Standard street food: fast food kiosk. Business on instant dumplings Equipment for cooking dumplings in a cafe

Anastasia Sergeeva and Georgy Nurmanov moved to Poland in 2013, and two years later they launched there own business- production of dumplings, an unusual fast food for Poles. Now they sell one hundred kilograms of dumplings a day, and their monthly revenue is €9.3 thousand. Sergeeva and Nurmanov told Inc. how they were able to find them on the Polish market free niche, why they had to sell dumplings at cost and how local couriers and an ugly food truck almost ruined their business.

Quick dinner

Having settled in Poland, natives of Russia Anastasia Sergeeva and her husband Georgy Nurmanov launched a dumpling shop in Warsaw. Today they supply frozen dumplings own production restaurants and private clients, and the pavilion in the center of Warsaw operates as a fast food cafe: they serve hot dumplings with sour cream and sauces. In two years, the Pielmien company reached a turnover of €9.3 thousand per month, and now the founders are planning to attract investments to open 4-5 more pavilions.

Before moving to Warsaw in 2013, Anastasia and Georgy worked in non-profit organizations, but after living in Warsaw for three years, they decided to open their own business. They noticed that the food sector is developing especially quickly.

Most restaurants in Poland are designed to go out, and there was a lack of mini-cafes where you can grab a quick bite. Many took advantage of this: the Bobby Burger burger chain quickly grew in Poland - the burgers there are better than in McDonald's, but also inexpensive (25 zlotys each - about €6). In five years, Bobby Burger has grown from three food trucks into a franchise of 35 locations.

Their story inspired me: it showed how empty this niche is in the market. Then we decided to act,” says Sergeeva.

Pielmien in numbers

Source: company data


thousand euros - start-up investment to the project


tons of dumplings the company sells per month


kg dumplings per day produced by Pielmien


Euro the average cost of 1 kg of frozen dumplings


thousand euros- revenue from the sale of dumplings per month

Economics of dumplings

At the market for semi-finished products, Nastya and Georgy found Polish pierogi - large dumplings made of thick dough with minced meat inside, kebabs and khinkali, Chinese dim sum - but there were no dumplings.

I never thought in my life that I would miss dumplings so much. In Moscow, they were always in the freezer, just in case,” says Nastya.

Future entrepreneurs decided that it would be great to make dumplings and sell them as fast food: they store well and cook quickly, they are convenient to cook and eat. But the Poles still had to be convinced of this.

To prevent dumplings from being confused with pierogi, the couple decided to make them small (up to 85 pieces per 1 kg of weight versus 5-6 “pies”) and chose a shape with “ears” (pierogi are made in the shape of a crescent). But the main feature is that small dumplings are cooked for 2-3 minutes, and pierogi for 15-20 minutes.

For production, the couple chose from two options: hire a crew to mold them manually, or buy an automatic machine and hire one or two employees to monitor the process and finish filling the dumplings until the desired shape and discard those that fail. The couple chose the second option: it was cheaper and less labor-intensive. In October 2015, Sergeeva and Nurmanov registered a company and rented production workshop with an area of ​​110 sq.m. for 3 thousand zlotys (€690) per month, including fees for water and gas. For storage finished products We rented a compartment in a large industrial freezer not far from the workshop. For production, they decided to use fresh meat - otherwise it would be a factory product.

We knew: if we didn’t impress customers with a really tasty product, we wouldn’t conquer this market. Therefore, there was no option to cook “cheaply and cheerfully,” says Anastasia Sergeeva.

Nastya and Georgy invested money from the sale of an apartment in Moscow into production - about 120 thousand zlotys (a little more than €27 thousand). This money went towards rent, purchase of equipment and the first months of work while we were debugging production process. We bought the simplest Chinese machine for 6.7 thousand zlotys (€1.6 thousand). To develop quality recipe, hired a technologist originally from Ukraine.

Everything had to be checked manually: so that the dough stretched correctly, the minced meat was not too thick, not too liquid or greasy, so that the dumplings did not burst during cooking, recalls Anastasia.

Nastya and Georgy couldn’t afford to throw away trial batches, so they offered them to their friends at cost - about 20 zlotys (~€4.6) per 1 kg. Gradually, friends of friends got involved, and then the community of Russian-speaking residents of Warsaw on Facebook. All this time, entrepreneurs were waiting for a veterinary certificate in order to sell the product to restaurants.

Although we took a risk by selling to private clients, it was already impossible to stop: premises were rented, people were employed, the process was launched,” says Georgy.

Today, the dumpling shop produces 70-100 kg of dumplings per day, and the company employs five employees in shifts. Frozen dumplings sell for an average price of 25-30 zlotys (~€6-7) per 1 kg. The founders initially considered this price optimal, but over time Georgy realized that he had miscalculated:

When I was choosing a price, I looked at how much people were able to buy their lunch from frozen semi-finished products. And the price was approximately 25 zlotys (€6) for 1 kg of dumplings. I was afraid to alienate the buyer with a too high price tag, but then I realized that our product should cost 30% more due to the quality of ingredients,” he complains.

Growing pains

We came up with slogans: “A new, quick lunch today or tomorrow”, “5 minutes - and dinner is ready.” In Warsaw there were not enough ready-to-cook products for quick cooking, and our product hit the target,” says Sergeeva.

At the beginning of 2016, after several trial batches, several restaurants entered Pielmien - through group on Facebook. One of the first was a chain of two Georgian restaurants “Gaumarjos” in Warsaw. As I told you Inc. The owner of the restaurant, Liana Gamtsemlidze, dumplings are popular among visitors, but the restaurant did not have enough resources for them:

Our employees make khinkali all day long, so when Georgy showed up with his product, we decided we were ready to try it.

By the beginning of 2016, restaurants began to sell 500-700 kg of dumplings per month, or almost 50% of total production. Another 300-400 kg of frozen dumplings per month were distributed to private clients - orders were delivered by Georgiy in his own car. Delivery began to take up almost all of his time, but cooperation with couriers was unsuccessful.

A courier with a car wanted approximately 4.5 thousand zlotys (€1000) per month, this big salary for Warsaw. But for this money, we came across completely incapable couriers - one went about his business to do some work, so he delivered the dumplings two hours later, the other one defrosted, and he had to send new ones to the client, - Nastya complains.

It was impossible to improve profitability because there was no point in producing more than could be delivered in a day. The couple again thought about selling dumplings in a supermarket chain, but if private customers can sell dumplings in simple packaging (in cardboard boxes or plastic bags), then chains would need a packaging line and a new, more spacious and expensive premises, and there were no funds. Then they came up with a solution: open a mini-cafe and sell ready-made dumplings.

4 mistakes of the founders of Pielmien, according to Georgy Nurmanov:

They did not immediately start selling ready-made dumplings. We could put a molding machine in one room, and make a cafe in the next room and sell hot dumplings. Ready-made dumplings are more expensive than frozen ones.

Prices set too low. The price of 25 zlotys seemed beautiful and not too high - it would not alienate the buyer. But I realized that based on the quality of the ingredients, our product should cost 30% more.

Trailer with dumplings

The couple deliberately did not position Pielmien as a restaurant of Russian cuisine, but focused on one product - dumplings. To start sales, they bought an old trailer equipped as a kitchen for €3 thousand and drove to a popular in Poland in the winter ski resort Zakopane. But the trade didn't work.

I thought that piping hot dumplings would be in great demand among skiers. But we parked the van on the mountain, but it was necessary under the mountain - everyone ate below, and at the top people didn’t want to have a snack on the run, they wanted to sit in a warm cafe,” says Georgy.

It was necessary to invest in a stationary point. In the center of Warsaw, premises can be rented from a private owner (expensive) or from the city (cheaper), but it was difficult to find a suitable room - small, and with windows. Several auctions for city premises were lost, having appointed too low price, - and only at the end of June 2017 Pielmien finally rented the building of the former flower pavilion in the center of Warsaw for 3 thousand zlotys (€690) per month. There are only 2-3 seats in the pavilion, but there are many business centers and a large university around, which means high-quality take-away fast food is popular.

Now the dumpling shop sells dumplings in portions in plastic cups of 12, 17 or 24 pieces with sour cream, chili or other sauces. The assortment includes 5 types: with beef and pork, with chicken, with lamb, a mix of three types of meat and “ears” with mushrooms. About 40 checks are issued per day, and the establishment’s daily revenue is approximately 920 zlotys (€200).

We want to lease 4 new food trucks, rent land for them in Warsaw (this is cheaper than renting a pavilion) and sell hot dumplings. Each point can generate 50-70 checks a day, and if you work late, even more,” explains Anastasia.

According to entrepreneurs' calculations, 4 trailers with a freezer and a new molding machine will cost approximately 200 thousand zlotys (€46 thousand). Approximately the same amount will be required from investors: they will make a 20% contribution to leasing - to replace devices and work in the first 3-6 months, when the company goes to zero, developing new points. It will take two months to arrange and promote, another two or three to bring sales to breakeven point, and then there will be growth, entrepreneurs assure.

To open a cafe with 4-5 tables in the center of Warsaw, you will need about €3.5 thousand per month in rent. A food truck will cost much less, and it is more mobile - if trade does not go well in one place, you can install it in another, says Nurmanov.

In addition, the couple are going to establish online home delivery of hot dumplings - this market is now rapidly developing in Poland. Nastya and Georgy aren’t stressing about their competitors yet:

Someone molds at home and sells 5 kg each via Facebook, but these are too small volumes. And restaurants, as a rule, make dumplings from ready-made minced meat, which are inferior in quality to ours,” says Anastasia. - If things go well, then in 10 years everyone will be buying dumplings from us. We want to promote a fast food chain in order to become a monopoly in this market and calmly expand and earn money.

Franchise dumplings are a new line of business. And already very, very successful. Over the course of a year, more than 70 billion rubles are spent on dumplings in Russia. Dumplings enjoy in great demand– even among foreigners. However, for five years now there has been another non-standard, even innovative solution: fast food dumplings “Pelmyash”, ready in just two minutes!

Business dumplings - features

The dumpling shop has one huge advantage: great freedom in the market - little competition. In addition, dumplings are trusted by customers as homemade food.

There are, however, obstacles to a successful business:

High start-up costs

As with any restaurant and catering establishment, especially for the design and equipment of the kitchen in accordance with all SanPiN standards. In this case, a dumpling franchise will help reduce the cost - although not by much, since installing ventilation, repairs and purchasing household appliances will in any case cost several million rubles.

There is another way - to organize a retail outlet for distributing finished products. If there is no food production as such, it is not difficult to comply with SanPiN, and costs are reduced by almost 20 times. But dumplings and dumplings take 10-15 minutes to cook – will visitors want to wait that long?

Need for advertising

Attract attention not just with banners, but with interesting events: chef shows, tastings, unusual menus (for example, colored dumplings - and at the same time natural, without dyes), etc.

It’s difficult, but you can differentiate yourself from your competitors

Unusual marketing ploy invented by the Vendmash company (Zlatoust, Southern Urals). They invented a way to cook dumplings in 2 minutes - and turned them into fast food! “Pelmyash” appeared in 2013, and in addition the company managed to invent such innovations as:

  • pizza in a cone (“KonoPizza”);
  • hot popcorn;
  • "Soup Factories"
  • sushi machine (“SushiRoller”);
  • cocktail bar-machine, etc.

Instant dumplings are an attractive feature, spreading like Coca-Cola - everywhere, quickly and as accessible as possible:

  • Refrigerators with frozen packs hang on the walls of various establishments;
  • the company installs special vending machines everywhere, in which everyone can make a portion for themselves in a couple of minutes - there is even a video instruction!
  • and for cinemas a special form was invented - deep-fried dumplings on a skewer.

Features of the room

The premises (kiosk or trailer) are located in a city of 50,000 or more people:

  • near the motorway;
  • near universities;
  • in sports centers;
  • at stations (bus and railway);
  • in markets;
  • in shopping centers;
  • and other crowded places where you want to have a snack!

Even more places are suitable for placing the machine: gas station, office, park, buffet, etc.

Important! Seating is not included in the franchise, so you need to focus on placing the point where there is some kind of seating: benches in the park, tables in the food court, wide window sills in the office, cars at the gas station, etc.

Minimum required:

  • 2 m 2
  • 1 socket.

And everything that is needed is provided by the company under a franchising agreement - to everyone, and even with exclusive rights to the region!

What does the franchise offer?

Standard franchise bonuses for beginners include:

  1. Consultations (in person and remotely), for opening – personal trainer, on accounting, trade and management - instructions.
  2. Corporate design.
  3. Promotional products.

In addition, under the franchise agreement, partners are provided with:

  1. Equipment with free delivery to the warehouse:

Refrigerators for storing and selling frozen food in the right conditions(-5 o, 180 days) – including wall mounted ones;

A whole mobile counter or a ready-made showcase.

Equipment is purchased abroad and modified in Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk region). The warranty on it is eternal, repairs are carried out at the expense of the main company in as soon as possible, and specialists from military-industrial enterprises are doing this. Scientists from South Ural State University are participating in the development.

  1. Delicious raw materials (semi-finished products), already cooked and subjected to special shock freezing:

Semi-finished products are molded by hand in Askarovo (Bashkiria).

  1. The right to a microdistrict is 1 unit or point per 20,000 people, so competition between your own is excluded.
  2. Discounts and bonuses for expanding the network, as a result, and increasing profits.

Business startup costs and expected profits

If opening a full-fledged dumpling shop with a kitchen costs about 10 million, including the brand itself, furniture, equipment, dishes, rent and electronics, then a fast food outlet will cost only 200,000:

Among other things, expenses include: rent, electricity, employee salaries, accounting, taxes, etc.

There can be two franchise options:

  1. for beginners – for 1 retail outlet;
  2. for experienced ones - for the entire city or even a region (with the appropriate number of retail outlets at the rate of 1 outlet per 50,000 people).

The payback is estimated at six months, the payback conditions are 100 packages (150-200 g each) of dumplings per day.

Opening a dumpling shop: weigh the pros and cons

Instant dumplings have undeniable advantages:

  • small initial investments;
  • quick payback (6 months);
  • lifetime warranty on equipment;
  • familiar and popular Russian products;
  • high-quality semi-finished products;
  • speed of preparation (2-3 minutes);
  • no kitchen required;
  • simply satisfy the requirements of SanPiN;

On the other hand, since the payback condition is 100 packs of dumplings per day, it is necessary to place the point in a popular place with high traffic.

Another drawback of this franchise is the location of the repair facilities far away in the Urals, which is why the equipment may take longer to complete than desired.

Weigh the pros and cons, evaluate your desire to make dumplings - and join the network that threatens to outgrow Coca-Cola. “Pelmyash” has already proven to be in demand in many cities – and even abroad: Belarus, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine.

Down with hamburgers and hot dogs! Let's promote domestic food to the market!

Services in the sphere fast food Many citizens use it from time to time, because, although supposedly a person can live without food for more than one day, only rare anorexic units are ready to test this for themselves, being far from their favorite refrigerator. At the same time, traditional fast food includes sandwiches, pizza, all kinds of bakery products and other shawarma, either prepared quickly, according to the client’s order, or not quickly, but for future use and easily stored without spoiling. Considering dumplings, respected by the Russian population, to be undeservedly deprived of attention, the Vendmash company (Zlatoust) intends to correct the situation and make freshly boiled dumplings a new fast food product. To speed up the preparation of dumplings in two minutes, the Ural manufacturer has developed equipment for retail outlets and an entire business concept under the Pelmyash brand.

They plan to make dumplings a mass-produced fast food without violating the laws of nature. To speed up cooking, dumplings are delivered to the fast food outlet pre-cooked and then frozen. At the client's request, a portion of frozen semi-finished products is loaded into the boiling water of a proprietary cooking apparatus, where the dumplings quickly thaw and become freshly cooked.

The Vendmash company undertakes to supply dumpling fast food outlets with devices for heating dumplings; trade equipment(stationary or mobile counters, including vandal-proof ones, equipped with everything necessary, for example, freezers, built-in sinks with independent water supply and sewerage) and, in fact, semi-finished boiled dumplings. The declared assortment of the Pelmyash brand includes several types of dumplings, manti and khinkali, produced in Chelyabinsk region. Boiled and frozen dumplings are packaged in 150 gram bags and equipped with a disposable bowl and fork. When purchasing dumplings fast food at the Pelmyash outlet, the client can also choose a sauce to his liking.

The Vendmash company has prepared the Pelmyash franchise for organizing an express dumpling shop on several square meters without in-house production of dumplings. Price point of sale, equipped with a counter and a cooking apparatus - from 180 thousand rubles.

“Pelmyash” is not the company’s only project in the field catering. The projects “” (sushi in mobile packaging) are also being developed here; pizza in a cone and others.

The developer optimistically guarantees the success of the instant dumplings business and sales of 100 bags of 150 grams of dumplings per day, expecting that the point will pay off in a maximum of six months, but we see several weaknesses. For example:

  • It's doubtful that it will great demand for hot dumplings without a place for food - a table, chairs (which is not taken into account in the opening plan) and hot drink (tea) (also not taken into account, but this is easy to organize). All this will add to the price of dumplings fast food.
  • The average expected selling price is 150 rubles. per serving weighing 300 grams (and, accordingly, 500 rubles per kilogram) - not cheap for regional fast food.
  • Positioning a little-known meat processing plant as “the most famous and largest meat processing plant in the Chelyabinsk region” is a controversial move.

And yet, we have always eaten dumplings, so there will be potential demand for Pelmyash products. Especially in places where hungry citizens gather, such as train stations, shopping malls, and highways.

We can only wish you further success in implementing the Russian fast food business idea.

) - answers to listener questions:

The topic of our today's program is “Russian gastronomic traditions.” Our guest is the writer and historian Pavel Syutkin. Hello Pavel.

Good afternoon

We begin to answer questions that have already rained down on oursms-portal. Here's a question for the business model we talked about at the beginning. “Government assistance program for small businesses, tax holidays from 2015 to 17 - is this realistic, will it somehow affect the situation?”

So far, for example, in the capital, government assistance to small businesses is extremely small. Until recently, there were benefits for renting premises; now, as far as I understand, these benefits have been reduced. But at the same time, you need to understand that direct rental of premises from the city of Moscow is rather an exception. All other enterprises lease on commercial terms. Contracts are most often not registered, are concluded for 11 months, and can be kicked out at any time.

Regarding tax benefits, then they are supposed to be installed for newly created individual entrepreneurs engaged in production, social and scientific activities. The trade sector was not included in this list. In general, they are of fundamental nature for large enterprises, for whom a few percent really is significant money. For small businesses that are running around and trying to save money where they can, this is a minor benefit. Let's put it delicately, the share of taxes in their expenditure structure is small.

Let's take the call. Hello, hello, what is your name?

Hello, my name is Maxim. By the way, here’s a question about Russian food. I moved from the city to the village, and I had the opportunity to cook on the stove. For example, pearl barley porridge, meat - put it on the stove for 3-4 hours and it’s ready. So not everything is regressive. Technologies make it possible to prepare Russian cuisine.

Great technology. The Russian oven, and ovens in general, are an amazing thing in terms of culinary possibilities. And in urban conditions, there are all sorts of multicookers, sous-vides - devices that allow you to reproduce the “oven” even in a city apartment. There is no doubt that this food is tasty and healthy. But the question is a little different. Is it possible to reproduce all this within the framework of public catering, and especially fast food? Although I’ll tell you honestly, experiments are being done in this regard. For example, Maxim Syrnikov, an excellent specialist in Russian cuisine, is opening more than one restaurant that has a Russian oven.

Our radio listener remembers: what about dumplings, pirozhkovye, cheburek - there is always a queue on Sretenskaya Square, but there are only a few of them. What about glass drinks? - Isn't this our fast food?

Yes, glass drinks are, undoubtedly, a huge layer of Russian culture. Of course, there are dumplings and chebureks (although they can hardly be classified as Russian cuisine). But let's not forget a simple thing. A normal fast food establishment like McDonald's, which we want to compete with, offers a wide range of dishes. That is, you can come there in the morning for breakfast, lunch in the afternoon, dinner - and every day with different dishes. Is it reasonable to do the same thing with just dumplings or chebureks? That’s the question. Although, of course, this format works in a drink shop.

You are for expanding the “line”. If we are talking about the taste of Russian cuisine, what is it like - sweet, salty, spicy?

Yes, this is an interesting question. After all, one way or another, each national cuisine has its own taste characteristics. How does our cuisine differ in taste from, say, European cuisine? Undoubtedly, the same sour-fermented taste that is characteristic of pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut. But based on these gastronomic specialties, a lot of dishes are made - a variety of cabbage soup, pickles, and many hot dishes.

But not everyone likes this taste.

I agree with you. But, let's look at things objectively - not everyone today loves traditional Russian cuisine. And when we talk about the need for its development, we need to realize that it has its supporters, but no less so - people who prefer French and Italian cuisine. So our task, if we want to develop Russian cooking, is to adapt that old Russian cuisine to the present day, to make it so that the majority of the population likes it.

Make it more elegant. Another question. This is Maxim from Moscow. It seems to me that the point is not to make the cuisine authentic to the given territory. McDonald's concept is very clear, it is unified. It can only be repeated, not done differently. Your guest correctly says that Russian cuisine cannot be fast food. It's like feeding swans. It's hard to replace a hamburger. After all, it is made as a rational food.

You're right. The model of international fast food corporations is absolutely universal. That is, having arrived in Mexico City, London or Tokyo, we will meet the usual standard everywhere. With a few exceptions, local dishes are included in the menu for flavor. But many countries also have their own national fast food chains. This does not mean that their historical dishes are served there, but they are successful. For example, in Austria I repeatedly encountered the networkNordSee - fairly cheap self-service fish restaurants. It covers almost the entire country and is present in dozens of cities. At the same time, it provides a huge range of dishes, all of which are easy to prepare. Can we reproduce something similar with our fish? - Obviously yes. But this is serious work.

But we have, for example, the fast food restaurant “Mu-Mu”.

Certainly. There are examples. I will tell you honestly that I am not a supporter of making our cafes specifically - Russian-Russian, in which there would be nothing else. I believe that it is the matrix in which many dishes from different cuisines are presented that will work. May be, different nations our country. It will be attractive.

To have such regional diversity?

The regional aspect is still a huge, almost unplowed field for work. It is clear that the cuisine of the Novgorod region will differ from the cuisine of the Krasnodar region. And when we talk about networks in regions and cities, they must take into account their local traditions.

Good afternoon, my name is Anna. I don’t know if you agree with me, but in order to cook even a day’s worth of cabbage soup, you need to prepare the food yourself in the fall. It is impossible to buy real sauerkraut now. Rutabaga is a problem. And there should be a stove for all this. Because you can't do it in the oven.

Yes, this is one of the aspects of mass nutrition. Why are companies like McDonald's effective? Because they have excellent logistics and supplies. At any given time in any country, they know that tomorrow they will receive 200 kg of potatoes and 10 kg of beef. Yes, these products may have that same plastic, plastic taste that we don’t like in public catering, but they will always be standard and on time. And here, as the radio listener rightly said, it is impossible to buy the right sauerkraut, vegetables, and meat of standard quality. There is no supply discipline, no reliable suppliers to provide this. This is a gigantic problem that specifically concerns our Russian specialties and products.

A listener writes: “Russian catering is head and shoulders above European catering. There’s simply nowhere to eat there, but in Moscow we ate dinner every day at a Chinese restaurant.” - That is, we have a wider range of establishments. So can it be “taken” by such small shops with a narrow range of regional, national dishes?

This is really promising direction. For example, in Paris - there is no problem not cooking in the evening, but going somewhere to eat. Huge number small establishments, shops in every quarter. Almost homely, just on the ground floor. Here the Turks prepare kebabs, here the Moroccans cook tagine, here the Chinese cook something of their own. They don't serve thousands of clients. This is just a neighborhood establishment for neighbors. And to have a snack, you don’t have to go somewhere to the station to find McDonald’s or buy pizza. Why don't we have this? - Absence retail space. That is, Moscow for many years remains a city in which there remains a shortage of retail and service space (premises). And if in the center this problem is not so obvious, but in residential, residential areas it is striking.

Question from a listener: The state doesn’t help public catering at all now (I deal with it myself and I know). It is impossible to maintain normal prices for healthy and fresh food. I have average bill 150 rubles, but I work for a government agency. If I go into the format of a regular street cafe, my check will be up to 1000 rubles. People often cannot afford it. Crazy taxes on employees, no benefits, you survive as best you can. In my canteen, 200 employees are guaranteed to eat. I change the menu every two weeks - all fresh products. If I worked “on the street,” they would deteriorate, because no one would buy them at such prices.

Very correct words about state support. So, there is currently no support for public catering, specifically food enterprises. There is some general declared support for small businesses. Why do we complain about catering and its quality? Do you think the owners of these establishments themselves are interested in using stale products, it is unclear what kind of staff? But there is a simple explanation for this - every penny is saved. And if they fulfill all the existing requirements, I’m afraid that the owner’s salary will be less than that of the cook.

Our approach, writes a radio listener, is that everything that’s ours is bad, preferential, and everyone else’s is good. Therefore, we will eat pizza made from inedible waste. But here’s another opinion from Alexey on the line: “I agree that McDonald’s is an irreplaceable thing. It's very fast, convenient, and it's understandable food. Otherwise, when you come to the dining room, it’s unclear what kind of meat was there, what it was made from. I am a Russian patriot and I agree that we need to develop our own. But in this area this is impossible. Massive, fast service, no utensils. Vegetables, good meat. And it’s all delicious.”

But another listener writes that McDonald's uses sweeteners and fillers that are addictive. How to deal with it?

Authorized government departments must combat this. If this is so, then I hope they will address this topic with no less zeal than they are now fighting with Ukrainian candies, American beef and Australian lamb. So far, such zeal has not manifested itself.

My name is Vladimir. Regarding the Russian network, we have one and it’s called “Teremok”. They serve dumplings, pancakes, kvass - everything in Russian. It is not particularly popular. There is “Russian Potato”. I wouldn't say they are very popular compared to McDonald's or Burger King.

On the one hand, the popularity of McDonald's or other Western chains is now higher. But, on the other hand, our networks are developing. There are chains of pancake shops in St. Petersburg, and there is Teremok. Moreover, they are quite large in scope and are even included in international ratings. It’s another matter if you ask any person involved in street catering, what does he think about Russian cuisine? He will tell you that the general opinion about Russian cuisine is simple - it is tasteless, not bright, and unsaleable. She always loses to the Asian, Caucasian. Do I agree with this? No, the quality of a cuisine has never been determined by the opinions of people who eat it on the run, at the exit from the subway. You can’t form an opinion about her based on the windy pies on the street stalls. Russian cuisine is a much broader, more beautiful and vibrant phenomenon. But you can’t appreciate it in public catering.

Fast food has literally taken over the catering segment today. The share of “fast food” in the “edible” market is 53%. This figure should not even be questioned. All you have to do is go out onto a busy street or go into any shopping centers To be sure, fast food is more popular than ever. There are many reasons for this: from Russians’ craving for everything Western to the economic crisis, as a result of which cafes and restaurants with an average bill above 1,000 rubles are losing clientele, giving way to inexpensive establishments.

As a rule, in fast food outlets the range of dishes is limited to Italian pizza, Japanese rolls and American hamburgers. Agree that this food, despite its popularity, is specific and not to everyone’s taste. Existing fast food chains mainly target teenagers and young people under 30 years of age.

How do you feel about trying to reach a wider audience? How to do this? Open an express dumpling shop - fast food with a Russian accent.

The advantages of this business idea are obvious:

  • no need to promote the product being sold (dumplings are one of the most favorite dishes among Russians of all ages)
  • small rent(starting from 5 thousand rubles)
  • compact equipment that can be carried independently (a vending machine for cooking dumplings takes up only a quarter of a square meter)
  • quick payback (from 2 months)

What is required from an entrepreneur?

The dumplings themselves will not be cooked, so the first and main step towards opening an express dumpling shop will be the purchase necessary equipment. Trading companies on the Internet they offer pick-up and delivery services for various types of mobile counters, as well as devices for cooking and storing dumplings. The cost of a retail outlet varies from 96 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the size and purpose (street trading or indoor sales). The cooking apparatus costs 68 thousand rubles, and the freezer and refrigerator cost 13.5 thousand each.

Expenses for technical equipment can be called basic, but in addition to them, there will also be where to invest: rent (room from 2 sq.m.), electricity, tax, staff salaries (on average, 2 people), insurance contributions - the entrepreneur takes all this on yourself.

What should you pay attention to?

You need to understand that this type business is focused on large cities. This is quite logical: business activity, and, consequently, the need to eat out is many times higher there. It is worthwhile to study very carefully the “hot spots” - places where the potential audience of a mobile counter gathers: office areas, station areas, university territories.
