Select judgments about social stratification. Social studies test on the topic "Social structure of society" (grade 10). Features of social types of stratification

Part 1

Select correct judgments O social stratification and write down digital r s, under which they are indicated.

1) The concept of “social stratification” denotes a system of signs and criteria social stratification.

2) The division of society into strata allows for the presence of privileges among representatives of some strata.

3) The criteria for social stratification include the amount of power.

4) One of the criteria for social stratification is the individual psychological traits of a person.

5) Scientists distinguish two types of social stratification: progressive and regressive.

Are the following statements about social stratification correct?

A. The concept of “social stratification” means a system of social stratification of society.

B. The criteria for social stratification include the amount of income, the amount of power, and the level of education.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Choose the correct judgments about social mobility and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Intergenerational mobility - a comparative change in social status among different generations.

2) Organized mobility refers to state-controlled movements of a person or entire groups up, down or horizontally: with the consent of the people themselves, or without their consent.

3) The horizontal type of mobility includes receiving an extraordinary military rank.

4) Vertical mobility refers to a person’s transition to a lower social stratum.

5) Social mobility is the division of society into groups occupying different positions.

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Social inequality characterizes the relative position of individuals and social (A). Specific group or individual ____ (B) are recognized as members of society, and in public opinion they are assigned some significance.

Social inequality in modern society most often understood as ____ (B) distribution community groups in hierarchical order. And the concept of “middle class” precisely describes such a socially comfortable position: economic well-being, possession of property valued in society ____ (D), civil rights.

Social inequality is determined primarily by the importance and ____ (D) functions performed for society. In modern society, profession is becoming a determining factor ____ (E) social status.”

List of terms:

1) status

2) group

3) criterion

4) stratification

5) socialization

6) profession

9) mobility

Part 2

With the emergence of the "intellectual class" the driving force social progress non-materialistic goals become, and that part of society that is not able to assimilate them objectively loses its significance in public life more than any other class in agricultural or industrial societies. Intellectual stratification, reaching unprecedented proportions today, is gradually becoming the basis of any other social stratification...

Development modern economy, based on the production and use of knowledge, presupposes the formation of a new principle of social stratification, much more stringent compared to all known to history. In agrarian societies, the power of the feudal lord over the peasants gave birthright; in industrial society, the power of the capitalist was based on the right of property, and the influence of a civil servant was determined by his place in the political system; all these status factors were not determined by the natural and irreducible qualities of people - any member of society, finding himself in the place of representatives of the ruling class, could, with greater or lesser success, perform the corresponding social functions

In modern conditions, it is not social status that serves as a condition for a person to belong to the elite of a post-industrial society; on the contrary, he himself forms in himself the qualities that make him a representative of the highest social stratum. It is widely believed that information is the most democratic source of power, because everyone has access to it, and a monopoly on it is impossible; However, it is also important that information is also the least democratic factor of production, since access to it does not mean possession of it...

Social structure society

1. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social mobility”? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about social mobility, and one sentence revealing the features of vertical social mobility.

2. Choose the correct judgments about social differentiation and stratification and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Social differentiation is expressed in the division of society into social groups

2) Pre-industrial society was socially homogeneous

3) One of the types of social differentiation is the identification of groups by community professional activities

4) The main criterion for social stratification is personal qualities person

5) The caste division of society serves as an example of social stratification

3. numbers , under which they are indicated.

1) A social group is an association of people who have a common significant social sign

2) The creation of groups is facilitated by the awareness of the fact that when united one can achieve greater results than with individual action

3) Social groups are based on the specific innate properties of people

4) In the activities of social groups, people satisfy their biological needs

5) The creation of groups is facilitated by similar interests and goals of people

4. Name any three channels of vertical social mobility and illustrate each of them with an example.

5. Choose the correct judgments about social roles and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Social role is a dynamic component of social status

2) Hostile relations between neighbors serve as an example of role conflict

3) Typical social roles include the role of the consumer

4) In the role repertoire of an individual, there are main and secondary roles

5) The choice of role behavior is determined only by the internal attitudes of the individual

6. Choose the correct judgments about the types of social stratification and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) The class type of stratification is characteristic of the early periods of the development of society

2) In the history of mankind there were different types social stratification

3) Class stratification dominated during the Middle Ages

4) Under the caste system, social mobility was extremely low

5) One of the manifestations of class stratification in modern society is the legal consolidation of rights and responsibilities for individual social groups

7. Choose the correct judgments about the types of social mobility and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Intragenerational mobility involves a change in social status from one generation to another

2) Along with individual mobility, there is also group mobility

3) Promotion of a person in a position serves as an example of horizontal upward mobility

4) With the transition to an industrial society, social mobility increases

5) Repeated changes by a person throughout his life to his social status serve as a manifestation of intergenerational mobility

8. Choose the correct statements about social mobility and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Social mobility is any change in the social position of an individual or social group

2) Both vertical and horizontal mobility leads to a change in social status

3) Social mobility is manifested in a change in the place occupied by an individual or group in the social structure of society

4) Social mobility manifests itself in the internal state of a person and in interactions between people

5) Social mobility increases significantly in the conditions of industrial and post-industrial society

9. Choose the correct judgments about social groups and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Social groups allow you to satisfy important psychological or social problems people

2) Social groups help in achieving goals that a person could not achieve alone

3) Sociologists consider any community of people as a social group

4) The group is a secondary element of the social structure of society

5) One of the signs of a primary social group is its high level of emotionality

10. After graduating from technical college, the young man got a job as a consultant at a computer manufacturing company. After some time, he entered advanced training courses. Changes also occurred in his personal life: he married the daughter of the company’s co-owner. The completion of his studies coincided with his appointment as the chief manager of the enterprise.

An illustration of what social process Can this plot serve? What factors played a decisive role here? What are they called in sociology?

11. Choose the correct judgments about the types of social mobility and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Social mobility in various types society is associated with the possibilities of changes in social status that open up to social groups or the individual

2) During the transition from a traditional to an industrial type of society, the number of social channels

mobility is declining

3) horizontal social mobility can be upward or downward

4) Social mobility caused by changes in the social structure of society is called vertical

5) Intergenerational social mobility manifests itself in the event of a change in the social status of children compared to the position of their parents

12. Choose the correct judgments about social status and its types and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) Social status is a cell in the social structure of society that an individual or social group occupies

2) When determining social status, the desires and needs of representatives of social groups are taken into account

3) The achieved social status is determined social status individual inherited from parents

4) Group social status corresponds social role groups in society

5) C social status related rights and responsibilities of a social group

13. Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

Despite all the variety of statuses, there are two main groups: __________ (A) and achieved. A person receives the first from birth, regardless of his will. The achieved status is acquired by an individual as a result of free ____________(B) and purposeful efforts. To acquire, for example, the status of a doctor or engineer, you need to obtain ___________(B), pass competitive selection to work, maintain your professional skills. A man can identify his main status with his place of work and ___________(D). In modern society, more and more major statuses are achievable, because... they are increasingly connected with human abilities. So, when hiring, they take into account not so much nobility, gender, ____________ (D), but creative abilities, _______ (E).

List of terms:

1) education

2) professionalism

3) prescribed

5) cash

6) ability

7) position

8) expectations

9) nationality

14. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “channels of social mobility”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about existing channels of social mobility, and one sentence revealing the connection between the processes of social mobility and the democratization of society.

“3.1 Social stratification and mobility Select all correct statements about social stratification. An element of social structure...”

3.1 Social stratification and mobility

Select all correct statements about social stratification.

An element of the social structure of society is the state.

To determine the social structure of society, a significant feature is profession

The most important criterion for the economic differentiation of modern society is religious views.

The social community “workers is formed” according to stratification.

For social relations V modern Russia characterized by an increase in the number of the industrial proletariat.

2. Select all correct statements about social stratification.

1) Social inequality characterizes the position in relation to each other different people and their associations.

2) Inequality existed in society at different stages of its development.

3) The class type of social stratification is universal.

4) In economically developed countries, most of the population are blue collar workers

5) Castes, estates, classes, strata are social groups inherent in medieval society.

3. Match features public relations and type of social stratification



a) legal consolidation of rights and obligations 1) caste

for the main social groups 2) class

b) predominantly hereditary nature 3) class

belonging to the elite of society

c) prohibition of movements from one

social group to another

d) division into groups is based on differences

in the nature of labor, the size and forms of its payment

e) ban on marriages with representatives of other groups

4. Below is a list of social groups. All of them, with the exception of one, are formed along religious lines. Find and indicate a social group that “falls out” from their ranks, formed on a different basis.

Orthodox, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, liberals, Catholics.

5.. Write down the word missing in the diagram (classes)

6. Establish a correspondence between the types of social mobility and their examples: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Examples of social mobility Types of social mobility

A) dismissal of an employee 1) vertical

B) transition from the Orthodox religious

groups to Catholic 2) horizontal

B) the turner became an engineer

D) international tourism

D) transfer from one enterprise to another

7.. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“The term “stratification” comes from geology, where it refers to the vertical arrangement of earth layers. Sociology has likened the structure of _________ (A) to the structure of the earth and placed social layers (strata) also vertically. The base is a ladder ______ __ (B): the less wealthy occupy a lower rung. The upper-class rich tend to have higher levels of education. They also have a large volume of _______ (B). In addition, in public ____(G) this or that __________ (D), position, or occupation enjoys varying degrees of respect. Therefore, all professions existing in society can be arranged from top to bottom on the ladder of professional _________ (E).”

1. prestige 2. mobility 3. Income 4. opinion

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social group”? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one containing information about the types of “social group”, and one sentence about its role.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of “quasi-group”? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one containing information about the properties of the “quasi-group”, and one sentence about who is included in it.

Give three institutions that act as social elevators in modern society, and illustrate each of them with an example.

3.1. Social stratification and mobility

2.12 3. 12.22131 4. liberals 5. estates 6. 12122 Part 2

1. Analyze the situation. After graduation, young man N. got a job as a manager in commercial bank. After some time, he completed advanced training courses, after which he was appointed executive director jar. Changes also occurred in N.'s personal life: he married the daughter of the bank owner. What social process can this situation illustrate? What factors played a decisive role here? What are they called in sociology?

Illustrates vertical upward mobility.

The main factors that played a decisive role in this process are: obtaining an education, marriage with a person with a higher status.

In sociology, these factors are called channels (“elevators”) of social mobility.

2. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social group”? Using knowledge from the social science course, compose two sentences containing information about the “social group”.

social group is a stable collection of people that has distinct, unique characteristics ( social status, interests, value orientations).

Example sentences:

The emergence of social groups is associated with social division labor and specialization of human activity.

A social group is an intermediary between an individual and society as a whole. Social groups can vary in size - small and large, and formal and informal.

3. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of “quasi-group”? Drawing on your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences containing information about the “quasi-group.”

quasi-group is an unstable, informal collection of people, united, as a rule, by one or very few types of interaction, having an uncertain structure, system of values ​​and norms.

Examples of sentences: The main properties of quasi-groups include anonymity, suggestibility, social contagion, unconsciousness. Quasi-groups most often exist for a short time, after which they either completely disintegrate or, under the influence of the situation, transform into stable social groups. Quasi-groups include audience, fan group, crowd, etc.

4.Army, education, church

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