Business plan for greenhouses for a year. Greenhouse farming: business plan, investments, profitability. How to build a greenhouse correctly

Plant growing and agriculture Russia continues to develop from year to year. Most agricultural products are grown in greenhouses. Today, the state actively supports the greenhouse complex, supporting small business farmers with subsidies and subsidies. All products greenhouse farming enjoys in great demand. All this contributes to the creation and development of large and small greenhouse farms.

At the core greenhouse business There are three areas of growing crops - vegetables, herbs, flowers. There are specific greenhouses for each industry. Experts say that profitable business income can only be obtained in a hot climate. Moreover, the temperature in winter should not fall below 5 degrees. A cold and frosty winter is a big risk; to minimize it, you will have to invest a lot of money in purchasing special materials for it. A winter greenhouse as a business is less profitable. Thus, losses from winter may be several times higher than the costs incurred for transportation of grown products to the northern regions.

A new entrepreneur faces several questions. Which direction to choose: seasonal or permanent greenhouse business? How to properly plan your future business? To organize a seasonal farming operation, an ordinary greenhouse is suitable, while for a permanent business you will need special industrial premises with protected ground, where all year round The greenhouse is heated and lit.

Gallery: greenhouse farming (25 photos)

Business plan development

A business plan will help calculate all expenses and possible income; think about financial risks and other issues that are difficult to calculate in your head. The plan items include several sections. Sections take into account all the nuances of this business, taking into account natural and climatic factors(winter greenhouses and year-round). Sections of the plan:

  • Market prospects
  • Product Description
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Breeding technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a greenhouse for growing vegetables with a total area of ​​2016 square meters.

How much money is needed to organize a greenhouse farming

According to preliminary calculations for the opening of a greenhouse with an area of ​​2016 sq. meters will require an investment of about 14 million rubles:

  • Preparatory work, arrangement of the site - 700,000 rubles.
  • Purchase, delivery and installation of greenhouse structures - RUB 5,000,000.
  • Greenhouse equipment (irrigation system, heating, ventilation, etc.) - RUB 3,500,000.
  • Purchase of other equipment and inventory (packaging machine, racks, buckets, boxes, etc.) - RUB 500,000.
  • Costs for connecting utility networks (gas, water, electricity) - RUB 250,000.
  • Construction of an administrative building and utility buildings. block - 1,500,000 rub.
  • Purchase of planting material - 400,000 rubles.
  • Purchase truck(for product sales) - 700,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, approvals and permits - RUB 150,000.
  • Other expenses - RUB 300,000.
  • Reserve fund - 1,000,000 rubles.

Market prospects

Greenhouse business in Russia is considered promising direction. This is especially true in areas with harsh climatic conditions, which include most regions of the Russian Federation. This industry has great value, as it is designed to supply the country’s population with fresh vegetables and herbs, the demand for which has been steadily growing in recent years. Today people are ready to spend more and more money on vegetables and herbs than they did 15 - 20 years ago. Fashion for healthy eating forces people to allocate more and more funds from their budget to purchase products that are so important for the human body. The main problem hindering the development of the industry is high energy tariffs. Currently, the area under cover of vegetables in Russia is no more than 2,000 hectares. For comparison, in China the area of ​​greenhouse farms is 1.7 million hectares. However, the green light is in this direction There is. The state is increasingly paying attention to the development of the industry and is ready to help beginning and existing farmers by allocating land according to preferential rates, subsidizing interest rates on loans and issuing grants for the development of greenhouse farming.

Product Description

Our farm will be engaged in the production of vegetable crops - cucumbers and tomatoes. Productivity by preliminary plan will be 90 kg/m2 (per year). Annual production volume with an area of ​​2016 sq. meters will thus amount to 181,440 kilograms of fresh vegetables. Average annual wholesale price per kilogram of product will be 65 rubles. The main clients of the farm: wholesale resellers, processing plants and retail chains. The planned annual turnover of the enterprise, after the sale of all manufactured products, will be about 11,500,000 rubles.

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Rent of land for greenhouse farming

To accommodate a small greenhouse farm, a land plot of 4,500 square meters will be rented from the municipality. The lease agreement will be concluded for 49 years with a pre-emptive right to purchase. Lease payments will amount to 25 thousand rubles per month. The site will be located in close proximity to a populated area, which will allow connecting all necessary communications, including electricity, gas and water.

What equipment to choose for greenhouse farming

As equipment, it is planned to purchase industrial polycarbonate greenhouses for growing agricultural crops “Farmer”. The design of this greenhouse is designed in accordance with SNiP 2.10.04-85. During the construction of the Farmer greenhouse, modern thermal insulation materials are used to reduce heating costs, making it possible to operate it all year round.

The frame of the greenhouse is made of a powerful galvanized profile and consists of arc-shaped trusses connected to each other by purlins. The width of the greenhouse will be 7.5 m, height 3 m, length 67.2 m. The area of ​​the greenhouse will be 504 sq. m. m. The greenhouse will be installed on the ground with the foundation posts buried. In total, it is planned to purchase four similar greenhouses. Thus, the total area of ​​the farm will be 2016 square meters. In addition to the greenhouse design, it is planned to purchase and install gas boilers (for heating), household appliances. block, a packaging plant, an administrative building for staff accommodation and a shower room. As for the greenhouse equipment itself, the following components will be purchased: an installation for drip irrigation of plants, a fertilizing system, a ventilation system, as well as additional equipment and inventory (racks, buckets, boxes, etc.).


It is planned to employ an engineer, general workers (6 people), packers (4 people), sales managers (2 people), a driver, accountant and security guards (3 people) as farm personnel. The total staff will be 18 people, with a monthly payroll of 288,000 rubles.

Which tax system to choose for greenhouse farming

The organizational form of greenhouse farming will be a society with limited liability, consisting of two founders. It is planned to use the Unified Agricultural Tax (UST) as a taxation system. Tax payments will be 6% of the farm's profit.

Step-by-step plan for opening a greenhouse farm

The list of works for organizing an enterprise is as follows:

  1. Business registration, approvals and preparation of documents
  2. Concluding a land lease agreement
  3. Preparation of the land plot
  4. Summing up communications
  5. Purchase of a greenhouse, delivery, installation of the structure
  6. Roofing works
  7. Finishing work
  8. Electrical installation work
  9. Installation of ventilation systems, irrigation, plumbing work
  10. Installation of equipment, shelving
  11. Landscaping
  12. Installation of household block, household structures
  13. Hiring workers
  14. Conclusion of contracts (solid waste removal, disinfection, etc.)
  15. Purchase of planting material
  16. Starting a business

Financial plan

Permanent monthly expenses(on average from September to May)

  • Rent — 25,000 rub.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 370,000 rubles.
  • Fertilizers, protective equipment - 20,000 rubles.
  • Heating — 66,000 rub. (33 rub./sq. m.)
  • Electricity - 20,000 rubles. (10 rub./sq. m.)
  • Water supply - 4,000 rubles. (2 rub./sq. m.)
  • Packaging — 25,000 rub.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 10,000 rubles.
  • Seeds - 7,000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 40,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 607,000 rubles. The annual expenses of the farm will be 7,284,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from greenhouse farming?

Net profit at the end of the year of operation of the farm will be 3,963,040 rubles (330,253 rubles per month). It is worth noting that such results can only be achieved subject to 100% sales of all manufactured products. The profitability of the organization according to business plan calculations will be 54%. With such indicators, the return on investment in the business will occur in 42 months or 3.5 years.

We recommend download greenhouse business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

To register a business, you will need to indicate the necessary codes from OKVED-2, Section A: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming:

  • 01 Crop and livestock farming, hunting and provision of related services in these areas.
  • 01.1 Growing annual crops.
  • 01.13 Growing vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles.
  • 01.13.1 Growing vegetables.
  • 01.13.12 Growing vegetables in protected soil.

What documents are needed to open

Registration of a peasant farm business (peasant farm) will require the same documents from the entrepreneur as for registration of an individual entrepreneur:

  • A notarized application for registration on behalf of the owner of the greenhouse.
  • Copy of passport and ID code.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

It should be noted that if a business is opened by not one, but several entrepreneurs, a contract is drawn up between them.

Do I need permission to open?

If you do not plan to sell the crops you grow in stores and hire staff to care for them, then no permits will be required. In case of sale of products legal entities it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. The quality of growing conditions and goods for sale will be controlled by the relevant sanitary and epidemiological authorities. When installing heating equipment, you will need permission from the fire safety inspectorate. A businessman may need contracts for fertilizing the land, treating pests, dry cleaning clothes, etc.

Breeding technology

The modern greenhouse business uses three growing structures:

  • Glazed.
  • Polycarbonate.
  • Polyethylene.

Beginning businessmen can try polyethylene construction as it is simpler and cheaper than others. But if your crops require more light, then it is better to go with a glass greenhouse. Also, you should not limit yourself to growing one crop; using a larger range of products will increase your profits in the market. In addition to vegetables, flowers can also be grown in greenhouses. Flower greenhouses are considered the most profitable direction.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs are bought all year round. They are also grown on summer cottage, and in specially built greenhouses. This business brings in good income. But understand all the intricacies of the matter so as not to fail.

Conduct an analysis of what products can be produced. In areas where cucumbers grow without greenhouses, their final price is low for most of the year, which does not cover the cost. A cold region with unsuitable soils makes it impossible to grow a range of crops - find a middle ground that matches market demand.

Do not focus your business on one type - it is easier, more cost-effective, more flexible to produce a number of interchangeable products that alternate seasonally, maximizing efficient use land and ensure profitable use of space so that the soil does not stand idle without generating profit and does not exhaust the nutrients necessary for plant growth.

When researching the market, pay attention to the end audience. When is it possible to create farming with a huge output of finished products, focus on mass consumer markets, large wholesale buyers. But if there are few free funds at your disposal to start, pay attention to rare products and their varieties that are sold through HoReCa networks. They are interested in supplies at high prices.

The type of greenhouses is distinguished by materials, purposes, location, frame, and assembly method.

By intended purpose They are divided into cultivation of certain crops - separate requirements are put forward for them.

Greenhouses are also divided widely according to materials. The frame and coating are taken into account, which opens up space for combinations. To create small buildings, wood, polycarbonates or aluminum are used. Large permanent structures using glass or plastic hard surfaces require the use of steel or reinforced concrete supports and piles.

Depending on its location, the greenhouse can be separate, wall-mounted or basement (underground). The latter are used either in small households, where there is a strict limitation on available space, or as part of a large agricultural complex.

When creating an enterprise plan, you will need to find sales points finished product, calculate sales volumes, and then begin construction, purchase necessary equipment, hire workers.

Types by industry:

  1. Vegetable.

A greenhouse business on dill, lettuce, and onions pays off faster. Cold winters in mid-latitudes require large investments for heating, lighting. It is more cost-effective to build a greenhouse in the southern regions in order to make deliveries to other regions. And transport costs are lower than heating tariffs.


Due to the constant improvement of growing technology and the rapid development of this sector of the economy, competition is high. This reduces the profitability of production. Equipment requires regular modernization and investment. To keep up with trends, it is necessary to introduce new products and expand production.

For a small greenhouse on a summer cottage you will not need practically anything except a frame and seeds, but when you want to do full-fledged business, pay attention to other subtleties.

If you plan to engage in year-round cultivation, take care of purchasing lighting and heating equipment. Don't forget about automated watering, which saves a significant amount of man-hours.

A common method is hydroponics. With its help, greens, cucumbers and tomatoes, and other types of vegetables are grown. The vegetative cycle lasts 2–3 weeks, with 2–3 tons of crop harvested from each hectare daily. This is 5–10 times faster than in natural conditions. 7 people are enough to service one hectare.

Complex automation systems reduce the number of personnel. They regulate watering, lighting, heating and air condition and, using sensors, control all parameters, including measuring soil indicators with automatic adjustment of all other processes.

Sample outline of a business plan

  1. Study of the situation in this area. Analysis of competitors, product prices, consumer demand and quality of products available on the market.
  2. Making decisions about seasonal business activity. It will require farm greenhouses - cheaper and simpler. For year-round cultivation industrial ones with communications for heating and lighting are required.
  3. Search for sales points, wholesale buyers.
  4. Calculation of all expenses and future profits.
  5. Thinking through and selecting sources of financing.
  6. Compilation marketing plan product promotion.
  7. Preparation of documentation and the immediate project of the future farm. Choice organizational form enterprises.

Let's look at each point in more detail. You need to start by drawing up design documents, where all communications that are necessary for a specific area of ​​the greenhouse are calculated in detail. You need to know exactly how much the equipment, installation, and construction will cost.

Elaboration of the plan

Select land plot, type of product. To grow more than one species, calculate how much space each will occupy.

Calculate the approximate yield per square meter. Indicate sales points and purchase volumes.

Sales of finished products

Will fit settlements that are in close proximity. This will reduce transportation costs and production costs.

It is possible to grow roses for sale in a greenhouse.

Try to enter into agreements with large companies: supermarkets, catering establishments or factories.

Calculate the profit for a year of work, as well as that which will pay for the production. It is important that the parameters are different and above the unprofitable line.

Calculation of time frames for preparation and implementation of a greenhouse business project

  • Construction of the complex, as well as communications, is completed in time T1. It depends on the type of construction, dimensions and number of people employed;
  • equipment, its installation over the period of time T2;
  • purchase of materials, planting in the ground - T3;
  • ripening period, which depends on the technologies used – T4;
  • implementation – T5.

When calculating, take into account the shelf life of the product. Greens, flowers and vegetables are perishable products. Look for sales markets before they open, so that after harvesting you don’t have to rush around looking for customers. Without wholesale buyers, the business will fail.

Production nuances

Many little things are taken into account.

  1. Distance of the greenhouse from the communication network. They are being counted. Every extra meter affects production costs and investments.
  2. Accessibility of the farm for transport.
  3. If you can't buy land, rent it. Purchase collapsible structures to dismantle when it is not possible to extend the rental period of the site.
  4. Heating is the main expense item. Manufacturers regularly introduce new technologies, which reduces costs and improves productivity.
  5. To be competitive, include the costs of modernizing production in your budget.

Approximate calculations for a half-hectare greenhouse

Indicate the costs to build the structure. This initial capital. This column includes construction work, supplying communications - water, electricity, heating, price of equipment and seeds. Consider ongoing expenses before making your first profit.

  1. A half-hectare greenhouse costs about $15,000.
  2. Workers are required - a technologist, a manager and three assistants. Their annual salary is $20–30,000.
  3. 90% of all expenses will be electricity, heating and the purchase of additional products - fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, as well as soil in a number of situations.
  4. At average profitability 15% payback on the farm will be up to 3 years. It depends on the products grown, prices and demand for them.

When choosing between imported vegetables and products from domestic producers, buyers are increasingly leaning towards the latter. And this is not only patriotism and an expression of one’s attitude towards the policies of some countries involved in sanctions and pressure.

In addition, the buyer is absolutely sure that domestic manufacturer food products will treat the use of fertilizers and chemicals exactly as if he were growing vegetables for his family, for his children.

Drawing up a business plan: advantages of greenhouse farming

Doctors advise eating vegetables and fruits; the more vitamins on the table, the healthier the nation.

The redistribution of family budget finances towards vegetables is natural, and since there is demand, then production needs to be established. The government’s attitude towards entrepreneurship today contributes to the fact that many young people are ready to invest their strength, skills and money in their own, albeit small, business.

Growing vegetables in greenhouses is as profitable as doing, for example, paving slabs or sewing clothes with only one small advantage - people still want to eat every day, but you can buy a new dress tomorrow.

What is needed to organize a greenhouse farming

The very first thing is land, this fact is undeniable. If you young man there is even a very small plot on which the dacha is located, even it can be completely converted into a greenhouse. The first greenhouse will pay off in a year; then, as productivity increases, the payback happens faster, since you have a base.

Start by planning the site, calculate how much finance you need for the first greenhouse, think about the water supply and electricity system, whether you will grow vegetables all year round or leave it only for the season. The opening will allow work all year round.

Compete with large farms young entrepreneur not possible, but there is always a demand for fresh vegetables and herbs.

If the area of ​​your plot is small, you can rent part of the land from your neighbors or even find unused land (unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such plots); renting even a hectare will cost you little.

IN financial part The project should include calculations for seeds, tools and equipment (water containers, film, wood - it all depends on what you are going to grow).

Preliminary calculations

Since you intend to rent one hectare of land to begin with, you should turn to professional ready-made calculations:

  1. To equip the site – 350,000 rubles
  2. Buy greenhouses and install them on the site – 2,500,000 rubles
  3. Equip irrigation, lighting, ventilation and heating systems – 1,800,000 rubles
  4. Inventory – 250,000 rubles
  5. Outbuildings – 500,000 rubles
  6. Planting material – 200,000 rubles
  7. Registration, approvals, etc. 150,000 rubles
  8. Vehicle for exporting products – 700,000 rubles

Even the simplest calculations show that you cannot do without state help, but all the figures given are justified, such calculations are carried out by professionals, so the amount of seven million plus unplanned expenses - one million can be asked for as investment plan for your future production.

It is worth immediately taking into account that an area of ​​one hectare will already require labor, it is difficult for even a large family to cope with such greenhouses, and since there are hired workers, this means wages, contributions to the pension fund and insurance.

What can be obtained from an area of ​​one hectare with proper rotation and cultivation of, for example, cucumbers and tomatoes - it is fashionable to easily grow 90,000 kg of fresh vegetables in a year, at today’s average annual prices of 75 rubles per kilogram of product, this is 6,750 rubles, which means that you practically pay back all production costs in one year.

Of course, it is always worth taking into account force majeure circumstances, but there is no doubt that all the money invested in the first year will turn into a huge profit in a couple of years.

Government Russian Federation provides grants to young entrepreneurs. If you decide to work seriously, then it will be easy for you to report on the finances spent; start acting today, while the demand for clean food is very high, let your greenhouse business develop quickly.

Which greenhouses to install

You need to build high-quality greenhouses that will last you a long time without requiring repairs. For cucumbers and tomatoes you need to install different greenhouses, these crops require different microclimates, they do not live side by side. To install two greenhouses on an area of ​​one hectare, you will need metal forms and purlins.

For one greenhouse 7.5 m wide and 67.2 m long, you also need to pour a foundation. The area of ​​such a greenhouse will be 504 sq.m. in addition, for year-round work you need gas boilers and conducting all communications. Plan for at least 15 hired workers; it will cost 370,000 rubles a year to pay people. An example of a functioning greenhouse can be seen in the following video:

Greenhouse equipment:

  1. Installation and installation.
  2. Communications.
  3. Roofing works.
  4. Finishing.
  5. Carrying out electrical communications.
  6. Ventilation, watering equipment.
  7. Utility blocks, change houses.

All work on the installation of greenhouses will take at least a month from the beginning of pouring the foundation, cultivating the soil and forming beds for vegetables. It is worth immediately taking into account the costs of fuels and lubricants (removing finished products), and immediately begin concluding agreements with retail outlets.

You don’t need to stop only at large retail outlets; there are probably many small entrepreneurs in your city who are ready to receive fresh vegetables every day. To distribute finished products, you also need to purchase plastic boxes and packaging film in advance.

It’s worth noting right away that more than 50% of the costs will go towards paying wages, and yet even with the most rough calculations benefits of greenhouse farming from two greenhouses, professionals predict revenue of about 22 million rubles per year with net profit about 3 million.

Moreover, even such indicators as equipment depreciation, taxes, costs of product verification and obtaining quality certificates are taken into account. Of course, these calculations are based on 100% sales of goods, provided that all products are of ideal quality.

Where to sell finished products

It is imperative to determine the sales market in advance. It is also worth considering that many city residents also grow vegetables seasonally, which means that sales may be reduced in summer and autumn. At this time, I should try to conclude agreements with processing enterprises.

The profitability of greenhouse farming cannot be 100%, so full payback will occur in 3 years. But then you can safely count on profit; you will no longer have to invest in greenhouse farming.

For successful management In such a business, attention can also be paid to growing seedlings - it is very unprofitable to buy ready-made ones, but a young entrepreneur can become a supplier of excellent planting material.

The city has not only retail outlets, but also restaurants, cafes, and children's institutions that will be happy to cooperate with you. It is much more profitable for enterprises to work with small suppliers, this is always a guarantee of product quality.

The soil in greenhouses must be prepared, and it is also necessary to periodically change the crops grown. Plants love to have a change of planting material; such replacement of plants favors the growth and quantity of the harvest.

Invest just a little work at the beginning, get ready to work, - it just seems at first that it won’t be enough time for nothing else. After just a couple of months, you will feel a real “taste” for work - growing food is always a pleasure, you help people get everything they need for life.

Well-organized work will not take so much time; it is enough to clearly plan your responsibilities, find good consumers, conclude contracts - and we can say that your greenhouse complex will become your source of permanent income.

In this article you will find practically ready business plan greenhouse farming and an overview of various options, as well as some technologies for growing greenhouse products. So, is the greenhouse business profitable? Let's find the pros and cons of this idea and find out how quickly this project will pay off.

Greenhouse business plan: let’s calculate profitability

Let’s say right away: a greenhouse business should be started only in the southern regions.

Experts have calculated that it is more profitable to transport grown products to the northern regions than to pay for electricity or gas to heat a greenhouse. Ready business the greenhouse plan must take this into account when calculating the profitability of the enterprise.

However, you should know that transporting finished products will only be profitable if you have well-established logistics. Typically, large companies that grow vegetables and herbs set up their “domains” in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, where not only are the days longer and warmer, but labor and land are also cheaper. In addition, according to media reports, the administration of these regions allocates subsidies of 50% for the opening of agriculture.

According to experts, to “break even” it is necessary that the profitability of the greenhouse business be at least 20%.

It’s worth taking care of the sales market in advance and reaching an agreement with the owners retail chains and enter into agreements for the supply of their products. You can arrange for the delivery of greens to clients.

The following pros and cons of greenhouse cultivation can be included in a ready-made business plan:

The advantages include:

  • low costs for setting up a business;
  • quick payback;
  • demand for products from retail outlets and population;
  • the opportunity to use fresh products yourself.

The disadvantages include:

  • expensive electricity (you can save on it by using wood heating);
  • seasonality of business;
  • the need to solve the problem of delivery to the buyer and preservation presentation products.

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Greenhouse farming: what to grow?

The most profitable thing, according to experts, is growing flowers. In second place are greens. And the least profitable thing is growing vegetables. Currently, the most common growing herbs are onions, parsley and lettuce. Greens are not particularly difficult to grow, do not require as much heat and light as vegetables, and they are almost always present on the dinner table.

A greenhouse business plan should start with the following questions:

  • choice of growing system;
  • choosing the number of greenhouses and their total area;
  • choice of greenhouse covering.

The most common and less expensive growing system is hydroponics. It automates the growing process and makes it faster. The plants are in a “glass” of water, into which fertilizers and nutrients are supplied in liquid form through tubes.

The disadvantage of such a system is that such greens have a watery taste and a picky buyer will always distinguish green bunches grown in the country from “hydroponic” plants. Nevertheless, 90% of the market is occupied by greens grown using the hydroponic method.

Advocates of hydroponics argue that vegetables grown in soil accumulate higher levels of pesticides.

There are intermediate technologies between soil and hydroponics. They allow you to achieve the taste of "ground" vegetables. This is achieved by adding real soil and peat to the nutrient solution in which the plants are located.

And finally, there are convenient mobile beds in which vegetables of the highest quality grow.

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Greenhouse and its covering

In addition to the method of growing greens, a lot of controversy arises from the question of what is better to use as a greenhouse covering: glass or polyethylene?

Glass transmits a lot of heat, this is not economical, and in too sunny regions it can cause plant burns. In addition, thin glass cannot be used in the greenhouse. At a minimum, it should be 6 mm; such glass costs a lot of money.

Polyethylene also has its drawbacks: it does not transmit as much light as glass, and it is short-lived. You can also use polycarbonate and acrylic, which eliminate the disadvantages of polyethylene.
