School billions of Sergei Sobyanin and Igor Sechin. Rosneft has chosen an unusual approach to IT project management

In order for Russia to be able to conduct independent foreign and domestic policy, could defend its national interests, so that there is no return to the 90s of the twentieth century, in order to preserve the integrity of the country, Russia must be strong. The basis of the power of any state is the real economy.

One of the most important economic sectors of Russia, providing the state with the opportunity to fulfill its social obligations, maintain stability in the country, and restore defense capability, is the fuel and energy complex and its constituent oil company"Rosneft".

The ability of any company to solve the problems facing it and to fulfill its plans is largely determined by the system corporate governance. The management system of such fuel and energy companies as Rosneft must maintain continuity, efficiency and stability in everyday conditions, emergency situations and special period. Compliance with these requirements in selected key companies ensures sustainability state system management of the economy as a whole.

The material basis of the management system of any geographically distributed companies, such as Gazprom, Transneft, Rosneft, is corporate communication systems, automation and information security. It is these subsystems that not only ensure the creation of a single corporate information space, but also make it possible to combine disparate material assets into a single whole.

In companies such as Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil and others, internal 100% subsidiaries deal with issues of automation of management and communications. This is the most economically beneficial, since it ensures the achievement of a minimum level of costs and a maximum level of information and economic security.

Rosneft was unlucky (unlike the listed state and private large fuel companies).

Rosneft’s top management has been considering the material basis for more than the last sixteen years of the oil giant’s history corporate system control how non-core asset activities. Which you need to get rid of by removing it from the controlled perimeter of the company’s management, and at the same time make good money on it by becoming the beneficiary of the removed asset.

In 2000-2003, S. Bogdanchikov and N. Borisenko carried out the transfer of assets, employees and contracts of RN-Teleport (100% subsidiary of Rosneft) to Roylcom (owned by N. Borisenko).

In 2008, Rosneft established a new 100% multi-service subsidiary IT structure, RN-Inform, and an attempt was made to return IT assets under its control.

In 2012-2015, under I. Sechin, the new IT manager A. Strokovich made an attempt to outsource assets. He implemented such a “trick” with a group of like-minded people at TNK-BP OJSC together with the Optima and Tescom companies. At the same time, the structure of the Rosneft IT service degraded even more.

A new attempt to withdraw IT resources and IT cash flow to IC Sibintek LLC was made by CFO P. Lazarev after the dismissal of A. Strokovich in the second half of 2015.

The press service of Rosneft told Interfax that the company considers its IT assets to be non-core, so it organized an auction for their management, in which IC Sibintek won.

Rosneft is removing IT assets from under its sole control, transferring them to companies not controlled by it and to offshore owners.

In accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities databases, IC Sibintek is only 49% owned by the structures of Rosneft subsidiaries, while 51% of the company is listed as Business Concept, which belongs to Region Trust, IC Region, WHPA Limited, Cyprus."

In the auction for the management of RN-Inform and Rosneft assets in the field of process control systems, metrology, information security and communications, the winner is a company that does not have the necessary competencies. The annual revenue of IC Sibintek in 2014 amounted to approximately 391 million rubles, obtained through the provision of office space for rent. There are about 80-100 employees on staff.

For comparison. RN-Inform has almost 10 (ten) thousand people on its staff!!! Annual revenue in 2014 amounted to about 16.5 billion rubles. Market-based budget assessment of the value of assets managed by RN-Inform, including real estate and qualified personnel may be 200 billion rubles. In US dollars at the current exchange rate this is more than 3 billion.

Just think about it, assets in an amount commensurate with what the state plans to receive from the privatization of 19% of Rosneft shares are transferred to Sibintek Investment Company (free of charge and with an additional bonus of 600 million rubles)...!!!

Top managers of Rosneft are silent that such actions will lead to increased costs, loss of control over a strategically important element of the corporate management system and a decrease in its stability, the impossibility of timely modernization, and an increased risk of loss of control in crisis situations.

In addition to economic damage, such actions by Rosneft top management deal a severe blow to the reputation of the state and the President of the Russian Federation.

The feeling is that the 90s of the twentieth century have returned again. Under the guise of distracting talk of increasing efficiency, asset seizures are taking place in anticipation of the public privatization of 19% of Rosneft. Many questions arise. First of all, to the Management Board and the Board of Directors.

For reference. The board of Rosneft consists of 13 people, the costs of its maintenance in 2015 compared to 2014 increased from 2.8 billion rubles. up to 3.6 billion rubles. (by 800 million rubles)

Sergei Sobyanin and Igor Sechin will supply American software to Moscow schools.

The Moscow government has summed up the stages of the next competition. The Siberian Internet Company - Sibintek - will supply software and laptops to Moscow schools.
Officially, everything is correct: Rosneft, through Sibintek, received a tender through government procurement. For 5.7 billion rubles, the company, for example, will purchase and supply American Cisco software for school computers. Sanctions and import substitution are apparently not a decree for Mayor Sobyanin and Rosneft head Sechin.

But if you delve into the purchase itself, interesting details emerge: for example, Sibintek was the only participant competition. But all you need to do is buy computers and other equipment, bring them to schools and collect your money. Nobody wanted to work with the department information technology? Or were you afraid to get in Sechin’s way?

At the same time, Sibintek has no experience in working with educational institutions and this kind of procurement: previously the company carried out government orders mainly for Rosneft structures. Meanwhile, the cost of the contract is almost 40% of the company’s revenue! Knowing that money for government orders is reimbursed after the fact, it is difficult to assume that Sibintek has the funds to fulfill it. And here there are two options: either the cost of the contract is greatly inflated compared to the real one, or Sobyanin has a special reason to trust the contractor. And the point here is not at all about Rosneft...

PIF-bang Sudarikova

If you look at the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can see that Rosneft’s subsidiary, Neft-aktiv, owns only 48.99% of Sibintek IC LLC. Another 1.5% is owned by another Rosneft structure - RN - Pension Assets. But the third shareholder raises the most questions: 49.51% of the shares belong to the closed-end mutual investment fund of long-term direct investments "Industrial Investments".

And this closed-end mutual fund is nothing more than closed-end mutual fund Region Portfolio Investments LLC, sole founder which is JSC " Investment company"Region". And the structures of the Region, as you know, belong to Sergei Sudarikov. He has a long-standing and very profitable relationship with Rosneft: the company, for example, gave his family structures 6.3 billion rubles to purchase a building on Arbat Square, which eventually passed back to Rosneft structures. The court in 2016 came to the conclusion that a complex transaction with the help of Region and Sudarikov’s other companies was carried out with the aim of returning VAT for 1.5 billion rubles.

Joint scheme of Rosneft and Region

The deal was started under the former president of Rosneft Khudainatov, and ended under Igor Sechin. It can be assumed that Sudarikov is extremely friendly with both of them, since they could use him in their schemes. This is also confirmed by the more legal aspect of their business relationship: for example, the same Region Portfolio Investments LLC, for example, completed two government contracts for Rosneft worth 7 billion rubles. And now they are promoting their joint brainchild - Sibintek. This is not surprising: friendship is much longer lasting.

Oil workers' pensions?

IC Region manages the Rosneft pension fund NPF Neftegarant, and at one time Sudarikov managed to acquire RN-Trust, from which Region Trust was later formed. By the way, RN-Trust was managed by Sergei Korol, who together with the company moved to Region...

In addition, there is a specific link between the two companies, and his name is Peter Lazarev. This financial director Rosneft, who heads the board of directors of JSC NPF Neftegarant, the same one that came under the control of Region. Lazarev was also repeatedly called a shadow co-owner of the Region Group of Companies along with Sudarikov and Sergei Korol, but he is from a similar “business” partnership" is stubbornly denied. Although the connection through the NPF is obvious.

Does Petr Lazarev know a lot about investments?

In general, it was cooperation with Rosneft that allowed Region to climb into the top management companies, and now allows it not to lose its position. But won't government procurement for Moscow schools become another scheme of Sechin and Sudarikov? In order to answer this question, we need to remember the third person in the Sibintek government procurement: this is Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. As you know, from 2001 to 2005 he served as governor of the Tyumen region. And from here, apparently, the legs grow.

If we don't take off, let's swim?

In 2003, Region Group of Companies, when its owner Alexander Rudik had not yet become a participant in the “not entirely voluntary transaction” to buy out the company by Sudarikov and Sergei Korol, became perhaps the main organizer of the issue of promissory notes and bonds of UTair Airlines, a “pocket” air carrier. Tyumen authorities. The shareholders of UTair, as is known, are the government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (38.8%), the government of the Tyumen region (8.4%), another 50.1% belongs to Surgutneftegaz through JSC AK-Invest. But it was with the support of its main owner, Vladimir Bogdanov, that Sobyanin was able to “break out among the people”...

Then Region’s actions in the interests of UTair and Sobyanin expanded: for example, structures under the control of Sudarikov acquired the Tyumen Roshchino airport and owned it for seven years - until 2014, until it was decided to sell it to Roman Trotsenko’s Novaport. Did Region profit from the deal? No. Why was the airport purchased at all? Maybe, at Sobyanin’s request, to “hold” the asset?

Friendship is stronger when supported financially

Top managers of UTair have already stated that money was simply pumped into the air carrier through Sudarikov’s companies, and in 2014 Region almost became a strategic investor in the airline - it was planned to invest 15 billion rubles in it. Why does Sudarikov need this, given that the situation of UTair, with a debt of 60 billion rubles, was already deplorable then? It seems that he nevertheless acted at the request of the former Tyumen governor, who, in turn, was “repaying debts” to his friend Vladimir Bogdanov.

So it turns out that Sobyanin simply used Sudarikova. As he probably still uses it - only now to “cut” money from the Moscow budget. Where will the 5.7 billion rubles allocated for laptops for children go? Will they be given outdated, worn-out tablets instead of new computers? Will Sibintek not receive the rest of the money that Sobyanin intends to spend on modernizing schools? All these questions remain open.

Only one thing is clear: Sobyanin and Sechin could organize a good “laundry” for the Moscow budget. And, it seems, they are using Sudarikov for this, who has established himself as a faithful servant of the interests of his superiors. Muscovites can only hope that the scheme fails - otherwise taxpayers’ money will flow out of the capital’s treasury very quickly...

Since the beginning of 2016, the management of Rosneft’s IT projects has been carried out by the integrator Sibintek, which is partially owned, but not completely controlled by the state-owned oil company.

Under the contract concluded for 2016-2018, Sibintek is also responsible for developing and monitoring changes in the IT architecture at Rosneft, preparing procurement documentation, and ensuring the activities of the expert council on information technology.

For three years of project office outsourcing services, Rosneft will pay Sibintek 542.8 million rubles. The integrator, in turn, will have to send a team of 43 people to work with the customer for the entire duration of the contract.

Project management

As part of the implementation of IT project management work, Sibintek will be involved in the coordination of a portfolio of projects, technical specifications, SLA, contracts for the provision of services/works, contracts for the supply of equipment and licenses, coordination of project charters, calendar, network and resource schedules, development and approval acceptance quality criteria, monitoring the actual consumption of resources by suppliers, monitoring deadlines, etc.

Also in the area of ​​responsibility of Sibintek is the organization of the formation of a library best practices IT solutions of NK Rosneft, quality control and completeness of the development of design and operational documentation.

During 2016-2018, it is expected that the integrator will have to provide services to up to 600 IT projects and IT initiatives.

At least 16 full-time Sibintek specialists should work on the listed tasks - project managers, specialists in IT infrastructure, information security, software SAP, Microsoft, 1C, etc.

Moreover, these specialists “must be on full-time duty throughout the entire duration of the project work on the customer’s premises,” the terms of reference notes.

IT architecture management

As part of the work on managing the IT architecture of business applications, Sibintek will review the selection of IT platforms, the selection of architectural solutions, IT infrastructure options and the adoption of infrastructure decisions, and IT system integration options.

The integrator will also be responsible for monitoring and posting a description of the IT architecture in a common repository, administering the task for architectural support, interacting with manufacturers, reviewing the need for purchasing IT equipment, and developing a contracting strategy. Sibintek will be responsible for testing equipment and managing licenses.

The terms of reference stipulate that these tasks will be carried out full-time by 17 Sibintek employees - one certified IT architect, two infrastructure specialists, two in information security, two in SAP, two in 1C, etc.

One of the functions of Sibintek will be to prepare materials for the IT expert council held at Rosneft. It is planned to hold 72 meetings over three years. At the expert council, based on materials prepared by Sibintek, it is planned to select IT platforms and architectural solutions, coordinate a portfolio of IT projects, etc.

The expert council will generate requests for IT services, IT projects and IT initiatives, and the integrator will have to process them. In 2016-2018, it is planned to send up to 3,600 applications to Sibintek. Six Sibintek employees should be assigned to serve the expert council full-time.

Another task of the integrator is to organize the process of preparing procurement documentation in the IT field. Sibintek will allocate four employees to Rosneft for this.

Finally, the functions of the technical customer, which Sibintek will also undertake, include identifying business needs, defining goals, preparing project justifications, forming project scopes and making calculations economic efficiency, resource and budget planning, control of work performance.


Project and architecture management outsourcing is a rather rarely used type of outsourcing. Most often, project offices function within customer companies, and, for example, technical support is transferred to external contractors, where all tasks are easily standardized.

We participated in several similar competitions,” Alexander Fainboim, head of IT outsourcing at Croc, tells TAdviser. — In addition, several of our customers had external control projects. In particular, in one large financial organization. However, after just six months, the customer and the external contractor with the functions of a project manager came to a complete misunderstanding. One wanted live functionality that corresponded to dynamically changing business processes, and the second called for doing everything in strict accordance with the established schedule and rules from PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge, a body of knowledge on project management).

As a result, the top management of the customer company, as far as Fainboim knows, considered this experience not very successful, and henceforth it was decided to look for resources within the company. Most often, in order to correctly formulate business requirements for an ongoing project, it is important to be inside corporate culture, the expert adds.

But maybe this will work for Rosneft specifically, he believes: “This is not a bank, business processes do not change so dynamically, and you can adhere to standard practices and clearly defined rules for project implementation. Another important point is that the management of its own assets has been transferred to a company that the customer partially owns.”

Fineboim sees several risks of outsourcing IT project management:

Firstly, you need to realize that it is illogical to specify the number of people in the terms of reference, otherwise it is easier to recruit external people or an entire project office by contacting an outstaffing agency.

The second nuance of project office outsourcing is that the implementation of projects is tied to the terms of the IT outsourcing contract. If the three-year contract ends mid-project and another company wins the next competition, the entire management team, which may be fundamentally at odds with its competitors' practices, will have to be replaced, or a different strategy will have to be pursued. The risks of finding yourself in such a situation are quite high.

Another thing is the competition for support of projects for the implementation of specific systems. In this case, it is much easier to link the timing of the project with the duration of the contract. Therefore, it is much more efficient to outsource either the management of specific projects or enter into a long-term contract, for example, for 10 years. In this case, the risk of changing the management team can be reduced.

The third point that may confuse the customer is that the contractor has the opportunity to be aware of all the projects that are ongoing in the company. Unscrupulous contractors may try to use this to their advantage, even to the point of writing terms of reference for a planned project “for yourself” or a “related” company.

Overall, project management is quite specific process, and take over the function full control all IT projects, without being part of the company, is a rather responsible task, the expert concludes.

Source -

IC SIBINTEK LLC (a company of the Rosneft NK PJSC group) and General Electric signed a Shareholder Agreement to create a joint venture (JV) for the development of the industrial Internet in Russia and the implementation of advanced digital solutions at Rosneft facilities and in the Russian oil and gas industry.

The activities of the joint venture will be aimed at developing the use of digital technologies in production activities Rosneft, primarily in the field of such capital-intensive industries as oil refining and petrochemicals. By introducing the latest digital solutions, it is planned to optimize systems for collecting, processing and analyzing industrial data received from remote fields and the Company’s processing plants. As part of the joint venture, the companies plan to create about 150 jobs for highly qualified specialists.

At the first stage key task The joint venture will introduce at a number of the Company’s refineries with a total capacity of more than 110 million tons the program “Managing the efficiency of production assets and equipment reliability” using the APM Meridium digital solution. The implementation of this program will make it possible to predict the technical condition of enterprise equipment and prevent emergency situations through early detection of faults and reduce the risks of unplanned downtime of production facilities.

In the future, as part of the joint venture, the parties plan to create and implement a number of functional technological solutions using the Predix digital platform developed by General Electric and other solutions. It is expected that the company will work with cloud technologies for local processing and storage of data using infrastructure in the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the joint venture, it is also planned to implement a number of projects on integrated management resources, including advanced field exploration management (“digital field”) and visualization technological process processing.

Following the signing of the agreement, Igor Sechin said: “The implementation of the latest digital solutions at Rosneft’s production and oil refining facilities will help improve the efficiency of our work. I am confident that a joint venture with the world technology leader - GE - will allow us to significantly expand our competencies in the field of modern information technologies. An important practical effect of the project will be a fundamental improvement in the quality of control material flows and reducing losses of oil and petroleum products.”

Commenting on the signing, Ron Pollett, GE Vice President, President and Chief executive director GE in Russia/CIS, noted: “GE is leading the global industrial transformation, which is associated with the emergence of new digital capabilities that help improve process efficiency, extend equipment life and ensure industrial safety. We are proud that today our strategic partnership with Rosneft is reaching a new level - from supply projects industrial equipment to joint development of advanced digital solutions aimed at further development Russian oil and gas industry."

In October 2018 research center TAdviser analyzed data on the number of employees in the largest IT companies in Russia and came to the conclusion that the leader in terms of staffing levels is Sibintek, and not Sberbank Technologies, as was previously believed.

Average headcount Sibintek's employees in 2017 amounted to 13.9 thousand people, while Sbertech had about 9.5 thousand, as follows from the information in the Kontur.Focus database.

In 2016, Sibintek had more than 11 thousand employees. Sbertech reached a staff of 11 thousand people at the peak of its size in 2018, after which the management of Sberbank.

13.9 thousand people serve the IT and telecommunications needs of Rosneft

Sibintek as of 2018 is the main IT contractor of Rosneft, owned by it more than half. The company was created in 1999 at Yukos, and in 2007 it was partially sold to Rosneft.

In 2007, the total number of Sibintek personnel was 1.5 thousand employees and was gradually growing. A sharp increase in staff occurred in 2016, when Sibintek acquired the rights to carry out the functions executive body RN-inform is an IT subsidiary of Rosneft. Then the business and personnel of RN-Inform were transferred to Sibintek.

RN-Inform was many times larger than the IT service of Rosneft. By the time it came under the wing of Sibintek, its staff number exceeded 8 thousand people. It included personnel previously transferred from the TBinform company as part of the merger of Rosneft IT service structures.

In 2017, the increase in staff was ensured by the integration of Sibintek with Bashneft-Inform, as a result of which the Macroregion Ural division was created, which employs more than 2,000 employees. In May 2018, Vladimir Perevozny, vice president for IT at Bashneft, became the general director of Sibintek.

As of 2018, Sibintek consists of seven branches:

  • "Macroregion Center"
  • "Macroregion Volga region"
  • "Macroregion Western Siberia"(the largest - 2.6 thousand people),
  • "Macroregion Eastern Siberia"
  • "Macroregion Far East",
  • "Macroregion South"
  • "Macroregion Ural".

The company provides IT services and outsourcing, conducts telecommunications, is engaged in system integration and the creation of security systems, business and production processes, carries out complex deliveries, construction of automated process control systems.

Among the outstanding projects that Sibintek is leading is the development of a corporate information system based on SAP, replication of accounting and tax accounting based on 1C, automation of office work and document flow based on Directum EDMS. The company has established competency centers "BOSS-Kadrovik", Citrix, etc.

The most large groups specialists in the company's structure are process control systems engineers, experts in metrology and quality control, communication infrastructure, application support and consulting projects, including SAP consultants. Sibintek also has field engineers and technical specialists, providing basic IT services.

History 2017 Purchase of Cloud DC data center

In September 2017, Sibintek announced the completion of the transaction to acquire a Cloud DC data center located in the Zelenograd special economic zone. Read more.

2015: Rosneft transferred management of its IT assets to Sibintek

The press service of Rosneft told Interfax that the company considers its IT assets to be non-core, so it organized an auction for their sale, in which Sibintek won.

According to Kontur.Focus, RN-inform’s revenue in 2014 amounted to 16.9 billion rubles, and net profit- 1.3 billion rubles.

2014: Revenue 391 million rubles, profit 39 million rubles

According to Kontur.Focus, Sibintek's revenue in 2014 amounted to 391 million rubles, and net profit - 39 million rubles.

2009 Leaders

In 2009, the company's top management team included:

  • Alexander Reshetnikov - President of Sibintek company
  • Alexander Viktorov - First Vice President
  • Alexander Morenov - Chairman of the Board of Directors

At this time, Sibintek is a provider of professional IT services in Russia and has practical experience and proven methods for providing IT services to Russian geographically distributed corporations, government agencies, administrative structures of subjects Russian Federation. The company provides a full range of services in the field of IT outsourcing and service enterprises, system integration, development and implementation information systems, design and creation of IT infrastructure, communication services, as well as equipment supplies.

The Sibintek company has expertise and experience in implementing projects in the following areas:

  • Industry
  • Fuel and energy complex
  • Financial and banking sector
  • Public sector

Sibintek offers its clients services for creating integrated solutions for optimizing business processes of enterprises and mastering new management methods. The company operates in the following areas: IT consulting, IT service and outsourcing, system integration, business applications, telecommunications services, automated systems in production, data center services and supply of equipment and software.

  • IT audit
  • IT Management Consulting
  • Consulting in the field of insourcing and outsourcing
  • IT infrastructure maintenance and support
  • Service and technical support systems and communications
  • Maintenance and support of business applications
  • Maintenance and support of user workstations and peripheral equipment
  • Centralized dispatch services
  • Engineering systems
