City job fair. Class hour “Profession Fair Educational Professions Fair

One of the goals of the Center for Technological Education and Children's Technical Creativity in Belgorod is the formation of initial professional skills in students, as well as the education of a psychologically healthy personality, capable of self-determination both in the profession and in life.

When cultivating the personality of a future professional, it is taken as a basis that a creative attitude to work is formed in the process of creation, therefore the task of participants in the educational process is to help find in each profession the opportunity to independently create new things and realize the potential capabilities of students.

To increase students' awareness of regional market labor, educational and industrial map of the city and region, specifics professional activities and new forms of labor organization in the conditions of market relations and personnel competition, the Center annually hosts many events, the largest of which are “Best in Profession”, “Profession Fair”, and Professions Weeks.

One of these events is the Career Fair.

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“Scenario of the career guidance event “Profession Fair 2015””

Municipal budgetary institution additional education

"Center for Technological Education and Children's Technical Creativity"


Career Fair 2015


Prepared by:

Educational psychologist

Nosova O.V.

Belgorod, 2015

Scenario of the “Professional Fair 2015”.

The song “Where does childhood go” is playing...

There is a bench on the stage on which 3 guys are sitting (one is playing a computer game, the second is listening to music from his phone, the third is scratching something on the bench...)

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked around

Borya sang

Artem was silent,

Mikhail shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys

Just like this:


Michael: Being a programmer is cool

Well, I don’t know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to finally choose one.

Then our Artem joined the conversation.

Artem: Will be at the plant in the morning

Is it a fair for us?

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

All together: Let's quickly move away,

The holiday begins...

They pass and sit in the hall...

Fanfare sounds... The presenters come out...

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the Interschool Training Center at the “Professions Fair - 2015”!

Presenter 2: In honor of the opening of our holiday, students of the plant Ryazantseva Diana, Zaitseva Margarita, Karaichentseva Taisiya , will perform a musical composition for you, which for some of you will become a parting word, for others it will make you think seriously about your upcoming choice, but many of you will see yourself in its words: your thoughts, your emotions, your actions... Please, guys...

Students come on stage, a song sounds to the tune of “ Dear good

Verse I.

Ask strict life,

Which way to go,

She will answer you

The path to the profession lies!

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in your dream,

Go my friend, always go

On my own way.

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in your dream,

Go my friend, always go

On my own way.


Choosing your own path is no joke,

And we're a little scared -

But adults won't give up

And they will help us.

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with his gaze,

Thanks to the teachers,

Be with us always

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with his gaze,

Thanks to the teachers,

Be with us always

Verse III.

We can do a lot

We will overcome obstacles,

A step into a big life.

We are following the dream,

Although this path is unknown,

On my own way.

We are following the dream,

Although this path is unknown,

But we, my friend, will go with you

On my own way.

Verse IV.

Let's go our own way,

We will gain a lot of knowledge

Let's find our profession,

And we will be faithful to her.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents are a support

We can't let them down

In your decisions.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents are a support

We can't let them down

In your decisions.

Presenter 1: Like any holiday, the Professions Fair cannot do without guests of honor. And today we invited:

1. ______________________________________ (Head of the Education Department of the Belgorod City Administration)

2. ______________________________________ (Deputy Director of the regional government institution "Belgorod Employment Center")

Presenter 2: The floor for the opening of the “Profession Fair – 2015” is given _________________________________________________

Performance _________________________________

Presenter 1: Very soon the bell will ring for many of you last call at school, announcing that you are embarking on a complex, independent path as an adult. Many of you are now already thinking about the questions: who to be, where to go to study.

Presenter 2: Make it reasonable right choice profession is to choose a job that: firstly, arouses interest and satisfaction; secondly, can be affordable and feasible; thirdly, it is promising in terms of employment.

Presenter 1: In order to help you navigate the diversity of the world of professions or finally confirm your choice, we invite you to look into the wonderful world of professions.

Student 1:

Student 2:

Students leave...

Presenter 1: Guys, you are entering a life that is full of different views on what is happening, numerous options for building your destiny. And choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions a person makes in life.

Presenter 2: Your guide to complex economic life of the country is the Belgorod Employment Center. The floor is given __________________

Performance __________________________

Presenter 1: Typical man from nowhere

Lives in his unknown nowhere,

And, making no plans,

He writes them on the water with a pitchfork.

Presenter 2: He has no point of view

He doesn’t even know where he’s going.

He reminds each of us in some way.

Listen, man from nowhere,

The whole world is at your disposal.

Don't miss your chance to get to the feast of life.

Presenter 1: These words largely reflect how important it is for a person to make the right choice. future profession. Our training center will help you take the first step in this direction.

Presenter 2: And it is no coincidence that for the 13th year in a row the Professions Fair has been held within these walls. Here, for the first time, students learn the basics of adult professional life, learn not only to work, but also to think. The floor is given to the director of our Center ________________________________ .

Performance ______________________________

Presenter 1: The question of choosing a future profession for you, high school students, graduates, is more pressing today than ever. Every young person at this age thinks about who to be in this huge and often changing world. The main thing is not to get confused, make the right choice that suits your personal interests, abilities and capabilities.

Presenter 2: And yet, what is the answer to main question: How to choose a profession so as not to regret later?

Presenter 1: Guys, can you tell me? (addresses the students participating in the skit)

Student 1:Rule one:

Student 2:Rule two:

Student 3:Rule three:

Student 4:

Presenter 1: Thanks guys. With this, the solemn part of our holiday came to an end. And we want to end it with the words: “ Choosing a profession is an action that can destroy a person’s entire life, upset all his plans, make him unhappy, or make his destiny wonderful, despite thousands of obstacles and hardships, hardships and suffering.”

Presenter 2: Today, educational psychologists, representatives of educational institutions and enterprises, as well as specialists from the Belgorod employment center, who are already waiting to meet with you, will be able to help you answer all your questions related to choosing a profession.

Presenter 1: Good luck, friends, forward through difficult but interesting life path!

Presenter 2: Good luck to you! We believe that you will become true professionals in your field.

Music is playing. Students are sent to their classrooms...

Student 1: The world of professions is multifaceted, we cannot count them all,

But understand, there is a place for everyone in this world.

The years fly by quickly, you want to become an adult.

Unnoticed, your time comes to choose...

Student 2: Every work is important - in the fields and at the machine,

Everyone knows that a person is famous only for his work!

Cook, carpenter and actress, hairdresser, salesman,

Astronaut and dentist, composer and singer.

Student 3: Doctor, welder and designer, engineer and steelmaker,

And the designer, and the fireman, the architect and the painter,

Carpenter, turner and builder, officer, sailor, lawyer,

Musician, athlete, teacher, manager, economist.

Student 4: Agronomist, blacksmith, botanist, speech therapist, furrier, tailor,

Nuclear physicist, psychologist, tractor driver, driver, miner.

You will be able to learn a lot at the Fair today,

And that’s why we want to wish everyone good luck!

Student 1:Rule one: Know and imagine very well what you want from life.

Student 2:Rule two: Remember that it is impossible to make a choice once and for all, that you need to be prepared for constant changes.

Student 3:Rule three: Different paths lead to the same goal, and even obstacles can be turned into training tools.

Student 4:Rule four and last: Work is important, but still only part of life.

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked around

Borya sang

Artem was silent,

Mikhail shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys

Just like this:

Borya: I want to become a programmer, what about you?

Michael: Being a programmer is cool

Well, I don’t know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally - one.

Here I joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the plant in the morning

Is it a fair for us?

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

All together: Let's quickly move away,

The holiday begins...

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked around

Borya sang

Artem was silent,

Mikhail shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys

Just like this:

Borya: I want to become a programmer, what about you?

Michael: Being a programmer is cool

Well, I don’t know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally - one.

Here I joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the plant in the morning

Is it a fair for us?

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

All together: Let's quickly move away,

The holiday begins...

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked around

Borya sang

Artem was silent,

Mikhail shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys

Just like this:

Borya: I want to become a programmer, what about you?

Michael: Being a programmer is cool

Well, I don’t know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally - one.

Here I joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the plant in the morning

Is it a fair for us?

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

All together: Let's quickly move away,

The holiday begins...

Narrator: Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked around

Borya sang

Artem was silent,

Mikhail shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do...

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys

Just like this:

Borya: I want to become a programmer, what about you?

Michael: Being a programmer is cool

Well, I don’t know who...

Narrator: All professions are needed

All professions are important!

You just have to choose

finally - one.

Here I joined the conversation -

our Artem.

Artem: Will be at the plant in the morning

Is it a fair for us?

Borya, Mikhail: Class!!!

All together: Let's quickly move away,

The holiday begins...

Verse I.

Ask strict life,

Which way to go,

She will answer you

The path to the profession lies!

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in your dream,

Go my friend, always go

On my own way.

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in your dream,

Go my friend, always go

On my own way.


Choosing your own path is no joke,

And we're a little scared -

But adults won't give up

And they will help us.

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with his gaze,

Thanks to the teachers,

Be with us always

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with his gaze,

Thanks to the teachers,

Be with us always

Verse III.

We can do a lot

We will overcome obstacles,

After all, graduation is not just a class,

A step into a big life.

We are following the dream,

Although this path is unknown,

But we, my friend, will go with you

On my own way.

We are following the dream,

Although this path is unknown,

But we, my friend, will go with you

On my own way.

Verse IV.

Let's go our own way,

We will gain a lot of knowledge

Let's find our profession,

And we will be faithful to her.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents are a support

We can't let them down

In your decisions.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents are a support

We can't let them down

In your decisions.

Verse I.

Ask strict life,

Which way to go,

She will answer you

The path to the profession lies!

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in your dream,

Go my friend, always go

On my own way.

You must make a choice

Believe in yourself, in your dream,

Go my friend, always go

On my own way.


Choosing your own path is no joke,

And we're a little scared -

But adults won't give up

And they will help us.

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with his gaze,

Thanks to the teachers,

Be with us always

The psychologist is also nearby,

He will support us with his gaze,

Thanks to the teachers,

Be with us always

Verse III.

We can do a lot

We will overcome obstacles,

After all, graduation is not just a class,

A step into a big life.

We are following the dream,

Although this path is unknown,

But we, my friend, will go with you

On my own way.

We are following the dream,

Although this path is unknown,

But we, my friend, will go with you

On my own way.

Verse IV.

Let's go our own way,

We will gain a lot of knowledge

Let's find our profession,

And we will be faithful to her.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents are a support

We can't let them down

In your decisions.

After all, we are the hope of the school,

Parents are a support

We can't let them down

In your decisions.

Career fair

“All professions are important,

all professions are needed"

(School-wide event)

Toporova N.V., teacher

primary classes

2015/2016 academic year

Target: To deepen and expand children’s understanding of crafts (professions), through the communication of new information, through the implementation of a variety of creative tasks.


1. To promote students’ awareness of the value and importance of professions for society, to maintain interest in professions.

2. Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, intelligence, creativity.

3. Instill in children a respectful attitude towards people different professions.

Teacher. There are many different professions on earth. And every person in any profession benefits people. Profession must be chosen to the liking, must interest the person, then it will bring joy to the person, and the matter will progress.

Music is playing. Students take the stage primary school

There are so many different professions,
We can’t count them all:
There are doctors and divers,
There are turners and miners.

The teacher teaches us at school,
And the tailor sews suits.
Builds new home builder,
The captain is leading the ship.

The main thing is not to make mistakes,
Choosing who to become?
Hairdresser, singer,
Or fly to the moon.

All day long, uncles and uncles
They do something for us
We will tell poems about them
Listen to us all.

Maybe there is not enough knowledge,

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will begin to heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a military man,

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

Ballerina and singer

I always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up beautifully,

sing and dance for you!

I'm a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher,

I will give knowledge to children!

The children will be happy with me

I'm telling you for sure!

Well, I'll come back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become a teacher!

A black box is brought onto the stage. It contains items that are necessary for the work of people of various professions.

Leading.(He makes riddles about various professions. The children in the audience guess the riddle. One student goes up on stage and finds in the black box required item for this profession).

Builds a house and kindergarten

And I’m happy to build a hospital.

And he is not a spectator at the circus,

And his name is... (Builder)

(A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes a trowel out of the black box).

Leading. He is not an artist, but paints
Always smells
He is not a master of paintings -
He's a master of walls! (Painter)

(A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes a brush out of the black box).

Leading. 5th grade students represent construction professions.

5th grade students take the stage. In their hands they hold a drawing of a beautiful house.

1 student. Why should we build a house?

Let's draw, we'll live! (shows a drawing of a house)

2 student.

It’s common for a builder
Build a new brick house.
Excavator Stepan
I dug a pit in the field,
He drove large piles into the ground,
And now the cement is in the way,
Lays bricks exactly -
The wind won't find the crack.
Bricks from the ground to Stepan
It is easy to lift with a crane.
The new house is ready,
It's time to let the cats out!

2 student.

I'm a painter, I'm walking towards you
With brush and bucket.

I'll do the fresh paint myself
Painting a new house.
I paint the walls, I paint the door,
My brush is dancing...
I have a nose now too
Became white, friends.


This sorceress has
This artist
No brush or paint
And a comb and scissors.
She has
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become beautiful.

A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes out a hairdryer from the black box.

Leading. Most beautiful profession 6th grade students will present to us.

Sketch (performed by two girls)

Who's the hairdresser today?
Let me be there.
I'll do your hair
For example, like mine.

Sit in front of the mirror
I'll tie a cape
And, of course, first of all
I'll comb my hair carefully.

Now let's curl the bangs
On big curlers,
Let's braid the braids on the side,
We will tie the tail behind.

Let's fix it all with varnish
Or hair gel,
Let's put lipstick on your lips
And we'll powder our nose a little.

I did everything perfectly
Praise me.
After all, now my girlfriend
She became better than she was.


Try to guess
Who is stricter than anyone in the world?
Can I give my honor?
He cannot lose!
He is always armed
Just not dangerous
Even cats and crows
I agree to defend. (Policeman)

(A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes out a rod from the black box).

Leading. The 7th grade will introduce us to the profession of a policeman.


Work in the police
Reliable friends.
They help us
They protect our peace,
Children are protected
The criminals will be caught.

It's not easy for them to work
Their service is not easy,
But it will always help you
My police!

Sketch about a policeman

The policeman compiled a report and reads it out.

Policeman: During the reporting period, 8 murders were registered in the region, 5 of them were solved

Suddenly, he notices a cockroach on the table and slaps it

Policeman: (correcting the report) 9 murders, 6 of them solved.


Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)

A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes a ladle out of the black box).

Leading. 8th grade students will present the most delicious profession.

I, a pastry chef, can bake everything,
For this you need a good oven.
So that everyone is in a great mood,
I bake cakes and cookies for the people.

I bake cheesecakes, pancakes, pretzels,
Cakes, baked goods, of course, not in vain.
And the northern gingerbread shines like varnish,
With nuts, raisins and fried poppy seeds.

A star sparkles in the sky,
The mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,
Only the cook can’t sleep -
The cook gets up after dark.
The porridge gurgles lightly,
And the scrambled eggs sizzle,
And to the delicious noise and hubbub
Appetite enters the bedrooms.
We'll sit together in the dining room,
Like a huge family.
I'll be a cook in the dining room -
That's what I decided myself!

Cook, cook, culinary specialist,
You have a wonderful gift!
In a bright white cap
You are stirring the pot.
You can feed everyone
Surprise with a delicious dish
So much so that you'll lick your fingers!
You won't find a better chef!

(The guys treat those present in the hall with baked goods)


(A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes a pointer out of the black box).

9th grade takes the stage.


We represent one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. This is the profession of a teacher. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation and shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word and read books.


Teachers, teachers...

There are no more professions!

Stay firmly at the helm

Opening the door for the child.

The teacher is the most faithful friend,

He will not betray, he will not betray;

And if something happens suddenly,

He will shake hands with everyone.

How intense is this work:

Understand and teach.

They always go to the teacher

Students and doctors...

You will enter the bright classroom when,

It's impossible not to notice

Always so cute

Tired eyes.

Performance of the song “Our Good Teacher”

Leading. Guess the next riddle

If your cheeks burn
Suddenly stronger than the kumach,
If there is a cough, call
Everyone immediately... (doctor)

(A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes out a syringe from the black box).

Leading. Grade 10 will introduce us to the profession of a doctor.

Scene “In the Hospital”


He knows mathematics

He can quickly count the numbers,

Here is the expense, and here is the income

- Nothing will be lost! (Accountant)

A student from the audience comes onto the stage and takes a calculator out of the black box.

The accounting profession will be presented by 11th graders

The accounting profession is the most important profession modernity. Without accounting no economy in the world can do without. And even more so, individual enterprises, factories and even small shops are required to keep accounting records. A modern accountant keeps records of all expenses, losses and profits of the enterprise, calculates wages, calculates and pays taxes. An accountant knows everything that happens with the money of a company or plant. Nowadays, the profession of accountant is one of the most popular professions.

(Dance to the song “Accountant” by group Combination)


But no matter who you become -
Doctors or artists
Astronauts, tractor drivers,
There is one important wish:
To have you
Good citizens.

Government Leningrad region


On approval of the Regulations on the regional Fair of military professions "Professions of real men" and the Regulations on the Organizing Committee of the regional Fair of military professions "Professions of real men"

In order to inform schoolchildren in grades 8-11, students of professional educational organizations in the Leningrad region about the possibilities of obtaining vocational education for work in law enforcement agencies Russian Federation, acquaintance of young people with a wide range of professions of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, formation positive attitude to military service, patriotic education of youth

I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the regional Fair of military professions “Professions of real men” in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order.

2. Approve the regulations on the Organizing Committee of the regional Military Professions Fair “Professions of Real Men” in accordance with Appendix 2 to this order.

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Committee Chairman

Appendix 1. Regulations on the regional Fair of military professions "Professions of real men"

Appendix 1

by order of the committee of general and
vocational education
Leningrad region
dated February 7, 2017 N 10

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations on the regional Fair of military professions “Professions of real men” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, the Fair) define the goals and objectives of the Fair, the procedure for organizing and conducting the Fair.

1.2. The organization of the Fair is carried out by the Committee of General and Professional Education of the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) and the municipalities of the Leningrad Region (as agreed) in which the Fair is held, with the assistance of the Military Commissariat of the Leningrad Region and the Committee for Labor and Employment of the Leningrad Region (as agreed) .

2. Purpose and objectives of the Fair

2.1. The purpose of the Fair is to inform students of grades 8-11 of general education organizations of the Leningrad region, students of professional educational organizations of the Leningrad region about the possibilities of obtaining vocational education to work in the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, acquaintance of young people with a wide range of professions of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, formation of a positive attitude towards the military service and patriotic education of youth.

2.2. The objectives of the Fair are:

promoting professional self-determination of students in grades 8-11 and students of professional organizations of the Leningrad region for military professions.

formation of professional interests and socially significant motives for choosing military professions.

implementation of interaction between students of grades 8-11, including cadet classes, students of professional educational organizations of the Leningrad region with senior military officers educational institutions in order to assist in choosing a profession for the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

assistance in passing professional tests when choosing military professions.

3. Fair participants

Participants of the Fair are students of grades 8-11 of general educational organizations of the Leningrad region, students of professional educational organizations of the Leningrad region, representatives of higher military institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4. Procedure for organizing the Fair

4.1. The fair is organized and conducted by the Committee.

4.2. The fair is held once a year.

4.3. The fair is held in 5 educational districts of the Leningrad region.

4.4. The procedure for holding the Fair is annually approved by order of the Committee.

4.5. The fair is held in three stages:

Stage 1 - organizational, carried out by the Committee in order to determine coordinated actions during the preparation and holding of the Fair:

As part of the 1st stage, the Committee:

agrees with the authorities local government, carrying out management in the field of education of the Leningrad region, one of municipalities in each Educational District of the Leningrad Region to hold the Fair;

interacts with the military commissariat of the Leningrad region and the labor and employment committee of the Leningrad region to assist in the organization and conduct of the Fair, namely:

The Committee invites military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to participate in the Fair, the military commissariat of the Leningrad region assists the Committee in interacting with higher military educational institutions (as agreed),

The Committee for Labor and Employment of the Leningrad Region organizes the work of psychologists and occupational consultants during the Fair (by agreement);

informs the media, local government bodies that manage education in the Leningrad Region, and heads of professional educational organizations in the Leningrad Region about the Fair.

Local government bodies exercising management in the field of education of the Leningrad region, organizing the Fair on their territory:

determine the responsible persons for interaction with the Committee for the purpose of organizing and holding the Fair;

determine the organizations on the basis of which the Fair will be held;

prepare plans and scenarios for the grand opening of the Fair;

interact with higher military educational institutions, local government bodies that manage the education sector of other districts included in the Educational District, and professional educational organizations Leningrad region on the formation of lists of Fair participants.

Stage 2 - holding the Fair in municipalities of 5 Educational Districts of the Leningrad Region, organizing the Fair on their territory in accordance with the plan and scenario of the grand opening.

Stage 3 - summing up the results of the Fair (posting information about the Fair in the media, analyzing a survey among students on satisfaction with visiting the Fair).

4.6. Information about the Fair is posted on the official website of the committee, the official websites of local governments that manage education in the Leningrad region, and Fair participants.

5. Financing the organization of the Fair

5.1. The costs of organizing and holding the Fair are borne by the municipality in which the Fair is held.

5.2. Transportation of Fair participants is carried out by local government bodies that manage education in the Leningrad region, and by educational organizations that send their students to participate in the Fair.

Appendix 2. Regulations on the Organizing Committee of the regional Fair of military professions "Professions of real men"

Appendix 2

by order of the committee of general and
vocational education
Leningrad region
dated February 7, 2017 N 10

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations regulate the work of the Organizing Committee of the regional Military Professions Fair “Professions of Real Men” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, the Organizing Committee, the Fair).

1.2. The Organizing Committee is a governing body whose functions include making decisions on the main issues of preparing and holding the Fair.

1.3. The Organizing Committee is created for the purpose of organizing and conducting the Fair.

1.4. In its activities, the Organizing Committee is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Fair and these Regulations.

1.5. The organizing committee is not a legal entity.

2. Functions of the Organizing Committee

The main functions of the Organizing Committee are:

organizational, methodological and information support Fairs;

providing conditions for organizing and holding the Fair;

ensuring coverage of the preparation and conduct of the Fair on the Committee’s website and the websites of local governments that manage education.

3. Composition of the Organizing Committee

3.1. The personal composition of the Organizing Committee is approved annually by order of the Committee.

3.2. The Organizing Committee includes:

Chairman of the Organizing Committee - Head of the Department of General and Additional Education of the Committee;

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee - a specialist in the department of general and additional education of the Committee, in accordance with the official regulations, coordinating career guidance activities in the education system of the Leningrad region;

members of the Organizing Committee:

specialists from the Department of General and Additional Education of the Committee - curators of 5 Educational Districts of the Leningrad Region;

responsible persons appointed by local government bodies exercising management in the field of education from 5 municipalities of the Leningrad region organizing the Fair on their territory;

representative of the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Leningrad Region (as agreed);

representative of the Military Commissariat of the Leningrad Region (as agreed);

The secretary of the Organizing Committee is selected from the members of the Organizing Committee by open voting.

4. Responsibilities of members of the Organizing Committee

4.1. Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

advises members of the Organizing Committee on issues related to the Fair;

has the right to delegate part of his powers to a deputy.

4.2. Members of the Organizing Committee are required to comply with these Regulations and the Regulations on the regional Fair of Military Professions “Professions of Real Men”.

4.3. Meetings of the Organizing Committee are held by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee at least 2 times.

4.4. Decisions of the Organizing Committee are made by a majority vote of the members of the Organizing Committee present by open voting.

In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee is decisive.

4.5. The decision of the Organizing Committee is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman and secretary, and is advisory in nature.

4.6. The protocol is stored in the Committee for 1 year.

5. Financing the activities of the Organizing Committee

5.1. The Organizing Committee is not remunerated.

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IPS "Kodeks"

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Administration
Leningrad region, 02.13.2017

About organization and conduct

territorial profession fair “Education and Career”

for students 911th grade general education organizations

g.o. Novokuibyshevsk

In accordance with the work plan of the Volga region administration for 2017, in order to create conditions for effective self-determination of students of general education organizations when choosing and planning a professional career:

1. Conduct a territorial fair of professions (hereinafter referred to as the Fair) “Education and Career” for students in grades 9–11 of general education organizations of the city. Novokuibyshevsk February 9, 2017 on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 “Educational Center” of the city. Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region.

2. Approve the Regulations on the territorial profession fair “Education and Career” for students in grades 9–11 of general education organizations of the city. Novokuibyshevsk (Appendix).

3. The director of the State Budgetary Institution of Further Professional Education “Novokuibyshevsky RC” (I) to organize the preparation and holding of a territorial fair of professions “Education and Career” for students in grades 9–11 of general education organizations of the city. Novokuybyshevsk.

4. To the director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 “Education Center” of the city. Novokuybyshevsk Samara region ():

4.1. prepare audiences for the Fair;

4.2. organize the wardrobe.

5. To the heads of educational organizations of the city. Novokuybyshevsk:

5.1. conduct timely and high-quality information and educational work with students in grades 9–11, their parents, teachers about the purpose, content and possibilities of the event;

5.2. ensure attendance of the territorial profession fair “Education and Career” by students in grades 9–11 in accordance with the schedule developed by the Resource Center;

5.3. appoint leaders of groups of schoolchildren with responsibility for

responsibility for the life and health of students during the course and conduct of this event.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the acting. O. Head of the Department for Implementation of Educational Programs of the Volga Region Directorate


Volga region department






at the disposal of the Volga region administration

Ministry of Education and Science

Samara region

dated__18.01.2017__No. __11 – r __


about the territorial profession fair “Education and Career”

for students 9–11 classes of general education organizations

g.o. Novokuibyshevsk

I. General provisions

1.1. The founder of the territorial fair of professions “Education and Career” for students of 9th – 11th grades of general education organizations of the city. Novokuibyshevsk (hereinafter referred to as the Fair) is the Volga region department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

1.2. The organizer of the Fair is the State Budgetary Institution of Further Education "Novokuibyshevsky RC" (hereinafter referred to as the Resource Center).

1.3. The purpose of the Fair is to create conditions for effective self-determination of students in grades 9–11 of general education organizations when choosing and planning a professional career.

II. Organization of the Fair

2.1. The fair is held on February 9, 2017 from 13.00 to 15.00 at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 “Educational Center” of the city. Novokuybyshevsk, Samara region at the address: 2.

2.2. The organization, holding and summing up of the Fair are carried out by

the relevant Organizing Committee, the composition and functions of which are approved by order of the director of the Resource Center.

2.3. Visits to the Fair by students of general education organizations are carried out in accordance with the schedule, which is sent to schools no later than February 3, 2017.

III. Fair Participants

3.1. Participants of the Fair are:

· professional educational institutions g.o. Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region;

· representatives of organizations/services of the city. Novokuybyshevsk;

· students of grades 9–11 and teachers of schools in the city. Novokuybyshevsk;

· parents of schoolchildren.

3.2. Professional educational institutions send an application for participation to the Organizing Committee of the Fair no later than 10 working days before the date of the Fair.

IV. Fair program

4.1. Thematic program The fair provides:

Work of the exhibition of professional educational institutions

Samara region;

Poster presentations of professional educational institutions

Samara region and organizations/services of the city. Novokuybyshevsk;

Individual consultations for schoolchildren, parents and teachers.

V. Summing up the Fair

5.1. The Organizing Committee draws up a report on the results of the Fair, which

posted on the Resource Center website.
