How to make your own photo album for a child. Scrapbooking. We make children's and wedding albums with our own hands (photos, videos). A self-made photo album is a unique family attribute

Even in the digital age, paper media remains an indispensable means of storing information. It’s the same with photo albums: every person is pleased to pick up a neatly decorated album and be imbued with memories of days gone by. You can print digital photos graphics at home, or in any photo studio and place them in a memorial folder. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy a photo album, because it is more pleasant to make it yourself. This type of handicraft even has its own name - scrapbooking. Album design is limited only by your imagination, the main thing is to develop the idea. Technology for creating your own photo album and practical advice you will find in this article.

How to make a photo album with your own hands: use your imagination

First, you need to come up with a design for the cover of your photo album, because the set of materials directly depends on this. You can give preference to clay blanks, frames, ruffles, any fabric, decorative elements in any form. Some even make albums from old jeans, skirts, and diapers. If your photo album promises to be themed, for example, on the occasion of the birth of a child, try making a cover from a piece of the baby's first diaper. Such a photo album will become a memorable and beloved thing in itself.

How to make a photo album with your own hands: materials

Once you have decided what you want to use to create the cover, start collecting scrapbooking tools, namely:

  • Stapler.
  • Hole puncher.
  • Small sharp scissors.
  • Glue and a brush for it. If you are using different materials to create a cover, you may need different types glue.
  • Graph paper.
  • Very thick cardboard for the cover or disassembled parts of an old photo album.
  • Blank pages for scrapbooking.
  • A piece of padding polyester.

You don’t have to resort to blanks, but make all the pages yourself. Then you will need more cardboard.

How to make a photo album with your own hands: the creation process

If you decide to make a new cover from an old one, then everything will be extremely simple:

  • Cover the cover with fabric as desired and secure it with glue, a stapler, or a needle and thread from the inside of the album.
  • On the surface of the fabric, lay out all the decorative elements that you came up with in advance.
  • Use a hole punch to make small holes in the cover to connect it to the album pages.
  • Also make holes in the page blanks that you purchased earlier.
  • Connect the cover and pages using thread and needle or stationery closure rings.

If you decide to connect the pages with thread, then choose a thick, beautiful fleecy thread that will match the design style. Of course, you can make the pages yourself, then you will need a lot of cardboard and a ruler, as well as gauze with which you will strengthen the spine.

How to make pages for a photo album with your own hands

To begin, take one sheet of cardboard, which will become a blank: you will measure the size of all pages using it. Cut out required quantity cardboard pages with a stationery knife. Now your task is to connect these pages beautifully. Most often, experienced scrapbookers do this:

  • You need to cut small strips of thick paper 2-2.5 centimeters wide.
  • Glue the pages together with these strips so that there is space between the pages for decorations and the photographs themselves.
  • Lubricate the spine with glue and glue several layers of gauze.

Then you can glue a small cardboard onto the spine to strengthen it. Glue the pages to the main part and let the album dry.

Decorate the pages with any elements, but make sure they are not too voluminous.

How to make a photo album cover from cardboard

If you have not resorted to using an old photo album as a frame, then the cover should be made according to this algorithm:

  • Cover very thick cardboard with a piece of padding polyester so that the album is voluminous and pleasant to the touch;
  • Cover the top with the fabric you chose earlier.

This cover needs to be connected with a hole punch to make it easier for you to work with cardboard.

Now you know that making photo albums with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is to stock up on materials and show your imagination. Watch some training videos to gain knowledge, as well as photos already finished works on the Internet.

The scrapbooking technique is very exciting and original in its execution. When working with this design technology, original drawings, newspaper clippings, colorful paper sheets, and much more are used. A photo album decorated with your own hands using the scrapbooking technique will be a wonderful addition to your interior or serve as an original gift for loved ones, grandmother, mother or godparents.

Using scrapbooking materials, you can make a photographic album in absolutely any style: retro style, V nautical style or for children.

There are several main types of photo albums: modern world. One of the first types of photo storage can be called a classic photo album. Such albums have several types of sheets filling them:

  • thick sheets of cardboard, on top of which printed photographs are glued;
  • sheets with magnetic photo holders;
  • leaves with pockets from files from plastic material, in which printed photographs are placed.

Of course, the simplest and most convenient to use is the idea of ​​a photo album with plastic compartments for photos. In them, you simply distribute your printed materials and enjoy the result. However, such albums cannot be called original and creative at all. Guests who will look at such a photo album may be completely uninterested in doing so.

Photo albums with thick cardboard sheets are less practical, but you can design them in an original and unusual way. You can place photographs of a variety of sizes on a thick sheet of paper for a boy or a newborn. You can also add decorative elements to the album page or an original signature.

Photo albums with “magnetic” sheets also allow you to use a creative approach, and you don’t have to struggle with glue or adhesive corners - you can place photos of different formats on the sheets, and subsequently change their location. However, after a certain period of time, the magnetic sheet turns yellow and gets scratched, and the photos begin to peel off.

It is best to design several thematic albums for individual events. Wedding photos, memories with summer holiday or children's photographs are best placed in different albums. For a colleague, lover or girlfriend, you can show exactly the photos you want.

Be especially careful when choosing the cover for your photo album. The choice of covers in modern stores is very diverse: oilcloth covers, from various fabrics, with decorative elements, from fur, from artificial and genuine leather. Covers with flowers, kittens and dogs are no longer in fashion, choose more stylish solutions. In addition, there are special thematic albums dedicated to a particular event - pay attention to them.

We analyze ideas for designing a wedding album using the scrapbooking technique

We offer several design ideas and a master class on making a wedding photo album with your own hands. Any couple in love wants to preserve wedding memories and moments. That is why it will be important to make an original album for photos from this significant event.

The cover of the wedding album can be decorated with kanzashi flowers, the petals of which are folded from white satin ribbons. Graceful hearts can be cut out of felt.

Also, between some pages of the album you can place various cute little mementos that remind you of bright wedding moments. For example, a fragment of a pillow from wedding rings, lace, bows and other accessories of the bride, several dried flowers from a wedding bouquet.

You can arrange the pages of your album into thematic departments and sections. Also, an original solution would be to add several pages with congratulations from your guests and relatives.

It is advisable to design all pages in the same style. For example, pages made in vintage style or decorated in an antique style look very beautiful.

To design a wedding album, you just need to use your creativity and imagination.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch several thematic videos on the topic of the article. In them you can see in more detail the process of decorating and creating photo albums with your own hands.

Where to start designing an album for a baby in his first year of life? From the cover! This is a children's album - it should be special, with special energy!

Cover and first pages

Perhaps you went to the sea together with your husband, and the three of you returned - you can paste over the cover with shells brought from vacation. You can wrap the album cover in the flannel diaper in which the baby was taken from the maternity hospital.

The first pages are a kind of prologue to the entire album, an introduction. Therefore, you can perform them in the theme of expecting a baby.

For example, the very first photos - "pregnant". Here you can write how you waited for the baby to appear, how dad stroked his belly and read bedtime stories; how the mother swam in the pool, and the baby already really liked it. How they decorated the belly, and the baby helped with kicks. If it doesn’t bother you, then you can attach a photo of the test.

Photo from ultrasound We accompany you with a story about how you wanted to see your baby, how you spied on him through his mother’s tummy, but he was shy and did not want to show himself. How did you find out that it was going to be a girl-boy-twins-triplets, and how happy you were about it?

If there are no photos of ultrasound and pregnancy (they didn’t take photos in principle or the child is adopted), then you can start the album with your wedding photo. The wedding day is the family's birthday; then there were two of you, but you knew that someday (soon) there would be three, four of you...

Family tree- a very useful thing. The child will then be very interested. You can do the simplest thing: parents, grandparents, great-grandparents. Tell him that, in fact, the baby has very, very many relatives (in what cities and countries do they live), and that when he grows up, he will definitely meet them, go on a visit and invite them to stay with him.

The very first photo of the baby

It's great if it happens almost immediately after giving birth. You can tell how the baby was born, what time, how joyfully the sun was shining that day, or that there was a strong frost, but next to mommy it was very warm and cozy (you can paste a newspaper clipping from that day with the weather). How much did the cub weigh and how tall was it? Who was nearby at that moment? Or how dad stood under the windows and waited, and then jumped for joy and wrote words of gratitude on the asphalt.

A few more first photos - and we continue the story about the baby, about his name: how they chose the name, what it means, maybe they named it after someone. In what year was he born according to the eastern calendar, what is his zodiac sign - write down several interesting qualities from the horoscope, because even while sitting in his tummy, the baby was already showing his character and temperament. Or you can list celebrities who were born under the same signs or on the same day.

Discharge from the maternity hospital

Can be supplemented with photographs of the maternity hospital itself and hand tags. Tell us what day you were discharged on, who met you, how the grandmothers rejoiced and cried with happiness. Next is a photo of the house on the day of discharge with the comments “Hurray, we’re home!” At home, be sure to photograph all the gifts for the baby and mother: cards, bouquets, toys, clothes. Even before the birth, you can capture stacks of diapers and onesies and also use them in an album to show how you prepared for the birth and what you stocked up on.

Of course, everyone likes to express their opinion on who the child is like. To make it easier to do this, we place it next to each other close up portrait photos of the child and relatives (parents, siblings, grandparents). And we tell you: the baby’s eyes are like his dad’s; nose like grandma's; hairy ears, like my brother’s; and the hair color is like my mother’s in childhood.

By the way, about my mother in childhood. It’s a good idea to put a photo of mom and dad at the same age in the album. . Firstly, it’s more interesting to look for similar features, and, secondly, the baby will be very surprised that mom and dad were so small. Tell us the names of your mom and dad, what they were like as children.

After such a story, it’s time for a group photo. Write a few words about your family: how cheerful, optimistic you are, how you love to travel and visit.

You can continue the album further in chronological order . For example, we make the title “First month”, and on several pages we put a photo of the baby in the first month of life, we attribute what the baby learned, what happened during this month (the navel fell off, he began to hold his head), what mischief he did, did something strange, and just the most favorite photos. Then we make the inscription “Second month” - and then in the same style.

At the end of each month, you can photograph the baby with the same toy (a large doll, for example) - then you can clearly see how the child is growing: at first he was smaller than the doll, then he caught up and surpassed him. It will be possible to continue photographing the child with her every year - it will be very interesting when later all the photos are collected together.

Also, at the end of each month, you can take prints of hands and feet (smear them with finger paints and attach them to paper; you can also spread them with beets, jam, blueberry puree - it’s safe), and also paste them into the album.

Or don’t take prints - just trace the arms and legs (attach to paper and outline with a pencil) , however, children may not particularly like it. You can also trace, print and glue the parent’s ones together for fun: pen-hand-hand! Here it will be interesting to compare how the important lines (line of life, line of fate, heart, mind) go in the palm of the baby and parents: is there a similar arrangement with the parents. Another option is to photograph the arms and legs against the background of your own - such a family idyll (here it’s up to your artistic taste).

During the first months, the color of the child’s hair may change (more than once), so you can cut off a small bunch of hair (not every month, of course) and paste it into the album.

Album design by “themes”

Initially, the most popular topics will be:

  • "I'm sleeping": photos in a dream, pictures of a crib, night light, favorite sleep toy, pajamas;
  • "I'm eating": photos of the process, pictures of the first spoon, baby plate, high chair, bib, photos of purees, juices and cookies, you can describe the baby’s menu;
  • "I'm walking": photo on the street different times year, photos of strollers, sleds, walking shoes, overalls, favorite slides, swings, sandbox molds, footprints in the snow; you can dry and use grass, leaves, and flowers from walks in an album;

  • "I'm bathing": photo of dad preparing a bath; how a baby bathes, pictures of bath toys, baby shampoo, a small washcloth, pictures after a bath - in a terry towel;

  • "I'm playing": photos of the baby enjoying his favorite pastimes; photos of toys - you can use them to make funny still lifes; a photo of a mobile above the crib; You can cut out pictures from toy packaging and also use them in decoration.
  • "I'm crawling": the first hesitant crawls, the “crawlfield” (a large blanket spread out or a fenced-in space); what has changed in the house since the beginning of the crawl - drawers sealed with tape, doors closed with special fasteners.
  • "I'm walking": first steps, first sandals, boots, falls and broken knees, walkers.

Some may have custom themes: “doing dynamic gymnastics”, “swimming in the pool”, “tempering up”, “traveling”, etc.

No matter how you design the album, you will still include photographs with the title “very first.” This is the first: bathing, holding your head, smiling and laughing, grabbing toys, “aha”, crawling, standing with and without support, steps, teething, haircut. And also: first socks, first toys, first dress, first time making a snowman, first time in the sandbox, etc.

To make it more interesting and fun

If you have time and imagination, then your baby’s album can be simply unique. Here are some more ideas on how you can add variety to your photos.

We add a frame to the photo. Together with the frame, the photo looks more complete and interesting.

When choosing frames, you should adhere to several simple rules. The picture looks most harmonious if the frame occupies 10-20% of the print size. If the photo is very bright, there are a lot of multi-colored details, then we choose a simple (maybe even monochromatic) frame; if the photo is calm, then a more cheerful frame.

The simplest frames (and the most ideally combined with photos) are made from the photographs themselves: the central part of the photo is copied (and remains unchanged), and the fields are turned into a frame - darkened, tinted, blurred, etc.

The frames are more complex and interesting - colors and elements are already selected for each specific photo.

Well, and if you really don’t want to do anything yourself, then on the Internet you can find a bunch of ready-made frames, and just insert a photo of the baby there. Of course, it’s no longer individual, but it’s beautiful and fast!

Installation. In short, making a montage means doing something that didn’t happen. His first goal is to turn a good photo into a great one! For example, if a good portrait photo is spoiled by a bad background, then the background can be changed!

If changing the background is inappropriate - for example, you “caught” the baby’s first steps, and you remember exactly that he stepped from the sofa to the chair (and the apartment was such a mess at that time), then the background can simply be blurred and darkened.

The second thing editing is done for is to see things in an unusual format, to make funny shots, which real life it couldn't be!

We make collages. Collage is a technical technique when several photographs, pictures, and effects are located on one sheet (background). Collage is very good when you want to highlight a few special photos, but also not to miss others that will complement the first ones.

We paint the insert sheets. Large cardboard albums have tracing paper sheets that separate the pages. Their purpose is to protect photos, but the functionality of these sheets will not suffer at all if you apply a drawing to them with felt-tip pens. The mark of the markers will show through the sheet, so the drawing will be double-sided. If you know how to draw, then there are no problems. If you don’t know how, then you can put ready-made drawings under the sheets and “translate”, as you did in childhood. Ready-made, cheerful children's drawings can be found on the covers of coloring books, packages of colored paper and cardboard for children's creativity. You can make themed still lifes from your baby’s toys, take photographs, print them and also “translate”.

We give the photo a non-standard shape. Why are photos always rectangular? The answer is because that’s how they are printed in the darkroom. This can be fixed. Of course, the entire album shouldn’t be made into a figure. But several pictures can be taken in the form of a flower, a circle or a pyramid. Photos cropped with curly scissors also look beautiful. Yes, even the most banal thing - make a square photo out of a rectangular photo! With a photo cutter this is done in seconds and the cut edge is perfectly straight!

Selecting poem texts. Well, to sign how old the baby is in the photo is no question. But you can add funny or touching poems, quotes, sayings of the greats. Every day you read poems to your baby and sing lullabies - look carefully, maybe a couple of lines there are just about your child. Or you can write a whole poem into the album if the child especially loves it. Well, you can write a couple of lines yourself.

Another option is to cut out ready-made texts. From donated postcards, for example. Or from parenting magazines.

Decorating the background. Even if your album is not in the scrapbooking style, you can still use some elements: rubs, stickers, stamps. Even in an ordinary bookstore, you can actually pick up stickers that can be glued to the pages of an album - flowers, stars, hearts, animals, cars. Inexpensive, fast, beautiful! And if you know how to draw, you can use regular felt-tip markers to draw serpentines, fireworks, snowflakes - all depending on the theme of the page.

An effective conclusion. Usually the final event in the album is the very first birthday. Here, of course, there will be a lot of photos from the holiday, congratulations to the baby. Just as a result - you can put a diagram of how the baby grew over the year; Draw which teeth have already grown by this time. On the last spread of the album you can glue a pocket (envelope): this is where you can place greeting cards and photos that for some reason were not included in the album, some memorable clippings (tickets from the first New Year tree, labels from baby food). You can also put a disk with cut-out photographs (and videos) taken during the year.

And if anyone else has ideas not described here, then add them! And our kids will have the most wonderful albums!

Some are ready to take selfies at every step, others agree to be photographed only on rare occasions, but everyone, without exception, cherishes pleasant memories. True, a stack of scattered photographs somewhere in a closet drawer or several folders on a computer can hardly be compared with an original photo album made by yourself. You won’t be ashamed to show off such a thing to your relatives, friends or colleagues. The only question is how to make a photo album so that it not only looks beautiful, but also carries a certain idea.

DIY photo album: design ideas

The success of any idea depends on its implementation. It is best to implement your ideas using already formed styles and techniques. Also, do not forget about such basic things as composition and plot. Especially if it is a homemade gift. Let's look at everything in order.


This element of idea implementation, as a rule, comes first. The design of a photo album depends on the plot or theme. Albums dedicated to family, the birth of a child, wedding, travel and other significant life events can be considered classic. You can also make a photo album as a gift for a loved one or as an anniversary gift for a colleague. Some options will be discussed in more detail below.

Example “For Myself” Example “Rest”


Making a photo album with your own hands is not just about choosing photos and decorations. It is much more important to achieve visual unity. It is best to follow these rules:

  • determine the semantic center of the page
  • make bright accents
  • make sure that the photos, inscriptions and decor are in harmony in shades
  • balance the proportions
  • choose jewelry in accordance with the meaning of the photo
  • draw a triangle “photo-title-description”


Fans of minimalism should pay attention to the style with the self-explanatory name “clean and simple”. It involves a minimum of decorations. A minimal amount of decor is also characteristic of the “European” style. Its highlight is the unusual shapes of photographs that are cropped to resemble a specific object. If you like to immerse yourself in the past, then the ideal option is “vintage”. “Shabby chic” involves the presence of ribbons, lace and scuffs. The “American” style is even more saturated with decor. Before you design a photo album with your own hands, you should look for a style that will represent you or your family from the best side.


Stamping involves the use of various applicator stamps. Decoupage requires the use of drawings, pictures, and ornaments. Cropping is based on working directly with photographs. They are trimmed so that only the key elements remain. Photos, supplemented original descriptions, this is journaling. Distress is the aging of paper. You can find at least a hundred more original techniques online.

How to make a photo album with your own hands: step-by-step scrapbooking

Step 1. Selection of material and tools for work

To work you will need:

  • scrap paper
  • cardboard with a density of 300 g/m²
  • adhesive fabric
  • cover fabric
  • padding polyester
  • ribbon
  • notebook
  • breadboard knife
  • needle
  • pencil
  • ruler

Step 2: Planning the Album

To ensure that the result does not disappoint, you must clearly understand what you want to get in the end. Even before you make a photo album with your own hands, work on a template. To create a template for a future photo album, you can use a notebook of the appropriate size. In it you can sketch the name of the pages, draw the approximate location of the photo and decor.

Step 3: Album Binding

We take the prepared cardboard, cut 3 strips 24 cm high and proportionally increasing in width. Fold the sheets in half so that proportionally increasing roots are formed. The dimensions of the spines can be drawn in advance, as indicated in the photo. The result should be a notebook with a spine. All parts are glued along the spine line. The resulting binding can be stitched with waxed cord, then you will get a durable photo album with your own hands. Scrapbooking, a master class for which is not difficult to find, will provide many options for decorating such a cord.

Step 4. Page design

Using a set of scrap paper, we create a rough design for the pages. Double-sided tape will help you attach additional elements. The resulting backgrounds are glued to the finished binding. They can be supplemented with clamshells or photo mats. As additional decor, you can use a variety of elements: cut-outs, appliqués, beads, ribbons, etc. It is important that the volumetric decor is evenly distributed and does not deform the album sheets. A previously created DIY photo album template will help you do everything right. Step by step with a photo you can easily bring the work to the desired result.

Step 5: Album Cover

The cover must be made based on the size of the binding. 2mm woven cardboard will do.

  1. It is necessary to prepare 2 blanks for covers and a spine from cardboard.
  2. Next, we cut out the corresponding pieces from one-sided adhesive fabric.
  3. We place the spine between the cover blanks, retreating 0.3 cm.
  4. We fasten everything with adhesive fabric.
  5. Then we cut a piece of padding polyester the size of the workpiece and attach it to the top.
  6. We apply the finished soft blank to the fabric chosen as decoration.
  7. We should leave 2.5 cm of fabric on the sides. They are attached to the workpiece using 2-sided tape. Where there is no tape, we fix it with glue.

Step 6. Assembling a photo album

On last stage With your own hands, you need to alternately attach double sheets of prepared binding. The first sheet is attached directly to the cover. You can proceed to flashing the album only after the structure has completely dried. Having opened the album in the middle, we mark the places for the holes. Next, we punch them with an awl and stitch the album with tape. You can secure the corners using special corners. Additional cover decor would also be useful.

DIY photo album for a newborn

A photo album for a newborn has long ceased to be a rarity, but the same cannot be said about the originality of its design. But this is exactly the thing that is important to do with your soul. To begin with, it is worth selecting the most characteristic photos, displaying brighter than others important points from the life of a child. The scrapbooking album must include photos of the first ultrasound, discharge from the maternity hospital, meeting loved ones, first smile, first steps, etc.

As decorations, you can use booties and ribbons, which used to be elements of the baby’s clothing. Don't forget to supplement your children's photo album with short descriptions of the events depicted in the photo. Over time, you can add drawings of your child to such a photo album, as well as evidence of his victories - certificates and trophies.

DIY family photo album

One of the variations of such an album could be a family chronicle or a do-it-yourself photo book. In addition to photographs, you can add postcards, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia that are somehow related to the history of the family. The cover of such a photo album should be supplemented with an inscription symbolizing something important for the whole family. You should not spare time and effort to make such a photo album with your own hands. The master class above will make the process easier.

DIY wedding photo album

Creating a wedding photo album with your own hands step by step with photos is much easier than it might seem. The process itself will bring pleasure, and perhaps revive old feelings. The main thing is not to forget that each page of the album is a story that conveys the mood that reigned during the holiday.

Master class video

Finally, here is a video that will make the process of creating a photo album with your own hands easier:

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In the 21st century, people take digital photographs every day. They are stored in mobile phones, show to friends social network. But a homemade photo album with memorable photographs, inscriptions and decorations makes an unusual impression. A DIY photo album, design ideas and its final editing is a matter for the whole family, a creative way to express an attitude towards life. The whole family will show their talents by creating a photo album with their own hands; design ideas will definitely come to your mind.

Friends at home will happily leaf through such a work of art. Album self made will be a priceless gift.

Album themes

Making a classic photo album with your own hands is not difficult if you have the necessary materials, tools and original ideas. The design depends on the chosen plot.

Topics that are traditionally devoted to self-made photo albums:

  • birth of a baby;
  • wedding;
  • journey;
  • school prom;
  • bright event.

You can make an album for an anniversary for a colleague or as a gift for your beloved man. Children's albums and photo books for parents are popular. Once the topic is outlined, you should stock up on tools. In the table you can see what is needed to create a photo album with your own hands.

Materials and tools for work


  • miniature scissors;
  • simple hole punch;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pencils;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • glue stick;
  • curly scissors;
  • figured hole punch;
  • double sided tape.


  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • cover material;
  • fur, leather, lace, beads, chains, etc.

An important role for original design decorative details play. These are any interesting things found at home or in a scrapbooking store.

How to make a base for a photo album

The basis of the future masterpiece is the pages in the cover.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a photo album with your own hands:

  • count the photos. 1-2 photographs are placed on 1 page;
  • cut out a paper backing for each page;
  • stick the backing onto cardboard squares with a side of 30 cm;
  • punch holes for fastening;
  • cover the cover of a purchased album with material;
  • punch holes in the binding;
  • attach the pages to the cover with string or rings.

Home artists make round-shaped albums, in the shape of a heart or a house. For a beginner, it is better to start with square sheets. It's more convenient to do base part each page separately, and then attach the pages to the album cover. D Decorative additions are glued last.

Experienced craftsmen make photo album covers with their own hands. It is better for a novice designer to use a ready-made binding. It can be covered with foam rubber and covered with a beautiful fabric on top. The soft layer inside creates a plump effect and looks especially good in newborn photo albums.

The top cover of the cover is made of fabric that suits the style, fur or leather.

Composition: learning to design photo albums

Pick up beautiful photos and stocking up on jewelry is not all you need to create a photo album with your own hands. All elements must form a visual unity.

Each sheet is filled out according to scrapbooking rules:

  • select the semantic center of the page;
  • choose a harmony of shades for photographs, inscriptions and decorative details;
  • choose decoration that matches the meaning of the photo;
  • balance the proportions of large and small parts;
  • make bright accents;
  • do not overload the page with decorations;
  • outline the triangle “photo – title – signature”;
  • place odd number details on every page.

Create contrast from one large element and several small ones in the opposite corner. For example, at the bottom right there is a large snowflake, at the top left there are three small stars.

Family album design options

A family album should reflect not only history, but also the spirit of the dynasty. It is important to select the most important memorable photographs.

For example:

  • "Little Dad with Young Grandfather";
  • "At the wedding table";
  • “We’re having a baby”;
  • "First time in first grade."

Beginners should try their hand at creating a small album with their own hands - 15-20 pages. You can decorate the inside of the family album with scanned documents and maternity hospital tags of newborns.

Ideas for creating a page about your sailor grandfather in stages:

  • trim the “Pearl Turquoise” paper backing along the edges with scissors with a wavy edge;
  • make the title “Across the seas, across the waves” at the top;
  • highlight the name with strips of decorative tape depicting fish;
  • Place a vintage photograph in the center;
  • Attach a small anchor to the lower left;
  • opposite, put a sticker with the inscription “Black Sea Merchant Fleet, July 1979.”

A young mother can make a photo album of her newborn with her own hands. Children make albums as gifts for their parents. Another popular look– wedding photo album. Designing a family album with your own hands becomes a fun joint project.

Photo album as a gift for a teacher

Traditionally to graduation party preparing gifts for class teacher and the first teacher. The best way Self-created photo albums will capture your childhood memories. They include the most striking pictures from school life: lessons and excursions, concerts and work in the school area. There are many styles for designing a photo album: children's theme (for the first teacher), computer theme (for the computer science teacher).

The “school” style is popular in albums for teachers - notebooks with a slanted ruler, a chalkboard, autumn leaves. The photographs are accompanied by funny illustrations: scanned “notes” from schoolchildren’s diaries, fragments school essays. Often graduates make photo albums as gifts with wishes.

Ideas for the page:

  • light paper background;
  • in the center - photo;
  • to the left of the photo is a strip of decorative tape with maple leaves;
  • above the photo is a monthly calendar (printed or made by hand);
  • to the right of the frame is a checkered sticker with the inscription: “History lesson, 02/04/2019”
  • at the bottom is the inscription in blue marker “One day in our life.”

All students can sign the graduation photo album for the teacher. Homemade teacher albums are a great addition to pockets of CDs for memorable videos.

Original photo album ideas: capturing life

Digital technology provides us with a wealth of photographs from all walks of life. It’s nice to show your friends a photo album you created with your own hands, the ideas of which were suggested by life itself.

Here are some interesting stories:

  • "Best moments of the year";
  • "I love this city";
  • "My hobbies";
  • "Me and my cat";
  • "Men in my life";
  • "Home and Garden";
  • "Cool selfies."

Good quotes for a photo album. You can print them on a printer or write them with a gel pen on colored stickers.

Review your digital photos, choose themes with a similar theme. Think about what and how to decorate your photo album. Any items from home will do: scraps of lace, buttons, colored paper clips, dried flowers.

It’s interesting to make several photo albums with your own hands in the style of diaries. Such a photo album-diary is decorated with simple stickers, often with statuses from the Internet.

The covers of self-made photo albums are decorated with “all sorts of things”: openwork knitting, straw, collages of small photographs. Vintage albums decorated with items from “grandmother’s chest.”

Small album: wonderful memories

Sometimes a whole series of photographs are accumulated, connected by one subject. For example, a romantic walk with your loved one, a friend’s wedding, the smiles of a baby. These images can easily be combined into a mini album.

There are several options for how to decorate an album with photographs in an unusual way:

  • use half size paper;
  • use a purchased small-format album as a basis;
  • make a book that folds out like an accordion.

When decorating a mini photo album, only 1 photo is placed on the page. Inscriptions, decorations, quotes are placed on a parallel page.

Designing a photo album page step by step:

  • background – “Dandy” scrap paper;
  • on the page on the right is a photograph cropped at the edges with comb scissors;
  • in the upper corner of the photo there is a heart chip;
  • on the left page there is a blue inscription “The two of us under an umbrella”;
  • under the inscription there is a fabric autumn leaf;
  • along the edge of the left page - a vertical strip of decorative tape;
  • on the tape there is the inscription “Autumn is...”.

To create a mini photo album with your own hands, you will need double-sided paper. Tilting the photos will add dynamism. You can glue scraps of bright fabric or lace under the pictures.

In the “mini” style, you can perform a large family cycle: “I was born!”, “First steps”, “Walks with grandma”, etc.

Decorating a page in a homemade photo album

A sketch of the photo album page must be drawn in advance. On a regular page there are 5 main components: title, photographs (1-2), inscriptions for them, background, decorations and additions. The page is marked with a simple pencil.

First, do all the work with paints and felt-tip pens so as not to smudge it later. Fill out the page starting from the top. When the artistic elements have dried, stick the photo in the intended area.

Inscriptions on album photographs are made with ink, gel pen, and felt-tip pen. Then flat decorations are attached. It is more convenient to attach volumetric elements when the album is fully assembled. They are glued, sewn or nailed. It is convenient to use a glue gun when decorating photo albums.

A variety of materials are used to design photo albums: paper, fabric, wood, metal, plastic, felt. The subject of the pictures will tell you how best to decorate your photo albums. A wedding photo album is decorated with lace and pearls, a traveler's album is decorated with pebbles and shells. You can make decorations with your own hands: knit, cut out of paper.

You don't have to buy appliques from scrapbooking stores. Dried flowers and leaves look even better than plastic ones.

The Internet and special reference books contain thousands of extraordinary tips on how to make photo albums of any subject with your own hands. Experts conduct master classes on scrapbooking. But it’s much more fun to invent and create on your own!

Master class: scrapbooking (3 videos)

Various album design options (45 photos)
