How to make a business plan to build a public toilet. Business for installing paid toilets. What does it take to start a toilet business?

What they don’t sell by subscription! One of the fashionable retail trends is to sell something unexpected or shocking by subscription, for example, fresh new socks. But where are the socks off the startup Looie!

A New York startup called Looie sells subscriptions to... a paid city toilet.


One of the traditional problems of cities, which makes the city an uncomfortable place, is the lack of a sufficient number of urban public toilets. As business analysts say: the lack of street space is a problem in cities all over the globe!

How our people took taxis to the toilet...

In 1990, a special report from the mayor’s office was prepared in New York, which went down in history under the title “ Toilet crisis" This report stated that out of six, exactly five city toilets are unusable and are beyond the concept of sanitation, and that tourists and guests of New York City are not new to taking a taxi and going to relieve their need at their home hotel, rather than looking in city ​​toilet"

So. The first problem is that there are no toilets. The second problem (sister of the first) is the dismal state of those public toilets that already exist. This also applies to design that does not provide privacy to a person, and unsanitary conditions.

In short, toilets in the city (street restrums) are the exact opposite of your home bathroom in an apartment. I still don’t want to visit them (many people are either disdainful of going into city toilets or feel shy, having been forced to almost publicly relieve their intimate needs).

Well, if you want to go to the toilet (oh, God forbid!), you won’t always find a toilet in the city.

Which looks especially strange with so many fast food eateries and coffee shops on every corner.

New York startup Looie set out to solve both of these problems (the insufficient number of city toilets and the discomfort inherent in their design). He set himself an ambitious task:

    firstly, equip New York with a dense network of public toilets within “walking distance”,

    second, make toilets clean and private, just like in your own home, creating the illusion of a “personal bathroom.”

How can you create the illusion that while walking down the street you have looked into “your own” toilet? It’s very simple - every citizen should have... a key to an individual toilet.

This is roughly how the “toilet problem” is solved in higher education. educational institutions. Of course, university teachers and staff cannot visit the same toilet with students, which consists of five or six plywood stalls, in which everything can be heard and sometimes even seen. As they say, a student should not see the teacher visiting the toilet at all. This not only destroys the “pathos of distance,” but also simply contradicts everything human that distinguishes a person from a humiliated slave reduced to a bestial state. As you know, one of the measures of humiliation and suppression of the individual that is practiced in prisons is a bucket in the corner of the cell, open for everyone to see.

So, university teachers have the so-called “key to the teaching toilet.”

An exactly similar service was invented by the New York startup Looie! By the way, translated from English language the word Looie translates as “lieutenant”, “second lieutenant”. That is, this analogous name plays on approximately the same association - “a toilet for officers” (not for ordinary soldiers).

Now, by subscription, anyone can purchase a key that is universally suitable for all points of the New York chain of public toilets Looie. (Of course, if you locked yourself in there, they won’t open you from the outside even with the same key).

In addition, the Looie private toilet subscription provides you with perhaps the most important thing in this business idea - mobile application– with a city map, on which, thanks to the determination of your geolocation, all the nearest “within walking distance” toilets of the Looie network will be displayed. No need to look for a toilet - look at your smartphone, it will tell you where the nearest Looie toilet is.

All that remains, of course, is to do the most important thing. Point by point.

    Point One: build really a lot of Looie toilets, because if there are 5 of them in the city, then the project does not make sense,

    Point Two: as soon as possible create similar services competing with Looie - the same network of private “public” toilets. Then the price will be lower, the quality will be higher, and simply – there will be more toilets.

If every major city always has at least several taxi companies and the consumer has a choice, then exactly the same should happen with the Looie pay toilet business idea.

At the dawn of the entrepreneurial era in the USSR, paid “cooperative” toilets appeared almost the very first - and were very popular as a very profitable business.

But then something happened again and we forgot the famous phrase (to whomever it is attributed!) that “the level of civilization of a nation is determined by the cleanliness of its public toilets.”

We again began to “don’t care” (unfortunately, not “...-don’t care”) about our cities and ourselves, not to mention people we didn’t know, from whom we could even make money.

Looie subscription toilets are cleaned 7 to 10 times a day, depending on the location's traffic.

The symbol of the toilet in the city is a huge key (delicate lime color), reminiscent of an old medieval workshop sign: scissors, there, a huge curly pretzel... On the huge key “sat”: a little girl, a boy and a disabled man on a wheel. moving in a wheelchair.

Needless to say that the entire Looie network of toilets is also adapted for disabled people?.. It seems that this goes without saying!

A subscription for a clean, private restroom costs $25. New York is a problematic city. That is why his problems are so close to us. For example, with a population of 8 million people, New York is sorely lacking in public toilets. Just like ours.

Now you know who you can safely borrow from and adapt to your realities - best business ideas, applicable to our current problems. New York, New York City is the dirtiest city in America, as the whole world claims... Not so hopelessly dirty, judging by this initiative, even the like of which we have not yet heard of...

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At all times, business based on natural needs a person, like food or clothing, has always had very high liquidity. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new. Back in 1852, the Society of Arts opened the first 2 institutions of this type in London. A large-scale advertising company, flyers were handed out praising the amenities and low cost. And already in the first month there were more than 80 visitors. In Russia, not so long ago, there was nothing like this. And there are still many places on city streets where it is possible to install paid toilets, but they are not popular among small and medium-sized businesses.

Scale of investment:


    high liquidity based on natural human needs

    business stability

    business can easily expand by installing new booths

    low initial investment


    seasonality of business

    business dependence on the struggle for popular places to place booths

    possible negative image component for the owner


The main risk is associated with the installation of free toilets and toilets in catering establishments


At all times, business based on natural human needs, like food or clothing, has always had very high liquidity. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new. Back in 1852, the Society of Arts opened the first 2 institutions of this type in London. A large-scale advertising campaign was launched, and leaflets were distributed praising the convenience and low cost. And already in the first month there were more than 80 visitors. In Russia, not so long ago, there was nothing like this. And there are still many places on city streets where it is possible to install paid toilets, but they are not popular among small and medium-sized businesses.

Paid toilets can be called a profitable and humane business with full confidence. Neither defaults nor crises threaten the toilet business, because neither “Black” Thursdays nor global financial crises will be able to discourage the people’s desire to relieve themselves. Nobody wants to break the law either. Meanwhile, in the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, Article 20.1. “Petty hooliganism”, it is said that petty hooliganism is obscene language in public places, offensive harassment of citizens or other actions that violate public order and peace of mind of citizens, entails an administrative fine - from five to fifteen times the minimum wage or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days. Relieving yourself in an inappropriate place also falls under this article!

Of course, there are pros and cons, like any other type of business. At minimum investment in advertising, just order a bright sign - income is guaranteed. This is a rare case when it is not the company that is looking for a client, but vice versa. But then the other side of the coin arises. Building a premises from scratch is quite expensive, and the tenant of the premises does not care at all what you open in the rented area - a paid toilet or a beauty salon; you will pay exactly the same, but earn much less. Therefore, there is no boom in investment in the construction of paid toilets. Marble toilets remain, perhaps only in jokes.

But the inventions of civilization did not stand aside, and since the end of the last century, the installation of toilet stalls has been practiced all over the world, including in Russia. Weighing 80 kilograms, installation can be done almost anywhere without a foundation or other preparatory work. No connection to communications or power grid is required.

The seasonal factor also plays an important role and directly affects the profitability of the enterprise. On warm summer evenings, people spend the majority of their free time in parks on benches and in street cafes, and therefore their income increases significantly.

First you need to register as individual entrepreneur at the tax office. If you will only have a few booths, this is the most convenient form, since cash registers are not required, reporting is simplified as much as possible, and taxation can be “optimized.”

Next, you should choose a location to place your booths. Ideally, the location should be “pass-through”. A toilet stall near a cafe is not the best idea. All similar establishments sanitary standards, including according to GOST R 50762-95 " Catering. Classification of enterprises" are equipped with toilets, and therefore, hardly anyone will need to use your services. But if you manage to rent a place near a summer cafe, consider yourself lucky by the tail.

It is very important to install a toilet on the city streets rent not charged. If placed on the market, it may be required by the owner of the building. The hardest part is collecting everything necessary documents. No one will allow you to install a mobile toilet without an agreement with the Gorvodokanal service, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, the town planning committee and other governing bodies. But the main thing is to obtain a license for waste disposal. However, the authorities usually cooperate. After all, they are primarily interested in the cleanliness of the streets. In general, you will have to collect a number of the following documents: a hygiene certificate from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance; certificate of conformity of the body for certification of industrial products; permission from local administrative authorities; permission from the fire department; coordination with districts sewer networks water utilities, waste disposal points from mobile toilets; license to transport waste.

In terms of expenses, about 10 thousand dollars may be enough to get started.

Moreover, ¼ of the starting capital will immediately go towards the purchase of two new biocabins. But you can't earn much with two booths. Therefore, it is advisable to plan a larger number of booths in advance. If you purchase equipment on the secondary market, you can save a lot of money - $250-$300 per booth. The quality of second-hand goods leaves much to be desired, and in conditions of everyday use the equipment may fail. In addition, on this market, as with any other, there is room for fakes.

When business was just gaining momentum, entrepreneurs did not know how to call workers to order. List of violations labor discipline was very long - from drunkenness in the workplace to concealment of income. Some even managed to scoop out the contents of the tank, since revenue was measured precisely by its volume. A cashier-operator is not an ideal option, but it is proven. The main hours of the influx of visitors are peak hours. Therefore, for your business to operate around the clock, you need to hire at least two cashier operators. Each cashier needs to allocate about $250 per month for their salary. For less money you are unlikely to find a conscientious employee with a clean reputation. Costs associated with personnel selection are reimbursed low cost to open a business. Abroad, toilets operate without operators, but no one here tries to steal a stall into their garden.

But don’t forget that this is a biocabin, and therefore there is no pit under it. A daily procedure for cleaning a full tank will cost approximately $20. But this is only in crowded places. In places where there are not many visitors, special transport will have to be called no more than 10 times a month. Tank capacity is about 500 liters. Another approximately $215 per month for sanitary services and the purchase of equipment: toilet paper and biofiller liquid.

You won’t need to rent a solid office, which means you can reduce costs to a minimum.

According to calculations, two booths pay for themselves in 2 months with a price per visit of 10 rubles and provided: 200 - 300 people per day. If exactly the same number of visitors are served per week, then it is better to close the business immediately - losses are guaranteed.


Toilets should have amenities. When stationary toilets began to be closed en masse in order to open shops or cafes in them, sanitary problems began to be solved with the help of unsightly plastic booths. But in civilized countries, mobile toilets are temporary structures, but in our country they are used as permanent ones. Their conditions are minimal. It’s cramped, uncomfortable, cold, impossible to wash your hands. But when you want to go to the toilet, there is no choice, and this is to the benefit of entrepreneurs. You can make good money from human need, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  • Recruitment
  • Consumable part
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering a business providing dry toilet services?
  • What documents are needed to open a company?

The profitability of a dry toilet business is estimated at 30-40%. The risk of going broke is minimal, since there will always be a demand for services that satisfy everyday human needs.

Where to start a dry toilet business

At first glance, organizing a business using dry toilets is not difficult. A portable dry toilet can be installed anywhere, because it does not require connection to public services. Its installation does not require a foundation or other solid foundation. If the location is not successful, your business can always be moved to a more profitable location.

The cost of one dry closet cubicle starts from 20 thousand rubles. Good and durable cabins don't cost any less. You can also consider buying used equipment, but used booths should be thoroughly inspected. Particularly fragile elements are the doors and handles of the dry closet; they break first.

It is quite logical that you need to start a business by installing 5, maximum 10 booths. Especially if starting capital sharply limited. Starting investments will range from 100 - 150 thousand rubles. Then, having understood all the delights of this business, you can think about loans and other investments in the development of the network. The real business begins when the network increases to 50, or better yet, 100 dry closets. The total investment in opening such a network will amount to more than 2 million rubles.

Do I need permission to install dry toilets?

The peculiarity of the dry toilet business is that the problem of finding finance to open a business turns out to be not the most important one. To install your toilets in the most “golden” places you will need to go through strict administrative barriers. You will have to visit the city administration more than once, or, more precisely, the city property management committee, the department of ecology and architecture of the city. It is important that your toilets “fit harmoniously into the architecture of the city” - these are the questions that will concern the authorities. In addition to the administration, strict control over your activities will be carried out by Rospotrebnadzor (SES), whose permission must be taken when installing each booth.

There is another way of doing it of this business- rental of dry closets. Today's legislation obliges all summer cafes to install temporary toilets and washbasins. It is not profitable to buy a new toilet for the short summer season, so cafes often use the dry toilet rental service. The rental cost is on average 2 thousand rubles. per month. You can also provide toilets for public events and city celebrations. The attendance of toilets in such places is simply cosmic.

Which tax system to choose for business

To start a business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, it is advisable to use the simplified system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. It is more profitable to use 15% if the organization has high expenses and low profits. If expenses are small, then it is better to pay taxes on revenue at a rate of 6%.


To organize a network of dry closets, it is necessary to hire a large number of workers. Imagine how many workers you need to hire to service 100 booths throughout the city. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to hire a personnel officer who will deal with paperwork when hiring and dismissing employees. The staff turnover here is very high, this is another disadvantage of this business.

In addition to the personnel officer and service personnel(cashiers), it is necessary to employ an accountant, an administrator and a service team that will repair booths broken by vandals.

How much can you earn from one installed booth?

The average traffic volume of a dry closet is 150 people per day. The cost of the service is 5 rubles. Average revenue is 750 rubles. per day or 22,500 rub. per month.

Consumable part

The first is the salary of service personnel. Maintenance of one booth will cost 6,000 rubles per month, plus insurance contributions for the employee - 2,000 rubles per month. Next is renting the installation site, on average 1,500 rubles/month. Although, if you can agree with the authorities, about social significance your business may be able to install restrooms without renting.

Also, a significant cost item is calling a sewage truck to clean the tank with sewage. On average, such a procedure costs 600 rubles, and it needs to be carried out about 10 times a month, for a total of 6,000 rubles. And lastly, taxes; on a simplified system of 6% of revenue, the tax will be 1,350 rubles.

We get:

  • Salary - 6000;
  • Rent - 2000;
  • Vacuum truck - 6000;
  • Taxes - 1350;
  • Other expenses (reagents, cleaning products, paper, etc.) - 1500.

TOTAL - 16850 rubles.

Profit from one booth will be: 22500 - 16850 = 5650 rubles per month.

Accordingly, from 50 booths the profit will be 282,500 rubles. This calculation was based on an average attendance of 150 people per day and a service cost of 5 rubles/person. However, in high-traffic areas, the attendance of one dry closet reaches 500 people per day, despite the fact that the price of the service can be 10 rubles/person. The profit from one booth will be many times higher.

Seasonality is a disadvantage of business in dry toilets

The biotoilets business has one significant drawback, which, in other matters, is present in almost every area - it is seasonality. Biotoilets are in demand from March to October, that is, in the warm season. At other times, the decline in income is 30% or more. But this disadvantage is more than compensated by the prospect of developing a network of dry closets, especially in large cities. After all, according to international standards, there should be one public toilet per thousand city residents. In Moscow, which has a population of 15 million, about three thousand booths have so far been installed, to say nothing of peripheral cities, where market saturation is still very far away.

Many cities are experiencing a rather serious problem - the lack of public toilets; the solution to this issue can be taken as the basis for building specific activities, namely business on paid toilets. Not always, and not everywhere at the right time, you can find a “saving” blue booth, which is quite strange, since like a business on paid toilets in our country, it is considered the most stable. Probably, most entrepreneurs simply do not want to get involved with this not very “fragrant and beautiful” business. And this is in vain. Today we will tell you everything about paid toilets that have become known to us since the early 90s.

Don't remember the crisis

Business on paid toilets much smaller than other, larger types of business, and therefore does not fall under the influence of the economic crisis, since it practically does not depend on financial situation clients. All people need clothing, buy medicine, eat food, and visit mobile latrines, regardless of their financial situation and the economic state of the country. Probably every person, at least once in his life, has encountered a delicate situation when he really needs it, but there is not a single toilet nearby, at that very moment a person is ready to pay 10, 20, 40 rubles. just to visit a public restroom. This is precisely what many businessmen who install paid toilets use so successfully.

The most current locations for blue booths

To toilet business brought maximum income, you need to decide on a suitable place to install a mobile restroom. To do this, you need to analyze potential clients, the time of their activity, and where they are most often located. Squares and parks are considered the best places; they are crowded with young people on weekends and in the evening on any weekday. The majority of the population prefer to relax in these places after a difficult working day, mothers walk with their children, and if there is a fast food restaurant nearby that does not have its own toilet, then there will be no end to customers. There is another one good option Where you can locate a paid toilet are construction sites and the areas adjacent to them. Don’t forget that parking lots, bars and cafes, any markets and summer cafe areas are also crowded places.

What will be required to implement this business idea?

First of all, you need to rent several mobile toilets, enter into an agreement with service providers and hire a human operator for each outlet. Cabins can be rented or purchased. The average price of one mobile restroom is 20 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the number of cabins, their configuration and other factors. If you want to rent a mobile toilet, get ready to shell out about 3 thousand rubles. per month for 1 cabin.

A few calculations

Let's roughly calculate how much it might cost business on paid toilets. Let's take 5, which is served by two operators. Let's assume the booths are rented (less expensive method). Every month you need to pay 15 thousand rubles. (1 cabin – 3 thousand rubles). Don’t forget to calculate maintenance, which will increase the cost of rent by 1.5 times. The result is 1.5 * 15,000 = 22,750 rubles. Plus the operator’s salary – 20 thousand rubles. for two workers. As a result, monthly expenses equal to 42,750 rubles. ( consumables and toilet paper is delivered by service companies free of charge). If the price of visiting a mobile toilet is 20 rubles, then 72 people per day are needed to cover the costs. Anything greater than this number is yours net profit, and in a crowded place 200 people can visit one restroom during the day! Of course, these calculations are too ideal, but they give a clear idea that business on paid toilets, is a promising direction.

A business based on natural human needs always has high liquidity, even in times of crisis. A network of paid toilets is a good opportunity to build a successful and profitable business. To start a business, it is enough to purchase a public toilet.

There are several reasons to purchase a public toilet for your business:

  • Business in this niche does not require impressive initial capital;
  • Fast payback;
  • Stability regardless of the economic situation;
  • Relatively low competition (many places with a large flow of people where toilet stalls have not yet been installed);
  • Opportunities for expansion by installing new booths.

Benefits of toilets for public places

Toilet modules of our production can be installed almost anywhere: on city streets and parks, in crowded places, beaches and recreation centers, gas stations.

By ordering modules from our company, you get many advantages:

  • Modules are already completed necessary equipment for comfortable use
  • No need for capital construction
  • Buying a paid toilet for a business is much more profitable than renting. The costs will pay off quickly, especially in places with high traffic
  • The mobility of the modules allows you to change the installation location
  • Use in any season of the year and under any temperature conditions (from - 40 C 0 to + 40 C 0)
  • Vandal resistance and durability. Thanks to the reinforced metal frame, the modules will last for many years
  • Easy to maintain and easy to install. Autonomous containers require connection only to electrical networks, and network models- to city communications. This makes it possible to operate the modules almost anywhere
  • Some models are designed for use by people with limited mobility

If you want to open a public toilet, pay attention to the toilet modules offered by the Kuban Metalwork Plant. The catalog contains men's and women's toilets from one to 6 or more stalls, as well as toilet modules for MGN. You can purchase autonomous toilet modules both wholesale and retail. We guarantee prompt delivery times to any region of Russia.
