Do turkey hormones. Are there antibiotics and hormones in turkey meat? What Are the Risks of Eating Turkey Meat?

We all know that chicken and turkey meat is considered a dietary product. Low calorie content allows you to eat this delicious meat without harm to health and figure. If you compare chicken meat with pork, lamb or beef, white meat will definitely win. Let's try to compare poultry meat, and answer the question, which is healthier turkey or chicken?


Chicken meat is divided into two types - white and red. Many chicken lovers don't know that thighs and legs are red meat. When raising chickens, chemical feeds are often used, and all harmful substances remain in the thighs and legs. If the chicken is grown in a “chemical” way, you should not eat its skin either. Do not eat undercooked chicken with blood - this can threaten salmonella infection.

The healthiest part of a chicken is the breast. The meat in this area is pure protein with a minimum amount of fat. Chicken legs have enough iron and tryptophan, although they are more fatty. Chicken thighs should not be consumed by people with high cholesterol. In addition, it is in this part that all harmful substances accumulate.

Common chicken broths can harm the body if the chicken is not grown on its own site. Very often, chickens are fed hormonal drugs and large doses of antibiotics. Unfortunately, all this chemistry ends up in dietary broths. That is why it is not advisable to make chicken broths from store-bought chickens.


Turkey meat was the favorite dish of the natives. They cooked poultry on coals and enjoyed tasty and dietary meat. Turkey is rich in protein and also contains tryptophan. Thanks to this amino acid, depression and nervous disorders can be overcome. Turkey is digested much better than other types of meat and is a completely dietary product. There is practically no cholesterol in the turkey and a lot of vitamins A and E. The turkey is also rich in potassium, magnesium, iodine and sodium.

According to taste preferences, most people give primacy to the turkey. The amount of sodium in turkey is higher than in pork. If we compare the percentage of phosphorus in turkey, then it is higher than in fish. The main benefits of turkey are its low fat and cholesterol content. The product is quickly absorbed and satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Chemical substances there is little in turkey meat - fastidious birds require wholesome and natural food. That is why the cost of a turkey is higher than that of a chicken. Raising these birds is not as easy as it may seem, and they need careful care and proper nutrition. But in the meat of these birds, almost all parts are nutritious, and there is no accumulation of chemicals in the femoral part.

Nutrient-wise, turkey is superior to chicken. It also contains virtually no cholesterol and can be consumed by people of all ages. The only thing is, due to the high sodium content, gout patients should limit their consumption of this bird. Otherwise, turkey meat is much healthier than chicken.

  • If the bird grew up on a farm or some kind of village, then it may well be clean. For the owners of the turkey probably fed it with clean food and did not feed it with preparations for rapid growth.
  • Well, if a turkey was grown in a special factory, then it probably contains both hormones and antibiotics. The bigger the turkey, the more expensive it can be sold. Here is such a business.

Hence the conclusion - first find out where the turkey comes from. Better yet, grow your own. Then you will be 100 percent sure that there is nothing harmful in the turkey. And then with pleasure you eat a bird with some kind of side dish with your family.

On the territory of Russia, rather stringent requirements are presented to poultry farms: not to use hormonal preparations for growth. And conscientious large factories adhere to this rule, because breaking the law threatens with huge fines or even closure. As for antibiotics, they are, of course, used. With so many turkeys, chickens, diseases and infections cannot be avoided by any other method. But there is one caveat: antibiotics stop pricking about a week before the slaughter of the bird, veterinarians say that this time is enough for the antibiotics to be eliminated from the body. Therefore, it is better to buy domestic turkey, chicken, whatever. Because importing countries neglect prohibitions and actively use growth hormones and other drugs, it’s still not for themselves. That is why overseas chickens and turkeys grow up like moose, and then we get sick.

Sometimes people wonder: where does the allergy to antibiotics come from in children who have never been treated with antibiotics before? And then they are terribly surprised when allergists establish an allergy to these drugs in children, associated with the use of chicken or turkey meat.

But in fact, this is how it is - tiny chickens are still in incubators being given antibiotics to prevent infectious diseases. Veterinarians are afraid of salmonellosis and other infections that are accompanied by diarrhea, which means they lead to the death of chickens and turkeys. And later, sick chickens and turkeys are also treated or antibiotics are administered for the purpose of prevention.

And also chickens and turkeys with hormonal drugs - estradiol, testosterone and others - for rapid growth and weight gain. This is all observed in large poultry farms.

And in peasant farms, poultry meat is practically safe for farmers. If the birds are kept in a clean, warm poultry house, graze freely in the warm season, and nothing but vitamins is added to their food, then their meat is not dangerous in terms of allergies for children. We still buy turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese - from trusted farmers. We do not buy imported meat at all.

If the turkey was raised in a poultry farm, then there is for sure, especially antibiotics. Small farms now also do not disdain antibiotics, at the expense of hormones, I think, selectively, maybe you can find those who do not use them. But if you buy a home-made turkey on the market, then here it is, the highest probability is that there is no chemistry in the meat.

But, of course, it's far from a guarantee. Since they say that now some villagers grow separately for themselves (and then the meat is really without chemistry), and separately - for sale.

It's the same with chicken meat.

Now turkey meat grown here in Russia. It is better to buy turkey from small poultry farms or farmers. They will be much less likely to use antibiotics. As for imported turkey meat, there is no doubt. On all Western large farms antibiotics are used because they don't want to lose profits. And for export it is not a pity to sell such meat. And then people wonder why the flu has become more and more complication or why there are more allergies. Yes, because poultry meat and not only (it is simply the most popular) are stuffed with all sorts of chemicals.

It's not rumors that turkey meat contains antibiotics, it's the laws of the market. After all, if one bird gets sick, then all the others will also get sick, and this is a big loss. Hormones are mainly used by American farmers and companies. They have it allowed.

It all depends on whether such a turkey was grown in a poultry farm or in a private farm. Birds at the poultry farm are given antibiotics and hormones to feed them so they grow faster. A domestic turkey is much more useful, because it is grown on natural feed.

Complete nonsense about natural feed. What makes you think that private farms do not give antibiotics and hormones? Poultry farms at least have scientifically based doses, and Aunt Glasha, who sells ten heads a day, reads everything on the labels and pops the same hormones and antibiotics, while not having a clue about the speed of removing this g.. from meat. And she does not have laboratories and schedules for taking material for examination. And if necessary, Uncle Vasya, a veterinarian, comes to her with a bottle in his pocket, makes a diagnosis and prescribes medication. Are you very satisfied with our medicine? Know great doctors who really care about your health? And now imagine the level of education of those who treat our little brothers ... That veterinarians have a higher salary? Of course, I don’t want to generalize, there are probably private farms where they take material for examination in accordance with the schedules and, depending on the results, animals receive certain additives in the right doses and use long-term developments, but how to determine where there is order and where is he not? In general, buying ANY MEAT - we buy a pig in a pokequot ;. And for example, I have already come to terms with this and stopped running around the outlets in search of natural meat. In our time, the pursuit of profit by any means cannot be trusted to anyone, and the principle is more expensive - it means better, often leads to the usual scam of buyers. If you want natural - grow your own!

If you buy poultry meat, including turkey, in a store, be sure that both hormones and antibiotics are probably present in it. Well, if these are only steroid hormones that are available, including in the human body - estradiol, progesterone, testosterone. Many manufacturers have been using synthetic ones for years to accelerate growth - trenbolone acetate, progestin, melengestrol acetate and zeranol. And although there is a law in Russia that prohibits the use of hormones of animal origin when raising poultry, unscrupulous producers simply prefer to pay fines.

As for antibiotics…they are administered to birds to protect against diseases, including those caused by unsanitary conditions. It is known that 80% of all existing antibiotics are used in agriculture. Now more and more people are writing about the fact that the meat we buy in supermarkets is contaminated with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

What to do in this situation, because neither small farms nor the largest poultry farms can guarantee the absence of all these additives in their products. There is still hope for organic products: companies that care about their customers have finally begun to appear, their products undergo strict control, and at least a little hope is placed on them, and not on the mass market.

In turkey meat, if the bird was raised in a poultry farm, there are both antibiotics and hormones.

The poultry at the poultry farm is fed with compound feeds that contain serious ingredients that make it possible to grow a turkey 17-22 weeks before slaughter weight.

In order to avoid a case among young and adult birds, they are periodically soldered with antibiotics, which are not completely removed from the bird's body in such a short period of time.

If you look at the weight of turkeys that are grown in poultry farms, it is many times more than the weight of poultry.

Why am I saying all this - and besides, if you buy turkey meat, it is better in those who grow them at home. Their turkeys use at least less chemicals with feed and medications. Everything is too expensive for villager. In the village, turkeys feed more on grain and grass.

I buy turkey meat quite often, in the store they say that from the farm, I think all the same that there they use all these growth hormones and for weight gain, as well as antibiotics, since the supply of turkey meat is regular and they sell a lot, which means farming not small, in such a large farm there is a lot of infection.

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is less fat compared to other types of meat (beef or pork) and is much easier to digest by the body. Chicken meat contains animal protein, which is important for our body. Indeed, due to a lack of protein, the tone of the body decreases, the condition of hair and nails worsens, muscle mass decreases and human health as a whole worsens.

In addition to protein, chicken meat contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems. As well as magnesium, iron, zinc and various enzymes. The presence of glutamine helps to build muscle mass, so athletes cannot do without chicken meat in their diet. Protein food is a key product in the nutrition of people who play sports. Great amount nutrients in a truly dietary product.

What harm can chicken meat bring?

Chicken legs

Unfortunately, all the described useful properties relate only to domestic chicken. Store-bought chicken can do more harm than good. Many companies "stuff" chickens with hormones and antibiotics in order for them to grow faster and increase their weight. An excess of such hormones in a woman’s body threatens hormonal failure, and the use of such chicken by men
can even lead to infertility. Harmful substances accumulate as much as possible in chicken hams, wings are less dangerous from this point of view. But still, if you want to get only the benefits of chicken meat, it is better to choose domestic chicken, which was fed with good food and “not stuffed” with hormones.

100 grams of boiled chicken: 170 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats -7.5 g.

Useful properties of turkey meat

Turkey meat

Like chicken, turkey meat contains a large number of protein and various trace elements. The high content of sodium ensures normal metabolic processes in the body. Calcium will benefit the bones, and the iron content of turkey is recommended for people suffering from anemia. In turkey meat, there is even a “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, so this is what people with depression, as well as insomnia, need. Turkey meat is digested by almost 99 percent, therefore it is considered number one of all bird breeds.

Harm of turkey meat

Healthy turkey meat

Turkey cannot do any harm to the body if the meat is fresh and properly cooked. It cannot be argued that store-bought turkey meat does not contain antibiotics and hormones, but it is known that the turkey has a worse tolerance for them compared to chicken and is more likely to get sick from such improper feed. It can be concluded that turkey may be a safer product for the human body than chicken.

100 grams of boiled turkey: 195 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats - 10.5 g

To successfully solve the problems of further increasing the productivity of poultry and obtaining 280-300 eggs from each laying hen per year, antibiotics, vitamins, bacterial and tissue preparations, microelements, synthetic growth substances, tranquilizers, including such biologically active substances as hormonal drugs.

Opportunities for poultry productivity in optimal conditions feeding and maintenance are still far from being fully manifested. In chickens, there are over 3,600 eggs in the ovary, of which, with a maximum egg, about 1,500 eggs mature throughout life. Therefore, the bird has the potential to give much more production than we receive. A more complete use of the physiological reserves of poultry productivity in the conditions of industrial technology largely depends on proper organization selection and breeding work, full-fledged balanced feeding and rational use of biological and chemical preparations.

Hormonal preparations and their analogues are not currently widely used in the poultry industry. Only a few of them are used mainly to reduce the growth and maturation of young animals, as well as to stimulate the processes of egg formation. With the help of hormonal preparations, the productivity of poultry is increased by eliminating such adverse factors as the instinct of incubation, clucking, molting, which inhibit oviposition.

The effectiveness of the use of hormonal stimulants in poultry farming is influenced by many factors, in particular, the physiological state of the body, the type, sex and age of the bird, the balance of feeding, the type, dose and frequency of administration of drugs, etc. The introduction of stimulant drugs during the period of intensive egg production is less effective than before or at the beginning of this period. At 2 months of age, drugs have a greater effect on the growth and development of birds than at 3-4 months. In cockerels, the live weight increases 1.5-2 times faster than in hens. The breed factor also matters. Biostimulants cause the greatest increase in weight gain in Plymouth Rock, Leghorn, and Rhode Island chickens. At meat breeds the increase in weight gain under the influence of stimulants is insignificant.

Of the hormonal preparations used in poultry farming, some hormones of the female gonads and their analogues (estradiol dipropionate, progesterone, etc.), pituitary hormones (cytocin), thyroid preparations and other substances should be mentioned.

Estradiol dipropionate- a synthetic estrogen drug. It is a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in vegetable oils and alcohol. Produced in ampoules of 1 ml in the form of a 0.1% oil solution. The drug has a high activity, slow and prolonged action. In doses of 2-30 IU/g of live weight, it accelerates the growth rate of young birds, especially in the first 20-30 days after administration. As a result of the use of estradiol dipropionate in chickens, the number of maturing follicles in the ovaries increases by 18.1-49.5%, the period of sexual development of pullets is significantly reduced, the number of laying hens increases by 50-80%. By biological control it was established that within 40 days from the moment of administration this drug is completely eliminated from the body and is not found in the meat and organs of birds.

Progesterone- a synthetic preparation of the corpus luteum hormone. It is a white crystalline powder, soluble in oils, alcohol, ether. Produced in ampoules of 1 ml in the form of a 0.5-1-2.5% oil solution.

When administered intramuscularly at a dose of 30 mg per head in chickens, it causes forced molting, which, as you know, is of practical importance in poultry farming. At a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight, progesterone interrupts the brooding instinct. In turkeys, with a 2-3-time subcutaneous injection every other day at a dose of 0.03 g per head, it stops clotting. There is evidence in the literature that progesterone changes the permeability of the cell membranes of the protein part of the oviduct, contributing to the infiltration of proteins from the blood serum. This has a positive effect on increasing the amount of protein and egg mass.

According to A. Hennig, in poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys), the use of gestagenic preparations, in particular 8-16 g of chlormadinone acetate per ton of feed, suppresses early oviposition, when the eggs are not yet suitable for incubation.

The anabolic steroid dianabol can be used to stimulate the growth of chickens. With an injection of 0.2 mg / kg of live weight of this drug, the average daily weight gain of chickens increases by 19%.

Ovogen- a combined preparation consisting of progesterone, vitamins and antibiotics. There are ovogen-1 and ovogen-2 (Bulgaria).

Ovogen-1 contains 0.05 g of progesterone, 0.05 vitamin A, 0.05 vitamin D3, 0.015 vitamin E, 1 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride in the form of a suspension in 45 ml of sunflower oil and a solution of vitamin B12 (300 mcg in a separate 5 ml ampoule). Before use, the contents of both ampoules are mixed. The resulting mixture in the form of an emulsion is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml/kg of live weight. Ovogen-1 is used to suppress the instinct of incubation in chickens, to combat pecking, and also to stimulate egg production.

Ovogen-2 contains 0.03 g of progesterone, 0.18 vitamin A, 0.0175 vitamin D3, 0.03 vitamin E, 2.25 g of oxytetracycline hydrochloride in the form of a suspension in 80 ml of sunflower oil and a solution of vitamin B12 (60 mcg in a separate ampoule for K) ml). After mixing the contents of the ampoules, the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml/kg of bird live weight. Ovogen-2 stimulates egg production, prevents pecking in birds. Preventive treatment with ovogen-2 in spring and summer reduces the time of molting. Under the influence of ovogen-1 and ovogen-2, ovarian function is stimulated and poultry productivity increases by 10-15%. At the same time, the amount of protein and the average weight of eggs increase, the content of carotene in the yolk increases, and the strength of the shell increases.

Blood serum of pregnant mares- a drug obtained from the blood of pregnant mares. FFA is produced in ampoules or vials. FFA contains follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which regulates the growth and development of ovarian follicles, luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the maturation of follicles and ovulation. In the practice of poultry farming, FFA can be used for hormonal stimulation of the growth of young birds and laying hens. A single intramuscular injection of 2 ml (160 IU) of FFA per head increases the egg production of laying hens by 5-10%, and of pullet hens by 10-24%. FFA is also used to suppress the instinct of incubation in birds. A single subcutaneous injection of 360 IU FFA on the head inhibits the manifestation of the incubation instinct in 92.5% of geese, and repeated treatment (after 5-7 days) in another 5.6%. Egg-laying in birds after treatment resumes after 10-13 days. As a result of the use of FFA in geese, not only the manifestation of the instinct of incubation stops and oviposition resumes, but also the loss of live weight is significantly reduced.

Ocytocin- a synthetic drug similar in physiological action to the natural hormone of the neurohypophysis - ocytocin. B. 1 ml of ocytocin contains 5 IU. In the practice of poultry farming, cytocin is used for delayed oviposition (no more than 4 days). Administer to chickens intramuscularly 2 IU of the drug per head.

Pituitrin- extract of neurohypophyses taken from cattle. The drug contains the hormones cytocin and vasopressin. Available in ampoules of 1 ml and in the form of a grayish powder. 1 mg of dry preparation contains 1 ME. In the poultry industry, pituitrin is used as effective remedy with difficult oviposition. The drug is administered intramuscularly once, chickens - 0.5-0.7 ml, ducks and geese - 1-1.5 ml.

Of the thyroid preparations for poultry farming, it is of interest protamon- iodized casein containing 3.3-3.7% thyroxine. The introduction of this drug into the diet of birds at a dose of 22 g per 100 kg of feed ensures high egg productivity. After adding 0.01-0.02% of protamon to the feed, chickens develop better plumage. At a dose of 0.04% in the diet, protamon enhances the growth of weak chickens.

Other iodine-containing preparations deserve attention, the use of which is mainly associated with an effect on thyroid function. Iodine is part of the hormone thyroxin, which regulates metabolism, reproductive functions, and the development of bird plumage. The addition of iodine (usually in the form of potassium iodide) to the diet of birds increases their egg production, weight gain, and hatchability of eggs. Particularly good results are obtained when birds are fed with iodine in areas with a lack of iodine in soil, water, and plants.

According to F. M. Zeynalov, in order to improve the incubation qualities of eggs of New Hampshire and Leghorn chickens of Dutch origin, an addition to the diet of 0.04 mg of iodine per 1 kg of live weight per day is effective. 0.15 mg% of potassium iodide introduced into the diet of chickens contributes to an increase in their live weight by 10.9% by the age of 3 months.

The addition of potassium iodide to the diet of laying hens at the rate of 3 mg per 1 kg of live weight can significantly increase egg production - by 4 eggs per month per laying hen and reduce the culling of weak birds by 6%. This results in better quality meat. The amount of proteins in it increases by 1.7%. The optimal dose of iodine for chickens is considered to be 0.2-0.3 mg/kg of diet dry matter. Growing chickens (1-70 days old) should be supplemented with 0.15 mg of iodine (or 0.2 mg of potassium iodide) per 1 kg of feed.

In addition to iodized casein and potassium iodide, iodized table salt containing at least 0.0007% iodine is used in the practice of poultry farming.

According to S.V. Redikh and N.I. Bulavko, the stimulating effect of iodine preparations on the growth of chickens largely depends on the form in which iodine enters the body (J+ or J-). They observed the most favorable effect when giving iodine chloride, where iodine has a positive charge. Chicks aged 1-63 days treated with iodine chloride used feed energy more efficiently. Its consumption per 1 kg of weight gain was 15.7-20% lower than in the control. The weight gain of each chicken increased by 120-140 g. Experimental data showed that iodine chloride has a significant growth-stimulating effect, which makes it possible to recommend this drug for practical application when growing broilers. Good results were also obtained when giving iodinol with feed (0.25% solution of the drug at the rate of 0.1 ml/kg of live weight). The live weight of chickens increased by 15.6-16.5%.

The literature provides data from physiological experiments on the positive effect of insulin and tolbutamide on growth, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in chickens.

Weekly injection of 2 units/kg of body weight of protaminezinc-insulin to broiler chickens or feeding 0.004-0.012% by weight of compound feed tolbutamide reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood plasma and increase the glycogen content in the liver. However, the use of these drugs in poultry farming requires additional research.

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To be honest, with all my patience and tolerance towards parents and other relatives, in this topic they got me terribly.

In general, my Varya is still that eater. From ten months to a year and three months Varya ate vegetables with meat (turkey) in the form of smooth mashed potatoes. Then she refused. What I didn’t try, what culinary delights I didn’t cook. The child refused and that's it.

Then the “hungry child in front of the eating mother” technique finally worked, and she tasted the cutlets. I started cooking cutlets with different fillings - meat + vegetables. Based on chicken fillet, less often - turkey.

Now Varya, with grief in half, can eat a cutlet or pieces of chop, she fell in love with pasta.

She does not perceive veal and beef. That is, if the cutlet is made of beef, Varya will not eat it. I don't really like beef, veal and pork myself.

And now the relatives just eat my brain. Frankly and without hesitation. Like antibiotics, hormones, etc. You're poisoning a child. It comes to outright quarrels and conflicts, where I begin to lose control.

Maybe someone knows, is there anything decent on the net about the production of chicken and turkey?

Are there antibiotics and hormones in turkey meat?

    Possible options:

    • If the bird grew up on a farm or some kind of village, then it may well be clean. For the owners of the turkey probably fed it with clean food and did not feed it with preparations for rapid growth.
    • Well, if a turkey was grown in a special factory, then it probably contains both hormones and antibiotics. The bigger the turkey, the more expensive it can be sold. Here is such a business.

    Hence the conclusion - first find out where the turkey comes from. Better yet, grow your own. Then you will be 100 percent sure that there is nothing harmful in the turkey. And then with pleasure you eat a bird with some kind of side dish with your family.

    On the territory of Russia, rather stringent requirements are presented to poultry farms: not to use hormonal preparations for growth. And conscientious large factories adhere to this rule, because breaking the law threatens with huge fines or even closure. As for antibiotics, they are, of course, used. With so many turkeys, chickens, diseases and infections cannot be avoided by any other method. But there is one caveat: antibiotics stop pricking about a week before the slaughter of the bird, veterinarians say that this time is enough for the antibiotics to be eliminated from the body. Therefore, it is better to buy domestic turkey, chicken, whatever. Because importing countries neglect prohibitions and actively use growth hormones and other drugs, it’s still not for themselves. That is why overseas chickens and turkeys grow up like moose, and then we get sick.

    Sometimes people wonder: where does the allergy to antibiotics come from in children who have never been treated with antibiotics before? And then they are terribly surprised when allergists establish an allergy to these drugs in children, associated with the use of chicken or turkey meat.

    But in fact, this is how it is - tiny chickens are still in incubators being given antibiotics to prevent infectious diseases. Veterinarians are afraid of salmonellosis and other infections that are accompanied by diarrhea, which means they lead to the death of chickens and turkeys. And later, sick chickens and turkeys are also treated or antibiotics are administered for the purpose of prevention.

    And also chickens and turkeys with hormonal drugs - estradiol, testosterone and others - for rapid growth and weight gain. This is all observed in large poultry farms.

    And in peasant farms, among farmers, poultry meat is practically safe. If the birds are kept in a clean, warm poultry house, graze freely in the warm season, and nothing but vitamins is added to their food, then their meat is not dangerous in terms of allergies for children. We still buy turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese - from trusted farmers. We do not buy imported meat at all.

    If the turkey was raised in a poultry farm, then there is for sure, especially antibiotics. Small farms now also do not disdain antibiotics, at the expense of hormones, I think, selectively, maybe you can find those who do not use them. But if you buy a home-made turkey on the market, then here it is, the highest probability is that there is no chemistry in the meat.

    But, of course, it's far from a guarantee. Since they say that now some villagers grow separately for themselves (and then the meat is really without chemistry), and separately - for sale.

    It's the same with chicken meat.

    Now turkey meat grown here in Russia. It is better to buy turkey from small poultry farms or farmers. They will be much less likely to use antibiotics. As for imported turkey meat, there is no doubt. On all Western large farms antibiotics are used because they don't want to lose profits. And for export it is not a pity to sell such meat. And then people wonder why the flu has become more and more complication or why there are more allergies. Yes, because poultry meat and not only (it is simply the most popular) are stuffed with all sorts of chemicals.

    It's not rumors that turkey meat contains antibiotics, it's the laws of the market. After all, if one bird gets sick, then all the others will also get sick, and this is a big loss. Hormones are mainly used by American farmers and companies. They have it allowed.

    It all depends on whether such a turkey was grown in a poultry farm or in a private farm. Birds at the poultry farm are given antibiotics and hormones to feed them so they grow faster. A domestic turkey is much more useful, because it is grown on natural feed.

    Complete nonsense about natural feed. What makes you think that private farms do not give antibiotics and hormones? Poultry farms at least have scientifically based doses, and Aunt Glasha, who sells ten heads a day, reads everything on the labels and pops the same hormones and antibiotics, while not having a clue about the speed of removing this g.. from meat. And she does not have laboratories and schedules for taking material for examination. And if necessary, Uncle Vasya, a veterinarian, comes to her with a bottle in his pocket, makes a diagnosis and prescribes medication. Are you very satisfied with our medicine? Know great doctors who really care about your health? And now imagine the level of education of those who treat our smaller brothers ... What do veterinarians have more salaries? Of course, I don’t want to generalize, there are probably private farms where they take material for examination in accordance with the schedules and, depending on the results, animals receive certain additives in the right doses and use long-term developments, but how to determine where there is order and where is he not? In general, buying ANY MEAT - we buy a pig in a pokequot ;. And for example, I have already come to terms with this and stopped running around the outlets in search of natural meat. In our time, the pursuit of profit by any means cannot be trusted to anyone, and the principle is more expensive - it means better, often leads to the usual scam of buyers. If you want natural - grow your own!

    If you buy poultry meat, including turkey, in a store, be sure that both hormones and antibiotics are probably present in it. Well, if these are only steroid hormones that are available, including in the human body - estradiol, progesterone, testosterone. Many manufacturers have been using synthetic ones for years to accelerate growth - trenbolone acetate, progestin, melengestrol acetate and zeranol. And although there is a law in Russia that prohibits the use of hormones of animal origin when raising poultry, unscrupulous producers simply prefer to pay fines.

    As for antibiotics...they are administered to birds to protect against diseases, including those caused by unsanitary conditions. It is known that 80% of all existing antibiotics are used in agriculture. Now more and more people are writing about the fact that the meat we buy in supermarkets is contaminated with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

    What to do in this situation, because neither small farms nor the largest poultry farms can guarantee the absence of all these additives in their products. There is still hope for organic products: companies that care about their customers have finally begun to appear, their products undergo strict control, and at least a little hope is placed on them, and not on the mass market.

    In turkey meat, if the bird was raised in a poultry farm, there are both antibiotics and hormones.

    The poultry at the poultry farm is fed with compound feeds that contain serious ingredients that make it possible to grow a turkey 17-22 weeks before slaughter weight.

    In order to avoid a case among young and adult birds, they are periodically soldered with antibiotics, which are not completely removed from the bird's body in such a short period of time.

    If you look at the weight of turkeys that are grown in poultry farms, it is many times more than the weight of poultry.

    Why am I saying all this - and besides, if you buy turkey meat, it is better in those who grow them at home. Their turkeys use at least less chemicals with feed and medications. Everything is very expensive for a rural resident. In the village, turkeys feed more on grain and grass.

    I buy turkey meat quite often, in the store they say that from the farm, I think all the same that there they use all these growth hormones and for weight gain, as well as antibiotics, since the supply of turkey meat is regular and they sell a lot, which means the farm is not small, there is a lot of infection in such a large farm.

Any meat that is sold in the store is stuffed with antibiotics. Thanks for the information to the TV, before that we all slept peacefully and believed in the best.

Today, producers are forced to take preventive measures in order to prevent many diseases in mass-raised livestock and accelerate the growth process. Along with this, new, more resistant types of bacteria have appeared, which, once they enter the human body, are quite difficult to destroy.

To eat meat or not to eat - that is the question? Is it worth it to completely give up meat dishes? Indeed, in addition to antibiotics, meat contains “bad” cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels, a lot of fat, which causes taste dependence and fullness.

Some people cannot live a fulfilling life without meat, deficient in essential amino acids. In truth, you should not give up meat, just try switching to the healthiest meat product - turkey.

large bird, especially popular in the USA, is very tender and contains the least fat, ahead of other pets in this indicator. Even a small portion of turkey perfectly satisfies hunger without adding extra inches to the waist.

Turkey is perhaps the healthiest source of protein. Judge for yourself - just 100 grams of turkey meat contains 50% of the daily protein requirement.

Turkey, which has no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions, is recommended for use even by small children.

Scientists have calculated that a small portion of dietary turkey meat can cover a person's need for vitamins by 60%. Turkey enriches the body with zinc, increasing protective functions.

And what about bacteria? Indeed, turkey meat is resistant to avian growth-stimulating antibiotics. Therefore, if the cooking technology is violated, there is a rather high percentage of the risk of contracting salmonella or campylobacter.

Of course, it is possible to get organic meat, but on the condition that you grow it yourself. This, for obvious reasons, is not an option for everyone.

What remains? To begin with, it is recommended to buy chilled meat, it is always fresh. If this is not possible, in this case, the turkey must first be completely thawed at room temperature, and not in the microwave. Then carefully boil, steam or bake in the oven. In order not to disturb the low-calorie content of the product, it is better to refuse frying and smoking.

Whenever possible, buy organically-raised turkey without the use of harmful chemicals. Cook the bird long enough, do not break the recipe. Then you will be able to satisfy your hunger, and do not spoil the figure, and you will remain healthy.

Turkey vs chicken: which meat is healthier

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is less fat compared to other types of meat (beef or pork) and is much easier to digest by the body. Chicken meat contains animal protein, which is important for our body. Indeed, due to a lack of protein, the tone of the body decreases, the condition of hair and nails worsens, muscle mass decreases and human health as a whole worsens.

In addition to protein, chicken meat contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems. As well as magnesium, iron, zinc and various enzymes. The presence of glutamine helps to build muscle mass, so athletes cannot do without chicken meat in their diet. Protein food is a key product in the nutrition of people who play sports. A huge amount of nutrients in a truly dietary product.

What harm can chicken meat bring?

Chicken legs

Unfortunately, all the described beneficial properties apply only to domestic chicken. Store-bought chicken can do more harm than good. Many companies "stuff" chickens with hormones and antibiotics in order for them to grow faster and increase their weight. An excess of such hormones in a woman's body threatens hormonal failure, and the use of such chicken by men can even lead to infertility. Harmful substances accumulate as much as possible in chicken hams, wings are less dangerous from this point of view. But still, if you want to get only the benefits of chicken meat, it is better to choose domestic chicken, which was fed with good food and “not stuffed” with hormones.

100 grams of boiled chicken: 170 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats -7.5 g.

Useful properties of turkey meat

Turkey meat

Like chicken, turkey meat contains a large amount of protein and various trace elements. The high content of sodium ensures normal metabolic processes in the body. Calcium will benefit the bones, and the iron content of turkey is recommended for people suffering from anemia. In turkey meat, there is even a “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, so this is what people with depression, as well as insomnia, need. Turkey meat is digested by almost 99 percent, therefore it is considered number one of all bird breeds.

Harm of turkey meat

Healthy turkey meat

Turkey cannot do any harm to the body if the meat is fresh and properly cooked. It cannot be argued that store-bought turkey meat does not contain antibiotics and hormones, but it is known that the turkey has a worse tolerance for them compared to chicken and is more likely to get sick from such improper feed. It can be concluded that turkey may be a safer product for the human body than chicken.

100 grams of boiled turkey: 195 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats - 10.5 g

Which is healthier turkey or chicken?

We all know that chicken and turkey meat is considered a dietary product. Low calorie content allows you to eat this delicious meat without harm to health and figure. If you compare chicken meat with pork, lamb or beef, white meat will definitely win. Let's try to compare poultry meat, and answer the question, which is healthier turkey or chicken?

Chicken meat is divided into two types - white and red. Many chicken lovers don't know that thighs and legs are red meat. When raising chickens, chemical feeds are often used, and all harmful substances remain in the thighs and legs. If the chicken is grown in a "chemical" way, you should not eat its skin either. Do not eat undercooked chicken with blood - this can threaten salmonella infection.

The healthiest part of a chicken is the breast. The meat in this area is pure protein with a minimum amount of fat. Chicken legs have enough iron and tryptophan, although they are more fatty. Chicken thighs should not be consumed by people with high cholesterol. In addition, it is in this part that all harmful substances accumulate.

Common chicken broths can harm the body if the chicken is not grown on its own site. Very often, chickens are fed hormonal drugs and large doses of antibiotics. Unfortunately, all this chemistry ends up in dietary broths. That is why it is not advisable to make chicken broths from store-bought chickens.

Turkey meat was the favorite dish of the natives. They cooked poultry on coals and enjoyed tasty and dietary meat. Turkey is rich in protein and also contains tryptophan. Thanks to this amino acid, depression and nervous disorders can be overcome. Turkey is digested much better than other types of meat and is a completely dietary product. There is practically no cholesterol in the turkey and a lot of vitamins A and E. The turkey is also rich in potassium, magnesium, iodine and sodium.

According to taste preferences, most people give primacy to the turkey. The amount of sodium in turkey is higher than in pork. If we compare the percentage of phosphorus in turkey, then it is higher than in fish. The main benefits of turkey are its low fat and cholesterol content. The product is quickly absorbed and satisfies the feeling of hunger.

There are few chemicals in turkey meat - fastidious birds require wholesome and natural food. That is why the cost of a turkey is higher than that of a chicken. Raising these birds is not as easy as it may seem, and they need careful care and proper nutrition. But in the meat of these birds, almost all parts are nutritious, and there is no accumulation of chemicals in the femoral part.

Nutrient-wise, turkey is superior to chicken. It also contains virtually no cholesterol and can be consumed by people of all ages. The only thing is, due to the high sodium content, gout patients should limit their consumption of this bird. Otherwise, turkey meat is much healthier than chicken.

antibiotics in meat

How many antibiotics are in meat?

It's easy to calculate. The average therapeutic concentration of, for example, tetracycline is 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Therefore, a 100-gram steak can contain no more than 1 milligram of tetracycline. This is provided that the cow or chicken was fed with an antibiotic until the very last minute, and in the process of culinary processing, tetracycline was at least partially not destroyed and completely absorbed in the intestines. But even with such a fantastic development of events, this insignificant amount of the drug cannot have any serious pathological effect on the human body. In fact, the actual concentration of antibiotics in meat, according to the results of various scientific studies, is much less, and according to the Technical Regulations "On Food Safety" and SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for safety and nutritional value food products» should not exceed 0.01 mg/kg

Why are antibiotics in meat dangerous to health?

Of course, it is better to eat a juicy steak without tetracycline at all. Why? First, even meager doses of antibiotics, although rare, can cause an allergic reaction. Secondly, regular tetracyclinization leads to the formation of resistance of microorganisms to this group of drugs. And, despite the limited use of tetracyclines in antibiotic therapy, this can have negative consequences in the treatment of infections. Thirdly, if the products contain a significant amount of antibiotics, this leads to an imbalance in the natural flora, dysbacteriosis and a decrease in immunity.

How to neutralize the harm and reduce the concentration of antibiotics in products?

First of all, buy meat, milk, poultry and eggs only in trusted outlets from a manufacturer you trust.

Boiling has little effect on the content of antibiotics in milk. After boiling, as well as during the souring of milk, only 10% of their amount is destroyed. The greatest reduction in the amount of antibiotics occurs during pasteurization. Therefore, it is preferable to buy pasteurized milk.

Boiling meat for 3 hours reduces the content of antibiotics by 90%. In this case, 20% of the antibiotics are destroyed, and 70% goes into the broth. For this reason, the housewives must remove the foam when cooking meat or even drain the first broth.

But washing or freezing meat reduces the content of antibiotics by 20-25%.

And two interesting facts in conclusion

Oddly enough, tetracycline and other antibiotics are on the List of food additives E700 - E799. So be careful and remember these letters.

And the undisputed leader in the content of antibiotics is turkey meat. In turkey meat, an increased content of tetracycline is most often found. There is something to think about Christmas gourmets.

Read the sequel: About the development of antibiotic resistance in products.
