How to fill out a resume electronically. How to write a resume for a job - sample. Construction worker resume sample

Looking for free resume posting sites? Congratulations! You've come to the right site. Jobs are waiting for you on this site; you must post your resume to find a job. Posting a new resume. Create a resume.

Submit your resume for a job

If you are choosing which job site to post your resume on, then do it right now on our website. Our website helps job seekers quickly find good job, you can post your free resume on our job search site. Posting your resume on the site is very easy. If you already have a resume in electronic form, you can post your finished resume on the website by filling out the form for posting a resume. Remember, by posting your resume on our website, you agree to.

Submit your resume for free for job search

Submit your job search resume and receive the following benefits:

  • Receive a permanent link to your resume, which you can post on your blog or page social network(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My Circle, My World, etc.)
  • You can print or save your resume in a Mircrosoft Word file, text format, or pdf file.
  • You can send your resume directly from our website to any email address mail e-mail
  • Your resume will be sent to employers registered on the site who have signed up to receive new resumes.
  • In addition to your resume, you can place your photo and customize it to better display it on your resume. To post photos you must follow the posting rules and

It would seem, indeed, why do you need a sample, how to write a resume correctly for a job in 2019? Job search web services provide the ability to fill out several options online. There you can also find rules on how to create a sample resume for a job 2019, download a template for free, which is convenient for applying for various positions. You can create your own version, adjust visibility, and show it incognito (risking scaring off the employer).

But if you don’t have the ability to understand web services or fill out something online, or you need a resume form to fill out by hand (for a pensioner, for example), then a template with explanations and tips will help. For example, like this:

Forms will be needed:

  • to generate a file to send by e-mail or fax;
  • for the interview (in printed form).

In what cases should you write yourself?

For people in creative professions, a universal resume template is most likely not suitable; downloading a form to fill out in Word is not an option for them; it is more effective for them to use their own style. The use of forms is completely contraindicated for designers and showmen. It is important for them to demonstrate creativity and originality in order to stand out from the competition. As an example, here is a sample resume for a 2019 job as a graphic designer:

In general, a confident computer user who knows the Word text editor is quite capable of coming up with his own blank form to fill out - a sample resume for a job 2019. This will be more useful - the applicant will show his computer skills by creating a stylish, well-structured, attention-grabbing document (wild imagination inappropriate here, good taste is more important).

For others, it’s easier to save time by filling out a suitable sample (including online). If desired, the file can be edited and its appearance changed.

When is it better to use a template?

Most employers expect a serious and concise text. Then a sample resume for applying for a job 2019 is a suitable option. It is quite acceptable for a brief summary of the main facts of a biography.

When filling out, pay attention to the “Responsibilities” section. It is important to disclose your qualifications here. If you are a driver, then the following are important:

  • delivery of goods and correspondence;
  • preparation of accompanying documentation;
  • execution of orders;
  • routine maintenance and monitoring of vehicle condition;
  • passing technical inspection;
  • accounting of fuels and lubricants and consumables, preparation of advance reports.

This is what the document might look like on paper:

What to write about

It is necessary to give only truthful information about yourself, focus on describing your strengths. Use business style, easy to read font. The photo is added if you wish, but be sure to check how it looks when printed in black and white.

The maximum amount of information is 1.5-2 pages; be sure to duplicate your full name on the second sheet. in case the first one gets lost. How to draw up the paper is up to you. You can use a standard design or come up with your own style, as in the examples:

To write an autobiography for a potential employer, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Indicate the name of the vacancy that interests you: “The goal is to apply for a position...”. If you are applying for more than one position in an organization, write a separate CV for each of them.
  2. Please highlight your last name, first name and patronymic in bold.
  3. Date of birth (or age) and marital status It is not necessary to indicate, but this information is usually of interest to the employer.
  4. Contact information: phone number by which you are always in touch, e-mail. You can also indicate your home address, which does not have to be complete. Enough to understand how far you live from your intended place of work.
  5. Education is listed in chronological order. Insignificant courses and trainings, highly specialized education can be omitted, especially if they are not related to future work. We mention the school only if it was specialized or if you have a certificate with honors.
  6. When describing your work experience, focus on those points that are most relevant to the position for which you are applying. List the names of organizations, positions and work experience over the past 10 years, indicating time intervals (month and year). If your work history is very long, list your last 3-5 jobs.
  7. In the description of achievements, indicate specific facts: “trained...”, “increased...”, “saved...”, “created...”, “organized...”, etc. If there are specific numbers. and statistics of your achievements, be sure to include them.
  8. In a separate paragraph in the “Additional information” column, tell us about the skills that can help in your work: knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills, having a driver’s license, etc. Here you can also outline your skills in a few words. strengths and differences from other applicants. Perhaps this information will help the employer make a decision in your favor.
  9. If you have just graduated from an educational institution and have no work experience, describe your academic achievements, awards, participation in scientific work, specify the topic thesis.
  10. Don't forget to check spelling and punctuation. There should be no mistakes in self-presentation (a text editor will always come to the rescue). It never hurts to show a document to another person who can evaluate it with fresh eyes.
  11. Follow the rules business correspondence: emoticons, slang, humor and quotes have nothing to do with it.

What not to write

The employer spends no more than 2-3 minutes studying applicants’ autobiographies. It is important for you that during this time he becomes interested in your candidacy and wants to meet for a personal conversation. So think carefully about what is important and what is not, and focus on the former:

  1. Write briefly and to the point, don’t run wild with your thoughts. The information must be clear and structured, containing all the main points of the standard template.
  2. If you are not an artist, not a designer or not a showman, do not use any excesses in the design.
  3. You should not talk about your hobbies and interests if they are not related to your future job.
  4. Do not indicate (unless you are asked to do so) the addresses of your pages on social networks.
  5. Do not use standard, “hackneyed” phrases to describe your personal qualities.
  6. Be accurate in your description of skills and abilities, do not exaggerate, write only the truth. If you are caught lying during an interview, all your efforts to get a job will be meaningless.

Also, the employer is unlikely to like frequent job changes or prolonged absence. If there are such facts in your biography, try to smooth them out and present them in a streamlined form, and when you meet, explain the reason if you are asked why this happened.

When in doubt, use a universal template for all occasions.

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In this article I will tell you how to write a resume correctly in 2019 specific examples. Resume samples can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

Hello, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

As you already understood from the title, today we'll talk about getting a job, namely about competently writing a resume. There is a lot of literature on this subject on the Internet, but I did not find clear and understandable instructions. Therefore, I offer my instructions, compiled according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

Be sure to read the article to the end - the finale is waiting for you to download!

1. What is a resume and what is it for?

If you still don’t quite understand what a resume is, I suggest giving it a definition:

Resume- This brief self-presentation in in writing Your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement in your future job in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or other type of compensation)

In the past, I myself had to write a resume when applying for a job. After all, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

I remember when I first sat down to write my resume, it took me a lot of time to compose it correctly and format it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I studied the issue of correct spelling very deeply. To do this, I talked with professional specialists on personnel and studied large number articles on the topic.

Now I know how to write a resume correctly and will gladly share it with you.

I am sharing with you samples of my resumes, which I wrote for myself personally:

(you can download them completely free)

Thanks to my ability to write professional resumes, I never had any difficulty getting a job. Therefore my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

So what is the secret to writing a good resume? Read about it below.

2. How to write a resume correctly - 10 simple steps

Before we move on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

Rule #1. Write the truth, but not the whole truth

Focus on your strengths and don't mention your weaknesses too much. You will be asked about them at the interview, be prepared for this.

Rule #2. Stick to a clear structure

The resume is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly present all the necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

Take care of careful formatting of the resume text and its structured presentation. Because no one likes to read gobbledygook.

Rule #3. Be optimistic and cheerful

Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

So, let's move on to the structure of writing a resume.

Step 1. Resume Title

Here you must write the word “Resume” itself and indicate for whom it was compiled.

All this is written on one line.

For example: Resume of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you previously called a company you are interested in to find out if they still have this vacancy open. You were given a positive response and asked to send your resume.

At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

Step 2. Purpose of the resume

It is important to remember that your resume must have a purpose. Formulate it correctly as follows(phrase):

The purpose of the resume is to apply for an accountant position

Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person job seeker, potentially claiming it.

At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

Step 3. Applicant and his data

In this paragraph you must write the following:

  • date of birth;
  • address;
  • contact phone number;
  • e-mail;
  • marital status.

At the end of step three, your resume should look like this:

Step 4. Education

If you have several entities, then write them in order.

For example:

Moscow state university, 2005-2010,

Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

Speciality: translator in the field of professional communication (bachelor)

At this stage, your resume should look like this:

Step 5. Work experience

Please note that the “work experience” column is written in the resume starting from your most recent place of work, if it is not the only one, and begins from the period spent in this position.

For example:

Job title: Deputy Chief Accountant;

Job title: accountant

Now we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

Step 6. Job Responsibilities

This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy for which you are applying is quite common, and you held a similar position in your previous place of work.

Sometimes this point can be included in the previous one by writing your own job responsibilities immediately after the post.

Step 7. Achievements at previous jobs

The “Achievements” item is one of the most important in a resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

Your potential employer wants to know what exactly they will pay you for wages. Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume all significant achievements at previous jobs. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write in words that are so-called “markers” for employees personnel services reviewing your resume.

For example, the correct way to write:

  • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
  • developed and implemented new technology into production;
  • reduced equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

It is incorrect to write:

  • worked to increase sales;
  • took part in a project to create a new technology;
  • reduced equipment costs.

As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, since they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

Now your resume looks something like this:

Step 8: Additional Information

Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you better and more efficiently perform the tasks assigned to you at your new place of work.

Usually the following is written here:

  1. Proficiency in computers and special programs. This is relevant for office workers and employees whose direct work is related to a PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages. If your future work involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you speak it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
  3. Availability of a car and driving skills. If your work involves business travel and you often have to drive a car, for example, while working sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver’s license and experience.

Thus, in additional information Along with computer and foreign language skills, write: you have a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

Step 9. Personal qualities

There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they are not relevant to your future job. You may be a kind and sympathetic person who loves children and respects your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your “heartiness” and rich inner world.

For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mind, ability to analyze.

If you are applying for more creative profession, say a designer or creator, then you should indicate here: developed creative imagination, sense of style, non-standard view of the problem, healthy perfectionism.

It will be very cool if at the end of your resume you mention your full name. and positions of your former managers, and also indicate their contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative can verify your professionalism by receiving feedback about you from your former immediate managers.

Even if your potential employer does not call your previous managers, the very fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his trust in you.

At the very end of your resume, you must indicate when you are ready to start work, and here you can also indicate your desired salary level.

The final look of your resume:

Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

Finally, I will provide several sample resumes that can be slightly adjusted and immediately used to send to your potential employer.

3. 2019 resume samples for all occasions - 50 ready-made resumes!

Friends, I have a big gift for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word completely free of charge. This is very convenient, now you don’t need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

Enjoy it for your health! :)

And also you can use online service Simpledoc to . This service allows you to immediately send your resume to an employer or print it out.

Ready-made resume samples for downloading (.doc):

TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

List of ready-made resumes for downloading:

  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 47 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 46 Kb)

Here you can download a job resume form in doc format for free. Write using the form professional resume simple, regardless of whether you are a professional, a beginner or a university graduate. We have prepared several resume forms for you, all you have to do is choose the one that suits you.

Before you begin, remember that your resume needs to be tailored to the requirements of a specific employer! Therefore, it is advisable to modify your resume for each vacancy. Every time d Add to your resume keywords and terms that are in the job description. Only do this if you actually have the required experience.

This will increase your chances!

"Expressive" resume form with photo

This template has a decorative color accent that helps draw the recruiter's attention to your resume. Colors can be customized. Thanks to the structure and zoning of sections, the resume is comfortable to read.

Download resume form

Resume form "No work experience" without photo

This resume template is suitable for candidates no work experience, graduates educational institutions, students.

In it, we specifically expanded the education section, and also supplemented the resume with the subsections “internship”, “practice”, “conferences”.

When filling out your resume, follow professional guidelines -

Download resume form

Resume form "No work experience" with photo

For vacancies where appearance plays a significant role (sales manager, salesperson, administrator, etc.), use a form with a photo.

Download resume form with photo

Resume form "Laconic" without photo

Do you need to compactly place basic information on one sheet of paper? This template is perfect for you!
The form will be useful for applicants who have long experience working in one company or young professionals at the beginning of their career.

Download resume form

"Fusion" resume form with photo

The layout has a large round image, which emphasizes its relevance. At the same time, the form has classic fonts and a classic structure, which allows you to add a large amount of information to your resume. The form will be useful to specialists with extensive experience working in several companies.

Download resume form

In many companies primary processing resumes are handled by ATS. It analyzes data from your files and automatically filters resumes according to specified criteria: keywords, skills, names of previous employers, experience and education. Your resume will not be visible to the ATS if it is in PDF format. Instead of PDF, try submitting your profile in DOC(x).

​Resume generator
To save your time and effort, you can create your resume using a simple and free service"Resume generator" To do this, you need to fill out information about yourself using simple prompts. Ready resume can be saved in PDF or DOC format, or sent by email.
To get started try it now

Answers to frequently asked questions:
Answers Alexandra Pozhrezova, Head of Personnel Recruitment

Do I need to include all my work experience on my resume?

All work experience must be indicated. This is an exclusive story professional development specialist: formation, deepening into the profession, results, achievements, forecast of future directions in work activity.

If you are looking for a job as an engineer, should you indicate the experience of a manager?

The resume must indicate experience relevant to the purpose stated in the resume. If the specialist has worked in different directions, then in your resume it is important to highlight the merits of the position for which you are applying.

How to include internship experience on a resume?

When indicating the internship experience, it is necessary to reflect the beginning and end of the period, indicating in which company the internship took place, in what field and for what position. It is important to focus on the responsibilities and tasks that the specialist faced and the results achieved.

How to indicate practice on a resume?

It is important to indicate in which company the internship took place, during what period, what tasks and responsibilities were assigned to the specialist. Indicate the company's industry and the departments of the company with which you had to interact, this will reveal you as a specialist in a certain direction.

How to indicate the GPA on your resume?

The average diploma grade point is not always indicated on the resume, but if this grade is higher than 4.5-4.8, you can display the information next to the “Education” column, this will be yours competitive advantage. If a specialist has an academic degree or thesis topic that deserves attention, you can reflect them too.

How to write “ready to learn” on your resume?

You can indicate that training and development is one of the main priorities, talk about the ability to quickly adapt existing knowledge and experience to new conditions, the main thing is that these assurances correspond to reality and the candidate is able to confirm what is indicated in the resume with specific examples.

What position should I write on my resume if I have a diploma but no experience?

If the applicant plans to look for a job in his specialty, he can indicate a position corresponding to his diploma. If the position is quite complex, initial stage It is better to apply for the role of intern/assistant or indicate a position that is a previous step before the desired position.

How to write a resume if you have no experience in this field?

If you have no experience in the field yet, your resume must indicate everything that reflects your potential to apply for the desired position:
1. Focus on personal qualities, desire and readiness to develop in the indicated direction.
2. Talk about internships, participation in olympiads, conferences, degree of proficiency in foreign languages, etc.
It is also worth paying attention to preparation cover letter, in which you need to indicate what benefit the employer will receive if he chooses you.

If you have not found the answer to your question, please ask it in the comments to the article. We will definitely answer it.

More useful articles

Very few people use correct resume forms.

If you download our forms, It will be much easier to find a job.

Manager, accountant, secretary, driver - we have a resume for every taste!

Let's get started.

Finding a job involves not only the ability to use personal connections and find information, but also the competent preparation of a resume ( or in LatinCV - Curriculum Vitae ) .

Many old-school managers are biased toward resumes, but that doesn't stop them from using them to screen candidates.

Employees of personnel services (HR) can't imagine life without them.

You can quickly go to required section click on it or read everything in order:

On many regional resources dedicated to work, compile standard resume possible online.

Despite the convenience for the job seeker, this is only suitable for a superficial job search.

Extended resumes that highlight the candidate's useful qualities usually attract more attention.

The best option is a hand-written CV.

Without going beyond generally accepted rules, it is better to use templates, which can be downloaded below.

What are the criteria for a high-quality resume into which any standard form can be turned?

Of course they are.

The main rules are brevity, information content, accuracy and truthfulness.

Let's take a closer look at them.

1. Brevity

The more extraneous information a resume contains, the more likely it is to go unread.

You shouldn’t devote half a page to your hobby or describing your personal qualities - this is of no interest to anyone.

2. Information content

Pay attention track record and personal skills.

It is rare to find a job that a person already knows how to do professionally.

Usually you have to do something similar to your experience, so employers are often interested in details.

Each profession has its own peculiarities. It’s better to download several templates for different specialties and change them to suit specific requests.

Before sending, it would be a good idea to check your resume with the employer’s requirements, if they are available on the website.

3. Accuracy

Check the text before sending.

Grammar and punctuation errors can turn off a picky manager.

You should not trust the built-in spell checkers in text editors. If there are problems with grammar, ask someone to check the errors, if with logic, ask someone to evaluate the readability of the text.

4. Truthfulness

You can't lie on your resume.

Even small mistakes can be identified during phone call to the manager or colleagues from the previous place of work.

It is better to keep something silent than to add unnecessary information - information about an unscrupulous applicant spreads extremely quickly in the business environment.

Many people use templates downloaded from the Internet.

To attract a potential manager, do not be lazy to change the style of the document - font, spacing, indents.

Also, you should not make the document design too pretentious - business style is universal both in clothing and in writing.

It will never be too late to switch to informal behavior in the process of work.

Download blank and completed forms

They are all free and presented in Word document format.
