Presentation for children of the senior group “Wild animals. Presentation "how animals protect themselves" presentation on the world around them on the topic Presentation of a group of animals for preschoolers

Birds of the National Park More than 159 species of birds live in the Mari Chodra National Park. By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated September 4, 2001. 37 species of birds were classified as rare and endangered species, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El and 11 are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. These are the black-throated loon, black stork, snake eagle, osprey, golden eagle, etc.

Birds: Black stork Large and pretty beautiful bird, its weight reaches 2.2-3 kg. The feather outfit consists of two colors - black and white. Legs and beak bright red. The plumage of the head, neck and back is black with a metallic tint, and the belly is white. Juveniles have a grayish-brown color. The black stork is a forest bird. Nest in a tree. Voice: quiet sounds of “che-ling” and a quiet cracking of the beak.

The short-eared owl is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El. Often sits on the ground. In flight, the underparts of the body and wings appear almost white. The eyes are yellow. Body length up to 40 cm, wingspan up to 120 cm, weight up to 450 g. The nest in the form of a trampled hole is located on hummocks, less often on rotten stumps. Never nests in trees. Unlike other owls, it is regularly active during the daytime. Feeds on small mammals. Periodically catches small birds, frogs, lizards.

The gray shrike is listed in the RME Red Book. The upper side of the body is ash-gray. The bottom one is white. The wings and tail are black. There is a dark stripe at eye level. Found in river valleys. By nature of feeding it is a predator. He catches mice, lizards, birds, insects. Prey is impaled on sharp thorns and branches. It builds a nest in small bushes from twigs and grass stems and lines the inside with feathers and animal hair. The bird uses the sounds of songs of other bird species. Hence its name shrike.

Corncrake is listed in the Red Data Book of the RME. Body length up to 30 cm, wingspan up to 53 cm. Inhabits open grassy spaces (meadows, fields, hayfields). The nest is made on the ground, under dry grass. Active around the clock, but sings more often at night. The flight is clumsy, the legs dangle heavily. The diet consists mainly of insects, earthworms. It also eats cereal grains, grass seeds, and frogs.

Mammals of the Mari Chodra National Park The fauna of the national park is diverse and interesting. In the park there are animals characteristic not only of mixed forests, but also of forest-steppe regions. The total number of mammals in the national park is 53, of which 2 are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, and 17 in the Red Book of the RME.

Mammals: Beaver In the oxbow lakes and tributaries of the Ilet River, the beaver brought to the RME from the Voronezh Nature Reserve is found. Beavers are excellent breeders and skilled builders, constructing dams on streams. In summer, beavers feed on aquatic and coastal plants, in autumn and winter - aspen and willow bark. Birch and other trees, rhizomes of aquatic plants.

Mammals: Forest marten Lives in the dense high-trunk forests of the park. It feeds on rodents, hares, birds, berries, nuts and insects. Hunts at night. The den of martens is in a hollow, sometimes in an old nest of a magpie or squirrel. In Ancient Rus', the skin of a pine marten served as a monetary unit (one kun).

MBDOU Kindergarten "Teremok"

"Take care of animals"

Supervisor project team

Donina T.A.

Teachers: Kuzmina N.I.

Kislitsina V.G.

Semenova L.V.

Garanina T.A.

Busurina G.N.

Bulina N.A.

Pedagogical problems:

Insufficient cognitive activity in some children in relation to the animal world, lack of desire for further knowledge in 10% of children. Fear of dogs in 8% of children, lack of respect for cats in 2% of children. Low interest among parents in the cognitive development of children. Teachers have not sufficiently mastered such active ways for children to learn about the world around them, such as children's scientific readings and children's project activities.

Children's problem:

We don't know enough about animals. We are a little afraid of them, and we don’t like some of them. We don't know the characteristics of animals.

Pedagogical goal:

To promote independence and initiative, activity of children of the preparatory group for school in learning about the animal world. Contribute personal growth, development of communication skills, creativity of each child through the creation of situations of success in project activities.


  • Arm children with knowledge different ways obtaining information.
  • Deepen and expand children's understanding of the diversity of animals. Expand ideas about the appearance features, life manifestations of animals, habitat roles in human life. Exercise in establishing simple cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to obtain information, summarize it and analyze it.
  • Develop curiosity, independence with the support of adults, coherent speech, communication skills, and cultivate a desire for further knowledge.
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.
  • Children's goal:

    Find out as much as possible about animals and tell parents, all children and adults about it kindergarten.

    Project participants: children preparatory group, teachers, “Magic Brush” club, parents.

    Types of work for the project:

  • Exhibition of collective works by children “Love, cherish, protect.
  • Cognitive activity through the pages of books and magazines (i.e. collecting information about the animal world, educational evenings).
  • Creation of albums by groups “Our favorites”.
  • Photo exhibition “Take care of animals”
  • Exhibition children's creativity"My beloved friend."
  • Review of children's magazines "Anthill", "Murzilka", "Young Naturalist".
  • Competition of drawings and works on the application “Those we love and cherish”
  • Short story competition on the topic “How we protect animals”
  • Reminder on the rules of communication with animals.
  • Presentation “About those we love”
  • Distribution of roles in the children's team:


    Type of work


  • Reading the encyclopedia, books, magazines “Anthill”, “Young Naturalist”, “Murzilka”
  • View photos, postcards about different animals.
  • Preparation scientific works about different animals and their presentation to all children.
  • Collect and study as much information as possible about animals. Prepare messages for all kindergarten children about animals.


  • Evenings of writing stories about your favorite animals.
  • Write stories about animals. Captions for drawings.


  • Looking at illustrations and paintings about animals.
  • Design and presentation of the exhibition.
  • Talk about the animal world through art, using different visual media.

  • Concert for project participants.
  • Talk about the animal world in songs, poems and dances.

    Prepare a concert for project participants.

  • Visit to a photo exhibition about animals.
  • Visit to an exhibition of drawings.
  • Visit to the kindergarten museum.
  • Project presentation.
  • Prepare a presentation of the project.

    Parents' participation in project activities:

    Role of a child

    Parents' activities

    Help in collecting information from the pages of books and magazines about animals. Assistance in selecting and processing information. Participation in the conference.


    Reading fiction and educational literature about animals. Collaborate on writing stories about your favorite pets.


    Discussion of ideas for creating animal images. Participation in the presentation of the exhibition of children's creativity “My Beloved Friend”.

    Assistance in creating costumes and preparing concert numbers.

    Assistance in preparing for competitions and presentation of participation in the competition.

    Participation of teachers in project activities

    Project Manager


    Musical director

    Head of the “Magic Brush” circle

    Organizational work on the stages of the project, consulting parents and teachers in choosing methods for promoting children's project activities, assistance upon request.

    Helping children define children's goals. Assistance in preparing and carrying out all types of work on the project.

    Helping children and parents prepare a concert for project participants.

    Assisting children in preparing, designing and presenting the exhibition of children's creativity “My Beloved Friend”.

    Distribution of work across project stages








    Children's adoption

    pedagogical purposes,


    problems and goals,

    helping children in


    defining tasks for

    problem statement and

    assistance in

    June July

    definition of children's


    achieving children's

    goals, participants

    goals in accordance


    with role.

    types of work on

    role, tasks and

    project, role

    According to


    Help for children in

    Participation in

    Assistance in

    preparation for


    achieving children's

    achievement of group

    activities for

    goals through

    and individual



    goals and objectives in

    goals and objectives in

    communication with the child and

    in accordance with the role,

    According to

    participation in


    role (see



    table above)


    activities for

    achieving goals


    * assistance

    * performance

    * Assistance in

    fulfillment of all

    all types of work

    carrying out all

    July August

    types of work on the project

    according to the project

    types of work on

    project, help

    children in accordance


    carrying out


    Participation in preparation

    project presentations,

    and presentations

    encouraging children

    project, preparation


    surprises and

    further knowledge

    gifts for

    encouraging children.

    Project effectiveness:

    1. The development environment in the group has been replenished with magazines:

    “All about dogs”, “My favorite animals”, “A cat is a cat”

    2. A photo exhibition and an exhibition of children's drawings “Those whom we love and protect” were organized.

    3. Designed didactic game“Find out by description.”

    4. Encyclopedias purchased " Animal world", "All about dogs", "Puppies", "Cats".

    5. Matched fiction A collection of Friend magazines has been collected about dogs, cats, rabbits, and wild animals.

    6. Children have increased cognitive activity, a desire to learn new things about animals, they have learned a lot about the breeds of dogs, cats and other animals.

    7. Parents took an active part in the project. The “Dog Show” program, where parents, children and kindergarten staff took part, aroused great interest.

    8. Children have become noticeably kinder towards animals.

    Kislitsyna Valentina Grigorievna

    To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in:

    Slide captions:

    HOW ANIMALS PROTECT FROM ENEMS Most animals, even predators, can themselves become prey for other animals, so each species has its own ways of protecting itself from enemies.

    Methods of protection Flight Disguise Warning coloring Intimidation Hide in a hole Hit with horns, foot or hoof Shell Needles


    DEFENSE WITH LEGS AND HORNS Strong legs and powerful horns help the elk fight off even such a dangerous predator as the wolf. YAKIs protect themselves from wolves by forming a circle. Zebras and ostriches fight off predators with powerful kicks.

    As you know, the hare is saved by its long legs. Running for their lives

    THEY USE PROTECTIVE COLORING For some animals, protective coloring or an amazing shape helps them blend in with the objects around them. And some of them (like the chameleon) can even change color to match their environment.

    Leaf-tailed or satanic gecko (lizard).

    Mimicking toad.

    HIDING In an effort to divert the attention of enemies, some animals pretend to be dead, and lizards, in case of danger, are even ready to sacrifice their wonderful tail (it will grow back in a few weeks). Deer and roe deer hide very well in the forest.

    TERRITIZATION Cats, when in danger, arch their backs, raise their fur, and hiss in order to appear scarier than they actually are. This technique is also used by some species of lizards.

    Needles – hedgehog and porcupine

    REMEMBER! Animals have claws, teeth, hooves, and protective coloring to protect themselves from predators, but they have no protection from humans and their modern weapons. TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS! DON'T LET THEM DESTROY!

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Acquaintance of children with the first historical facts of the formation of Rus', with the way of life of the ancient Slavs. with folk heroes - heroes Ilya of Murom, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich...

    Forest detective or "Red Book" protects nature!

    A script for an ecological fairy tale for older preschoolers about love for their native land, animals and birds....

    Open lesson on patriotic education “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”

    The goals of the holiday: to promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

    introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day; consolidate knowledge about military professions, names..."Animals in the Red Book" - Gray Pages -. White pages - the number of animals is small.

    The world . Yellow Pages - animal numbers are rapidly declining. The Red Book consists of: Red Pages -. Red pages - endangered animal species. Animals appeared on planet Earth earlier than people. Gray pages - animals live in places where humans do not live."Red Book of the Tver Region" - State educational institution Higher

    vocational education

    "TVER STATE UNIVERSITY". Maintaining the Red Data Book of the Tver Region. Protected natural areas of the Tver region. Distribution of rare species in the Tver region. Dynamics of the Red Data Book of the Tver Region. Creation and replenishment of a data bank on objects of flora and fauna.

    “Animals of the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region” - In Mountain Shoria - in the upper reaches of the Mrassu and Kondoma rivers. The reason for the disappearance in Kuzbass was direct extermination by people. Reindeer. WHITE CRANE, Siberian Crane. Ospreys are very sensitive to disturbance. Insects. Lenok. Since the early 1990s. single salmon began to appear again near the village of Sheveli and the village of Krapivinsky.

    “Amur Tiger” - (I can leave forever...). You mustn’t pollute the nature! You mustn’t make fire in the forest! Develop the figurative perception of a tiger and teach the skills of drawing a tiger (step by step). How to make me? Here I am! Can you do this? You mustn't cut trees! I dance gracefully! Why do you make fire in the forest? “Red Book of the Chelyabinsk Region” - “Red Book” is a book about animals and plants that are in danger of extinction. What new did you learn today? The red book has different pages: black and red. Sugomak. Found in the lake area. Foxglove grandiflora. Goal: Birds are protected, animals are protected, even flowers are protected!“Animals of the Red Book of Russia” -

    International level

    . National level. Polar bear. How to behave in nature? Project objectives: Extinct animals. Gray pages. Green pages. Bison Little-known animals. The Red Book is a book where plants and animals in need of protection are listed. Yellow Pages. Dying animals.
    There are 12 presentations in total

    Nina Aleksandrovna Volkova

    Subject. Conversation “Take care of animals!”

    GCD as part of the implementation of the program content of the theme “Animal World”.

    Main activity. Cognitive activity.

    Form of activity. Joint activities of adults and children.

    Form of conduct. Club "Curious Children".

    Target. Development of children's cognitive interests.

    Integration of content of educational areas.

    Cognition. Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the animal world. Cultivate a conscious, caring attitude towards the natural world.

    Safety. To form children’s ideas that man is a part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it.

    Socialization. Introduce children to an environmental holiday.

    Materials for activities. Presentation “Take care of animals”, equipment for presentation. Whatman paper, animal silhouettes, glue, glue brushes, napkins, felt-tip pens, pencils.

    Progress of activities.

    1. Motivation for activity.

    October 4 is World Animal Day. This environmental holiday is celebrated all over the world. Would you like to know about this holiday? Today, in our “Curious Children's Club” I will tell you why animals need to be protected.

    2. Teacher's story.

    Presentation “Take care of animals!”

    October 4 is World Animal Day. Do you know what animals are? Animals are animals, birds, insects, fish and other living creatures. Animals run, jump, fly, swim. They feed on plants or other animals.

    Four paws, fifth tail,

    There is a torso, a head and a nose.

    They live on land and sea,

    They lead the animal kingdom.

    What animals do you think fit this description? (children's answers).

    These are animals: deer, wolf, fox, hedgehog, bear, squirrel, hare and others. Animals live in the cold north and hot south, in forests and seas. Animals are different appearance. Some are big, others are small. Some animals' legs have turned into flippers. Why do you think? (children's answers).

    The world of animals is rich and diverse. All animals take care of their young and feed them milk.

    Two legs and two wings

    There is a beak and eyes on the head.

    They can run and fly,

    Swim and dive. Who is this? (children's answers).

    Birds are also animals. Birds can be found everywhere: over the sea, in forests, deserts and mountains. Their element is air. Birds are caring parents. They build nests, hatch eggs, feed chicks, and teach young birds to fly.

    Tail, fins and head,

    The body is covered with scales.

    They swim, dive, spawn.

    They live in rivers and seas. Who is this? (children's answers).

    Fish are also animals. They live where there is a lot of water: in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. What fish do you know? (children's answers).

    Body, antennae and head,

    Always six legs.

    They crawl, jump, fly,

    Our world is inhabited. Who is this? (children's answers).

    Insects are also animals. Insects live everywhere except the seas. They are very numerous. What insects do you know? (children's answers).

    October 4 is World Animal Day. Why is it necessary to protect animals? (children's answers).

    From whom should animals be protected? (children's assumptions).

    A bad person is the worst enemy of animals. Animals need a home to live a peaceful life. The place where they raise their children. People are cutting down forests and plowing up steppes. There is less and less space left for wild animals to live.

    Birds, fish and animals

    They look into people's souls.

    You feel sorry for them, people,

    Don't kill in vain!

    R. Rozhdestvensky.

    People hunt animals and birds and fish. Poachers are especially dangerous. They break laws, kill mother animals, and the cubs are left unprotected and die. People make noise in the forest and scare the animals. People light fires, fires start, and all living things die.

    How good people protect animals? (children's assumptions).

    People create nature reserves. Nature reserves are protected places where animals live in peace. IN Chelyabinsk region there is the Ilmensky Nature Reserve, the Taganay and Zyuratkul national natural parks. People protect animals, of which there are very few left. Such animals are recorded in the Red Books. What animals and birds of the Chelyabinsk region are listed in the Red Book? (children's answers).

    Muskrat, jerboa, mink, otter, bustard, little bustard, demoiselle crane, white heron, black stork, eagle owl and many others.

    Not a tit, not a thrush,

    Not a blind mole.

    Never and never

    Don't hurt the living!

    V. Lunin.

    Animal advocates draw posters and urge everyone to take care of and protect animals. And only the one, and only the one who is kinder than everyone else

    Will easily understand the language of flowers, the language of animals

    And kinder to everyone, and kinder to everyone in this world

    Of course children, of course children!

    N. Timofeeva.

    We humans are called older brothers, and animals are called smaller brothers. We must protect and protect our little brothers. Without kindness the planet will be empty, without kindness the world will be dark. We all, people and animals, live in one big and beautiful house called Earth. Take care of your planet - there is no other like it!

    The teacher invites the children to create a “Take care of animals” poster.

    3. Result of activity and reflection (evaluation).

    What interesting things did you learn? (children's answers)

    What else would you like to know about? (children's answers)

    Thank you, you listened very carefully to my story and remembered a lot. Well done!
