Leaseback: proper registration and risks. Leaseback – rental of your own property

Probably, every person knows what ordinary leasing is, despite its low prevalence in Russia, but not many have heard about its reverse version (another name is leaseback).

In fact, leaseback refers to a financial transaction in which the lessee is also the seller of the property in question. The essence leaseback is quite simple: one company sells its property to another (and we can talk about almost anything), which becomes the lessor in this transaction, that is, according to the agreement, the organization that bought the property must begin leasing it to the lessee (the selling organization ).

Features of such a deal

When an agreement for such a financial transaction is drawn up, the lessee must first make an advance (without fulfilling this condition, leasing will be impossible). It is worth mentioning that in most situations the size of this advance is approximately 30% of full cost property around which this financial transaction is built. An important feature of a transaction of this kind is that, according to the law, ownership of the property in question will completely transfer to the lessor while the contract is in force, and the lessee who sold this property will be obliged to promptly pay a certain amount of money to the leasing company, that is, to the buyer of the property.

The property will again belong to the lessee only when the leaseback agreement expires. Here are the main features of leaseback:

  1. The lessee will be able to remove a certain asset from his balance sheet, but not stop using it, because the change in ownership will only be of a documentary nature for the reasons previously described.
  2. We must not forget that leasing payments will be considered expenses, so the number and amount of taxes paid will be reduced.
  3. As you can easily guess from the very essence of the transaction, the lessee, that is, the seller of the property, will be able to manage the funds received differently, and therefore, he will be able to cover the shortfall working capital or simply increase them. Such money is often spent on the process of modernizing production, while some companies need to purchase modern equipment.
  4. One of the special features is that leaseback in most situations is issued for a fairly long period, because the cost of property related to such transactions is quite high. It is worth mentioning that in most situations given period varies between 1-5 years, it depends on many factors, for example, the cost and wear and tear of the property.
  5. It is also worth understanding that this type of leasing transaction implies the possibility of termination of the contract by the lessor in the event of violations on the part of the seller, that is, the lessee. Feature this process is that, most likely, the property will forever pass to the leasing company, because it is the injured party.

Pay attention! As mentioned earlier, leaseback is often used various organizations in order to optimize the taxation process, but you should not fully rely on this method. The fact is that tax authorities almost always check such transactions as carefully as possible, especially in those situations where the lessor is in some way connected with the lessee; the chance of fraud in these cases almost completely disappears.

It is worth noting that if the tax authorities determine that the transaction is not necessary (except for the purpose of reducing taxes), then they may apply some sanctions, namely, refuse the company to make tax deductions or refund the amount of VAT (if the company has already received all this , then the tax authorities often demand compensation, taking into account all existing penalties, as well as fines).

Due to such control by tax authorities, many companies refuse leaseback, which explains why it is not so popular. We recommend that you resort to such a financial transaction only if you have hired lawyers and prepared business case the need for such a transaction.

Which is preferable: leaseback or loan?

Often before various companies The question arises of what to choose: leasing of this kind or an ordinary loan. Let us immediately mention that in order to receive a bank loan, a company must have decent financial indicators in order to create the impression of it as a reliable borrower capable of returning the money borrowed. For this reason, if there are some difficulties with the funds involved in the turnover, the bank, most likely, will not meet you halfway, but will refuse a loan.

As for the situation related to leaseback, the chances of obtaining it are much higher. The fact is that the leasing company, acting as a buyer in the process of this transaction, will in any case be in the black, because if the funds are not paid on time, the property will completely become the property of this organization.

Leasing companies almost never carry out any additional measures related to the collection of property, because it is already owned by the lessor when the contract is concluded, and the property itself is never transferred directly to the mortgagee, because according to the contract it must be sold through auction.

Important! As you can easily guess from the material presented, leaseback is the more preferable option in many situations, and it is beneficial for both parties. Unfortunately, in some situations, when there is no sufficient economic justification indicating the need to conclude such a transaction for the company, leaseback will entail many unpleasant consequences, to avoid which it is better to give preference to a loan!

How does such a transaction differ from a regular leasing agreement? How do its features help entrepreneurs? If the returnable instrument caused legal entities complete inconvenience, its appearance among economic instruments could not have taken place.

Three parties are involved in concluding a classic leasing transaction: the user of the service, the seller of the property and the leasing company. There is no seller in leaseback. Here the property owner combines two roles. He acts as both a seller and a buyer at the same time.

In fact, he buys from himself through the intermediary of the lessor. Why was it necessary to fence the garden if the property was already used in production? It seems so at first glance. In fact, entrepreneurs reap significant benefits.

Detailed analysis of leaseback for individuals

What benefits do you get from renting your own property? With its help, you can increase the profit of the enterprise without reducing the fixed assets involved in the production of products. With such a system, there is no need to waste time searching for a supplier and languish waiting for the delivery of the purchased goods.

The equipment or production space available at the enterprise is simply sold to a company providing leaseback services. The entrepreneur then leases this property. The difference between the selling price and rent constitutes the entrepreneur's profit. The purchased product is used in production process, but is not property. From this moment it belongs to the lessor.

In more detail, the design of a leaseback looks like this:

  • The parties to the purchase and sale transaction agree on the terms and sign the drawn up leasing agreement. It is issued to both individuals and legal entities. This measure is intended to timely record accounting transactions and avoid problems with the taxation system. After all, the sold property receives a new owner, changing the tax base of both participants.
  • The contract specifies the value of the property reached as a result of negotiations. After the transaction is concluded, the seller, who is also the lessee, is obliged to pay rent to the leasing company.
  • When, in accordance with the agreements, the period of use of the property ends, the entrepreneur buys it from the lessor or extends the contract. When purchasing, only the residual value is paid.

As a result of the leaseback operation, both parties benefit. The company receives additional funds for circulation, and the leasing company withdraws profit, because the rental proceeds exceed the price specified in the contract.

The essence of leaseback for individuals

The main difference from regular leasing is the number of participants and their status. There is no seller here, and the tenant acts in two persons. He both sells and uses the subject of the leaseback transaction. In this state of affairs, the parties sign two contracts, since it is necessary to document the sale of property and its provision on lease.

There are other differences:

  • Rental period. Directly depends on the value of the property involved in the transaction. If a leaseback is provided vehicle, the maximum rental period is 3 years, for real estate transactions - 5 years.
  • An enterprise that leases equipment, a building, or a vehicle makes money by selling the property to the leasing company. This is the main goal that forced the entrepreneur to enter into an agreement. This money is spent on pressing problems of the company and is not limited to its intended purpose.
  • Minimum volume of documents to be compiled.

Leaseback is a wonderful way to reduce tax expenses. As a result of the transfer of property to the balance sheet of the leasing company, the tax deductions of the enterprise are reduced. It happens that dishonest entrepreneurs evade taxes by concluding fictitious transactions.

I am well aware of this Tax service ensuring the cleanliness of the operation. Transactions are carefully checked, especially if the companies entering into them have long-term cooperation. When the fraud is discovered, the tax deductions required by law will be canceled for the businessman who committed the fine. The need for leaseback will have to be justified based on financial evidence.

What property is suitable for leaseback

Not everything is suitable for leaseback. The following property is suitable:

  • technological equipment;
  • special equipment:
  • Trucks or passenger vehicles:
  • residential real estate;
  • production premises or entire enterprises.

When purchasing property, the leasing company reduces the value due to wear and tear resulting from operation by the previous owner. In most cases, she will refuse to purchase rarely used or high-priced items. If the tenant subsequently refuses to purchase the property, the lessor will have problems with its further sale.

When signing the contract, the possibility of moving property is taken into account. Dismantling and delivery to the site of further operation should not increase the final cost. When assessing real estate, geographic location and accompanying infrastructure are important. Documents certifying ownership are checked.

Leaseback is used by entrepreneurs to correct the deplorable financial situation. With the help of the money received from the sale, debts on bank loans are paid off, and the vehicle fleet or equipment is updated. This helps reduce the cost of production and increase demand for it.

The owner of the property during leaseback finds himself in good plus, and the leasing company is at risk. Often such a deal is concluded by entrepreneurs to get rid of loss-making objects. The lessor's employees have to carefully evaluate the proposed property and the personality of the future client. If you don't do this, you could suffer serious losses.

Leaseback– a popular form of leasing, when the seller is the same person. At the same time, only two organizations appear in the leaseback agreement - the leasing company and, which sells its equipment (or other property) and then leases it.

Leaseback gained popularity in 2013, when (for most objects) it would have been cancelled. At the same time, registration of leasing allowed the lessee to withdraw its assets from taxation and thus increase the financial benefit from the transaction.

The essence of leaseback

Leaseback in its essence is very similar to the standard version of the transaction - financial leasing. The only difference is that one person acts as a lessee and a seller. legal entity. The scheme works as follows. The company that owns any equipment sells the property to the selected leasing company. After this, the seller enters into an agreement with the lessor to lease the already sold equipment. At the same time, the document between the parties does not contain a clause regarding the transportation of goods, because all the property remains in the old place and continues to operate as before. The only difference is that its owner has changed.

As a result, the company realizes its main task - attracts additional working capital to implement any primary tasks (expanding production, fulfilling obligations to partners, paying debts to creditors, and so on). In this case, the assets of the lessee (seller) increase exactly by the amount that the leasing company pays for the provided object.

Leasing has different forms of implementation. One of them is leaseback. Leaseback is sale of property to a leasing organization, which then transfers it for use to the seller. The leaseback agreement will be simpler in this case.

In total there are two parties involved, there are no clauses regarding the transfer of property and related issues.

Often such a scheme used in cases where an enterprise needs additional funds for its development, but credit funds turn out to be unavailable for some reason.

Practical features of leaseback

The object used is property that has a high value and can withstand use for a sufficiently long time. It is also taken into account that property must remain morally fit for its use.

In practice, leasing companies prefer not to enter into contracts for property that is used during the year. From the point of view of entrepreneurs, this is to some extent means losing complete control over your enterprise.

Leasing is characterized by the frequent absence of collateral (collateral, guarantee), as is the case with loans. In Russia, reverse leasing rarely occurs without collateral. But in comparison with bank collateral conditions, Leasing collateral still contains less stringent conditions.

This happens in the case of a transaction with a technological and production equipment . Such property has a narrow scope of application and is more difficult to sell.

The security does not apply in the event high cost property and high demand at him. An example would be foreign-made cars. But in practice, real estate is the subject of leaseback.

Do not forget that if the tenant does not fulfill his part of the contract, then a lot of time will still pass before the leasing company can sell property in order to compensate for losses due to the actions of the second party.

Leasing companies for the most part work not only with their own funds, but also with investors’ money, even with money received through.

That's why Domestic cars are rarely used as leasing items due to their relatively low quality.

Leaseback is based on a formal purchase and sale transaction, but the lessee may face certain difficulties. In the case of a transaction, the property is appraised; the appraiser's price is significantly less than the market price. The leasing company may also impose requirements for the use of the property. But, if the company has an excellent reputation and has positive work experience, then the minimum requirements will be set.

Reverse leasing is an activity not only for leasing companies themselves, but also for banks. Car dealerships often provide such services.

Taxation issues

Property turnover under leasing agreements has advantages due to the reduction of part of the tax burden. But this is possible for organizations working on common system taxation.

Payments for the use of property received under a leasing agreement are part of the enterprise’s costs and reduce the amount of funds from which taxes must be paid. The same applies to insurance premium payments.

Leasing services are actively developing in Russia. Typically, a leasing transaction involves the acquisition of property for the lessee and its transfer for rent with the condition of further purchase.

But the concept of leasing includes various types transactions. One of the options is leaseback, aimed at attracting working capital.

The essence

Leasing involves the acquisition by the lessor of property for the client and its subsequent transfer for rent. Unlike conventional leasing transactions, in leaseback, the client acts as both a seller and a lessee.

Typically, companies resort to leaseback in situations of shortage of working capital. In this case, the property that originally belonged to the client is transferred to the ownership of the leasing company.

Simultaneously with the purchase and sale agreement, a leasing agreement is concluded, and the client receives his equipment or other property for rent. Leaseback, in essence, represents an alternative to secured loans.

General characteristics of leasing relations

There are various options for leasing transactions.

With classic leasing, a minimum of four participants are involved in the transaction:

  • the lessor financing the transaction;
  • lessee purchasing property;
  • the seller supplying machinery, equipment or other leasing object;
  • an insurance company that insures the leased object against various risks.

Large transactions usually involve the involvement of additional parties, such as banks.

Leaseback differs from classical leasing in that the seller and lessee are the same person. In essence, the client sells the property to the leasing company and immediately leases it with the right of subsequent purchase.

Leaseback of real estate for individuals

Leaseback is popular mainly among business representatives as a source of replenishment of working capital. In principle, legislation allows participation in transactions and individuals.

Leasing companies take into account the risk of low solvency of private clients and prefer not to cooperate with this category of clients. Although there are exceptions, they are very few.

Let's give detailed conditions for real estate leaseback for individuals in the following table.

Often, when leasing back real estate, individuals receive not very attractive conditions. The value of the property is underestimated, and various commissions and fines are included in the contract.

The situation with unfavorable conditions for real estate leasing back for individuals is connected with the fact that this form of financing is mainly sought by clients who find themselves in a hopeless situation.

Important! In most cases, real estate leaseback for individuals can only be considered as a temporary solution to the problem.

For legal entities

The services of leasing companies in Russia are mainly aimed at business representatives. This is due to the opportunity to obtain VAT deductions from the lessee, which causes increased demand for the service.

Companies are ready to offer leaseback services commercial real estate or production premises. At the same time, the conditions from different companies may differ slightly.

In the following table we compare the most popular real estate leaseback offers for legal entities.

Video: Development results


Leaseback does not contradict current legislation Russian Federation and is a completely legal scheme.

Leasing transactions are regulated by the following documents:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 665 - 670);
  • Federal Law “On Financial Lease (Leasing)” dated October 29, 1998 N 164-FZ;
  • UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing;
  • Federal Law of February 8, 1998 N 16-FZ “On the accession of the Russian Federation to the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing.

Before concluding a deal, you should definitely spend a little time and study in detail legislative framework. This will eliminate unnecessary questions when concluding a payment agreement.

Strict compliance with the law will allow you to obtain maximum benefit from the leasing transaction and will eliminate various problems.

According to the law, ownership of the property remains with the leasing company until it is repurchased. This prevents the lessee from pledging it to the bank or selling it again.


The interaction between the parties during leaseback is slightly different from the classical scheme. This is due to the fact that the seller and the lessee are the same person.

Let's consider the standard scheme of a leaseback transaction:

  • the client submits an application for financing and a package of documents to the company;
  • the lessor's specialists analyze the information and documents received and make a decision on the transaction;
  • the parties agree on the terms of a specific transaction and sign a leasing agreement simultaneously with the property purchase and sale agreement;
  • ownership of the property passes to the lessor, and the lessee receives it for temporary possession;
  • the client pays regular payments and redeems the property at the end of the contract term.

Typically, the registration procedure takes from 5 to 20 working days, depending on the type of leased property and the amount of financing.


The cost of the leased property is determined by the parties through negotiations or based on assessments. In this case, the volume of financing can reach 70-90% of the cost of the leased property.

The terms of the deal may provide for an advance on the project at the expense of own funds client. In this case, the amount of joint financing can reach 100% of the property price.

The price increase is determined individually for each client. It depends on financial indicators lessee, leased object, transaction term and other conditions. The minimum increase in price per year is 5-8%.

It is necessary to take into account that property transferred under a leasing agreement must be insured. This ultimately has a negative impact on the final price increase, significantly increasing it.

The validity period of a leaseback agreement for vehicles can be up to 3 years, for equipment – ​​5, and for real estate, rolling stock, and aircraft – 10 years.

Table. Basic conditions of leaseback.


The main purpose of leaseback for companies is to obtain additional working capital.

There are also additional goals:

  • reducing the tax burden in a legal way;
  • use of opportunities for accelerated depreciation of property;
  • consolidation of equipment within one transaction when purchasing from a large number of suppliers.

Individuals resort to leaseback when they find themselves in difficult financial situations. It's no secret that signing an agreement with a leasing company is easier than getting a bank loan.


Almost any equipment and machinery, as well as real estate, can be leased objects. In this case, it is possible to register a transaction not only with new property, but also with used property.

Let's consider the most common options for leasing objects:

  • cars (cars, trucks);
  • railway and water transport;
  • special equipment;
  • real estate;
  • aircraft;
  • various equipment.

Calculation example for cars

When concluding a leasing agreement, the parties must sign a payment schedule. It specifies specific amounts. In this case, the peculiarities of the activities of a particular client and his wishes may be taken into account.

Let's look at what parts the lease payment consists of:

  • depreciation charges;
  • payment for used borrowed funds;
  • leasing company commission;
  • payment additional services(for example, insurance);
  • the cost of the property being purchased.

Typically, the following formula is used to calculate the total amount of lease payments:

Total lease payments = current year depreciation + usage fee borrowed funds+ lessor commission + additional fee services + VAT.

Let's give an example of calculating leasing payments for a car worth 1 million rubles, a leasing period of 5 years, an increase in price of 7% per year, and a redemption value of 1%.

It’s easy to determine the overall price increase:

1000000 rub. / 100 * 7% * 5 years = 350,000 rubles (for all 5 years).

Let's calculate the entire leasing cost:

1,000,000 + 350,000 + 10,000 (1% of the redemption value) = 1,360,000 rubles.

When concluding a transaction, the client pays advance payment– 30%. It is 300,000 rubles. According to the payment schedule, the amount will then be 1,260,000 – 300,000 = 960,000 rubles.

Sample contract

Each company independently forms standard contracts leasing for various types transactions. They should be carefully studied, as sometimes they contain conditions that are not convenient for the client, for example, fines and commissions.

Let's consider the main points of the leaseback agreement that you should pay attention to when signing:

  • validity period;
  • transaction amount;
  • interest rate and commissions;
  • penalties;
  • conditions for early redemption of property.

Accounting and tax accounting

The lessee, when selling equipment, must reflect income in the amount of the full sales price excluding VAT and at the same time other expenses in the amount of the cost of the equipment.

Tax accounting also recognizes income from the sale of property without VAT. It is reduced by the cost of the purchased equipment excluding VAT, and when purchasing used equipment - in the amount of the residual value.

The operation of transfer of ownership is considered an object of taxation. Invoices for the transaction must be issued within the deadlines established by law.

When receiving property from a leasing company, the equipment is taken into account in the amount of its full cost, taking into account the redemption price and is reflected in the debit of account 08 “Investments in non-current assets» subaccount “Purchase of fixed assets under a leasing agreement” in correspondence with the credit of account 76 subaccount “Debt to the lessor”.

Tax risks

Tax authorities often pay close attention to leaseback transactions. Federal Tax Service officials believe that in this way companies are trying to illegally evade taxes.

You should know that leaseback transactions are not prohibited by law. It is necessary to be prepared in advance to respond to claims from tax authorities with the involvement of appropriate lawyers.

Pros and cons

Leaseback is one of the popular measures to attract additional funds while maintaining the right to own property.

It has the following advantages:

  • long terms;
  • quick approval of the transaction;
  • the possibility of obtaining tax preferences;
  • minimum set of documents.

Of the minuses it should be noted compulsory insurance the subject of leasing and increased attention to such transactions from the tax authorities.

Leaseback is an excellent way to attract working capital for legal entities. This source of financing allows you to quickly obtain the missing finances, but it is necessary to take into account the risks associated with the transaction. If the contract is violated, the lessee risks being left without property.
