Rental place for donuts is profitable. Profitable production of donuts or a business plan for a million. Sales of finished products

The attitude towards donuts is far from ambiguous. Most people happily eat a few rosy rounds with a thin crispy crust that exude a seductive aroma. But. There are also ardent opponents of this culinary invention.

They believe that eating donuts is strictly prohibited due to their calorie content and high cholesterol content, but even they, from time to time, will not deny themselves the pleasure of eating heels of these crispy products!

On weekends and holidays, during breaks between couples, at railway stations and bus stations, donuts are literally snapped up on the fly, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Why directly?

After frying on automatic equipment, they fly out onto a tray, where they are poured with sweets and or sprinkled with powders and eaten immediately, because this is one of the few dishes that is consumed immediately after cooking, since after 3-4 minutes they lose that zest that distinguishes donuts from fried pies and whites. Another secret!

Donuts satisfy your hunger within 10-15 minutes after consumption, and since the dough density in donuts is not very high, your stomach does not feel full, which is why you can eat 10-15 small donuts, and this is additional income for the seller, which you can become by opening business selling donuts from scratch with a minimum of investments and quick payback project.

First steps

Unlike other business projects in the catering industry, people will visit the donut shop regardless of income, because these products are cheap! Moreover, you can open from scratch without investing almost anything, and after just a few months you can receive 50,000 rubles or more per month!

The main requirements for the premises of a future donut shop are being located near crowded places, high-quality ventilation and the presence of two separate rooms, a kitchen and a hall for visitors.

  1. Before you open a donut shop, you need to decide on the format of the business. Donuts to go are the best option with a minimum investment, because in order to eat 10 donuts and wash them down with some drink, even the slowest ones will need no more than 10 minutes. The total area of ​​the premises for the donuts to go format is 20-30 m2. 10-15 m2 for the kitchen, 5-15 m2 for the client room. To open from scratch, it is enough to invest 20,000 rubles one-time in refurbishing the premises, and then 15,000-20,000 rubles per month to pay for the rent of the premises.
  2. Donuts delivered. There are no special requirements for the premises. It could even be your own kitchen in the apartment. However, you need to invest in outsourcing a call center or buy 0-800 and hire operators who would work around the clock, because you need to bake donuts, not answer calls! Your own car is also required, not to mention the driver, who must be paid at least 10,000 rubles every month, regardless of his employment. And most importantly, in order to deliver hot and crispy donuts to the client, you need expensive thermal equipment costing from 150,000 rubles. Based on the above, it is possible to provide the “donuts with delivery” service after about a year of sales, but there is no way to organize it from scratch.
  3. Donut shop and cafe. In the first months of operation, donuts were the main dish of this establishment. Then, as practice shows, they fade into the background. Here you need a room of at least 60 m2. 20 m2 is allocated for the kitchen, and 40 m2 for the client room with 50 seats.

The law is the law

For anyone point of sale formats of donuts to go, donut cafe or a combined version, the legal requirements are quite strict. By the way, to open a takeaway donut establishment, you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and pay a single tax, but if the establishment has seats, you need to pay a fixed or percentage tax on the profit.

Permission from Rospotrebnadzor, a sanitary card for each worker, confirmation of compliance with fire safety standards, as for any other catering establishment, are required.

Equipment, personnel and assortment

Donuts are a flow product. That is, to prepare them you need to maintain equipment: a high-speed dough mixing machine and a deep fryer in working condition. If no one orders donuts for 15 minutes, then the equipment needs to be stopped and then started again.

Whether periodic shutdown of the equipment is justified or whether it is better for it to work uninterruptedly is determined experimentally. This is specific of this business, which should be kept in mind.

It is advisable to bake products made from natural raw materials only to order or in establishments where donuts are not the main product in the assortment. Then you can cover the difference on the average cost of the test. In addition to minimizing harm to health and the brand feature, they say, these donuts are made from all natural ingredients, natural raw materials no longer have any advantages.

But, naturally, there are plenty of disadvantages for donut shop owners. This is, first of all, the need to buy an additional refrigeration unit for 80,000 rubles or more and a short shelf life of the finished product. After just an hour and a half, no oven will be able to return the donuts to their original freshness.

But raw materials specially designed for baking them make it possible to revive the product even after a day, and since the manufacturer indicates the expiration date of the dough mixture on the packaging, a lot of problems with SES are solved.

Staff: to the donut shop, take 2 people per shift - one puts in the raw materials and bakes the products, and the other pours the finished products with fondant, sprinkles them with powders and pays the customers; for donut shop seats We also need a waiter, since capricious clients will be indignant, saying that the cook is serving them. As a result, others will stop coming to you.

The confectionery market is overflowing with all sorts of fondants and powders for sweet donuts. And products with potatoes, mushrooms and meat will also find their admirers. It is not recommended to cook a lot of unsweetened fillings. It’s better to run out of donuts than to spoil the raw materials!

How much can you earn?

Donut shops near educational institutions, at train stations and mobile points in the summer on weekends and holidays bring fantastic income. On one product costing 10 rubles, the net profit is 5 rubles for the donuts to go format, 6 rubles for a mobile point and 3 rubles for a cafe. You can put these funds in your pocket.

In 1 day you can earn the most from mobile points in parks near children's attractions. On Sundays you can sell more than 5,000 products, respectively, your income is 20,000 rubles or more. But this is temporary income. Takeaway donuts bring in about 150,000 net profit per month. Cafes can give their owners more, but not at the expense of donuts, but due to the variety of assortment and the high average cost of a check.

After a while, when you have grown regular customers You can try home delivery of donuts. Additional 50,000 rubles in your pocket every month!

Stages of development

For quick start, it is best to start a business in early May with several mobile points in recreation parks. At the beginning of September, several pavilions will be erected near educational institutions. Sometime in winter, try to open a cafe and organize delivery of donuts. If everything works out, then by the end of the year your profit, in an ordinary regional center with a population of 300,000 people, can amount to 500,000 rubles or more per month!

Despite the fact that donuts are not a traditional dish of Russian national cuisine, the popularity of these ready-made dough products is difficult to overestimate. Donuts are always in demand because they are rarely prepared at home, they are tasty and fresh, have an appetizing appearance and are not expensive. Bright, hot, crispy and flavorful donuts are perfect for a hearty snack outside the home.

Perhaps this is why the idea is so tempting for entrepreneurs - to buy a machine for making donuts and start making money by selling these confectionery.

How can you make money from donuts?

The implementation of a business idea for selling donuts should begin with an assessment own resources. First of all, the entrepreneur must determine:

  • potential of available retail and production space;
  • volume of own working capital and the opportunity to obtain credit resources;
  • availability of qualified personnel.

Depending on all this, a businessman can either sell from a stall, or open a kiosk with donuts, or organize a cafe - a donut shop.

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Business from scratch

If at the start of a donut business the entrepreneur has neither his own premises nor large cash, no workers, then you can start selling donuts on your own budget business plan: purchase an inexpensive donut machine, prepare the product at home and sell from a tray.

To implement this idea, you only need your own labor and a small starting capital(the device can be purchased for 25 thousand rubles).

At this stage it is important to follow the recipe and trade quality product, since a novice entrepreneur will not be able to attract customers with anything other than delicious donuts and quality service.

Medium format

If a businessman has an amount of about 50 thousand rubles. and the ability to support hired workers, then the format of such a business as the production of donuts for selling them from a storefront becomes available.

Display cases can be installed in rented space in stores and shopping centers, or you can equip kiosks selling donuts.

The donuts themselves can also be baked on small production lines.

A businessman's expenses increase due to rental payments and maintenance of working personnel. But trade turnover also increases due to the opportunity to profitably present your product, as well as through the sale of hot and cold drinks.

Organization of a donut shop

To run a business in this format, it makes sense to think about donuts.

Today there are several franchisors working in Russia, cooperation with which allows you to receive good profit. These are like this trademarks, How:

  • American Dunkin' Donuts and Krispy Kreme;
  • Russian “Lenchik-Donchik” and “Those Donuts”.

Purchasing an American franchise will cost a Russian entrepreneur 80 thousand US dollars. A Russian franchise will cost at least 10 thousand US dollars.

This is the amount necessary investments, due to which the following is carried out:

  • employee training;
  • establishing all production cycles;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • production of launch marketing materials.

But even if you are ready to invest 80 thousand US dollars in a cafe, there is a high probability that the franchisor will refuse to sell the franchise. The reason is the lack of the necessary sales market in the region.

Important! Reputable franchisors value their reputation, and if, according to their information, the donut shop cannot reach self-sufficiency within the stated period, most often this is 1.5 years, then no one will sell the franchise to the entrepreneur.

Therefore, before opening your own donut shop, experts advise ordering marketing research and only after receiving positive conclusions, plan investments.

Purchase of equipment for a donut shop

There are two types of donuts:

  • rings;
  • round donuts with filling inside (Berliners);

Rings and donuts can be additionally glazed and decorated with a variety of confectionery decorations.

All this requires debugging production processes, which in a donut shop environment should be automated as much as possible.

The simplest equipment is a machine for producing donut rings.

Its cost is about 2 thousand US dollars. Productivity up to 400 donuts per hour.

Equipment for Berliners is more expensive. The production kit includes

  • industrial mixer;
  • divider-rounder, which forms dough pieces for Berliners;
  • a proofing cabinet (Berliners are made from yeast dough and a proofing cabinet is necessary for the dough to rise);
  • deep fryer;
  • filling depositor;
  • enrobing apparatus.

A complete automated complex can cost more than 1 million rubles.

Today, domestic sets of equipment for donut shops are in demand, since their prices and quality are the most reasonable to begin with. independent business. But it is necessary to purchase equipment only from trusted suppliers.

Profitability of donut business

If you are thinking about how to open a donut shop from scratch, you should understand that the implementation of this project will require significant costs, although its payback period is at least 2 years. This period increases significantly if the donut shop is opened on credit, on which interest must be paid.

To evaluate the effectiveness of this business idea, you need to develop a donut shop business plan with calculations. The approximate data presented below will help you in compiling it.

Start-up costs for organizing a business will be about 3 million rubles. This amount includes the purchase of equipment, renovation of premises, concluding contracts with suppliers and purchasing the first batch of raw materials.

Monthly costs the cost of maintaining the donut shop will be approximately 180 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • 100 thousand rubles. – salary of 3 employees;
  • 30 thousand rubles. – rent of premises;
  • 35 thousand rubles. – costs of producing 200 kg of donuts;
  • 15 thousand rubles. – and mandatory fees.

The monthly sale of 200 kg of donuts (4000 pieces) will bring an income of about 200 thousand rubles. (the cost of one donut without filling is about 50 rubles). About 100 thousand rubles. can be obtained from the sale of drinks. Additional income will be provided by the service of decorating, packaging and delivery of donuts.

Thus, an entrepreneur will be able to earn money per month to pay for current expenses, as well as return up to 150 thousand rubles, which is 5% of the starting investment. With such indicators, the business will pay off in 20 months.

Wherever a consumer goes today, he is sure to come across a fast food establishment. It’s not surprising - business in this area can be quite simple and low-cost. And even despite more competition in this area, cafe fast food with their delicious menu they are in demand everywhere. And to make it easier to launch your own business in this niche, without fighting with competitors, you need to choose a direction that has not yet become so widespread in the market. This includes the production and sale of donuts. If you buy equipment for the production of donuts and find a suitable premises, you can as soon as possible recoup all costs incurred. The business of producing donuts is especially profitable because there are several options for doing business. And each entrepreneur, taking into account his skills and available investments, will be able to choose the most optimal business scheme for himself.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 20,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

No matter what development path an entrepreneur takes, we will still talk about a food enterprise. And here the business plan for the production of donuts plays a paramount role. On the pages of the project you will have to provide for a lot of nuances - starting with the development of the recipe and ending with the marketing policy.

So how to open a donut production from scratch in Russia without spending huge amounts of money? And what is even more important - how not to go bankrupt in the very first months of the enterprise’s existence?

Business development options

The business of producing and selling delicious delicacies is varied. And here an entrepreneur can follow one of the possible paths of development of his enterprise.

Option 1. An entrepreneur can open his own point. This option will be difficult for novice entrepreneurs to implement, but, nevertheless, it can bring significantly greater profits. In this case, the main task is to find a pass-through place for sales. And if you work it out correctly marketing strategy to attract large flows of clientele, all investments will pay off very quickly. And the costs here will be considerable - decorating the premises in an attractive style and preparing it for work, advertising, hiring staff, renting space.

Option 2. But continuous production Donut business as a business is devoid of the main disadvantages of the first development option, since it will not require expenses either for advertising or for opening your own cafe or pavilion - the products will simply need to be packaged in separate containers for subsequent delivery to customers. But the entrepreneur in this case may face difficulties of a different kind - establishing contacts with numerous clients. But as practice shows, the production of filled donuts, if there is a profitable commercial offer will be in demand among potential audiences. This direction may seem especially attractive to those who plan to launch home business, producing small batches of products and selling them to neighborhood confectionery shops. This is quite real!

Option 3. But experts advise taking a closer look at the last method of doing business in this niche – franchising. Many large entrepreneurs for the production and sale of donuts (franchisees) today offer everyone who wants to work under their brand - they will help you buy an automatic donut machine and “donate” your recipe. This, of course, immediately makes the work of a novice entrepreneur easier - he has on hand ready business plan, and the products do not need to be advertised. As for the disadvantages of this option of doing business, we can note the fact that, according to the terms of the agreement, the businessman must pay the franchisee a certain amount every month, specified in the document.

Each of the 3 possible scenarios for doing business takes place. And in order to choose the most optimal one, you should analyze the market - study consumer demand, pricing policy in the region and the level of competition in the niche. But in each case, with proper planning, the production and sale of donuts can become not only profitable, but also an interesting business.

What is the technological process for making donuts?

Solex Donut Maker

The donut production technology is extremely simple. Surely every housewife knows the “best” recipe for the delicacy. In the case of a full-fledged enterprise, the process itself is carried out in exactly the same way as at home, and the only difference is in the application special equipment, which greatly facilitates the technological stages.

Running a home business is difficult due to the fact that almost all technological operations will have to be carried out manually. And naturally, you can’t produce large quantities of goods here, which means high profits the entrepreneur is nowhere to be seen. But as a quality additional income- why not?

The donut production line carries out next steps production:

  • Kneading yeast dough.
  • Dosage of the resulting test.
  • Formation of rings or stuffed products.
  • Frying donuts.
  • Place the finished donuts on a sieve or tray to drain excess fat.
  • Sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar or glaze (if the recipe requires it).
  • Packing finished products into containers or displaying them on display.

The donut making machine produces, as a rule, ordinary donuts - without filling and various flavor “decorations” on top. But in order to “diversify” the products produced, you will either have to use manual labor, or buy a special donut machine that coats them with glaze.

As for a full-fledged workshop, you can save money by offering customers the most ordinary donuts (maximum - sprinkled with powdered sugar). But if we talk about the functioning of the cafe, then it will be necessary to expand the assortment to the maximum, offering customers a variety of variations of finished products - the production of mini donuts, with glaze, with nuts, with filling, with confectionery topping. It’s absolutely clear that you can’t do without “creative” ideas, and therefore it’s better to involve an experienced technologist who will work out the recipe. And since bulky equipment may not fit in a restaurant kitchen, donuts are often decorated by hand.

What will an entrepreneur need to purchase as raw materials? Its exact list will depend on the specific recipe, but some components will remain unchanged:

  • flour,
  • yeast,
  • milk or water.

What equipment will need to be purchased?

Which donut making machine an entrepreneur chooses will depend on the planned sales volumes and the diversity of the finished product range.

The production of donuts is carried out using the following list of equipment:

  • Dispensers for liquid and bulk components.
  • Dough mixing machine.
  • Automatic machine for preparing preparations.
  • Industrial fryer.

Additional equipment includes a machine for coating finished products with glaze, an automatic machine for dosing and introducing filling into the donut. In addition, you will have to purchase some types of auxiliary equipment.

Modern donut production line

The price of donut production equipment will depend on its performance and purpose. For example, it is possible to equip a large-scale food enterprise with machines for no less than 2,000,000 rubles. If we talk about a mini-workshop, then the purchase of everything necessary equipment 800,000 rubles may be enough. But its performance will be significantly lower than in the first case. The easiest way would be to equip home production or kitchen small cafe- 100,000 rubles will be enough. Examples here include the Gulfstream donut machine and the APF 350 machine.

Experts do not advise starting a business in this area by purchasing high-power, expensive equipment, since the installation, in the absence of wholesale consumers, may simply stand idle.

But let’s not forget that in the case of a fast food establishment, in addition to technological equipment, you will also have to purchase trade equipment– thermal display cases, refrigerators. So it turns out that both options (a mini-workshop and a cafe) are almost equal in terms of investment. But to run a home business, you won’t need a donut making machine – everything will be done by hand.

What kind of premises should I rent?

If you run a business in your own kitchen, then the problem of finding suitable premises disappears. But speaking of full-fledged workshop and cafes, this issue remains on the agenda.

The cafe should be located in some walkable place - shopping center, cinema, park. And the areas for production workshop better to find in the industrial part settlement– rent is cheaper here.

The main difficulty that awaits all entrepreneurs here is obtaining permits from supervisory authorities. In the workshop and kitchen of a fast food establishment, good exhaust hoods and sewage systems must be provided, and fire safety equipment must be thought out. And it’s better to do all this before starting work. Because if any violations are discovered, the enterprise may be closed. But every day of downtime is a loss of profit.

Let's calculate the possible profit from the business

According to experts, the price of the donut machine should pay off fairly quickly if the products are fully sold. And the specific timing will depend on the performance of the equipment.

  • Registration of an enterprise.
  • Purchase and commissioning of the line.
  • Providing a raw material base.
  • Preparing the premises for work.

A low-power donut machine can be inexpensive, and therefore, according to the most minimal estimates for starting manufacturing enterprise it will cost ≈600,000 rubles. Capital investments will literally triple if you install a fully automated line for the production of sweet products in the workshop. Opening a small shopping pavilion will cost the entrepreneur the same amount. Well, you can start a home business without spending even 20,000 rubles.

And the final profit received by the businessman will depend on how quickly the sale of donuts goes. On average, the cost of 1 donut is 3.5-20 rubles. And its wholesale price starts from 6-8 rubles. And if you sell at least 10,000 donuts (and this is quite realistic), then net profit an entrepreneur can average 70,000 rubles. And this is only in the case of a small workshop - a high-power plant will bring much more income.

Business in the production and sale of food products will always be relevant, despite the crisis, the time of year, and the financial condition of people. The need for food will never dry up. Therefore, it makes sense to say that a product manufacturing business is a reliable and stable way to generate income.

Modern people are always in a hurry to get somewhere, and in this crazy pace of life there is not always room for a full lunch. Most people snack on the go, in fast food or a coffee shop. Therefore, in today’s article I want to talk about a profitable business idea in the food industry - the production of donuts.

The modern fast food market is diverse enough for every customer to find food to suit their taste. Even though the food is unhealthy instant cooking, almost every person is interested in it from time to time. The variety is truly impressive, in everyone, even small town, especially in the warm season, there is a lot of kvass, hot dogs, pizza, pasties, pies, pastries and other goodies. But in today's article we will talk specifically about specific form delicacies that have already been forgotten. Donuts are products made from yeast dough with a sweet filling and glaze. Each housewife prepares them differently, adding her own ingredients and experimenting with fillings. Therefore, this favorite delicacy comes from childhood, attracts us with its smell on the street and involuntarily makes us pay attention to the tent where these fresh, rosy crumpets are baked.

Donut production: business plan

If you like the idea of ​​making money on donuts, then start implementing it by first drawing up detailed business plan. What is it for?

In a business plan for the production of donuts, all costs of the project should be calculated in detail. In addition, it is necessary to study demand and determine the level of competition. As for the demand for this type of food, there are quite a lot of donut lovers, so a business can be opened in both large and small cities.

Stages of a business plan for the production of donuts:

  • Business idea analysis (demand, competition, profitability);
  • Gathering everyone necessary documents to register the selected type of activity;
  • Business format and purchase of necessary equipment;
  • Renting premises;
  • Registration and hiring of employees;
  • Advertising as a way to attract customers (promotions, discounts, increasing the range);
  • Calculation of profits and payback periods of a business;
  • Further promotion (opening a network of cafes and pastry shops, stalls selling fast food).

Business format

Donuts are a favorite treat for many children and adults. Fragrant, fluffy with a sweet filling, rolled in powder or covered in glaze - they are in incredible demand at any time of the year.

Before you start implementing your chosen business idea, you should decide on the format of the business. Naturally, opening a bakery will be more expensive than an ordinary stall on the street, even a beginner understands this. Therefore, there are two options - opening a mobile kiosk for the production and sale of donuts or selling fast food. The first option is suitable for novice entrepreneurs who do not have much capital, those who dream. The second option, financially more expensive, requires large investments(renting premises in a crowded place, staffing, etc.).

Business registration

Before starting a donut business, you need to register your type of activity. Control over food production is quite serious, so all conditions under which food will be prepared must be met. You need to obtain permits from the sanitary and fire services, as well as from Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, the following documents are required:

Agreed and registered technical specifications for production, hygienic conclusions from the sanitary and epidemiological station, technical instructions and approved recipes for the preparation of products.

More details about the advantages and disadvantages of individual entrepreneurship and society with limited liability look at the diagram.

How to open a mobile donut stall?

The production and sale of donuts can be carried out in a mobile portable tent, which it is advisable to install in the city center or in other crowded places with high cross-country ability(park, hospital, hostel).

Having decided on the location, you need to prepare and arrange everything permits and permissions from the SES, fire service, Rospotrebnadzor. All you need is to install electricity and water.

Equipment for the production of donuts

You don't need any special equipment, all you need is a donut making machine. On initial stages, you can save money and not buy an expensive unit with high productivity; it is quite enough to produce 15–20 donuts at a time.

The advantage of this option is that you can prepare donuts to order, rather than selling ready-made ones. The smell and aroma of fresh baked goods attracts customers from afar.

But naturally, as in any other type of business, this option for making money has its drawbacks.

  • Firstly, it is seasonality. Only in the warm season you can sell donuts in an open tent on the street.
  • Secondly, they are bad weather conditions. Let's say that in the rain, frying donuts will be problematic, the hot oil will sizzle and the donuts may burn.
  • Thirdly, surplus production in the form of leftover dough. As a rule, donuts are made from yeast dough, which has a limited shelf life, so you have to throw away the leftovers.

But, despite all the disadvantages, this type of business is quite profitable and quickly pays off, so it makes sense to occupy a niche that is still poorly filled.

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Donut making technology

As a rule, donuts are prepared with yeast dough, but there are other recipes. First you need to prepare the dough, then you should choose the filling (jam, chocolate), then you need to make a donut and fry it in a deep fryer on both sides until golden brown. Remove the finished donut, allow the remaining oil to drain and serve to the client, decorating with powder or glaze.

Financial investments

  • Rent or purchase of a tent – ​​from 1000 rubles;
  • Preparation of documents and obtaining permits;
  • Purchase of equipment for the production of donuts, the price of a new machine starts from 20,000 rubles;
  • Furniture for a kiosk – from 5,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of products from 10,000 rubles (at the initial stage);
  • Salary to the seller - from 25,000 rubles per month and above;
  • Other expenses.

Thus, the minimum amount for starting a business in the production of donuts is about 70-100 thousand rubles. The payback will depend on the number of donuts sold per day. Therefore, as noted above, choose crowded places to place your tent.

Attracting clients

There is no need for special advertising; it is enough to place the tent in a crowded place. The smell of fresh baked goods and a bright sign will help attract the attention of customers.

Assortment. It is advisable to constantly update the assortment, exclude the worst options from it and replenish it with new interesting options. After all, everyone has different tastes, they like sweet donuts with chocolate or jam, others with meat or mushrooms. You can prepare several options to choose from, thereby attracting as many people as possible.

Modern market realities are such that the “fastfood” sector has gained extensive development. This is both good, because it motivates novice entrepreneurs to open something similar, and bad, because in a competitive environment, development will be accompanied by certain difficulties. However, a businessman has the opportunity to find the most promising niche and actively engage her. Particularly popular among our compatriots are not so much cafeterias and coffee shops with baked goods, but rather pancake and pie shops. Therefore, an open donut business would seem to be profitable. The first thing you should pay attention to is purchasing equipment for donuts, choosing a place of sale, deciding on advertising and other nuances of the start-up business.

Donut kiosk option

The process of official registration with the tax authorities

To carry out legal business work within any country, you will have to take responsibility for registering a company. This is carried out by the tax authorities, as a result of which the person becomes registered. Due to the difficulties that may accompany you in the process production activities, it is recommended to open an LLC, not an individual entrepreneur. If this is one small establishment that provides you with income to earn your living without hiring employees, an individual entrepreneur will suffice.

Sources of capital formation are best if they are their own. If, based on the results of the analysis, it turns out that you do not have the required amount to implement this idea, you should think about lending. But this option is unlikely due to the difficulties of obtaining a loan and the principle of repayment. It is also necessary to obtain a certificate indicating the possibility of selling confectionery products. To do this, each portion must have a piece of paper printed on it with the date of production, composition and other information. The product must arrive in the hands of end sellers or end consumers in packaged and packaged form.

Method of packaging and serving donuts for sale

Features of searching for premises

Donut production requires a good premises. It should have an area of ​​200 squares. In the first phases of your activity, you should think about renting premises on the outskirts of the city, and then move closer to the central part. Even if you are not the owner of the premises, you will still have to spend a certain time resource on its arrangement and repair activities. If the idea is global in nature, this item can be considered the most expensive. Therefore, you should approach the selection of production space with special care. It must be equipped with hoods, water supply, sewerage, and electricity.

Important to know!

Before opening the business, it is necessary to put the selected premises in order. The fact is that if the area does not comply with certain standards, problems may arise with the relevant regulatory services and authorities.

Personnel selection

You will need to hire a minimum of workers, especially if the activity will start from scratch. If you want to save money, at first you can do most of the work yourself without turning to specialists and craftsmen. If you are blessed with the gift of cooking, then the cooking process will be your responsibility. If not, then you should hire a specialist for this work and do the selling yourself. The most acceptable format for opening such a business is a “family business”. If the family does not support this idea, you can find partners, and divide investments and proceeds fifty-fifty.

If you have plans large production donuts, it's worth hiring more staff. It will include representatives from the following positions:

  • baker;
  • worker;
  • driver;
  • loader;
  • salesman;
  • accountant.

Donut Cafe Sellers

For example, you don’t have to hire an accountant, but delegate his powers to a third-party organization. The total monthly cost of maintaining the staff will be about 100,000 rubles.

Production line and equipment

Within this aspect, it is important to pay due attention to several points. This includes an assortment of product items, selection of equipment and purchase of the necessary raw materials.

Assortment list

The classic idea of ​​a list of items suggests that it includes the following products:

  • traditional donut - a ball presented in golden color;
  • Berlin sweetness - roasting is done on both sides, and there is a white stripe around the circumference;
  • American treat - a donut in a ring shape with filling and glaze; it may contain certain additives.
    You can make the list more diverse if you can “pull” it in financial and labor terms.

One of the varieties of donuts - traditional with powdered sugar

Dough raw materials

To prepare the dough, you will need a raw material resource, which can be purchased directly from wholesale suppliers. This is a standard set that includes several ingredients. In particular, eggs, water, sugar, milk, yeast, salt, flour. In addition to this, filling, glaze, and additives are purchased. The monthly cost of purchasing all these elements will be about 50,000 rubles.

Features of equipment selection

The next stage is equipment for the production of donuts. It also consists of several areas:

  1. A dough kneading device used to stir the dough from which donuts will be made.
  2. Dividing and rounding equipment used to pass dough and form pieces into doughnuts.
  3. Deep fryer for frying donuts - it has a built-in cabinet and a compartment for pouring vegetable oil. The optimal roasting temperature is 180 degrees or more. Such devices can be gas or electric. Good European machines can accommodate 20 pieces at once, and in 2 minutes the baked goods are ready.
  4. Glazing machine. Some donuts are considered fully prepared after completing the third phase, while some require more actions. Therefore, you will need a special machine to handle the donut glazing process.

A new and high-quality conveyor line associated with the production of donuts costs about 3.5-4 million rubles. It carries out all the processes, so all you have to do is follow the instructions and ensure that everything is working properly. The productivity of a good system reaches 800 donuts in 1 hour.

Conveyor line for making donuts

Owning such equipment, you can create not a small shop, but an entire production workshop of impressive size. This will help you in the future when you decide to expand your own activities. To begin with, you can buy a simpler machine for making donuts, which can cost 1.5 million rubles.

Franchise manufacturing activities

Currently, the most profitable and rational option is to purchase a special franchise. Majority large organizations In order to capture the audience as soon as possible, they buy a franchise. The advantages are obvious: your senior mentor will draw up a business plan, provide assistance with all the nuances of conducting business, and analyze the profitability and feasibility of investments. There are several companies that are the most relevant and in demand on the market.

Donut production franchise: basic conditions

  1. The cost is from 250,000 rubles, including permission to create one workshop.
  2. Separate purchase of equipment.
  3. Royalty is around 4%.
  4. Advertising costs are about 1%.
  5. Payback period 9 months.

Large donut chain STAR DONATS as an idea for a franchise

You can count on several fundamental points as support from your senior partner:

  • detailed analysis of the future point of sale;
  • assistance in drawing up a business plan;
  • providing a list of equipment suppliers;
  • support in training events for employees;
  • formation of marketing tactics;
  • consulting at all stages.

The total investment for maintaining the franchise will be about 1.5 million rubles, according to preliminary estimates. expert assessments. Payback period is 6 months. But you should understand that you will have to pay for these advantages with insufficient independence of action and some restrictions.

Calculation measures

In order to have a detailed idea of ​​how much profit this enterprise can bring, and what is more profitable - opening a donut shop from scratch or purchasing a franchise, it is important to correctly formulate a donut shop business plan with calculations and evidence.

Initial costs

Consider the following initial costs:

  1. Buying a car – 500,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of a production workshop with an area of ​​200 sq. m – 20,000 rubles.
  3. Renting a kiosk for selling finished products – 20,000 rubles.
  4. Purchase of equipment – ​​1,500,000 rubles.
  5. Purchase of raw materials for 2 months – 100,000 rubles.
  6. Refrigeration elements – 100,000 rubles.
  7. Kitchen utensils – 5,000 rub.
  8. Microwave equipment – ​​5,000 rub.
  9. Furniture – 10,000 rub.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the total amount of capital will be 2,260,000 rubles.

Monthly expense directions

There are several items that make up the expenses that you, as an entrepreneur, will have to bear every month:

  1. Purchase of raw materials – 50,000 rubles.
  2. Salary – 100,000 rub.
  3. Car maintenance – 5,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising expenses – 5,000 rub.
  5. Rent of premises for production and sales – 40,000 rubles.

In total, the total cost that will be spent on production monthly will be 160,000 rubles.

Revenue part of the process

The price of donuts depends on their type and filling. A classic product can cost 150-20 rubles, while an exclusive donut reaches a price parameter of 25-30 rubles. Your goal is to sell about 500 pieces per day. If we consider that the average price is 20 rubles per piece, then the daily revenue is 10,000 rubles. You will receive 300,000 rubles per month.

Project payback period

First you need to determine your net monthly profit from owning a business:

300,000 – 160,000 = 140,000 rubles.

2,260,000 / 140,000 = 16.14 months.

It turns out that the donut making project will pay for itself in approximately 1 year and 4-5 months.

So, we looked at what equipment is needed for making donuts, and where is the best place to buy it. A competent approach to the process will allow you to get profitable business and improve your financial well-being.
