How to sell industrial equipment - Marketing - Earn money on the Internet - Catalog of articles - Earn money easily! Purchase of industrial equipment Production equipment for small businesses

Most managers are confident that sales techniques in all sectors of the economy are identical to each other. However, each product has its own specific properties that must be taken into account when selling. So, selling technically complex goods - expensive machines, production equipment or medical equipment requires a thorough knowledge of their technical features.

How to increase equipment sales?

  • Figure it out for yourself in the features of the product being sold.
  • Explore all non-obvious or little-known technical specifications goods. This will greatly help in answering customer questions about why your product is better than your competitors.
  • Knowledge of technical parameters. This will allow you, when talking with customers, to calculate what benefits they will receive from using your equipment: profit from sales or significant cost savings.
  • Put yourself in the position of a potential client(head large company), who intends to purchase technical complex equipment similar to yours. Try to perform all the actions that the head of the company performs: from choosing a manufacturer to analyzing the commercial offers of possible suppliers. Then you need to fill out a summary table of the most significant characteristics of the largest suppliers: versatility of equipment, delivery conditions, availability of warranty service, cost of consumables, etc.

Such a table will allow you to clearly analyze the situation on the market through the eyes of potential customers. You will immediately notice all the most advantageous offers, and also compare the best offers with those you are selling, which will allow you to focus the attention of your interlocutor precisely on strengths your proposal.

Search for clients

Traditional search for clients using the Internet can give disappointing results, since a visually solid website of a legal entity does not indicate its readiness to purchase expensive, high-quality equipment.

It is better to assess the prospects of a particular client using specialized directories, industry press or catalogs of held exhibitions.

Industry news often contains information about the most successful companies that have achieved good luck in their field of activity. This source of information also contains information about large-scale plans legal entities for its further development.

Many interesting information can be obtained by viewing popular industry magazines, since the authors and advertisers of these publications are often themselves potential customers of complex equipment.

Product promotion

Since clients are often afraid of being left without technical support in case of any malfunction, great value has a long-term trusting relationship between the customer and the supplier.

It is of great importance to place your advertising in a hidden form in industry periodicals, since such publications increase the credibility of the information posted. Advertising should not be intrusive and contain your contact information; just the name of the company and the products offered are enough.

To promote sales, it is important to distribute industry periodicals containing information about your services on your own: at exhibitions, by mail or at a meeting with potential buyers.

Participation in this program allows you to find new clients willing to invest significant financial resources in economic development. At the same time, special attention should be paid not to exhibitions where your competitors speak, but to events attended by your potential clients. It is advisable to participate in all international exhibitions, since this is where the people who make decisions about concluding multimillion-dollar contracts are present.

Equipment for small businesses: review of new products on the manufacturing market + which equipment is best to choose for a home business + average prices for production equipment throughout the country + review of equipment for small businesses from China.

If your goal is to open your own small business, reviewing the equipment market should be one of your first steps in mastering this business. Idea own enterprise cannot be implemented without a carefully developed business plan, and especially its production and financial components.

Today we will help you solve one of the issues. Let's consider small business equipment and pay attention to the most promising areas of the market in which your business will have the highest chances of success.

What should you consider when choosing equipment for your small business?

High performance + reasonable price – best option for a budding entrepreneur. But how to get equipment that meets such conditions?

Any area of ​​small business has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when choosing equipment for production purposes.

What to look for when choosing:

  • noise level and equipment dimensions;
  • what is the productivity of the equipment;
  • quality of assembly and parts;
  • pricing policy of the equipment manufacturer and service prices.

In most cases, manufacturers provide a default warranty period of 2 to 3 years, depending on the country of the manufacturer and its brand.

You can buy both at official points of sale and via the Internet - both methods are approximately equivalent in terms of the final price. The floating value will only be the time it takes for the owner to receive the equipment.

6 new equipment for small businesses

Over the past couple of years, the market has been replenished with many interesting production machines, the use of which in small businesses we could not previously imagine at all. Technological progress gave impetus to the implementation of non-standard business ideas, the implementation of which required an appropriate approach.

Let's look at the most interesting new equipment for small businesses and decide which ones are worth your attention from an entrepreneur's point of view.

No. 1. Equipment for aerated concrete.

Scope of application: construction.
Equipment price: 40,000 rubles.

The production of new building materials is very promising business was, is and will be.

Aerated concrete blocks - a new direction in building materials, which has gained popularity in the last 2 years.

The ratio of cost to price makes such raw materials one of the best in its market segment for ordinary consumers. Insulation of residential premises has become accessible to everyone, and entrepreneurs are successfully developing this area of ​​small business and receiving a stable profit.

What is included in the equipment set:

  • vibrating sieve;
  • raw material doser (sand, concrete, other impurities);
  • forms for obtaining finished blocks;
  • petrochemical component, which includes emulsions and hardening accelerators.

Production technology can have 2 directions: autoclave And non-autoclave. Due to high cost non-autoclave, such technology is practically not used in our country.

Imported equipment is too expensive for a small business, especially since the production technology is much more expensive than the autoclave method.

The daily productivity of 1 autoclave is, on average, 20-25 m3 of aerated concrete.

There are about 3 types of installations of different configurations and performance, which, accordingly, reflects the price of such equipment:

  • The simplest assembly option is “Aerated concrete master” at a price of 26,000 rubles.
  • Next come various models“Strom-aerated concrete”, the cost of which is from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles.
  • The most expensive option will produce about 35 m3 per day.

All equipment is small in size and is quite suitable for running a small business with minimal costs for rent production premises. To service such units, 1-2 people will be enough for the entire workshop.

No. 2. Equipment for the production of paving slabs.

Scope of application: construction.
Equipment price: 500,000 rubles.

One of the most expensive types of small business, but it pays for itself in a short period of time. over the past 2 years it has become the most popular material for urban improvement and maintains a leading position to this day.

City administrations often enter into contracts with private entrepreneurs for the supply of paving slabs for 1-2 seasons. Such offers are very beneficial for both parties, but we should also not forget about private traders, who are the main buyers of this type of product.

What are the methods for making paving slabs:

The most popular technology is considered hyperpressing. The production line consists of the smallest number of stages, which means that the cost of such equipment for small businesses will be lower than when using other technologies.

Processes are 60% automated in all tile production options. To handle 1 line, you will need 1-2 workers, and prices for an economy version of equipment can start from 440,000 rubles.

No. 3. Equipment for the production of suspended ceilings.

Scope of application: interior decoration premises.
Equipment price: 300,000 rubles.

Essentially suspended ceiling– This is a film coating with impurities to give the finished product elasticity.

In order for the suspended ceiling to acquire the required shape, it is tensioned onto a frame of profiles. The coating is drawn on special calender equipment, and the production technology itself requires equipment with HDTV.

Popular equipment for the production of suspended ceilings:

The production premises for the development of such a small business must be at least 50 m2, and it is better if it is equipped with a utility network with the necessary electrical power.

The list of additional equipment includes tables for cutting and packaging film, product storage racks, as well as a device for feeding/receiving into the main equipment.

No. 4. Equipment for 3D business.

Scope of application: design.
Equipment price: from 25,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Printing, binding and other proposals in a similar vein have long become classics of the genre, and enterprising people were able to organize their own small business in this matter and achieve its success.

Progress does not stand still and one more can now be added to the range of standard services - . The West is developing this area by leaps and bounds, but in Russia the niche is practically unoccupied by anyone.

What can be done using such equipment for small businesses:

  • figurines of animals/celebrities/landmarks;
  • miniature copies of houses and other buildings as souvenirs;
  • design of residential premises.

In fact, there are a lot of areas of application for modeling in small business; the main thing is to find something that will be in demand specifically in your market.

Even medical institutions can become your customers, since a 3D printer can easily create very high quality prostheses. The hand-made industry will also welcome you with open arms with such equipment.

The main advantage of a small business in 3D modeling is the lack of competition. Buy 3-4 printers and set up own production possible for 300,000-400,000 rubles - this is if you want to have equipment at your disposal that can recreate almost everything.

A more economical option for starting a small business will cost 100,000 rubles. But keep in mind that the higher the cost of the equipment, the higher the precision of execution and quality of the products, and therefore the wider the sales market.

No. 5. Equipment for vending business.

Scope of application: public utilities.
Equipment price: 30,000 rubles.

By the end of 2017, more than 70% of all multi-storey buildings in the country that are municipally owned will be equipped with intercoms. In parallel with this news appeared new niche in small businesses - creating copies of keys for intercoms.

This procedure is performed by special machines. Their distribution and installation may well become a small business that demonstrates a large return on investment in a short period of time.

How a small vending business works:

  1. Information is being read from the key using a special sensor on the machine.
  2. The client pays for the service through a bill acceptor.
  3. The machine records information on a new blank and issues a finished copy of the key in a special window.

The compactness of the machine gives an advantage to the entrepreneur - you do not need to spend money on renting premises. Just pay for the part of the wall where you are going to hang the machine, and make a profit.

Choose the places where it takes place greatest number potential clients.

Statistics show that, on average, 75% of citizens make a copy of the intercom key once every 2 years. The average number of clients per month will be 50-80 people. But keep in mind that the larger the city, the higher the demand for the service.

Estimate the cost of a copy from 120 rubles. Part of the money will be spent on renting and purchasing blanks, so the net monthly profit from 1 machine will be at the level of 4000-6000 rubles.

New equipment for small businesses appear on the country's market every month. Although most ideas are initially taken from other countries, enterprising businessmen are able to adapt any business to the conditions of our consumers.

The main problem may be ordering equipment, since manufacturers who have never imported such equipment into the country before will be very careful, which will significantly affect the price of the units themselves. Give preference to ideas that have a place in the market, but do not face high competition there.

Being a pioneer is commendable, but in the cutthroat world of entrepreneurship, it is not always rational in financially, which is very important in the context of running a small business for our country.

Manufacturing Equipment for Small Businesses

Large production equipment and small business – at first glance, these are incompatible concepts. But even in this direction, an entrepreneur can prove himself with the best side and organize your own business that brings in a stable monthly income.

Let's look at what production equipment for small businesses is worth the attention of every aspiring entrepreneur who seeks to establish a stable and profitable trading process.

We have selected three production ideas that have high financial attractiveness, and at the same time for which competition on the market is quite bearable in any region of our country.

No. 1. Waste processing equipment.

Payback: 5-6 months.
Initial investment: 2,000,000 rubles.
Average profit per month: 400,000 rubles.

Organizing a mini-business related to waste recycling is a good solution in times of economic crisis. There is no competition as such. And when processing industrial waste, you can get a financial return of 200-300%.

This area is supported by the state, which allows you to save on the purchase of equipment through special environmental programs.

The equipment set for this small business includes:

    Equipment for sorting industrial waste.

    The most voluminous item on the entire list.

    There are open and closed complexes designed for different working areas. The average price is 200,000-300,000 rubles.

    Grinding units.

    This may include tin shears, shredders and other crushing equipment. Some equipment has removable attachments to expand your chopping capabilities.

    Prices vary from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles.

    Storage containers.

    Used for storing raw materials outdoors. Designs differ depending on storage conditions and the type of waste being processed.

    The price ranges from 40,000 rubles and above.

    Pressing equipment.

    Used to compress solid materials into cubic or other regular shapes.

    Depending on the type of waste, the equipment may be accompanied by additional attachments for collecting liquids or soft waste.

    As a result, we get 20-fold compression, which greatly saves space and makes the processing procedure itself more convenient.

    Such units cost from 40,000 rubles.

    Magnetic separator for screening out metal accumulations.

    Metal elements are not included in the list of waste that can be recycled, so special magnetic rollers are used to sift them out, which filter the raw materials before feeding them onto the belt.

    The price of the units is from 50,000 rubles.

The size of the required production area is in the range from 100 to 200 m2. A minimum of 7 people can operate the equipment, it all depends on the scale of the business being developed.

What types of raw materials can be processed:

    The result of processing such material will be flex, a recyclable material for the production of various plastic products.

    Glass okroshka arrives at industrial plants for remelting and production of glass containers for the needs of other enterprises, or for sale to individuals.

    Waste paper.

    – very promising niche small business in Russia.

    About 40% of waste paper is disposed of incorrectly, so the use of new technologies will not only provide financial benefits, but also help the environment.

The best quality equipment is considered to be Finnish, with Japan in second place among manufacturers. Chinese analogues will cost 30-40% less, but the warranty period is significantly shorter + the quality of operation of such units is much lower.

No. 2. Equipment for the production of Lego bricks.

Payback: 3-4 months.
Initial investment: 900,000 rubles.
Average profit per month: 2,500,000 rubles.

Construction, as a small business, will always flourish, regardless of the political and economic situation in the country. Lego brick is a new type of building material that is in high demand due to its convenience in the process of constructing structures.

Raw materials for equipment:

  • crushed stone - 85% of the mixture;
  • cement – ​​10%;
  • water – 5%;
  • dyes and other impurities.

To obtain Lego bricks, you need to mix all the ingredients, form the blocks and dry them. Only 2 workers can operate production equipment, and the workshop area depends on the scale of the business in general.

Minimum list of equipment for a small business producing Lego bricks:

  • hydraulic forming machine costing from RUB 700,000 – the main working element;
  • drying chamber – 200,000-300,000 RUR;
  • closed storage facilities for cement and other mixtures;
  • mini-conveyors + dispensers;
  • service equipment (pallets, shovels, etc.).

When choosing equipment for small businesses in the field, focus on domestic manufacturer– the price/quality ratio is optimal.

If there is stock cash, then the right decision would be to purchase a full-fledged line to produce the finished product. The cost of one unit is within 2,000,000 rubles.

The advantages of this solution include minimal labor costs for equipment management and complete automated process making Lego bricks.

No. 3. Equipment for furniture production.

Payback: 10 months.
Initial investment: 1,500,000 rubles.
Average profit per month: 150,000 rubles.

Small business in this direction is not something new, but there is always a demand for such products. That is why the decision to set up production for the production of furniture is financially attractive, regardless of the region where the goods are sold.

    Furniture made from chipboard.

    Economical analogue to natural wood.

    The production process is much simpler and requires fewer workers to implement.

    Solid wood furniture.

    A resource-intensive way to obtain high-quality products, requiring dedication on the part of employees and the small business owner himself.

In both options, a general list of equipment will be needed to establish stable production. 80% of units for working with wood will be machines; the price per unit of equipment is 50,000-300,000 rubles, depending on the level of automation and the size of the equipment.

The minimum list of required equipment consists of:

    Format cutting machine (120,000₽).

    Automated control process and high endurance along with good control cutting directions make such equipment indispensable in small businesses related to furniture production.

    Edge banding equipment (90,000₽).

    The main task is to trim the edges of the parts and ensure that a protective layer is applied to the external contours of the chipboard.

    Filler and drilling machine (60,000₽).

    Carefully drills holes for mounting parts and attaching fasteners to the edges of chipboard.

    Since the material is very fragile, the work requires concentration and delicacy in execution.

    Milling machine (80,000₽).

    High precision equipment for furniture business, creating decorative elements for finishing and decorating furniture.

    Joining equipment (120,000₽).

    Used in working with solid wood, giving shape to the finished product.

    Lathe (60,000₽).

    Allows you to combine elements made of metal and wood, thereby decorating initially nondescript pieces of furniture.

In addition to the list considered, production can be supplemented with other equipment models. Small business in the furniture industry is a promising area that, with due attention, can become a highly profitable business for you for many years.

Equipment for small home businesses

How is equipment for home use different from standard equipment for small businesses? Dimensions are the main indicator when purchasing units for organizing business at home.

In 90% of cases, an entrepreneur has small industrial space, which affects the ability to implement large-scale ideas. Maximum productivity for little money is the main goal that you need to pursue if you want to buy equipment for a small home business.

There are a lot of ideas for small businesses that can be implemented at home. It is enough to find 1-2 types of equipment and start your own business, based on the demand of the consumer market.

We present to your attention several current ideas, which do not require large financial costs and have high payback rates in a short period of time.

No. 1. Equipment for the production of artificial marble.

Price: 300,000 rubles.
Payback: 2 months.

Natural marble is highly valued in decoration and decoration, but its high cost has made it a difficult-to-find material for ordinary citizens.

The technological process made it possible to create a new variety artificial stone, which in its characteristics is in no way inferior to natural marble, but the cost of such a product is much lower.

There are 3 main technological directions in the production of artificial marble:


    The pre-prepared liquid mixture is poured into molds and placed on a vibrating machine.

    After 12 hours, the resulting material is removed and allowed to harden.

    The mixture is based on quartz sand and other additives, which ultimately give the stone a glossy surface.

    The manufacturing process is similar to injection molding.

    Acrylic polymers + marble chips make it possible to create a high-strength material from the mixture, which is as similar in appearance as marble and has good elasticity.

To open a small business at home, a small set of equipment will be enough. The units do not require special skills to operate and are publicly available. pricing policy for almost every citizen of the country.

Set of equipment for small businesses:

To give the product the correct shape and decor, use tooling molds various types. This will allow you to obtain a wide range of exclusive products and attract more regular customers to your small business.

No. 2. Equipment for autonomous modular car wash.

Price: from 200,000 rubles.
Payback: 5-6 months.

This type of small business is relevant for large cities. The number of passenger vehicles is constantly increasing, which is why such a service as car washing is becoming increasingly popular every day.

How to organize a room to house equipment and start a small business:

  1. Using galvanized elements, you need to assemble the frame of the future garage (you can use a ready-made room).
  2. Use sandwich panels to organize your workspace inside.
  3. The flooring must be waterproof and easy to clean.

Today on the market you can purchase both fully equipped portable versions of modular sinks and designs that require assembly. The price difference is 20-30%.

Basic set of equipment for small businesses:

Other expenses for a small business for a modular car wash include various types of cleaning chemicals and work clothes for employees.

2 people can easily handle such work, and to reduce the payback period it would be the right decision to organize 2 work shifts and make the car wash 24 hours a day.

No. 3. Equipment for assembling greenhouses.

Price: from 100,000 rubles.
Payback period: 4-5 months.

A small business niche that is relevant in the agricultural sector. Large manufacturers in most cases they inflate prices for the finished product, because you self employed, you will be able to create worthy competition and grab your share of the consumer market.

List of equipment for small businesses:

  • industrial welding machine (from 15,000 rubles).
  • cross-section with compress (10,000 – 30,000 rubles).
  • profiling line (average price 250,000 rubles).

The most important equipment in this type of small business is considered to be a structure profiling line. High quality units from Ercolina and CML companies have assemblies. Domestic equipment is 20-30% cheaper + makes it possible to assemble it taking into account the wishes of the customer.

The small business considered is focused on the assembly of greenhouses from ready-made polycarbonate. If you want to be completely independent in terms of raw materials, you will need to set up your own production, which will add another 400,00 rubles to the cost of the business.

A small business with compact equipment is accessible to almost everyone. Small initial investments and short payback periods enable beginners to get on the business path and gain experience in doing business for their future development as a private entrepreneur.

Need more ideas for small businesses with inexpensive equipment?

In this video you will find 10 interesting options:

Equipment for small businesses from China - price/quality ratio

China has become a pioneer in terms of producing mini equipment for small businesses. While the economy is stagnating, private enterprise is thriving precisely because advantageous offers partners from heaven.

Should I buy equipment from China?

The price of equipment is much lower than when purchasing from a domestic supplier.

The benefit is up to 50%.

Some supplier companies have difficulty overcoming the language barrier.

You will have to hire a professional translator.

All equipment has a full package of documents confirming the quality of the products.Long delivery times for equipment – ​​from 1 month.
A large selection of equipment, both for small businesses at home and for production workshops.Equipment setup is not carried out by company representatives (in most cases), therefore additional costs will be required for the final preparation of the units for operation.
In most cases, equipment manufacturers offer to simultaneously purchase raw materials at a favorable price.

Absolutely all equipment from China for small businesses is popular. The only factor you should pay attention to is the dimensions of the cargo. If you are ready to wait 2-3 months for the equipment to go all the way and through customs, then this option is for you.

Today there are practically no problems with purchasing equipment. In any big city There are official dealers ready to provide a wide selection of equipment for small businesses to suit every taste.

Various types of industrial-oriented mini-machines and automatic lines production. Small business equipment from China purchased from dealers will save you up to 40% starting capital allocated for organizing and establishing your own business.

Whatever small business equipment you choose, always think carefully about your business plan. By saving on the technical component, you may run into problems in the future, so be very careful in selecting high-quality production equipment.

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When a client buys himself, in fact, this is not sales, but servicing requests. What to do if the client doesn’t buy it himself? And in many markets this has become exactly the case. How to create a system that could generate sales? “Change or die” - many companies have taken this principle as the basis for their new strategy.

The industrial equipment market was no exception. After all, the majority of companies producing and/or selling industrial equipment used a purely reactive approach to their work. What does it mean?

The model looked like this. The client's purchasing officer was calling potential suppliers of the equipment he needed. Where did he get information about suppliers? Mainly from reference materials, advertising media: the Internet, specialized press and catalogs of the suppliers themselves, and later - from our own communication experience. On phone call potential client answered technical specialist for this type of equipment. Together they discussed what equipment could meet the request and be provided, as well as the volumes, timing and commercial terms of delivery. After which everyone went about their business: the consultant prepared the appropriate commercial offer and sent it to the client, and the buyer continued calling in the hope of a better offer.

I must say that for the client this made sense. Firstly, due to the large flow of buyers, not all equipment could be obtained from the warehouse; some popular items had to wait more than a month, or even three. Secondly, for the same reason, the price of equipment could vary by 30 percent from supplier to supplier. In addition, the services provided by suppliers also varied greatly - from logistics to service and warranty support.

A fundamentally necessary change in business processes is their reorientation towards the client when assessing their own resources and proactivity, that is, the transition of the initiative to build relationships to the supplier company. Therefore, responsibility for each client should be assigned to a specific manager who will solve all the client’s issues and know everything about him.

1. Logistics

It is important to learn to analyze the assortment, assess the sales potential of each item of equipment, make a sufficient supply of the most popular items and some reserve of potentially popular ones. This is all the more critical because the supplier company cannot afford to freeze funds in illiquid goods during a crisis. On the other hand, it is necessary to discuss with the production the conditions for reducing the production time itself and/or supplying the remaining equipment upon request, so as not to lose a client who is willing to wait. True, the client himself must have a reason why he is waiting. If it is rare equipment, then the wait is logical. Otherwise, you should consider a profitable commercial offer: either in price (which is extremely undesirable - unless you are “playing” with the course), or in additional conditions- installation by the supplier, training on the customer’s premises, free delivery, extended warranty repair period, 24-hour Help Desk and a number of other bonuses that were not available before.

2. Informing the target audience

In no case should information be stopped, which should be optimized, but not reduced. Understand how you can convey information to the client more actively, how to collect information and optimally reallocate your marketing budget.

Often, this method of active dissemination of information such as visiting (but not participating!) industry exhibitions and other events of potential clients is effective. The purpose of the visit is to collect as many contacts and business cards as possible, and to talk with client representatives. This information can be used further to target contact. It is best for manager-consultants to attend such events so that they have the opportunity to truly gather useful information and call after a face-to-face conversation to an already “familiar” specialist from the client’s side.

Collection of information about clients can also be carried out by a call center. Just do not force operators to engage in cold sales!!! The result, as a rule, is a bunch of employees, demotivated by the lack of results and a feeling of meaninglessness of their work. The task that should be assigned to them is exclusively the collection of information about the client’s current situation, contact persons, decision-making levels and updating/replenishing the database. And if the operator accidentally stumbles upon a client with a current request, then such information must be immediately transferred to the consulting manager.

3. Call center and Help Desk

Now these are services not only for consulting and receiving calls, but also for increasing customer loyalty through politeness, efficiency and quality of solving requests, as well as a more attentive attitude to the client’s needs. In addition, incoming calls can be used to collect additional information(see above).
Why do you need to transfer the call center and Help Desk to work at extended hours - depending on the geography of clients. If the company's equipment operates around the clock at customer sites, it is advisable to install 24-hour support.

4. Service center for warranty and post-warranty service

Now any service is an additional source of value creation in the eyes of the client. Therefore, you need to enter into agreements for the maintenance of your equipment with others. service centers, develop your centers in places where customers gather.
It makes sense to think about extending the warranty repair period by the supplier company.

5. Active visits to potential buyers

Establishing a relationship with a client in person is much easier than over the phone. Therefore, visiting clients on their territory becomes an urgent task. The reason for the visit may be previously established connections, already established connections at a higher level, as well as incoming requests. Previously, such requests were processed exclusively by phone, but now the manager has the opportunity to get involved and offer a visit to assess the situation on the spot - this will allow us to identify a much wider range of needs in additional equipment. Don’t forget: often clients don’t even realize that the supplier has more than just the price list items that they are used to taking.

6. Summits

If the client does not stop production, then he must plan funds for the material and technical base. Spare parts and consumables are always needed, because equipment breakdowns do not stop with the crisis. The allocated budget can be spent on different suppliers (as has happened in the past), but SHOULD be spent only on your equipment. This is the task of summit meetings - to agree on fundamental mutually beneficial cooperation, and then to connect the performers with each other so that they know exactly what to do when the need for equipment arises. The instrument of “summit meetings” is very subtle. First, the supplier representative typically only has one chance at a successful meeting. Secondly, the performers must also be taken into account and “appeased”, otherwise they can skimp on management’s agreements in the most innocent ways (“the equipment does not fit into ours!”, “breaks,” “inconvenient to work,” and so on). Thirdly, such relationships require informal support. All of the above assumes that managers from the supplier’s side should participate in such meetings, and the preparation for such meetings must be carried out in the most thorough manner!

To achieve success in the market industrial enterprise must be strictly observed prerequisite: stimulate the development of the company and production. This implies, among other things, the timely expansion of the technological park and the replacement of equipment with more adequate, modern and corresponding to the needs of the market.

We buy used industrial equipment

Our organization will help you modernize production at the lowest financial cost. You can sell used industrial equipment to us. This will allow you to free up significant additional funds.

We buy used industrial equipment from wide range, including large, atypical and outdated. In each individual case, we will evaluate your equipment and offer a unique price. We can consider your offer even if you want to sell used industrial equipment in the form of industrial lines.

Currently, RuSkupka purchases used industrial equipment:

  • — metalworking machines;
  • — presses, forging equipment;
  • — forklifts;
  • — rolled metal;
  • laboratory equipment;
  • — electric motors;
  • - gas generators;
  • — gearboxes;
  • — compressors;
  • — non-standard stationary equipment;
  • — non-standard mobile equipment;
  • — hydraulic equipment;
  • — hydraulic units, hydraulic units;
  • — industrial tools and special equipment;

If you did not find your equipment in the above list, contact us by e-mail or phone (see Contacts section), and we will consider your case as unique.

Dismantling and removal of industrial equipment

We practice individual approach when considering each proposal, since industrial equipment is not in widespread demand. You will save yourself the hassle of finding a buyer, because selling used industrial equipment can be very difficult. It is even more difficult to find one buyer for the entire line.

In the case of the sale of small industrial tools and equipment, we are ready to consider both small (usually our competitors refuse to consider them) and large lots.

We buy used industrial equipment, both domestic and foreign.

We can independently organize industrial equipment; the cost of these services is negotiated separately and deducted from the cost of your equipment. When selling industrial equipment, you should take into account that dismantling can be a fairly expensive procedure, especially in fire or explosive production environments or in continuous operation workshops where it is necessary to remove equipment without stopping production process. It is often much cheaper, safer and faster to dismantle equipment of this type using our own specialists. No one knows your production better than your employees.

We are ready to “adjust” the terms of payment, removal, terms of the transaction to your needs.

We help develop business.
