoolers special work, organized in a group of children of senior preschool age. Joint activities are carried out in the afternoon, once a week for 30 minutes, 27 lessons per year (13.5 hours). The program is designed for 1 year of study.

Club program “We and Security”

Program “Fundamentals of Safe Preschool Children” (AUTHORS: R.B. STERKINA, O.L. KNYAZEVA, N.N. AVDEEVA)

Safety Guide


PROGRAM "FUNDAMENTALS OF THE SAFETY OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN (AUTHORS: R.B. STERKINA, O.L. KNYAZEVA, N.N. AVDEEVA) A child is born, and mom and dad take care of his well-being day and night. The baby grows up and becomes more independent year by year. And so he goes to kindergarten, leaving his parents and grandparents outside the gate. This is the next level of freedom, which means it’s time to get acquainted with the new rules of safe life and remember the already known ones. From birth, we teach the child to avoid dangerous objects and situations, and by the time he enters preschool these rules are formed into a separate discipline. Safety manuals R.B. Styorkina Also in my work I use safety manuals by R.B. Styorkina, in which the rules for safe behavior of children at home, on a city street, in a forest, in a park, near bodies of water are presented in an accessible and entertaining form. The goal of the “We and Safety” program is to teach children the correct behavior at home, on the street, in public transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with fire hazardous, sharp, piercing objects, animals and poisonous plants; promote the formation of an ecological culture and healthy lifestyle values ​​in preschool children. Objectives of the “We and Security” program
  • Create conditions for children to consciously study the rules of life safety.
  • To clarify, systematize and deepen children’s knowledge about the rules of life safety, to form habits of observing them.
  • To develop in children the ability to anticipate possible danger in a specific changing situation and build adequate safe behavior.
  • To promote the mastery of techniques of elementary practical interaction with surrounding objects, with the help of which one can prevent elements and disasters.
  • To develop a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and a personal attitude towards compliance with and violation of the rules of life safety.
  • Expand children's knowledge about professions (firefighter, police inspector, driver, policeman, rescuer, doctor).
  • To develop in children a desire to engage in physical training, maintain a daily routine, and take care of their health.
  • Draw parents' attention to this issue and participation in club activities.
Block I – Children on the road
  • Road signs (“On the way to kindergarten”; “About road safety”; “Monitoring the movement of cars and the driver’s work”).
  • Traffic rules (“Introduction to the rules of the road”; “We’ll tell the cat a little about the rules”).
  • Behavior in transport and public places(“Are we ready to become passengers”; “On the rules of behavior in public transport”).
  • Rules for pedestrians (“Children’s behavior in public places. Orientation of children in the kindergarten area”; “A pedestrian crosses the street”; “The best pedestrian”).
  • Final event (“Evening of the cheerful and resourceful”).
“Studying road signs, pedestrian crossings” “Meeting interesting people” Block II – Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy! (12 hours)
  • Be careful, fire! (“Caution, fire!”; “Matches are the cause of fire”; “Flammable substances”; “Children’s pranks with fire and their consequences”; “Forest fire”; “What is the danger of smoke?”).
  • Fire Tamers (“Fire and “Fire Tamer”; “Tili-bom, tili-bom, the cat’s house caught fire”; “The firefighter hero - he enters into battle with fire”).
  • Fire safety rules (“About important fire safety rules”; “Every citizen knows this number – 01”).
  • Final event (“Basic fire safety rules”).
“We go on excursions, share our impressions” “We decorate stands and corners” Block III – Healthy child (18 hours)
  • We study our body (“We study our body”; “So that the eyes can see”; “So that the ears can hear”; “Let your legs be healthy”; “Keep your posture”; “For healthy skin, you also need to keep it clean”); “ Teeth and care"; "Digestive organs").
  • Where do diseases come from (“Where do diseases come from”; “Remember, kids, pills are not candy”; “Vitamins in human life”; “Good and bad habits”).
  • How to protect the health of a child (“The good doctor Aibolit will heal us, heal us”; “How to protect the health of a child”; “Why do you need exercise”; “For healthy skin, you also need to keep it clean”; “Who is friends with hardening, never bothers”; “Cleanliness is the key to health”).
  • Final event (“Our Faithful Friends”).
“We use the acquired knowledge in role-playing games, participate in sporting events” Block IV – Home alone (10 hours)
  • Dangerous objects (“Every dangerous object has its place”; “Household items”; “On the rules for using electrical appliances”; “Make the computer your friend”).
  • Be careful, stranger! (“When mom is not at home”; “The Tale of Kolobok”; “Meeting with a stranger”).
  • We educate thrift (“We educate the thrifty”; “Turn the tap tightly - be careful with the water”).
  • Final event (“Your rights, children!”).
“We play board games and conduct experiments” Block V – In the natural world (9 hours)
  • Children and seasons (“Spring has come - the children have no time to sleep”; “Thunderstorm”).
  • Children and animals (“Cats and dogs are our friends”; “Insects”).
  • Children and plants (“Edible and inedible mushrooms”; “Medicinal and poisonous plants”).
  • We came to the pond (“A, B, C... water man”; “We came to the pond”).
  • Final event (“An exciting journey into the world of a healthy and safe lifestyle”).
"We are studying the world around us“We enjoy every day.” At the end of each school year, a final event is held with the involvement of parents. To assess the knowledge gained and adjust the content of the course, monitoring is carried out twice a day. academic year(September, May). At the end of each school year, a final event is held with the involvement of parents. To assess the knowledge gained and adjust the content of the course, monitoring is carried out twice a school year (September, May). Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Criteria for assessing the acquired knowledge of children Marks for each criterion
  • High – 3 points;
  • Average – 2 points;
  • Low – 1 point.
Levels of program development
  • Short. Number of points up to 22. Careless attitude to the material being studied; lack or little presence of any skills and knowledge of security basics; the first manifestation of interest in experimenting with objects; lack of desire to engage in joint activities with the teacher and other children; the need for direct adult assistance.
Levels of program development
  • Average. Number of points from 23 to 44. Appearance of interest in the issues of the material being studied; average presence of any skills and knowledge of basic security; willing inclusion in collective projects, the ability to engage in search and research activities together with adults and peers; Adult help is needed in some matters.
Levels of program development
  • High. Number of points from 45 to 66. Excellent knowledge of the studied material, a pronounced attitude to compliance with safety rules in the immediate environment; independent use of safety rules in everyday life; sustainable cognitive interest in experimentation and experimental research activities; emotional coloring of leisure activities using the studied material; the ability to think creatively and express individuality; cognitive activity, ability to build cooperative relationships in a work group.
Literature used 1) “Basics of safe behavior for preschool children” (classes, planning, recommendations). Author-compiler O.V. Cheremashentseva. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd. 2007 2) “Conversations about fire safety rules.” T.A. Shorygina. Creative center "Sphere". Moscow. 2008 3) “Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old.” T.A. Shorygina. Creative center "Sphere". Moscow. 2009 4) "Conversations about health." Methodical manual. T.A. Shorygina. Creative center "Sphere". Moscow. 2010 5) “Conversations about the child’s behavior at the table.” Authors: V.G. Alyamovskaya, K.Yu. Belaya, V.N. Zimonina, I.N. Kurochkina, L.V. Kutsakova, L.A. Kondrykinskaya, S.I. Merzlyakova, V.M. Sotnikova, S.A. Petrova. Creative center "Sphere". Moscow. 2008 6) “Lessons on traffic rules.” Comp. N.A. Izvekova, A.F. Medvedeva, L.B. Polyakova, A.N. Fedotova. Creative center "Sphere". Moscow. 2005 7) “Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions.” Software and methodological support. I. Urmina, T. Danilina. "Link-Press". Moscow. 2009 8) “Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old.” Compiled by E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd. 2012 Visual and didactic materials 1) “Basics of safety for preschool children.” R.B. Styorkina. Educational and visual aid for preschool children. OJSC Publishing House Prosveshcheniye. Moscow. 2000 2) “For children about fire safety rules.” Artist Yu.K. Schoolboy. Publishing house "SOUELO". Moscow. 2002 3) “Don’t play with fire!” Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov. 2008 4) “How to avoid troubles?” Game didactic material on the basics of safe life (On the water and in nature 1). "Spring-Design". Kirov, 2008 5) “How to avoid troubles?” Game didactic material on the basics of safe life (In the yard and on the street 2). "Spring-Design". Kirov, 2008 6) “How to avoid troubles?” Game didactic material on the basics of safe life (House 3). "Spring-Design". Kirov, 2008 7) “Natural and weather phenomena.” Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov, 2008 8) “Transport by land, air, water. Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov, 2008 9) “Insects.” Demonstration material for classes in kindergarten groups and individually. "Spring-Design". Kirov, 2008 10) “Rights of the child.” Based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A visual aid for educators, teachers, tutors, parents. LLC Publishing House "Ranok". Moscow. 2010 11) "Children's infections." Information and business equipment of preschool educational institutions. Publishing house "Childhood-Press". St. Petersburg.

GOAL: to promote children’s assimilation of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, safety and functioning in everyday life. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: formulate basic rules personal safety; ensure the psychological well-being and health of children; develop cognitive abilities, creativity, imagination, thinking, communication skills; teach children to help themselves and the victims; develop personal skills for safe behavior in society and at home.

Conditions for the implementation of the program: Personnel conditions - advanced training of teachers through artistic and popular science literature, - involvement of specialists from preschool educational institutions (teacher, music director) Development logistics bases - visual aids (life safety posters, pictures and paintings, fiction) - development environment: board games; conversations on the topics: “What objects should not be used?”; information for parents “What not to bring to kindergarten”; creation of posters: “Beware, evil animals!”, design of the herbarium “ Medicinal plants"; exhibitions: drawings and crafts on topics, conducting trainings with children on the topic “Man and his way of life.” Introducing children to objects social sphere- Fire department, - Ambulance, - Medical part.

Studying theoretical foundations O.V. Chermashentseva “Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschool children”; G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko “School of a Healthy Person”; N. Nikitina “Rules of a little pedestrian”. - Implementation of program activities. - joint activities with children; - -work with parents; - interaction between the teacher and pre-school specialists (music and medical workers, educators). Generalization and results. - - questioning of children; - survey of parents; - - generalization of work experience; - - participation in RMO; - - participation in a regional seminar. Implementation stages:

: PROGRAM RESULTS: Children gain knowledge about generally accepted norms of behavior, both in nature and in society. Children acquire knowledge about generally accepted norms of behavior, both in nature and in society. Children learn not only the basic rules of personal safety, but also formulate them and explain the need for their application in extreme situations. Children learn not only the basic rules of personal safety, but also formulate them and explain the need for their application in extreme situations. The program is in demand by children, parents and teachers. The program is in demand by children, parents and teachers.

Literature used: “Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschool children”, O.V. Chermashentseva, Volgograd, 2008; “Basics of safe behavior for preschool children”, O.V. Chermashentseva, Volgograd, 2008; “School of a healthy person” Program for preschool educational institutions, G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko, M., 2006; “School of a healthy person” Program for preschool educational institutions, G.I. Kulik, N.N. Sergienko, M., 2006; “Rules of a little pedestrian”, N. Nikitina, Rostov-on-Don, 2006;. “Rules of a little pedestrian”, N. Nikitina, Rostov-on-Don, 2006;. “Our friend the traffic light” Rules for cycling, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007; “Our friend the traffic light” Rules for cycling, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007; “Our friend the traffic light” Rules of behavior on the street, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007; “Our friend the traffic light” Rules of behavior on the street, M. Druzhinina, M., 2007;
