Marketing. General concepts of marketing. Marketing in the modern world How many are the main goals of marketing?


Hello! In this article we will talk about marketing in simple words– what it is, why and how to use it in an enterprise.

Today you will learn:

  1. What relates to marketing, functions and types of marketing;
  2. What are the marketing strategies for an enterprise, and what does a marketing plan consist of?
  3. What is marketing in business, and how to distinguish it from business for the consumer;
  4. What is it and how not to confuse it with a financial pyramid;
  5. What is Internet marketing and its advantages.

The concept of marketing: goals and objectives

There are at least about 500 definitions of marketing. Often, with such an abundance of definitions of this concept, it is difficult to understand what relates to marketing.

Explaining in accessible language, marketing - This is the activity of an organization aimed at making a profit by satisfying the needs of customers.

In a broad sense, many marketers view marketing as a business philosophy, that is, the ability to study the market, the pricing system, predict and guess customer preferences, effectively communicate with them in order to satisfy the needs of consumers and, accordingly, make a profit for their enterprise.

Based on the definition, it is logical that the purpose of marketing at the enterprise is to meet customer needs.

And the famous economic theorist Peter Drucker notes that the main goal of marketing is to know the client so much that the product or service can sell itself.

To achieve the organization's goals, marketing activities involve solving the following tasks:

  1. Detailed market research, in-depth analysis of customer preferences;
  2. A thorough study of the pricing system in the market and development of the organization’s pricing policy;
  3. Analysis of competitors' activities;
  4. Creating a range of goods and services for the organization;
  5. Release of goods and services that meet demand;
  6. After-sales service;
  7. Marketing Communications

When solving marketing problems, you must be guided by the following principles:

  1. Studying the production capabilities of the enterprise;
  2. The process of planning methods and programs for marketing a product or service;
  3. Market segmentation;
  4. Constant updating of goods and services, ways of selling them, improvement of technologies;
  5. Flexible response of the organization to constantly changing demand.

Marketing functions

Marketing performs a number of functions:

  1. Analytical;
  2. Production;
  3. Management and control function;
  4. Sales function (marketing);
  5. Innovative.

Analytical function involves the study of external and internal factors influencing the organization, the study of consumer tastes and the range of goods. It is worth noting that it is necessary to analyze internal environment organizations in order to control competitiveness in the market.

Production function includes the development and mastery of new technologies, organizing the production of goods and services, organizing the purchase of material and technical resources necessary for the enterprise. In addition, under production function understands quality and competitiveness management finished goods or services, i.e. maintaining the quality of the product according to established standards.

Control and monitoring function provides the planning and forecasting process at the enterprise, organization of the communication system, information support and risk management.

Sales function includes price and product policy organization, provides a system of product distribution and expansion of demand.

Innovative feature in marketing, plays the role of developing and creating a new product or service.

To solve problems and achieve set goals in marketing activities, it is necessary to apply the following marketing methods:

  • Studying the market situation:
  • Survey;
  • Observations;
  • Methods of generating demand and stimulating sales;
  • Analytical methods:
  • Analysis external environment organizations;
  • Consumer analysis;
  • Analysis existing products;
  • Planning the range of future products;
  • Development of pricing policy;
  • Information methods:
  • Advertising;
  • Personal selling;
  • Propaganda;
  • Consultations.

Thus, based on the definition, goals, objectives, functions and methods of marketing, we can conclude that the science of marketing is focused exclusively on the consumer and meeting his needs.

Types of Marketing

Depending on demand distinguish between the types of marketing presented in table 1.

Table 1. Types of marketing depending on demand

Type of marketing

State of demand Task

How to solve the problem


High Reduce demand

1. Increase the price

Conversion Marketing

Negative Create demand

1. Development of a plan for promoting a product or service

2. Re-release of goods

3. Cost reduction

Incentive Marketing

Absent Stimulate demand

The reasons for the lack of demand must be taken into account

Developmental marketing

Potential Make potential demand real

1. Determine customer needs

2. Create a new product or service that meets these needs


Decreasing Restore demand

Look for ways to revive demand again


Hesitates Stimulate demand

1. Adjust the price (lower if necessary)

2. Promotion of a product or service

Supportive Marketing

Corresponds to offer Stimulate demand

Correctly conduct pricing policy, stimulate sales, conduct advertising, control costs

Adversarial Marketing

Irrational Reduce demand to zero

Stop releasing the product

  • Demarketing – a type of marketing that is aimed at reducing demand. This situation is possible when demand significantly exceeds supply. To deter consumers, the organization raises the price of a product or service, refuses advertising and tries to reorient the client.

A striking example is the use of demarketing in the cold season, when the need for electricity increases significantly. Since this can negatively affect the entire electrical grid system, very expensive equipment may fail, marketing workers develop programs to reduce demand or redirect it.

  • Conversion Marketing – a type of marketing aimed at creating demand. It is used in case of negative demand for a product or service. To do this, they develop a plan for promoting a product or service, lower prices or re-release the product. To promote a product or service when demand is negative, advertising and PR campaigns are used.
  • Incentive Marketing used when there is no demand. It is necessary to stimulate demand, taking into account first of all the very reason for the lack of demand.

There may be no demand for products if:

  • The product is not relevant on the market;
  • The product loses its value;
  • The market is not ready for the emergence of a new product or service;

To interest the buyer and increase demand, the company uses tools such as a sharp reduction in the cost of a product or service, increased advertising activities, application of methods trade marketing etc.

  • Developmental marketing – a type of marketing in which potential demand must be converted into real demand. That is, you should determine the needs of customers and create a new product or service that meets these needs.
  • Remarketing used in situations where demand needs to be revived. That is, the demand for products is falling and it needs to be restored by introducing new characteristics and features into the product or service. For example, first Clear Vita ABE anti-dandruff shampoo based on the new zinc pyrithione formula and the unique Vita ABE formula was created for both men and women. Subsequently, Clear experts proved that the scalp of men and women has a different structure, and released a line of Clear Men and Clear Woman shampoos.
  • Synchromarketing – a type of marketing in which it is necessary to stimulate demand, as it fluctuates. The tasks of synchromarketing include smoothing out irregular demand by establishing flexible prices and in various ways product promotion. This type of marketing is usually used in the case of seasonal demand or any other cyclical fluctuations, as well as climatic factors that greatly influence demand. A striking example of the use of synchromarketing is the offer of various set lunches and business lunches in cafes and restaurants during the day at a reduced price. Since there are much fewer visitors during the day than in the evening, daytime prices are therefore lower than evening prices.
  • Supportive Marketing An organization uses it when demand matches supply and it is necessary to continue to stimulate demand for a product or service. To maintain demand at the proper level, it is necessary to conduct a correct pricing policy, stimulate sales, conduct advertising, and control costs.
  • Adversarial Marketing is used when there is constant irrational demand for products, which is contrary to the interests and well-being of the population. In such a situation, it is necessary to stop production and carry out anti-advertising. Counter-marketing tools are used on products such as alcohol and tobacco products.

Depending on market coverage There are mass (undifferentiated), concentrated (targeted) and differentiated marketing.

Undifferentiated Marketing Concept involves a product intended for all market segments. Product differentiation is not carried out; products are sold at low prices.

With concentrated marketing the situation is the opposite. Products or services are designed for a specific group of customers.

When using differentiated marketing forces are directed to several market segments. But it is worth noting that a separate offer is created for each market segment. This type of marketing is considered more promising in relation to the previous two types.

Marketing Strategies and Marketing Plan

There are 2 levels of marketing at an enterprise:

  • Tactical;
  • Strategic;

Tactical, or in other words, operational marketing involves developing short-term plans to achieve the organization's goals.

Strategic Marketing aimed at developing long-term prospects for the enterprise’s operation in the market. That is, the internal capabilities of the organization are assessed on the influence of the external market environment.

Marketing strategies are classified into the following groups:

  • Market expansion strategy;
  • Innovation strategy;
  • Diversification strategy;
  • Reduction strategy.

Market expansion strategy otherwise called a concentrated growth strategy. That is, the company's strategy is aimed at horizontal development, conquering a larger part of the market in the fight against competitors, and improving existing products or services.

Innovation strategy otherwise defined as an integrated growth strategy. That is, the organization’s activities are aimed at vertical development - the creation of new goods and services that will have no analogues.

Diversification strategy the organization chooses if the probability of “survival” in the market with a certain type of product or service is very low. Then the organization can produce a new product or service, but at the expense of existing resources.

Reduction strategy used when an enterprise remains on the market for a long time for longer efficient work. An organization may undergo reorganization or liquidation.

Marketing strategies are also distinguished by market coverage:

  • Mass (undifferentiated) marketing strategy;
  • Differentiation strategy;
  • Individualization strategy;

Mass Marketing Strategy aimed at the entire market as a whole. Market advantage is achieved by reducing costs.

Differentiation strategy focused on capturing most of the market segments. The advantage is achieved by improving the quality of products, creating new designs, etc.

Consumer Personalization Strategy aimed at only one market segment. The advantage is achieved through the originality of a product or service for a specific target group of customers.

Development marketing strategy consists of seven stages:

  1. Market research;
  2. Assessment of the organization's capabilities;
  3. Assessing competitors' capabilities;
  4. Setting marketing strategy goals;
  5. Research of market segments and consumer interests;
  6. Positioning development;
  7. Conducted economic assessment strategies.

Stage 1. An analysis of macroeconomic indicators, the political, social and technological situation, as well as the influence of international factors is carried out.

Stage 2. To assess the capabilities of an enterprise, they carry out economic analysis, marketing analysis, production capacity assessment, portfolio assessment and SWOT analysis.

Stage 3. Includes an assessment of the organization's competitiveness. Competitor strategies, strengths and weaknesses, and ways to establish superiority over competitors are studied.

Stage 4. On next stage The goals of the marketing strategy are established.

Stage 5. Includes research into customer needs and methods and time to market.

Stage 6. Specialists receive certain recommendations for enterprise management.

Stage 7. An assessment and analysis of economic strategy and control tools is carried out.

To summarize, we can conclude that a marketing strategy reflects a plan to achieve the company’s business goals, which evaluate production capabilities and financial budget organizations.

The marketing plan is inextricably linked with the marketing strategy of the enterprise, that is marketing plan implies a special document reflecting the organization’s marketing goals and objectives, as well as marketing strategies that will be applied in practice.

To specify the marketing plan, a marketing program is drawn up, which will indicate who is doing what to do and how to do it.

To implement a marketing plan, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • The principle of rolling planning;
  • Principle of differentiation;
  • The principle of multivariance;

Rolling planning principle applied depending on the market situation. This principle involves introducing adjustments to the current plan. For example, a marketing plan is designed for 3 years, but the market situation changes quite often, so amendments and adjustments to the plan are required annually in order to be competitive.

Principle of differentiation assumes that an established product or service cannot be liked by everyone. Therefore, using this principle, it is possible to reorient to serve any category of consumers selected according to certain criteria.

The principle of multivariance involves the simultaneous development of several marketing plans for all possible situations.

The structure of the marketing plan is as follows:

  • Determine the mission of the organization;

The mission of the organization involves defining strengths to become successful in the market.

  • Compile a SWOT analysis of the enterprise;

SWOT-analysis is a situational analysis that reflects the strengths and weaknesses, capabilities of the organization, as well as threats under the influence of internal and external environmental factors.

  • Set marketing goals and strategies;

It is advisable to set goals and define strategies for each area separately.

  • Development of the organization's pricing strategy;
  • Selection of market segments;

In this block, when choosing market segments, the emphasis is on reducing costs and increasing sales efficiency through sales volume and prices.

  • Scheme for selling a product or service;

Here it is necessary to highlight the product sales channels, whether they work effectively, in what quantities and how they are implemented in the organization.

  • Implementation tactics and sales promotion methods;

At this point, it is necessary to decide on methods for selling goods or services that could be successfully used both in short term, and in the long term.

  • After-sales service policy;

Here we need to constantly improve the after-sales service system. It is necessary to compare the level of service with competitive enterprises, improve the skills of employees, monitor their communication skills. In addition, it is worth providing certain guarantees and additional services your customers and compare them with your competitors.

  • Conducting an advertising campaign;
  • Formation of marketing costs;

When drawing up a marketing budget, it is necessary to take into account all planned expenses, income and highlight the predicted net profit organizations.

Thus, it should be concluded that a marketing plan is simply necessary for the successful organization of an enterprise. This is a kind of map that helps to navigate in general in the economic sphere, to lead effective business and be competitive in the market, receiving high profits.

Business Marketing or B2B Marketing

Marketing in business or otherwise they call it marketingB2 B (business-to-business, business for business) is determined How business relations between industrial enterprises in a market where goods and services are not for final consumption, but for business purposes.

B2B marketing should not be confused with marketing B2 C(Business to Consumer, business for the consumer), which implies marketing relations in the market where goods and services are created for final consumption.

Marketing in business has distinctive features and characteristic features:

  • Demand for business activities stems from consumer demand;
  • An organization purchases a product or service to achieve its goals. That is, a business purchase is targeted in nature rather than a consumer purchase. The client buys this or that product to satisfy himself. That is, consumer purchase is emotional in nature;
  • Volume of goods or services purchased. An enterprise buys goods and services not individually, but in tens and hundreds of pieces, that is, it makes large purchases;
  • The risk of buying a business is much higher than buying an ordinary consumer. The profit of the organization depends on this;
  • Business purchases are made by professionals in their field. The purchasing decision is made by several specialists in this field;
  • In B2B marketing, the seller knows the buyer's needs better and interacts closely with him;
  • An enterprise that makes a business purchase hopes for further cooperation with the seller. Therefore, the provision of guarantees plays a significant role here, service and installations.

Network Marketing

Network Marketing (MLM - multi level marketing) is a technology for selling products from manufacturer to consumer, which is advisory in nature and transferred from person to person. At the same time, the so-called distributor can not only sell the product, but also attract new people to the company sales agents.

The business plan of an MLM company assumes that distributors:

  • Have you used this product yourself?
  • Sold the product to customers;
  • They attracted other sales agents to create a network of business entrepreneurs.

The manufacturer himself is responsible for organizing delivery. He ensures that the goods are delivered to the distributor's home. For effective work of sales agents, master classes and seminars are provided to develop sales skills and achieve success in their business.

For the entrepreneur network marketing is an attractive business because it does not require experience or a large initial investment in capital.

For the buyer network marketing also looks advantageous, since truly responsible MLM companies provide quality products and a guarantee for them. In addition, before purchasing a product, the consumer receives all the necessary information about it and receives the product at home.

Network marketing provides for active and passive income. Active income the agent receives for sales volume. A passive income is created through the creation and active development of a subnetwork of distributors.

However, although at first glance, network marketing seems to be an attractive business, in addition to its advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages.

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of network marketing

To attract a potential distributor to an MLM business, you can use the following methods:

  • Look for partners among your surroundings;
  • Look for partners among your friends and acquaintances;
  • to promote products;
  • Look for partners through social networks;
  • Meet new people and attract them to this type of business.

When it comes to network marketing, there is an immediate association with such a definition as a financial pyramid, the activities of which are prohibited in the Russian Federation.

The main difference between network marketing and financial pyramids is that the profit received by MLM companies is divided between distributors, taking into account the contribution of each. And the financial pyramid receives income due to the number of people attracted and their contribution to a non-existent product.

In addition, network marketing can be distinguished from a financial pyramid by the presence of:

  • Marketing plan;
  • Company guidelines and articles of association;
  • The products themselves;
  • Training systems.

The financial pyramid does not have a specific marketing plan; it is very confusing and incomprehensible. The company's management is anonymous and, moreover, there is no charter of the enterprise. There is no assortment of goods, there are only a couple of units of questionable products. There is also no training system provided or it costs a certain amount of money, for which they issue cheap advertising brochures.

Network marketing provides training for sales agents free of charge, or training CDs, books or videos on the Internet are issued for a symbolic amount.

Vivid examples of the successful development of network marketing are the companies Amway, Avon, Oriflame, Faberlic and Mary Kay.

To summarize, we can conclude that network marketing is aimed at promoting a product and rewarding the distributor for the work done, and the main goal of a financial pyramid is to attract people and their financial investments.

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is currently a relevant innovation for promoting goods and services.

Internet Marketing represents the application of traditional marketing activities on the Internet.

Purpose of Internet Marketing– making a profit by increasing the number of visitors to a website or blog, who in the future will become buyers of certain goods and services.

Tools for increasing sales of goods and services and increasing website traffic are:

Helps create and strengthen relationships with certain target group, who has subscribed to the newsletter.

  • Traffic arbitrage – purchasing and resale of traffic at a higher cost;

Internet marketers face the following challenges:

  • Promote products and services using;
  • Create interesting content for the target audience;
  • Process the information received;
  • Monitor the operation of the site;
  • Maintain the company's image on the Internet;
  • Recruit specialists with a narrow focus to perform a specific job.

Online marketing includes the following elements: product, price, promotion, place.

Internet marketing includes strategies such as:

  • Viral marketing;
  • Comprehensive online marketing;

Viral Marketing is the most challenging yet most rewarding online marketing strategy. It is focused on creating so interesting information, which everyone will view hundreds of times, constantly like and repost.

Viral attraction of people is used using:

  • Use of videos;
  • Use of online games;
  • Use of the company website;
  • Writing a provocative article that can cause resonance and will be discussed among users;

Effective work and success can be achieved by combining viral marketing with social networks with advertising.

The main advantages of viral internet marketing are simplicity and speed of action. In addition, viral Internet marketing is cost-effective, as it does not require any special expenses. The Advertising Law does not apply to viral advertising. That is, there is no censorship or any restrictions, which makes Internet marketing freer.

Essential disadvantage of viral online marketing there is insufficient control over the process, and the supplied material may be distorted.

Comprehensive Internet Marketing implies a set of various resources and advertising channels to promote a product or service to the market.

The structure of integrated Internet marketing is as follows:

  • Strengthening traditional marketing;
  • Processing all market segments;
  • Advertising profit reports;
  • Sales control in branches;
  • Building a unified system for promoting a product or service;
  • Telephony construction;
  • Sales training;

Under PR (PR) means increasing brand awareness. This strategy should be used by all companies, regardless of position, as it helps increase company revenue, attract potential customers, and the brand becomes recognizable and popular on the Internet.

Having considered the goals, tools and strategies of Internet marketing, we can highlight its advantages:

  • Large target audience coverage;
  • Obtaining information at home;
  • Low advertising costs.


In conclusion, I would like to say that marketing is a very interesting science for entrepreneurs. Knowing how a marketing plan is drawn up, when and where to apply this or that marketing strategy, you can remain competitive in the market for a long time, while making a good profit. And, having mastered Internet marketing, you can achieve even greater success in.

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange.

Marketing- a social and managerial process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of both individuals and community groups through the creation, supply and exchange of goods and services.

Marketing is making a profit from.

Marketing— a market concept for managing the production and sales activities of an enterprise, aimed at studying the market and specific consumer requests.

What is marketing? Many people believe that marketing is just about sales. And this is not surprising: every day we are bombarded with hundreds of advertisements, newspaper advertisements and sales messages. However, advertising and sales are nothing more than components of marketing. They exist as two integral components of marketing.

Marketing is a process that involves predicting the needs of potential buyers and satisfying these needs by offering appropriate goods - products, technologies, services, etc.

TO main types of marketing activities include:

  • research (consumer, product, market);
  • R&D (coordinated with marketing activities);
  • planning;
  • pricing policy;
  • package;
  • complex marketing communications(advertising in the media, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing);
  • sales activities (work with the staff of the distribution network, trainings, control, organization of special sales systems, measures to optimize local sales, etc.);
  • developing a system for distributing goods to sales points;
  • international operations;
  • after-sales service.

Marketing Goal

Purpose modern marketing is not a sale or in any way (including deceiving the buyer), but .

Marketing Goal- attract new clients by promising them the highest quality, and retain old clients by constantly satisfying their changing needs.

The main task of marketing- Understand the needs and demands of each market and select those that their company can serve better than others. This will allow the company to produce higher quality products and thereby increase sales and increase its income by better satisfying the needs of target customers.

Marketing begins long before the company has a finished product. Marketing begins with managers identifying people, calculating their intensity and volume, and determining the company's ability to satisfy them. Marketers continue to work on products throughout their entire life cycle. They try to find new consumers and retain existing ones by improving the consumer properties of the product and using sales and sales reports for this purpose. feedback. If the marketing specialist has done a good job - correctly understood the needs of the client, created a product that meets the requirements of buyers, set a reasonable price, correctly distributed the product and carried out advertising company, then selling such a product will be very easy.

Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups of individuals satisfy their needs and wants through the creation and exchange of goods that have consumer value.

To explain this definition, it is necessary to consider several concepts directly related to marketing:

  • - a sense of need to satisfy basic needs
  • And - specific form meeting human needs
  • demand - the need for certain goods, expressed in a person’s ability to purchase them
  • - the consumer’s assessment of the ability of the product as a whole to satisfy his needs
  • - the act of acquiring some desired product for something offered by another party.

Marketing Principles

In modern economic practice, the organization’s relationship with the majority of market participants should be built on the principles of marketing.

Basic principles of marketing:
  1. Scientifically practical market research and production and sales capabilities of the enterprise.
  2. Segmentation. Its meaning lies in the fact that the enterprise identifies for itself the most acceptable market segment (a homogeneous group of consumers), in relation to which it will conduct market research and promote the product.
  3. Flexible response from production and sales involves rapid change depending on changing market requirements, elasticity of supply and demand.
  4. Innovation involves improving and updating products, developing new technologies, introducing new methods of working with consumers, entering new markets, updating advertising, new, new sales methods.
  5. Planning involves the construction of production and sales programs based on market research and market forecasts.

Thus, marketing should be considered as an economic, social, managerial and technological process based on the following basic principles:

  • constant study of the state and dynamics of the market;
  • adaptation to market conditions, taking into account the requirements and capabilities of end consumers,
  • active formation of the market in the directions necessary for the organization.

Managing the behavior of an organization based on the principles of marketing should ensure work in a dynamic, continuous (ring) mode, ensuring the organization's flexibility and adaptability to turbulent changes in the market environment.

The goal of managing organizational behavior based on marketing principles is to determine promising directions activities of organizations in the market, providing competitive advantages organizations with minimal resources.

Main objectives of marketing:

  • Research, analysis and assessment of the needs of actual and potential consumers of the company's products in areas of interest to the company.
  • Marketing support for the development of new products and services of the company.
  • Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of markets in which the company operates or will operate, including research into the activities of competitors.
  • Formation of the company's assortment policy.
  • Development of the company's pricing policy.
  • Participation in the formation of the strategy and tactics of the company's market behavior, including the development of pricing policy.
  • Sales of company products and services.
  • Marketing communications.
  • After-sales service.

Functions and types of marketing

Main functions of marketing:

  • planning;
  • organization;
  • coordination;
  • motivation;
  • control.
Additional features unique to marketing:
  • comprehensive market research (detailed study);
  • analysis of the production and sales capabilities of the enterprise;
  • development of marketing strategy and program;
  • implementation of product policy;
  • implementation of pricing policy;
  • implementation of sales policy;
  • communication policy;
  • organization of marketing activities;
  • control of marketing activities.

Types of Marketing

Depending on the scope and object of application, the following types of marketing are distinguished:

  1. Domestic marketing: sales of goods and services within the country.
  2. Export marketing: additional research into foreign markets and sales services for effective exports.
  3. Import marketing: a special type of market research to ensure highly effective purchasing.
  4. Scientific and technical marketing is associated with the sale and purchase of results scientific and technical activities (patents, licenses).
  5. Direct investment marketing: studying the conditions for investing capital abroad and attracting foreign investment.
  6. International marketing: selling or purchasing goods from a national enterprise of another country.
  7. Nonprofit Marketing: Creating a Positive public opinion in relation to specific persons, organizations, places or ideas.

Conditions of demand and marketing tasks

Demand can be: negative, absent, hidden, falling, irregular, full, excessive, irrational.

Negative demand caused by a negative attitude of buyers towards a product or service. The task of marketing in these conditions is to analyze why the market dislikes the product, and whether a marketing program can change the negative attitude towards the product by redesigning it, lowering prices and more active promotion.

Lack of demand. Target consumers may be uninterested in or indifferent to the product. The task of marketing is to find ways to link the inherent benefits of a product with the natural needs and interests of a person.

Hidden demand- this is when many consumers cannot satisfy their desires with the help of goods and services offered on the market (harmless cigarettes, more economical cars). The task of marketing is to estimate the value potential market and create effective products and services that can meet demand.

Falling demand. The task of marketing is to analyze the reasons for the drop in demand and determine whether it is possible to stimulate sales again by finding new target markets, changing product characteristics, etc.

Irregular demand(fluctuations on a seasonal, daily and even hourly basis): - rush hours for transport, overload of museums on weekends. The task of marketing is to find ways to smooth out fluctuations in the distribution of demand over time using flexible prices, incentives and other incentive techniques.

Full demand. Such demand usually occurs when the organization is satisfied with its sales turnover. The task of marketing is to maintain the existing level of demand, despite changing consumer preferences and increasing competition.

Excessive demand- this is when the level of demand is higher than the ability to satisfy it. The goal of marketing, referred to in this case as “demarketing,” is to find ways to temporarily or permanently reduce demand, rather than eliminate it.

Irrational demand, i.e. demand for unhealthy goods and services; cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, drugs, etc. The challenge of marketing is to convince such hobbyists to give up such habits.

Marketing as a market management concept

All companies want to succeed. Many factors are important for the prosperity of a company: the right strategy, dedicated employees, a well-established information system, and accurate implementation of the marketing program. However, today's successful companies at all levels have one thing in common - they maximally consumer-oriented and all work is based on marketing. All of these companies are dedicated to one goal: understanding and meeting consumer needs in clearly defined ways. target markets. They encourage every employee in their company to create the highest customer value by ensuring complete customer satisfaction. They know that only this approach will allow them to achieve the desired market share and profit.

And yet it is the marketing departments, more than any other departments, that care about consumers. Customer creation and satisfaction is the essence of today's marketing theory and practice.

Some people believe that only the work of large companies operating in Germany is based on marketing. In fact, marketing is the most important component of the success of any company, large or small, commercial or non-profit, national or international. In the business sector, marketing has found its application primarily in companies that produce packaged consumer goods, consumer durables, and industrial goods. In recent decades, service companies, especially airlines, insurance and financial institutions, have also begun to use marketing in their activities. Some specialists who have private practice(lawyers, accountants, doctors, architects, etc.) also became interested in marketing and began to actively use its techniques. Marketing has become an integral part of the strategies of many non-profit organizations, including colleges, hospitals, museums, philharmonic societies and even churches.

Today marketing is widely used in all countries of the world. Most countries in North and South America, Western Europe and Southeast Asia have widely developed marketing systems. Even in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics, where the very word “marketing” sounded unusual until recently, significant political and social changes have created the conditions for the introduction of marketing. Economic and political leaders in most countries of the former socialist camp strive to study everything related to modern marketing practices.

You already know a lot about marketing – it’s all around you. You see the results of marketing - this is an abundance of goods on store shelves. Marketing is advertising that fills TV screens, magazines, newspapers and even penetrates your mailbox. At home and at school, at work and during play, marketing is everywhere, no matter what you do. Marketing is more than that, something an attentive buyer can notice. Behind him is a vast network of people vying for your attention and money. In the manual you will find a more complex, scientific definition of the basic concepts and practical techniques of modern marketing. In this chapter, we will start by defining marketing and its fundamental concepts; learn what philosophy underlies the theory and practice of marketing; Let's discuss some of the main challenges that marketing faces as it evolves.

What is marketing

What does the term "marketing" mean? The goal of modern marketing is not sales according to the principle “if you don’t lie, you don’t sell,” but customer satisfaction. Some people believe that marketing is just about advertising and selling. And no wonder: every day we are bombarded with hundreds of television commercials, newspaper advertisements, sales letters and sales messages. Someone is always trying to sell us something. It seems that not only death and taxes, but also sales have become inevitable.

So you might be surprised if we tell you that selling and advertising are just the tip of the marketing iceberg. Although these two components are very important, they are no more than components of the marketing mix, and often not the most important ones. If a marketer has worked hard to understand the customer's needs, created a product that provides superior customer value, charged a reasonable price, distributed the product correctly, and advertised it effectively, then selling that product will be very easy.

Everyone has heard of the so-called popular goods. When Sony created its first Walkman, Nintendo offered its first video game console, and The Body Shop released its unique cosmetics, these products received huge amount orders. This is explained by the fact that companies managed to offer the “right” products. Not just products that many people would like to buy, but products that open up new opportunities. Peter Drucker, one of the leading management theorists, states: “The goal of marketing is to know and understand the customer so that the product or service precisely meets his requirements and sells itself.”

Thus, sales and advertising are only part of a rather complex "marketing mix" - a set of marketing tools that influence the market. We define marketing as the social and controlled process by which individuals and groups satisfy their needs and wants through the creation of products by and with each other. To explain this definition, we will consider the following concepts: , and ; goods; customer value, satisfaction and quality; exchange, transactions and relationships; market.


Market is a collection of existing and potential buyers of a product. These buyers have common needs or requests that can be satisfied through exchange. Thus, the size of the market depends on the number of buyers who need a product, have the resources to make an exchange, and are willing to offer these resources in exchange for the product they need.

Rice. Market relations

Initially, the term “market” meant a place where buyers and sellers could make their transactions (such a place was, for example, the central square of a settlement). Economists use the term "market" to mean a collection of buyers and sellers who engage in transactions for the purchase and sale of goods of a certain type; there is, for example, a real estate market or a grain market. Marketers, however, view sellers as representatives of production and buyers as representatives of the market. The relationship between production is shown in the figure above. Sellers and buyers are connected by four streams: sellers supply goods, services and messages to the market; in return, they receive money and information from buyers. The inner cycle shows the exchange of money for goods; external - exchange of information.

The modern economy is based on the division of labor, in which each producer specializes in the production of a certain product, receives money for it and uses it to buy everything necessary for production.

Consequently, the modern economy consists of many markets. The manufacturer turns to the resource market (raw materials market, labor market, foreign exchange market), acquires resources, turns them into goods and services, sells them to an intermediary, who sells them to the consumer. The consumer sells his labor and receives a salary for it, which he spends on paying for goods and services. The state also participates in market relations, and plays several important roles at once. It buys goods from markets for resources, producers and intermediaries; pays them; collects taxes from these markets (including the consumer market); provides the necessary public services(provided by government agencies and public enterprises). Thus, the economy of each country and the economy of the whole world is a complex set of markets that are interconnected by exchange processes.

The market is perceived not only as a place where seller and buyer actually meet. Thanks to modern means communication and transportation, a merchant can freely advertise his goods on TV in the evening, take orders from thousands of consumers by telephone, send goods by mail the next day, without coming into physical contact with buyers.

In business, the term “market” is used to designate a group of consumers united along some characteristic. We can mention, in particular, the market of needs (one of these markets is created, for example, by consumers who care about their health and want to receive exclusively high-quality goods); goods markets (for example, the market consumer electronics); demographic markets (for example, teenagers or “baby boomers” - people born in the 50s during the “baby boom”, i.e. a sharp increase in the birth rate in the United States); geographic markets (United States of America or Western Europe). This concept is used not only to refer to specific consumer groups. For example, the labor market consists of people who offer their labor power in exchange for wages or goods. Various organizations, including employment agencies and recruitment consulting firms, emerge in the labor market to facilitate its functioning. Financial markets are of great importance because people have needs such as borrowing and lending, saving and saving their money.

Modern Marketing

The concept of markets finally brings us to a more complete definition of marketing. Marketing means the management of the market for the purpose of carrying out exchanges to satisfy human needs and demands. So we are back to our definition of marketing as the process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through the creation of goods and consumer value and the exchange of them with each other.

Exchange processes do not occur on their own. Sellers must search for buyers, identify their needs, create quality goods and services, promote, store and deliver them. Product development, market analysis, communications, distribution, pricing and service are the main marketing activities. We are accustomed to thinking that marketing is mainly carried out by the selling side, but buyers, it turns out, also take part in it - when they are looking for new products. affordable prices. Purchasing agents are also involved in marketing, searching for sellers with whom they can make profitable deals. A seller's market assumes that the seller has more power and the buyer is a more active participant in the market. In a buyer's market, the buyer has more power and the seller must be an active participant in the market.

The figure below shows the main elements of a modern marketing system. In a standard situation, marketing involves serving the end consumer market in a competitive environment. The company and its competitors send their products and information about them to end consumers, either directly or through marketing intermediates (intermediaries). All actors in this system are influenced by the same factors environment(demographic, economic, environmental, scientific and technical, political and legal, socio-cultural). We will take a detailed look at all the factors influencing decision making in marketing.

Rice. Main characters and forces in the modern marketing system

Each component of the marketing system contributes to the creation of customer value. Thus, a company's success depends not only on its own actions, but also on how well the needs of the end consumer are met by all links in the chain. IKEA would not be able to provide customers with the low prices it promised if its suppliers were selling products at exorbitant prices. And Toyota wouldn't be able to offer consumers high-quality cars if its dealers didn't provide excellent customer service.


Not long ago, our team launched new project. And the final vision was different for everyone.

Someone saw that at the end we would teach marketing, someone said that it would be pure form PR training.

And this means different approaches and methods. But it’s us, professional marketers, who see the difference, and even then it’s small. For the rest, marketing and PR are one and the same.

That is why I decided to write an article in which I can break down everything about the functions of marketing, its tasks and goals. What is it, how is it connected and what is responsible for what. And all this in understandable language.

About marketing. Details

If you ask any person not associated with this profession what marketing is, then with a 95% probability he will answer that it is advertising.

It's a yes and a no. It depends on which side you approach. To help you understand the difference between the three concepts, we have written an article

I highly recommend reading it, since we will not dwell on their differences. But let’s talk about the very definition of marketing.

Marketing(classical formulation) is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange (c) F. Kotler.

But I personally like another definition of marketing that briefly looks at the discipline from a business perspective. And this is closer to the practices to which we arrogantly classify ourselves.

Marketing is making a profit from satisfying the consumer.

In fact, it is in this short interpretation that lies the key understanding of why marketing is needed for any organization.

That is, marketing is not about how to sell this or that product. And how to find consumers who need this product, determine their number and the volume of goods they need.

And all this beauty is completed by the functions and principles of marketing. Well, let's understand everything in more detail.

Marketing Goals

Peter Drucker (management theorist) says this: “The goal of marketing is to make selling activities unnecessary.

His goal is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will accurately sell itself.”

And he deciphers his definition with the following phrase: “If we turn off the phone, barricade the door and shoot back at the buyers, they will still push through and ask to sell them our goods.”

Returning to research into the essence and purpose of marketing. Marketing consists of 5 groups of goals, which in turn are also divided into different subgoals.

I warn you right away, it looks scary, but without boring theory It is impossible to become a professional:

  • Market Goals:
  1. Increasing market share;
  2. Development of new markets;
  3. Weakening the position of competitors in the market;
  • Actually marketing goals:
  1. Creation of a company;
  2. Creating high customer satisfaction;
  3. Increasing the profitability of marketing activities;
  • Structural and management goals:
  1. Giving organizational structure flexibility;
  2. Achieving more complex strategic goals;
  • Supporting goals:
  1. Pricing policy;
  2. Service policy;
  • Controlling goals:
  1. Control of current activities;
  2. Strategic planning;
  3. Current financial activities.
So what next?

And, to be honest... I understood all this about 10 times. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail, with an emphasis not on lofty words, but on greater applicability to business.

I found 4 endpoints that answer the question “What are marketing goals?” in the most complete and detailed way possible.

And at the same time applicable to the economy, market, company and consumer. Thus, the goals of marketing activities include:

  1. Profit maximization. Probably one of the most global goals that every enterprise faces.

    Its main task is to increase the consumption of goods to the maximum by everyone possible ways and marketing tools, as this will lead to increased production and, as a consequence, increased profits and the company as a whole.

  2. Caring for consumers. This is achieved due to the fact that the buyer, purchasing the company’s product, becomes more and more satisfied.

    As a result, there is an increase in the frequency of purchases of the product, as well as an increase in its value. In other words, one of the main goals of marketing in an organization is to become a company with high .

  3. Providing choice. This goal is not suitable for small companies, since its essence is the expansion of the product line within one company.

    Thanks to this approach, large companies manage not only to satisfy the buyer due to a large selection, but also to achieve the first goal in the form of maximizing profits.

  4. Improving quality of life. On the one hand, this is a very noble goal of the marketing system, which includes: the release of high-quality products, a large range of products and, of course, all this at an affordable cost.

    That is, thanks to this entire complex, the consumer can satisfy his needs, and thereby improve the quality of his life.

    On the other hand, quality of life is very difficult to measure, so this goal is one of the most difficult to achieve.

I think it's more clear now. In addition, it is very difficult to imagine a company that was equally able to achieve these 4 goals.

And this is due to the fact that they are mutually exclusive, and their uniform achievement is impossible. But even if these goals are decomposed and simplified, we get:

  • Increasing the income received by the company;
  • Increase in sales volumes of manufactured products;
  • Increasing the company's market share;
  • Improving the company's image.

Here! Such goals are clear; they depend on specific goals that can be assessed and measured.

In addition, they are quite easy to plan, since it is possible to carry out calculations and analysis.

For example, we take all these indicators into account when we conduct. True, the goal we have in it is, as a rule, one – increasing income.

Of course, the goal must be approved by all department heads, who will be able to determine its reality.

And don’t forget that when developing marketing goals, you need to provide (material/) for those who managed to achieve them.

And also have those responsible for achieving them, and also include specific deadlines for completion. And sometimes doing this is even more difficult than setting the goal itself.


Remember I wrote that on the way to marketing goals there are various tasks. So, the objectives of marketing are to influence the level, timing and nature of demand for the benefit of business.

That is, the local task of marketing is demand management. But globally, marketing tasks in an enterprise are already divided into 2 areas:

  1. Production. Produce what will be sold, and not sell what is produced.
  2. Sales. Studying the market, consumers and ways to influence them.

Within these two directions, there is a much larger list of tasks that need to be implemented in order to achieve these two directions. Get ready for another block of boring but important information:

  1. Research, analysis and study of consumers and company products;
  2. Development of new services or products of the company;
  3. Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of markets;
  4. Development product range companies;
  5. Development of the company's pricing policy;
  6. Participation in the creation of strategic company, as well as tactical actions;
  7. Sales of company products and services;
  8. Marketing Communications;
  9. After-sales service.

And again it’s not very clear the first time. Some kind of research, communications, services, etc.

Deputy language in general. Let's tell you everything in simple words, what you will need to do to solve the main problems within marketing:

  1. Create a strategic action plan. This means creating an action plan both for the next year, with detailed steps, and a company development plan for 3-5-10 years.
  2. Analyze the market situation. And do this not periodically, but constantly.

    And you must also keep track of what you not only produce now, but also can produce in the future.

  3. Track the “mood” of consumers. You could say this is to make sure that it only grows.

    To do this, you need to engage in reputation management. Or in simple words, work with future and current reviews.

  4. Monitor the work of your competitors. Monitor their work, carry out work, and also disassemble their goods into pieces. After all, competition is the engine of development. And here it’s either you or you.
  5. Work with . This will not only improve the efficiency of your employees and their work, but will also give your company a reputation as a “very enviable employer.” Nowadays this is worth a lot.
  6. Promote products. To do this, you use any of the hundreds. If we consider all the possibilities, they will number somewhere in 1000 ways.
  7. Track marketing trends. This way you can use current trends to improve your company and influence the growth of sales of your products.

And here I have bad news for you. All these goals and objectives cannot be solved by a marketer alone.

Since the development of these actions requires the involvement of specialists from the entire company (managers, accountants and even call center managers).

Therefore, be patient and have the time of various personnel of your company to think through and work out marketing tasks.


As you already understood, the marketing tasks of an enterprise are divided into two main areas: production and sales.

And based on these tasks, four main marketing functions are distinguished. The functions of the marketing system can be considered individual areas of marketing activity.

Depending on the specifics of the company, they determine which marketing functions need to be used and which not. TO general functions marketing includes:

  • Analytical function of marketing. This function allows you to find out the market capacity and study consumers in detail, as well as find out all the information on competitors.
  1. Studying the company itself
  2. Market and consumer research
  3. Studying competitors
  4. Study of counterparties
  5. Product research
  • Production function of marketing. This function allows you to optimize the production of products or the process of providing services due to the emergence of new technologies and improving the quality of the final product.
  1. Development of new technologies
  2. Production of new products
  3. Reducing the cost of goods
  4. Improving the quality of finished products
  • Sales function of marketing. This function allows the company not only to produce products, but also to optimize its sales by combining the work of the warehouse, logistics and transport department.
  1. Service organization
  2. Expansion of the product line
  3. Pricing policy
  4. Implementation of sales policy
  • Management and control function. This function allows you to rationally use existing and future resources, control the operation of the enterprise, and also organize business processes on it.
  1. Communication policy
  2. Organization of marketing activities
  3. Control of marketing activities

I’ll tell you a little secret: all of the listed goals, objectives and functions are basic and have not changed for many decades.

That is, what you need to focus on. This could be a focus on customer loyalty or product expansion.

But marketing tools are constantly changing and being supplemented. But this is a topic for a completely different article.


Briefly about the main thing

Most likely you have one question in your head. Why do I need this theory if I, for example, am a small individual entrepreneur who makes tea and coffee in a popular shopping center?

Okay, let's use an example. You think in scale - you bought 10 kilograms of coffee for 15 thousand, ground it and sold it for 50 thousand rubles. Hurray, 35 thousand in my pocket. Do the same and multiply.

This is all good, but what if tomorrow a competitor appears nearby who understands basic principles marketing and his ultimate goal is not just to brew 35 thousand rubles from 10 kilograms of coffee, but to open his own chain of small coffee shops.

And it begins to work not like most competitors, by reducing the cost of goods while maintaining product quality, but also to expand the range, working on customer focus and customer loyalty.

And also introducing small features, from a series of cool stickers for coffee and other things.

How long do you think your business will last if such a savvy competitor appears?

The answer to the question: “Why is marketing needed?” - obvious. Therefore, learning the basics is necessary not only big business, but also a small individual entrepreneur.

Moreover, you don’t have to look far for an example; quite recently a client came to us who ignored marketing, and as a result, a new competitor “delayed” half of it in 2 years client base. It's a shame, but who is to blame if not him.


The market is a complex phenomenon that develops in accordance with economic laws and has a complex hierarchical structure. The market involves millions of legal and individuals entering into a purchase and sale relationship.

Marketing presupposes the existence of the market in its full structural volume, serves its development and is inseparable from the complex of problems of demand, supply and prices. One way or another, its initial object of attention is the production and commercial activities of the enterprise and numerous intermediaries on the way of promoting goods to the market, to the final consumer. At the same time, it serves to “increasingly fully satisfy the ever-growing” but not very specific needs of the masses, but is aimed at effectively satisfying the specific needs of target consumer groups.

Marketing is a very multifaceted phenomenon. This is a market philosophy, strategy and tactics of thinking and action of subjects of market relations: not only producers and intermediaries in commercial activities, but also consumers, as well as suppliers, economists, scientists.

Thus, marketing plays a big role in modern society, and is also an essential part of organizing the marketing activities of an enterprise.

For a favorable organization of an enterprise, it is necessary to correctly and clearly define goals and competently evaluate and develop strategies that contribute to the successful development of the enterprise.

The purpose of this course work is: the study of the goals and strategy of marketing and analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise MUP "Alexandrovsky Bread Factory".

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Study the goals of marketing and their classification;

2. Study and reveal the concept of marketing strategy;

3. Study the main types of marketing strategy;

4. Conduct a systematic analysis of the activities of the enterprise MUP “Alexandrovsky Bread Factory”.

In the process of writing this course work, educational and periodical literature was used.

In this regard, the object of study of this course work is the enterprise MUP “Alexandrovsky Bread Factory”.

The subject of the study is the marketing activities of the municipal unitary enterprise "Alexandrovsky Bread Factory".

Marketing goals and strategy

Marketing goals and their classification

The practical type of marketing used by a company is determined by its goals.

The overall goal of marketing is to ensure that consumer demand in the market is met and thereby generate the maximum possible profit.

The main task of marketing is to understand the needs and wants of each market and select those that their company can serve better than others. This will allow the company to produce higher quality products and thereby increase sales and increase its income by better satisfying the needs of target customers.

Marketing begins long before the company has a finished product. Marketing begins with managers identifying needs people, calculate their intensity and volume, and determine the company’s capabilities to satisfy them. Marketers continue to work on products throughout their entire life cycle. They try to find new customers and retain existing ones by improving the consumer properties of the product and using sales reports and feedback for this purpose. If a marketing specialist has done a good job - correctly understood the needs of the client, created a product that meets the requirements of buyers, set a reasonable price, distributed the product correctly and carried out an advertising campaign, then selling such a product will be very easy.

The main marketing objectives can be formulated as follows:

Achieving the highest possible consumption.

Many business leaders believe that the main purpose of marketing is to facilitate and stimulate maximum consumption, which in turn creates the conditions for maximum growth in production, employment and wealth. The rationale behind this goal is that the more people buy and consume, the happier they become. “The more the merrier” is the battle cry. However, some doubt that the increased mass of material wealth brings with it more happiness. Their credo: “less is more” and “a little is great.”

2. Achieving maximum customer satisfaction.

According to the following point of view, the goal of marketing is to achieve maximum consumer satisfaction, and not the maximum possible level of consumption. Maximum single product consumption and possession great product means something only if it leads to greater customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, customer satisfaction is difficult to measure. First, no economist has yet figured out how to measure overall satisfaction with a specific product or specific marketing activity. Secondly, the direct satisfaction that individual consumers receive from specific “goods” does not take into account “evils” such as environmental pollution and damage caused to it. Third, the degree of satisfaction experienced by the consumer of certain goods, such as products that symbolize social status, depends on how small a circle of other people own these goods. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate a marketing system based on the satisfaction it brings to the public.

3. Providing the widest possible choice.

Some market players believe that the main goal of the marketing system is to ensure the greatest possible variety of products and provide the consumer with the widest possible choice. The system should give the consumer the opportunity to find products that best suit his taste. Consumers should be able to maximize their lifestyle and therefore experience the greatest satisfaction.

Unfortunately, maximizing consumer choice comes at a cost. First, goods and services will become more expensive, since greater variety will increase the costs of producing them and maintaining inventories. Higher prices will lead to lower prices real income consumers and scale of consumption. Secondly, increasing the variety of products will require more time and effort from the consumer to become familiar with and evaluate different products. Thirdly, an increase in the number of goods does not at all mean for the consumer an increase in the possibility of real choice.

4. Maximum increase in quality of life.

Many people believe that the main goal of a marketing system should be to improve “quality of life.” This concept consists of:

1) quality, quantity, range, availability and cost of goods, 2) quality of the physical environment and 3) quality cultural environment. Proponents of this view tend to evaluate a marketing system not only by the degree of direct consumer satisfaction it provides, but also by the impact that marketing activities have on the quality of the physical and cultural environment. Most agree that for a marketing system, improving the quality of life is a noble goal, but recognize that this quality is not easy to measure, and its interpretations sometimes contradict each other.

Many people think that only large companies in developed capitalist countries resort to marketing. In fact, it is used within and outside the business sector in all countries.

The global goals of marketing as an integral part of the market mechanism include the following requirements:

* make the market orderly (subject to certain rules), “transparent” (allowing one to assess its condition, parameters and development trends) and predictable (providing the ability to predict its changes);

* limit the spontaneity of the market by regulating certain market processes;

* make competition orderly, subject to certain restrictions, eliminate the possibility of unfair competition;

* subordinate production and trade to market requirements, i.e. consumer interests;

* develop and introduce into market activities the principles of scientifically based technology of commodity circulation and distribution (distribution);

Each company, acting on the market, develops its own system of goals (tree of goals), which forms the basis of its marketing strategy. Ultimate goals are identified (usually this is either capturing a certain market share, or selling a certain volume of goods, or receiving a certain amount of profit), as well as intermediate goals. The achievement of the first (as the reader probably noticed, related to each other) determines the development of the company, its commercial success, the place it will occupy in the market. The second ones are means that ensure the possibility of achieving final goals.

Marketing (according to V. Blagoev) is a system of actions, including research, analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs designed to study consumer demand and create, operationally manage the production and sale of products and prices that satisfy consumers better to ensure the achievement goals of the relevant organization. Of course, marketing assumes that an entrepreneur must give up a part of his market sovereignty, but it reduces the level of risk, allows the use of collectively accumulated experience and, ultimately, provides certain guarantees of success. Due to

This increases the role of marketing, which is justified in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1. The role of marketing in business

Marketing fits into the market mechanism, allowing you to optimize the mutual search for seller and buyer, stimulate demand, use price and other market instruments as a regulator of market processes, and orient production to the interests of the market. Thus, marketing reduces the degree of spontaneity of market development. It forms a system for studying and forecasting the market, ensuring its “transparency” and predictability of development.

The modern concept of marketing is to focus the entrepreneur on the consumer. There are also five basic marketing concepts that are closely related to goals:

1. The concept of production improvement.

Firms that adhere to this concept believe that their prosperity in the market is due to low prices for their own goods, so they constantly improve production to reduce costs and maintain low prices.

Product improvement concept.

Firms believe that consumers prefer only high quality products and try to produce them.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts.

It is used by companies that produce goods of passive demand, as well as in those conditions when supply exceeds demand. There is aggressive advertising and pressure on the consumer here.

The concept of marketing itself.

Before starting production, firms study the needs of the market, and only then begin to organize it. Their motto is “The customer is always right.”

The concept of social and ethical marketing.

Firms that adhere to this concept try to achieve harmony between the producer, consumer and society, i.e. The company is trying its best to create a good image in the eyes of the public. This concept is becoming more popular and many companies are following it.

Producing and selling everything that is in demand and can be sold is the main principle of marketing.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the goals and functions of marketing and describe its essence. Today these topics are very relevant, because market economy is actively developing, satisfying new needs of people. The market does not stand still, and marketing develops along with it.

Marketing principles are the fundamental circumstances, provisions, and requirements that underlie it. They reveal the purpose and essence of this type of activity. The main goal of marketing is to ensure that the production of services and goods is focused on demand, on the consumer, and on matching production capabilities with market requirements.

The need and objectives of marketing

The necessity of a marketing approach for any enterprise is undeniable. There will be negative demand in the market if the majority of consumers are not satisfied with the quality of services or goods and even agree to some costs in order not to buy them. The purpose of marketing is to analyze the current situation and try to understand whether marketing tools can change negative consumer attitudes towards a given product by reducing prices and stimulating sales. Consumers with latent demand may feel the need for services and goods that are not currently available on the market. In this case, the goals and principles of marketing are aimed at assessing the size of this potential market segment in order to create services and products that satisfy demand.

A situation of complete absence or decrease in demand

An example of a complete absence or decrease in demand is a situation in which target consumers are not interested in the product. In this case, the marketer's task is to provide its benefits based on the interests and needs of the person. Any enterprise will sooner or later be forced to face a problem when a certain product ceases to be in sufficient demand. The goal of marketing is to maintain the existing level of market demand, despite increasing competition and consumer preferences, which are so volatile today.

The main principles of marketing based on its essence

The following main principles of marketing are identified in accordance with its essence.

1. Careful consideration of the dynamics and state of demand, needs and market conditions. Often consumers don't know what exactly they want. They only want to solve their problems as best they can. Therefore, one of the main tasks of marketing is to understand what consumers really want.

2. Conditions should be created for maximum adaptation to the structure of demand and the requirements of the production market at the enterprise, based on a long-term perspective, and not on short-term gain. The modern concept of marketing is that the company’s activities (production, scientific and technical, sales, etc.) should be based on knowledge of demand, as well as its changes in the future. One of its goals, moreover, is to identify unsatisfied demands and orient production towards their satisfaction.

Marketing is the development, production and then marketing of something for which there is actually consumer demand. The system makes the production of certain goods functionally dependent, first of all, on requests. It requires producing them in the volume and range that the consumer needs. The center of decision-making in the implementation of this concept is shifted from production links to those who feel the pulse of the market. Think Tank, the source of recommendations and information is the marketing service, not only market, but also financial, scientific, technical and production policies of enterprises. Based on an in-depth analysis of the dynamics and state of demand and business conditions, the issue of profitability, prospects and the need for the production of a certain product is resolved here.

3. Influencing the buyer, the market through advertising and all other available means. Gunther von Brieskorn, a marketer from Western Germany, characterizing the principles and content of marketing in one of his lectures, argues something like this. In his eyes, the market is a sea, on the waves of which consumers find themselves. Their behavior is characterized mainly by the vector of their needs, which undergoes frequent changes. At the same time, the market is our boss and, when going to see it, we should be well prepared. The consumer is our king and we must fulfill any of his demands.

General Marketing Concept

Can be characterized general concept marketing as follows: the total cash flow necessary for the operation of the enterprise and the satisfaction of future needs is sent to the manufacturer from the consumer. The task of marketing is to ensure that both, meeting on the market, are able to most fully realize their needs and goals. In other words, marketing is the process of matching consumer demands and firm capabilities. Its result is the provision of goods to consumers that satisfy people's needs, and the profit the company needs to exist, as well as better meet consumer needs in the future.

What should be the goals of marketing activities?

Marketing objectives are the basis of marketing activities. However, they do not necessarily have to be commercial. Marketing goals should be formulated in such a way that they can be expressed quantitatively. For example, you should increase the share of the product in the local market by the end of the year from 10 to 15% or get a 30% profit. The more clearly the goals and objectives of marketing are formulated and communicated to each employee, the more benefits the marketing service will bring.

Goal groups

His goals are divided into 5 groups.

  1. Market (market conquest, market share, identification of promising markets) goals and objectives of marketing.
  2. Goals can be strictly marketing (forming public opinion, creating a company image, competition, profit volume, sales volume).
  3. There are also structural and management goals aimed at improving the management structure of the company.
  4. We can also highlight the supporting goals and functions of marketing (sales promotion, pricing policy, product distribution parameters, consumer properties of the product).
  5. Another goal is to control the activities of the company.

The following guidelines should be followed when developing your marketing goals. It should be as simple as possible, measurable, achievable, mobilizing, controllable, focusing attention, approved by the organization, ranking. Marketing goals should provide certain incentives for those who manage to achieve them, have people responsible for achieving them, and also include precise deadlines.

Types of marketing depending on the goal

The following types of marketing are distinguished depending on the goal:

  • consumer (consumer goods);
  • industrial marketing (production goods);
  • international;
  • consumer-oriented;
  • service, item or product oriented;
  • non-profit (activities of organizations and enterprises that do not aim to make a profit for themselves personally);
  • social (a set of various methods for implementing social programs by public organizations and the state);
  • micromarketing (activities of individual companies);
  • marketing as a state activity carried out in the market sphere.

What marketing principle can be considered fundamental?

The essence of marketing philosophy lies in its principles. The fundamental one puts the focus not on the ambitions and needs of the producer of services and goods, but on the needs and demands of the consumer. This is the main goal of marketing. However, this declaration, very nice, could not be realized if all the other principles of marketing that determine its technology and management of its activities were not aimed at its implementation. Thus, thanks to them, the main goal of the marketing concept is realized.

Basic principles of marketing

Let us note some of them, the most established.

  1. Concentrating the enterprise's resources on the production of such services and goods that are actually needed by consumers in the market segments chosen by the enterprise.
  2. Understanding the quality of services and goods as the extent to which they satisfy the needs for them. Therefore, unnecessary services (goods) cannot be considered high-quality. In addition, any difference in the quality of one service or another from another is not significant in itself, but depending on how significant the need that the service characteristic seeks to satisfy, the measured property.
  3. Consideration of needs in a broad rather than narrow sense, including beyond the framework of known, traditional ways of satisfying them.
  4. Focus on reducing the total costs of the consumer, as well as taking them into account in pricing, in other words, dominating the selling price of the consumer price.
  5. Preference for a method that actively generates demand and anticipates it, rather than reactive.
  6. The predominance of orientation towards the long-term perspective.
  7. Continuous collection of information on market reactions and its conditions and analysis of the data obtained.

Specifics of open and closed marketing systems

Describing the essence and goals of marketing, we will indicate their specificity in open and closed systems. In open marketing systems, every new contract, agreement, act of exchange that was completed in line with marketing must bring income and/or other additional benefits to society as a whole, and not just to direct participants (if not to the whole society, then at least significantly wider groups and strata than the participants in a particular transaction themselves). Thus, marketing goal setting includes an external effect, a socially significant one - externality. In closed systems, the self-development of systems and the stability of their existence depend on the presence of internal competition, as well as isolation from external competitors.

We hope that now you have become closer to the concept of marketing. Marketing goals, as you can see, are quite broad, and their implementation is important for every enterprise.
