Informal communication. Business communication. Oral – written

Informal communication

Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms. - M.: Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy of Linguistic Sciences. Responsible editor: Doctor of Philology V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. 2006 .

See what “Informal communication” is in other dictionaries:

    informal communication- Communication in everyday life (family, friendship, intimate, etc.) sphere, allowing for fairly large (large, unlimited) freedom of the speaker or writer in the choice of linguistic means...

    - (Communication) The use of language or one of the forms of its existence within the framework of what language. linguistic community: from family to group of states. In order of quantitative increase, the following spheres of communication are named: 1) family; 2) inside... ...

    communication (communication) in sociolinguistics Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Communication (communication) in sociolinguistics- The use of language or one of the forms of its existence in the following areas of communication: 1) family; 2) within the production team; 3) inside social group; 4) inside settlement or limited region; 5) communication between people in... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    Informal communication occurs in informal situations and is characterized by a lack of regulation. To S.n.o. include friendly, intra-family, everyday everyday communication. = spheres of official communication ♦ spheres of communication See also:… … Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    communicative (speech) situation- Can be characterized on various grounds: 1) by quantitative composition and social status addressee: a) individual communication; b) mass communication. 2) By areas of communication: a) oral communication; b) written communication 3) By availability… … Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Phonetics of functional styles- In modern times scientific literature characteristics of the pronunciation side of the function. varieties of language are constructed in two ways: it can be considered both from the point of view of the ideal requirements placed on it and the characteristics of how correctly, ... ...

    Destination- (German Adressat) recipient of speech, receptor, listener, audience, decoder, interlocutor, interpreter, etc. Every speech act is designed for a specific model A. The postulates of X. Grice are formulated from the angle of protecting communicative interests... ... Pedagogical speech science

    A form of existence of a language, characterized by territorial limitation, limited spheres of use and contrasted with other dialects and a literary language. Every Etc. is a systemic language education that has... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    Extraliterary vocabulary- are words and phrases, as well as their individual meanings that are outside the limits of lit. language. These include dialectisms, vulgarisms, jargons and argotisms, vernaculars, etc. All these units of language replenish it from time to time... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language


  • , Mankovskaya Z.V. Tutorial(forms the skills of prepared and unprepared business speech on English based on an in-depth preliminary study of the lexical and grammatical difficulties of the role... Buy for 481 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • English for business communication: Role-playing games in management: Study guide. Grif Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Zoya Viktorovna Mankovskaya. A textbook (forms the skills of prepared and unprepared business speech in English based on an in-depth preliminary study of the lexical and grammatical difficulties of the role...

What is business communication. Reaction to the interlocutor and information. What influences the effectiveness of the message. Relevance of the project: the relevance of the project lies in the fact that there is no collection written in a journalistic style for students on the subject of Business Communications. Have you ever thought about the role of communication in the lives of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? They say that communication is a natural habitat...

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Lecture outline:

Types, functions and means of social communications (communication)

Essence, specificity and functions business communications

Types and means of social communications (communication)

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in the lives of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? They say that communication is the natural habitat of man. This is a complex process in which people interact, exchange information, influence each other, and strive to understand each other. The tool of communication is speech.

Everyone, perhaps, would like to master all the subtleties of the art of communication, become an interesting interlocutor, a good speaker, and an attentive listener. However, everything is not so simple. And sometimes the experience we accumulate in everyday practice does not at all contribute to making our communication successful. It seems that it would be more correct, without assuming that we know everything in this area a priori, to understand the intricacies of such an important tool as communication. Since we communicate in different areas of activity, communication is divided into types, each of which has its own rules and laws.

Communication formal and informal

Imagine that you are talking “on the sidelines” with a former classmate, joking, clapping him on the shoulder and even... remembering the nickname that was awarded to him in the 5th grade. But 10 minutes pass - in front of you is already Roman Sergeevich, the head of the meeting, leader, director. The style of interaction immediately changes. This simple illustration shows that, from the point of view of the relationship between the communicators and the environment, communication is divided into two types: official(business) and unofficial(private).

Business communication is during meetings, negotiations, presentations, etc. Business communication is used to organize socially meaningful activities: scientific, social, administrative, managerial, commercial, industrial. It is associated with a discussion of issues of organizing production, execution job responsibilities, planning activities, establishing external relations, making decisions, concluding contracts, preparing documents. Since business communication serves the sphere of business relations, it is subject to strict requirements, which primarily relate to the qualities of speech that are important for communication (correctness, accuracy, clarity, etc.) and compliance with ethical standards.

Private communication is communication among close people, good acquaintances with whom trusting interpersonal relationships have developed. Communication can also be informal during breaks from official events, at so-called “corporate events” - in a word, when it is characterized by ease. There are no standards here; the requirements for speech quality are not as stringent as in official sphere. The choice of words and expressions in private communication is freer and more regulated ethical standards, traditions accepted in a given society and the degree of closeness of the interlocutors.

Personal and mass communication

One interlocutor, ten to fifteen seminar participants, a thousand supporters at a rally, hundreds of thousands of talk show viewers... Does the number of participants in a conversation determine its characteristics? Undoubtedly. Mass communication characterized by the fact that there are many people to whom the speech is addressed, sometimes an audience of millions. These are speeches at rallies, in the media, at meetings, conferences, congresses and in other situations with a large crowd of people. Personal communication– this is communication with a single addressee. Of course, personal communication can be made more targeted than mass communication. If we know the interlocutor, we have the opportunity to observe him for a long time, analyze his needs, character traits, then we can communicate with him, taking into account all the qualities of his personality. We associate even an unfamiliar person with a certain socio-psychological type associated with age, gender, status, nationality and other characteristics, so we can almost at first glance guess how best to choose a style of communication with him. This is very difficult in mass communication, because many people participate in it, each of whom is the bearer of a unique combination personal qualities. These are people with different life experiences, preferences, beliefs, and value systems.

Therefore, mass communication is often more difficult for the speaker: his goal is to reach everyone, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to take into account the characteristics of everyone. Therefore, in mass communication, it is important to choose means that are understandable to everyone, and such tactics that are accepted by all, or at least the majority of listeners. Mass communication requires detailed proof of one’s own opinion, which minimizes the risk of ambiguous understanding and greater emotionality. With mass communication, the role of voice and intonation increases. Of course, personal and mass communication take place in different conditions. Therefore, for example, in mass communication a microphone is often used, which you need to learn to work with correctly. In mass communication, it is more difficult to observe the reaction of listeners, since it can be different and it is impossible to understand the reaction of everyone. The difficulty of mass communication is also to capture and hold attention large quantity listeners, so you have to constantly use techniques to attract attention (for example, demonstration of objects, question-and-answer form of presentation, etc.), and appeal to listeners.

In a large audience, there is often an effect of emotional contagion, when the emotions of listeners are caused by the emotions of those people who are nearby (in the same “crowd”). This is especially significant for a rally speech.

Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more people. It allows you to directly establish contact between participants. That is why this type of communication is also called direct. Each participant is able to influence the process of interaction with others. Such interaction occurs through words (verbal communication) and through signs, gestures or facial expressions (non-verbal communication).

Nonverbal communication is a primary language, since all its manifestations denote some meaning. With the ability to read certain signs (facial expression, body language), a person can recognize the true motives of his interlocutor, especially if the latter is lying.

Interpersonal communication is based on the emotional attractiveness of a partner, since a person primarily focuses on his internal needs. A person will communicate with his own kind willingly only if he feels to a certain extent important next to them.

Indirect communication

Such communication occurs between an individual and society. In this case, he is only able to receive information. Interaction goes only in one direction. Examples include reading books and studying works of art. Indirect communication is extremely important for the formation of a person’s personality. It allows him to feel one with the society in which he lives. In this way he communicates with the whole world.

Personal communication

Personal communication is focused on inner world person. It is associated with experiences, feelings and is designed to defend a person’s personality in a huge and sometimes hostile world. Personal communication can occur between two people when they share their most intimate things with each other.

In order for communication between people to become personal, qualities inherent to the individual must be manifested through it: kindness, altruism. Information in this case plays a secondary role.

Formal role communication

This type of communication involves interaction between a boss and a subordinate, a teacher and a student, etc. Every person is assigned a role, beyond which one cannot go. The interlocutors know exactly what to expect from each other. Each of them tries on a certain model of behavior on the other.

Formal communication is formal. A person brings individuality to the allotted social role, but the rules of his behavior are dictated by the environment in which he is located.

Types of business communication. Highlights

The daily solution of various work problems and tasks for each of us is presented in the form of business communication. We constantly confer with someone, talk and come to an agreement. Types of business communication are presented in the following forms: business meetings (face to face or group); business conversations, presented in the form of negotiations, meetings, round tables, discussions, debates and debates; public speaking (messages, reports, greetings and self-presentations); press conferences and briefings; meetings; business buffets, breakfasts, lunches and dinners; job interviews; communication using mass media (via the Internet, by telephone or by mail).

Characteristics of communication

All of the above types of business communication have their own characteristics, but they also have common features. I would like to dwell in more detail on this form of business interaction, such as communication between two people, called partners, or interlocutors. The unique technology of business communication is directly dependent on a specific life situation. They have significant differences, for example, conversations between a boss and a subordinate, a teacher with a student, or a meeting between a patient and a doctor. Moreover, each of these situations has its own manifestation. For example, when a boss and a subordinate are talking, it is often necessary to maintain a large distance (about one and a half meters) and avoid direct, long glances.

Communication between colleagues can be completely different - an increase in the distance between them and the lack of visual contact indicate the presence of a quarrel between the interlocutors. Types of business communication are reflected in other parameters that characterize the specifics of such situations. For example, pauses and intonations in speech or words that are often used. Therefore, the question of what exactly needs to be taken into account to increase the success and productivity of contacts often becomes relevant.

Formal and informal business communication

Consideration of this term will be incomplete without analyzing these types of business communication: official and informal. An example of official communication is a report from a subordinate to a boss about the work done over a certain period or a speech at a meeting.

The peculiarities of this type of communication are strict business language and limited topics of official assignments. Unlike the first type, informal business communication helps expand professional and general horizons. Informal communication skills are an important component professional culture specialists. Any conversation can be built on the principle of ordering and structuring. In other words, experts identify the following phases of business communication: planning a meeting; start business meeting; statement of the problem during discussion and justification of its relevance; exchange of information; summing up the conversation.
