Private nursery garden business plan description. How to open a private kindergarten: a detailed business plan. Norms and requirements

Experienced parents understand that a lot depends on a child’s education, and the foundation quality education is laid down in kindergarten. Today at government institutions groups are overcrowded. In addition, teachers rarely use modern methods early development. For this reason, many parents prefer private institutions. This creates a successful niche for developing a profitable business. In this case you will need good ideas for a business plan, required documentation, staff and premises.

Small groups and modern equipment are the advantages of private kindergartens

Legal registration of a private kindergarten and a list of necessary documents

The educational sphere in our country has always been state-owned, therefore, when opening a private educational institution, its owners will face the problem of obtaining various permits and licenses. A preschool institution can open individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

If a preschool institution is opened by a legal entity, it must be registered in non-commercial form. The application for registration is considered for 1 month. After this, the work is coordinated with various authorities, tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds, authorities state statistics. To have the right to open a preschool, you must obtain a license issued by the Department of Education.

Necessary documents for a mini-garden:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • charter;
  • the program according to which children will be trained;
  • documents confirming the availability of the necessary educational materials;
  • detailed data on the number of staff and children;
  • certificate from the tax service;
  • certificate from the fire service;
  • a certificate from the sanitary service indicating that the premises comply with the requirements of SanPiN.

Obtaining a license to open a home kindergarten is not so easy. However, the operation of such an institution without the appropriate documentation may result in criminal liability.

Many organizations try to operate without a license, positioning a home kindergarten as a training center. However, an unplanned problem can cause serious problems, including serious fines, closure of the kindergarten, and even criminal penalties.

Premises requirements

One of the most difficult tasks is finding the optimal premises. It must comply with the following standards:

  • For each child in kindergarten there must be at least 6 square meters. meters of area;
  • At least three zones must be equipped: a play area, a bedroom and a dining room;
  • moisture-resistant materials should be used to cover the walls;
  • The height of the ceiling and window sills must correspond to the standard.

A private kindergarten as a business can be organized in an apartment. However, according to the law, residential premises cannot be used to conduct private business. In addition, it is almost impossible to comply with all the conditions in the apartment.

Private preschool educational institutions must be located in a separate and protected area

To accommodate groups, it is recommended to rent a separate building. An excellent option would be to rent an unused public kindergarten. In this case, the building already meets all standards, so all that remains is to make repairs and purchase the necessary furniture, dishes, toys and educational materials.

Necessary equipment and furnishings of the kindergarten premises

The list of what is needed to open a private kindergarten must be continued with appropriate equipment and furniture. In this case, it becomes necessary to purchase the following:

  • tables for eating, activities with children and creativity;
  • small chairs;
  • beds;
  • lockers in the locker room;
  • pillows and blankets;
  • bed linen and towels;
  • utensils for eating and cooking;
  • equipment for preparing and storing food;
  • washing machine;
  • sports equipment;
  • toys;
  • educational and children's literature;
  • stationery;
  • goods for creativity.

At the same time, furniture should be hypoallergenic, pillows and blankets should be made of silicone, and toys should be safe and modern. Creative and educational materials must be consistent with the curriculum.

The main requirement for equipment and furnishings is modern appearance, bright colors and environmental friendliness

A business plan for a private kindergarten may include not only a monthly fee, but also a one-time entrance fee. This will just allow open establishments receive the necessary amount for the purchase of inventory, as well as cover all costs and quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Catering is one of the most important factors. In kindergarten, meals can be 3-5 times a day. Children's nutritional requirements are the first thing that future clients look at when searching for the optimal preschool for your child.

Catering in a private kindergarten

Nutrition should be healthy and nutritious, so you won’t be able to save money on it. To increase the revenue and income of a private kindergarten, it is recommended to prepare questionnaires for parents on the nutritional requirements of their children. This will allow you to prepare food for children based on their preferences.

High-quality personnel selection

When solving a problem it is worth special attention pay attention to personnel selection. The hiring of teachers and cooks should be carried out at the stage of opening the institution, because the quality of work of a private kindergarten will depend on the staff. Experienced specialists know how to build good relationships with children and also win over parents.

When planning a small business, consider that for every four three-year-old children, one member of staff is required. If this is a group of ten children, then it requires one nanny and two teachers. At the same time, educators must have appropriate education, and all staff, including the cook and nanny, must have a health certificate. If the kindergarten has several groups, then an additional cleaner may be required.

A home day care business plan can be structured to ensure maximum return on investment. In this case, the nanny can perform the duties of a laundress and cleaner. To ensure additional income, it is recommended to find a choreography specialist, English language, music. Don't forget about medical worker. It is not profitable to hire a nurse separately, so it is better to sign an agreement with a reputable ambulance service.

Having additional classes in a private preschool is the path to a successful business

How to open a family kindergarten: marketing plan

Due to the fact that large cities are overcrowded and many people need kindergarten services, it seems that competition between private educational institutions absent.

However, recently dozens of new establishments are opening every year. To avoid having to think through advertising yourself and ensure rapid revenue growth, you can think about purchasing a better franchise. Open training center It will be easier under a franchise, but in this case additional expenses should be added to the plan.

To attract customers, you can place advertisements in social networks, order advertising in windows and on transport. You also need to come up with additional benefits. For example, this could be transporting children home or extra classes.

Profitability and payback of a private kindergarten

Without an accurate calculation of all the data on income and expenses, it is difficult to calculate how much it costs to open a kindergarten. When renting premises, opening a kindergarten will include the following costs:

  • obtaining permits;
  • repair;
  • buying furniture;
  • purchasing bedding;
  • purchase of household appliances;
  • connection to the Internet and communication services;
  • purchasing toys, educational materials, stationery, and art supplies.

Initial costs are approximately 500-700 thousand rubles.

A business expense calculator should also include monthly expenses. These include:

  • rent;
  • utility bills;
  • staff salaries;
  • food costs;
  • additional costs.

Thus, the monthly fee is approximately 400 thousand rubles. If 20 children attend the kindergarten, the monthly income will be approximately 500 thousand rubles. This will make the total profit equal to approximately 100 thousand rubles, so the opening of the establishment will pay off in about a year, taking into account the full occupancy of the kindergarten.

An increase in the birth rate, huge queues for a place in a state (municipal) kindergarten and a general improvement in the quality of life of Russians leads to the fact that opening a private kindergarten as a business is becoming a very promising direction.

In addition, this is a great opportunity for a woman to open her own business. After all, finding a job today for a mother “on maternity leave” is not at all easy. In cities with a population of over a million, this service is becoming increasingly popular. Smaller cities are gradually catching up.

Advantages of opening a private kindergarten as a business idea

In addition to private kindergartens, registered in accordance with all the rules and licensed to provide educational services, there are also home kindergartens. Such institutions usually operate semi-legally. In an apartment in which only a few rooms are dedicated to a garden.

To create such a kindergarten, you only need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur. However, by law commercial activities not allowed in residential premises. This is punishable by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and a fine of 10 to 15 minimum wages (1000-1500 rubles).

Opening a private kindergarten is excellent.

For parents and their children, the advantages of a private kindergarten over a home one are obvious:

  • children's safety (own fenced area for walking, security);
  • legality (the state, by issuing permission to the kindergarten, thereby takes part of the responsibility for its activities upon itself).

How to open a private kindergarten?

A kindergarten is a preschool educational institution, the creation and operation of which is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and SanPin standards. The activities of a preschool institution are subject to mandatory licensing.

At home, in an apartment

Organizing a private kindergarten in an apartment is not entirely legal. Engaging in commercial activities, according to the law (Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), is permitted in premises classified as non-residential.

In addition, it is almost impossible to bring the apartment into full compliance with fire safety standards and SanPin (for preschool institutions).

It will not be possible to accommodate more than 6–8 children in standard apartment dimensions. Including games room, bedroom and dining area.

If you still decide to create a kindergarten in an apartment, then you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Rent a large 3-4 room apartment. Think through the fire safety system down to the smallest detail. Make a good repair. Purchase the necessary furniture, toys and other equipment. Good example You can watch such a kindergarten in this video:

A practical and correct decision would be to organize a private kindergarten at home. In such an institution several groups can be educated at once, with a total number of 40-50 people. Not very big private house or a cottage will do just fine.

The most cost-effective content for a private kindergarten is considered to be 3 groups of 10-15 children each.


The premises of the future kindergarten must meet all SanPin and State Fire Supervision standards provided for preschool institutions. Thus, according to the standards, a minimum of 4 square meters is provided for each child. m. Must be:

  • separate room for sleeping;
  • separate room for games and activities;
  • a separate room for physical education and outdoor games, music classes;
  • various methodological manuals, toys;
  • laundry room with washing machine;
  • catering department from all over necessary equipment for preparing and eating food;
  • equipped medical office;
  • bathroom

To operate the kindergarten you will also need the following personnel:

  1. A director who must have good organizational skills (if you do not plan to manage the kindergarten yourself).
  2. Educator. More precisely, two teachers per group and a nanny.
  3. Methodist. Must have a good understanding of modern early development methods.
  4. Psychologist.
  5. Kitchen and laundry workers.
  6. Cleaners.

Permits and documents

To obtain a license to engage in educational activities, you need to collect a certain package of documents:

  • charter of a private kindergarten;
  • a document confirming the institution's registration;
  • premises rental agreement (or purchase and sale agreement);
  • conclusions from the SES and State Fire Supervision that the premises meet all the necessary requirements;
  • certified educational program;
  • a document confirming that all necessary educational and methodological literature is complete;
  • information about the hired personnel and the number of groups.

Calculation of approximate investments for starting a business

  1. Rent of premises – 35-500 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region and other conditions.
  2. Repair - from 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Alarm and fire-fighting equipment – ​​130-150 thousand rubles (installation plus maintenance).
  4. Fee for public utilities– about 80 thousand rubles.
  5. Security (private security service) – 1 million rubles per year.
  6. Meals (children and employees) – about 200 thousand rubles.
  7. Salary to employees – 1.1 million rubles (plus taxes and deductions).
  8. Advertising – about 100 thousand rubles.
  9. Other expenses – about 60 thousand rubles per month.

Competition assessment

SWAT analysis. Strengths:

  • no queues for admission;
  • individual approach to each child;
  • a small number of children in the group;
  • high-quality and varied food;
  • rich educational programs developed on the basis of popular early development methods;

We must not forget that the private kindergarten employs only highly qualified employees; it is well equipped with educational and play materials.

An important advantage is to provide the most comfortable conditions for children to stay in the kindergarten (room for games, sleeping, feeding) and
flexible work schedule.


  • entrance fee for a place in kindergarten;
  • high monthly fee for a child;
  • low business profitability;
  • increased level of social responsibility;
  • long payback period of the project (3-5 years).

Organizing a business in this area opens up such opportunities as attracting state attention to the problems of preschool education, maintaining and improving the level of qualifications teaching staff, providing jobs with higher wages.

It also ensures the expansion of the range of educational services provided, the active involvement of innovations in educational process, creating a competitive kindergarten brand. However, it is important to take into account the instability of the economic situation in the country and negative trends in the functioning of the family institution.

Where to start?

In order to organize a private kindergarten at home, you first need to register as an individual entrepreneur or register the kindergarten as a non-profit educational institution. This takes about a month.

  1. Produced registration of D/s for tax registration, (assigned TIN).
  2. Produced registration with the Pension Fund, MHIF, FSS and State Statistics Committee to obtain OKVED and OKPO codes.
  3. Selecting a suitable room and consists long-term contract lease or purchase and sale agreement.
  4. Rented or purchased the premises are being renovated. It is brought into compliance with the standards of SanPin and GosPozhnadzor.
  5. The kindergarten is equipped with furniture, toys, literature, etc.
  6. SES and Fire Department employees are invited, which issue appropriate conclusions on compliance with all necessary standards.
  7. The Charter is being created of a new institution, employees are hired, and a staffing table is written.
  8. Advertising is given, clients are being sought.

At the final stage, a kindergarten that has passed all the “tests” is issued a license giving the right to engage in educational activities.

A business plan for a kindergarten involves the provision of services such as the maintenance, upbringing and education of a child. The idea does not require significant start-up investments and can be implemented in almost any city in Russia.


Services provided

Services provided by a private institution:

  • daytime stay of the child in the garden;
  • nutrition;
  • classes;
  • walk in the fresh air.

Additionally the following may be offered:

  • developmental activities;
  • school preparation program;
  • accompanying the child to the section (if it is nearby);
  • overtime or overnight stay in the garden.

It should be noted that the number of services depends on the size of the establishment and the focus on a specific target audience. The more diverse these offers are, the higher the cost of your monthly fee.


The relevance of organizing a private kindergarten (including at home) is due to:

  • annual increase in the birth rate;
  • the passion of young parents for a career that requires the investment of temporary resources (against the backdrop of the closure of some federal institutions);
  • moving to a new place of residence (you must join a state kindergarten after the birth of the baby);
  • the demands of parents in terms of nutrition and other conditions for the child’s stay;
  • provide a financial opportunity for a child best conditions food and staff relations;
  • the fashion for the use of modern educational methods in private institutions (Montessori classes);
  • the desire to place the child in a kindergarten with a small group size.

Market description and analysis

The kindergarten market in Russia can be characterized as follows:

  1. Nursery groups for children up to 36 months have ceased to exist since 2014. This applies to all government agencies.
  2. More than 2 million children are on the waiting list for public kindergartens.
  3. Over the past 20 years, the number of state kindergartens has been halved. At the same time, state policy in the form of assistance to families with children contributes to a rapid increase in the birth rate.
  4. Demand for child stay under the supervision of teachers in kindergartens significantly exceeds the supply. 10% of children do not get a place until they start school.
  5. In 2014, SANPIN sanitary standards for organizing the functioning of preschool institutions were approved. This provoked the entry of private entrepreneurs into the market.
  6. There are approximately 12,000 private gardens and 46,000 federal ones registered in Russia.
  7. Since 2012, kindergartens organized by large families began to appear. More than 530 of them are registered in Moscow.
  8. The officially permissible number of children in a public kindergarten group is 25–30 people, and up to 15 in a private kindergarten.

The cost of a child’s monthly stay in kindergarten in large cities and regional centers is as follows:

  • government institutions - 1000 rubles;
  • home stay - 6,000–15,000 rubles;
  • private establishments - 15,000–25,000 rubles.

The maximum cost of a monthly stay is 120,000 rubles in a private garden in Moscow.

Competitive advantages

Planning own business involves the selection and implementation of competitive advantages.

These could be the following ways to attract and retain your target audience:

  • availability of weekend groups;
  • flexible work schedule (by agreement with parents) - from 7 am to 21.00 pm;
  • high-quality materials for preparing children and activities during the day;
  • a variety of themed toys (for games in the store, hospital);
  • sports activities with a guest coach (rhythm, dancing);
  • installed video surveillance system for children;
  • presence of security;
  • 10% discount when paying for an annual subscription.

As an advantage, you can organize the following activities with children during the day:

  • drawing;
  • creation of applications and modeling;
  • soap making and culinary master classes;
  • making toys;
  • English (and/or Spanish);
  • lessons to get general information about peace and nature;
  • exciting picnic walks;
  • theater studio;
  • creating and presenting your own crafts based on the fairy tales you read (materials provided);
  • fairytale therapy with a visiting child psychologist 1–2 times a week;
  • morning exercises.

Advertising campaign

To ensure recognition, you can use advertising methods such as:

  • colorful decoration of the room with the creation of a large bright sign (5,000 rubles);
  • leaflets that can be distributed several months in advance official opening with the help of a promoter or through children's stores (1000 rubles);
  • banner in the area of ​​a supermarket or large children's store(10,000 rubles);
  • own website (15,000 rubles);
  • advertising through mom bloggers (3,000 rubles).

Step-by-step opening instructions

The implementation of a commercial idea begins with a business plan for a kindergarten with economic calculations. Ready project You can download it for free on the Internet and adapt it according to economic zoning, or compile it yourself.

After final approval of the business plan, the following actions are performed:

  1. Registration of an enterprise.
  2. Obtaining permits from government agencies.
  3. Searching for premises to renovate or rent. Construction of a new building is also permitted.
  4. Repair work.
  5. Carrying out marketing activities.
  6. Equipping the garden with equipment and other supplies. Including ordering toys and teaching aids.
  7. Recruitment.

Detailed instructions for opening a private kindergarten are taken from the channel “How to open a private kindergarten.”


The first step is to apply for registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This can be done online or in person at the Registration Center. You must have your passport with you. If several founders are planned, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate protocol and provide the Charter of the future enterprise. Registration takes 3–10 business days and costs about 800 rubles (state fee).

  • Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • Fire service.

It should be noted that when choosing a type of activity such as child care, it is not necessary to obtain a license.

Room and design

According to SANPIN Decree No. 68 on the requirements for the premises of preschool institutions, the layout of a kindergarten includes:

  • dining room with an area of ​​20 m2;
  • bedroom - 18 m2;
  • game room - 18 m2;
  • dressing room - 15 m2;
  • kitchen - 9 m2;
  • utility room for washing and storing equipment - 3 m2;
  • bathroom - 3 m2.

Thus, you can rent the premises of an old state kindergarten or a 3-room apartment with an improved layout. Rent will cost 15,000 – 35,000 rubles depending on the location.

For interior design you can use:

  • bright furniture;
  • funny pictures;
  • interesting posters;
  • colorful carpets.

The main thing is to make a room in the kindergarten:

  • spacious;
  • attractive to parents;
  • interesting for children.

Repairs will cost approximately 50,000 rubles.

It is important to pay attention to the availability of a play area on outdoors. There are such areas on the territory of the state garden; it is enough to paint them and bring sand into the sandboxes. If you rent an apartment, you must initially choose a place near modern playgrounds.

Equipment and inventory

Equipment and inventory can be purchased new or used. You can order special beds and children's tables via the Internet.

To complete a private kindergarten you need:

Thus, you will need to invest from 281,500 rubles.


To work in a private kindergarten you will need to carefully select staff consisting of:

Job titleNumber of employeesCandidate requirementsResponsibilitiesSalary in rubles
  • work experience of 3 years;
  • age up to 50 years.
  • maintaining accounting documentation;
  • preparation and submission of reports.
30 000
  • work experience of 5 years;
  • medical education.
  • assessment of the condition of a child brought to kindergarten;
  • providing first medical care if necessary.
15 000
  • teacher education;
  • love for children;
  • equilibrium;
  • continuous work experience of 4 years.
  • conducting developmental classes;
  • child supervision;
  • maintaining and organizing the daily routine.
20 000
Assistant teacher (nanny)2
  • teacher education;
  • love for children;
  • stress resistance;
  • At least 3 years of experience working with children.
  • assistance to the teacher in organizing the daily routine;
  • control over children.
10 000
  • special education;
  • work experience of at least 3 years.
  • menu creation;
  • control of product purchases;
  • cooking;
  • compliance with SES standards in the kitchen.
20 000
Cleaning woman1
  • punctuality;
  • obligation;
  • cleanliness.
  • cleaning of premises twice a day.
10 000

Thus, the salary fund per month will be 170,000 rubles.

Financial plan

For financial calculations The following input data is used:

  • private kindergarten registered as LLC;
  • number of places - 15;
  • work schedule - from 7 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday;
  • work on weekends: Saturday from 8 to 18, Sun - by agreement;
  • The premises are taken on a long-term lease.

How much does it cost to open?

To determine the amount starting capital, the following costs are considered:

Regular expenses

Monthly costs will be:


The cost of payment per month is 20,000 rubles per child. In case of illness, the cost is not compensated. If parents warn about the absence of their son or daughter for a period of more than 2 weeks in advance, the amount allocated for food is removed from the subscription fee.

Thus, when the kindergarten is filled with 15 people, the monthly income will be 300,000 rubles. Net profit— 51,000 rubles. It should be noted that rapid full occupancy can be achieved with an early start to the advertising campaign.


From the moment the idea arises to its full implementation, 6–9 months will pass.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Preparation of a business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Obtaining additional permissions +
Renting premises +
Repair work +
Purchasing and completing inventory +
Recruitment +
Advertising activities + + + +
Opening +

All parents understand that their child’s education needs to be addressed from the very beginning. early age. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether to send the child to kindergarten or limit himself to home education is more than 90% in favor of the first. And the next question is which garden to choose, private or public.

Recently, due to an increase in the birth rate, there has been a catastrophic shortage of places in state kindergartens. And the middle class that has formed in Moscow over the past 10-15 years is increasingly giving preference to private kindergartens. By choosing them, parents expect that the quality of child care, conditions, nutrition and education will be much higher than in public kindergartens. Therefore, private preschool institutions have recently become increasingly popular in our country. But to open them, you will first need a business plan for a kindergarten.

For an enterprising and talented organizer, this segment of the market for providing educational services can be quite profitable business. You should not count on extremely large profits, because high-quality child care requires considerable expenses. There is little competition in this market. Demand exceeds supply.

The majority of the market for private educational services consists of semi-legal mini-kindergartens, which are organized directly in apartments and houses. In such an institution, sanitary standards are often violated, and the qualifications of the staff are in doubt. The example of such a home kindergarten is far from the only one in our country. There are very few legal home kindergartens that have all the necessary permits and comply with sanitation and hygiene standards.

Private kindergartens can be divided into several types:

  • working from morning until evening;
  • working around the clock;
  • providing short-term stays.

All of them provide a full range of services for upbringing, education, comprehensive development, maintenance, care and nutrition for children.

If you follow the law, then educational activities on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out by an individual registered as an Individual Entrepreneur (IP) and a legal entity. A legal entity must be registered in a non-profit organizational and legal form. Registration is carried out by the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The period for consideration of the submitted application is 1 month. Next, it will be necessary to agree on the specifics of the activity with various authorities, register with the tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds (such as the compulsory health insurance fund, pension and social funds), and state statistics bodies. To conduct educational activities, you must obtain a license from the Department of Education.

To obtain a license, you must collect the following set of documents:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • data on teachers and the number of children who will attend kindergarten;
  • documents that confirm the availability of methodological and educational materials;
  • education program;
  • organization charter;
  • a certificate from the tax authority confirming that the organization is registered;
  • extracts from the fire and sanitary services, in which it will be written that the premises of the kindergarten meet all the standards for preschool institutions.

Getting a license is not easy. But if you do not, this may result in criminal liability. If you position the kindergarten not as private kindergarten, and as a development or training center for children, lengthy red tape with a license can be avoided. For this type of organization it is simply not required. But if an unscheduled inspection comes, problems cannot be avoided.

After receiving all necessary documents You need to check the written business plan for a private kindergarten again.

Search and arrangement of premises

Finding the right one for a space is not an easy task. SNiP imposes certain requirements on preschool institutions. Example:

  • Each child should have at least 6 sq. m area;
  • the presence of at least three rooms: a dining room, a play area and a bedroom;
  • the height of the ceiling and window sills must comply with the standards;
  • walls must be covered with moisture-resistant paint.

Before opening a home kindergarten, the owner should thoroughly study the requirements of SNiP.

Theoretically, it is possible to open a home kindergarten in an apartment. Most of the private kindergartens in Moscow are located in apartments. But it is better to give preference to a separate building. The ideal option is to rent the building of a state kindergarten, because during the construction of such buildings all the requirements that apply to the buildings of preschool institutions were taken into account. It will not be possible to buy such a building. City municipal authorities usually rent them out for several years.

In the rented premises, it will be necessary to make repairs, carry out all the necessary communications, install an alarm system, etc. In the toilet rooms, all plumbing must be suitable for children. To design a home kindergarten, it would be best to invite a professional artist. For the normal development of children, you will need to purchase children's furniture, toys, dishes, etc.

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A home kindergarten must have on its staff:

  • educators;
  • nannies or teaching assistants;
  • medical worker;
  • manager;
  • cleaning woman;
  • cook;
  • security guard.

The higher the level of a private kindergarten, the more opportunities it has to expand its workforce. Such kindergartens can afford to hire a child psychologist, sports coach, teachers additional education etc. Many of these kindergartens focus on their own methods of educational activities. The staff who will work in a home kindergarten must have a valid medical record, pedagogical education, experience working with children and, most importantly, love children.

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Organization of meals for children in a home kindergarten

To organize catering you will need a separate room and the necessary equipment for preparing food. Nutrition should be varied, thoughtful, balanced and meet all required standards.

A business plan is a document that plans to create new company, reflecting the state of its affairs, the direction of its activities and ways to achieve its goals.

To draw up a business plan for a private preschool educational institution, you need to analyze the service market in your city, study documents for conducting activities, and financial planning taking into account local prices, necessary expenses for staffing, purchasing furniture and advertising the establishment.

Required documents

In recent years, the demographic situation in Russia has been positive. Thanks to the maternity capital program and improved healthcare, the birth rate increased, which caused problems with the number of places in kindergartens. State educational organizations for preschoolers are being built too slowly compared to the rate of population growth. Some children don't even have time to wait in line for school. Therefore, private gardens are becoming increasingly in demand both in large cities and in small towns.

Requirements for an entrepreneur vary depending on the type of establishment being opened. There are two options for legally carrying out such activities:

  • IP ( individual entrepreneur) . as it, you will be able to provide preschool education. The advantages of such a person are ease of registration, no need to license a kindergarten, simplified taxation and accounting. You can register as an individual entrepreneur if you do not plan to hire other teachers. Individual entrepreneurs can hire cleaners, cooks and other persons who do not carry out educational activities.
  • Other types of legal entities(for example, a non-state educational institution) also provide the opportunity to create a kindergarten. But they need to obtain a special license. At the same time, LLC, PJSC and NJSC can only engage in leisure and developmental activities that are not classified as preschool. It does not require a license.

Documents required to obtain a license from the Department of Education:

  • A copy of the charter of the educational institution (with the indicated type of educational institution, founders, types of activities carried out educational programs, management structure);
  • A copy of the decision on its creation;
  • Business plan;
  • A document confirming tax registration;
  • Educational program, including information about the number of children studying, the staff of teachers;
  • A copy of the rental agreement;
  • Copies of the conclusions of the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Information about the material and technical base of the institution.

Financial plan

When developing a financial plan, you should focus on current prices and average salaries in this area. You should also include unforeseen expenses, for example, fines from the SES or unexpected repairs.

Approximate budget planning (list of income and expenses) for a year for a large kindergarten with about 50 children.

Start-up costs:

  • Costs for documentation and licensing – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • Major or cosmetic repairs - from 200 to 400 thousand rubles;
  • Fire alarm - installed for 40-60 thousand rubles, its further maintenance - 100 thousand rubles. per year;
  • Concluding a security agreement with the relevant company - from 110 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • Furniture, household appliances, plumbing, dishes and office equipment, etc. - from 500 thousand for an apartment-type kindergarten for 20 children to 4 million rubles for a large private institution.

Current (average) costs:

  • Rent - around 400 thousand rubles. per month (excluded when the building or apartment is owned);
  • Utilities - 90 thousand rubles. per month;
  • Meals – from 5 thousand rubles. monthly per child or employee;
  • Consumables (paper, paints, other necessary for children's creativity) – approximately 50 thousand rubles. per month;
  • Staff salaries with tax fees - 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising - from 100 thousand rubles per month.


  • Payment for the child’s stay per month (from 5 to 25 thousand rubles depending on the city), which is multiplied by the number of months of work per year;
  • Income from additional paid educational activities.

Be sure to take into account the form of registration business relations with parents. The easiest way to do this is to create an agreement form for clients. It must take into account both the educational and leisure services provided, the cost of children’s stay, the conditions for terminating the contract, and all the small details (for example, the possibility of using photographs of children for advertising purposes).

Learn more about the process of opening and running such a business in the following video:

Premises requirements

In an urban environment, it is easiest to equip a kindergarten in an apartment. Also good option There will be a purchase of several apartments on the ground floor, their combination and the installation of a separate entrance. At the same time, according to SanPiN the kindergarten can accommodate up to 80 people. You can add a room to an apartment building or a simple residential building. In such an institution it is permissible to place up to 150 preschoolers.

A separate building has the most advantages. Even with a maximum height of 2 floors, preschool education can be received here up to 350 children. An organized private playground and park area will attract many parents. If possible, it is better to equip a swimming pool. Very few kindergartens can afford it, and the demand for such institutions is much higher. There are several ways to get a building that meets SNiP in the city:

  • The easiest way is to rent premises from a state preschool institution. It will fully fit SES requirements and fire service, have a suitable layout.
  • An alternative is to purchase a ready-made building and partially reconstruct it to meet the needs of the kindergarten.
  • The most expensive way is to build the premises yourself. At the same time, you can decide for yourself about the need for a gym and a swimming pool, and the size of the green area around. But in the last two options, the investment may not be justified, which will lead to bankruptcy.

Geographically private garden best located in areas with new buildings. Many young families are purchasing housing there, and the project’s one kindergarten per block is always not enough. In addition, in new houses the first floors are designed for rent legal entities, which solves the problem of finding premises.

Repairs must be made in accordance with regulations fire safety And sanitary standards. Paint on the walls must be moisture-resistant and non-flammable (for example, oil paint is prohibited). Minimum height The ceilings are 3 meters. Emergency evacuation exits and a fire alarm system are required. When calculating the area of ​​the room, you should take into account the requirements according to which each child must be provided with at least 6 square meters.

The environment of a preschool institution depends on the number of children studying there:

  • Each child requires: a locker for things, a bed (it is convenient to use bunk or folding models), a table with a chair, 2 sets of bed linen, and a sufficient amount of dishes.
  • The kitchen must be equipped household appliances(stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers), plumbing and other furniture.
  • Every room needs curtains, carpets, cabinets for toys, stationery and supplies, a free play area where children can play active games to relieve stress.
  • Equipment and medicines for medical office, equipment for the gym, the swimming pool is fully equipped.

Establishment staff

Employees must have a work and medical record (the latter to ensure the safety of children). It is not necessary to have specialized (pedagogical, psychological or medical) education, as well as work experience. Mothers on maternity leave are often hired as nannies. This is beneficial both to the management of the institution and to the mothers themselves. The latter usually receive a place for their child and discounts on payment for his stay, while the administration receives workers with experience in caring for children and love for them.

On average, the staff of a preschool educational institution may include:

  • educators (groups of private institutions usually accommodate up to 10 children, which require 2 educators and 1 assistant);
  • nannies or teaching assistants;
  • sports teacher;
  • music teacher;
  • invited educators to provide additional services;
  • medical workers;
  • manager;
  • cleaning woman;
  • Methodist;
  • psychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • several cooks (depending on the number of children);
  • security guard;
  • street cleaner;
  • handyman

Marketing plan

A private kindergarten should be advertised in places where potential clients gather: in children's clinics, on playgrounds, V shopping centers. To do this, you can order banners or distribute leaflets. Advertisements in the local newspaper or on parenting forums also help spread the word about the facility quickly. You can send brochures to residents of a given microdistrict at home, indicating the advantage of the proximity.

Unique developmental and health programs, the presence of a swimming pool and a gym, the ability to follow a child’s diet or a special focus will definitely make your kindergarten stand out from others. Relevant for busy people who cannot afford a nanny will be the opportunity to leave the child overnight or on weekends in unplanned situations.

Profitability and payback periods of the business

With rental premises and low start-up costs, a private garden starts to pay off in a year and a half. Upon purchase and/or major renovation building a business can pay off only in a few years, but the revenue will be higher, because rent will be eliminated.

Profitability depends on the number of clients:

  • a small kindergarten with 10 children brings in about 50 thousand rubles every month;
  • 25 children in an institution that provides additional educational services already generate 150 thousand rubles in income;
  • a large kindergarten, in which more than a hundred children study, can provide more than 500 thousand rubles of net income monthly.
