Cow breeding as a business. Cattle breeding

Cattle(abbr. cattle) - farm animals of the “Bulls” subfamily. The main purpose of cattle breeding is the production of meat and the production of skins and sometimes wool. Additional income in each of the main areas there is pedigree breeding with the aim of selling young animals.

Mandatory in any of the directions, you will definitely need agricultural equipment for the preparation and transportation of feed, animals, hand tools, a hayloft, a calf barn, areas for walking and grazing cattle, a barn with stands, thanks to which it becomes more convenient to feed the animals, as well as to carry out control.

You should immediately think about veterinary medicine, since livestock can become ill with very serious and dangerous diseases such as anthrax and various influenzas, in which all livestock are sent to slaughter. Every farmer must keep his production premises, pastures and carry out periodic processing required by veterinary medicine.

Depending on the possibility of peasant farming, climatic conditions, as well as requirements for meat, several systems for keeping large animals are used. cattle:

  • Stall-pasture. They are kept indoors in winter (with regular walking in pens), and in summer on pasture. In warm seasons, pen-camps are equipped in which animals are kept. Each cow has access to greens, water, and mineral elements.
  • Stall-walking system. With it, the herd is kept indoors with mandatory daily walks in special runs, platforms, and mechanized installations.

Farmers often build sheds under which bulls and cows rest or hide from bad weather.

Breeding bulls for meat

Meat breeds

Since the trend in recent years has been the breeding of breeds that produce meat high quality, for example, marbled, then we will list first of all the meat breeds that have marbleization. Many of them are already being bred by enterprising businessmen in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Aberdeen Angus

This breed is naturally prone to marbling, and proper fattening and care can produce meat of the highest marble category - completely permeated with the thinnest layers of fat, very juicy and tender. Angus gains weight in the region of 1 ton and has a height of up to 1.6 meters. They were bred in Scotland, from where they spread throughout the world, including the CIS countries.


Limousines grow up to 1.5 meters in height and weigh about 1 ton. The meat is very tender, juicy with varying degrees of marbling. It is the most exported among French breeds.


Originally from France, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and weighs about 1,500 kilograms. The best bulls of this breed have a genetic defect in the form of increased production of the protein myostatin, which is responsible for increasing muscle mass. But it is impossible to carry out selection on this basis. However, normal Charolais also produce excellent marbled and lean meat.


Height is about 1.5 meters, weight is about 1100 kg. Herefords come from England and were bred as meat breeds. It is quite unpretentious, so it occupies one of the most important places in the meat market. When properly fattened, the meat is very well marbled.


It was bred in England and is one of the most common. Shorthorns are characterized by high early maturity. The weight of cows is 500-600 kg, bulls - 800-1000 kg. The meat is very tender, juicy, with evenly permeated fat. The average slaughter yield is around 65%.

Grain and grass fed

This example is suitable for both a large farm and a small one.

Useful links

  • Codex Alimentarius - Code of Hygienic Practice for Meat developed by FAO
  • Everything related to cattle // Forum, communication between farmers on this topic

Breeding cattle (cattle) is one of the most ancient human activities. Today, like hundreds of years ago, it can become profitable and bring good income, if you approach it wisely. It is no coincidence that the people have always called the cow “nurse”.

The cattle breeding business involves working not only with cows, but also with buffalos, yaks, etc., however, in Russia it is more profitable and more common to breed cows and bulls. Their meat and dairy products will be easier to sell.

Where should you start?

When dealing with cows, you will have to regularly resort to the services of a veterinarian, even if the livestock is completely healthy. By Russian legislation There are a number of mandatory annual vaccinations against some severe or rapidly spreading diseases: mad cow disease, rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, leptospirosis, and so on.

In addition, the veterinarian will issue health certificates for the animals, which will be needed to sell meat and milk. So, get to know the veterinarian you will see regularly. Next, you need to calculate the initial investment and start purchasing.

When purchasing cattle, be sure to ask for a certificate from a veterinarian that each animal is healthy.

Construction of a cowshed

First you need to build a barn. It must be a thoughtful, well-planned building. The barn should be warm. This does not mean that it must be heated, far from it. The main thing is that there are no cracks and holes that result in drafts.

In temperate and northern latitudes, winters can be very frosty. If you want to get maximum milk yield and growth, it is better to provide heating during this period, at least in the calf barn. Most cows cower in the spring, coming out into the herd after wintering, so calving usually occurs in the winter months.

The room should have windows that open, as good lighting and adequate ventilation are required in the warm season. It is necessary to make a wide entrance. When a cow is in position, her sides become very wide. In addition, it sways when walking, so the optimal opening width is 1.5 m.

The barn can be simple or automated, but in any case it must be warm and contain running water, sewer drains, and separate stalls with feeders and drinkers.

Next, you need to provide drain channels for liquid drainage. The general drain should extend beyond the barn; do it on a slope. If you don’t want a heavy odor, install concrete cesspools with hatches. Each unit of cattle must have its own place with a feed sector and a drinking bowl. It is advisable to separate the stalls with a structure made of welded pipes, since cows are not always friendly to each other, and we do not need fights in the barn.

Purchase of livestock

This is very important stage farm arrangement: the profitability of your business will depend on what cows and bulls you buy. In Russia there are both purebred animals and half-breeds, often with inbreeding. It is useless to expect large milk yields and weight gain from such specimens. It is better to purchase animals from nurseries or large farms, where the purity of the breed is closely monitored.

When purchasing cattle, there are two options: buy adult (but not old) cows or buy young cattle and raise them yourself. The second option is fraught with great risk, since not every heifer subsequently becomes a good dairy or beef cow. In addition, you will have to wait at least a year for results.

When selling cattle, they may slip you an old cow. The life expectancy of cows is 16-20 years. At the same time large number With good care, milk can only be obtained between the ages of 3 and 13 years. During her life, a cow can have 11-12 calvings. Calves are born annually. Gestation period is 9 months.

A cow produces the maximum amount of milk at the age of 4-8 years, starting from the 3rd calving. Milk appears after the first calving. It is more profitable and reliable to take young cows that have already calved at least once.

After a cow stops calving, her milk disappears and she becomes useless in terms of producing products. Such pensioners are sent to sausage, since their meat is already quite tough. To avoid buying an old cow, pay attention to its horns. Every year a new rim appears on them. They can be seen by their shape and different shades. If there are a lot of rims, then the cow is no longer young. The optimal number is 3-6 pieces, no more.

Investment volume

Investments, like the farm itself, can be different. This depends on the number and pedigree of the livestock, the size and degree of automation of the barn, the availability of an agricultural base for growing feed and many other nuances. To have an idea of ​​investing in cattle breeding, let’s take a certain type of farm, with an initial quantity of 10 heads with fully purchased feed (without own cultivation).

The cost of a young dairy cow varies from 30,000 rubles to 50,000 € (Dutch dairy breeds). If you purchase from Russian nurseries, the average price is 50,000 rubles. Thus, we will need 500,000 rubles to buy cows. Feed purchases also vary depending on the time of year. In winter, in addition to feed, you will need hay. In autumn, feed can be replaced with vegetables and fruits.

On average, one cow needs a bucket of vegetables or 1/3 of a bucket of fertilizer when walking on pasture. If the grass is lush and grows abundantly, fertilizing can be halved. The cost of building a barn depends on the selected building materials, the nuances of architecture and interior design. For the first time, you can get by with a small building.

So, in total, you will have to pay at least 1,000,000 rubles for the barn, cows and initial feed. Let's add to this the inventory and wages employees who will need an advance in the first month.

Step by step instructions

So, having decided to choose cattle breeding as your business, be patient and hardworking. Working with animals requires a reasonable attitude and self-confidence. Even if you have only seen cows on TV or on the way to a picnic, this craft can be learned fairly quickly. To get started you will need:

  • Cowshed.
  • Animals.
  • Basic equipment: vegetable cutter, grain crusher, separator, milking machines.
  • Stern.
  • Inventory (buckets, flasks).
  • Inspection of livestock by a veterinarian.
  • Registration with the administration of the rural settlement.
  • Opening an individual entrepreneur or farming.
  • Hired workers.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. If you buy cattle already at productive age, you can make a profit almost immediately by selling dairy products.

Sales of products

The first products from cows have been received, it’s time to think about how to sell them. There are many types of cattle products. Here you need to decide what is more profitable. To make each product you will need your own small production or certain equipment. For example, to make cream and cottage cheese from milk, you will need a separator. To make stew you need a canning line.

You can start by selling milk and meat in pure form, if the capital is not too large. It's not so profitable, but it will be necessary less investment. Processing facilities can be equipped later. Product sales methods:

  1. City or village market.
  2. Catering establishments.
  3. Shops.
  4. Own retail outlets.
  5. Dairies, meat processing plants.
  6. Institutions and enterprises using meat and dairy products.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. For different types sales will require certain additional expense items, as well as registration special documents. For example, to sell in your own stall or store, you will have to open it with a full set of documents and change the tax reporting form accordingly. As a farmer or individual entrepreneur simplified system You will no longer pass taxation.

To sell products, certificates from a veterinarian and a laboratory report on the quality and suitability of dairy and meat products are required.

The easiest way is to hand over milk or meat to factories. All you need is a certificate of health of the animal. Laboratory research product quality control is carried out at the enterprises themselves. The cost of sales will be several times less than with other sales methods, but you can deliver any amount of milk and meat to the enterprise.

The choice of location for your farm should be informed. It is necessary that there be convenient transport connections, that is, places for selling meat and dairy products are nearby and easily accessible. Otherwise, it is necessary to purchase special equipment with a refrigerator, since the products are perishable. For customers to like your products, they must be exceptionally fresh.

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to have a veterinary service nearby. Calling a doctor from afar will incur additional costs. In addition, if livestock gets sick, their help may be late. There should be an equipped cattle burial ground within a radius of 10 km. An important aspect is the presence of meadows and ponds in the selected area so that the animals can eat and drink to their heart’s content.

As a rule, all these conditions are created in medium and large villages of regional centers, where the local population is engaged in cattle breeding. There is also a common herd where you can drive your own livestock. There is no point in setting up a farm on the outskirts of the city. There will be problems with grazing, polluted environment (greatly affects the health of cows) and residents of neighboring houses.


Opening the status of an individual entrepreneur or farmer at the stage of setting up a farm is unprofitable, since there is no profit yet. The exception is cases with the use of subsidies from the state:

  • To open a small business for cattle breeding. A one-time payment of 60,000 rubles is given and the same amount for each registered employee. You need to provide a business plan and have a ready-made barn.
  • To support farming. Up to 1,500,000 rubles are issued depending on the volume of an existing agricultural enterprise or when starting a farm.

In the first 12 months, with income not exceeding 40,000 rubles, you do not need to pay tax. The tax liability is considered “deferred” in accordance with Art. 256 (clause 1) of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When registering any of these small business statuses, at the first stage it is more advisable to switch to a simplified form of taxation.

At further development business to cattle breeding will be added to both processing industries and trading enterprises. Tax reporting will be slightly different. This can be the Unified Agricultural Tax (UAT) or the simplified tax system (income minus expenses).

Surprisingly, it turns out to be quite profitable cow business – breeding and sales() for various purposes brings good income. You can raise livestock, specializing in meat production, or you can raise it for dairy products. The first is a little cheaper than the second, but both options are quite profitable. Moreover, a business based on cows will not require serious investments.

Cow breeding as a business

First of all, you need to know that without special knowledge and skills, breeding cows is a very risky business. First, it is worth studying the types, characteristics of each type of cattle, as well as the rules for breeding cows. Moreover, you definitely need to create a business plan for breeding cows in order to understand exactly how your business should develop.

At the stage of studying information about breeding cows, you should thoroughly study the following questions:

Once these questions have been studied, you can begin to draw up a business plan for breeding cows. The document must include the following actions to open an enterprise:

Purchase or lease of land for the construction of a complex for breeding cows;
construction of a cowshed;
purchase of young animals in accordance with the goals of the cow business.

The barn itself must be at least 30x6 m for 30 heads of cattle. And it’s better for him to be in rural areas. Ideally, there will be agricultural land or enterprises nearby where manure can be sold, saving on logistics. To breed cows, it is necessary to build a separate heated room.

Business on cows and formalities

In order to register a cow business, when registering an enterprise you must indicate OKVED 01.2, which gives permission for animal husbandry. It is better to choose a simplified tax system. must assume the construction of a barn away from enterprises of a similar nature.

Sales points include:

Wholesale companies or private resellers;
retail outlets in nearby populated areas;
nearby big markets.

Business price - necessary investments

To start, you will need about 700 thousand rubles, which will be spent on:
construction of the complex (170 thousand);
purchase of heads (5 cows, 12 bulls - more than 400 thousand in total);
purchase of feed for the year (60 thousand).

Another 20 thousand will have to be spent on wages for two workers. In addition, you will have to purchase special equipment, for example, milking machines.

Income will be generated from the sale of meat and milk wholesale and retail. When raising 30 heads, you can sell approximately 2 thousand liters of milk, as well as 300 kg of meat. On average, each type of product can bring in income of 700 thousand rubles.

In a year, about 60 thousand rubles will be spent on food, 240 thousand on salaries, plus expenses for rent and utilities. As a result, the business can pay for itself in about two years. In the future, it can be developed by first expanding sales markets and increasing the number of livestock.

Generally, cow breeding business for the purpose of obtaining and selling milk or meat is always a popular activity.

Business in rural areas has now become a very profitable activity. You can be most successful in raising cattle. But such an activity requires careful study. After all, working with animals is a very big responsibility.

When raising cows, every businessman must take into account many details: their nutrition, accommodation, health. After all, the quality of milk depends on the health of the animal, and the health of the person who consumes it depends on the milk.

In addition, animals must be kept in good conditions. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance about where the cows will live. This factor is also of considerable importance.

Livestock farming is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. That's enough profitable business, since the products agriculture very in demand. Breeding cows involves obtaining milk, meat, and young animals. All areas of this business bring considerable income. After all, now, in the times of genetically modified products, people have begun to increasingly value natural ones.

Cows bring big profit, since butter, kefir, cheese and many other fermented milk products can be made from milk, stew is made from meat, sold fresh and frozen, young animals can be resold to farmers. It is difficult to imagine what will happen if dairy and meat products disappear from the shelves.

For normal functioning of the body, a person should drink 500 ml of milk per day.

Any business needs to be thought through. Livestock farming requires the preparation of a detailed business plan:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the location where the barns will be located;
  • You also need to set yourself certain goals and objectives, and not act according to the situation;
  • Collect all the necessary documentation: certificates, contracts, etc., this usually takes a lot of time;
  • Purchase necessary equipment, for example, for milking;
  • Buy animal care items and products;
  • Hire personnel who know how to operate the equipment or train newcomers;
  • Establish the process of collecting milk and obtaining meat;
  • Conclude agreements with clients and retail outlets;
  • Calculate all your expenses and profits.

As already mentioned, drawing up a business plan should start with choosing a location for the barn. Some people prefer to build new barns, but this is quite expensive. It’s easier, faster and cheaper to buy or rent old abandoned farms. They are usually not expensive and do not require major repairs.

You need to choose a spacious room, taking into account the number of livestock that you plan to keep here.

The next serious stage is collecting all necessary documentation. Regardless of the purpose for which you undertake to raise cows, you are required to register as an individual entrepreneur. Then obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological supervision and fire inspection. If your plans include selling meat, then you will also need permission from the veterinary service. All these procedures do not take more than two weeks.

What to do and what to strive for

The main purpose of a business plan is to determine the direction of your business. As already mentioned, cows are bred to produce milk or meat for the sale of young animals. There are dairy, meat and meat and dairy breeds specifically for each type of activity. Sometimes businessmen take on the task of breeding individual purebred breeds, the young of which are put up for sale. It brings good profit, but it requires a lot of strength and patience.

Once the decision regarding breeds and number of heads has been made, equipment must be purchased. First of all, machines that feed and package feed, as well as machines designed to remove manure. All this equipment requires a lot of expense, but you can’t do without it. It is worth setting up a slaughterhouse in a separate room, which will save money and time.

To begin with, you need to start no more than ten heads to see how profitable this business will be. If you are satisfied, the number of livestock can be gradually increased.

The room in which the cows will be kept must be equipped with stalls. It is necessary to maintain the air temperature there, which should not fall below 17 degrees. In addition to optimal temperature, cows need good lighting and no drafts. In the warm season, it will be better if the animals eat fresh grass from the meadows, but in the cold season they need to buy feed. The diet should consist not only of grass and hay; feeding with compound feed is also recommended. In order for cows to feel good, it is worth introducing various additives into their diet that can compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the animal’s body. Such additives are especially appropriate in winter and spring. The food is served in special feeders, which are located near the stall. It is also important that cows always have access to clean, fresh water.

Purchase and sale

The purchase of animals must be taken with full responsibility. It is better if you do not select livestock yourself, but entrust this to an experienced veterinarian or a specialist in this field. Because such people know what details to pay attention to when choosing an animal.

Every cow must “have a passport.” Such animal passports usually indicate the date of birth of the cow, the vaccinations she underwent, the diseases she suffered from, and the number of calvings.

You can also tell something by the cow's appearance. Barrel-bodied cows are designed to produce milk. In addition to the shape of the body, they differ:

  • Big belly;
  • Thin bones;
  • Weak muscles;
  • Small thin horns;
  • Oblong head;
  • Large udders (bathtub-shaped or cup-shaped).

When production is established, you need to take care of marketing the resulting products. Milk is usually sold to dairy factories, and meat to meat processing plants. Young stock can be sold to beginning farmers, friends, or at the cattle market.

The cost of implementing the plan

If you round up the required amount, it will come out to about a million rubles. This money will be spent to keep the business open.

  1. Construction of all necessary premises will cost about 200 thousand rubles;
  2. 5 cows and 12 bulls will cost 400 thousand;
  3. Feed for one year of keeping livestock will cost approximately 60-100 thousand rubles.

It is also worth adding workers' wages to the list of expenses - about 20 thousand.

A business like cow breeding cannot be unprofitable. Any time of year it brings stable income. You can calculate in advance the approximate profit from product sales:

  • Beef on retail market- 250 rubles per kg;
  • Wholesale- 170 rubles;
  • Milk retail - 35 rubles per liter;
  • Wholesale milk - 24 rubles.

Having calculated the approximate products received from the previously proposed number of heads, we can conclude that you can earn approximately 700-900 thousand rubles a year from the sale of beef and 500-800 thousand can be earned from the sale of milk.

It is also worth considering that a certain amount will be spent on paying for the premises.

As the number of livestock increases, expenses will increase, but they will largely exceed income.

Cow breeds

Dairy cows

The most popular breed among Russian farmers. This is a fairly large animal with a large cup-shaped udder. Milk yield - 1.4 kg/min. Can reach a weight of 1000 kg. The milk of these cows makes up half of the entire Russian dairy market.

This breed of cows is common in America. Holstein cows have a fairly large cup-shaped udder. An adult reaches a weight of more than 1000 kg. In one milk yield, a cow can produce more than 30 kg of milk.

Kholmogory breed

The Kholmogory cow was bred in Russia a very long time ago. Despite their small udders, these cows give good milk yield. About 8000 kg of milk comes out per year.

Yaroslavl cow

This is a fairly old breed, it has existed for more than 200 years. Due to its weak muscles, the cow appears slightly bony. This does not in any way affect milk yield, which reaches 6000 kg per year. The weight of these cows is slightly lower than other breeds; an adult cow weighs only 500 kg.

Red steppe cow

This breed appeared in Ukraine back in the 18th century. It is distinguished by its red color and rather long body. An adult cow weighs approximately 800 kg. These cows adapt well to changes in climate and environment. Milk yield is slightly lower than that of previous breeds - 4500 kg.

These cows are famous for their milk fat content - 4.2%. Milk yield averages about 4000 kg per year. An adult reaches a weight of 500 kg, a bull can weigh 800 kg.

Ayrshire cow

These cows are common in Russia and America. The average milk yield per year can reach 8000 kg and, like the Tagil cow, the milk is very fatty. Adult cows weigh relatively little - 480 kg.

The Jersey cow has a large udder and is short in stature. These cows produce milk yields of up to 6000 kg with a fat content of 5 to 7%. This is why this breed is valued.

Istobensky breed

These cows are unpretentious. They tolerate it well low temperature air and practically do not get sick. The annual milk yield reaches 4000 kg. Cows of this breed weigh approximately 480 kg.

Of course, a lot depends on the breed of the cow and its purpose. But what the animal eats is of great importance. This is directly related to the fat content of the milk and its quantity.

Meat breeds


This cow has a lot of muscle mass. They retain their fatness until old age, so many people slaughter them at the age of six. An adult bull reaches a weight of 1400 kg.

One of the most common meat breeds. An adult bull reaches a weight of 1000 kg. The carcass contains only 16% bones and 60% meat. Thanks to their dense and rich muscle mass, cows of this breed grow quickly.


This is a French breed that is most often used to produce bacon. One of the most delicious varieties of meat is Charolais meat. The weight of a bull rarely exceeds 1200 kg, so usually after reaching this figure the bull goes to fight.

Ukrainian meat

Ukrainian meat is very popular. She produces 64% of the meat, and in addition to the meat, her skin is also sold. The meat does not contain much fat. These cows are not fussy about food and gain weight fairly quickly.


Bulls of this breed weigh only 700 kg, but it is valued not for its great output, but for its tasty meat. In addition, the skin of these cows is also sold.

Znamenskie cows are tender and lean meat.


It is better not to build a barn yourself, but to rent a ready-made building. Such barns most often require light repairs and small investments, but building a new barn is quite a troublesome task.

For ten heads, you will need a building 34x6 meters. It is better if the cows are kept in stalls where they have constant access to food and water. On average, one cow needs two square meters of free space.

When choosing a location, pay attention to those organizations and factories that are located nearby. For example, a meat processing plant, where you can immediately sell meat, or a plant growing organization that will happily collect manure.

When organizing the stall, do not forget that there must be places where manure should drain. Entrepreneurs who plan to sell milk must purchase good equipment for milking, and also ensure a regular supply of water.


An animal's diet affects many factors. The taste of the milk depends on the quality of hay the cow consumes. Also, if the animal does not receive enough complementary food, its weight will decrease and the amount of milk production will also decrease. Therefore, it is necessary that the cow’s diet include hay or fresh grass, feed and flax seeds.

It will be better if you immediately calculate the amount of hay that will be needed per animal per day. After all, despite all the complementary feeding, hay has been and will be the main food for cattle. Experts have calculated that an adult cow should eat 9-15 kilograms of hay per day.

Of course, we should not forget that in the warm season, animals eat fresh grass on pastures, but in winter they are content with hay. Taking into account all these features, we can conclude that one cow will need approximately 25 tons of hay per year. But you shouldn’t buy food exactly according to calculations; it will be better if you buy a little with a reserve.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to include silage in the cow’s diet. It has a good effect on the quality of milk and is an indispensable component of animal nutrition.

What to watch out for

Starting own business Every entrepreneur takes a certain risk. Livestock farming can provide some stability due to the constant demand for meat and milk. Moreover, recently agricultural products have become increasingly popular.

Of course, no one excludes the risk that at first there will be little milk or its taste will not satisfy consumers. But it's only a matter of time. After all, the quality and taste of milk directly depends on the cow’s nutrition. This means that when you select the optimal diet for cows, your business will go up.

As you can see, cattle breeding is quite a profitable business. Meat and dairy products have always been and will be valued. But you can’t start such a business without completing all the calculations and drawing up a business plan. Livestock farming requires that everything be calculated and thought out. To avoid problems with all sorts of authorities, you need to immediately collect the entire package of documents. It doesn't take too much time. After this, you can take on the construction and arrangement of cowsheds and slaughterhouses. You can't skimp on equipment. Its quality can affect the speed and quality of milking. Also, low-quality equipment can harm the animal. Every cow should receive required quantity vitamins and minerals so that the quality of her milk and meat remains at a high level.

Do not forget that it is better to start a business with a small number of heads and gradually increase their number as necessary.

If there are no problems with a small number of livestock, then you can enter into agreements with dairy factories for the sale of milk or with meat processing plants for the sale of meat. You can also gradually increase the number of heads and expand production.

If your business plan is drawn up correctly and all calculations are made, then such a business will quickly pay for itself and begin to generate good profits.

Today, all over the world, including in Russia, such an industry is developing at a rapid pace. national economy like livestock farming. This is a very profitable business. There are many different options here: breeding cows for meat, milk, for the birth of young animals, and much more. In any case, breeding cows will benefit its owner.

Currently, beef and milk are the most popular products on the Russian market.

We are now living in a time when food industry Genetically modified products are being introduced, while natural ones are becoming less and less available.

Due to all this, the demand for high-quality and natural products, and cows are their main supplier. It is difficult to imagine the daily diet of any Russian without meat and milk, because these are sources of useful substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. According to experts, a person should drink 500 ml of milk per day every day just to maintain the condition of all organs and systems. Let's take a closer look at cow breeding as a business for a small town.

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Business plan for cow breeding

To organize your business in this direction, you need to build a so-called business plan. It should include: rational choice of location for the future barn, determination of goals, objectives and directions, collection of necessary documentation, purchase of equipment and animal care items, organization technological process for collecting milk and obtaining meat, definition client base and the sale of raw materials to retail outlets, and in addition, the calculation of expenses and profits. The business plan needs to start with choosing a place for future cow breeding. It is possible to build a barn from scratch, but it will be expensive. It is best to locate on the site of old, abandoned farms by purchasing this land and renting premises.

This way you can save some money and time. The room should be spacious. Its area will depend on the number of livestock. The second stage is collecting the necessary documentation. If the business plan involves breeding cows for profit, then you will have to obtain permission from the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, fire inspection and register as individual entrepreneur. When selling meat, you will definitely need to obtain permission from the veterinary service. All this can be done in a week or two.

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Main goals, business objectives

A cow breeding business plan is, first of all, a definition of the main direction of entrepreneurship. Cows can be bred to produce meat, milk, or a combination. In addition, young animals can be bred for sale. Another rare option is breeding pure breeds for the purpose of selling them. But this is quite hard and painstaking work, although very profitable. The main task is to make a profit. But for this you need to try very hard. To set up a good barn, you need equipment. It is mainly represented by machines for feeding and packaging feed, as well as for collecting manure. Such equipment is not cheap. It would be advisable to organize your own slaughterhouse; for this there should be a separate room.

Cows are kept in stalls. It is best to start a business with 7-10 goals and see if it is profitable or not. If yes, then the herd can be increased. The room for keeping cows should be well heated, light, and free from drafts and cracks. The temperature should not drop below 17 degrees. Animals are provided with complete food. In summer, it is recommended to graze them in the meadow, and to buy food in cold weather. This is primarily dry hay, as well as mixed feed. Modern supplements must be introduced into the diet, as they compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements. The water must be clean. For feeding, stalls are equipped with special feeders, where feed is supplied using equipment or manually.

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Purchase of young animals and sale of raw materials

A cow breeding business plan includes purchasing animals. This is the most critical part of the business. It is important to remember here that it is better to buy young animals from a reliable livestock breeder, and it is best to bring your own specialist in this matter to the transaction, who will tell you who is more profitable to buy. When purchasing, all cows must have a so-called passport, including date of birth, age, time of vaccination, names of diseases she once suffered from, and number of calvings. Great value has appearance cows If you need a cow for milk, then it should have a barrel-shaped body, a large belly, thin bones, weak muscles, small thin horns, and an oblong head. High-yielding cows have large, bathtub- or cup-shaped udders. After the business bears its first fruits, you need to organize sales of the products.

The most preferable option would be to sell milk to nearby dairy factories, and meat to meat processing plants. Young animals can be sold through acquaintance or on the market.
