I bought granulated litter and how to breed it. How to dilute chicken manure to feed plants. Video: how to use chicken manure as fertilizer

If there are chickens on the farm, then you should not get rid of the droppings of these birds, as this is an excellent fertilizer option for the garden and dacha. Even though today chemical production functions remarkably well, producing easy-to-use fertilizers; many summer residents and gardeners prefer natural organic fertilizers. Chicken droppings are good for this.

Chicken manure for the garden

Chicken manure is a multifunctional and valuable fertilizer for many types of garden crops. It can be used both dry and wet. liquid form. It has the same effect on productivity mineral fertilizers. And if you prepare it correctly, then it contains several times more nitrogen.

Chicken manure is very rich chemicals. It is based on trace elements, such as zinc, potassium, cobalt, magnesium and sulfur. In addition, it contains sulfides, phenol, a complex of vitamins and various acids. But it acquired its value as a fertilizer due to the organic compound phosphorus. The droppings are perfectly absorbed by plants.

Main properties of litter

  • Pure manure does not smell, since there is no ammonia in its structure;
  • After a one-time application of this fertilizer, the soil retains its nutritional value for three years;
  • Improves soil quality, suitable for any soil;
  • Regenerates soil microflora, fights weeds, normalizes acidity;
  • It does not burn plant roots, it is simply used in the form of compost and water tincture.

How to dilute chicken manure for feeding

Liquid organic fertilizer is applied to the ground in the spring, just before planting plants and seeds. It helps the formation of a good root system and increases yield. You cannot water the beds with liquid manure when the fruits are ripening, so as not to become infected with intestinal infections and helminths.

You will need a barrel for cooking. made of plastic or iron. You need to mix in it:

  • Chicken manure;
  • Water that has stood for several days.

The components must be taken in equal parts. You need to do the work wearing gloves and a gauze bandage to protect yourself from the foul aroma. You need to mix the composition with a wooden stick, stir until a homogeneous composition is obtained, and then close the barrel with a lid or ordinary boards.

The barrel should be in a dark place, since sun rays accelerate fermentation, and the solution turns out to be very concentrated and rich. It is stored for 2 months.

After ten days, the fertilizer will be ready. Before applying it to the soil, it must be diluted in the proportion of a liter of fertilizer per 10 liters or 50 liters of water. Fertilizer of higher concentration is suitable for trees and bushes, and vegetables are watered with a weak composition.

Water the roots with fertilizer plants or beds at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the ground. If the solution gets on the leaves or stems of crops, it can burn them, and then the plant will wither. A large tree is watered with 10 liters of the composition, and for young plants and shrubs three or five liters will be enough.

It is best to apply fertilizer after rain or regular watering, since damp soil absorbs well and protects the roots from burning.

If the composition is concentrated, then it does not deteriorate from the heat, but it is better that it is located where the sun does not reach.

The very first feeding is carried out during the flowering period of seedlings, in late spring and early summer. Fertilizer is then applied during fruit set. Subsequent fertilizing is carried out as necessary during fruit ripening in order to preserve the harvest.

It must be applied into moist soil through a watering can. It is better to water right under the roots, avoid getting it on the plant. The beds are watered evenly; if there is sediment left in the container, it is better to pour it under a tree or shrub.

Apply to trees and bushes in in kind, composition in a ratio of one to fifteen. It is recommended to apply it at a distance from the planting to the circumference of the trunk, so that the manure does not get on the root system. For an adult plant, a bucket of manure is added to the soil in one season; for young seedlings, the amount is reduced by three times.

Fertilizer in the form of granules should be added during planting and plant growth, covering it a little with soil. The main thing is to prevent the granules from coming into contact with the roots.

Chicken fertilizer - this is a very effective and fast-acting remedy. Using it in liquid form, in the form of compost or dry one to three times per season will provide a significant impetus to the dynamic growth, flowering, and ripening of plant fruits. After watering the seedlings with fertilizer, the result will be noticeable within a few days. Vegetables, flowers, berries and trees will be strong, strong, beautiful and healthy. The harvest will be abundant, natural and with excellent taste.

Chicken manure is a real boon for organic lovers. The main thing is to correctly calculate the proportions so as not to burn the plants; it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Fertilizer in the form of compost

Manure from chicken excrement, which has rotted at the same time as straw or sawdust, can be used to fertilize the soil before plowing. Professional gardeners use compost in the fall so that it is absorbed into the soil before the season begins. It is also sprinkled on the soil in early spring, before planting seedlings. Compost is applied evenly to the ground and then dug up.

To prepare valuable fertilizer, it is necessary to pour into a specially prepared hole:

  • Bird droppings 20−25 centimeters high;
  • Straw and sawdust 5-10 cm thick;
  • Cover the top with a 10-20 cm layer of peat.

Cover the pit with polyethylene to ensure rapid ripening and prevent unpleasant odors. When the heap is more than a meter high, the temperature in the lower layers reaches 65°C-70°C, while the ingredients do not smolder in the pit, but burn.

The fertilizer matures within two months. In addition to the components listed above, can be added to the pit:

  • Grass;
  • Tree bark and branches;
  • Food waste, but not chemicals and bags;
  • Tree leaves;
  • Shavings.

In order to obtain thick fertilizer, you need to add a layer of earth or clay to the compost pit.

After placing all the components in the pit, you need to wait two weeks and mix the composition with a shovel. Then the fertilizer ripens evenly, and the compost will be dry and crumbly.

Fast way

Chicken manure does not need to sit for 2 weeks to obtain the necessary fertilizer. You can prepare it from a bucket of clean water and a small amount of dry chicken manure. To water the seedlings, one large spoon of weak fertilizer under the bush will be enough.

The composition is stirred in the liquid until completely dissolved, left warm for forty minutes, and then watered over the vegetables from a watering can or jar. It is better, after applying the solution, to water the plants with plenty of water without any additives.

Special fertilizer

Not every plant likes manure fertilizer. There are crops that absorb fertilizers less well and as a result they weaken and die. For seedlings that need slightly acidic and neutral soil, it is recommended to prepare a composition from poultry droppings in the following way:

  1. Pour in 0.5 buckets of chicken manure.
  2. Fill the remaining space in the bucket with water.
  3. Mix thoroughly and let it brew for three days.
  4. Drain the resulting solution and pour it over the plants, and dilute the sediment again with water.

These steps can be repeated 3-4 times. The solution can be used to water plants during flowering and fruit ripening.

Making your own fertilizer is a guarantee of obtaining a high-quality product and protection of harmful chemical elements. Chicken manure as a fertilizer is not only economical, but also most effective in growing various garden crops.

Chicken droppings

The advantage of chicken manure is that it is an organic fertilizer.

Chicken manure contains nitrogen and phosphorus and is almost always in easy access. This useful fertilizer appears during the life of chickens.

The waste products of living organisms have always been food for the earth and guaranteed harvests without synthetic additives. Regular use will ensure plant growth.

  1. The main advantage is the preservation of properties (up to 3 years), the ability to effectively kill mold in the soil, and the saturation of plants with nitrogen.
  2. This product increases the quality and quantity of plant products and accelerates the ripening process of fruits if applied following the recommendations.
  3. Litter for feeding plants is economical, material consumption is insignificant. The presence of useful elements in it and their composition is determined by nitrogen and phosphorus.
  4. The fertilizer must be diluted. Using fresh chicken droppings is dangerous - the roots are affected.

It is important to maintain the correct proportions: the manure for digging should be diluted with water (1:10 or 1:20). If you take less water, the solution will be highly concentrated.

Cooking methods

You need to know how to breed bird droppings for feeding. Use requires strict compliance with all necessary conditions.

Gardeners immediately use 3 effective options for preparing liquid fertilizer.


It is necessary to dilute fresh chicken afterbirth in a barrel of water. The resulting infusion of chicken manure should be similar to unsaturated tea. It is important that the color is not too dark. If the mixture turns out darker, then water is added to it so that the concentration of nitrogen substances is reduced.

The resulting solution is infused for 2-4 days, then it is mixed with liquid (1:2) and placed in the wells.

Using already fermented afterbirth

You can dilute chicken manure to feed plants at home. It is necessary to mix manure and water in equal quantities. The mixture is closed and left untouched for 5 days.

The result of fermentation is a concentrate that must be diluted with water. Fertilizing with this mixture costs 300-500 ml per bucket of water.

Dry fertilizer

Dry chicken manure requires a longer cooking time, but does not lose its positive properties and is excellent for spring and autumn soil fertilization after preliminary processing.

Using a compost bin is a very simple method. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to get rid of unnecessary organic waste, weeds and sawdust.

Rotted bird droppings, weeds, grass clippings, sawdust, and organic waste are poured into a chicken manure compost pit. Maintain a layer thickness of 15-20 cm. Humidity matters: if the components are dry, they are watered. The pit is closed and isolated from oxygen for 3-4 months.

Manure is spread in an equal layer over the land. Then it is dug up. During the fall and winter, chicken poop will release nutrients into the damp soil. By spring, the soil will be saturated with nitrogen and ready for planting.

Dry fertilizer is poured under the roots of seedlings or fruit trees and bushes. There should be an afterbirth at the bottom of the hole ready for planting; it is covered with a layer of soil, then the plants are planted.

The use of chicken manure fertilizer should be careful; exceeding the concentration can make it toxic. General standards contributions:

  1. In the fall, before plowing the area, the ground is covered with dried Litter within 2 kg/m² of land.
  2. Use during planting: 10 kg of quail placenta for each planting hole.
  3. For fruit trees, 2 kg of afterbirth (for each) or 500 g of solution will be enough.

How to remove acidity

One way to remove acidity in a simple way. IN fabric bag pour fertilizer and dip it in water. The optimal ratio is 2:1. The bag is left for 48 hours. A liter of infusion is mixed with 20 liters of water and continued to be stored for another 7 days. Then the beds are fertilized.

To achieve the desired result, apply fertilizer to well-moistened soil, this ensures that the plants receive equal nutrition.

What plants to fertilize

Chicken manure has a rich composition of useful elements, due to which it ensures good productivity.


The main lover of nitrogen fertilizers is grapes. The organization of all conditions is important for him.

Grapes grow on clay soil; they need support and an uninterrupted supply of vitamins. The rotted Litter is compacted at the bottom of the planting hole, covered with earthen cover, moistened and planted. Humus consumption - a bucket per pit.


Chicken manure is good for tomatoes and will ensure their productivity. It is better to add useful components as compost in compliance with dosages of 3-4 kg per sq.m. The infusion is used throughout the ripening period, 5 liters each. After watering, the tomatoes will show good growth and produce a lot of fruit.


The cucumbers are fed with a solution of bird droppings after it has fermented. Particular attention should be paid to concentration - the color of the liquid should be almost yellow.

The best time to fertilize is shortly before the cucumbers begin to bloom. After fertilization, the fruits will set well, and there will be an order of magnitude less empty flowers. for cucumbers guarantees results.


Feeding potatoes with chicken manure is useful. It is best to sprinkle dry droppings under potato tubers. Preparing the land in the fall will give good results. But it will be difficult to obtain high-quality potatoes using only such measures.

Chicken manure is used in combination with other agents; urea works well. Additionally, bird droppings are diluted with dry ash, this helps get rid of wireworms, fight worms and treat tuber diseases.

Fruit trees

A good source of vitamins for apple trees and other fruit trees is fertilizing with chicken manure. One seedling consumes a norm of 8-10 liters. It is recommended to fertilize in spring and autumn after harvesting.


Fertilizer made from chicken manure is suitable for strawberries. Upon reaching the desired goal It is important to follow some rules.

It is prohibited to water strawberry bushes for fertilizing. This can cause damage to leaves and death of bushes. The solution is poured into the furrow near the plant. The roots will provide the bush with the required amount of vitamins.

Blooming strawberry bushes should not be fertilized this way.


You can use chicken manure to feed peppers in a greenhouse; this must be done before the fruits ripen. To water the plants, use 500 ml of liquid.


A solution of chicken manure, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, nucleotides and phosphorites, must be used for planting garlic.

Avoiding the use of fresh manure will help protect garlic and its flowering from the harmful aggressive influence of the placenta.

To add chicken manure to fertilize the garden, it is soaked for two days and diluted with water, applied around the roots.


Roses often suffer from nitrogen deficiency. Therefore, when feeding this plant with chicken droppings, it will delight you with lush and long flowering and a pleasant aroma.

It is not recommended to fertilize roses in the summer while they are blooming. Autumn and spring are optimal for this.


Currants love chicken droppings. It will saturate the bushes with the necessary nitrogen.

The currants are fed with humus from chicken manure when planting the bush. Raspberries are fed with chicken droppings in the same way. Fertilizers can be applied in spring and autumn.


Carrots are fertilized in early spring. Fertilizers cannot be sawed into the green part. A hole is dug along the rows of carrots into which the solution prepared in advance is poured. Then it is recommended to moisten the root crop plantation. Watering will help uniform distribution nutritional elements. Carrots are also sprinkled with ash.

Vegetables tolerate fertilizers based on chicken manure differently. It is not recommended to fertilize greens and salads in this way. Nitrogen will give an unpleasant specific taste.

Purchased chicken manure

The elements in the composition of chicken manure provide the gardener with cucumbers.

Production rules: the raw organic product is dried at high temperatures and granules of different sizes are formed. They do not smell, their odor is neutral, they should be stored dry.

Thanks to special processing, purchased fertilizers based on droppings are not contaminated with helminth eggs, and most importantly, it is easy to transport. It contains natural ingredients and has a fairly long shelf life.

Industrial production of chicken manure provides additional opportunities for consumption. The absence of odor allows you to use granules for feeding flowers, roses and indoor plants. They just need to be soaked in water and, after swelling, used for watering. The product soaked in water will help treat the seeds before planting.

It is not necessary to soak the granules; dry granules are placed directly under the plant in a moistened earthen mixture. As you water, the granule will gradually dissolve.

Suitable excrement

You can fertilize your garden with chicken manure, but farmers are also trying to use other effective fertilizers.

Not long ago, people began to use pigeon, quail and goose droppings to process various crops and seedlings.


Pigeon afterbirth is used in strict compliance with the standards established for the afterbirth of hens and chickens. No different from manure obtained from chickens.

The use of fresh pigeon droppings is prohibited. It is prepared for use by composting, soaking and infusion.

It is possible to use the litter of only those pigeons that live at home and eat natural food.

Collecting the afterbirth of pigeons living in large cities is dangerous. Such pigeons find food in landfills. The waste produced by such birds may contain harmful and dangerous substances.


Not only chicken manure is suitable for the garden. It is also possible to use goose excrement. Goose droppings are more nutritious. The components of such fertilizer are absorbed faster flora. Accordingly, the desired result of plant growth is achieved much earlier. Goose Droppings are not very common and purchasing them can be problematic. This fact is the main disadvantage of this experimental manifestation.

Breeding birds such as quails is becoming increasingly popular. Distinctive feature These birds are economical to keep, but they produce a lot of litter. Quail droppings are milder in toxicity; they are not contaminated with helminth eggs (they die due to high body temperature).


When using chicken manure as fertilizer, you need to follow all the details. Due to increased nitrogen levels, it is important to adhere to acceptable dosages.

The composition of chicken manure is such that the content of all necessary substances makes it possible to feed Vegetables and other crops. There is no need to make any effort to store the fertilizer.

Which can be used to feed almost all plants. Even its infrequent use significantly improves the development of the plant, accelerates the ripening of fruits, the quality and quantity of the harvest. But the use of fresh manure can cause harm to crops, and over-dried and stale manure loses most of its useful elements, and especially not everyone has the opportunity to get it. In this case, use in granules will be more effective and affordable, and since this fertilizer is a concentrate, a natural question arises about how to use it correctly.

Description and composition

Litter in granules- it is complex and has a full range of useful macro- and microelements. This fertilizer can be called universal, it is suitable for most species, it can be used to fertilize any. Of the huge variety, granulated chicken manure is considered to be the most valuable, since the beneficial substances it contains are most optimally combined and do not harm plants and microflora.

Granulated litter is a concentrate, Since during processing of raw material its volume can decrease by 10 times or more, this result is achieved through complete removal of moisture and compaction. The beneficial mineral substances of “chicken” granules are in no way inferior to synthetic ones in their effect on the yield of cultivated plants, and due to the fact that these substances are of organic origin, they are much less washed out from the soil. Also, these substances are gradually absorbed by plants from the soil, which, in turn, reduces the concentration of salts. The minerals contained in the granules affect not only the yield, but also the quality of the fruit; they help increase the amount of various vitamins, protein, sugar, starch, while the amount of nitrates in the fruit does not increase.

Did you know? In many European countries, domestic use natural gas replaced by gas that is released from chicken droppings.

The litter is presented in the form of an organic compound, which allows it to gain a foothold in the soil in the form of calcium, aluminum and iron phosphate, and during the mineralization of organic matter, they are moderately absorbed by crops. Because of this quality, the use of phosphorus from manure granules is more productive and beneficial compared to phosphorus contained in artificial ones. The same situation applies to that contained in fertilizer and. And helps reduce Granular chicken manure contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, boron, phosphorus, nitrogen, cobalt, sulfur, zinc and copper.

Features and Properties

Adding granules helps:

  • Balanced nutrition of all crops and obtaining an environmentally friendly harvest.
  • Increased yield from 20 to 40% and improved fruit quality.
  • Accelerates ripening time by up to two weeks.
  • Helps increase the dry matter content in fruits.
  • Helps improve the composition and properties of the soil (enhances the growth of beneficial microorganisms and inhibits the growth of harmful ones, and also improves structure and fertility).
  • Improves plant resistance to harmful factors environment and diseases.

Directions for use and dosage

Like most, granulated chicken manure has specific instructions for use on an industrial and small scale.

Important!If granules are used as a local fertilizer, they must be buried at a greater depth and away from the planting site.

For industrial scale

IN industrial scale Chicken manure in granules is used as the main fertilizer for arable land or as a local fertilizer during planting. Most agronomists recommend applying granulated chicken manure along with the addition and, in very rare cases, phosphorus fertilizers. If you plan to use it as the main one, The following proportions must be observed:

  • For cereals and legume-cereal mixtures - from 300 to 800 kg per 1 ha.
  • For such as rye and wheat - from 500 kg to 1 t per 1 ha.
  • For spring grains, such as oats, from 1 to 2 tons per 1 ha.
  • For corn and - from 600 kg to 2 tons per 1 ha.
  • For , - from 1 t to 2 t per 1 ha.
  • For, - from 2 t to 3 t per 1 ha.
In case of use as a local fertilizer It is best to reduce the dose by approximately 1/3. Also, granulated manure can be fertilized after grazing and mowing in doses from 600 kg to 800 kg per 1 ha.

Important! Doses depend not only on the crop you are going to plant, but also on the composition of the soil where you are going to do it, so before use you need to contact an agronomist to determine the required dosage.

For summer residents

On a small scale, granular poultry manure is widely used by flower growers, gardeners and vegetable growers. Chicken manure in granules is used both in dry form and can be diluted in water to obtain an infusion for feeding.

As a basic supplement in dry form it is applied in a dosage of 100 g to 300 g per 1 m², the dosage directly depends on the fertility of the soil and the crop being planted. The effectiveness of chicken manure can be increased if about 20 g of potassium chloride or about 30 g per 1 m² is added to it; this will be especially useful for other root vegetables. This additive can also be applied under the plant, it will be useful. But in this case, you need to ensure that the manure is sprinkled with soil and does not come into contact with the roots of the seedlings or the seeds of the crop.

Feeding should be done at the beginning, especially when it comes to. Autumn fertilizing can enhance vegetative growth, which, in turn, reduces the plant's winter hardiness.

Dry fertilizer can be carried out for, and by burying granules near a bush or tree at a rate of 100 g to 300 g per plant. For and manure needs to be buried in the furrows and the dose ranges from 100 g to 150 g per 1 m².
Liquid fertilizer carry out a daily infusion, which is prepared in proportions of 1 to 50 for young plants and 1 to 100 for adults. Such fertilizing is most useful for,

One of the most effective organic substances used to fertilize the soil is chicken manure. It contains large number micro- and macroelements, and in terms of usefulness it surpasses even coarse manure cattle. When fertilizing with chicken manure is used, rapid ripening of fruit and vegetable crops, high yields and increased resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases are observed.

Most types of manure begin to show their maximum effect only after 2-3 years of use, while chicken manure is active after a week.

Chicken manure is a very popular and effective fertilizer for plants.

In my own way chemical composition it is much better than various complex fertilizers because it has an increased concentration of useful elements:

  • nitrogen – up to 4%;
  • phosphorus – 2.5%;
  • potassium – 2%;
  • calcium – 1%;
  • iron and magnesium – up to 0.3% each;
  • manganese – 300 mg/kg;
  • sulfur – 41 mg/kg;
  • zinc – 22 mg/kg;
  • cobalt and copper – 3 mg/kg each.

In addition, it contains phenols, sulfides, vitamins and acids. It is not typical for chicken manure to release phosphates into the soil, and over time it is fully absorbed by crops.

Attention. Mineral fertilizers in most cases are washed out of the soil into deep layers within one season, or take on forms that are difficult to reach. Distinctive feature chicken fertilizer is its ability to have a nutritional effect on the soil for the next three years, even after a one-time application.

This organic fertilizer is suitable for all types of soil, excellently restores soil microflora, normalizes its acidic environment and increases the humus content in it. In addition, it helps in the fight against weeds without burning the root system of the plant.

Chicken droppings contain a lot of useful elements.

The benefits and harms of chicken fertilizer for plants

Among the variety of fecal waste from poultry, preference is given to chicken waste, because it has a whole range of positive effects on plants:

  • accelerates the ripening of fruit and vegetable crops in relation to unfertilized plantings by about a week;
  • enriching plants with important nutrients, increases productivity by up to 40%;
  • increases the resistance of crops to fungal and bacterial pathologies, including root rot, late blight, fusarium, scab, etc.;
  • has a slightly alkaline reaction, which has a beneficial effect on plants sensitive to acidic environments;
  • enhances the growth of cultivated plantings, ensures abundant flowering and good fruit set;
  • plants tolerate short-term droughts more easily.

Among the available advantages, one negative feature can be identified, which, if not observed, certain rules may endanger plants. Chicken droppings are very saturated with nitrogen in ammonium form, which can release large amounts of ammonia and methane, which are destructive to plantings. Therefore, in pure form Fertilizer is used only after harvesting.

In its pure form, chicken manure is used only after harvesting.

How to breed and prepare chicken manure as fertilizer

Chicken manure should never be used fresh, as it contains a large amount of uric acid, which can “burn” the plant. To reduce excessive concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, manure is left to outdoors on long term. Excess substances will evaporate, and the finished residue can be used for feeding.


Fresh chicken excrement can be used to make liquid fertilizers. Most high marks The method of infusing chicken manure has won over gardeners. This kind of fertilizer acts very quickly due to the increased nitrogen content, and with regular feeding, the results are noticeable within 7-10 days.

So, how to properly dilute chicken manure to obtain an infusion? To do this, you need to follow several steps:

  • Fill a bucket or barrel halfway with droppings, then fill the container completely with water;
  • leave to ferment for about two weeks (can be tightly covered with a lid or film);
  • when the color of the solution becomes dark, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:20.

With the help of infusion, the litter is suitable for use after 10 days.

Attention. To prevent chicken manure from emitting an unpleasant odor during fermentation, you can add 300 g of iron sulfate, which is also excellent as a fertilizer, to the container with the infusion.

Dry litter can also be used for liquid feeding, and it can be stored all summer. When the infusion is over, the droppings remaining at the bottom can be diluted again with water and used as a less concentrated, but still equally beneficial fertilizer for plants.

Many novice gardeners and gardeners are concerned about the question of how to properly use an infusion of chicken manure. Taking from the container required quantity suspension and diluting it with water to the desired consistency, carefully water the beds from a watering can, without directing it at the roots of the plants. After fertilizing, water the bed with clean water, focusing special attention leaves of plantings that were exposed to the solution. It is recommended to feed crops with this fertilizer 2-3 times a year.


Today, another way of using chicken manure as a fertilizer is gaining popularity - fermentation.

For fermentation, droppings collected from special trays are suitable.

Previously, this method of processing excrement was used only in poultry farms, but today it has become available to private owners.

This method is implemented very simply: a special tray is installed under the cage with chickens to collect excrement, after which sawdust, previously treated with a fermentation accelerator, is systematically added to the pile. When cleaning the tray, all components are mixed and placed in one pile. When its height reaches 1-1.5 m, it is treated a second time with an EM or UV accelerator.

Next, the resulting consistency is infused in the open air for about 30 days (in summer) and 60 days (in winter). The dried mass can be used immediately, because it does not contain weed seeds, helminth eggs and a pungent odor.


In rare cases, they prefer to soak chicken manure in order to get rid of excess amounts of harmful acid. It is known that by interacting with water, highly concentrated organic fertilizer loses some of the toxins and uric acid. To do this, fresh raw materials are filled with water, kept for two days, then drained and fresh water is added. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Preparing a solution for feeding is not difficult, the main thing is to know How handle plants correctly. The substrate should not be applied at the root, but in the grooves around the tree trunk or between the rows.


This method is ideal for gardeners who have a small supply of fresh chicken manure on hand. In addition to manure, you need to acquire sawdust or straw, as well as peat. This fertilizer can be fed only in the fall; in the spring it can only be used on sandy soil.

To compost chicken manure you will need a compost pit.

So, how to make compost without mistakes:

  • dig a compost pit or prepare a suitable container - a wooden box is perfect;
  • distribute peat along the bottom, followed by a layer of sawdust or straw;
  • Lay layers of fresh chicken manure, alternating with sawdust or straw.

The height of each layer should be within 15-20 cm, as a result the heap should grow to 1-1.5 m. After 1-2 months, the fertilizer will rot, ferment and be ready naturally. And if you cover it with film to maintain optimal humidity, the process will speed up and the unpleasant odor will be muffled.

Dry chicken manure

Dry manure is very popular due to its ease of storage and ease of use. This fertilizing is ideal in the spring after harvesting, since over the winter the moist soil will process the fertilizer and absorb all the useful elements. When processing the area, it is necessary to add dry manure at the rate of 400-700 g per cubic meter. m. For berry plantings, pour in crushed form from 200 to 400 g per 1 m of soil, and for seedlings - 20-30 g in each hole.

Dry chicken manure is used only after the crop has been harvested.

Granulated chicken manure

Granular litter, as well as dry litter, greatly simplifies the process of feeding plants. It underwent microbiological treatment, which resulted in the complete absence of helminth eggs and weed seeds. Chicken manure in granules does not have a pungent specific odor and is stored for a long time. The consumption rate is considered to be 0.1-0.3 kg per 1 sq. m, provided that the fertilizer does not come into direct contact with the plants. After application, it should be covered with a layer of soil and watered.

How to Apply Chicken Manure as Fertilizer in Spring

In the spring, after awakening, trees and shrubs must recover from the cold winter. For active growth, they need nitrogen, which is contained in excess in chicken droppings.

How is chicken manure used on shrubs and trees? As a rule, gardeners use liquid fertilizer, since such fertilizer allows you to accurately dose the volume and strictly adhere to the timing (in the initial phase of the growing season), otherwise the crop will be rich in nitrates or you will end up with a lot of tops.

Shrubs are fertilized with chicken manure in liquid form.

The fertilizer is applied to the tree trunk at a certain distance so that the solution does not get on the roots coming from the trunk. During the season, one adult fruit-bearing tree requires one bucket of liquid manure; for seedlings, the amount is reduced to 1/3. For fruit-bearing bushes (currants, raspberries or gooseberries), half a liter of solution per 1 square meter is enough. m of soil.

Important. Plants and trees should be watered immediately after rain or several hours after watering. The remaining mixture can be poured into the compost heap. To ensure that the fertilizer is well absorbed into the soil, it is recommended to loosen the soil before watering.

A concentrated infusion of manure is also ideal for vegetables that are harvested many times during the season. For example, for peppers, fertilizer is applied at the root at the rate of 0.5-1 liters of solution per plant. Such fertilizing is considered the best organic fertilizer for flowers, since it ensures intensive formation of young leaves, shoots and buds. So, for one bush of roses or peonies there should be about 0.5 liters of diluted infusion.

As for garlic, this plant itself does not require additional feeding. However, there are times when even resistant garlic cannot do without human help.

Flowers and vegetables are watered with a concentrated infusion of chicken manure.

For example, a plant began to sprout in April, and in May the cold weather suddenly set in: in this case, the plant stops growing and may wither and turn yellow. Watering with chicken droppings at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer per 1 square meter will help restore the ripening of garlic. m of soil. Distribute it at a distance of 30 cm from the plant so as not to touch its root system.

How to fertilize different crops with chicken manure

Chicken manure as a fertilizer is suitable for many crops, but nightshades are especially fond of it. It is recommended to fertilize tomatoes both in the spring in the form of dry compost (3-4 kg/sq. m) and throughout the growing season in the form of an infusion (5-6 liters per sq. m).

However, you should know one nuance: if, after applying fertilizer, the tomatoes quickly become overgrown with green mass, the leaves become too fleshy, and the stems become thick, then you should stop feeding and take a break for 10 days. After this, carry out exclusively foliar feeding with natural organic matter.

Responsive to chicken droppings and cucumbers. To harvest a high-quality harvest, it is recommended to fertilize twice a season. The first is carried out with liquid fertilizer from droppings and water in a ratio of 1:10, after three leaves have formed on the bush. Before flowering begins, a second procedure is carried out, for which a solution with the addition of sodium sulfate is used.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are watered with infusion of chicken manure twice a season.

For young potatoes, it is advisable to use an infusion of chicken manure once per season, until the bushes reach a height of 15-20 cm. One of the best fertilizers for potatoes is compost. In the autumn, before plowing, 50-70 kg of chicken compost is evenly applied to one hundred square meters of area, which will saturate the soil with useful elements for 3 years.

As for grapes, growing this crop in central Russia is very difficult. In such conditions, grapes require additional stimulating nutrition, which will help them endure harsh winters and have time to enjoy the harvest over the summer. Once a season, the plant must be fed with chicken manure in rotted or liquid form. To do this, grooves are dug between the bushes at a distance of 50 cm from the base of the vine, and fertilizer is applied to them.

Strawberries are fed in the spring, when the plant is just awakening. To fertilize young plants up to 1 year old, use 12 liters of liquid fertilizer per 25 bushes, and for strawberries older than 3 years - 12 liters per 7-10 bushes.

Chicken manure in granular form is ideal for indoor plants to prevent unpleasant odors in the house. Granules are mixed with the substrate or buried around the perimeter flower pot with a recess of several centimeters.

Chicken manure as fertilizer - reviews from farmers

Michael. For many years I used chicken manure as fertilizer for my garden plants. I bought it in dry form, diluted it in a 40-liter saucepan with water in a ratio of 1:4 and left for 2-3 days. The resulting infusion was again diluted with water: a bucket of water for 1 liter of infusion. I brought in 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. I fertilize tomatoes, cucumbers, and berries this way - almost everything that grows in the country.

In the video, a farmer talks about how to prepare fertilizer from chicken manure.

Victoria. I really like to fertilize plants with chicken droppings. I buy ready-made dry manure, infuse it and periodically water all vegetable and berry plantings. Tomatoes especially love this fertilizer, and I also fertilize cucumbers, peppers, and carrots. The main thing is to dilute and apply correctly, and then the harvest will delight you.

Natalia. I prefer to use chicken droppings for home flowers: azalea, platicerium, begonia. I don’t breed it, I just put dry granules in the soil and water it. And for the garden, I choose cow manure the old fashioned way.

Chicken manure is a natural, environmentally friendly organic fertilizer. But not every summer resident can obtain this product naturally. In this case, a ready-made granular composition made from bird droppings helps out. In order to use fertilizer correctly, it is important to know the specifics of its use, including in the fall.

Granulated chicken manure

Experienced summer residents have long come to the conclusion that chicken droppings are the most nutritious compared to other types of poultry droppings. The amount of elements nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium contained in it is 3 times (and magnesium and sulfur - 4 times) higher than the content of similar substances in geese droppings. Wide Application chicken manure due to its following properties:

However, there are a number of restrictions on the use of this valuable product. Fresh droppings cannot be stored long time without loss of the nitrogen component. Dried at home or in the form of a fermented solution, the product also has a limited (up to six months) shelf life. In addition, natural droppings may contain worm eggs and pathogenic bacteria that are transferred to plants during the fertilization process. Successful alternative option is granulated chicken manure, which is produced by high-temperature heat treatment and grinding fresh chicken excrement. Benefits of using granulated chicken manure:

As a rule, in the fall, chicken manure is applied as the main fertilizer for digging the soil. This promotes better development of vegetable crops (after they are planted in the ground in the spring), supplying them with nutrients and increasing their resistance to fungal infections (for potatoes, also late blight). When preparing beds for vegetables in the autumn, on average, from 100 g to 300 g of granular fertilizer per 1 m² is used, this will depend on the concentration of minerals in the granules. The granules are evenly scattered over the surface of the soil and embedded into it to a depth of 10 cm when digging the area. The elements contained in the fertilizer are gradually absorbed into the soil under the influence of precipitation and are absorbed by the root system of plants in the spring.

The main fertilizers are those that are applied annually, in autumn or early spring, for plowing, and on personal plots - for digging. Fertilizers are applied to improve plant nutrition conditions throughout the growing season

O.A. Petrosyan, experienced specialist in growing garden crops

"Fertilizers and fertilizing." Practical guide. Publishing house "Veche", Moscow, 2003.

  • white cabbage - 150–200 g mixed with peat;
  • potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips - 100–150 g mixed with peat;
  • onions, garlic - 100 g;
  • legumes (beans, peas) - 300–350 g.

See instructions and dosages on the back of the pack.

Video: using chicken manure fertilizers

To feed fruit trees in the fall, the application of granular manure is combined with moisture-recharging irrigation after the end of leaf fall. To do this, pour 1 kg of fertilizer with 3 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. The resulting infusion is diluted in 20 liters of water. 8–10 liters of solution are used per tree, watering the tree trunk circle. Then the soil is mulched.

Photo gallery: main brands of granulated chicken manure

Florizel brand chicken manure contains additional calcium and magnesium, which helps improve the quality of vegetables and fruits Fasco brand fertilizer granules have a high content of essential nutrients (N:P:K=4:3:1.3) Good Power brand fertilizer is recommended for restoring and increasing soil fertility; especially effective in acidic and polluted areas heavy metals soils

For berry crops, 100–200 g of fertilizer is applied to the hole next to the bush, covered with soil and watered with 5 liters of water. Chicken manure is used to feed all types of berries, except blueberries (they require acidic soil with pH 4–4.5).

The grapes are fed in September-October by adding from 100 to 300 g of granules per bush once every 3 years when digging between the rows.

Video: granular fertilizer Florex-N

The use of granular chicken manure in the fall improves soil quality indicators and has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of plants during the next growing season.
