Voentorg store. Military clothing from fashion brands. Opening your own military store is a good start for a business Clothing military franchise

The Voentorg company seems to have found its niche in the field of fashion retail. The clothing that the company sells and produces has become so popular that Voentorg has to defend its rights in court. And in the fight for the army trademarks there are already losers.

Voentorg, established to provide military personnel with essential goods, over time moved away from its direct responsibilities and began to gain positions in the common market. The company made its first attempts to trade not only in military units in the field food retail. Since 2014, Voentorg, together with « » develops a chain of stores using a reverse franchising scheme. And the project is growing, although not particularly rapidly, but quite successfully.

Nevertheless, real success It was clothing brands that brought Voentorg "Russian Army" And "Polite people", the rights to which the company registered in 2014. In the spring of 2015, Voentorg released fashion collection in military style and, I must say, hit the nail on the head. In the wake of patriotism, T-shirts with “polite people” and army paraphernalia turned out to be extremely popular.

The Voentorg company began selling patriotic clothing through its network of partners, with whom it works under a franchising scheme.

According to the advisor's message general director company of Evgenia Korotkova, the working conditions for franchisees with the brands “Voentorg”, “Army of Russia” and “Polite People” are different. So, in order to trade products under trademarks"Polite people" and "Russian Army", you must pay lump sum in size 50 thousand rubles. The royalty amount is 5% of sales. Use the same trademark"Voentorg" will cost 45 thousand rubles, and there are no royalties. The term of the franchise agreement may vary, but on average it is 3 years.

To date, Voentorg already has more than four dozen franchisees throughout the Russian Federation: from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. The company stocks its stores independently.

In addition, trade is carried out through specialty stores“Russian Army”, which appeared in the summer of this year. The first partner, whose name has not been disclosed, approached Voentorg in the spring, and the simultaneous opening of stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg took place on the patriotic date of June 12. Two more branded stores selling clothes and souvenirs under the name “Russian Army” opened at the end of October at the Simferopol airport.

It can be seen that “Russian Army” and “Polite People” are becoming increasingly popular brands among the people. But it is worth noting that fashionable wave Not only Voentorg caught it. Many Russian designers and brands have also introduced T-shirts with “polite people” into their collections. Among them is the owner of the brand, Alexander Konasov, who stated earlier in that with the help of clothes he is trying to convey to Russians the idea that they can be proud of their country.

But by no means for everyone who sells and produces clothes, patriotism is the dictate of the heart. For many, it has become a trend that can be used make good money. Today, clothing under the brands “Russian Army” and “Polite People” can be bought in almost every store or website. Most of these things are fakes of appropriate quality.

Faced with a wave of complaints about the quality of clothing from customers, Voentorg realized that they had acquired a crowd of imitators and they lose a lot of money on it. Therefore, the company decided to protect itself on all fronts at once.

"Voentorg" began to seek through the court a ban on the use of the names of legal entities, signs and domain names "Voentorg", as well as a ban and withdrawal from circulation of counterfeit goods under the brands "Russian Army" and Polite People."

It is worth noting that Voentorg has already achieved certain results in its fight against opponents. Thus, by court decision, stores at the Kursky and Kazansky railway stations in Moscow and in one of shopping centers Chekhov near Moscow. Moreover, justice obliged to change names several companies in Tambov, Yaroslavl, Saratov and St. Petersburg.

The struggle for the name “Voentorg” or Voentorg also unfolded on the Internet. The court closed the domain voentorg.su and transferred the domain name voentorg.biz to Voentorg OJSC. The site called voentorg.rf was a little more lucky. Its owner was able to resolve the dispute with Voentorg peacefully by concluding a licensing agreement.

Voentorg is currently fighting only one Moscow company for the use of the trademarks “Russian Army” and “Polite People”. Investigations into the case are still ongoing, but Voentorg insists on destruction inventory balances, as well as ensuring that the company stops selling counterfeit goods.

According to Ekaterina Korotkova, advisor to the general director of Voentorg, often the same company violates the rights to use Voentorg trademarks. in several ways at once. In particular, it sells counterfeit clothing both through a website designated “Voentorg” and through trade pavilions of the same name.

Tip 1. Today, the most promising solution is to create a hybrid enterprise. The Internet is military trade, supported by at least one, albeit small, demonstration platform, a great force. It is preferable to open it in a fairly large city, renting space in a large shopping center. As a rule, these centers are convenient to reach and public transport, and personal. There are parking lots and places where you can have a snack and use the common areas. This solution allows you to kill several birds with one stone. In-person acquaintance with the products, the opportunity to hold them in your hands and examine them from all sides has great value for many potential buyers. Besides, no phone call will not replace live communication with a manager who can suggest something, advise and even dissuade you from buying, offering to purchase something more suitable in his opinion in return. Of course, the selection of such personnel must be done with special care.

There are other benefits from such a “point”. A person who has come on business and passes by the “voentorg” section may look there out of curiosity. And subsequently become a regular visitor to the network resource.

Tip 2. The information content of the site should be at its best. Those online stores that save on a competent and detailed description of the products offered end up losing much more. Brief descriptions superlatives today will bring nothing but skepticism from visitors.

Tip 3. You should never try to sell a product of questionable quality. It is better to refuse a deal with the supplier if the proposed batch of products is of unknown origin. Honesty is one of the qualities that buyers respect most from a seller. Having made sure that he is not being deceived, the visitor will contact the military store he likes again and again. And by showing off the next new thing to his friends, he will increase the number of potential buyers.

Tip 4. It is very important to draw the attention of site visitors to the fact that here you can buy clothes, hats and shoes not only for lovers of active recreation. Practical, comfortable and convenient for everyday wear, products must be present “on the shelves”. Moreover, these days there is no shortage of high-quality replicas of army equipment adapted for the mass buyer. After all, the world's leading brands in half the cases focus specifically on this consumer segment.

Tip 5. A variety of assortments is the key to successful and dynamic development of the store. Visitors should gradually get used to the fact that Voentorg can offer them much more than just leisure goods or practical and inexpensive clothing. A variety of souvenir and gift products, leather goods, as well as convenient types of order delivery will encourage people to come here for gifts. Especially before major holidays, when the vast majority of citizens simply do not have enough time to go shopping.

The Garrison group of companies invites online store owners to cooperate through the Dropshipping system. We manufacture and supply a wide range of products for hunting, fishing, tourism, as well as military equipment. The procedure for cooperation is simple: you place our products in your online store with an additional margin, the client places an order and pays for it, you forward the request to us, pay for the product and make a profit in the form of the difference in price. We ourselves organize delivery of the order to the address specified by the buyer.

Advantages of cooperation in the Dropshipping format

The Dropshipping cooperation format is beneficial for you for a number of reasons:

  • You do not need to maintain your own warehouse or retail space, showrooms - deliveries are made directly from our warehouse directly to the end consumer
  • You don't need to search for suppliers with the "Special Order" service

    The Special Order service will allow your business to think more broadly and open up unique ways to solve your problems. This opportunity is possible due to the fact that we work directly with leading distributors and manufacturers and have access to a wide range.

    The "Special Order" service is available when certain conditions:

    • when placing an order from 50,000 rubles;
    • with 100% prepayment;
    • after concluding a supply agreement;
    • the cost of goods ordered as part of the service should not exceed 15% of the total order amount;
    • The delivery time for goods is determined individually

    You can get detailed information from managers corporate department

  • You can significantly expand your store's assortment and increase your profits with minimal effort and no additional costs.

What products do we supply?

  • Products for fishing and hunting
  • Goods for tourism and active recreation
  • Goods for the garden
  • Goods for the road
  • Collectibles
  • Antiques
  • Army tents and field kitchens
  • Army means of concealment and camouflage
  • Army equipment and clothing
  • ...and much more.

For questions regarding cooperation, please contact our specialists directly.

Garrison Stand from 30,000 rub.

Open your own business with minimal investment and it’s possible to “burn out” without the risk! The Garrison group of companies offers to purchase a franchise for a store in the Garrison-stand format. This is a very mobile, low-budget and most effective way to make money!

The Garrison-stand format takes up only 1-2 square meters retail space. Convenient and lightweight design feature equipment open up a wide range of possibilities for using a mobile retail outlet. You can place a “Garrison stand” in a hotel near the reception. The assortment list of this format involves the sale of fashionable Soviet-themed souvenirs, rare items, army, hunting and tourist souvenirs. And these are precisely the goods that tourists most often buy as souvenirs of Russia.

The “Garrison-stand” format can become part of any store and work even without a salesperson, at the expense of commissions to the staff of an already operating outlet. The “Garrison stand” can be advantageously placed near the cash registers of a large supermarket, in shopping and entertainment centers in convenience stores, shopping galleries. The point of sale can be transported and installed in crowded places, thematic exhibitions, and during events of municipal or federal significance.

Your earnings will depend only on your resourcefulness!

We offer a very flexible cooperation system:

We will help you acquire the necessary knowledge for successful development business. Thus, our company regularly conducts trainings, educational seminars and corporate meetings for its employees and partners. We will teach you how to properly use the entire retail space of the format

The Garrison company actively applies all modern methods advertising. To promote business in global network we provide:

Garrison Mini from RUB 230,000.

Have you been thinking about opening your own business for a long time? But you don’t yet have any experience, impressive savings, or a professional team? Start small!

The Garrison group of companies offers you to buy a franchise for a Garrison-mini store. This is an easy way to start your own business with minimal investment. A Garrison-mini format store requires a retail space of 2 to 5 square meters. like this outlet can be located in any shopping center, large supermarkets, in front of the checkout area of ​​chain retailers and convenience stores, in the lobby of hotels and spa treatment facilities, shopping galleries. The convenient “Garrison-mini” format allows you to mobilely erect a trade and exhibition stand for participation in all kinds of exhibitions with large crowds of people.

"Garrison-mini" sells military goods and equipment, fashionable military-style souvenirs, as well as many useful and related products for hunting, fishing, tourism and outdoor activities. In this mini-format, in addition to the indicated areas, the Soviet era is widely represented!! In the Garrison-mini store you can always choose a useful gift for a real man. The “Garrison-mini” format is billed in one business day.

We actively use modern technologies business promotion. To achieve this, our company actively uses advertising on the Internet. This is a constant presence on thematic forums, which in turn raises the ratings of the main site, we submit paid and free advertisements on successful internet-portals. We ensure the constant presence of the main website in advertising direct such as: Yandex Direct, Google Adwords and Runner.

By purchasing a Garrison mini franchise, you minimize your risks. Since we offer a very flexible cooperation system

  • This is an opportunity to sell the Franchisee’s missing goods, but which were present in the Franchisor’s assortment.
  • The highest quality selection and constantly growing range of product items.
  • Full assistance from our specialists at all stages of promoting your business, including in matters of delivery of goods. Free delivery available to transport company.

We will help you acquire the necessary knowledge for successful business development. Thus, our company regularly conducts trainings, educational seminars and corporate meetings for its employees and partners. We will teach you how to properly use the entire retail space of the format.

The cost of a franchise in the “Garrison-mini” format starts from RUB 230,000. In addition, we do not limit your possibilities. By starting a business with us, you will be able to form your own chain of stores and earn more!

The “Garrison-mini” format is billed in one business day.

You can set prices yourself with markups ranging from 50% to 150% more than the wholesale cost of goods. When purchasing a franchise for any of our formats, you do not pay royalties or lump-sum fees.

With us you can “become profitable” within 3 months after starting work.

"Garrison" - working with us is profitable, stable and promising!

Garrison Medium from 285,000 rub.

Begin own business just with the Garrison group of companies! We invite you to purchase a franchise for a store in the “Garrison-medium” format. This is a great opportunity to open your own business with minimal risks.

A Garrison-medium format store requires from 5 to 7.5 square meters of retail space. The range of goods that you will sell is very extensive. First of all, these are stylish Soviet rarities, army-themed items and souvenirs, as well as many useful devices for outdoor activities, hunting, fishing and tourism, goods for travel and wanderings, exclusive gifts, and unique items.

The advantage of Garrison products is: affordable prices and time-tested quality. In addition, we offer consumer goods that are useful in the household and can be an excellent gift for a man on any occasion. These products will always be in demand!

“Garrison-medium” can be placed in a shopping center, large supermarkets, the checkout area of ​​chain retailers and convenience stores, in the lobby of hotels and sanatoriums, and shopping galleries. The convenient format of "Garrison-medium" allows you to mobile build a stand for participation in all possible exhibitions with a large crowd of participants.

The Garrison Medium franchise format gives you the opportunity to receive many benefits.

To promote your business on the global network, we provide:

  • Internet support for all company websites with good and growing traffic;
  • affiliate program of the main site with contractors;
  • paid and free advertisements on successful Internet portals;
  • support major internet-resources;
  • constant presence of the main site in advertising Direct, such as: Yandex Direct, Google Adwords and Begun and on thematic forums that increase the ratings of the main site.

Our specialists will help you at all stages of business development. We will provide consulting support in matters of advertising and accounting. We will also teach you how to effectively display goods in your store.

We provide the opportunity to sell products that are not available from the Franchisee, but are present in the Franchisor’s assortment.

At the request of the franchisee, it is possible to increase the assortment list of goods sold both in any of the presented segments and in aggregate.

You can set prices yourself with markups ranging from 50% to 150% more than the wholesale cost of goods. We do not charge royalties or lump sum fees.

Franchise cost from 285,000 rubles. The prefabricated design of the “Garrison-medium” format allows you to install a retail facility in one working day. We also provide free delivery of goods to the transport company

In addition, we do not limit your possibilities. By starting a business with us, you can form your own chain of stores and earn more!

We will help you organize your business correctly. Your store will “become profitable” within 3 months after opening.

"Garrison" - working with us is profitable, stable, and promising!

Garrison Maxi from 420,000 rub.

The Garrison group of companies invites you to become its partner and purchase a franchise for a military-themed goods store in the Garrison-Maxi format. This is your chance to open your own business with the least risk!

This format can be successfully positioned in a shopping center, large supermarkets, the checkout area of ​​chain retailers and convenience stores, in the lobbies of hotels and resorts, and shopping galleries. The convenient “Garrison-maxi” format allows you to mobile build a stand for participation in all possible exhibitions with large crowds of people.

"Garrison-maxi" is a wide range of consumer goods. Your business will be successful because these products will always be in demand. We sell fashionable and stylish items from the Soviet era, army equipment and uniforms, stylish souvenirs, goods for hunting, fishing and tourism, outdoor activities and travel.

This format allows you to present in wide range army protective suits, shoes, hats, as well as items made from natural sheepskin.

The Garrison-maxi format requires 7.5 square meters of retail space. This is quite enough for you to not only express yourself, but also attract the maximum number of buyers with your wide range.

By purchasing a franchise for Garrison-Maxi you are guaranteed to receive:

  • The highest quality selection of product items.
  • Constant assistance and support from our specialists in the field of accounting and marketing.
  • The ability to sell goods that the Franchisee does not have, but which are available in the Franchisor’s assortment.

The Garrison group of companies uses all available means of business promotion and advertising. In particular, we actively use all opportunities for online promotion of our services.

We will provide you with Internet support for the main site, with constantly increasing traffic, as well as support for non-main sites, such as: USSR.RF, ASPETSSNAB.RF, mos-trans.com, feed-all.rf. We have developed an affiliate program for the main website with contractors. In addition, we constantly submit paid and free advertisements on well-known and popular Internet portals, such as Yandex Direct, Google Adwords and Begun, and raise the company’s rating through our presence on thematic forums.

All this guarantees the constant presence of the main site in the advertising directive and support of large Internet resources.

The cost of a franchise is from 420,000 rubles. In addition, we do not limit your possibilities. When purchasing a franchise, you do not pay royalties or a lump sum fee. By starting a business with us, you will be able to form your own chain of stores and earn more!

You can set prices yourself with markups ranging from 50% to 150% more than the wholesale cost of goods. Free delivery to the transport company is possible

The Garrison group of companies is constantly expanding its product range. We also regularly conduct seminars and various educational trainings for our employees and partners. We also relax together at fun corporate meetings.

Garrison Route from 500,000 rub.

The Garrison-Trassa store format is intended for retail spaces located along transport routes. It could be construction fairs, specialized exhibitions operating on an ongoing basis, construction and household hypermarkets, roadside shopping malls, separate objects.

By purchasing a franchise for a Garrison-Track format store, you risk virtually nothing. The highway next to your store will always provide you with high cross-country ability and an influx of buyers.

The “Garrison-Route” format provides for a retail area of ​​36 square meters. This allows us to provide customers with a wide range of products. You will be able to sell not only stylish Soviet souvenirs, but also army equipment, workwear and footwear, sheepskin products, dishes, fishing tackle, and personal protection. You will also be able to offer your customers goods that are needed in every home: hand tools, adhesive mixtures and other household goods.

You can set prices yourself with markups ranging from 50% to 150% more than the wholesale cost of goods. We do not charge a lump sum fee or royalty.

A franchise for a Garrison-Track format store will cost you 500,000 rubles. This price includes not only the opportunity to use the brand, but also commercial equipment, permanent consulting support our specialists. We will help you maintain accounting and also assist in organizing the delivery of goods - free delivery to the transport company is possible.

Our specialists will help you master the basics of correct and effective display of goods in order to effectively use the entire usable area of ​​the retail space.

We guarantee the highest quality selection of product items, as well as Internet support for the company’s main website with a confidently growing trend in traffic growth. You are also guaranteed to receive support for non-main company sites: USSR.RF, ASPETSSNAB.RF, mos-trans.com, feed-all.rf.

We also guarantee:

  • constant presence of the site in the advertising directive,
  • support of large Internet resources,
  • affiliate program main website with counterparties,
  • paid and free advertisements on successful Internet portals,
  • constant presence in thematic forums, raising the rating of the main site.

The Garrison company provides the opportunity to sell goods that are not available from the Franchisee, but are present in the Franchisor’s assortment. We are constantly expanding our range.

We are interested in developing your business. To achieve this, we constantly organize business trainings, educational seminars and corporate meetings for our partners. We provide you with unlimited opportunities to develop and expand your business.

"Garrison" - working with us is profitable, stable, and promising.

Garrison City from 700,000 rub.

It is possible to open your own business quickly and with minimal risks with the Garrison group of companies. We offer to purchase a franchise for a store of any of our formats. You can choose where to start, and we will show you how to achieve maximum results.

For a city or large metropolis, we recommend paying attention to the “Garrison-City” format. It assumes a retail space of 45 square meters. This could be separate standing store or a department in a large shopping center. A correctly selected store location will provide you with a constant flow of customers. In a store of this format, you can provide customers with a wide range of products sold by the Garrison group of companies. These are fashionable things and souvenirs of Soviet and army themes, household goods, tackle, hunting accessories, tools and individual means protection.

The cost of a franchise for a store in the Garrison-City format is from RUB 700,000. Your markup on a product can vary from 50% - 150% of its wholesale cost. Also, our specialists are always ready to advise you in matters of advertising, accounting, and marketing.

We actively use modern business promotion technologies. To achieve this, our company actively uses advertising on the Internet. This is a constant presence in contextual advertising, such as: Yandex Direct, Google Adwords and Begun, on thematic forums, which in turn raises the ratings of the main site, we submit paid and free advertisements on successful Internet portals.

Working with us, you can count on Internet support for the websites of the Garrison group of companies.

By purchasing a Franchise of the Garrison group of companies, you minimize your risks. Since we offer a very flexible cooperation system:

  • This is an opportunity to sell the Franchisee’s missing products, but those that were present in the Franchisor’s assortment.
  • The highest quality selection and constantly growing range of product items.
  • Full assistance at all stages of promotion of your business.

A franchise for the Garrison-Gorod store format can be the first step to starting your successful big business. We don't limit your possibilities.

The Garrison group of companies pays great attention to the qualifications of its employees and partners. To achieve this, we regularly conduct training sessions and seminars. In particular, our specialists will help you master the basics of effective display of goods for a store of any of our formats. And in order to unite the team, we organize corporate meetings.

"Garrison" - working with us is profitable, stable, and promising.

Garrison Stroy from 800,000 rub.

"Garrison-Stroy" is the largest store format offered by our company's franchise. This best option for large shopping centers, construction and hardware fairs, as well as trade pavilions located along the routes. These retail spaces ensure maximum traffic and a stable increase in customers. As a consequence - high profits from sales. For the “Garrison-Stroy” format, you need from 60 square meters.

The Garrison company sells products whose quality and reliability have been proven for decades! These are stylish and fashionable things from the Soviet era, soldiers' ammunition and equipment, household goods, overalls and safety shoes, hand tools, tents, camouflage nets, dishes - everything that is necessary for fishing, tourism, hunting and outdoor work at any time of the year.

The Garrison-Stroy format can set up a mobile point for temporary residence of people both at corporate events and for construction, installation and resource extraction work. The “Garrison-Stroy” format allows you to mobilely supply everything necessary for conducting search and rescue activities. It can also equip and supply themed events and military-patriotic clubs with surrounding items.

A convenient combination of different product groups allows customers to fully formulate their order.

The advantage of our network’s products is their low cost excellent quality products. They are available to customers from different levels income and will be useful in every home.

By purchasing a franchise for a Garrison-Stroy store, you receive unique opportunity open your own business with minimal risk burn out. We will provide you with what you need trade equipment, we will help in matters of accounting, marketing and management.

You will also receive a number of additional benefits:

  • This is an opportunity to sell the Franchisee’s missing goods, but which were present in the Franchisor’s assortment.
  • The highest quality selection and constantly growing range of product items.
  • Full assistance from our specialists at all stages of promoting your business, including in matters of product delivery. Free delivery to the transport company is possible.

We will help you acquire the necessary knowledge for successful business development. Thus, our company regularly conducts trainings, educational seminars and corporate meetings for its employees and partners. We will teach you how to properly and effectively use every centimeter of your store's retail space.

We actively use modern business promotion technologies. To achieve this, our company actively uses advertising on the Internet. This is a constant presence on thematic forums, which in turn raises the ratings of the main site, we submit paid and free advertisements on successful Internet portals. We ensure the constant presence of the main site in the advertising direct, such as: Yandex Direct, Google Adwords and Begun.

Working with us, you can count on Internet support for the websites of the Garrison group of companies.

The cost of the franchise is 800,000 rubles. You can always expand your trading network and earn more!

"Garrison" - working with us is profitable, stable, and promising!

Setting up a profitable and legal business today is not so easy. Almost all consumer niches are occupied by competitors, and the market is quite unstable, no matter where you look. However, there is a consumer segment where demand is not just stable, but has been constantly growing over the past few years. The interest of the population of various strata in stores such as Voentorg does not weaken, but on the contrary, it increases. This is because the quality of products for military use cannot be average. It is always at its best, but products for civilian use often suffer from all sorts of ailments. Therefore, from the point of view of where to invest starting capital, so that it quickly pays off, today has one of the few reasonable solutions.

Without doing much marketing research and market analysis, it immediately becomes clear that the population today is inclined towards an active lifestyle. This requires appropriate equipment and equipment. No sporting goods store In terms of sales, it will not be able to compete in this regard with a universal online store like Voentorg. Paradox? Not at all. The fact is that any product intended for use in the army undergoes strict selection at the design stage and acceptance by competent structures. Therefore, even commercial replicas produced by numerous conscientious manufacturers are reliable and durable. Natural and clothing markets can't boast quality product, therefore, more and more buyers prefer to contact a reliable Voentorg online store, where, in addition, there is the possibility of returning the product within 14 days.

What is most in demand by customers today? Surprisingly, these are tactical shoes. It turns out that many people prefer tactical models for everyday wear. No super-fashionable stores can provide the buyer with shoes that can guarantee for life the absence of the development of fungal diseases, the appearance of unpleasant odors and a degree of foot protection that civilian models can only dream of. This applies to all models, summer and winter, sneakers and sandals. Resistance to wear, comfort - all this explains the constant growth of public interest in products that only a real military trade can offer. Moreover, this also applies to the children's sector of the market, except for the smallest models.

Very hot commodity− these are softshell clothes. It is purchased not only by supporters of active recreation, but also by practical people who love comfort and convenience in everyday clothing. Innovative technologies They allow you to dress easily and at the same time warmly. A good addition to the softshell is thermal underwear. Its fairly high cost is justified by its durability and wearing comfort even at sub-zero temperatures. At the same time, the windproof characteristics and heat loss of the softshell have not yet been surpassed by any branded civilian models.
