Organizational management and enterprise economics. Work at enterprises associated with foreign partners

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

Russian state

University of Trade and Economics

Krasnodar branch (Krasnodar branch of RGTEU)

Faculty of Economics and Enterprise Management (Commerce)

Department of Management and World Economy


in the discipline: "Organization Management: Economics and Management"

Option No.

Completed by a 3rd year student

correspondence ______________

Direction Management

Profile Economics and organization management

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Reviewer _________________________

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Krasnodar 2014


1. Concept, goals and objectives of entrepreneurship

2. Evaluation financial condition enterprises

3. Perform financial diagnostics of the enterprise according to the table data,

assess the financial stability of the enterprise


1. Concept, goals and objectives of an entrepreneurbstva

Entrepreneurship- an integral part of the economic activities of managers and specialists of enterprises, commercial and financial organizations. However, until very recently, this most important function of economic management was very poorly covered not only in Russian, but also in foreign literature. Science has bypassed this active type of human activity, leaving it to folk art.

In an effort to help entrepreneurs, American specialists Robert Hisrich and Michael Peters wrote a series of books under the general title “Entrepreneurship” - something like a textbook for beginners. At the same time, as the authors note, they were faced with the lack of a clear definition of this concept.

What is entrepreneurship? Having studied the issue since the Middle Ages, Hisrich and Peters came to the conclusion that “entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new that has value, and an entrepreneur is a person who spends all his effort on it, takes all the risk , receiving money and satisfaction with what has been achieved as a reward. Such a definition, with its obvious romanticism, hardly gives a sufficiently accurate picture of entrepreneurship, especially in Russia in the 90s. entrepreneur financial diagnostics

The main task of every entrepreneur is to generate income for the invested labor and capital.

In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Enterprise and entrepreneurial activity"It is noted that "entrepreneurial activity (entrepreneurship) is an initiative independent activity citizens and their associations aimed at making a profit.” It is probably true that this Law does not apply to legal entities, citizens and their associations engaged in activities not aimed at making a profit.

Entrepreneurial activity in this Law is interconnected with the activities of the enterprise, as a result of which “the status of an entrepreneur is acquired through the registration of an enterprise.” However, in Civil Code The Russian Federation provides for individual entrepreneurial activity without education legal entity, which is carried out within the framework general rules entrepreneurship regulating the activities of legal entities.

It makes no difference whether the entrepreneur himself organizes the production of these goods or acts as an intermediary between the producer and the consumer. The main thing that distinguishes entrepreneurial activity from other non-profit structures is the profit received as the difference between the income and expenses of the entrepreneur. An entrepreneur does not have to be the owner of the enterprise, so it is necessary to distinguish the income of the entrepreneur from the income of the owner.

Dividends on shares, interest on deposits, rent for land are income from property. But this income is generated only because the entrepreneur pays it from his income. Having received borrowed property at his disposal, the entrepreneur acts on the market: organizes the release new products, establishes effective commercial connections, puts other people's capital into circulation, and makes profit from it for himself.

The owner in the market is a passive figure; An entrepreneur, on the contrary, is an active agent of the market who forms and develops production and establishes market connections.

Not every market subject, including a businessman, can be fully called an entrepreneur. This cannot, for example, be considered a rentier who gives capital to a bank at interest, or the owner of a company that produces the same product (provides the same services) year after year. These entities carry out not entrepreneurial, but reproductive functions, but in everyday life everyone who is engaged in business is often called entrepreneurs.

In the strict sense of the word, entrepreneurs are only business people whose behavior in the market is of a search nature. Searching for something new, organizing the work of enterprise personnel aimed at identifying new opportunities for economic activity, developing new markets, transitioning to the production of new goods and services - this is entrepreneurial activity.

It is not at all necessary that an entrepreneur personally deal with all the problems of the enterprise. The execution of individual tasks can be delegated to other persons. An entrepreneur must be the source and leader of the creative activity and entrepreneurship of the enterprise's employees. Entrepreneurship is economic enterprise that denies complacency, stagnation, complacency, and waste. An entrepreneur seeks and finds ways to develop and increase production efficiency, improve the quality of work, and increase the profitability of the enterprise, regardless of whether he is the owner of this enterprise or hired employees. Entrepreneurial risk is equally inherent in both types of entrepreneurs: the owner risks his capital, the employee risks his career and wages. The task of any entrepreneur is to obtain income from invested labor and capital. The level of quality of his work is determined by the amount of income received on capital. Therefore, entrepreneurship is economic activity aimed at generating and increasing income. Of course, one should distinguish entrepreneurship from management, and an entrepreneur from a manager. An entrepreneur acts independently at his own peril and risk and under his own responsibility (including property). A manager can be an employee who organizes the implementation of tasks set by the entrepreneur. He bears less property liability for his actions than the owner of an enterprise - an entrepreneur.

· Of course, currently, when commercial activity has become widespread, the division into management and entrepreneurship is largely arbitrary. An entrepreneur is not always the owner of capital, but he is almost always a manager to one degree or another.

· Firms seeking development are increasingly using an entrepreneurial management style, which takes the form of entrepreneurial management. Firms that pay insufficient attention to entrepreneurship lose their position in the market due to insufficient flexibility in management and production.

· The winner is the one who quickly responds to the demands of society, expands participation in the market through the introduction of new technologies and mastering the production of goods in demand. In the world today big business The conviction is growing that you can count on success only if you feel like an entrepreneur.

· Among the most important goals of an entrepreneur are the production of goods and services, income, prestige, and business development. All these goals are interconnected.

· The development of capitalism for a long time has irrefutably proven that generating income and ensuring the well-being of society are not compatible. There are enough examples in history to confirm this.

· However, times have changed, and with them, society has changed, which, relying on the achievements of science and technology, strives to establish democracy and, in the interests of self-defense, rejects businesses that do not meet its needs and the conditions of modern production.

· The entrepreneur himself has changed: to such primordial traits as enterprise, risk-taking, assertiveness, energy, education, intelligence, and a sense of social responsibility have been added.

· The entrepreneur begins to directly serve society. Japanese businessman Kazuma Tateishi in his lectures that he gave to students of the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, likened the relationship between an entrepreneur, an enterprise, profit and service to society, to living nature, argued that an enterprise, striving to make a profit, serves the interests of society, just like a bee, which collects nectar not in order to pollinate flowers, but wanting to receive honey, but nevertheless serves the interests of nature.

However, it would be naive to think that a businessman always sets himself socially useful goals - in most cases, he is encouraged to do so by the very conditions of production, the social environment, legislation and new “rules of the game” in the markets

2. Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise

Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise includes the following stages:

1. Preliminary assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise and its changes financial indicators for the reporting period;

2. Analysis of financial stability;

3. Analysis of solvency and liquidity;

4. Cost-benefit analysis;

5. Analysis of the potential bankruptcy of the enterprise.

General assessment of the financial condition of the organization and changes in its financial indicators for the reporting period

This view financial analysis designed to identify general characteristics financial indicators of the enterprise, determining their dynamics and deviations for the reporting period.

The analysis begins with a definition from the data. balance sheet values ​​of the following main financial indicators:

H enterprise property value- expressed by the value of the balance sheet total indicator;

H cost outside current assets- expressed by the final line of section I of the balance sheet;

H the value of current assets is expressed by the final line of section II of the balance sheet;

H the amount of own funds is expressed by the final line of section IV of the balance sheet;

H the amount of borrowed funds is expressed by the sum of balance sheet indicators reflecting long-term and short-term loans and borrowings.

To analyze changes in the main financial indicators, it is recommended to draw up a comparative analytical balance sheet, which includes the main aggregate indicators of the balance sheet. A comparative analytical balance allows you to simplify the work of conducting horizontal and vertical analysis of the financial performance of an enterprise. (Polyak, 340)

Assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise, solvency and liquidity.

Financial stability of the enterprise- this is the ability of a business entity to function and develop, survive, maintain the balance of its assets and liabilities in a changing internal and external environment, guaranteeing its constant solvency and investment attractiveness within the acceptable level of risk.

Financial stability depends largely on the optimal structure of capital sources (the ratio of equity and borrowed funds) and on the optimal structure of the enterprise’s assets and, first of all, on the ratio of fixed and borrowed funds. working capital.

The need for equity capital is due to the self-financing requirements of enterprises. It is the basis of their autonomy and independence. The higher its share of total capital and the lower the share of debt, the higher the buffer that protects lenders from losses, and therefore the lower the risk of loss.

But financing the activities of an enterprise only with its own funds is not always beneficial for it. Let's say that if prices for financial resources are low, and the company can provide a higher level of return on invested capital than it pays for credit resources, then by attracting borrowed funds, it can increase return on capital.

At the same time, if the enterprise’s funds are created mainly through short-term liabilities, then its financial situation will be unstable, since short-term capital requires constant operational work aimed at monitoring their timely return and attracting other capital into circulation for a short time.

Consequently, the financial position of the enterprise largely depends on how optimal the ratio of equity and debt capital is.

Indicators characterizing the financial stability of the enterprise:

The coefficient of financial autonomy (independence) or the share of equity capital in its total amount;

Financial dependence ratio (share of borrowed capital in the total balance sheet currency);

Shoulder financial leverage or financial risk ratio (the ratio of debt to equity capital).

The higher the level of the first indicator and the lower the second and third, the more stable the financial condition of the enterprise. The value of the financial risk coefficient depends on the share of borrowed capital in the total amount of assets, the share of own capital in the total amount of assets, the ratio of working and fixed capital, the share of own working capital in the formation of current assets, as well as the share of own working capital in the total amount of equity capital.

There are four types of financial stability:

1) Absolute financial stability, if inventories and costs (Z) less than the amount planned sources of their formation

(And pl): Z< И pl,

and the coefficient of supply of inventories and costs with planned sources of funds (K o.z.) is greater than one:

TO o.z= And pl/ Z>1

2) Normal stability which guarantees the solvency of the enterprise if:

Z = I pl, TO o.z= And pl/ Z = 1

3) Unstable (pre-crisis) financial condition, in which the balance of payments is disrupted, but the possibility remains of restoring the balance of means of payment and payment obligations by attracting temporarily free sources of funds (Iv) into the turnover of the enterprise, bank loans for temporary replenishment working capital, excess of normal accounts payable over accounts receivable, etc.

Z = I pl+ And vr,

4) Crisis financial condition(the company is on the verge of bankruptcy), in which

Z>I pl+ And vr,

The calculation of these indicators allows us to identify the financial situation in which the enterprise is located and obtain a qualitative description of its financial condition.

One of the indicators characterizing the financial stability of an enterprise is its solvency, i.e. the ability to use cash resources to timely repay your cash payment obligations. The main signs of solvency are the presence of sufficient funds in the current account and the absence of overdue accounts payable. (Gavrilova, 76)

The assessment of solvency by external investors is carried out on the basis of the liquidity characteristics of current assets, which is determined by the time required to convert them into cash. The less time it takes to collect a given asset, the higher its liquidity.

Balance sheet liquidity- the ability of a business entity to convert assets into cash and pay off its payment obligations, or more precisely, this is the degree to which the enterprise’s debt obligations are covered by its assets, the period of conversion of which into cash corresponds to the period of repayment of payment obligations. It depends on the degree of correspondence between the amount of available means of payment and the amount of short-term debt obligations.

Liquidity of the enterprise- it's more general concept than balance sheet liquidity. Balance sheet liquidity involves finding means of payment only through internal sources. But an enterprise can attract borrowed funds from outside if it has an appropriate image in the business world and a sufficiently high level of investment attractiveness. The concepts of solvency and liquidity are very close, but the second is more capacious. Solvency depends on the degree of balance sheet liquidity.

Balance sheet liquidity analysis consists in comparing funds for an asset, grouped by the degree of decreasing liquidity, with short-term liabilities for a liability, which are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their repayment.

To assess solvency in the short term, the following indicators are calculated: current liquidity ratio, intermediate liquidity ratio and absolute liquidity ratio.

Current ratio- the ratio of the total amount of current assets, including inventories and work in progress, to the total amount of short-term liabilities. It shows the extent to which current assets cover current liabilities. A coefficient of >2 usually satisfies.

Coefficient quick liquidity - the ratio of liquid funds of the first two groups (cash + short-term financial investments+ accounts receivable) to the total amount of short-term debts of the enterprise. Usually a ratio of 0.7-1.0 satisfies.

Absolute liquidity ratio(the rate of cash reserves) complements the previous indicators. It is determined by the relation cash to the entire amount of short-term debts of the enterprise. The higher its value, the greater the guarantee of debt repayment. The coefficient value is considered sufficient if 0.20-0.25.

Liquidity ratios are relative indicators and do not change for some time if the numerator and denominator of the fraction increase proportionally. The financial situation itself may change significantly during this time, for example, profit, level of profitability, turnover ratio, etc. will decrease. Therefore, for a more complete and objective assessment liquidity, you can use the following factor model of the general indicator:

Where X 1 - an indicator characterizing the value of current assets per ruble of profit (the inverse indicator of return on assets); X 2 - an indicator indicating the ability of an enterprise to repay its debts through the results of its activities and characterizing the stability of its finances. The higher its value, the better the financial condition of the enterprise.

Assessment of enterprise profitability.

Profitability indicators are the main characteristics of the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise. Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, the profitability of various areas of activity, cost recovery, etc. They are used to assess the performance of an enterprise and as a tool in investment policy and pricing.

The economic meaning of profitability indicators is to calculate the profit per ruble of revenue from sales, expenses, assets, and capital. Profitability ratios show how profitable the company's activities are.

The growth of profitability is a positive trend in the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. It should be remembered that profitability indicators do not always take into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities:

Long-term investments may reduce profitability;

An enterprise can be highly profitable due to the implementation of risky projects, which ultimately can lead to a loss of financial stability;

The calculation of return on equity is based on accounting rather than market estimates of the value of assets and equity, and therefore gives an inaccurate result. (Gavrilova, 86)

Profitability indicators can be combined into several groups:

1) indicators characterizing the return on production costs and investment projects;

2) indicators characterizing the profitability of sales;

3) indicators characterizing the profitability of capital and its parts.

All indicators can be calculated on the basis of balance sheet profit, profit from sales of products and net profit.

Profitability production activities(recoupment of costs)- the ratio of gross (P rp) or net profit (NP) to the amount of costs products sold(Z rp):

It shows how much profit the company makes from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products.

The payback of investment projects is determined in a similar way: the received or expected amount of profit from the project relates to the amount of investment in this project.

Return on sales (turnover)- the ratio of profit from the sale of products, works and services or net profit to the amount of revenue received (B):

Characterizes the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity: how much profit does an enterprise have per ruble of sales.

Return on capital- the ratio of balance sheet (gross, net) profit to the average annual cost of all invested capital (KL) or its individual components: own, borrowed, etc.:

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the dynamics of the listed profitability indicators, the implementation of the plan at their level and conduct inter-farm comparisons with competing enterprises.

Level of profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) depends on three main factors: changes in the structure of products sold, their cost and average selling prices.

Then you need to do factor analysis profitability for each type of product. Profitability level individual species products depends on changes in average selling prices and unit cost of production:

Factor analysis of profitability of sales. The deterministic factor model of the indicator has the form:

Level of profitability of sales of certain types of products depends on the average price level and cost of the product:

The same is true factor analysis of return on total capital. The balance sheet amount of profit depends on the volume of products sold (VRP), its structure (UD i), cost (C i), average price level (P i) and financial results from other activities not related to the sale of products and services (VFR). The average annual amount of fixed capital (КL) depends on sales volume and capital turnover ratio (Кvol). For analysis return on production capital, defined as the ratio of book profit to the average annual cost of fixed assets and material working capital, a factor model can be used:

Where R - balance sheet profit; F - average cost of fixed assets; E - average balances of working capital; N - revenue from sales of products; P/N - profitability of sales; F/N+E/N - capital intensity of products; S/N - costs per ruble of products; U/N, M/N, A/N - salary intensity, material intensity and capital intensity of products, respectively.

By gradually replacing the base level of each factor with the actual one, it is possible to determine how much the level of profitability of production capital has changed due to wage intensity, material intensity, capital intensity, capital intensity of products, i.e. due to production intensification factors.

Methods for diagnosing bankruptcy.

According to Federal law dated October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” bankruptcy - recognized arbitration court the debtor's inability to fully satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) to fulfill the obligation to pay obligatory payments (taxes, fees and other obligatory contributions to the budget of the appropriate level and state extra-budgetary funds).

To diagnose the likelihood of bankruptcy, several approaches are used based on the application:

a) trend analysis of an extensive system of criteria and attributes;

b) a limited range of indicators;

In international practice, signs of bankruptcy are divided into two groups.

To the first group include indicators indicating possible financial difficulties and the likelihood of bankruptcy in the future:

Repeated significant losses in core activities, expressed in a chronic decline in production, a reduction in sales volume and chronic unprofitability;

The presence of chronically overdue accounts payable and receivable;

Low values ​​of liquidity ratios and a downward trend;

An increase in the share of borrowed capital in its total amount to dangerous limits;

Shortage of own working capital;

Systematic increase in the duration of capital turnover;

Availability of excess reserves of raw materials and finished products;

Using new sources financial resources on unfavorable terms;

Unfavorable changes in the order book;

Fall market value shares of the enterprise;

Decrease in production capital.

To the second group includes indicators whose unfavorable values ​​do not give reason to consider the current financial condition as critical, but signal the possibility of a sharp deterioration in the future if effective measures are not taken. These include:

Excessive dependence of the enterprise on any one specific project, type of equipment, type of asset, raw material or sales market;

Loss of key counterparties;

Underestimation of equipment and technology renewal;

Loss of experienced management staff;

Forced downtime, irregular work;

Ineffective long-term agreements;

Failure capital investments etc.

The advantages of this system of indicators of possible bankruptcy include systematic and integrated approaches, and the disadvantages are a higher degree of complexity of decision-making in the conditions of a multi-criteria problem, the informative nature of the calculated indicators, and the subjectivity of the forecast decision.

According to the current bankruptcy legislation, an enterprise is considered unable to satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations if it has not fulfilled its obligations within three months.

When initiating a bankruptcy case on the basis of an application from the debtor, based on the results of the arbitration court's consideration of the validity of the creditors' claims against the insolvent enterprise, the following procedures may be applied:

- observation- bankruptcy procedure applied to the debtor in order to ensure the safety of the debtor’s property, conduct an analysis of the debtor’s financial condition, compile a register of creditors’ claims and hold the first meeting of creditors;

- financial recovery- bankruptcy procedure applied to the debtor in order to restore his solvency and repay the debt in accordance with the debt repayment schedule;

- external control- bankruptcy procedure applied to the debtor in order to restore his solvency;

- bankruptcy proceedings- bankruptcy procedure applied to a debtor declared bankrupt in order to proportionately satisfy the claims of creditors;

- settlement agreement- a bankruptcy procedure applied at any stage of consideration of a bankruptcy case in order to terminate bankruptcy proceedings by reaching an agreement between the debtor and creditors. (Gavrilova, 141)

According to current legislation on the bankruptcy of enterprises, a limited range of indicators is used to diagnose their insolvency: current liquidity ratios, security ratios own capital and restoration (loss) of solvency.

In the event that the current liquidity ratio is greater than or equal to 2, and the coverage ratio own funds greater than or equal to 0.1, the coefficient of loss of solvency is calculated for a period set to 3 months.

If the balance sheet structure is unsatisfactory, if the current liquidity ratio is below the standard, and the share of own working capital in the formation of assets is less than the standard, but there is a tendency for these indicators to grow, the solvency recovery ratio is determined TO VP over a period of 6 months.

Where TO 1 TL, TO 0 TL - values ​​of the current liquidity ratio at the beginning and end of the reporting period;

T PSD - duration of the reporting period, months,

TO normal- standard value of the current liquidity ratio equal to 2.

If the actual level TO TL And TO OSS equal to or higher standard values at the end of the period, but there has been a downward trend, the coefficient of loss of solvency is calculated TO UP. When calculating the coefficient of loss of solvency, the period of loss is assumed to be 3 months:

The calculation results are interpreted as follows:

- TO VP, taking a value greater than 1, indicates that the enterprise has a real opportunity to restore its solvency. At TO VP<1 there is no such possibility.

- TO unitary enterprise, taking a value greater than 1, indicates that the enterprise has a real opportunity not to lose solvency. At TO unitary enterprise<1 , there is a real threat of loss of solvency.

Based on the calculation results, one of the following decisions can be made:

On recognizing the structure of the enterprise’s balance sheet as unsatisfactory, and the enterprise as insolvent;

About the existence of a real opportunity for the debtor enterprise to restore its solvency;

About the real possibility of the enterprise losing its solvency, as a result of which it will not be able to fulfill its obligations to its own creditors in the near future.

3. Perform financial diagnostics of the enterprise using the table data. Assess the financial stability of the enterprise. Initial data

Indicator name

Own capital, den. units

Long-term liabilities, den. units

Current liabilities, den. units

Non-current assets, den. units

Industrial inventories, den. units

Work in progress, den. units

Advances to suppliers, den. units

Solution: Financial stability is the ability of an enterprise to withstand operational difficulties. This is the state of the enterprise when the profit received ensures self-financing and independence of the enterprise from sources of formation of enterprise resources attracted from outside. Financial stability is also understood as a characteristic of the correspondence of the structure of funding sources to the structure of the enterprise’s assets. To analyze financial stability, a model is used that involves identifying five areas of financial condition:

1) the area of ​​absolute financial stability, when the minimum amount of reserves and costs corresponds to the risk-free area: SOS>Z,

where SOS is own working capital (the difference between equity and non-current assets),

Z - stock and costs (sum of inventories, work in progress and advances to suppliers);

those. inventories and costs can be covered by own working capital, while the amount of own working capital is not exhausted; entrepreneurship bankruptcy liquidity

2) the area of ​​normal financial stability corresponds to the area of ​​minimal risk, which is the normal value of reserves:

those. inventories and costs are exactly covered by our own working capital, and this is where their value is exhausted;

3) the area of ​​unstable financial condition corresponds to the area of ​​increased risk when the enterprise has excess inventory:

where DP are long-term liabilities,

those. to finance inventories and costs, the enterprise is forced to attract long-term bank loans;

4) the area of ​​critical condition corresponds to the area of ​​critical risk, if there is an overstock of finished products, low demand for products:


where CC are short-term bank loans,

those. to finance inventories and costs, the enterprise is forced to attract not only long-term, but also short-term bank loans;

5) the area of ​​crisis is an area of ​​unacceptable risk when the enterprise is on the verge of bankruptcy. In this case, the sum of SOS+DP+KK is not enough to cover the value of Z.

WITHlist of literature

1. Balabanov I.T. Analysis and planning of finances of a business entity. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

2. Blank I.A. Trade management. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - K.: Elga, Nika-Center, 2009. - 780 p.

3. Gavrilova A.N. Finance of organizations (enterprises): textbook/A.N. Gavrilova, A.A. Popov. - M.: KNORUS, 2005. - 223 p.

4. Zaitsev N.L. Economics, organization and enterprise management: Textbook. - 2nd ed., add. M.: - INFRA-M, 2008. - 455 p.

5. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise: 5th ed. / GV. Savitskaya. - Minsk: LLC “New edition”, 2001. - 276 p.

6. Financial management: Textbook for universities / Ed. acad. G.B. Pole. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2004. - 254 p.

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The efficiency of enterprises largely depends on competent management. Leadership personnel are our everything. Where are they prepared? What can the specialty “Economics and Enterprise Management” give to future students? What are the prospects for getting a job? We will talk about all this in the article.

General information

So, the specialty “Economics and Enterprise Management” is a universal specialty that allows you to master methods and techniques for effectively organizing production, running a business, achieving maximum results at the expense of minimal costs and teaches you to maintain strategic competitiveness. What profession do people who undergo training master? They receive the specialty of economist-manager. Essentially, it is an integrator of basic business processes that take place in an enterprise. Although not only that. But first things first.

What are the prospects?

What does “Economics and Enterprise Management” provide? Where to work after training? In essence, this is the training of management personnel. During training, a person acquires theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities that will help develop a strategy for the development of an organization in market conditions, manage investments and developments, capitalization growth, optimally allocate resources in accordance with established priorities, carry out analysis and assess the financial condition of the enterprise.

Specialists of this profession study the basics of rational production management, social development of companies, taking into account their industry specifics, work technology and economics. This allows you to work at different enterprises, design organizations, government agencies and local structures, as well as in educational and research institutions. The positions held range from investment specialist to a wide range of economists, so to speak, for all occasions.

Problems to be solved

What professional problems can a person who has studied in the field of “Economics and Enterprise Management” be able to solve? Higher education will allow you to solve the following problems:

  1. Forecast and plan the activities of organizations with different forms of ownership.
  2. Preparation of an economic feasibility study for investments and developments.
  3. Management of the subject's activities.
  4. Develop strategies for the development of the organization.
  5. Evaluation of the structure's performance results.
  6. Analysis of the organization's activities.

Particular attention is paid to the rational use of available opportunities. People are being trained to ensure the effective implementation of programs and projects. They are faced with the task of organizing the process of creating a total social product, as well as national income. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics and Management, specialists at an enterprise will be able to engage in organizational, management, project, analytical, financial, foreign economic, entrepreneurial, research and educational activities.

Where can I get it?

Nowadays there is a tendency for universities to be universal, when they provide training in a variety of specialties, some of which are not targeted within the framework of the original doctrine. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on the most prestigious institutions. Of course, in order to enter them, you must have good scores and, more importantly, knowledge. Where can “Economics and Enterprise Management” be mastered? Universities offering this service:

  1. MNEPU Academy.
  2. MEPhI.
  3. State University named after N. E. Bauman.
  4. International Academy of Business and Management.

Here's a small list. Many may have the impression that they can only master this specialty by moving to Moscow. This is wrong. Many regional higher educational institutions also provide training in this specialty. Of course, many would like to have a prestigious diploma. But the most important thing is knowledge. Teachers will not consider all aspects, and you will have to pay a lot of attention to self-education. This is even included in modern curricula. The direction “Economics and Enterprise Management” is no exception to this. The institute can tell you which direction to move in, but you will have to study on your own. And probably for the rest of my life.

A little about future work

The qualification of the specialty is “economist-manager”. If you translate the meaning into Russian, you get a business executive-manager. Where can the acquired knowledge be used? The following directions can be roughly distinguished:

  1. Entrepreneurship.
  2. A qualified employee involved in the management structure.
  3. Advisor.

Each of these areas has its own specific features. And for a better understanding of the situation, they will be considered separately.


What is economics and business management essentially? Training within this area allows you to gain basic knowledge about economic processes, the terminology used and a number of other points, from which the foundation for confident activity in this area is cemented. If you have an idea of ​​how everything works, then you can try your hand at entrepreneurial success on your own. And here it is not at all necessary to start everything from scratch and reinvent your wheel. You can take advantage of the developments of other organizations and structures by purchasing a franchise.

The only thing that is difficult to start without is capital. But if the work is carried out in the service sector, then this is not so critical. Of course, it will be quite difficult to go far on one theory. It is also necessary to have practice and an understanding of the real state of affairs. Of course, in this case no one will let you manage the enterprise. But who said that this is exactly what is needed? It is necessary to look for opportunities to monitor processes in order to get a real understanding of the operation of the enterprise. Even if it is possible to simply carry important pieces of paper, this is also progress. After all, a truly interested person will be able to study them, remember and evaluate the actions taken, which will allow him to start working for himself more confidently. Of course, you can do without all this, and, having determined the scope of work, begin to act.

Skilled worker

In this case, a person gets a job at an enterprise in order to gain experience and make a career. It is not necessary to think that your whole life will be spent within one structure. Long gone are the days when people worked at one enterprise for decades. Therefore, having gained experience, you can try yourself at another enterprise. Initially, you should hardly count on receiving critically important assignments, where you can significantly prove yourself. A good reputation and experience can be expected for years. Although you can’t just hope that the opportunity to prove yourself will appear from the sky. You need to look for ways to get to the top. This can be achieved by conscientiously fulfilling your duties, taking initiative, analyzing the current situation and giving practical advice. But it is necessary to take into account existing realities. Perhaps the manager will not want to say goodbye to such a good employee. Unfortunately, this possibility also exists. If promotion and growth are impossible, it is better to take a step back, look around and decide to move to another company.

You can work not only for your own company, but also for another, acting as an investment consultant. In this case, it is necessary to be able to soberly and objectively assess the situation that has developed in another organization and provide your own recommendations for decision-making. Over time, you can “cross” this activity with entrepreneurship.

Let's look at a small example. There is such a fairly famous investor - Warren Buffett. This is one of the richest people in the world. Initially, he also worked as an investment advisor. Gradually, he began to invest part of the money he earned in the same things that he recommended to his clients. The result of this approach, multiplied by knowledge, is clearly visible to all of us - Warren Buffett is rightfully considered one of the richest people on earth and an extremely successful investor. Of course, it is not possible for everyone to follow his path. But it's at least worth a try. Even if you don’t manage to reach its heights, it is quite possible to become a millionaire, which is not something out of the ordinary or fantastic.

In conclusion

So should you choose this specialty? And where to go? Applicants must find the answers to these questions on their own. If you need knowledge to organize your own business, have a talent for working with other people, discipline and a desire to work, then this is certainly a very useful specialty. It is also suitable for people with mathematical and analytical skills. But you should remember that you need to go where there is interest, and it is important to study well. This does not mean memorizing the material, but understanding it and understanding why everything is so. It is by understanding the connections, causes and consequences that one can act optimally. In addition, a person who can quickly find a problem and describe it in an accessible language for everyone else is clearly a valuable person.

Duration of training: 9 months
Training format: evening
Language of instruction: Russian

Who is this program for?

Top and middle management personnel of companies, managers and specialists of their main, auxiliary and service departments; as well as entrepreneurs starting and growing their businesses.

Issued documents

Our graduates receive a diploma of professional retraining in the field of organizational management (economics and enterprise management or production management), certifying the right (qualification) to conduct a new type of professional activity.

Description of the program

The professional retraining program “Organization Management” was first offered to the educational services market by the Higher Economic School in 2003.
The program was prepared by leading research experts in the field of production management, in accordance with the wishes of practitioners - managers of manufacturing enterprises.

Program mission

To contribute to increasing the efficiency of the functioning of public and private companies through the use of the latest technologies and corresponding methods of organization and management.

Purpose of the program

Providing students with knowledge in the field of building an effective company management system, developing skills in the practical use of tools and technologies of modern management.

Key features of the program

The “Organization Management” program was developed by teachers-consultants of the Higher School of Economics of St. Petersburg State Economic University together with the heads of successful enterprises on the basis of advanced management theory, analysis of domestic and foreign experience in organization and management, in accordance with modern tasks of sustainable business development, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and professional standards.

  • Systematicity.

While mastering the main disciplines of the program, students receive the system knowledge necessary for a manager in the field of general and strategic management, accounting and corporate finance, marketing, company personnel management, production organization, as well as in other functional areas of activity implemented in the company’s management apparatus.

  • Versatility.

The program is aimed at training specialists and managers of companies of various industries, sizes and forms of ownership, which increases the demand for graduates by employers.

  • The relationship between traditional and progressive forms of education.

In the “Organization Management” program, the optimal balance between traditional and new, progressive forms of training has been found; business games, socio-psychological trainings, work with case studies are widely used, and practical projects are being developed.

  • Practical orientation.

Practicing managers of top and middle management of manufacturing companies and service organizations are involved in conducting classes in the “Organization Management” program.
Classes are taught by leading teachers and consultants who have many years of successful experience working with enterprises in St. Petersburg and Russia in general. Students of the program receive the opportunity for individual consultations with teachers.
Already during the training, students begin to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities, including developing and implementing joint business projects.

  • Exchange of experience.

Within the framework of the classes, tools are widely used to stimulate the exchange of experience between students. At the same time, teaching consultants actively share their knowledge about successful management practices in Russian and foreign companies.

  • Adaptability.

The program is adaptive - the composition and content of courses are adjusted in accordance with changes in the economic and political environment, taking into account advanced scientific and practical achievements in the field of economics and management.

  • Perspective.

Students and graduates of the program are provided with the opportunity for foreign internships and contacts with leaders of domestic companies. If necessary, employment services. In this regard, it should be especially noted that the need of industrial enterprises in St. Petersburg for highly qualified specialists, managers of production departments and senior executives is growing from year to year.

Main advantages of the program

  • Leading teachers and consultants from St. Petersburg State Economic University and other universities in the city, recognized leaders in the field of business training and consulting, work with the students. Practicing senior and middle management managers from companies in various industries are involved in conducting classes under the program.
  • Students of the program receive the opportunity for individual consultations with teachers.
  • During the training process, students acquire skills in using the latest technologies and management tools, such as BSC, GAP analysis, LEAN PRODUCTION, TQM, PMBOK, technology road maps, foresight and others.
  • Students gain knowledge about the features of modern successful management practices that have not yet been reflected in the publicly available literature.
  • The program is offered to clients at affordable prices, and listeners are provided with a convenient payment schedule.


The main disciplines of the program are combined into three modules and are read in a sequence that reflects the general logic of the program.

The basic module provides for mastering the necessary amount of knowledge and acquiring analytical skills in the field of economic theory, corporate economics, management, finance, economic law, that is, disciplines are studied that are the theoretical and methodological basis for training managers and specialists of the management apparatus of a modern company.

The specialty module includes a complete, detailed course in general and functional management, and related disciplines: the basics of budgeting and management accounting, quality management (ISO-9000, ISO-14000) and project management.

The module of special courses is devoted to in-depth study of special disciplines that introduce students to new scientific and practical achievements in the field of general and functional management, self-management, and conflict management.

Basic block (for both specializations)

1. Managerial economics

Modern market economy and its characteristics. Fundamentals of microeconomics. Macroeconomic problems. Definitions and interpretations of the basic economic terms of enterprise economics and entrepreneurship. Transaction theory of the firm. Classification and integration of economic organizations. Fixed and working capital, labor resources of the enterprise. Firm costs. The process of generating income and expenses of an enterprise. Movement of company assets. Profit generation mechanism.

2. Communication training (business communication)

The role of business communication in the modern world, in particular in Russia. Classification of thinking styles in psychology. Manager's competencies. Psychology of the work group. Psychology of success and failure in business communication and business. Psychological training. Goal setting, motivation and leadership.

3. Management (enterprise management)

The role and functions of a manager in a business organization. Relationships between the manager and the staff and the owner. Goals and objectives of management. Company management cycle. Organizational and legal forms of doing business and types of corporate associations. Motives and incentives, coordination of interests in management. Decision making under conditions of certainty, risk and uncertainty. Organization of information flows in the enterprise. The structure of enterprise management, its varieties, principles and methods of formation. Documentation of the organizational structure. New trends in management organization. Program management, target and matrix structures. Performance management. Improving the enterprise management system.

4. Economic law

Sources and subjects of economic law. Obligations and responsibilities of subjects of economic law. Contractual support for conducting economic activities. Legal regulation of works and services of entrepreneurial activity.

Specialization "Economics and Enterprise Management"

Designed to train professional managers of companies of various sizes and fields of activity, entrepreneurs creating and developing their own businesses.
Aimed at studying the mechanisms of functioning and improving the enterprise management system, functional aspects of management (finance, personnel, marketing and sales, logistics, production and other activities), as well as the most important disciplines for managers, such as: motivation and incentives in management, optimization of contractual processes, information technology in modern management, assessment of management effectiveness, taxes and tax planning, effective management of foreign economic activity.

Specialty module

1. Strategic management

Goals and objectives of strategic management. Strategic analysis of the external environment. Analysis of the state and potential of the company. Positioning of the company. Basic methods and tools of strategic management (SWOT analysis, GAP analysis, technological roadmaps, etc.). Formulation of vision, mission, definition of a system of goals, development of corporate and functional strategies of the company, as well as plans for strategic activities. Innovation management. Technical and organizational development of the company. The process of implementing the strategy and monitoring the results of its implementation.

2. Marketing

Methods of market and competitive environment analysis, competitiveness assessment; organization and planning of marketing, assessment of demand (market capacity), promotion of goods to the market (including advertising), organization of international commodity transactions. Socio-economic content of modern marketing. Marketing system and marketing environment. Product policy in the marketing system. Innovation and assortment policy in the marketing system. Strategic Marketing. Pricing strategy and tactics. Competitiveness. Information technologies in marketing research. Product distribution strategy and tactics. Commercial communications. Marketing organization. Fundamentals of international marketing.

3. Planning the range of products (services)

Goals and objectives of product management. Demand management methods. Customer value and value models. Product competitiveness research. Product life cycle concept. Assortment optimization methods.

4. Fundamentals of Accounting

The essence and significance of accounting. Balance sheet. Accounting system and double entry. Accounting reporting and its role in company management.

5. Business process design

Methods for identifying key business processes of a company. Distribution of work in business processes by performer and over time. Business process models. Construction of business process maps.

6. Project management and business planning

The role and place of project management in modern management. Project management standards. Business plan of the project. Organization of project management in the company. Organizational plan. Financial plan of the project. Opening a new business.

7. Motivation and stimulation in management

Motivation and stimulation in enterprise management. Types of systems for stimulating labor activity of personnel. Remuneration systems. Progressive forms of payment and bonuses for employees. Introduction of new remuneration systems. Evaluating the effectiveness of new forms of remuneration.

8. Assessing the effectiveness of company management

Analysis of the company's financial results. Cost assessment of efficiency. Company value management. Assessing the role of management in achieving business results. Comparative and cost approaches to assessing the value of a business and the effectiveness of its management. "Goodwill" of the company and determining its value.

9. Functional management of the company, including:

9.1. Innovation Process Management

Concept and types of innovation. The role of innovation in the development of modern business. Motives for innovation. “Closed” and “open” innovations. Innovation cycle. Methods of innovation management and regulation of product life cycles. Assessing the effectiveness of innovations.

9.2. Production management

Goals and objectives of production management. Organization of production and labor. Management of technological preparation of production. Volumetric and calendar planning of production. Operational regulation of production. Management of service and auxiliary production.

9.3. Organization and management of purchases and sales of products

The essence and types of purchase and sale transactions. Legislative regulation of commercial transactions. Organization and planning of the company's commercial services. Methods for selecting suppliers of goods (services). Effective sales. Assessing the performance of commercial services and motivating their employees.

9.4. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The current stage of development of logistics and its tasks. Strategic development of companies in supply chains. Supply chain management. Logistics administration. Inventory management and supply chain reliability.

9.5. Optimization of contract processes

Goals and objectives of contract work. Contents and types of contracts. Negotiation process and its rationalization. Duties and responsibilities of the parties under the sales contract.

9.6. Quality management

The place of quality management in modern management. Construction of modern quality management systems (QMS). International quality standards. Process approach in QMS. Certification systems for products and companies.

9.7. Management of foreign economic activities of the company

A company in a modern international business environment. Methods for Russian companies to enter international markets. Foreign trade transactions: legal regulation and execution. Export and import operations. Basic terms of delivery and insurance in international trade. Payment for transactions in international trade. Features of international sales contracts.

9.8. Personnel management

The essence of personnel management from the perspective of an integrated approach. Contents of the personnel management function and its implementation in the enterprise. Formation and development of professional competencies of employees. Career management. Motivation and stimulation. Organization of social work in a company. Leadership style: power and leadership. Conflicts in the organization. Principles and methods of teamwork.

9.10. Financial management

Goals and objectives of financial management. Financial reporting. Fundamentals of financial calculations. Management of current and non-current assets. Cost and capital structure. Determining the company's need for financial resources and choosing effective ways (sources) to provide them. Margin analysis. Operating, financial and total leverage.

9.11. Taxes and tax planning

Goals and objectives of tax planning in management. Legal basis for regulating tax relations in the Russian Federation. Taxes and their elements. Federal, state and local taxes. The procedure for fulfilling tax obligations. Tax control and responsibility. Tax planning. VAT planning. Income tax planning. Planning for personal income tax. Property tax planning.

9.12 Budgeting and management accounting

Budgeting as the most important component of economic planning and management. Drawing up budgets for enterprises, services and departments. Accounting and management accounting as a unified information system. Specifics of financial and management accounting. Budgeting and management accounting. Organization of management accounting. Systems and forms for providing management accounting information to company managers.

Special courses module (course examples)

1. Information systems

Comparative analysis of standard software products used to automate enterprise management processes. Choosing a platform for automating company management. Organizing calculations in spreadsheets. Methods of working with databases.

2. Labor law

Subject, method and system of labor law. Legal aspects of regulating relationships between owners, managers and employees of an enterprise. Contents and socio-economic role of the employment contract. Legal concepts of working time and rest.

3. Effective presentation

Objectives of the presentation. Types of presentations. Presentation structure. General requirements for meaning and design.

4. Conflict management in the organization’s management system

Goals and objectives of conflict management. Sources and types of conflicts. Dynamics of conflict. Analysis of actions, strategies and tactics of behavior in conflict situations. Conflict management.

5. Business trainings “Time management”, “Leadership and team building” and others.

Knowledge control and certification work

During the training process in the “Organization Management” program, specialization “Economics and Enterprise Management,” exams are held in the following courses:

  • "Management (enterprise management)"
  • "Strategic Management"
  • "Business Process Design"

A comprehensive exam is provided for the following specialty courses:

  • "Innovation Process Management"
  • "Human Resources Management"
  • "Production Management"
  • "Quality management (ISO-9000, ISO-14000)"
  • "Logistics and supply chain management"
  • "Management of foreign economic activities of the company"
  • "Organization and management of purchases and sales of products"
  • "Optimization of contract processes"
  • "Budgeting and management accounting"
  • "Taxes and tax planning"
  • "Financial Management"

Tests are carried out in other disciplines.

Final (certification) work

At the end of the training, each student performs certification work on the problems of a specific enterprise.

Concept for preparing certification work:

In preparing to defend the work, the student must demonstrate an understanding of the general problems of the enterprise, organization, planning and management. In the process of writing their final work, students solve specific problems for their companies. Proposed solutions must be comprehensively justified and directly related to methods for improving management. An assessment of the socio-economic effectiveness of proposals put forward and developed (implemented) projects is welcomed.


Rusinov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education - "VESH".

Admission requirements:

Only persons with higher education can attend the program.
According to the admission rules, entrance testing is not provided. If questions arise regarding training and enrollment in the program, an individual interview is conducted with the program director.

Conclusion of a contract and payment of training:

Before concluding a contract for training in this program, future students must submit the following documents:

  1. Application for student enrollment in the Production Management program.
  2. A copy of the work book.
  3. Diploma and a copy of the diploma of higher education (certified when accepting documents).
  4. Three photographs measuring 3x4.

All listed documents are submitted to the “Department of MBA Programs and Professional Retraining”.

Payment for training can be made at a time or in stages (payment terms are considered individually when concluding a contract).

For many graduates, students and applicants, the pressing question is: where to go after receiving a higher education diploma. Let's talk about what the Faculty of Economics and Enterprise Management can provide and what you can do yourself to realize yourself as a successful specialist in the future.

Let's say a word about the specialty

When studying this specialty, attention is paid to the methods and or optimization of the processes that occur in it. An important role is played by the application of the latest developments in economic science, combined with the means to increase efficiency, graduates receive a whole range of knowledge - from the basics of accounting to political economy, microeconomics and

Also provided are training in English (or another language of your choice), computer literacy and the ability to carry out calculations using software. An integrated approach produces people who can handle paperwork as well as managing teams. These are, of course, slightly different categories, because in such things a lot depends on the personal qualities of a person, but the fact that the university provides knowledge useful in such areas of activity is undeniable.

What kind of work can you do?

Graduates of this major have a fairly wide range of work in various positions and in various fields. After all, although economics and enterprise management are broad in scope, who to work with - the university rarely gives a clear and understandable answer. But the prerogative is to work in the following areas and in the following positions:

  1. Economist.
  2. Middle or senior manager at national economic enterprises.
  3. Worker in the credit and financial sector.
  4. and other authorities;
  5. Employee in the department


The most popular and in-demand position among the vacancies presented. You can work at almost any more or less large enterprise, because accounting of economic documentation is required everywhere. You can work as an assistant accountant, senior accountant, economist, secretary, advisor. The range is wide enough to realize oneself, and there is also potential for career growth.

Middle manager of an industrial enterprise

The question may arise: what about lower-level managers? These are people who directly manage production processes: heads of construction teams, shift supervisors, foremen. Middle managers are people who can manage various departments that collect control information, as well as make decisions about the need for supplies or distribution of resources throughout the enterprise. As a practical example, we can cite the following positions: head of the supply department, head of the personnel department, in some cases - production shops (provided that they do not number up to several hundred workers). By the way, economics and management at a mechanical engineering enterprise or other similar complex industry may have preferences for you in the future. The fact is that in order to successfully manage a department, it is necessary to delve into all production processes, and if all the plans are fulfilled, the manufactured products comply with technical standards, there are no shortages, the discipline is in order, we can say that a promotion or transfer to another company for a good salary is It's only a matter of time.

Senior manager of an industrial enterprise

Senior managers are understood as people on whose decisions the development of an enterprise or an entire company depends. To obtain such a position, you must be a professional with sufficient experience. As an example, we can cite the positions of head of a workshop, production (provided that the size of the workshop is measured in thousands of workers), director of an enterprise or board of directors (in large companies), as well as their deputies.

It should also be taken into account that the specialty is quite promising from the point of view of starting your own business. Indeed, in the process of studying, a person receives potentially necessary knowledge, which will be useful in opening his own business and in organizing production processes. Although it cannot be said that university knowledge is fully sufficient: additional self-education and trial work will help you become the owner of your own business. Economics and management at an industrial enterprise or other sector will be of primary importance at first, because at first it is not possible to hire a high-quality manager, and you will have to apply previously acquired knowledge in practice for your own benefit.

Work in financial institutions

One of the most popular areas of work after studying at university, which is not surprising given the popularity of the banking sector in the country. The range of positions held is very wide: from a credit expert and financial consultant to the head of a department (which does not look like a fairy tale, given their size and prevalence). But since the job is extremely dependent on the ability to get along with people and negotiate with them, you will accordingly need such skills. For successful interaction and career advancement, initiative and diligence play an important role. Work in the credit and financial sector is one of the most attractive in terms of potential career growth, which is not least due to the fairly high staff turnover.

Fiscal authorities

This includes authorities involved in the collection of taxes and fees - primarily the tax and customs services. From the point of view of earning income, they are not the most attractive, but if you were unable to accumulate work experience during your studies, at least such a mark in your work book would not hurt you. Having work experience in the future will make you look more attractive in the eyes of potential employers. And sociable people who, within a year or two, acquire certain connections in these services (especially the tax service) are extremely valued when hiring for jobs in other areas.

Work at enterprises associated with foreign partners

The knowledge gained in macroeconomics and international economics courses should be sufficient to provide a basis for interaction in the international market. The specifics require quite a lot of additional knowledge (such as good command of English, German, French), as well as the ability to navigate in an unfamiliar environment. Punctuality is also extremely important, both within the company and when working with partners.

Work in this area is often accompanied by foreign business trips and the opportunity to travel around the world. In addition, there is an opportunity to establish yourself at the international level and receive an offer from an international company, the attractiveness of which will be in a solid salary and career growth opportunities. And given their specialization, the economics and management of an enterprise by industry may have wide implementation opportunities for you: for example, today you work in metallurgy, tomorrow in chemistry, the day after tomorrow in light industry.

The Importance of Practice

But without what it is difficult to get a good position, it is without work experience. Therefore, if you have the slightest opportunity to earn extra money, take it when you are still studying at the university, even if you are employed 1 day a week - the main thing is that it is official. Experience is gained over the years, so after graduation it will be easier to get a job. In addition, many companies and enterprises have special official employment programs for students. Even though the work will start from the lowest levels, with due diligence you will be able to move up the career ladder even before graduating from university. Remember that the specialty “economics and enterprise management” provides certain advantages, and the employer, focusing on your performance, will decide on further cooperation, promotion or dismissal.
