How to open a bread stall. Business plan for a mini-bakery for the production of bakery products. Finding sellers for a kiosk

The first Khlebnichnaya bakery was opened in January 2016 on the street. Blucher. Today the network consists of 14 retail outlets that operate in Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk; the company plans to launch a bakery in Perm by the end of January.

Good cause

Before starting to develop the bakery chain “” together with a partner, he supplied equipment to retail chains all over Russia. However, due to changes in the market, the business had to be abandoned. “The retail market was changing, there were fewer and fewer retailers, local chains were slowly leaving the market,” says Mr. Kazakov. In fact, it remains possible to work with only two well-known networks, and it’s almost impossible to make money in such a market.”

As a result, it was decided to leave the equipment trade and choose a new direction. As Ilya Kazakov says, one of the main criteria for the future business was that it corresponded not to the B2B model, but to the B2C model, that is, it was consumer-oriented:

“The essence of my previous business was that first the owner bears all the costs, supplies and installs the equipment, and receipt of payment under the contract is postponed until later; this is normal practice in working with networks.

Producing bread is a good thing. This is not selling vodka, it is not lending money at 1000%. From a moral point of view, this is one of the most pleasant businesses. In addition, almost everyone eats baked goods: grandmothers, the middle class, and rich people, which means the market is large. In general, the bread market is now in a very interesting state: we are moving away from centralized supplies of bread, as it was in Soviet times, and we come to the market for fresh, hot consumption.”

Ilya Kazakov admits that you won’t become rich by selling bread, but this is a business that can slowly make a profit every day, regardless of the weather in the yard and the various crises that are so popular with us now.

In fact, it’s difficult to make money on buns that cost 20 rubles. At the same time, I can’t help but feel that many people have now decided to open bakeries; people find this business simple and easy. But this is not true, I think most of them work to zero.

Pure mathematics

When the business was just starting, the founders of the bakery chain proceeded from pure mathematics, they calculated everything. Even now, when opening new points, owners in no case rely on their own feelings, but focus exclusively on mathematical modeling.

The main mistake of those who open their own bakery is that they often adhere to the emotional component. That is, people see that there are bakeries everywhere, they think that flour is cheap, that they will bake a loaf of bread and become rich. In fact, everything is not like that. This is painstaking work that begins from the moment you don’t have any bakery. Thanks to our mathematical model we can calculate how much we will sell before we even open. Moreover, in approximately 90% of cases we are right,” says Mr. Kazakov.

The operating director of the Khlebnichnaya bakery chain says that opening bakeries has become especially popular around 2014. Today, upon request for “bakery,” DoubleGIS provides 441 organizations. In first place is the federal chain from Izhevsk “Khlebnitsa”, which has 16 retail outlets in Yekaterinburg, in second place is “Khlebnichnaya” with 14 bakeries, and the top three is “European Bakery”, which has eight branches in the city.

There is competition in our market, like everywhere else. Nowadays there really is a certain fashion for bakeries, plus people have a need to buy not only traditional bread, which is on the shelves in supermarkets, but also fresh baked goods. There are large network players in the Yekaterinburg market that are actively launching franchise bakeries. Don't forget that some supermarkets also sell fresh baked goods, although some of them use semi-finished products.

The business model when the bakery operates on semi-finished products requires less costs, in this case it is necessary to purchase less equipment. “” works according to this system. . Ilya Kazakov believes that now it is more difficult for bakeries that work on semi-finished products to compete in the market, since supermarkets use the same model:

In our city there was a Pekara chain from Omsk, they used freezing and eventually closed. Today, many discounters and gas station chains work on frozen baked goods, and “Fresh Bread” departments are appearing there. And here, I must say, they are not lying, the product is really fresh, the only question is the production technology and composition. And if a bakery sells semi-finished products, how can it compete with a supermarket?

That’s why Khlebnichnaya immediately decided that they would knead the dough and bake the rolls and bread themselves, right on the spot.

To develop the recipe, we had to change six technologists: one “supplied” the bread, the other - the dough for the pies. Today, some breads in the bakery take days to prepare:

There are starters that need to sit for a day. For example, the starter for a French baguette takes 24 hours to grow. And we follow this technology, this is our advantage. The same goes for toppings. If we have a pie with lingonberries, then we buy frozen lingonberries and put the berries in the filling, not jam. In the apple puff we have real apple slices, not cheap Chinese jam, and in the tangerine pie (which is seasonal) we have tangerines. Quality is extremely important for bakeries, no less than a good location.

Bakery Economics

There are a lot of franchises on the bakery market, and it’s easy to find information on the Internet about how much it costs to start this business. Some say that it is enough to invest 1.5 million rubles. to open one point, others say two, others say that at least 3 million rubles will be required.

Ilya Kazakov says that, as in any business, when opening a bakery you can go to two extremes: arrange everything as economically as possible, purchase cheap equipment, but then this will affect the quality of the baked goods. The second option is to install the most expensive and high-quality equipment, invest millions in renovating the premises, but go broke due to insufficient profits:

It took us 2.5 million rubles to open the first store, and today we spend about that much to launch the next outlet. The payback period is a year and a half,” says Ilya Kazakov. - Our colleagues in the shop say that they can open a retail outlet for 1.5 million rubles, but, as you understand, there are very few miracles in our world. Of course, you can install an oven for 50 thousand rubles, or you can install a convection oven for 200-300 thousand rubles.

According to Peter Schneider, about a million is required for the purchase of equipment - this is the largest part of the expenses; another 700-800 thousand must be allocated for the renovation of the premises, plus the purchase of raw materials, equipment and the formation of staff. At the same time, it makes no sense to stop at opening one store: as for any business, the rule of scale applies to bakeries: the more outlets, the higher the profit.

The cheapest bread at Khlebnichnaya costs 22 rubles. for a loaf of 300 g, mid-price bread - 30 rubles. for 300 g, special bread - 40-50 rubles. for a bun. The main profit in the bakery comes from buns, pies and filled pies. Ilya Kazakov’s partner Peter Schneider says:

Bread has always been a social product, and this is a position from which you can’t make much money, the price is low and the profitability is low. The business is built on pies, pies and other baked goods. The most profitable product last year there were Easter cakes. The bakers baked them all night, and by 11 o’clock in the morning the shelves were already empty,” he adds.

Franchising is not for everyone

After a year and a half of operation, Khlebnichnaya became ready for franchise development; in December 2017, the owners of the chain began processing applications. However, entrepreneurs have a non-standard approach to selling a franchise; for example, they are not ready to share retail outlets in Yekaterinburg:

We have about 40 requests for a franchise from different cities of Russia, as well as from Belarus and Kazakhstan. We are ready to share our experience, but not in Yekaterinburg. We need to be honest: if a person is going to open a “Khlebnichnaya” in our city, then we will compete with him, which means we will inevitably face a conflict of interest. Unfortunately, even in Yekaterinburg there are many companies that agree on locations for their franchisees that are doomed to failure in advance. Just look at 8 March Street. And we want people to earn money.

Bread is the main food product of the population of our country. That is why business related to bakery products is always profitable and strives for development. The question is how to open bread kiosk or a small shop selling bread will not be particularly difficult. The success of this idea will be brought by careful preparation and consideration of all the positive and negative stages and nuances of this business.

Activity plan

From the very beginning entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a bread kiosk.

To do this you need:

  1. by registering, obtain the status of an entrepreneur;
  2. obtain a license from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. draw up a lease agreement for the land where the kiosk will be installed;
  4. buy and register a cash register.

Assortment of bakery products and appearance bread shop - important details when opening a retail outlet that need to be thought out in advance. In order to open a kiosk selling bread, you need to purchase the appropriate equipment for use. Showcases should be open and ventilated, because bread is a perishable product.

Own equipment

If you want to open a kiosk, and not just sell bread, but also do your own baking, then it is advisable to immediately purchase a small-sized oven and scales. It is advisable to create a life support system and connect an alarm system. It is advisable to purchase and sell baked goods in closed, sealed packaging. It protects the product from premature spoilage. Before purchasing a stall, you should make sure that it complies with SES standards.

Be prepared that it may take quite a lot of time to install and open a bread kiosk. The administration issues a permit if there are photographs of the site, a topographic map, with the obligatory indication of the exact location of the land plot (this can be done independently in some cases), and strong arguments to explain the purpose of using the territory. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will not be allowed to open a kiosk.

Work with suppliers and personnel

Due to the short lead times for the sale of bakery products, it is desirable that the supplier be local. To make it easier to adjust the range of purchased goods, it is worth keeping records of the products sold. Over time, this will help you to abandon baked goods that bring the least profit.
Related products are needed at any retail outlet. In the case of a bread stall, these can be various buns with and without filling, muffins, bagels, cookies, pita bread, etc.

It is necessary to establish daily delivery of goods, because bread and bakery products quickly lose presentation. Regular deliveries will significantly refresh the assortment and attract customers.

Ideally, it is best to work with major manufacturers. They have well-established daily deliveries of fresh products, various systems of discounts and deferred payments, which can be useful for a novice entrepreneur who decides to open a kiosk selling bakery products.

Qualified personnel, meets the requirements, knows how to work with people - this is also one of the steps to successful management business. It is important to remember that food products are sold at the outlet, so the seller must have a health certificate!

Pros and cons of the bread business

Having decided to open a bread kiosk, an entrepreneur must also foresee the negative aspects of this type of activity. It's very competitive and government regulation prices for this type of product. You only have to count on maximum turnover.

Having prepared necessary documents Having decided on the location of the kiosk, finding suppliers and sellers, you can safely move on to the financial cost of the issue.

Let's make calculations before opening a point of sale:

  • the cost of the kiosk will be approximately 200 thousand rubles;
  • Registration of land for rent will cost 500 rubles. for every month;
  • equipping a retail outlet with equipment will cost about 20 thousand rubles;
  • the seller's salary will be at least 7 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - from 30,000 per 1,000 pieces;
  • registration of individual entrepreneurship from 20 thousand rubles:
  • licensing – from 20 thousand rubles.

To summarize our calculations: to implement bakery business it is necessary to spend from 300,000 to 400,000 rubles.

A mini-bakery is a small enterprise specializing in the production and subsequent sale of baked goods. Quite often, bakeries are private enterprises, both independent and integral part business, for example, a hypermarket. In some cities there are even entire chains of bakeries that sell own product even from mobile points. True, as practice shows, startups and newcomers to entrepreneurship themselves are seduced by financial gain, forgetting that this “game” is one of the toughest.

Why is this business plan needed?

It’s corny, but the saying: “Measure twice, cut once” just fits perfectly here. This principle also applies to bakeries.

What do you think, if the thought of opening a bakery is in your head, what will be more important to you: a tidy sum of money, the cheapest rent for the premises or a professional team, always ready to complete tasks? I would like to disappoint you - the answer will be: “all at once.” In our case we have to talk about a fairly common modern business concept - business plan.

An ideal business plan is not only the key to investing, but also the key to the successful development of your entire enterprise.

In general, a business plan should be understood as a document that takes into account all aspects of advantages and problems, and possible ways to solve them. Moreover, in addition to the verbal picture, it implies sufficient numerical indicators that characterize the costs and benefits of a particular process, procedure, or investment.

A business plan is a kind of look into the future today. That is why drawing up a plan is a categorically important process that lays the foundation for a “bright future.” In addition, writing it is the first step, the first step when starting any project designed for success.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

It is worth noting that a business plan involves taking into account most of the features associated with business in current moment and in the future. If we consider that a bakery is a very interesting and exciting project, then we must take into account that a business plan for the production of bread and bakery products cannot do without competition.

Naturally, competition forces business participants to grow and develop, leads to the creation of new interesting products, and reduces the cost of the product. Consequently, this benefits both the manufacturer and the consumer.

There is currently no active growth in the number of mini-bakeries. Yes, from time to time the next family impromptu appears somewhere, but to a greater extent they are calculated on luck or built on the personal interest of the owners. Metaphorically speaking, pseudo-French bakeries are growing by leaps and bounds. Most of them are not able to last for open market and several months.

Despite this, the market for quality and successful bakery cafes is still trending upward. If we take into account statistics, France has one bakery per 5,000 inhabitants. Of course, there is no need to talk about such demand in the domestic market at the moment.

How to open a bakery from scratch (choosing a registration form, what documents are needed to open a mini-bakery)

Before you open a mini-bakery from scratch, you need to go through some bureaucratic procedures.

It is well known that to carry out activities an official business registration. In this case, there are two options for the development of events: either. If an entrepreneur is not a stupid person, and his thoughts are focused on obtaining his own benefit, then he will register his activities as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, there will be less hassle with paperwork, and the registration process it will be easier and cheaper.

An LLC must be registered if you plan to conduct a joint business. This option is more reliable and justified.

Providing services to the population: .

Marketing options for bakery products

Sales organization will require:

  • concluding a supply agreement with several points of sale with the possibility of delivery as quickly as possible;
  • registration of contracts with wholesalers. This will limit you from the need to organize a sales market, and will also bring economic benefits (there will be no need to maintain vehicle, driver and car mechanic);
  • outbound trade. In this case, mobile retail outlets (vans) will be needed. This option is the most troublesome, since in order to implement it, in addition to purchasing a van, you need to obtain a special permit to trade.

Promotion of a mini-bakery

To promote your business you need to invest a certain amount cash into promotion. In this case, one cannot fail to note the merit in this matter advertising activities.

Although initial promotion will cost a pretty penny, thanks to a well-thought-out business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations, all costs can be distributed evenly, which will reduce the financial burden and start making a profit as quickly as possible.

Is it profitable to open a bakery (how much does it cost, what are the profitability and payback)?

We cannot ignore the most important component of any business plan – its financial part.

So, how much does it cost to open a bakery from scratch?

Consumable part will include the following items:

  • business registration and purchase necessary equipment— 600,000–1,200,000 rubles;
  • funds needed to repair the premises - 80,000–100,000 rubles;
  • furniture costs – 50,000 rubles;
  • rental fee for premises – 850,000–900,000 rubles per year;
  • payment for energy resources and utility bills– 150,000–200,000 per month;
  • staff salaries – 1,500,000 rubles per year.

The mini-bakery produces from 0.5 to 1 ton of bakery products per day.

Profitability mini-bakery depends on the amount of bread baked and the price of it in different regions of the country. On average, the profitability of a bakery is 25–50%.

Payback period- 2–3 years.

To summarize, we can say that the correct development of a business plan for opening a bakery, taking into account a well-thought-out sales system and focus on the interests of the client, will quickly recoup the investment. In this case, the key to a businessman’s success will be the thoughtfulness of his actions based on strict adherence to the business plan, taking into account timely adjustments.

“Artisan” bread from a small bakery is increasingly being chosen by both restaurateurs and retail customers. The most sustainable business model in this market is manufacturing, which has both wholesale clients, so own retail

Owner of the Glavkhleb bakery Roman Bunyakov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

“Small “family” bakeries are, of course, a new Moscow trend,” says restaurant consultant Irina Avrutskaya. “Demand is growing from both consumers and restaurants, which are gradually moving from frozen semi-finished products to “artisan” bread made from high-quality raw materials from local suppliers.”

The volume of bread production in Russia, according to official figures from Rosstat, exceeds 550 billion rubles. Along with large bakeries that have been operating since the times of the USSR and specialize in the production of cheap varieties of bread for mass consumption (about 70% of the market), small bakeries. They mainly produce expensive bread, dietary products, and unusual baked goods.

Besides, production capacity Many retailers like Auchan or Perekrestok have them. “Some of the retail players simply bake products from frozen semi-finished products, but there are also those who deal with bread seriously, carefully selecting raw materials and working out the recipe,” says Avrutskaya. In her opinion, the fashion for “real” bread began about ten years ago with the advent of the Volkonsky, “Daily Bread” and others chains in the capital, but two or three years ago the trend became widespread.

“Many bakeries are popping up all over the world, this is a tasty and sweet idea for business,” says Anna Shumailova, co-owner of the Bulka bakery. True, it is associated with certain risks: the demand for premium bread is difficult to predict and the main margin goes to retail, not production.

Daily Need

Roman Bunyakov is one of the champions of “artisan” bread in the capital. Roman got into this business thanks to a coincidence of circumstances. Since the mid-2000s, he has worked as a sales director at Technoflot, trading technological equipment for kitchens of cafes and restaurants. In 2013, Bunyakov’s acquaintances Sergei Ilyushin and Maxim Yalynychev bought a bakery in Krasnogorsk and invited Roman to advise on how to organize production.

He went several times to help budding entrepreneurs, but they were in no hurry to buy new equipment. Instead, the partners invited Bunyakov to invest in their company. His wife Anastasia convinced Roman to accept the offer. They met in the late 1990s in one of the first European-style bakeries in Russia - Delifrance. Anastasia worked as the manager of the establishment, and Roman worked there as a baker.

“There were huge queues at Delifrance. People bought two or three fresh baguettes, despite the fact that they cost several times more than regular loaves. We were so nostalgic for those times that we decided, what if this is a chance to repeat that success,” says Bunyakov. So he became a co-owner of the Varenishnaya bakery. They didn’t make dumplings there, but rolls with jam and marmalade, baked pies and bread. The finished products were sold to cafes and restaurants, and from time to time Bunyakov exported goods to food markets and food festivals.

At one of them, he met Olga Dobychina, who, together with her husband Daniil Nikitin, was promoting a Scandinavian brand of tableware. She invited Roman to become a partner in a new project - a bakery on the territory of the Danilovsky market. “Maxim Popov (at that time the manager of the Danilovsky market. - RBC) He offered us unique conditions - 50 thousand rubles. per month for 32 sq. m,” says Bunyakov. “This was one of the first such projects, and the guys’ eyes sparkled. The place I chose for them was not the most accessible, so the price was good. People walked through the entire market to buy good bread, and at the same time they also bought everything else,” recalls Maxim Popov. The budget for opening a bakery called “Baton” was only 450 thousand rubles.

Bread on the market

So, in June 2014, Varenishnaya acquired a good sales channel - the Baton bakery, co-owned by Bunyakov, Dobychina and Nikitin. “Varenishnaya” baked, we took it all to the market, Olya and Danya arranged the display, and sold it at the counter one by one,” says Bunyakov. He was amazed by the turnover of the retail business: three months after the opening, daily sales of “Baton” began to exceed 50-60 thousand rubles. On Friday and Saturday, revenue reached 140-150 thousand rubles. “These are fantastic figures for a bread industry,” says Roman. Retail margin reached 75%; however, they had to spend money on logistics: the products were delivered in a minivan, the rental of which cost 3 thousand rubles. per day; another 200-300 thousand rubles. per month was spent on packaging so that the products do not lose their appearance during transportation.

It soon became clear that the premises in Krasnogorsk were not suitable for large-scale production: the furnaces did not have enough electrical power. Bunyakov found new premises: in the fall of 2014, the opportunity arose to build a bakery in the administrative building of the Danilovsky market. This would reduce logistics costs.

Roman estimated the initial investment at 13 million rubles, but his partners in both Varenishna and Baton were not ready for such investments. As a result, Bunyakov left both projects and decided to act alone. Olga Dobychina refused to discuss with RBC the reasons and circumstances of the separation from Roman Bunyakov.

In 2015, the entrepreneur built the Glavkhleb bakery. In reality, at the start, investments in production amounted to 9 million rubles: 1.5 million went to repairs, the rest to the purchase of equipment. Monthly rent cost 250 thousand rubles. “Since I sell kitchen equipment, I naturally wanted to supply myself with the best that is on the market. To create not just a bakery, but a whole showroom,” says Bunyakov. He still hasn’t given up his hired job at Technoflot and uses his own bakery to demonstrate the capabilities of kitchen equipment to potential clients. “Glavkhleb” began selling baked goods to bakeries, including “Baton”, farm shops, coffee shops and restaurants.

Often, novice entrepreneurs imagine a “family” bakery as small production and a shop next to it. However, in Moscow, according to the entrepreneur, such a business model does not work. “Production with only one point is a disaster,” says Roman. — On the one hand, the bakery needs power reserves so that production can be quickly increased. On the other hand, this is a large investment in equipment. The stove alone can cost a million rubles. You need to buy a large-capacity refrigerator right away, but at first you fill it only a third. It makes no sense to keep such a colossus for the sake of even one super-successful point of sale.” According to his calculations, the cost of a croissant in production serving one retail outlet will be 45 rubles, and if there are ten outlets - already 19 rubles. In retail, such a croissant can be sold for 100 rubles.

It would seem that bread is a commodity of everyday demand, but it is almost impossible to predict sales. According to the founder of the KhlebNikoff bakery and confectionery, Ekaterina Volkova, the business of bakeries and confectioneries is highly seasonal, depending on the weather, traffic jams and many other factors: sometimes there is an influx of people, and in bad weather, most of the products - up to 60% - have to be written off. “Since we are focused on the above-average level, we simply cannot display yesterday’s bread,” says Volkova.

Production costs

In April 2016, Ginza managers began reconstructing the Danilovsky Market building, which housed the bakery, and Glavkhleb was asked to move out. I had to look for a new premises. Moving and renovation of a 400 sq.m. premises. m near the Semenovskaya metro station cost the entrepreneur 1 million rubles. In addition, some small customers found it inconvenient to travel to a new address to purchase products, and they changed suppliers. Even the owners of Baton refused bread. “They were replaced by larger customers. For example, Rappoport restaurants,” says Roman. “They, of course, ask for special prices, demand that each bun be properly packaged and labeled, but the volumes are also large.” One of the clients was the Doubleby coffee chain, where Bunyakov began supplying croissants and bagels with cherries.

For Bunyakov's business large number wholesale customers is critically important: savings are achieved due to the volume of purchases of raw materials and full load of equipment. The more diverse clients, the more stable the purchases. Today, the Glavkhleb bakery has more than 300 trading partners who buy thousands of products every day.

Glavkhleb has a staff of 52 people, 15 of whom are couriers. Flour is purchased in Perm and Orenburg, but even the most expensive flour on the market does not always meet quality standards. “You buy two 100 kg bags - good flour. If you buy a ton, it’s bad,” Bunyakov complains. He spends 25-30 thousand rubles on experiments with products. per month. Daily turnover is 125-130 thousand rubles, profit is 12-13% of this amount. The entrepreneur expects to recoup investments in production in four years.

According to Roman, in the fresh bread market it is easier to make money in retail rather than in production. The volume of investments is lower, but they turn around faster, the margins are higher. At the beginning of 2016, he and his partner Pavel Smirnov opened the Rogalik deli on Nikolskaya Street. Today, about 7% of Glavkhleb’s total production goes there, but entrepreneurs plan to open seven more such points in Moscow. The most sustainable business model in the fresh bread market is the bakery, which has both wholesale customers and its own retail. Wholesale ensures production capacity, and retail brings the main margin.

"Healthy" and unnecessary

The founder of the Little Zhuravlev Bakery, Sergei Zhuravlev, also believes that manufacturing business in the bakery business it is necessary to combine with retail: his company is simultaneously developing a bakery and a network of bakeries.

The spouses Sergei and Alena Zhuravlev opened their first point at the Rogozhsky market two years ago. They had long dreamed of owning their own cozy bakery while traveling around European cities, and in December 2015 they decided to make their dream come true. We started with production: we rented a premises of about 200 square meters. m near the Rogozhsky market, as well as a point with an area of ​​25 sq. m in the market itself, where they began to sell finished products. All the recipes and technologies were brought from travel, from master classes, some were worked out at home, in the family kitchen, a year before the opening of production.

The source of investment was the income of another business of the Zhuravlevs - the production of marmalade candies in jars “Vkusnaya Pomoshch”. Production costs amounted to more than 6 million rubles. — they went to renovate the premises and purchase equipment. The most difficult thing was finding bakers and a technologist. “The market for professional bakers in Moscow is very small, the work is quite hard and not well paid - it’s very difficult to find good people,” Sergei complains.

It took about another 1.5 million rubles to open a point on the Rogozhsky market, then the Zhuravlevs opened four more points. “Our 50% of products are Russian and Soviet pastries that everyone understands, and the remaining 50% are recipes from different countries, says Zhuravlev. “The markup is 100%.” Now the bakery produces about 1.5-2 thousand units of products per day, which are sold through its own outlets, as well as through partners: small restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops. According to the entrepreneur’s calculations, production reached payback after a year of operation; retail outlets reach profitability faster—in about four months. By the end of the year, Sergey plans to increase the number of establishments under his brand to 15 through the sale of a franchise. “Now there are already several buyers, and we are selecting premises. This profitable business", says Zhuravlev.

However, not everyone succeeds: the meager assortment of the bakery can become a stumbling block. In September 2015, entrepreneur Alexander Skuratovsky “for several million rubles” bought an unprofitable bakery in Solnechnogorsk in the hope of bringing it to profit with the help retail sales. Skuratovsky organized his Kolhoz sales points: rented trading place at the farmer's cooperative "Lavka-Lavka" in "Mega-Khimki" and opened a point at the Usachevsky market.

But sales were not going well: people wanted sweet rolls and “confectionery” more, while Skuratovsky offered “healthy” bread, without the use of yeast, only with “live” starters, and several types of cookies own production. “We had about 12 types of “healthy” bread, but the range for retail turned out to be quite modest,” complains Alexander. At the same time, he sold bread wholesale to stores healthy eating; they brought at least some profit, while their points were operating at a loss.

The cost of Skuratovsky’s bread was 20-30 rubles, and he sold loaves for 130 rubles, but the entire margin disappeared after deducting the costs of logistics and rent. In September last year, the entrepreneur abandoned his outlets, leaving only wholesale, and in the next two months he worked at zero. However, this did not save him from closing the enterprise. “I realized that you can leave the bakery as a family hobby, but it is impossible to create a more or less interesting business in this “boutique” niche with such a small assortment,” says Skuratovsky.

Organizational issues

First you need to register with the tax authorities, and you can choose any organizational form and open either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Next, you need to find a kiosk that you can rent or purchase a ready-made used one. In any case, you need to conclude a lease agreement or a purchase and sale agreement. In some cases, it is possible to create a custom-made pavilion from special companies that will create it according to certain dimensions and parameters.

After this, you need to decide on its location, which should have high traffic and proximity to residential buildings. Next, you should obtain a special document from Rospotrebnadzor stating that the kiosk meets all sanitary requirements. Without this document, trading in bakery products is prohibited.


For a bread kiosk, it is necessary to purchase racks on which bakery products and display cases will be located, which should be well ventilated, since the products have a short shelf life. You also need special cabinets, on one of which there will be a cash register, and on the other, scales. Scales are necessary if, along with bread, various cookies will be sold, which will need to be weighed in front of the buyer. For this you will also need special scoops and plastic bags.


Only qualified workers should be hired who can fulfill all important requirements. They must have a health certificate because they will sell food products. It is best to hire people who have experience in this field and can quickly navigate and promote all products, correctly place products on shelves and offer customers new products. If it is assumed that the stall will be open every day, then you will have to hire two sellers at once, who will work in shifts.


This business plan for a bread kiosk assumes that the entrepreneur will receive good profit from a business that is promising. In this case, it is necessary to sell not only bread and loaves, but also various cookies, buns, pies, pita breads and pretzels, baguettes and crispbreads.

Therefore, you should think through the assortment in advance and invest a fairly large amount of money in it. However, it is important not to make the wrong choice specific products so that there is no unclaimed product that quickly deteriorates, resulting in significant losses.

Budget and profitability of a bread kiosk business plan

Initial costs:

  • Land rent – ​​2000 rub. per month;
  • Kiosk rental – 7,000 rubles. per month or purchase of a ready-made one – 150,000 rubles;
  • Equipment – ​​20,000 rubles;
  • First purchase of goods – 130,000 rubles;
  • Salary to sellers – 30,00 rubles;
  • Outdoor advertising – 10,000 rubles;
  • Registration of individual entrepreneur – 5,000 rubles;
  • Receiving documents from Rospotrebnadzor – 20,000 rubles.

The average markup for all goods is about 30%, the average revenue per day will be approximately 15,000 rubles, the cost of which will be 11,500 rubles. This business plan for a bread kiosk shows that the stall will pay for itself in the first six months, after which it will bring significant profit to the entrepreneur.

How to open a candy store

It has already been proven that a business based on the sale of food products brings truly stable and high income. Confectionery products are of course no exception. However, before opening a confectionery store, you need to become familiar with a number of specific features, knowledge of which will allow you to achieve high performance in this type of business in the conditions of the existing rather fierce competition.

As for documentation, you do not need any special permits or licenses to sell confectionery products. However, you will need to fulfill all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection, and accordingly register with the tax authorities.


First of all, you need to get as much information as possible about the state of affairs of your competitors in this type of business. You can tell by the speed at which the product disappears from the shelves. The number of visitors in such stores is always different: some have more, others have less. This is primarily due to the cleanliness of both the sellers and the premises itself. If indoor conditions do not meet the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, then the likelihood of various insects (flies, wasps, cockroaches) appearing is very high, which as a result will become your only clients.

A common mistake made by novice entrepreneurs is to choose too small a space for a confectionery store, because... When there is an influx of visitors, it becomes impossible to create conditions for comfortable waiting for visitors to be served. So, it is best to stay in a fairly spacious room with an area of ​​50-70 square meters.

As for the location, in this case it is better to choose a premises located in a residential area, which will save you from territorial competitors. However, before you finally settle on any option, conduct a thorough marketing research. So, in conditions of too fierce competition in your chosen area, try to distinguish your store in some way, for example, with high-quality advertising, a variety of assortments, or lower prices.

Interior decoration does not have to be very expensive; a fairly simple interior will be enough, where the main emphasis should be on cleanliness and order.

You won't have any problems recruiting employees. As a rule, sellers are not required to have special skills or knowledge. Remuneration is based on a standard scheme: salary and percentage of sales.

Trade equipment

The number and name of equipment largely depends on the variety of assortment in your confectionery store. A universal package is considered to include refrigerators and special shelves for placing sweets, cookies, cakes, various types cakes. If the assortment includes sweet drinks, then you will need a special refrigerator to store them, respectively, if there is also ice cream, then you will also need a refrigerator to store it.

For your information, the sale of ice cream and cold drinks adds a substantial amount to your main profit, which tends to increase during the hot season.

The cost of purchasing racks and refrigerators for storing cakes and pastries is approximately 200-250 thousand rubles.

It would not be amiss to organize a “mini-cafe” on the territory of the store; for this you will need to additionally purchase accompanying furniture - tables, chairs, dishes, etc.

Goods accounting

When opening a confectionery store, it is important to understand the features of accounting for confectionery products, which are sold both by piece and by weight. It is best, instead of manually maintaining journals, to acquire modern methods of accounting for goods, which will allow you to avoid many mistakes and timely write off goods that have gone out of circulation due to their expiration dates.

Confectionery store assortment

An important point is the quality of the confectionery product, which depends on the manufacturers and suppliers you choose for your confectionery store. It is your responsibility to ensure that your store's inventory is always fresh and sufficiently varied, since the reputation of your business depends on it.

Based on the experience of many entrepreneurs in this area of ​​business, on average, the product range of a confectionery store should include at least 10-15 types of cakes, about the same number of types of pastries, up to 50 types of chocolates, about 25-30 types of caramel, about 30 types of cookies , 2-3 types of marmalade. The costs for the minimum purchase of goods are at least 300-400 thousand rubles.

Please note that it will take several months to finalize the assortment of your confectionery store, which is due to the study of demand for confectionery in the area where you opened your outlet.

Another option for diversifying the assortment is opening your own confectionery production. However, such business management will require you to spend money on purchasing various specialized cooking equipment, ovens, and paying for the labor of a qualified confectioner. The costs at this stage are quite high and will amount to about 400 thousand dollars.

Advertising and profit

First things first initial stage you will have to spend money on advertising.

Business idea for opening a bakery store

However, over time, promotion costs will no longer be required; once you gain the proper reputation, word of mouth will do everything for you.

As for the markup on the cost of confectionery products, as a rule, it depends on trademark and ranges from 30% to 80%. In this case, profitability is, as a rule, 30-50%. The payback period depends on the success of business and reaches an average of 2-3 months from the moment the confectionery store opens.

Prepared by editors: "Business GiD"

Littleone 2009-2012 > Family matters > Spending money > What is the markup on confectionery products in large chains?

View full version: What is the markup on confectionery products in large chains?

Maybe someone knows?

If I'm in the wrong section, please move it.

Mr. Mistoffelees

26.03.2010, 23:05

Absolutely different, what specifically interests you?
For candies by weight in Okey, for example, from 15 to 75%

Hmmm! Big difference. :(

Absolutely different, what specifically interests you?
For candies by weight in Okey, for example, from 15 to 75%

Mr. Mistoffelees

27.03.2010, 12:50

Waffles, waffle cakes, sweets, cookies. I have an analytical study.
Approximate figures are possible. Store names are not required. I'm interested in the breakdown by category: hypermarket, counter-type store, kiosk.

For most packaged products there is a markup of about 25% compared to the same wholesale prices for counter-type stores, but I suspect that for hypermarkets selling prices even lower plus bonuses from suppliers (in the end, 30-35% may well be).
I’ve already written about weighted candies; for me, the policy of the above-mentioned hypermarket, which sets a 75% markup on candies, is quite surprising. The same candies can be bought in most counter-type stores with a 30-35% markup. But on average, the weight of candies is 25-30%; promotions are often held and candies are sold at a price slightly higher than cost. Waffle cakes - 30-35%, but even with such a markup it turns out cheaper than in counter-type stores.

In counter-type stores, the minimum markup on weight candies is 15-20% for candies of the Krupskaya KF, for everything else from 25% to 50% depending on pricing policy, and sometimes 70%. There is a 40-60% markup on caramel. Packaging is usually not available in such stores.

Opening a bread kiosk from scratch: 7 main rules

Weight biscuits have a 25% markup, usually 35-40%. Waffle cakes - 25-30%. Within the same store, the markup for different products is approximately the same. Those. if prices are low, then low for everything; if high, then high for everything.

If you look at related products, then competition between a small business and a hypermarket is still possible for tea, for coffee it is useless, selling prices for stores are approximately equal retail prices in a hypermarket.

Mr. Mistoffelees

27.03.2010, 13:02

Interestingly, there was recently a program on this topic. Someone from the authorities approached the leadership of the hypers. Everyone refused to communicate. And one came forward and reported that everything is calm in Baghdad; the markup on essential goods (bread, milk, etc.) is 3-5%, on the rest it’s more, but within 10%, high markups are only on expensive alcohol, caviar etc.

It wasn’t relevant to me at the time, so I didn’t remember the details. It was clear that he was lying, but so.....

There may still be bread, and even then only for social varieties, but definitely not for confectionery.

Mr. Mistoffelees

27.03.2010, 13:07

In general, it is worth proceeding from the fact that wholesale prices for the first and second are completely different, so in hypermarkets, with a higher markup, the price may be lower than in a counter-type store.

Mr. Mistoffelees

28.03.2010, 00:02

different because different volumes?

Different volumes and conditions. Chain companies in general, including hypermarkets, enter into very strict contracts that place suppliers in enslaving conditions. On the one hand, networkers are an excellent sales channel, on the other, the conditions are very strict. Bonuses, discounts every month, full refunds for any reason, fees for entering the network and the appearance of goods on the shelf, etc., but the batches of networkers are hundreds of times larger.'s all complicated..

When I worked in a store, a few years ago, the store was expensive 24 hours a day,1 and the markup on the confectionery was 60%.
Expensive 24/7 - is it a supermarket?

Do you have a desire to open a mini-bakery, but don’t know where to start? Then this article is for you!

Today you can find many recommendations on the Internet. step-by-step organization bakery business. However, the vast majority of them (in our opinion) absolutely do not correspond to the realities of modern life. Therefore, in this article the reader will not see the usual, standard instructions and parting words.

We will show you an effective, proven way to open a mini-bakery at home, which will bring real profit after just a few months.

First steps

Almost all “professionals” advise starting your business by registering and finding premises for a bakery. Forget it. In the best case, your bakery will pay for itself in at least six months; in the worst case, you will go broke.

As strange as it may sound, you should start a baking business by looking for sales points finished products. If you manage to find and “stake out” a place with good traffic, you have already done half the work. Such retail outlets may be the following:

  • Passage place in the market. It is advisable that it be located near the exit.
  • Place (2x2 m) in grocery store. It is better that the grocery store is not large (paying less rent), but located in a walk-through area.
  • Point(s) at municipal institutions and in factories.

After you have agreed on a lease with the management of the enterprise or institution, you can begin organizing bakery production.

Where to start?

“Make your own business plan” - that’s what’s on top today step by step instructions in recommendation articles on Internet sites. We recommend another method: learn how to bake the entire range of intended products at home.

And don’t rush to purchase equipment.

Business in the sale of bread and bakery products

For these purposes, a regular oven is sufficient. Having learned to quickly and correctly perform all cooking procedures using household appliances, you will be able to control the entire production process when you purchase professional equipment.

The range of bakery products that you need to be able to produce must include at least three types of products:

  • Common products: rolls, loaves, bread.
  • Sweets: cakes, pies with sweet filling.
  • Original products: pizza, pie and other products with meat (fish, mushroom) filling.

Later, in the process of selling the goods, you must decide in what volume to produce each of the products.

Production process

Organization production process A mini-bakery consists of three phases: preparing the premises, purchasing and setting up equipment, searching (or training) for personnel.

Preparing the premises

First of all, to open a bakery you need a suitable premises. The best option is private house or the first floor of a multi-story building. To organize a mini-bakery at home, you need about 40 m2 of free space. If the kitchen area is not enough, then you will have to additionally equip the adjacent room.

There are a number of requirements that must be met when arranging production premises:

  • Waterproof floor. The walls are lined ceramic tiles or painted.
  • Hot and cold water supply.
  • Availability of ventilation and/or air conditioning systems.
  • Utility room for storing raw materials.
  • Equipped fire extinguishing system (fire extinguisher).

In this case, all hygiene and sanitation requirements must be observed. It is better to do this right away, since in the future (after registration) you will be visited by various inspection authorities.


At the initial stage, you will not need the entire set of baking equipment. The most expensive appliance needed to produce baked goods will be the oven. The best option is a two-section unit. Depending on the brand and model, its cost varies from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. You need a two-chamber oven, since you will need to bake several types of products at the same time.

Other necessary equipment is: tables for cutting and shaping dough, cabinets for storing ingredients (dough, fillings) and finished products. If you have several small rooms, then the oven and baking cabinet are installed in the kitchen, and the rest of the equipment in another room. With the correct distribution of funds, the total cost of baking equipment, furniture and tools will cost 50-60 thousand rubles.


It is impossible to organize and develop a bakery business alone, even at the initial stage. At a minimum, you will need three assistants: a baker, a food processor and a salesperson. It is better to hire personnel with experience in this field of activity. However, if there are none or the employee asks for an exorbitant salary, you can train your friends in the baking business at the initial stage.

Pricing policy

For successful trading It is necessary to correctly set prices for the goods sold. Thus, the cost of bakery products for general use (rolls, loaves) should not exceed that established in stores and supermarkets. Setting higher prices for other products (cakes, pizza, pies) will help compensate for low sales profits.

Further development

Having established production and received your first profit, you can start registering your business. In the Russian Federation you will receive a certificate in three days. However, in the future you will have to go through other mandatory procedures.

It is not recommended to expand production earlier than six months later. During this time, the entrepreneur must accumulate (with proper business management) 300-400 thousand rubles. This money will be needed for the purchase of additional professional equipment (150-200 thousand rubles), rent and equipment of production premises, and the arena of new retail outlets.

Main conditions further development mini-bakeries remain the same: search for sales points - expansion of production (equipment, personnel), increase in assortment - documentation of all innovations.

Good luck to all aspiring entrepreneurs in organizing this difficult but interesting business!

Section: Production
