Analysis of the sports nutrition market in Russia. Marketing research of consumers of the regional sports nutrition market Review of the sports nutrition market by turnover

Alexey Voronoi, Pyotr Manko, Elena Yakovleva mailto: [email protected]
Nominee of the competition "Consultant 2003"

2. Websites of sports nutrition manufacturers (,,,,, etc.)

3. Websites dedicated to certain species sports, containing recommendations on sports nutrition (,,

Characteristics of places of sale of sports nutrition

Potential places for selling sports nutrition include: - pharmacies; - sports stores and specialized stores selling sports nutrition; - sports clubs; - Internet stores. During the study, the following results were obtained: 1. A telephone survey showed that there is no sports nutrition in pharmacies in St. Petersburg. In addition, not a single drug from the entire range of fat burners sold in pharmacies in St. Petersburg can be classified as sports nutrition. The knowledge of pharmacy sellers in the field of sports nutrition is very superficial, and their attitude towards the product is often skeptical. Thus, pharmacies are not serious participants of this market. The results of observation in city pharmacies are given in Appendix 6. 2. Of the 34 sports clubs in St. Petersburg, based on the results of a telephone survey and further observation, sports nutrition was found in only 6 clubs. 3. Based on the results of a telephone survey, 13 stores selling sports nutrition were identified; of which 4 are specialized and 9 are general sports stores. In sports stores, sports nutrition is displayed on a separate stand or allocated in a small specialized section. The level of knowledge of sellers is quite high. The general point is the complete absence of free promotional materials, but almost everywhere they sell manuals on the use of sports nutrition. As for specialized stores selling sports nutrition, they common features– very high awareness of sellers, small premises; sports nutrition makes up 60-80% of the store’s assortment. The decoration and equipment of the stores are very primitive. The retail outlets themselves are located in low-traffic areas, courtyard areas (except for the REM store). The Hercules and Superset stores are adjacent to sports clubs. 4. During the study, 6 Internet stores specializing in the sale of sports nutrition were identified, namely: “Bodybuilding Store” - the official online store of the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness of Russia (>, “EAM Sport Service" (, the Olympic Sports Nutrition Center store (, Ironman (, Stein ( and a sports nutrition store on Steroid .ru ( In addition, sports nutrition is also sold in some non-specialized Internet stores: for example, on the “Medical Market” website -, Internet store of the Sportsmaster network of sports stores Price characteristics of the sales points described above sports nutrition is presented in table 1. Table 1. Cost of sports nutrition in various places sales. Preferences for places to purchase sports nutrition. When asked where it is more convenient to purchase sports nutrition, the majority experts(57%) responded that, in their opinion, it is more convenient to buy in clubs or in stores. Quite often, along with purchasing from clubs, purchasing through a trainer was also mentioned (although it was noted that many athletes still buy sports nutrition on their own). Based on the results consumer survey It turned out that the majority of respondents (more than 60%) purchase sports nutrition in sports stores, about 17% through a trainer, and about 14% through a club. At the same time, more than 90% of respondents answered that they are satisfied with the place where they purchase sports nutrition at the moment; about 9% would like to purchase nutrition at the gym. As for the requirements for the place of sale of sports nutrition, the majority of buyers would like it to have a wide assortment (32%), provide advice on the selection of nutrition (29%), and have competent salespeople who understand in sports nutrition (15%); 8% expressed wishes regarding the convenience of the location.

Sports nutrition range

. According to almost half experts, the range of sports nutrition that exists today in St. Petersburg almost completely or completely satisfies the needs of consumers. This is confirmed by data from a consumer survey - more than 90% of respondents said that they are more or less satisfied with the existing food range. Based on the results of the study, it was revealed that in St. Petersburg, 28 sports nutrition manufacturers are represented in one way or another, as well as Russian sports nutrition without indicating brands (the list of the main sports nutrition manufacturers represented on the St. Petersburg market is indicated in Appendix 7). As for the geographical distribution of firms represented on the St. Petersburg market, 11 out of 28 firms are American, 7 are Russian, 3 are German; the rest represent other countries around the world (Table 2).

Attitude towards sports nutrition of Russian and foreign production

It should be noted that the attitude of consumers towards domestic and foreign sports nutrition is often very different. Almost everyone's opinion experts boils down to the fact that foreign-made sports nutrition is more expensive and of better quality than Russian one. However, among experts there are two approaches to this issue. Some focus on the quality of foreign food, others on the price of domestic food. As a rule, this depends on the level of the club in which the survey was conducted: in expensive clubs, experts answered that foreign food is better because it is of higher quality and this quality is guaranteed by the manufacturer’s brand; in inexpensive ones, domestic ones are better because they are cheaper. Among the shortcomings of the domestic diet, some experts noted that the components in the domestic diet are often not at all the same as stated on the label.

The most frequently found brands of sports nutrition in the retail chain of St. Petersburg are the following: Multipower, Optimum Nutrition, Universal, Hercules and Atlant (brands are arranged in descending order of their representation). According to experts the most popular brand among consumers (brand rating 1) is Multipower; Optimum Nutrition is in second place, domestic food Hercules is in third place, and Universal is in fourth place. Among the reasons for the popularity of the Multipower brand, experts most often named high quality, as well as advertising support from the manufacturer and wide popularity. Optimum Nutrition is popular due to its quality and reasonable price. “Hercules”, according to many experts, is considered the only high-quality Russian sports nutrition; in addition, it is several times cheaper than foreign analogues, which also contributes to its popularity among consumers.

Based on the results consumer survey brand popularity rating (brand rating 2) has changed somewhat. The first place is still occupied by sports nutrition brand Multipower, but Twinlab nutrition took second place, and Optimum Nutrition moved from second place to third. Thus, it can only be reliably stated that the Multipower brand is the undisputed leader in popularity; Optimum Nutrition, Universal, Hercules, Weider and Twinlab are also quite popular. The commitment to sports nutrition brand Multipower was justified primarily by its high quality (“German quality”), advertising, and trust in this company. Respondents who selected Multipower frequently listed the brands Twinlab, Weider, Universal and Optimum Nutrition; the argumentation is almost the same. Those who chose Hercules are mainly guided by its low price.

As for the types of sports nutrition itself, protein is in first place in popularity (29% of respondents consume it), followed by creatine (17.4%), energy drinks, vitamins and minerals (16% each) and amino acids (12%).

According to experts, in first place according to the criterion “price – quality” (brand rating 3) there are “Multipower” products (by a very large margin) - 7 experts put this brand in first place, 2 - in second. In second place is the food brand "Hercules" mainly due to low prices on it, in third - “Optimum Nutrition”, in fourth - “Universal”. At the same time, the results of this rating should be treated with caution, since sellers named for the most part only the brands they sell, so the nutrition of some brands could have ended up in last place not because of its low quality, but because of its lack of representation in our city.

By price level The most popular brands of sports nutrition in St. Petersburg can be divided into several groups.

1. Expensive sports nutrition. This group includes 4 brands: Multipower (Germany), Sport & Fitness (Germany), Prolab (USA) and Weider (USA). 2. Average price group. This group includes three brands (USA): Twinlab, Optimum Nutrition, Universal. 3. Cheap sports nutrition - brands MLO (USA), Ironman (Russia), Hercules (Russia). 4. Very cheap sports nutrition – brands Sport Medical (Ukraine) and Atlant (Belarus).

Assessment of potential market capacity

The potential volume of the sports nutrition market in St. Petersburg ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 people. The calculation of the potential market volume was made based on the following assumptions: - the number of bodybuilding, weightlifting clubs, etc. in St. Petersburg about 40; - each club can host on average from 360 to 600 people per week; - most club visitors train 2-3 times a week;

Difficulties encountered when purchasing sports nutrition

The problems that, according to experts, athletes have when searching, choosing and purchasing sports nutrition can be divided into three main groups: 1. Most experts named the lack of information about sports nutrition as the main problem. In other words, athletes do not know what exactly they need to take, what types of nutrition are intended for what. 2. The second group of problems is related to the difficulty of finding sports nutrition. 3. Third group – financial problems associated with the high cost of sports nutrition. According to the results of a survey of sports nutrition consumers, it turned out that the majority of them (78%), as a rule, do not have problems purchasing sports nutrition; For the remaining 22%, the problems were related to the lack of a specific type of food at a specific point of sale.


Sports nutrition consumers

Consumers of sports nutrition are professional athletes, as well as amateurs (experienced and beginners of various ages). Particular attention should be paid to the group of young people from 16 to 20 years old involved in bodybuilding and fitness, due to the characteristics of their consumer behavior. Potential market size sports nutrition in St. Petersburg – from 5,000 to 10,000 people. Sports nutrition consumers have a minimal level of knowledge about sports nutrition (with the exception of professionals). Many people confuse sports nutrition with steroids; it is widely believed that consuming sports nutrition can have a bad effect on health. At the same time, almost everyone considers the use of sports nutrition mandatory when striving for serious results. Main sources of information about sports nutrition are articles in specialized magazines, communication with other visitors to the gym, friends, coaches. At choosing sports nutrition The consumer is most influenced by the advice of friends, trainers, sellers, as well as the brand of nutrition, its effectiveness and cost. As main purposes of using sports nutrition You can highlight muscle gain and fat burning. The majority of sports nutrition consumers spend from 1000 to 2000 rubles a month or even more on its purchase, which is not much considering its high cost.

Sports nutrition offer

Main points of sale sports nutrition are: ¨ specialized sports nutrition stores; ¨ universal sports stores; ¨ athletic clubs offering sports nutrition through a trainer, kiosk, bar (mostly these are quite expensive clubs); ¨ specialized Internet sports nutrition stores. Prices in different places of sale can vary almost twice. The highest prices are noted in elite sports clubs, the lowest - in specialized sports nutrition stores and in one of the Internet stores. Consumers prefer to purchase sports nutrition in clubs or sports stores; Most are satisfied with the place of sale where they purchase sports nutrition at the moment. Separately, opinions were expressed that it is more convenient for athletes to purchase sports nutrition at clubs, or in special centers if they have a consultant doctor. At points of sale, consumers would like to see a wide range of sports nutrition and receive advice on nutrition selection. Currently, there are 28 brands of sports nutrition on the St. Petersburg market, of which 11 are American, 7 are Russian, 3 are German and 7 are from other countries . German sports nutrition is considered to be of the highest quality, followed by American, then Russian. Consumers do not really trust Russian sports nutrition (with the exception of the Hercules brand). Most popular brands are Multipower, Weider (expensive brands), Optimum Nutrition, Universal, Twinlab (average price level), Hercules (fairly cheap nutrition). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that existing assortment Sports nutrition is one way or another satisfactory for the majority of consumers. The main problems when purchasing nutrition are irregular supplies, lack of information about sports nutrition, sometimes the difficulty of finding it, as well as financial problems associated with high prices for most well-known brands of sports nutrition. At the same time, the majority of consumers do not experience any problems associated with purchasing sports nutrition. Based on the results of the study, the following were considered as possible options for the customer company to enter the sports nutrition market in St. Petersburg: 1. Opening a specialized store selling sports nutrition. 2. Creation of a sales system for sports nutrition through clubs, with delivery by catalog. 3. Creation of a single consulting center for the selection and sale of sports nutrition (“Sports Pharmacy”). After considering the proposed options, the following conclusions were made: First option has the right to life, but do not forget that:
  • in the city there are several specialized sports nutrition stores (SuperSet, which cooperates with the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness of Russia, the Rem chain of stores - two stores, Canopus, Hercules, Titan and others), as well as a number of sports stores offering, in addition to other sporting goods, a fairly wide range of sports nutrition (“Top-Sport”, “Sportivny on Liteiny”
  • According to experts, the current assortment is quite wide and meets the requirements of consumers of various levels of training and income.
  • The market capacity is currently small, and, according to experts and athletes, there is no shortage or problems with finding and purchasing sports nutrition. In connection with the above facts, it was concluded that the implementation of this option is inappropriate. Second option(catalog sales) would seem interesting given the mass consumption of sports nutrition among athletes. However, in the current situation, this option will be ineffective in terms of the ratio of the costs required for its implementation and potentially possible income. Of the options presented for consideration third option(“Sports Pharmacy”) is the most interesting, as it includes both previous options. Among the prerequisites and criteria that influenced the choice and recommendation of this option are:
  • lack of a unified information service (center) for athletes to receive qualified assistance and advice;
  • low level of awareness and knowledge of consumers about the types, classifications and brands of sports nutrition;
  • the need for advice and assistance in choosing sports nutrition. The above prerequisites and research results allow, in our opinion, to conclude that this option will be the most effective and in demand among consumers, since it will combine the functions of a specialized store selling sports nutrition, offering a wide range of products, and the functions of a consulting center. The scope of the center’s activities will correspond to the intentions of the customer company, and will also be aimed at promoting proper nutrition among athletes and eliminating illiteracy among consumers regarding sports nutrition. To popularize the center among athletes and gain a share in the sports nutrition market, the center will need to provide a fairly wide range of services, including:
  • consultations with specialists on sports nutrition, its use and effect on the human body;
  • consultations with sports doctors and trainers: determining optimal loads and developing training programs;
  • introductory seminars for young people (according to an expert survey, it is this part of sports nutrition consumers, due to a lack of knowledge about sports nutrition and a lack of funds, who consume low-quality nutrition without following any rules and recommendations, which will undoubtedly affect their health in the future);
  • development of comprehensive, individual nutrition programs for athletes with different levels of training and income (possible nutrition programs can either include sports nutrition or simply consist of a well-chosen diet of regular foods);
  • implementation of the most complete range of brands and types of sports nutrition;
  • other services, to find out the full list of which it will be necessary to conduct a survey of athletes in order to determine their need for this kind of center. In our opinion, the following groups can be distinguished among the main clients of this center:
  • professional athletes those interested in comprehensive, highly qualified assistance and consultations;
  • amateurs, people engaged in bodybuilding in order to improve their physical condition and training results, consuming high-quality nutrition (including former athletes);
  • young people, who is interested in bodybuilding. Thus, the project of creating a single consulting center that implements an integrated approach to the issue of training athletes and their nutrition, in our opinion, has a number of competitive advantages compared to today’s traditional places for purchasing sports nutrition and can be recommended for further development.
  • List of tables and charts7



    Technological characteristics of the study9

    Purpose of the study9

    Research objectives9

    Object of study9

    Data collection method9

    Data analysis method9

    Sample size and structure10

    Classification and main characteristics of sports nutrition11

    Key indicators of the state of the Russian market15

    Sports nutrition market size15

    Sports nutrition production indicators15

    Trends and prospects of the sports nutrition market16

    Import-export operations on the Russian market19

    Import of sports nutrition to Russia19

    Import of sports nutrition to Russia by product category19

    Import of sports nutrition to Russia by brand21

    Export of sports nutrition from Russia26

    Competitive situation in the market27

    Study of consumer preferences29

    Profiles of leading players33

    Domestic manufacturers of sports nutrition33

    LLC "ART Modern Scientific Technologies"34


    Foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition35




    The report contains 5 tables and 8 charts.


    Diagram 1. Structure of the volume of sports nutrition imports by product categories in 2012 in value terms, %20

    Diagram 2 Structure of sports nutrition import volume by brand in 2011 in value terms, %.22

    Diagram 3 Structure of sports nutrition import volume by brand in 2012 in value terms, %.23

    Diagram 4 Structure of sports nutrition import volume by brand in 2013 (Jan-Sep) in value terms, %.25

    Diagram 5. Market shares of sports nutrition brands in Russia in 2012, %28

    Diagram 6. Popularity of sources of information about sports nutrition, %30

    Diagram 7. Factors influencing the decision to purchase sports nutrition, %30

    Diagram 8. Consumer preferences by types of sports nutrition, %31


    Table 1. Volume of imports of sports nutrition into Russia by category in 2011-2013 (Jan-Sep), million $ and million rubles19

    Table 2. Imports of sports nutrition into Russia in value terms by manufacturer (brand) in 2011, million $ and million rubles21

    Table 3. Imports of sports nutrition into Russia in value terms by manufacturer (brand) in 2012, million $ and million rubles22

    Table 4. Imports of sports nutrition to Russia in value terms, broken down by manufacturers (brands) in 2013 (Jan-Sep), million $ and million rubles24

    Table 5. Volume of sports nutrition exports from Russia by category in 2011-2013 (Jan-Sep), thousand $ and thousand rubles26

    The report consists of 6 chapters.

    Chapter 1 contains technological characteristics research: purpose, objectives, object, methods and information base research.

    Chapter 2 describes the structure of the sports nutrition market. Here you can find data on the product categories of the segment, their classification and characteristics.

    Chapter 4 describes import and export operations on the Russian market, namely: import/export by brand and product category.

    Chapter 5 examined the competitive situation in the sports nutrition market in Russia and identified the most popular brands by price segment.

    Chapter 6 is devoted to the study of consumer preferences in sports nutrition.

    The appendix contains profiles of major players in the segment.

    The volume of sports nutrition consumption has been declining for the second year in a row. The market is negatively affected by a reduction in imports coupled with a drop in real incomes of the population. At the same time, Russian companies are rapidly increasing production volumes of products accessible to consumers, and therefore in the medium term they can become the main driving force of market development.

    According to the results of an analysis of the Russian industry conducted by analysts from the website Ssia, at the end of 2015 the industry fell by 7.0% y/y. The fall was based on a reduction in imports: in January - December 2015, the volume of supplies of imported products decreased by 48.2%. The key reason was the devaluation of the ruble. In addition, strong negative impact supplies from abroad were affected by the extension of the embargo on the import of certain types of sports nutrition (HS CU codes 1901 and 2106) from the USA, EU, Australia, Canada, Ukraine and a number of other countries. In September 2015, the ban was somewhat relaxed: it was allowed to import sports nutrition for Russian sports teams. However, according to the management of GEON LLC, this measure had almost no effect on the volume of imports.

    The sports nutrition market was significantly supported by the expansion of production by Russian companies, which were able to respond in a timely manner to changes in market conditions. In 2014, the volume of sports nutrition production in the Russian Federation increased almost 3 times, and at the end of 2015 it grew by another 320% year-on-year. Thanks to the efficiency of domestic manufacturers, the share of Russian products on the market increased from 11.8% in 2014 to 44.7% in 2015. It is worth noting that Russian companies mainly use foreign ingredients to produce sports nutrition; Often the suppliers are the same companies (Hochdorf, Arla, Cargill) that provide raw materials to well-known global brands.

    Sports nutrition market structure by origin

    Major sports nutrition suppliers

    The leading Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition include: LLC "PURE PROTEIN" (St. Petersburg), LLC "ART MODERN SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGIES" (Moscow region), LLC "R-LINE" (St. Petersburg), LLC "GEON" (Moscow region) and LLC "GENETICLAB" (St. Petersburg), LLC "ACADEMY-T" (Moscow), 7.1.6. ARSENAL ATHLET LLC (Samara region) SUPERSET LLC (St. Petersburg) and some other companies.

    According to representatives of the top management of GENETICLAB LLC, the dynamics of the spread of the culture of product consumption among the population has a great influence on the volume of the sports nutrition market in Russia. The reduction in the number of gym clients that occurred in 2015 significantly slowed down the growth rate of the popularity of sports nutrition in Russia. According to the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the number of citizens involved in sports clubs decreased by 23.6% year-on-year from January to December 2015.

    Population involved in sports in clubs

    At the same time, the structure of sports nutrition consumption in federal districts in 2015 did not undergo significant changes. According to IndexBox specialists, most in demand Specialized nutrition for athletes was used in the Central Federal District (28.2%), while the Volga (20.1%) and Siberian Federal Districts (12.4%) were in second and third places.

    Sports nutrition market in Russia in 2016: geography of consumption

    Market development forecast

    Sports nutrition is not an essential commodity, so the growth in its consumption will largely depend on the level of well-being of citizens. From January to June 2016, real disposable income of the population decreased by 5.0%. According to the Ministry of Economic Development (MED), the resumption of their growth will begin in 2017, while in 2017-2019 the average annual growth rate will be about 1%. The Ministry of Economic Development assesses the prospects for retail trade somewhat better: if in 2017 its growth rate will be 1.1%, then in 2018-2019 it will fluctuate in the range from 2.6% to 3.3%. According to the results of the IndexBox study, in the absence of sharp changes in the macroeconomic environment, the most likely outcome will be the continuation of existing market development trends.

    At the end of 2016, imports may decrease by 30-40%. At the same time, production growth within the Russian Federation will continue, however, provided that the exchange rate remains stable and the ban on the import of foreign sports nutrition is extended. However, the volume of consumption of specialized food at the end of 2016 will most likely continue to decline. The reason for this will be the continuation of negative trends in the economy and a reduction in imports. In 2017, growth may resume in the market, the key driver of which will be the expansion of production within the Russian Federation. However, this will only happen if income growth resumes, which will stimulate demand for sports nutrition.

    The presence of hundreds of sports nutrition brands on the market can confuse even experienced fitness trainers and experienced athletes. And taking into account the fact that every year at least one manufacturer appears, offering its own “innovative” sports nutrition formula, the choice is completely at a dead end. Counterfeit sports nutrition may not only not bring the desired effect, but also cause irreparable damage to health - cripple. There is also a practice when the composition of the components differs significantly from those declared by the manufacturer, and sometimes more than half as much as the norm. In this situation, the buyer not only overpays, but also violates the “strict diet”, does not receive the required amount of substances, or receives more than necessary - again the body suffers. There is an opinion that domestic manufacturers deceive and produce low-quality products everywhere - this is not true, because There are manufacturers with an ideal reputation who have been making high-quality products not only for amateurs, but also for professionals in sports teams of the Russian Federation for several decades. So, to help consumers choose quality sports nutrition, this rating was compiled. Only the strongest and most honest domestic and foreign manufacturers are left here.

    TOP 10 best domestic sports nutrition brands:

    Level UP

    The 2018 ranking of sports nutrition companies opens with Level UP, a successful company that has positively proven itself in the Russian market. As stated by the manufacturer, their quality control is strict - right down to individual batch units. Levelup also invites everyone to see how they make future sports supplements in the city of St. Petersburg - this is written on the official website, where the manufacturer called such production “transparent.” All raw materials are certified, supplied from Europe and New Zealand, and undergo preliminary examination in our own scientific laboratory. The popular whey protein from LevelUp is 100% whey, containing 77% protein.

    Do4a Lab

    A young and promising sports nutrition company takes 9th place in the ranking the best manufacturers sports nutrition in Russia. The founders of the brand are Vadim Ivanov, a famous blogger, whose project had very high traffic and popularity among amateurs and novice athletes. On his blog, Vadim shared some personal “recipes” on how to gain weight, exercises, drug reviews, incl. anabolic steroids, gave recommendations to people. Now Do4a Lab is not just a blog, but a whole line of sports products, which every day deserves more and more attention from target audience– athletes. All Docha Lab products are made from raw materials that are imported from Germany, which, in turn, are imported to Germany from China, because... production facilities are located there. Docha Lab food is produced at the Evalar plant, the largest pharmaceutical enterprise in Russia. Over the 3 years of its existence, Daughter Lab’s products have not yet been criticized, because The company has set a course for “quality-quantity”, rather than price and markup.

    Fitness Formula

    Fitness Formula brand products are produced by the manufacturer of the same name, which ranks 8th in the ranking of sports nutrition manufacturers in 2018. All raw materials arrive at own factory companies from New Zealand from the Fonterra farm, and from China - the VitaJoy concern. The main principle of the Fitness formula is European quality at Russian prices. Production facilities and laboratories are located in cultural and scientific center Russia – St. Petersburg. The company's product range is not rich - only 7 items: BCAA, Creatine, Gainer, whey protein, beta-ecdysterone and two carnitine mixtures with different formulas. Fitness Formula Whey Premium is a popular protein complex obtained from whey concentrate, containing 76% pure proteins.


    Ironman is one of the brands of the Art Modern Scientific Technologies company (hereinafter referred to as ART SNT), which ranks 7th in the ranking of sports nutrition companies in 2018. ART SNT is a very large, multi-brand player in the Russian sports nutrition market. Under the auspices of ART SNT, there are as many as 6 independent brands, including MD and Ironman, which are considered among the best in our ranking. The production facilities of ART SNT are located in the Moscow region, have their own accredited research laboratories, completely modern equipment, the environment outside is a clean area, they comply with all SES standards and even have certificates - in general, ART SNT is a real, not an underground office. Unfortunately, as the company itself states, “it does not reach European standards,” despite the fact that by Russian standards it is at the highest level. All manufactured products are analyzed for chemical, organoleptic, and microbiological compliance, so that the end consumer receives a product that is known to be full-fledged and not compromised by any characteristics.


    6th place in the ranking of sports nutrition brands of the year goes to Rline, better known in the sports nutrition market as Rem-line. Remline was founded in 2002, but due to some circumstances it was forced to rebrand in 2014, removing the EM prefix from its name. After rebranding, product quality indicators increased, new lines of sports nutrition appeared, including the “mysterious beast”, walking in online stores and on the shelves of sports markets -BCAA 8:1:1. In terms of composition, it should be “mega BCAA”, but it is not for sale on the official Rline website, which is very strange. Rline states that this series of amino acids is a limited edition, and is produced in very limited quantities. Rline brings raw materials from Europe with further processing and packaging in Russia, most likely in St. Petersburg. A popular product is Rline Whey, a whey protein concentrate whose content per serving is 67%. By the way, according to some data, Rline sports nutrition is recognized as “the most delicious.”


    The legendary company takes 5th place in the 2018 sports nutrition rating. Academy-T is one of the pioneers of the domestic sports nutrition, created back in 1986 under the name NPK Agronauka, later renamed and changing the form of organization of the enterprise to CJSC Academy-T. The official date of birth of Academy-T, a company in the light of the development and production of sports products, is considered to be 1994. Academy-T products are used by Russian Olympic athletes and bodybuilders, because the company cooperates with many official teams of the Russian Federation, supplying them with its sports supplements. In addition to success in the sports arena of the Russian Federation, the company has already managed to develop and patent several innovative sports nutrition formulas, for example, BCAA complex Sportamin 6000. Over the 24 years of its existence, the academy has managed to receive many awards, including state ones. A popular supplement is considered to be just the one mentioned above, BCAA Sportamin 6000, and the gainer Sportein, the formula of which is also patented.


    The MD brand belongs to the Art Modern Scientific Technologies group, which was described above. It is produced at the same factory in the Moscow region, from the same raw materials as the IronMan brand. MD is an acronym for Muscular Development. On the manufacturer’s official website you can find information about the legendary bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development, which appeared in America in the 60s, but no connection has been identified between the American magazine and Russian sports nutrition. In general, the MD brand produces high-quality and cheap products that are very popular among athletes.


    Geon ranks third in the ranking of the best sports nutrition companies. Geon was founded in 2006, however, at that time the company was not interested in sports nutrition, because... Geon was exclusively engaged in the supply of pharmaceuticals. The company really liked to tinker with laboratory test tubes and medical powders, and subsequently, without thinking twice, the company released the first line of sports nutrition of its own production in a very limited edition already in 2011. Resourceful buyers paid attention to the quality of the product and its composition, and subsequently began to regularly use Geon products, telling their friends in the hall what a cool powder they bought. In general, the stormy excitement around the new brand already in 2014 allowed Geon to bask in the glory. It is unknown where the company gets its raw materials, but they are of really high quality. A popular product is the Excellent MASS 5000 gainer, which contains 30 g of proteins obtained from whey concentrate and 74 g in one 120 gram serving. carbohydrates of average and below average glycemic index.


    The second place in the ranking of the best sports nutrition manufacturers is occupied by the company Genetic Lab with the same brand name Geneticlab Nutrition. This is a relatively young brand that has left many “sports nutrition pioneers” behind it. Genetic Lab was founded by Russian bodybuilder Ruslan Khaletsky, who is now also successful businessman. Genetic Lab purchases raw materials from European certified companies Pharma Trading AG, Hochdorf, and Arla - Germany, Switzerland, Denmark. By the way, Arla successfully sells its products in Russia; among the assortment on the shelves you can find Arla butter, yoghurts, curds, etc. The most popular product of Genetic Lab is whey protein - Whey Pro protein concentrate in which - 78%. The quality of Genetic Lab products has documentary confirmation - certificates of conformity. So far, the company has not been subjected to negative criticism from consumers, while receiving mostly laudatory reviews.


    Binapharm is the best Russian manufacturer of sports nutrition , is the founder of the Binasport brand. All Binapharma products are made from natural raw materials supplied from EU countries: France, Germany, Denmark, Austria. Binapharm has been producing sports nutrition for Russian national teams for more than 17 years. Then in 2016, Binapharm launched new product lines and carried out a “rebranding” - this is how the Binasport trademark was born, which received only best experience company, as free as possible from the shortcomings of the past. Binasport is an impressive start new history companies, so to speak, with clean slate, and a very enchanting start. Now Binasport in terms of product quality is equal to foreign brands, and in some ways even better, in terms of price-quality ratio it is clearly better. By the way, the Binasport brand has been registered in Austria since 2017, and most likely it can soon be seen on store shelves in the country. One of the most popular Binasport products is whey isolate Excellent Isowhey Protein, which surpasses even the world leader ON Whey Isolate in terms of pure protein content - 90% versus 80% of the mass fraction of pure protein isolates in the composition.

    TOP 3 best imported sports nutrition brands:

    Ultimate Nutrition

    A relatively inexpensive brand whose products are made in the USA. Included in the TOP 3 of the world ranking of sports nutrition in 2018. Ultimate Nutrition offers a wide range of sports products: amino acids, proteins, arginines, gainers, vitamin complexes and minerals, testosterone boosters, etc. The company is actively developing new methods for producing sports nutrition, conducting molecular studies of the effect of their products on the body, and constantly improving the quality of products. Some popular products from the company:

    • Ultimate Nutrition 100% Prostar Whey Protein. Protein “energy station”, whey isolate + concentrate, containing more than 20 amino acids in the composition, and 85% protein obtained from cow's milk.
    • Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600. Mega mass gainer. Contains 8 different whey proteins (isolates, concentrates, and hydrolysates). One serving contains 27% protein, 69% carbohydrates, the rest mass fraction accounts for fats and mineral elements.


    Weider is undoubtedly one of the best sports nutrition manufacturers. Joe Weider is a sports trainer who, together with his brother, made a great contribution to the development of bodybuilding by organizing the international bodybuilding competition “Mr./Ms. Olympia.” Bodybuilding became popular precisely thanks to Vader, who was involved in publishing magazines about physical culture, publishing their training programs for the development of “muscles of steel” in them. A name known to all bodybuilders. Joe Weider was the trainer of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Hollywood film actor, former governor state of California, Larry Scott - the first winner of the Mr. Olympia contest and other equally famous people. Popular Products:

    • TOTAL RUSH. Training booster - increases the natural production of testosterone, as well as reduces fatigue by increasing activity, and has a beneficial effect on muscle growth. The composition contains B, C, D, as well as beta-alanine, which pushes back the threshold of neuromuscular fatigue, caffeine - a psychostimulating "energy" (everyone knows that), Kera-Generic - a creatine-containing supplement involved in energy exchange in muscle and neurotissues.

    Optimum Nutrition

    The only and only participant in the world ranking of sports nutrition 2018 (and not only 18) produced by American company on the territory of the USA. Optimum Nutrition occupies approximately 9-10% of the entire Russian sports nutrition market share (out of 26 statistical participants!!!). The raw materials supplied to the manufacturing company ON are certified and undergo internal independent laboratory testing of each batch. Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard is considered the best product, the average price for a 2.3 kg tube is 3500-4000 rubles. ON 100% Whey is a protein mixture, a “hodgepodge” of whey isolates, concentrates, and peptides of the highest purity, which is achieved thanks to modern technology ultrafiltration, ion exchange. Per 100 grams of product there are 80 grams of pure proteins containing 18 amino acids (23% of the total volume are BCAA amino acids: Leucine, Valine, Isoleucine), 10% carbohydrates and 3% fat. It is for its high quality, easy digestibility, low cholesterol level and the absence of contraindications for people with lactose intolerance that ON becomes the best sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

    In this material:

    A healthy lifestyle today is experiencing, if not the peak of popularity, then as close as possible to it. Healthy lifestyle is promoted from all TV channels in the country, online platforms and print media. Naturally, this is the right trend towards improving the health of the nation and increasing the life expectancy of the population. But from another point of view, promoting a healthy lifestyle is very beneficial for sports nutrition manufacturers, whose goal is maximum sales. own products. Against this background, a novice entrepreneur can successfully join this area business. It is enough to develop a business plan for a sports nutrition store and strictly follow it.

    Features of the business and its advantages

    The business of a sports nutrition store is essentially no different from any other business. point of sale. The principle of operation is the same - purchasing goods in wholesale quantities and selling them at retail through own network.

    The main feature of a sports nutrition store is the specificity of its products. The target audience is not just people involved in sports or fitness, but athletes who prefer strength exercises. In this case, sports nutrition is necessary to build muscle mass, quickly restore strength and normalize metabolism.

    Another feature of the business is a narrow circle of suppliers, limited to domestic manufacturers and intermediary firms that supply foreign goods. Regardless of the geographic location of the retail outlet, products will still have to be purchased either in Moscow or at large regional bases, of which there are very few in Russia.

    Reference. Purchasing goods through online stores is not considered, because the volume of supplies from dealers is designed for retail chains. In addition, it is problematic to check the quality of the product in advance.

    Target audience of the sports nutrition store:

    • 50% are people involved in heavy sports at a professional level;
    • 20% – people who engage in heavy sports for themselves and want to build muscle mass;
    • 20% are beginner athletes who want to try sports nutrition and see the effect;
    • 10% – the remaining categories of people who take sports nutrition for one reason or another.

    In any case, the target audience of a sports nutrition store is athletes or people who go to the gym and prefer strength training.

    Advantages of the project:

    1. Low investments - to open a sports nutrition store you need to have an amount in the range of 400–500 thousand rubles. Major expenses include holding organizational events, renting premises and advertising costs. The purchase of the first batch of goods is not taken into account for several reasons. Firstly, you can find a supplier who provides goods for sale. Secondly, the high markup on products in the first month will cover all investments.
    2. Low competition - cities with a population of 400–500 thousand inhabitants are not overcrowded with sports nutrition stores. It is rare to find a point located at shopping center next door to a clothing store or children's goods store, because the demand for products in such places is low. As a rule, the sale of sports nutrition is carried out directly in the gym building or nearby. And it is almost impossible to meet two competing entrepreneurs in the same territory.
    3. High income - given the low purchase price of products and a markup of 100–200%, an entrepreneur can easily reach an income of 100,000 rubles in the first month, gradually increasing profits. However, it is worth understanding that end result depends on the demand for the product, the location of the outlet and the competitive capabilities of the store compared to similar companies operating in the city.
    4. Quick return on business - this criterion directly follows from the previous one. If the store is successful, then with high income the payback period varies between 4–5 months.

    Reference. The main advantage of a sports nutrition store is independence from external factors. The financial crisis in the country, a decrease in the solvency of the population, an increase in food prices and public utilities– these and other parameters do not in any way affect the demand for sports nutrition, because athletes in any case are forced to use supplements to stay in shape.

    Market and competitor analysis

    Given the narrow focus of the business, analyzing the sports nutrition market is quite simple.

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the number of official retail outlets selling these products. It is best to use an Internet search.

    The second stage is visiting potential competitors in order to identify positive and negative qualities in their work. It could be:

    • good or bad location of the store;
    • the presence of a gym in the area where the retail outlet operates;
    • approximate number of customers per day/week/month;
    • product range;
    • suppliers and brands of sports nutrition;
    • price category various types goods;
    • availability of promotions, discounts, bonuses;
    • advertising effectiveness.

    The third stage is comparison of the obtained data. Of course, some store will be more successful and recognizable, while another will be practically unknown to consumers or aimed at a narrow target audience (fitness club members).

    Using the data obtained, you can easily form your own business model, taking into account the mistakes of competitors and focusing on those factors that led to success.

    It’s a stretch to call online stores competitors. There are only a few organizations in the country that sell sports nutrition at retail via the Internet. The rest of the companies either operate illegally or are scammers, which is why the demand for products in general online is low. More than 50% of athletes prefer to buy sports nutrition through offline outlets so that they can be sure of the quality of the product.

    Organizational events

    Store registration and documentation

    The first stage of organizing a business is registration entrepreneurial activity. You can choose individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each legal form has pros and cons, so you only need to focus on the business format and your own preferences.

    Individual entrepreneur status is convenient for a small store with an area of ​​20–25 square meters. m. In this case, you can save on state fees (800 rubles, and for opening an LLC - 4,000 rubles) and an accountant. Also for individual entrepreneurs a simpler form of tax reporting is provided.

    Opening a legal entity is beneficial when organizing a large sports nutrition store or a network of retail outlets located in different regions of the country. In addition, the founder of an LLC does not risk personal property in the event of bankruptcy of the company, but is liable before the law only within the limits authorized capital YUL. The individual entrepreneur is obliged to repay all debts even after the closure of business activities, otherwise private property may be seized.

    Reference. An equally important distinguishing point between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC is the status of an entrepreneur. Large and well-known suppliers sports nutrition are reluctant to enter into contracts with individuals (IP) due to the low volume working capital, whereas with legal entity Any company is ready to work.

    Documents for registering business activities are almost the same in both cases:

    • passport;
    • statement;
    • paid receipt of state duty;
    • decision to establish a legal entity (for LLC);
    • charter of the company (for LLC);
    • information about authorized capital(for LLC).

    Registration period is no more than 5 days.

    Taxation system – simplified tax system 6%.

    OKVED codes:

    • 47.64 – sale of sporting goods and equipment in specialized retail outlets;
    • 47.29 – sale of other food products in specialized retail outlets;
    • 47.29.39 – sale of other food products not specified in other codes.

    The second stage of organizing a business is collecting permitting documents. By this time, the entrepreneur must rent premises for the store, enter into contracts with suppliers, find employees for sales positions, carry out repairs and prepare the premises for work.

    List of additional documents:

    • lease agreement;
    • an agreement with a utility service for garbage and solid waste removal;
    • conclusion labor agreement with the seller;
    • concluding an agreement with a sanitary service or a special company for periodic disinsection, disinfection and deratization;
    • quality certificate for products (provided by the supplier);
    • documentation from the Pension Fund on registration as an employer (if there is at least one hired staff).

    Next, you need to contact the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor to obtain permits for doing business. In particular, the store premises will be checked for compliance with fire safety and sanitary standards.

    Assortment compilation

    The sports nutrition market is presented wide range products. This includes both well-known brands and brands unfamiliar to the buyer. The focus should be on the demand for products and the popularity of the manufacturer.

    Minimum range of sports nutrition store:

    1. Protein (protein) is the most purchased product among athletes. The product is designed to gain muscle mass, therefore it is used in 90% of cases by weightlifters.
    2. Vitamins – products are intended to replenish essential microelements in the body. Vitamin complexes are popular among people on a diet.
    3. Creatine is intended to increase the endurance of various muscle groups. The drug is popular among athletes of various types, since every person who visits the gym is aimed at increasing the duration of training.
    4. Amino acids are aimed at replenishing nutrients in the muscles, which is necessary to restore tone after the end of a workout.
    5. Fat burners - the name speaks for itself. A group of drugs is aimed at burning excess fat in the body.
    6. Groups of drugs aimed at improving the condition of ligaments and joints.

    At the first stage, the listed sports nutrition items are quite sufficient. In the future, buyers themselves will tell you what they need additionally.

    Reference. The store’s assortment may depend on the business format - professional or amateur sports nutrition. Each direction has its own type of product, brand and composition. The best option would be to combine both types - it is enough to organize several departments at the point of sale.

    Location of the object and choice of premises

    The nuances of the location of a sports nutrition outlet differ from the same grocery store or second hand. This is explained by the fact that the target audience is completely different in all cases. If a food pavilion requires a high traffic volume of people, then the same technique with sports nutrition will not always work. More than 80% of people passing by are not the target audience of sports nutrition.

    The guideline for the location of the store will be:

    • gym;
    • fitness center;
    • various weight loss centers and yoga classes;
    • sports facilities.

    The best option, of course, is to locate the retail outlet in a building with gym or concluding an agreement with the owner of the establishment for the sale of products on its retail space. The problem is that most of the places are already taken by other entrepreneurs. This can be clearly seen when visiting any fitness center - there is always a sports nutrition store nearby or nearby.

    As alternative option you can choose a large shopping center in the city center and position your store as “No. 1” or “Sports Nutrition Center” in the city. In this case high cross-country ability people and a view of the point from different angles will only play into the hands of the businessman, and buyers will be able to conveniently get to the place from any area of ​​the city.

    The premises for the store do not provide for special conditions. It must meet standard SanPiN and fire safety requirements.

    Equipment purchase

    For a retail outlet with an area of ​​20–25 sq. m will need:

    • racks;
    • showcases;
    • shelves;
    • counter;
    • cash register;
    • chair for the seller;
    • lockers;
    • racks or shelves for utility (storage) premises.

    Search for suppliers

    The Internet is the only place where you need to look for sports nutrition suppliers. Preference is given to well-known companies and brands, but it is worth paying attention to the terms of cooperation and the cost of purchasing products. The minimum markup should be 50%, otherwise turning into a profit will be a long and complicated process.

    At first, it is recommended to enter into contracts for the supply of goods with several companies, and then determine the positive and negative aspects cooperation. In addition, it is worth considering foreign manufacturers sports nutrition. By ordering goods directly from abroad, you can save on markups from domestic intermediaries.

    Hiring staff

    Everything is simple here - 1-2 sellers per store with an area of ​​25 square meters. m. Best of all – 2 people working 2/2, 3/3 days. In this case, there will be no problems with employee days off and vacations.

    Personnel requirements:

    • age – 18–35 years;
    • gender does not matter;
    • skills – experience in trading;
    • qualities - honesty, openness, hard work.

    The ideal option would be if the staff has something to do with sports, the products sold, or at least understands what it is. In this case, the seller will always answer your questions and give competent advice on choosing a particular product. Experience with sports nutrition is not required, because the staff can always be trained in the basic nuances.

    Store advertising

    The advertising campaign of a retail outlet depends on its location. If this is a gym or fitness center, then the store does not need large-scale advertising. If the premises are neutral in location to sports establishments, then it is necessary to use standard advertising techniques.

    Considering that the target audience of the project is young people under the age of 35, the marketing campaign should be directed to the Internet:

    • creating your own website;
    • creating and maintaining groups on social networks;
    • advertising products and stores in urban communities, including popular groups on social networks;
    • active communication with users, commenting on posts;
    • Regularly posting posts with promotions, discounts and great deals.

    In addition, you need to order and install an attractive sign for the store.

    Financial plan

    Business investments and operating expenses

    Costs at the project organization stage (in rubles):

    • 20,000 – registration of business activities and paperwork;
    • 10,000 – analysis of the market and competitors (remuneration for “mystery” shoppers and people collecting information);
    • 35,000 – conclusion of a rental agreement for premises with the payment of a deposit;
    • 50,000 – premises renovation;
    • 20,000 – production of a sign;
    • 40,000 – advertising costs;
    • 150,000 – purchase of equipment;
    • 50,000 – purchase of the first batch of goods;
    • 30,000 – reserve fund.

    Result: 405,000 rubles.

    Expenses in the first month:

    • 35,000 – rent;
    • 60,000 – salary;
    • 10,000 – utilities;
    • 50,000 – additional purchase of goods.

    Result: 155,000 rubles.

    Sports nutrition store income

    The average check of a retail outlet varies between 700–1,300 rubles, and income depends on the number of customers.

    For example, you can take the average values ​​in both cases - 1,000 rubles and 8 customers per day. In this case, the daily income will be 8,000 rubles, and the monthly income will be 240,000 rubles.

    Profit calculation and payback

    240,000-155,000=85,000 rubles.

    The payback period for the business based on the data provided is 5 months.

    When opening a sports nutrition store, you always need to think about the target audience, since the products are quite specific. Guided by a competent business plan, market analysis and financial calculations, you can open a successful business selling sports nutrition with high income and quick payback.

    Order a business plan

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