Functionality of a development manager. Development manager: requirements and job description. Sample job description structure for a development manager

The position of development manager is quite universal, but there are many requirements for the work of this specialist. The responsibilities of such an employee are close to those of a director, and his tasks include participation in advertising campaigns, work to reduce costs, and introducing a new company product to the market. Any organization needs such an employee, regardless of its size, field of activity and legal form.

The development manager must also have higher education, know the basics computer programs and have at least one year of experience in this field. He can be involved in the development of the entire company, production, personnel or sales department.

What does a specialist do?

Development Manager solves the main strategic objectives companies. To do this, he is engaged in promotion of advertising campaigns, market research, and strives to increase the profitability of the activities carried out by the company. A qualified manager who does his job well can later achieve a promotion, rise to the rank of commercial and even general director.

The responsibilities of this specialist may include management of the production process and organizational functions of the company or personnel. Manager studies possible options organization development, features market niche, which can be mastered.
He must also monitor the timely execution of all ongoing projects on development and ongoing negotiations.

Sales development

Often under this position means sales manager. This employee interacts with the sales staff and others working for the company. Main goal- this is an increase in sales and obtaining more profit provided that all customer needs are met.

The job description of a sales development manager also includes the need to plan the results that need to be achieved, as well as the measures that must be taken to achieve this. Plans can be drawn up for individual departments, employees or the entire company as a whole.

The sales manager is also involved in preparing sales representatives. Under his influence, these workers will develop knowledge of the basic provisions related to work.

Other tasks of the manager are processing customer orders, documents for their shipment, notifying customers about changes made to the assortment, agreeing on the terms of purchase, sending applications to the logistics department, developing projects, their implementation and maintaining documentation. An employee has the right to propose to management conditions that improve working conditions.

He may request documents necessary for carrying out activities. The manager is responsible for deviation from his work duties and material damage, brought by him to the company.

Retail network development

Job Description for Development Manager retail network contains responsibilities for managing a chain of stores from the moment they open, selecting a manager for each outlet, and discussing lease terms. The employee is responsible for organizing and conducting advertising companies, marketing, studies competitors, works with personnel, permits conflict situations, considers proposals received from sellers.

The manager also works to optimize activities retail outlets to increase profits, proposes the introduction of a certain system of remuneration for workers.

This specialist has the right to ask for an increase in wages for himself and his subordinates, to make any proposals for consideration by the manager, to demand the provision necessary documentation.

The manager is responsible for untimely or poor quality work, various violations committed by him and his subordinates, violation of the law and damage to the organization.

For company development

Such a specialist must have a higher education and have knowledge of marketing and psychology. He must be able to plan, conduct market analysis, conduct business projects of any complexity, find new clients and partners, forecast sales levels and prepare contracts. Also, a specialist should know the basics of legislation and economics, competently negotiate and draw up documentation.

The job description of a company development manager also requires ability to conduct training sessions for employees companies. The manager must prepare reports on the work done and send them to management for review. Another responsibility is to maintain the employee database and consider opportunities for their career advancement.

He has the right to receive information and access to the necessary documentation. Within the scope of his authority, the specialist signs and endorses various documents. He can also familiarize himself with the instructions, which outline his duties and rights. The manager is responsible for violations that occur during the performance of his duties, material damage caused to the organization.

Personnel development

This individual is responsible for planning and coordinating activities related to employee training. To do this, he develops new programs or improves existing ones, participates in meetings and discusses the need for training. The manager participates in the process of testing and assessing the knowledge of employees, supervises trainers and determines their tasks.

The specialist evaluates the effectiveness of the training and makes a conclusion about the level vocational training employees. He enters the training schedule and creates the audio and video materials necessary for training. The HR Development Manager has the right to study management projects, related to him. He may require documentation and information for his work, and make proposals for improving working conditions.

Development manager is a profession that covers many areas of the enterprise. He must have leadership skills and be able to manage staff. A higher education is required. This specialist will also benefit from knowledge of psychology. The manager plans the company's activities, resolves issues with suppliers, and studies the market.

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Why create a job description for a development manager?

When hiring, the employer signs with the new manager employment contract, which displays key points of interaction between the parties. The job description supplements the contract and details a number of issues related to the employee’s performance of his job function.

With regard to the position of development manager, this approach turns out to be especially relevant, since in private companies there is no uniform approach to setting tasks for an employee occupying the position described. In some companies, employees are expected to develop the business as a whole, while in others they are tasked with developing a specific area. It is the job description that allows you to determine the specific responsibilities and rights of the development manager.

There is another important function job description— fixing in it the requirements for the qualifications of a candidate for a position. There is no position of development manager in qualification directory positions. This means that there are no recommended qualification requirements, i.e. each employer has the right to decide what requirements its employees must meet. To avoid future disputes over the validity of refusal to hire, it makes sense to fix such requirements on paper.

Sample job description structure for a development manager

An employee tasked with developing a job description for a development manager can, when performing this task, use the generally accepted structure of such documents, which presupposes the presence of 4 main sections.

  1. General provisions

    This section serves to provide the following information about the position:

    Don't know your rights?

    • job title (development manager);
    • chain of command (indicating who is responsible for hiring and firing);
    • qualification requirements (requirements for level of education, work experience, you can also list the skills and knowledge that the manager would like to see in a candidate for the position);
    • presence of subordinates;
    • substitution order.
  2. Rights

    In each company, the manager decides for himself what rights to give to the development manager. However, in any case, one circumstance must be taken into account: in order to effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to him, a manager must have a certain freedom in making decisions within his competence. Thus, he can be granted, for example, the following rights:

    • request information and documents necessary to solve assigned tasks from all divisions of the company;
    • get acquainted with the decisions of the manager;
    • submit your proposals for improving the work process to the manager;
    • require the manager to assist in the implementation job responsibilities;
    • issue orders to your immediate subordinates and monitor the progress of their execution;
    • participate in negotiations with clients;
    • attract partners to cooperate with the company;
    • sign (endorsement) contracts within the scope of their competence.
  3. Job responsibilities

    After hiring a development manager, the head of the company expects him to perform specific tasks - and it is in this section of the job description that the responsibilities that the employee must perform are prescribed. For example:

    • develop general concept company development;
    • develop a company development strategy and, within its framework, create general plan development;
    • develop development (restructuring) programs for the company and monitor their implementation;
    • submit proposals to management for the development of new areas of the company’s activities;
    • look for new markets and ways to develop them;
    • organize interaction structural divisions companies to implement the approved development program;
    • analyze the results of the development program;
    • prepare reports on the effectiveness of the approved development program.
  4. Responsibility

    A development manager can be held accountable both for the actions he takes and for the consequences of the decisions he makes. It could be:

    • on disciplinary liability - if the employee is caught in non-compliance or improper execution their work responsibilities;
    • on administrative or criminal liability - for the commission of relevant offenses by an employee;
    • O financial liability- if an employee causes damage to company property.

Some nuances of drawing up a job description for a development manager

In some companies, the position of development manager has a narrower specialization, which is reflected in its name. For example, it is not uncommon to find positions such as business development manager or territory development manager. At the same time, the job description of an employee holding such a position must certainly reflect the features characteristic of this particular area of ​​activity.

The above sample job description structure is most suitable for a business development manager, since it is designed in such a way that the job responsibilities include items related to the development of the company as a whole. If the manager’s focus is limited to the development of the territory, then this section of the instructions should be adjusted.

For example, the job responsibilities of a territory development manager could include the following:

  • analyze and develop sales channels in the specified territory;
  • develop and implement programs for opening new branches or representative offices;
  • select candidates for leadership positions new divisions.

In any of these cases, the development manager is tasked with developing and implementing measures aimed at developing the company. The scope of his powers and the list of main job responsibilities are fixed in the job description. The manager himself decides what responsibilities he assigns to the development manager, what rights he gives him and what qualification requirements he sets for the applicant for this position. The main thing to remember is that in the future it will not be possible to demand more from an employee than is stated in his job description.

The profession of a manager covers all aspects of the activities of an organization or company. Is this the manager? and therefore his responsibilities include not only control over production process, but also all functions for organizing the work of the company and personnel in particular. Such versatility requires one to possess many skills and qualities. There are several areas of work for a manager. One of them has a development manager. Let us examine in more detail the responsibilities of such an employee.

First of all, a development manager is a person who plans development options for the company, studies the market and prospects for its development, and also develops new plans for expanding activities. We can say that the work is very voluminous and responsible.

A business development manager solves a number of production problems. Firstly, it is expanding the base of potential clients. To increase profits and further increase production or the number of services provided, you need to attract customers. At the same time, this obliges us to correctly plan the company’s activities and competently manage departments and personnel.

The development manager must monitor the implementation of projects at all levels. In addition, control over finances and their proper distribution is also the responsibility of the person who holds the position in the company.

For fruitful business development, it is necessary to improve the material and technical base, for which the development manager is responsible. Control over the process of equipping production and planning to supply the company with all necessary machinery and equipment is the responsibility of the person who holds this position.

Among other things, a manager of this level is responsible for conducting negotiations at all stages of the project, selecting specialists for organizing work and other activities related to the development project.

We can say that a development manager is indispensable in any field. This applies to both the production sector and the service provision sector.

If we specify the responsibilities that a development manager must perform, then this is the development of business development plans and their further implementation and promotion.

This position does not exclude and in the future you can apply for the vacancy of the head of the development department. But for this you need to responsibly fulfill your duties and show good work results.

For any manager, it is necessary to have purposefulness, a desire for excellence, communication skills, the ability to get out of the current situation and make decisions quickly. In addition, you need to be a sociable person in order to find compromises in dialogue with staff and clients.

The listed responsibilities are included in the general job description of a development manager. But within each separate organization There may be different requirements for this position.

For successful career In this area, three rules must be observed.

Firstly, it is proper planning of the working day. In order to keep up with everything and not miss the most important thing, you need to correctly distribute your working hours. This allows you not to forget about an important meeting or some business.

Secondly, this proper organization work that excludes large number paper routine. There are many things for this technical means, simplifying the management process.

Thirdly, this is the ability to find the right approach to each client. Regardless of what field a development manager works in, a friendly attitude towards clients is a must. They need to know that the company values ​​them.

Perhaps, after reading this article, some will want to master this profession, which is also in demand in the labor market. But to become a professional in this matter, you need to have extensive experience and possess the necessary human qualities.

Business Development Manager: Key Responsibilities

The success and prosperity of any business directly depends on its development. As long as it has prospects and opportunities for growth, it will increase and bring in more and more income. Understanding these trends, project managers need employees who can not only see these perspectives, but also implement systematic actions that lead to success. A specialist of this profile is a development manager.

Features of the profession: advantages

The profession of development manager is relatively new, but quite in demand and well paid. Its main advantages are that it provides a high position in society, a platform for self-development and self-realization, and, of course, self-respect. It also provides the opportunity for unlimited income while realizing your wildest ideas and dreams.


The profession of “business development manager” also has disadvantages - it is difficult to initially get a job without experience, working hours may be irregular, weekends and holidays may turn into working days, and sometimes you will have to go on business trips. As a result, the manager’s family will chronically lack attention (if he has any personal life at all). Nevertheless this profession can become a springboard from a low position in society to a middle or even high one without having to open your own business.

What qualities should a development manager have?

A manager is first and foremost a leader, a manager. He must have leadership skills: organize events, manage people, conduct business negotiations. He must have strategic thinking, be a good coach and psychologist, be decisive, self-confident (but not overconfident), and have stress resistance. He must also be proficient in new technologies, because he will definitely need the skill of creating presentations, not to mention the ability to competently maintain business documentation, draw up plans and reports. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​at a high level and availability of a car are welcome.

Job responsibilities

The job description of a development manager may differ in each specific company. But each of them contains approximately the following general responsibilities:

  1. The development manager must have a higher education in psychology, pedagogy or marketing.
  2. He must know the norms of legislation, the basics of economics, sociology, labor organization, and the rules for maintaining business records.
  3. He must be fluent in computer skills.
  4. He must be able to develop thematic trainings to train employees in order to improve their performance.
  5. He must also be able to develop, prepare or adapt training products in accordance with the direction of business development.
  6. The development manager is also required to analyze the results of his work, keep records and provide reports to a senior manager for personnel retraining.
  7. He needs to correctly assess the need for staff training and be able to draw up an estimate.
  8. The manager must know how to maintain a database of employees with a plan for their development and career growth.

As we can see, the responsibilities of a development manager are extensive. But if you have ambitious plans, economic and psychological education, you learn quickly and can teach others, then why don’t you try yourself in this field?

Development manager, aka - development manager company or business, directs his efforts to increase the profits of the company for which he works. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and social science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

First of all, the development manager maintains high-quality relationships with clients, as they are the key to the company's success. He develops a policy for communicating with clients and implements it in the work of all departments of the company. The development manager also actively works on the organization of the work process and the atmosphere within the company: often his responsibilities include organizing and monitoring the work of the office, as well as organizing internal reporting, because a lot depends on the effectiveness of the company itself. He is the link between employees and senior management, so that, receiving reports from employees, he himself prepares reports for the company director and senior managers.

The development manager is aware of events occurring on the market in the area in which his company operates: he knows changes in demand for goods or services and the actions of competitors. He needs this to make proposals for business development, introducing new categories of goods and services, and improving old ones. For information concerning the market, he turns to a marketer, and in small companies can do market research himself.

In addition to these functions, the development manager also develops and presents presentations to clients (and company employees). This could be presentations on the introduction of a new company policy, training in conducting meetings with clients, developing any skills necessary for work (for employees), introducing new products and services, special offers(for clients). Managing the process of preparation and direct participation in exhibitions and promotions periodically appears on the list of tasks of this specialist. Along with sales and account managers, the development manager is often involved in searching for potential clients, and telephone conversations, business correspondence, concluding contracts are included in the list of his daily activities.

The employment of such a specialist is full-time. Wages- usually above average.

Important qualities

He needs to have such qualities as managerial potential, activity, communication skills, rigor, punctuality, quick learning, analytical mind and flexibility of mind, honesty, dedication, strategic thinking, the ability to express his thoughts cogently and work with a large amount of information.

Development manager training


British graduate School design conducts intensive training courses for higher education management personnel for development and management of brands. Students will have to master new standards in Russian marketing and business education by working on group projects provided by real customers. The course is taught by leading experts, representatives of Russian and foreign companies from the USA, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and other countries. Duration of the course is 1 year.
