Features of construction products as goods. Coursework: Marketing analysis of a construction company Classification of positioning attributes

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Life cycle construction products - priority approaches. Speaker: N.F. Seleznev ken. Moscow 2015 The concept of creating an organization of a life cycle quality control system Problem Increasing costs for organizing quality control, due to: - an increase in the number of failures - a decrease in the quality of construction Reducing costs at all stages of the life cycle Solution: Creation unified system for organizing quality control by all participants Tool: Application of 3D modeling PHASE 1 OF THE LIFE CYCLE Development of justification for investments Reconstruction and technical re-equipment Selection or appointment of a customer PRE-INVESTMENT PHASE Disposal Liquidation Investor's decision to begin construction OPERATIONAL PHASE Current and major repairs Selection of a general designer INVESTMENT PHASE Construction Commissioning Operation Design and working documentation Engineering surveys and design Selection of general contractor Commissioning 2 DURATION OF LIFE CYCLE PHASES I - PRE-INVESTMENT PHASE - 0.01 - 0.05% II - INVESTMENT PHASE - 1.0 - 7.0% III - OPERATIONAL PHASE - 93 - 99% 3 G OST R 54257 -2010 RELIABILITY OF BUILDING STRUCTURES AND FOUNDATIONS 2.3. durability: The ability of a construction project to maintain physical and other properties established during design and ensuring its normal operation during its design service life with proper maintenance. 2.4. life cycle: The total period of time in which a building or structure exists, from the start of construction to its demolition and disposal. 4 System of regulatory documents regulating quality control of activities in the life cycle of an object STAGE 1 until 2018 Quality control of work by the customer (investor) at the stage of pre-investment studies, selection and alienation of a land plot for construction, engineering surveys and design. Quality control of work by the general designer Quality control of work performed by the customer (investor) at the stage of construction work Quality control of work by the general contractor. STAGE 2 until 2020 STAGE 3 until 2022 Requirements for designer supervision during operation. Control over operation with the organization of modeling the life cycle of the object. Changes in legislation regarding the encumbrance of funds of the owner of buildings and structures for liquidation and disposal 5 Construction and installation work quality diagram I - High quality. Low failures, within tolerance limits. II - Equiaction point. Deviations are higher than normal. III - Constant deviations according to the assessment, respectively, increase in failures 6 Implementation of the proposed program 1. OAO Gazprom adopted the “Regulations for quality control of construction by general contractors at the facilities of OAO Gazprom” developed by the authors. 2. Preparations are underway for the development of the corresponding Gazprom STO. 3. In order to popularize the industry among the scientific and engineering community, Article 7 of Article 1 was published. “Creation of an integrated construction quality control system is one of the decisive conditions for minimizing the risks of the oil and gas complex” in the journal “Pipeline Transport” (theory and practice) No. 3 (37) 2013. 2. “Innovative approaches to organizing a construction quality control system: from technical specifications for design before project implementation" in the magazine "Pipeline Transport" (theory and practice) No. 6 (40) 2013. 3. "Lean construction - a strategic direction for the development of the industry" in the magazine "Gas Industry" No. 11 (714) 2014. 8 Regulations for quality control of construction by general contractors at the facilities of OJSC Gazprom 1. Provides integrated approach to the assessment of requirements, unification of the organization and quality control systems of work performed by general contractors and subcontractors in construction. 2. An “integrated” method is used that takes into account the time component. 3. Responsible persons and performers for the processes have been identified. 4. The procedure and methods for self-assessment of the contractor have been determined. 5. Criteria for assessing the activities of the general contractor and its rating (degree of customer satisfaction) have been determined. . The principles underlying the development of the Regulations are universal, uniform and comprehensive for the construction of facilities, regardless of their departmental affiliation. 9 Assessment of the quality of work of contractors Customer satisfaction questionnaire Customer Competitive procurement (selection of a general contractor) ASSESSMENT Results of quality control and audits Assessment of quality activities for construction and installation work Inspection control Questionnaire for satisfaction of the general contractor General contractor ASSESSMENT Assessment of activities for the quality of construction and installation work Inspection results Self-assessment of the general contractor Inspection control Self-assessment of the subcontractor Contract Selection subcontractor Contract agreement Subcontractor Management (Evaluation procedures) Information 10 Tool for implementing the 3D modeling program. In construction, 3D modeling is increasingly being introduced in the design of objects and digital representation of as-built documentation “how” it is built. . Resolves issues of organizing control over the progress and quality of construction. . Depending on the customer’s assignment, they can link to a specific element of the object under construction its physical characteristics (certificate data, passport), status (“in production”, “in logistics”, “installed”), etc., . The disadvantage of existing models is that they are static, or at best, discrete in time. 11 Priorities for the development of 3D modeling programs - Linking to the specified element of the process of maintaining as-built documentation. - Formation of a database of work performance based on information recorded by the tablet computer of a quality control service employee. - Inclusion of data in the database based on the authority of the performer to make changes confirmed by an electronic signature. - Support for access hierarchy for viewing and making changes. 12 Priorities for developing information modeling programs - Providing the ability to view construction data and control its quality to representatives of the investor, customer, regulatory organization and contractor management, with recording of the fact of viewing. - Monitoring the process and operating conditions of the facility until its liquidation. - Planning of routine and repair work, depending on operating conditions. 13 3D MODEL AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION Nitrogen-oxygen station Air purification and drying department 14 14 Conclusions 1. The economic trend of our time is cost reduction in general, including at the construction stage. 2. Improving the quality of construction requires an increase in the volume, depth and reliability of control operations and entails an increase in costs. 15 Conclusions The implementation of the proposed unified system for organizing quality control at all stages of the life cycle of an object will allow: a) to reduce the costs of the investor, customer, and contractors by 15 - 20%; b) optimize construction management processes by the customer, designer and contractor; c) minimize the risks of facility failures during construction and operation, reducing them by an estimated 15 - 20%; d) improve the quality of design and construction. 4. A tool for implementing a unified system for organizing quality control is the use of 3D modeling of objects for the full life cycle.16 3. Proposals 1. Develop a unified system of normative and technical documentation to assess the compliance of the activities of all participants in the construction quality control process: customers, surveyors, designers, contractors, operation and 3D modeling. 2. Include in technical specifications for the design of particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects, requirements for the development and further use during construction and operation of a 3D model of the object. 3. Identify “pilot” projects to test the proposed innovations. 17 Proposals 4. A tool for implementing a unified system for organizing quality control is the use of 3D modeling of objects for the full life cycle. 5. Organize joint funding by the Ministry of Construction, NOSTROY and NOP for the development of a system of regulatory documents regulating the processes of organizing quality control and developing a 3D model of the object for the entire life cycle of the object. 6. Give the program for the development of a unified system for organizing quality control state status with direct financing from the government budget or through tax breaks and other preferences. This will make it possible to achieve the goals set as soon as possible and ensure the protection of the economic interests of Russia and its companies. 18 Thank you for your attention! 19

Life cycle of a property as a physical object - this is the sequence of processes of the existence of a real estate object from conception to liquidation (disposal).

Life cycle stages real estate objects are called differently: pre-design-design-construction-operation-closing.

1. Pre-design (initial) stage includes: analysis of the real estate market, selection of a property, formation of a project strategy, investment analysis, preparation of initial permitting documentation, attraction of credit investment funds.

2. Design stage includes: development of a financial scheme, organization of financing, selection of an architectural and engineering group, design management.

3. Construction stage consists of selecting a contractor, coordinating construction work and monitoring the quality of construction, cost estimates and expenses. At this stage, real evidence appears of the compliance of the object under construction with the requirements of the real estate market segment, determined by the logic of the life cycle. At this stage, the tasks of increasing the share of investments of potential consumers are solved, since the growth in the volume of offers and profits indicates fairly wide market recognition.

4. Operation stage object real estate involves: operation of objects, their maintenance and repair. The operation of real estate, being a multidimensional function in the management system, includes the following areas: operation of premises equipment, material accounting, fire protection and safety precautions, communications management, waste disposal and recycling, movement and relocations, changes and reconstruction, emergency elimination, ensuring operation and repair, installation of furniture and security of the facility.

5. Facility closure stage - complete elimination of its original and acquired functions, the result of which is either demolition or a qualitatively new development. At this stage of the property's life cycle, significant disposal costs are incurred. These costs are a result of owning the property. If a property receives a new high-quality development, then the costs of change relate to the costs of ownership per new function.

Investment cycle is the period of time between the start of a project and its liquidation.

The investment cycle is usually divided into phases, each of which has its own goals and objectives:

before investment from preliminary research to the final decision to accept investment project;

investment including design, conclusion of an agreement or contract, contract for construction work etc.;

operating room(production) stage economic activity enterprise (object);

liquidation when the consequences of the implementation of the IP are eliminated.

Pre-investment phase includes several stages:

a) identification of investment opportunities;

b) analysis using special methods alternative options projects and project selection;

c) conclusion on the project;

d) making an investment decision.

Investment phase is to adopt strategic planning decisions, which should allow investors to determine the volume and timing of investment, as well as draw up the most optimal plan project financing. As part of this phase, contracts and work agreements are concluded, capital investments, construction of facilities, commissioning work, etc. are carried out.

Operational (production) phase investment project lies in the current activities of the project: purchase of raw materials, production and sales of products, carrying out marketing activities etc. At this stage, production operations related to mutual settlements with counterparties (suppliers, contractors, buyers, intermediaries) are carried out directly, forming cash flows, the analysis of which allows us to evaluate economic efficiency of this investment project.

Liquidation phase is associated with the stage of completion of the investment project, when it has fulfilled its goals or has exhausted the possibilities inherent in it. At this stage, investors and users of objects capital investments determine the residual value of fixed assets taking into account depreciation, evaluate their possible market value, sell or preserve retired equipment, eliminate in necessary cases consequences of the implementation of IP.

Pre-investment stage of construction consists of familiarizing yourself with the investment object, the investor, and the future owner of the object, based on the results of which a decision is made on the feasibility investing. At this stage of implementation project formulation is being carried out investment plan, then reflected in everything project.

Investment the plan is formulated in the Declaration of Intent - a document containing information about the investor, location of the object, characteristics investment project, requirements for resources, sources of financing, conditions for selling finished products.

The next document being developed in pre-investment phase, is the rationale investment. It reflects information about general characteristics industries and enterprises, goals and objectives of the developed project, data on the characteristics of objects and structures, opportunities to provide resources, the current state of the product market and the forecast of its development for the near future, management structure project and evaluation of its effectiveness. Rationale investment must be compiled in accordance with the requirements government agencies and is subject to mandatory examination. Based on the analysis of all the information provided, a conclusion is made about the feasibility investing at this time project.

The next step pre-investment phase is to carry out all necessary examinations, serving to ensure compliance of constructed facilities with requirements and standards Russian legislation, as well as to identify the effectiveness of investments in project funds.

Completion pre-investment stage is the development of a feasibility study - a set of documents reflecting the initial data for the project, technical, technological, calculation and estimate, evaluation,

constructive, environmental solutions, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the effectiveness and consequences of its implementation.

5.3. Cost planning at stages of the life cycle of construction products

Plan development activities cover all stages of the life cycle of construction products (Figure 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. Life cycle of construction products in the planning system of a construction organization

During long-term planning the general goals and strategy of the construction organization are determined, as well as the approximate, subject to clarification, amount of costs. Main task short-term planning– selection of means to achieve intended goals. These plans define general personnel policy, production strategy, financial policy, marketing strategy and the amount of resource expenditure by type.

Current planning (usually for a year) with detailing by quarters and months has several forms. It consists in determining the intermediate goals of the construction organization. At the same time, methods for solving problems, using resources, and introducing innovations are developed in detail. The main links of the current plan are calendar plans (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual). They are compiled on the basis of information about the availability of orders, the provision of their material resources, the degree of utilization of production facilities and their use, taking into account the timing of each order. Production calendar plans include costs for the reconstruction of existing facilities, replacement of equipment, and workforce training. The sales plan for construction products includes indicators for the provision of technical services and maintenance.

One of the forms of current planning is the breakdown of medium-term plans into short-term plans with more detailed segments. Another form is the development of policies and regulatory mechanisms in case of unforeseen situations in the future. And finally, the third form of current planning is budgeting.

The duration of current and long-term plans depends on the length of the life cycle of construction products. Its reduction or lengthening actively influences the total costs. The relationship between time and cost parameters is ambiguous. In some cases, lengthening the cycle leads to an increase in overall costs. When the increase in the cycle is due to more thorough scientific and development work on the product, it can lead to significant savings at the production and operation stages.

The life cycle is characterized by clear boundaries and relationships. Their establishment is very important for determining the scope of activity and competence of the management of a construction organization (Fig. 5.5).

Of greater interest to us are the life cycle of construction products and the tasks of cost planning at its various stages.

1. Conceptual stage. Cost planning begins with the development of goals formulated at the level of the organization's top management. The main purpose of the plan at this level is to logically build a chain of work to achieve the final goals of the project. The plan is based on monitoring the external environment and knowledge of the internal state of the project, on which the setting and adjustment of its goals depend.

Marketing research mainly provides information about external environment, primarily about construction markets. To determine the place that can be taken in the market, you need to soberly assess your strategic position in relation to competitors, find out who you have to fight with and who is the number one competitor.

Rice. 5.5. Life cycle of construction products as part of the life cycle of a construction organization

This most important stage of work on the production plan insures construction organization from losses if the products do not find effective demand.

At the stage of development of construction products and marketing research, preliminary costs are calculated, since it is during the design, development of technology, and determination of market capacity that the level of costs is set, income planning and control of production costs begin. A qualified preliminary assessment allows you to exclude expensive, unprofitable elements from the production process.

At the conceptual stage, cost planning can be carried out within the framework of the strategy chosen by the construction organization. According to Michael Porter's diagram, an organization can compete by using cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategies.

Cost-based leadership strategy is based on reducing its costs compared to the costs of competitors. Mandatory cost control is carried out, thanks to which high production efficiency is achieved. With lower costs, the construction organization strives to maintain a high level of profit. In addition, low prices may discourage new competitors from entering.

Differentiation strategy aimed at supplying the market with goods or services that are more attractive than those of competitors due to their image, high level service, quality, etc. This is a long-term strategy to achieve profit levels above the industry average.

Focusing is to concentrate efforts on what works best.

When developing a plan at this stage, the main goals of the project, the basic time frame and maximum investment amounts, potential participants, the principles of neutralizing risk factors and the location of construction are taken into account.

At the first stage, the concept of a strategic plan for a construction organization is developed, methods for overcoming the crisis are explored (their pros and cons), opportunities are identified and competitive advantages. After establishing the general task of cost planning, the structural specification of the plan begins in all departments (by type of work, deadlines, required mechanisms, materials, etc.).

2. Design. At this stage, the scope of work for detailed design is approved and design and engineering activities begin. Materials are selected to begin the development of the project; The feasibility study, which is the basis for the design, is adjusted and approved.

Based on the corrected and approved basis, a new, approximate cost estimate is formed, including additional information according to the project arriving at this moment. The assessment is made on the basis of information about the volume of work with a known cost of equipment and materials. The estimation inaccuracy is 10...15%.

The goal of this stage is to develop competitive construction products. As part of the construction organization project, an updated plan for the project as a whole, calendar plans for the construction part of the project and the preparatory period, enlarged network diagram(for complex projects), construction plan, organizational and technological schemes for the construction of buildings, list of main works, the need for material and technical resources and construction machines.

3. Planning and preparatory work. The purpose of this stage is to organize the production of construction products. After developing parts of the plan, they are mutually adjusted until they are fully aligned and balanced according to material resources and execution time; the order and priority of work execution, deadlines and responsible performers are established; the sources and amounts of financing are determined, as well as the maximum allowable costs for each activity, stages and types of work.

Plans for concluding contracts, attracting personnel, consultants, contractors, and performing auxiliary work on the project are drawn up and adjusted as the work progresses.

4. Construction, production of final construction products. At the construction stage, as part of the work execution project (WPP) and organizational and technological measures, a calendar plan for the production of work on an object or set of works, a comprehensive network schedule, a construction plan for the object, schedules for the receipt of construction materials at the site and the movement of workers are developed, technological maps(including hourly schedules), implementation activities various types works, proposals for operational dispatch control.

When developing a work program in construction organizations, adjustments are made calendar plans construction of facilities, resource receipt schedules and others PPR documents taking into account the actual production situations, the availability of labor, material and technical resources, and the readiness of the work front.

5. Sales of construction products. For construction projects of buildings and structures, implementation means the completion of construction, installation and commissioning work. The implementation stage includes control, adjustment and execution of all project plans. At this stage, costs are planned for the implementation of marketing activities and the benchmarking concept.

It is at this stage that profit is generated, which is directly related to the forecasts made at the conceptual stage of the project. Distinctive features This stage includes stabilization of profit growth, consumer recognition of the product, and reduction of its cost. However, at the end of the stage, when the first signs of an absolute decline in profits are observed, the tasks of updating a number of products and developing new types of them become urgent. At this stage, the importance of planning strategic tasks (searching for new ideas, their development, testing, promotion to the construction market, etc.) and, accordingly, long-term cost planning increases.

6. Operation of construction products. The purpose of planning is to ensure a warranty period for construction products and, as a result, increase the competitive status of the construction company.

7.Disposal of construction products. The task of planning at the final stage of the life cycle of construction products is the rapid exit from the market and the replacement of obsolete products with new ones. Liquidation of the project can be carried out either simultaneously or in parts. But this will be a different project.

To understand the importance of cost planning at various stages of the life cycle of construction products, it is useful to graphically represent the time (duration) of each stage and costs (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6. Costs by life cycle stage

Costs at the conceptual stage are minimal; at subsequent stages they grow faster. For example, design costs are tens of times more costs for marketing and monitoring construction markets, the costs of planning and preparatory work are 2...5 times higher than the costs of design, and construction requires even greater costs. The more specific the facility’s activity program, the smaller the share of pre-production costs in the total costs for the facility’s life cycle.


Rice. 2.1. Life cycle construction company:

A- dynamics of the need for financing of a successful enterprise; b– three life cycle examples; V - life cycle stages; A, B, C - life cycles; T- time lag; I - generation stage; II - stage of development III - stage of rapid growth; IV - stage of stable development; V - stage of emergence of a downward trend; VI - stage of active decline; VII - stage of bankruptcy; VIII - stage of liquidation of activity

In the life cycle, the following traditional stages can be distinguished: I - origin, II - development, III - rapid growth, IV - stable development; V - emergence of a downward trend; VI - active decline; VII - bankruptcy; VIII - liquidation of activity. However, the liquidation of the activities of a construction enterprise does not always coincide with the moment of liquidation of the enterprise itself. So, in Fig. 2.1 between life cycles B and C there is a time lag T, i.e. the enterprise, having exhausted all its reserves during the period of operation in cycle B, can extend its life in cycle C only subject to third-party financial injections, and in period T it undergoes a crisis .

However, there is another way. The consequences of the crisis can be smoothed out if the direction of activity of the construction enterprise is reoriented in time. This means the need to highlight financial resources from the profit received from a successful field of activity during a period of stable development of the enterprise. It is advisable to use such funds for marketing research and repurposing business areas in the future. In this case, the stage of development of a new type of activity must coincide in time with the stage of the emergence of a downward trend in the results of the main activity. In this case, the leap in the development of the enterprise during the transition period will be smoothed out, since the influence of the negative trend on the life of the enterprise will be weakened by the imposition of a positive trend in the development of a new type of activity. In this way, the life cycle of a construction enterprise can be extended.

Let us consider the functioning of a construction enterprise when it is at various stages of the life cycle from the point of view of the movement of the enterprise’s finances, i.e. Let us characterize its consistency and viability at various stages of its development to determine the moment of the crisis.

The phase of inception or creation of an enterprise is characterized by a large consumption of all resources, and the results of the enterprise’s activities at this stage do not recoup the invested funds, i.e. The company is operating at a loss. At this stage, a new enterprise, as a rule, does not conduct economic and production activities for some time, but incurs certain losses associated directly with the creation and registration of a new enterprise, the acquisition of buildings and premises, the purchase of equipment, raw materials and materials, the attraction labor resources. Later, at the same stage, the enterprise begins production activities, however, it is not yet profitable.

Thus, the main characteristic of this stage of development is the non-profitable, unprofitable work of the construction enterprise. It is important that in the first phase of the life cycle the enterprise has enough resources to move to the next. Next, the enterprise reaches the break-even point (on the graph of the life cycle curve, this point is the point of intersection of the specified curve with the abscissa axis).

In the development or formation phase, the enterprise passes a critical point (the beginning of break-even activity), when the cost of all previously used resources and the income of the enterprise are equal. At this stage, the enterprise is not yet making a profit, but is no longer operating at a loss. The formation of strategic potential begins.

Thus, phase II of the enterprise development life cycle is characterized by the transition to break-even activity, the receipt of the first profit, the size of which begins to grow at an ever-increasing pace. The enterprise enters the next stage of its development - the growth stage. It can be divided into stages of growth acceleration and growth deceleration,

III, IV – respectively, phases of acceleration and deceleration of enterprise growth. The first of them is characterized by a fairly intensive growth in the activity of the enterprise, the absence or a small number of competitors. The management of the enterprise increases the production potential of the enterprise, increases production volume and, consequently, sales volume. The limitation of growth at this stage is determined only by the limitation of resources, usually material.

At the stage of growth acceleration, the enterprise has a larger reserve and greater growth potential; hence the development of the enterprise at a fairly rapid pace and, as a consequence, the rapid growth in the volume of profit received by the enterprise at this stage. For relatively short term The company's income increases sharply. During the growth slowdown stage, the rate of income growth falls, but, nevertheless, income growth is observed. The enterprise's capabilities are reaching their limit, the pace of development is slowing down, the rate of profit growth is falling, although profit growth is observed.

Phase V is the phase of maturity and, at the same time, the emergence of a downward trend. The company reaches the pinnacle of success, the peak of income. The general condition of the enterprise stabilizes, the expansion of production stops. The task of any manager at this stage is to maximize its duration. This must be taken care of in advance, since after the stability phase, as a rule, a decline phase begins. The growth reserves and production potential of the construction enterprise are almost completely used, and the enterprise easily “slides” into the recession stage.

The decline phase is characterized sharp decline volume of profits received, decline business activity construction enterprises. The phase begins mainly due to the aggressive policies of rival enterprises, as well as due to the increasing aging of the enterprise's resources. This applies to both material and personnel, information, and organizational resources. The enterprise is experiencing an intensive weakening of potential, as a result of which external factors become of great importance.

Almost everything gets worse at this stage. financial indicators activities of a construction enterprise, the structure of the balance sheet is disrupted. The enterprise “gets sick” and moves into the last phases of its existence - the “dying” phase.

VII and VIII phases of “dying” - the enterprise begins to incur direct losses from its activities. In this phase, the insolvency (bankruptcy) procedure usually begins; as a rule, the bankruptcy case ends with the debtor enterprise being declared bankrupt, bankruptcy proceedings and the liquidation of the enterprise.
