Arbolit as business marketing research. Business plan for an enterprise for the production of wood concrete blocks. Auxiliary works and basis for construction

The article describes the features of compiling business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks. For a long time, work has been carried out to find a building material that is not inferior in its properties to traditional brick and concrete, but is more economical and practical.

As a result of this, they were created arbolite blocks, production which is a good idea for starting a business. In order to take into account all the nuances at the planning stage, it is created business plan.

Business plan for a project for the production of wood concrete blocks allows you to attract investors for additional financing of the project or organize lending in the TOP5 state banks of the Russian Federation.

Key features of a business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks

Features of a business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks

Start compiling business plan costs from market analysis. At this stage, it is important to study the demand for products, as well as the level of competition. The main competitors may be:

  • Similar manufacturers;
  • Enterprises producing other building materials.

Close substitute products may include foam blocks, brick, wood, cinder blocks and expanded clay, etc.

Based on this analysis, it is necessary to clearly formulate and justify the concept future company and decide on production technology.



Arbolite blocks are used mainly for the construction of residential buildings and structures. In accordance with this, in business plan The following main consumer groups are distinguished:

  • Individuals;
  • Construction companies and teams;
  • Construction stores, markets, wholesale centers;
  • Builders and developers;
  • Other enterprises and organizations.

For each group a marketing strategy in order to directly influence the target audience.

Blocks are divided into large and small. The first are created for the construction of load-bearing structures, the second - for creating partitions.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Volume of investments to launch the production of wood concrete blocks

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wages

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of production of wood concrete blocks

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. Financial analysis

6.3. Risks of producing arbolite blocks

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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Maksimov K.O., Nizhny Novgorod,

Feedback on the business plan for developing a sand quarry for sand extraction

To expand production, we needed to attract investors. More precisely, we had “our own” investor, but in order to work with him we needed a business plan. Representatives of the company site provided us with invaluable assistance in drawing up this document, as a result of which the investor was satisfied with the quality of the business plan. We received investments worth 40 million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.

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Feedback on the business plan concrete plant

We were satisfied with the business plan for the concrete plant. All formulas are easy to use and very simple, all explanations are clear, and any changes can be made to the finished model. In fact, this is the first business plan that has proven to be easy to use and clear to understand.

M. L. Ivanova, financial director, JSC "World of Construction"

Feedback on the business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks

To start production of arbolite blocks bought ready-made business plan in Plan-Pro. A business plan was needed to obtain a loan from Alfa-Bank in the amount of 65 million rubles. The bank did not have any questions, and we were approved for the required amount. This document was also used in negotiations with several investors, all of whom noted the quality of the work. We still use the financial model that was included. This is convenient for monitoring key indicators.

Yuryev I.D., Director of the company, Krasnoyarsk.

Composition and properties of wood concrete blocks in a business plan

Arbolite blocks, also called wood bricks, because, according to business plan, they consist of:

  • Sawdust;
  • Concrete;
  • Water;
  • Aluminum.

Thanks to this composition, they have the following properties:

  • Cheapness;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Provides good sound insulation;
  • Retains heat due to the thickness of the layer;
  • Easy to use, drills and grinds without problems;
  • Impact resistant external environment, including fire;
  • Do not mold or rot;
  • Durable;
  • Provides good air exchange due to porosity;
  • Lightweight blocks, which allows you to save on transport costs.

In this regard, such a comparatively new material, arouses great interest among buyers. In all marketing activities, it is important to ensure that all positive features are conveyed to the target audience.

Promotion of wood concrete blocks on the market in accordance with the business plan

For an entrepreneur, even at the planning stage, it is important to work out possible channels sales arbolite blocks and reflect everything in business plan. These may include:

For more successful promotion, marketing activities should be carried out, for example:

  • Creation of a website and groups on social networks;
  • Advertising in specialized magazines, on radio and television;
  • Outdoor advertising placement;
  • Sending commercial proposals;
  • Participation in the construction of buildings and structures is significant for the city.

The sequence of launching the production of wood concrete blocks in the business plan

Conventionally, we can distinguish 3 main stages of starting a business – preparatory, planning, implementation. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Within preparatory stage You should conduct a market analysis, studying the characteristics of demand, supply, competition, factors influencing the development of the industry, pricing procedures, etc. Also, it is important to consider the features of the technological process.

Next we move on to planning. production of arbolite blocks and make up business plan, which includes production, marketing, financial and organizational plans, we calculate the effectiveness of the project, the payback period, assess the risks, and select options for their possible leveling.

Finally, let's start implementation. At this stage, you should select a suitable premises, purchase raw materials, equipment, hire staff, and register the business. After this, the operation of the enterprise can begin.

Start-up investments in the production of wood concrete blocks as part of a business plan

IN business plan the following items of investment in the launch are provided

  • Search and rental of premises – xxx rub.;
  • Registration as legal entity or individual entrepreneur– xxx;
  • Purchase, installation and configuration of equipment – ​​xxx;
  • Purchase of raw materials – xxx;
  • Marketing activities – xxx;
  • Stock cash- xxx.

The total amount varies from 50 to 150 million rubles. depending on the concept and scale of the enterprise.

As additional sources of financing, you can attract funds from investors, as well as apply for a loan. To do this, you will need a professionally written business plan. Ready business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks you can download from the link below. It already structures all the necessary information to start the project. In addition, it contains a financial model that is convenient for making forecasts.

Technological process for the production of wood concrete blocks in a business plan

According to business plan technology production of arbolite blocks involves going through the following stages:

  1. Crushing chips to the desired size and mixing the main components;
  2. Pressing and compacting the mixture;
  3. Removing blocks and drying them;
  4. Packaging and transportation.

Thus, the process itself is not particularly difficult. The basis of quality is the selection of the optimal ratio of components and good compaction of forms.

Purchase of equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks in accordance with the business plan

  • Mixing station;
  • Press molds;
  • Tamping machine and press;
  • Drying chamber;
  • Pallets;
  • Furniture and computers for office premises;
  • Ventilation, alarm, fire extinguishing system.

To install the appropriate equipment for production of arbolite blocks you will need to find a suitable room. According to business plan it should be located in an industrial area of ​​the city, have good transport accessibility and high ceilings, and also be equipped with all the necessary communications.

By the way, if you are planning to diversify risks and launch a number of productions, then pay attention to. This material has also recently been considered quite in demand, and the technology for its production is not particularly complicated.

Financial plan for the business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks

Within business plan a financial model of the future is being compiled production of arblolitic blocks, where the forecast of the main indicators is calculated.

Costs of production of wood concrete blocks in a business plan

To maintain normal functioning companies for production of wood concrete blocks V business plan The following operating costs are provided:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.;
  • Employee salaries – xxx;
  • Utilities – xxx;
  • Tax payments – xxx;
  • Purchase of raw materials and supplies – xxx;
  • Equipment maintenance costs – xxx;
  • Transport costs – xxx.

Total from xxx rub. monthly.

Profit from the production of wood concrete blocks in a business plan

Monthly revenue is from xxx rub. monthly and is formed by wholesale and retail sales finished products. Profit production of arbolite blocks is calculated as the difference between revenue and costs and can reach according to data business plan up to xxx rub. per month.

Personnel composition for the production of wood concrete blocks in the business plan

IN business plan it will be necessary to provide for the costs of recruiting and paying the following personnel production of wood concrete blocks:

  • Director;
  • Accountant;
  • Technologist;
  • Sales Manager;
  • Purchasing Manager;
  • Logistician;
  • Equipment operators;
  • Workers;
  • Drivers;
  • Security guard.

Payback period for investments in the production of wood concrete blocks in accordance with the business plan

From 3 to 5 years. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to look at profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks with calculations and an Excel financial model

The excellent consumer properties of wood concrete blocks, as well as the low level of competition in this area, allow us to occupy our niche in the building materials market and make a profit over a long period of time.

For this purpose, a business plan is drawn up. Ready business plan for the production of arblitic blocks You can download it from the link below, it contains all the necessary information and a calculated financial model. This document used to organize operational control and attract additional funds from investors and creditors. At your request, it is possible to draw up an individual “turnkey” business plan.

The construction industry is developing every year, the number of residential buildings is increasing, construction companies are in search of the optimal material. In this regard, the production of wood concrete blocks becomes promising direction for investing money.

The construction business brings good profits at any time. Even such a huge supply of building materials that exists on modern market, does not always meet demand. Recently, new materials have become very popular, among which I would like to highlight wood concrete blocks.
Arbolite is considered the building material of the future. It is a block made of wood chips and cement. This material has excellent performance properties and high environmental friendliness. Because modern people prefer to use natural materials for construction; wood concrete blocks are very popular. There are usually no problems with their implementation. Many novice entrepreneurs choose the production of wood concrete blocks as a business direction that brings in good income.

Where to start production?

It is best to organize a wood concrete production business close to the source of raw materials. For work you will need wood chips or.

Special attention should be given to the selection of equipment for the production line, since the quality of the products must fully comply with all established requirements.

For the enterprise to be successful and bring good profit, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks. All other actions must clearly correspond to its points. Thanks to this, you will be able to successfully develop and protect your business from bankruptcy.

Enterprise registration

To implement production process, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. When choosing the type of taxation, give preference to the simplified tax system. If you plan to hire employees, you must register as an employer to pay insurance premiums.


To produce wood concrete blocks, you should hire the following personnel:

  • Accountant;
  • Sales Manager;
  • General workers to maintain equipment;
  • Storekeeper.

The company can operate in shifts 5 days a week. The duration of one shift is 8 hours.

Renting premises

To produce wood concrete, you should rent a room with an area of ​​200 sq. m. meters. It needs to be divided into several production areas:

  1. The workshop in which the equipment is installed;
  2. Warehouse for storing raw materials;
  3. Warehouse for finished products.
If you choose a good location for your business, you can save a lot on the purchase of raw materials. It is desirable that the production areas be located near a sand quarry and an operating sawmill. In addition, in the suburban area, salaries are much lower, so you can also save on wages.

Make sure that 380V electricity is supplied to the workshop to connect equipment. It is advisable to insulate the workshop for drying finished products, otherwise the blocks will take a long time to dry.


The most expensive item is equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks. It is best to buy new machines so as not to be at a loss due to constant downtime and not constantly spend money on repairs.

To organize a production line you will need:

  • Wood chipper;
  • Chip dryer;
  • Mortar mixing machine;
  • Vibrating table;
  • Molds of the required size.

To increase the efficiency of the process, you can purchase a dryer for finished products. In addition, you will need a conveyor and pallets for packaging. A machine for the production of wood concrete blocks costs approximately 100–120 thousand rubles. You will have to shell out 900 thousand rubles to fully equip the production. On large enterprise you will need a more powerful and high-performance installation for the production of wood concrete blocks. Accordingly, it costs much more, but such equipment pays for itself in a shorter period of time.

Purchase of raw materials

To produce 1 cu. meter of wood concrete you will need:

  • Stale wood chips – 1166 l;
  • Aluminum sulfate – 90 kg, diluted in 1000 liters of water;
  • Cement – ​​237 l;
  • Water. It is added to the mixture until it begins to shine.

Arbolite blocks for home needs

If desired, wood concrete, just like , can be made at home. It is worth noting that the production of wood concrete blocks with your own hands does not require the use special equipment. The most important thing is to prepare the solution correctly. As forms, you can use ordinary wooden boxes, which are covered inside with linoleum for sealing. The mixture is laid out in layers and compacted well. It is desirable that the top layer is uneven. It will be better to use plaster mortar on it. The finished block must sit for at least a day.

For beginning entrepreneurs who do not have large initial capital on hand, the production of wood concrete blocks at home is an ideal option for starting.

Production technology

The technology for making arbolite blocks is quite simple, but despite this, it has its own certain secrets. To produce high-quality wood concrete blocks you need to purchase:

  • Cement M500;
  • Organic filler (chips or wood shavings).

Individual elements should not be very large. It is advisable to grind them in a special crusher. If the main filler is not enough, you can add dry leaves, pine needles or tree bark. Make sure that there is no more than 5% of secondary raw materials in one batch.

To prevent the blocks from deforming, cellulose should first be removed from the organic filler. Otherwise, fermentation processes will occur inside, and gases escaping outside will damage the integrity of the material. To do this, use chemical neutralizers - aluminum sulfate or calcium chloride. These are inexpensive and quite effective inhibitors.

The finished mixture is loaded into molds and sent to a brick press for the production of wood concrete blocks. After this, the products are removed from the mold and left to dry for 3–4 days. If you have a drying chamber, the blocks can be used immediately after drying.

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Economic part

Let's move on to the calculations. So, to buy equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks, you need to spend 300-350 thousand rubles. Another 20 thousand rubles will be spent on its transportation and installation.

At first, the production line can be operated by two people. Over time, the number of workers needs to be increased to 5 people. In addition, it is necessary to purchase raw materials, which should be enough for a month of work. This will require another 500 thousand rubles.

If you produce 400–500 cubic meters of wood concrete per month, you can get 12 million rubles in profit per year. Accordingly, the initial investment will pay off in literally 3–4 months. From this we can conclude that the production of wood concrete blocks is a fairly promising business direction that can provide a stable high income.


It is quite difficult to calculate all the profits that can be received from the production of wood concrete blocks. If the business goes well, the initial investment will pay off in just 2.5 months. After this, you will be able to receive a monthly stable income.

Arbolite - belongs to the category of lightweight concrete made from mineral fillers, cement and wood waste (sawdust, cellulose, plant fires, etc.). Low cost and high thermal and sound insulation characteristics of the block determine the high popularity of this material. What factors need to be taken into account to determine whether it will be profitable to build a house from wood concrete?

The composition of wood concrete includes four types of main components: chemical additives, fillers, mineral binders and water.

For 1 m 3 of wood concrete you will need:

  1. Mineral binders: to achieve the maximum density of wood concrete blocks, it is necessary to use Portland cement of a grade of at least 500. Cement consumption may vary: the approximate figure is 255 kg. Wholesale price this amount of cement will be about 1200 rubles.
  2. Fillers: most often these are wood waste. Coniferous and hardwood species are often used. The latter are full-fledged aggregates that minimize the consumption of cement for the production of wood concrete. You will need about 200 kg of flax fires or wood chips, which will cost 900 rubles.
  3. About 300 liters of water will be required - this will be about 20 rubles.
  4. Used as chemical additives liquid glass, potassium chloride, aluminum sulfate and slaked lime. Aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride are considered the best. The total number of chemical additives is 6–12 kg, or 2–4% of the total weight of cement. Considering the maximum consumption (12 kg), it will cost us 80 rubles.

Thus, 1 m 3 of wood concrete includes components totaling 2100 rubles and the cost of one block (there are 30–33 blocks in 1 cubic meter) is 64–70 rubles.

A house made of wood concrete - what makes up the cost of construction

When comparing wood concrete with others popular types building materials, several factors must be taken into account. Namely:

  1. Cost of the block. It is better to take into account not a standard cube, but the number of pieces needed for the construction of a building. The cost must include the costs of delivery and unloading. For comparison with other materials, it should be taken into account that the thickness of wood concrete sufficient for the construction of walls is 350 mm (when building from gas silicate, a block of 375 mm will be required)
  2. Price preparatory work. A house made of wood concrete weighs 30% less than an identical structure built from gas silicate and 40–50% from brick. This must be taken into account when laying the foundation. To lay a block of wood concrete, you will need to make a base with a depth of 450 mm; if the house is built from brick and gas silicate, you need to increase the thickness of the foundation to 500–550 mm. The calculation must include how much cement, reinforcement, crushed stone and other building materials will have to be spent to complete this work.
  3. Laying solution. The wood concrete block can be laid on a regular cement-sand mortar, which significantly reduces the cost of the house. For one stone, 1.5–2 kg of solution is enough. You need to add into the calculation how much a cube of cement costs.
  4. Labor costs. Laying wood concrete on average costs 10–15% less than identical technical specifications, gas silicate. It is easier to get a discount from a construction team due to the fact that working with blocks is more convenient due to their lighter weight, about 20 kg. Arbolite is easy to machine. You can cut off a small part or give the material the required geometric shape with a regular wood hacksaw with a large tooth. As a result, the masonry costs less and the entire house costs significantly less. Typically, payment is calculated per cube of wood concrete. You can agree with the contractor on payment for each laid block, and this will further reduce the cost of the work.
  5. Additional costs. The wood concrete block is strong enough and does not crack over time, so there is no need to make a full-fledged armored belt between floors. A certain amount of cement will be used to fill the concrete pad. Every 2-3 rows you will need to tie the wall with reinforcement.
  6. Subsequent finishing. The wood concrete block has high soundproofing and energy-saving characteristics and has good adhesion. After laying the block, it can be plastered and covered with plasterboard. Additional insulation with mineral and other insulation materials is not required.

It turns out that when calculating how much it costs to lay a cube of wood concrete, you should take into account not only its cost, but also transport costs, cost of cement and crushed stone, installation costs, additional materials: necessary tool, reinforcing mesh, additives and modifiers for cement (subject to work being carried out in the cold season). Since it is necessary to produce about 10 cubic meters of masonry mortar, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of water at the construction site.

Approximate calculations of the cost of a house made of wood concrete

In Europe, where energy-saving technologies are being actively introduced, wood concrete blocks are widely used in the construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities no higher than 2nd floor. This building material appeared in our region relatively recently. It is not surprising that a house built entirely of wood concrete is a relative rarity in our region.

Is the decision to abandon the usual brick, foam block and gas silicate in favor of wood concrete really justified and economically profitable? Simple calculations help to understand that this solution is economically feasible and profitable. How much does a cube of wood concrete cost in practice?

  1. To build a 3*3 m wall you will need approximately 90 units. block. The minimum strength of the material is D-500. Technical parameters 500*200*300. A block of wood concrete costs, depending on the region, about 4–4.3 thousand rubles.
  2. An average-sized house will require approximately 40 cubic meters of masonry material. Consequently, you will need to spend 172 thousand rubles on the block.
  3. To the amount received you will need to add the cost of unloading; you can negotiate with the construction team for 300–400 rubles for each cube of material unloaded. In total, you will have to spend 12 thousand rubles.
  4. Masonry material is taken at the rate of 10 cubic meters of masonry = 1 cubic meter of mortar. Approximately 390 kg of cement will be required. It turns out that for a house you will need 39 bags of cement. Cost 39*200 = 7800. To prepare the solution, you will also need fine-grained sand, approximately 6 tons or 4.5 cubic meters. Price from 800 rub. costs about 4 thousand rubles.

When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account that prices for different building materials may vary depending on the distance of the building under construction from warehouses and production facilities. Armed with a calculator, you can quickly calculate that for a house made of wood concrete, when erecting 40 cubic meters of walls, you will need to spend 195–200 thousand rubles. In this case, the price is taken into account without a foundation solely for the laying of wood concrete blocks.

The cost of masonry must be added to the cost of the material. In Moscow, masons charge approximately 1,200 rubles. for 1 cubic laid block. In the periphery you can negotiate for 800 rubles. It turns out that turnkey masonry will cost an additional 32–48 thousand rubles.

Important! To the resulting cost you will need to add the costs associated with the delivery of the material, payments to the workers who will lay the block, as well as the purchase of reinforcing mesh to strengthen the wall. All this can increase the cost of a house made of wood concrete by 10–15%.

The cost of a house made of wood concrete and what can increase the cost of the construction process

The main factor influencing how much it costs to lay a cube of wood concrete is the desire of the person himself to increase the strength of the walls, reduce heat loss, etc. The following makes the construction process somewhat more expensive:

  1. The weak point of all blocks is the appearance of cold bridges between the stones laid on cement-sand mortar. Refusal of cement and sand in favor of ready-made mixtures will increase the cost of the masonry process by approximately 1.5 times.
  2. Purchasing material from fly-by-night companies. A manufacturer that cares about its reputation provides the buyer only with a high-quality, well-dried block. As a result, it is possible to avoid a situation where, in fact, a third of the received material has cracks or chips after delivery. But the cost of wood concrete from such a manufacturer may be higher than that of competitors.
  3. Pricing policy of construction teams. In large cities, about 160 USD will be required for a cubic meter of turnkey laid material. e. In the suburbs you can negotiate for 100–130 USD. e. In most cases, private owners ask less money how construction companies and contractors, but the latter provide guarantees on quality and deadlines, providing all the necessary legal documents.

Building a house from wood concrete is the best, cost-effective and wise decision. The finished building will be distinguished by strength, good heat and sound insulation, as well as high environmental friendliness. In Europe they have already been able to evaluate the good thermal insulation and other characteristics of the material. Domestic consumers, judging by reviews, also began to give preference to wood concrete blocks when building a private house.

Modern building materials are always in demand, especially if they are inexpensive and easy to use. Nowadays, you can often hear about the use of wood concrete in construction, and this is no coincidence, since the material itself is universal and at the same time very simple. Enterprising people rent or buy equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks, since this is a very profitable business.

  • What equipment should I use?
  • How much money do you need to start the production of wood concrete?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Work shop and its equipment
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for the production of wood concrete?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Production technology

Advantages of arbolite blocks.

Next, let's look at the main components of organizing such production. We will evaluate costs and profits, and also find out what conditions are needed for the production line. To begin with, we present to your attention a production project plan.

What equipment should I use?

Let's evaluate the business plan of this project. To do this, you need to know the list of equipment, the costs of starting production and the profitability of the idea. To organize a production line, you will need the following equipment for the production of wood concrete:

  1. chipper;
  2. mixer for wood concrete solution;
  3. molding dispenser;
  4. vibrating table;
  5. dryer for wood chips and finished blocks;
  6. bunkers for raw materials, cement and sand;
  7. raw material supply line.

How much money do you need to start the production of wood concrete?

How much can you earn?

In the event that a long-term business is planned, and not a temporary one, then the premises must be appropriate. Based on how it will be developed in the future, it is necessary to think in a timely manner about where the production line will be located and the supply of raw materials to it, as well as the warehousing and storage of finished products.

Work shop and its equipment

  • First of all, the premises must be non-residential and have the following dimensions: 6 m (height) and 10 m (width).
  • IN winter period The temperature must be maintained at least 15-20° C, as this is necessary so that the building blocks made with your own hands dry evenly.
  • The workshop must have 2 lock chambers installed: one for receiving raw materials, and the second for shipping finished products.
  • There must be a 380 W grounded network that must support several 3-phase electric motors at the same time.

In addition, the room must have fire safety sensors - this can be said to be the most important requirement when arranging the room. And in especially dangerous places, it is necessary to install fire extinguishers. Regarding office space, then there must be a special one. a gateway that will allow you to leave the fire source in a timely manner.

Scheme for mini-production of wood concrete blocks.

Thus, you only need to have capital for initial investment in order to organize your own mini production of wood concrete blocks. It is worth appreciating the fact that this type business has quick payback, as well as a fairly attractive income. Therefore, there can be no question of risk here, since you will return your invested funds within 4 months, and in the future you will receive net profit and a stable monthly income.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business

Market analysis and drawing up a business plan are the main two steps that must be taken before opening your own wood concrete production. After this, documents are submitted to state registration and further:
rent production capacity and hiring workers;
purchase of equipment and raw materials for the production of products;
search for markets for finished goods.

Which OKVED code must be specified for the production of wood concrete?

IN necessary documents, in particular, those submitted for registration indicate several codes, according to OKVED:
production of concrete products used in construction – 23.61;
production of other concrete, gypsum, cement products – 23.69;

What documents are needed to open

In most cases, when registering as a subject entrepreneurial activity Businessmen choose individual entrepreneurs. This approach is due to the collection of a minimum package of documents, as well as deadlines that do not exceed 5 days. Here you will need a standard set of documents. In cases where production of impressive volumes is opened, the choice must be made on a company with limited liability. This will allow you to select better system taxation.

Which tax system to choose

For the above-mentioned business, it is more advisable to opt for a simplified one. This tax system will allow you to pay an amount of 15% of net profit, but upon provision of documents confirming expenses for production activities. If such documents are not available, then you will need to pay 6% tax on the total profit. Use this system LLCs can also.

Do I need permission to open?

To legalize the production of wood concrete blocks, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, they will need to provide a certain list of documents.

Production technology

Production of wood concrete blocks includes:
1. Wood chips are loaded into the mixing station and aluminum sulfate is added. Calcium chloride can be used as a replacement.
2. Adding, after splitting cement and water and mixing until smooth.
3. Delivery of the finished mixture to the compaction site, where it is loaded into pre-prepared forms. For compaction, the vibration method with a weight or using hand rammers can be used.
4. Removing the finished product from the mold. However, at least 2-4 days must be allowed before they can be stacked on top of each other, moved and transported.

The constantly developing building materials market allows the introduction of new and new materials. And, like everything new on the market, wood concrete blocks are popular. But this is not the only factor why buyers are interested in them. Excellent thermal insulation and environmental performance help maintain high demand for this product. The business plan we presented for the production of wood concrete blocks will indicate the main subtleties of such production. This example will help you get an idea of ​​the organization and operation of block production.

Justification of the business plan

It is planned to organize the production of wood concrete blocks in a medium-populated city with a population of more than 100 thousand people, in which there are woodworking enterprises. Like most construction materials, arbolite blocks are in poor demand in winter, when most construction work. The market is developing well, but due to the presence of unscrupulous manufacturers, buyers prefer to purchase wood concrete blocks from trusted brands that have positive reviews about the quality of the materials they produce. To acquire this status, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

  • Strict adherence to production technology.
  • Using exclusively high-quality materials, the characteristics of which meet the requirements of production technology.
  • Carrying out marketing policy, focused on positioning products as high quality and meeting the requirements.

In order for the market position to be stable, it is necessary to meet the market needs in terms of product quality, maintain adequate pricing policy, agree on the supply of products to wholesale suppliers and large construction organizations.

Let's take a closer look at the risks of this business:

  • Difficulty in producing a quality product.
  • Low awareness of buyers about this type of building materials
  • Reluctance trade organizations purchase this type of building materials.

To avoid the first risk, it is planned to purchase professional equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks and use only high-quality components. To maintain the correct ratios and production technology, a technologist with experience in the production of this building material is required. The solution to the second problem is planned to be achieved through the printing of advertising booklets, which are distributed to construction markets and regional bases selling our products.

To overcome the third risk, development uses active sales. Qualified sales managers must promote manufactured products among construction and trade organizations.


For the work it is planned to attract investor funds in the amount of 40%. The remaining 60% is covered from our own funds.

The form of activity of LLC is selected.

The optimal taxation system for this production is the simplified tax system of 15%. The fact is that wood concrete production is associated with significant costs (materials for production, rent for premises, electricity, gas). All this is necessary to ensure full cycle production.

OKVED: 26.65 “Production of products from asbestos cement and fiber cement”; 51.53.24 " Wholesale other building materials."

A license is not required, but it is necessary to obtain a quality certificate from the relevant organization. 45 thousand rubles are allocated for these purposes.

Personnel search

To monitor the correct adherence to production processes, a technologist with experience in the production of wood concrete blocks will be needed. He is also assigned the duties of a foreman. You will also need two production workers, an accountant, and a manager. wholesale sales. The duties of the director will be performed by the founder.

Renting premises

To ensure a full production cycle, it is necessary to rent an area consisting of the following premises adjacent to each other:

  • Production premises (100 sq. m).
  • Block drying area (100 sq. m).
  • Warehouse for storing finished products (150 sq. m).
  • Area for storing wood chips, cement and other components and parts (50 sq. m),
  • Director's office (10 sq. m.).
  • Standard office (12 sq. m.).

The total area of ​​the premises is 422 sq. m. m.

The average cost of renting this premises is: 65 thousand rubles per month. It will be necessary to enter rent in just three months.

There are a number of requirements for this room:

  • The premises have a three-phase power supply.
  • There are water supply and sewerage systems.
  • There is a gas supply to the block drying room.
  • Unobstructed access for trucks is possible.

To start production you will need to purchase:

  • Vibropress.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Lifting and rotating bunker.
  • Wood chipper.
  • Mold for producing blocks (100 pcs.).
  • Chip dispenser.
  • Cement dispenser.

This table shows the calculation of the cost of furniture and equipment:

In total, at launch you will need 1,406,000 rubles.

Business promotion

It is planned to promote the business in two directions: online and offline.

Offline promotion is planned to be carried out through advertising in construction directories and advertising in local newspapers.

Among the online promotion methods, it is planned to use the following tools: landing page creation, SEO promotion, targeting and contextual advertising.

Forming the interest of end consumers in products is carried out through social networks: Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram.

In total, in the first three months it is planned to spend 150 thousand rubles on advertising. Upon expiration advertising budget will be 15 thousand rubles per month.

Cost calculation

To launch

This table shows investments in starting an enterprise:

As originally planned, 40% of the funds for the opening are allocated by the investor (752,400 rubles), the remaining 60% from personal funds (1,128,600 rubles).


How much does the business bring?

This table shows the calculation of production during the peak (summer) period:

The tax base is:

1,728,000 – 1,415,000 = 313,000 rubles.

Let us subtract the costs of unified social tax from it and get: 313,000 – 42,000 = 271,000 rubles.

271,000 x 0.15 = 40,650 rubles will be the monthly tax.

The net profit will therefore be:

313,000 – 40,650 = 272,350 rubles per month.

Business profitability is:

(272,350 / 1,728,000) x 100 = 15.76%.

The resulting figure is high enough for production. But we must take into account that it is calculated taking into account the full workload of the production staff available on staff and with the condition of full sales of the products produced. During winter, yields may decrease or even become negative. The location is also important; in regions with low wood prices, this production will be more profitable.

We will make calculations of payback periods. Taking into account the fact that 40% of the profit is allocated to the investor who invested the corresponding part in the opening, the monthly profit of the main founder is: 272,350 x 60% = 163,410 rubles. Accordingly: 1,128,600 / 163,410 = 6.9 months – payback period.

Business prospects

By implementing a competent sales policy for finished products, it is possible to ensure full utilization of the enterprise for the production of wood concrete blocks. Using existing equipment, it is possible to switch to shift schedule, continuous production mode, thereby increasing production volumes, and, accordingly, profits. Arbolite blocks are a promising building material that is superior to its competitors in many characteristics. There are opinions that over time its popularity in construction work will only grow.

In the end

The business of manufacturing wood concrete blocks is a promising area, and the market is actively developing. But in order to occupy a stable position in the market, the following points must be observed:

  • Produce blocks only from high-quality raw materials.
  • Fully comply with production technology.
  • Conduct a competent advertising policy.
  • Carry out full sales of finished products.
  • Promote this product among construction organizations.

Competing with aerated concrete and cinder blocks, wood concrete blocks have a number of advantages: high levels of thermal insulation and noise insulation, flexibility of the material during laying, high strength, good moisture absorption, simplicity and reliability of fastening anything to the walls, ease of installation. Based on these characteristics, it is possible to attract customers from the market of competing building materials to work with wood concrete blocks, thereby ensuring a stable position in the market and prospects for increasing production volumes, and therefore profits.

We hope that our business plan for the production of wood concrete blocks with calculations was useful to you!
