Where is the tbk factory located in china. Search for a manufacturing plant in China. Let's write a small plan on this issue, so to speak, we will clearly describe all the steps to reach the goal, so as not to “waste” a lot of money)

It is somewhat similar to searching for suppliers, but it is not the same thing, there are some differences. There are much fewer manufacturers than suppliers and resellers, since suppliers can be both small private enterprises and small companies that have nothing to do with production, respectively, the prices of such companies are much more expensive, and there is also a high risk that you may be deceived . When searching, you need to pay more attention to checking the company, authorized capital campaigns, etc.

You can independently find a manufacturer in China on one of the following sites

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If at independent work If you have any problems with the sites, then you can contact our company for help.

The main function of our company is aimed at searching for manufacturers in China, analyzing data in the field of procurement management, developing and planning new schemes, taking into account the selection of optimal solutions. As a result of the analysis, we select the most suitable partners for cooperation in China.

Algorithm for choosing a reliable manufacturer:

Information about a Chinese manufacturer can usually be found using information directories, trade magazines, price lists, special attention is given to the Internet. Success ultimately depends on the reliability of manufacturers. When making a purchase, it is necessary to take into account the activities of the manufacturer’s company, the competitiveness and quality of the products produced.

How to check? There are several ways to check companies, none of them provide 100% guarantees, but together they help reduce the risk of fraud. For example, look at the name of the company, if it contains words such as “export”, “import”, “trade”, “international”, etc., then most likely it is not a manufacturer, but a reseller. Or look at the company's address; if it lists an office, then it is not a manufacturer. Call the company, say that you want to visit their facility, most scammers do not contact you anymore after such words. You can also come to the Celestial Empire yourself, visit the manufacturer, negotiate and make sure that this is not a hoax. But this is also not easy, since you can find not just one manufacturer, but several, located in different parts of the country. For example, when starting your search, you need to know that the largest industrial enterprises in China are located in the provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Fujian. But this is far from limiting the geography of Chinese enterprises; nowadays you can find manufacturers in other areas, for example, the provinces of Anhui, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Shandong, and Liaoning are now rapidly developing. There are other ways to check the manufacturer: you can look at the year the company was founded, production volumes and annual turnover, study the main markets, request quality certificates, and so on. But it’s still better to entrust this matter to professionals, thereby protecting yourself from all kinds of risks.

Our company carries out a thorough search, analyzing data, selecting only reliable manufacturers. But even if you decide to choose a manufacturer yourself, you will also have to correctly conclude a sales contract, with which the specialists of China Premium Logistics will also help you.

After processing your application, our specialists will find manufacturers that meet your needs, then provide you with a list of them, and will also help you find the necessary equipment that meets the criteria: price, quality, production time, reliability. From this list you can already choose exactly what suits you best.

If 99% of the factories producing a particular product are located in one region, it is obvious that this region has a number of competitive advantages. These may include cheap raw materials, favorable supplies of components, cheap labor and low logistics costs.

However, one should not write off producers located outside this region. However, if you decide to contract with such suppliers, it is important to ensure that favorable prices conditioned competitive advantages(i.e. lower production costs) rather than a weak quality control system, for example.
In this article, we will list the differences in regional development in China, and also talk about how they can affect the search for a suitable manufacturer.

Pearl River Delta (PRD)

South China

Located in southern China, the PRD region includes Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The region's industrial development is the result of Deng Xiaoping's "reform and opening up" policy and the creation of "special economic zones." The rapid development of PRD is associated with a huge number of investments from foreign companies, which were attracted by favorable trade and tax conditions, cheap labor and the region's proximity to Hong Kong.
The two main industrial cities in the region are Shenzhen and Guangzhou: From a market town with a population of 30 thousand people, Shenzhen has grown into one of the largest international trading centers, and today it is home to more than 10 million people. Guangzhou, located north of Shenzhen, is the main industrial center in the Pearl River Delta. The Canton Trade Fair is held twice a year in Guangzhou, attracting thousands of businessmen and importers from different countries.
What products does the Pearl River region and the south of China specialize in:
Clothing and footwear, equipment, lighting and toys, sporting goods, stationery, art objects, building materials, furniture, ceramics, stone.
PRD is gradually moving away from the labor-intensive production of consumer goods and currently specializes in high-tech electronic equipment, hardware and automotive parts.

What are the advantages of purchasing goods from Guangdong Province?
Local plants and factories, as a rule, work for the international market. The infrastructure in the Pearl River Delta meets everything modern requirements, thanks to which the transportation of goods from this region does not cause any problems. And the search for the necessary components, raw materials and equipment does not take much time due to large quantity factories in the region. At the moment this is the best place for the production of high-tech goods.
For the reasons stated above, prices in PRD tend to be higher than in other regions. Many manufacturers are also well aware of the current market value of their product in your home market, which should be taken into account during negotiations.

Yangtze River Delta (YRD)

East of China

Surrounding metropolis Shanghai Home to more than 105 million people, the Yangtze River Delta is known for its concentration of industries that produce products for domestic market China.
Manufacturing at YRD has traditionally focused on low-cost, high-volume products. The competition here is quite fierce, which keeps prices low. It is necessary to understand that due to low margins, enterprises sometimes sacrifice product quality and cut production costs by using cheap raw materials. Service in YRD is at a lower level compared to PRD.
And although it is much more difficult to organize the purchase of goods in this region, you should not refuse this option. With careful control, factories in YRD can produce goods high quality at low prices. It is worth noting that overall quality products in the region (which is the second largest center exports in China) are gradually increasing as local enterprises enter the international market.
Suzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou.
What products does the Yangtze River Delta region specialize in:
General consumer goods, textiles, metal and glass products, automobile engines, bicycles, electronics, household appliances, building materials, paper products, etc.
Advantages of the region:
The production costs of many products are lower than in the Pearl River Delta. Otherwise, the region has the same advantages as PRD (well-developed infrastructure and access to raw materials).
For most enterprises in the region, the price of goods takes priority over quality. Many plants and factories are in debt. Counterfeits of copyrighted goods are often produced here, so we recommend taking care of protecting your intellectual property.

Northeast China

Historically, the northeastern region has been the center of China's heavy industry due to its abundance of coal and oil. Industry here is largely focused on the production of iron, steel, petroleum, petrochemicals, machine tools, as well as ships, aircraft and automobiles.

In recent years, the government has decided to reduce the share of heavy industry in the region in order to make the region a center modern production. However, at the moment the reform has not yet borne fruit. The region faces a number of challenges, including enterprise overcapacity, insufficient investment and the dominance of state-owned enterprises.
Main industrial cities in the region: Shenyang, Dalian, Harbin, Changchun and Anshan.
What products does Severovo specialize in?east of China: Heavy industry, iron, steel, petroleum, petrochemicals, shipbuilding, machine tools, aviation and automotive.
Advantages of the region:
The main advantage is that the region is in close proximity to Russia, which reduces the cost of delivering goods to the Russian Federation.
Here you can find enterprises specializing in heavy industry that produce goods at very competitive prices.
Manufacturing in the region can pose a number of challenges. Manufacturing requires close attention to many aspects, including project management, intellectual property protection and quality control.

West China

China's western regions have long been suppliers of cheap labor to wealthier coastal regions. Migrant workers, attracted by high (by their standards) wages and job security, flooded the coastal areas and maintained China's comparative advantage in labor-intensive manufacturing for decades. Due to rising prices for rental housing and decreasing wages in recent years, a significant portion of migrants have returned to the west. This was also facilitated by the government's initiative to develop the western regions.

Although manufacturing in the western region is gaining momentum, you are unlikely to want to organize production or procurement in this region. As is the case in the Northeast, competitive prices are one of the few advantages of local businesses experiencing problems with quality control, logistics, export licensing, etc.
Main industrial cities in the region: Chongqing and Chengdu.
What products does the western region specialize in: Western China is the center of automobile production. There are also many factories producing computer components here.
What are the advantages of the region: Significant savings on the production of goods due to cheap labor and low land rental prices. If you are interested in importing components for computers, heavy equipment and cars, then this is perhaps the most profitable place in China.
What are the disadvantages: Since the region is landlocked, logistics pose a number of challenges and can be quite costly. Goods will have to be delivered by land (or by river) to a port in the Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai) or the Pearl River Delta (Shenzhen).

Zhejiang Province

The industrial foundation of Zhejiang Province consists of machinery, metallurgy, textiles, tea, pharmaceuticals, information technology.

The province borders municipal entity Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in the north, Jiangxi province in the west and Fujian in the south. Its total area is 101,800 sq. km. Zhejiang's landscape is mainly mountainous - up to 70% of the total area. The province's eastern border runs along the East China Sea, where there are approximately 3,000 islands, the largest of which is Zhoushan Island.

The Chinese themselves call the Zhejiang province “the land of fish and rice.” The province's two main crops are rice and wheat, and the fishing and fish processing company Zhoushan Fishery is the largest in the province and in all of China. Manufacturing industry Zhejiang focuses on machinery, chemicals, textiles, food products And building materials. Most enterprises can be classified as small or medium-sized businesses.

There is even such a thing as “ Zhejiang model» - small production, mass producing low cost goods.
Steel production in Zhejiang is under development. Companies such as Hangzhou Steel and Iron Group Corp. can be considered the only major producers in the province. They provide 70% of the total volume of ferrous metals produced here. But, nevertheless, the production of steel pipes is concentrated in Zhejiang.

A city like Wenzhou produces 70% of the total volume of steel pipes produced in China. And in the city of Ningbo there is large company Ningbo Baoxin Stainless Steel Co. Ltd. specializing in the production of cold-rolled sheet steel. The province also has developed production of copper and aluminum products. The products produced by twenty major pharmaceutical companies in Zhejiang contain not only chemical raw materials, but also finished products, such as vitamins, injectables, intravenous infusion systems and syringes. As you have already understood from this article, knowing the characteristics of certain regions, it will be easier for you to start a business with China and evaluate potential suppliers by asking leading questions. For example, what are the low prices for products? How long has the business been in operation? Does it have an export license? All this will allow you to make the most productive decision.

Expanding your business and creating your own collections of clothing, shoes, and accessories can be done much more economically by paying attention to such an area as OEM production in China. Recently, business representatives from the CIS countries and Russia have begun to pay more and more attention to this format. Moneymaker Factory has made a step-by-step plan for cooperation with Chinese factories and factories, and perhaps you have an option to significantly expand your zone of influence!

Today, more than 4,000 factories are successfully operating in China different directions at 350 industrial areas.

All plants and factories are geographically located in industrial regions in Primorye and the East.

The most important thing is that at these enterprises the cost of labor is several times lower than in America and Europe, so many brands decide to sew clothes, accessories and other products here.

Moneymaker Factory decided to examine this issue in detail and introduce readers interested in long-term cooperation with Chinese factories in OEM format, step-by-step algorithm, plus, discover some interesting and important details!

OEM production

So, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) production is a system of relationships that involves the execution/creation of a particular product (in our case, clothing and accessories) according to a special order.

As a result, the resulting product has the client’s brand name, that is, absolutely any company can order the production of a branded product identical in quality and all basic characteristics, reducing financial investments.

OEM Benefits

Is it worth paying attention to this format at all? Definitely, as there are a number of advantages!

  • Production, as already noted, allows the creation of goods under a certain brand, and this point cannot but be unimportant in the context of promoting one’s goods on the market.
  • There is always the possibility of replacing the contractor and starting the production of clothing and accessories at another factory, and all this while maintaining the name of your own trademark.
  • OEM production greatly shortens mass production times.
  • There are no restrictions in terms of the production of this or that product, plus, it does not matter where the customer lives geographically.
  • Low labor costs combined with highly developed infrastructure.
  • There is no need to increase the cost of organizing tailoring.
  • The opportunity to concentrate 100% on the sale and promotion of your products.

If you are firmly confident in your decision, then all the necessary steps will be described step by step.

Step 1. Selecting a manufacturer (factory/plant)

This point cannot be underestimated! Sometimes difficulties begin at the search stage. Attention! You can find a manufacturer on Alibaba.com or comfortably use the Russian-language project chinafactory.ru, in which all factories are divided into categories, which simplifies the process significantly.

After several applicants have been selected, it is definitely worth conducting an analysis of the validity of the choice! We have compiled a simple checklist for you that will help in this matter (for each question in the table, try to find the answer, and the picture will become clear):

Table Checklist for choosing a factory/plant in China

General information about the plant/factory

Technical assessment of the enterprise

Financial assessment potential

Availability of legal registration documents in full.

Quality and level of equipment and technology.

Basic financial indicators.

Scope of activity.

The presence of certificates, both Chinese and international format.

Availability of the results of the latest audit.

Experience of cooperation with foreign companies, especially from Russia and CIS countries.

Compliance of the equipment used with quality standards.

Occupied market share.

The main competitors in their market segment.

Personnel qualification level.

Organizational production structure.

Loading and depreciation of equipment.

Financial indicators and general condition.

Based on the information received, it is already possible to draw conclusions. Once the choice is made, you can contact the factory/factory representatives directly. Of course, for these purposes it is best to use the services of a translator. If all is well, you can move on!

Step 2. Discuss branding details

At this step, you should discuss with maximum scrupulousness all the nuances of the design, logo, and also agree on the shipping brand, texts that will be written on labels or packaging, and so on.

This point is so important, since subsequently it will depend on it whether the end consumer will like the product, moreover, whether problems may arise at customs.

Step 3 - Discussion of volumes. Minimum quantity

Since we are talking about an order at a factory, it is therefore quite natural that there is a certain minimum value, which is different for each factory and depends on a number of conditions. It is impossible to predict what number of units is considered starting - everything is discussed individually with the supplier, but there are a number of general trends that will be useful and interesting for you to get acquainted with!

There is an unwritten rule - in factories the minimum order is 200 units (1 color and 1 model). Sometimes it is possible to agree on smaller volumes, but in such a situation small orders will be “made” from materials and accessories that are already available from suppliers or from leftovers, which is not suitable for every situation.

As for adding your own label, there are also a number of nuances. There is a restriction on the production of special accessories and packaging products under an individual brand. For example, cardboard hang tags will be produced in any quantity, but starting from the figure of 5,000 units.

Step 4 - placing an order

You must send your order to the selected Chinese manufacturer, which will list in as much detail as possible the nomenclature (list) of the ordered goods. We recommend that you describe each item in as much detail as possible, describe the quality and quantity of each type of product, attach sketches, photographs, pictures, descriptions, and requirements for the materials used.

This is done in order to obtain the most correct quote for the final cost of the goods from the Chinese factory, as well as the so-called packing list (international term Packing List).

REFERENCE: What is Packing List? This is a document in which the manufacturer indicates the dimensions of the packaging container, weight, volume, net, gross, as well as article numbers, attaches photographs, and so on, that is, a complete set of data about the product being produced is generated for the correct calculation of logistics and customs duties.

Once you receive a packing list from the manufacturer, you will see which type of transportation is best to use. At this same stage, we recommend requesting an export HS Code from your Chinese partners.

Step 5. Make a list of expenses

Since the issue is serious, it is better to initial stage, even before concluding a contract, find out how much, at least approximately, you will spend on customs and delivery. To do this, having received a packing list and HS Code from the manufacturer, send them immediately transport company and the broker so that they can calculate the cost of services of this nature. After their answer, you will have a clearer “picture” in your head regarding the economics of the project.

Step 6. Receive product samples

At step 5, it is best to request samples of the garments and accessories being sewn to ensure that the product will be of the highest quality. By the way, this is relevant when you have several candidates in mind for cooperation.

Typically, sending samples will cost a certain amount, but in the end you can avoid the risk of receiving a defective shipment. Upon receipt of the samples, if you are satisfied with everything, you can begin drawing up the agreement/contract.

Step 7. Conclusion of a contract

This is one of the most important and fateful stages. We strongly recommend that you never make an advance payment until you have your sample contract signed by the plant/factory in your hands.

We also do not recommend concluding the so-called Proforma Invoice in the form of a small document without any specifics. Only a full contract with a written annex in the form of your specifications, drawn up professional lawyer. By the way, today most Chinese industries also work with English-language versions of contracts.

ADVICE: It is best to sign the received samples (see the previous paragraph) by the manufacturer, putting a stamp on them, plus add the inscription “Reference sample to Agreement No. ___ dated ___.”

Step 8. Prepayment and launch!

You need to remember that the Chinese will never work without advance payment, and this is their right. After the official conclusion of the contract, you, logically, need to make an advance payment or, as an option, a deposit.

Attention! At this stage, you can still make some adjustments to production, especially with regard to packaging containers, and also slightly change the packing list. This opportunity will no longer exist.

Pay special attention to the correctness of the indicated weight, since if it is indicated incorrectly, then at customs you may encounter such a nuisance as an administrative fine reaching up to 100% of the total customs value.

Step 9. Receive mass production sample

As a rule, ordinary factories in China ask the client for about a month to produce a batch. This also includes the time for printing stickers (stickers), packaging, inserts, and so on from an outsourcing printing house.

Now is the time to request a production sample that was created specifically as part of mass production. If there are any complaints about quality, and this sample is radically different from the first, then you should urgently contact representatives of the factory and resolve this issue,

Step 10. QC Order

At the same time, all details are checked under a “microscope”:

  • Packaging quality
  • Box sizes
  • Weight and so on

ADVICE: Be sure to record all stages of the check on film, calculate the number of places and make sure that, in addition to your cargo, nothing unnecessary is put in the container. This also applies to gifts from partners and even catalogs of goods, which our “friendly” customs can easily mistake for undeclared goods or even smuggling.

Thus, you can see that the process itself falls entirely on the shoulders of the factory, and the customer’s difficulties are mainly nerves, worries and great responsibility, plus constant control, because their own money is at stake. That is why we have also prepared the TOP 5 basic rules for OEM production that will help you avoid fatal mistakes in this area!

TOP 5 rules for working with factories

Sometimes the unexpected happens: it seems that all the conditions have been met, but problems still occur. Why? The fact is that the vast majority of OEM production facilities located in China are not able to fully defend their rights and freedoms, since all disputes in this area are resolved exclusively according to Chinese laws.

Certainly, legislative framework It has been improved many times, but it has not become ideal, which is why it is so important to be extremely careful. Before you start looking for partners, familiarize yourself with a number of simple rules that will help you avoid losing money.


Thus, you have a turn-based strategy. By adhering to all points of the plan, you will be able to minimize risks and get an excellent opportunity to expand your zone of influence and increase conversion under your brand.

If you still have any questions, representatives of the Moneymaker Factory are ready to answer them at any time!

Today, China is considered a major business partner for many countries. The economic situation in China is developing dynamically every day, which attracts the attention of representatives from all over the world. In 2009, the prosperity of this industry reached its peak, and China was deservedly awarded the title of the largest international exporter, which previously belonged to Germany. Made in China products today are presented in a huge range and can be found in stores in a large number of countries. It is quite clear that their employees are also evolving to meet such demand.

Chinese factories differ in their profile. In addition, they can be characterized depending on their territorial location. For example, in the southern zone of the Land of the Rising Sun there are enterprises specializing in tailoring and manufacturing high-tech electronics. The most famous provinces are Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The chemical industry and mechanical engineering are developing mainly in the northern and eastern regions of the People's Republic of China.

The main Chinese enterprises occupy the following territorial zones:

This location is easy to explain, because this trend is supported throughout the world - factories are located close to access to the raw material base. In addition, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • cross-country ability of vehicles;
  • the presence of vibrant markets;
  • cheap labor;
  • available energy resources.

Search for factories in China

All these parameters were taken into account when constructing factories in the eastern regions of China. There is both transport accessibility and a good raw material base. There is a regular influx of cheap labor from neighboring villages, which has an amazing ability to work.

Besides general goods, each province is assigned the production of a certain type of product in which it specializes. This makes it easier to find the required factory in China.

If we compare the USA and Europe, the south-eastern region of Asia began to develop quite recently, but rapidly. Previously, many people associated the Made in China label with second-rate products, but today the majority of goods presented for sale good quality at an affordable price. For example, an industry organization is distributed as follows.

  1. Shanghai: electronics, instrument making. Navigation is carried out here thanks to a large port interchange.
  2. Guangzhou and Shenzhen: also electronics, and also the production of clothing and shoes.
  3. Jiangsu: the above products, as well as metallurgy and manufacturing industries.
  4. Tianjin: cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, petrochemical and biosynthetic products.
  5. Zhengjiang: A province with the largest manufacturers of electronics, information technology and communications equipment.
  6. Chongqing: cars and motorcycles.

The logistics company W estAsia delivers goods from China. In addition, we have several areas of our activity. These include customs clearance cargo and search for factories in China. Over many years of cooperation, we have acquired reliable partners who help us sell our products in the Russian Federation. Delivery is carried out to all regions of the country. If you have chosen your own supplier, we can check his company for reliability, and his product for compliance with quality. This is easy for us, since our representative offices are open in all the main ports of the Republic. Our company’s employees have knowledge of the legislation of both countries, as well as the Chinese language, which helps to quickly resolve problems at all stages of delivery. If necessary, we can represent your interests in the PRC.

Evgeny Smirnov


# Business with China

Chinese manufacturers

In 2015, the Chinese construction company erected a 57-story skyscraper in 19 days.

Article navigation

  • Search for manufacturers in China
  • Production of goods in China
  • Plants and factories in the Guangzhou region
  • Advantages of organizing production in China
  • How to order production of goods in China
  • Contract manufacturing in China
  • Chinese Manufacturers Database
  • What is produced in China
  • Which famous manufacturers have factories in China?
  • Why is production cheap in China?
  • Conclusion

370 thousand new enterprises over the past 50 years. First place among all countries in the number of plants and factories. Production of components for Apple, Dell, HP. This is China, a country with a billion people and an economic center on a planetary scale.

Search for manufacturers in China

The influence of Chinese industry affects all sectors of the Russian economy without exception. And goods from China are one of the most popular startups among aspiring entrepreneurs. Having access to the Internet, anyone can easily contact Chinese manufacturers.

Many brands whose products are known all over the world have moved their product production to China. Opening a clothing factory or a high-tech smartphone manufacturing company is equally easy. For this purpose, the territory of China is conventionally divided into economic zones, which provide excellent conditions for each industry. For example:

  • In the regions of Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Chinese manufacturing plants and auxiliary companies are concentrated, which provide comfortable conditions for cheap and high-quality production of clothing, electronics, and furniture.
  • Liaoning, Ningbo, Shanghai and Hangzhou are the “heavyweights” of the Chinese economy. Capacities for metallurgy, machine and shipbuilding, and the chemical industry are concentrated here.
  • Tianjin and Beijing are the center of the Chinese textile industry.

Plants and factories in the Guangzhou region

A bright representative of the Chinese economy is Guangzhou, the third largest city in the republic. Population – 10 million people ( more population all of Belarus). The region is extremely popular among foreign investors and businessmen. It is highly developed here light industry and electronics.

Factories and factories in Guangzhou mostly specialize in the production of products made from silk, cotton, jute and artificial fibers.

Interestingly, Yekaterinburg has been one of Guangzhou’s sister cities since 2002.

Advantages of organizing production in China

WITH economic point From our point of view, the benefits of manufacturing in China are due to the following aspects:

  1. The economic laws developed by the government are clear and effective. The entrepreneur clearly knows his rights and obligations.
  2. Cheap labor is a fact that is known all over the world.
  3. Transparent tax system.
  4. Various benefits for new and young small businesses.
  5. Prices for energy resources and raw materials are among the lowest on the mainland.
  6. Tough and effective fight against corruption.
  7. High business activity a large number of the population.
  8. Small and medium business does not lend itself to external interference from officials.

How to order production of goods in China

Resale Chinese goods- most affordable business with China. Opening your own production capacity requires serious investments. If both options do not fit your business model, there is a middle ground - ordering production in China.

The point is this. For example, you decide to sell copies of Nike sneakers. To do this, you need to send a sample (original) of the shoes to the factory. Specify the desired volume of delivery and find out the cost. The Chinese produce goods at a price below the market price, you sell at your own markup.

Also, cooperation with Chinese manufacturers can be used to release your own brand or modernize products already available on the market. How to do this?

  1. Needed in China. There's a lot on the Internet similar announcements. The main thing is to carefully analyze information about your future partner.
  2. Inform the intermediary in detail about your goals and requirements. Show product samples.
  3. From the factories selected by the intermediary, choose the one you like and order an inspection. It includes: provision of all documents, photo report, performance assessment, production of samples for review.
  4. You sign a contract and pay for the first trial batch of goods. Often the minimum order is $1000, which is not much for making your own.

Contract manufacturing in China

Another way to cooperate with Chinese factories is contract (or OEM) manufacturing. The bottom line is that the customer has the opportunity to manufacture goods in China under own brand, the copyright holder of which he is guaranteed to be. The low cost of the goods received and small initial investments make such cooperation beneficial for the entrepreneur.

The main benefits of contractual cooperation:

  • High quality goods at low contract costs.
  • There is no need to purchase and modernize production equipment - the manufacturer will take care of all the worries.
  • Easy start. A budding businessman can start producing his own products without huge investments.

Chinese Manufacturers Database

If it is expensive to search for a manufacturer using an intermediary, you can try using the online catalog of Chinese manufacturers.

  • Alibaba. The most popular Chinese trading platform. Easy search, huge range of products. The main drawback is the lack of Russian language on the site.
  • Global Sources. Well-known and authoritative online directory. A regular participant in exhibitions in China, the USA, India, the United Arab Emirates and many other countries. In the online catalog it is easy to find the websites of large Chinese manufacturers.
  • HKTDC. An excellent online catalog with offices in 40 cities around the world. It presents large manufacturers Hong Kong. The information is constantly updated; the customer has the opportunity to submit a purchase advertisement.
  • DHgate. Online catalog with which you can purchase goods by wholesale prices in small quantities. The site presents 650 thousand manufacturers and intermediaries, which gives more than 20 million product names.
  • TaoBao. Another well-known resource in Russia. The site is similar in functionality and design to a traditional online store. Here are hundreds of thousands of manufacturers and stores with the widest range products – both new and used. Small and large wholesale possible.

What is produced in China

Almost every fifth thing in the world is made in China. In many industries, China holds the lead in production volumes. Here is a list of products that the Chinese produce more than any other country.

Product name Quantity Share of world production
Personal computers 286.2 million 90%
Air conditioners 109 million 80%
Energy saving lamps 4.3 billion 80%
Mobile phones 1.77 billion 63%
Cement 1.8 billion tons 60%
Pork 1.5 billion tons 50%
Coal 1.8 billion tons 45-50%
Shipbuilding Total displacement 766 million tons. 45%

Which famous manufacturers have factories in China?

Despite the lion's share of world exports, the majority Chinese brands unknown to Russian and European buyers. This is due to the fact that most of them are focused on the domestic or Asian market. But there are also companies that have made a name for themselves throughout the world.

For your attention – the most famous and largest factories China.

  • Lenovo. Leader of the high-tech industry of the People's Republic of China. Due to the optimal price-quality ratio, the company's products are popular in many CIS countries and abroad. The company's technologies were developed with the help of another world giant - the American IBM.
  • Huawei. Worldwide famous manufacturer various types of telecommunications products and telephones. The company has more than once been involved in scandals related to industrial espionage and theft of other people's developments (which is typical for many Chinese companies).
  • Haier. One of the flagships for the production of high-tech household appliances. Thanks to its own ideas and developments, the company's products are highly valued in many countries, including the USA.
  • Gree. A rapidly growing air conditioning company. It has factories not only in China, but also abroad.
  • BBK. A popular brand known for high-quality household appliances and electronics. BBK DVD players are known all over the world for their ability to read any disc, even damaged ones.
  • Chery, Geely are popular car manufacturers in the CIS and Europe. But if Chery became famous for cloning popular models in the world, Geely has always relied on its own developments, which has borne fruit - the company recently acquired the famous automobile brand Volvo.

Why is production cheap in China?

The primacy of the People's Republic of China in many industries is ensured by many factors. We will consider the main ones in detail.

Cheap labor. Chinese villages are the main source of labor for the entire country. More often, workers from the villages are used in low-skilled and low-productivity professions. At the same time, wages are mere pennies on a metropolitan scale. About 120 million Chinese live below the poverty line.

The most big salaries in Beijing and Shanghai. A simple factory worker has an average salary of $500. In the provinces, you can expect a maximum of $250 for a similar position.

Interesting fact: one of the highest paid professions in China is modeling. Girls with European appearance can expect a salary from 300 to 770 US dollars per day!

Another factor that influenced the sharp growth of the economy is the development of the southeastern part of the country. Mass production, high concentration of specialists and money in this region contributed to billions of dollars in influx of foreign investment. Economic and political centers are located here - Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Ningbo and many others. Around these cities there are a huge number of auxiliary plants and factories. Thanks to this, enterprises have every opportunity for low-cost production and logistics.

The main role in the growth of the country's economy is played by domestic politics states. Tax benefits For businessmen, transparent laws and the fight against corruption are bearing fruit. The attitude towards entrepreneurs in China is completely different than in Russia. The Chinese businessman is seen as the driving force behind the country's entire economy. The most comfortable conditions are created for doing business.

One final aspect that gives manufacturers a pricing advantage is pollution control. environment. More precisely, her long absence. In the USA and EU countries, the issues of cleaning and reducing production waste are taken very seriously, investing hundreds of millions of dollars there. Industrial enterprises China has abandoned expensive Western technologies. Now the problem of air pollution comes to the fore.

The environmental situation in the country is catastrophic in some places, 20% arable land polluted with hazardous substances, and smog on the street is a common occurrence even in the capital, Beijing.

Understanding the criticality of the current situation, the authorities introduced a number of measures designed to reduce emissions into the ground and atmosphere. In order to reduce the use of coal in industry, a multi-billion dollar gas contract was concluded with Russia. The government introduced death penalty for environmental crimes. But hundreds of thousands of factories across the country continue to operate, and at the same time, air, land and water pollution continues. We will find out in a couple of decades what this will lead to.


As a result, we note: production in China is an excellent opportunity to start your own big business. This country creates comfortable conditions and limitless opportunities for investors. Such policies often harm their own people, but increased jobs and wages make it possible to turn a blind eye to shortcomings (such as environmental pollution).
